* Desired anonymity level.
- unsigned int anonymity;
+ uint32_t anonymity;
* Desired priority (for keeping the content in the DB).
- unsigned int priority;
+ uint32_t priority;
char *nuid;
- /**
- * ID of the task performing the upload. NO_TASK
- * if the upload has completed.
- */
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier upload_task;
* Our own client handle for the FS service;
* only briefly used when we start to index a
struct GNUNET_CLIENT_Connection *client;
+ /**
+ * Current position in the file-tree for the
+ * upload.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *fi_pos;
+ /**
+ * Connection to the datastore service.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_DATASTORE_Handle *dsh;
+ /**
+ * ID of the task performing the upload. NO_TASK
+ * if the upload has completed.
+ */
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier upload_task;
* Typically GNUNET_NO. Set to GNUNET_YES if
* "upload_task" is GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK
enum GNUNET_FS_PublishOptions options;
- /**
- * Current position in the file-tree for the
- * upload.
- */
- struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *fi_pos;
- /**
- * Connection to the datastore service.
- */
- struct GNUNET_DATASTORE_Handle *dsh;
* Space reservation ID with datastore service
* for this upload.
+ * Information about an active download request.
+ */
+struct DownloadRequest
+ /**
+ * While pending, we keep all download requests
+ * in a linked list.
+ */
+ struct DownloadRequest *next;
+ /**
+ * CHK for the request.
+ */
+ struct ContentHashKey chk;
+ /**
+ * Offset of the corresponding block.
+ */
+ uint64_t offset;
+ /**
+ * Depth of the corresponding block in the tree.
+ */
+ unsigned int depth;
+ /**
+ * Set if this request is currently in the linked list of pending
+ * requests. Needed in case we get a response for a request that we
+ * have not yet send (due to FS bug or two blocks with identical
+ * content); in this case, we would need to remove the block from
+ * the pending list (and need a fast way to check if the block is on
+ * it).
+ */
+ int is_pending;
* Context for controlling a download.
struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext
+ /**
+ * Global FS context.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h;
+ /**
+ * Connection to the FS service.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_CLIENT_Connection *client;
+ /**
+ * Parent download (used when downloading files
+ * in directories).
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *parent;
+ /**
+ * Context kept for the client.
+ */
+ void *client_info;
+ /**
+ * URI that identifies the file that
+ * we are downloading.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri;
+ /**
+ * Where are we writing the data (name of the
+ * file, can be NULL!).
+ */
+ char *filename;
+ /**
+ * Map of active requests (those waiting
+ * for a response). The key is the hash
+ * of the encryped block (aka query).
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *active;
+ /**
+ * Linked list of pending requests.
+ */
+ struct DownloadRequest *pending;
+ /**
+ * ID of a task that is using this struct
+ * and that must be cancelled when the download
+ * is being stopped (if not GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK).
+ * Used for the task that adds some artificial
+ * delay when trying to reconnect to the FS
+ * service.
+ */
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier task;
+ /**
+ * What is the first offset that we're interested
+ * in?
+ */
+ uint64_t offset;
+ /**
+ * How many bytes starting from offset are desired?
+ * This is NOT the overall length of the file!
+ */
+ uint64_t length;
+ /**
+ * Desired level of anonymity.
+ */
+ uint32_t anonymity;
+ /**
+ * Options for the download.
+ */
+ enum GNUNET_FS_DownloadOptions options;
struct GNUNET_FS_Namespace
This file is part of GNUnet.
- (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
+ (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* @file fs/fs_download.c
- * @brief DOWNLOAD helper methods (which do the real work).
+ * @brief download methods
* @author Christian Grothoff
+ *
+ * TODO:
+ * - process replies
+ * - callback signaling
+ * - location URI suppport (can wait)
+ * - persistence (can wait)
#include "platform.h"
+#include "gnunet_constants.h"
#include "gnunet_fs_service.h"
#include "fs.h"
+ * Schedule the download of the specified
+ * block in the tree.
+ *
+ * @param dc overall download this block belongs to
+ * @param chk content-hash-key of the block
+ * @param offset offset of the block in the file
+ * (for IBlocks, the offset is the lowest
+ * offset of any DBlock in the subtree under
+ * the IBlock)
+ * @param depth depth of the block, 0 is the root of the tree
+ */
+static void
+schedule_block_download (struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc,
+ const struct ContentHashKey *chk,
+ uint64_t offset,
+ unsigned int depth)
+ struct DownloadRequest *sm;
+ sm = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct DownloadRequest));
+ sm->chk = *chk;
+ sm->offset = offset;
+ sm->depth = depth;
+ sm->is_pending = GNUNET_YES;
+ sm->next = dc->pending;
+ dc->pending = sm;
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put (dc->active,
+ &chk->query,
+ sm,
+ * We've lost our connection with the FS service.
+ * Re-establish it and re-transmit all of our
+ * pending requests.
+ *
+ * @param dc download context that is having trouble
+ */
+static void
+try_reconnect (struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc);
+ * Process a search result.
+ *
+ * @param sc our search context
+ * @param type type of the result
+ * @param data the (encrypted) response
+ * @param size size of data
+ */
+static void
+process_result (struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc,
+ uint32_t type,
+ const void *data,
+ size_t size)
+ GNUNET_HashCode query;
+ struct DownloadRequest *sm;
+ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_AesSessionKey skey;
+ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_AesInitializationVector iv;
+ char pt[size];
+ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (data, size, &query);
+ sm = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get (dc->active,
+ &query);
+ if (NULL == sm)
+ {
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return;
+ }
+ GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_YES ==
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_remove (dc->active,
+ &query,
+ sm));
+ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_to_aes_key (&sm->chk.key, &skey, &iv);
+ GNUNET_CRYPTO_aes_decrypt (data,
+ size,
+ &skey,
+ &iv,
+ pt);
+ // FIXME: save to disk
+ // FIXME: make persistent
+ // FIXME: call progress callback
+ // FIXME: trigger next block (if applicable)
+ * Type of a function to call when we receive a message
+ * from the service.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param msg message received, NULL on timeout or fatal error
+ */
+static void
+receive_results (void *cls,
+ const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader * msg)
+ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc = cls;
+ const struct ContentMessage *cm;
+ uint16_t msize;
+ if ( (NULL == msg) ||
+ (ntohs (msg->type) != GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_FS_CONTENT) ||
+ (ntohs (msg->size) <= sizeof (struct ContentMessage)) )
+ {
+ try_reconnect (dc);
+ return;
+ }
+ msize = ntohs (msg->size);
+ cm = (const struct ContentMessage*) msg;
+ process_result (dc,
+ ntohl (cm->type),
+ &cm[1],
+ msize - sizeof (struct ContentMessage));
+ /* continue receiving */
+ GNUNET_CLIENT_receive (dc->client,
+ &receive_results,
+ dc,
+ * We're ready to transmit a search request to the
+ * file-sharing service. Do it. If there is
+ * more than one request pending, try to send
+ * multiple or request another transmission.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param size number of bytes available in buf
+ * @param buf where the callee should write the message
+ * @return number of bytes written to buf
+ */
+static size_t
+transmit_download_request (void *cls,
+ size_t size,
+ void *buf)
+ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc = cls;
+ size_t msize;
+ struct SearchMessage *sm;
+ if (NULL == buf)
+ {
+ try_reconnect (dc);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ GNUNET_assert (size >= sizeof (struct SearchMessage));
+ msize = 0;
+ sm = buf;
+ while ( (dc->pending == NULL) &&
+ (size > msize + sizeof (struct SearchMessage)) )
+ {
+ memset (sm, 0, sizeof (struct SearchMessage));
+ sm->header.size = htons (sizeof (struct SearchMessage));
+ sm->header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_FS_START_SEARCH);
+ sm->anonymity_level = htonl (dc->anonymity);
+ // FIXME: support 'loc' URIs (set sm->target)
+ sm->query = dc->pending->chk.query;
+ dc->pending->is_pending = GNUNET_NO;
+ dc->pending = dc->pending->next;
+ msize += sizeof (struct SearchMessage);
+ sm++;
+ }
+ return msize;
+ * Reconnect to the FS service and transmit
+ * our queries NOW.
+ *
+ * @param cls our download context
+ * @param tc unused
+ */
+static void
+do_reconnect (void *cls,
+ const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
+ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc = cls;
+ struct GNUNET_CLIENT_Connection *client;
+ client = GNUNET_CLIENT_connect (dc->h->sched,
+ "fs",
+ dc->h->cfg);
+ if (NULL == client)
+ {
+ try_reconnect (dc);
+ return;
+ }
+ dc->client = client;
+ GNUNET_CLIENT_notify_transmit_ready (client,
+ sizeof (struct SearchMessage),
+ &transmit_download_request,
+ dc);
+ GNUNET_CLIENT_receive (client,
+ &receive_results,
+ dc,
+ * Add entries that are not yet pending back to
+ * the pending list.
+ *
+ * @param cls our download context
+ * @param key unused
+ * @param entry entry of type "struct DownloadRequest"
+ * @return GNUNET_OK
+ */
+static int
+retry_entry (void *cls,
+ const GNUNET_HashCode *key,
+ void *entry)
+ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc = cls;
+ struct DownloadRequest *dr = entry;
+ if (! dr->is_pending)
+ {
+ dr->next = dc->pending;
+ dr->is_pending = GNUNET_YES;
+ dc->pending = entry;
+ }
+ return GNUNET_OK;
+ * We've lost our connection with the FS service.
+ * Re-establish it and re-transmit all of our
+ * pending requests.
+ *
+ * @param dc download context that is having trouble
+ */
+static void
+try_reconnect (struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc)
+ if (NULL != dc->client)
+ {
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (dc->active,
+ &retry_entry,
+ dc);
+ GNUNET_CLIENT_disconnect (dc->client);
+ dc->client = NULL;
+ }
+ dc->task
+ = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (dc->h->sched,
+ &do_reconnect,
+ dc);
* Download parts of a file. Note that this will store
* @param offset at what offset should we start the download (typically 0)
* @param length how many bytes should be downloaded starting at offset
* @param anonymity anonymity level to use for the download
- * @param no_temporaries set to GNUNET_YES to disallow generation of temporary files
- * @param recursive should this be a recursive download (useful for directories
- * to automatically trigger download of files in the directories)
+ * @param options various options
* @param parent parent download to associate this download with (use NULL
* for top-level downloads; useful for manually-triggered recursive downloads)
* @return context that can be used to control this download
GNUNET_FS_file_download_start (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *uri,
const char *filename,
- unsigned long long offset,
- unsigned long long length,
- unsigned int anonymity,
- int no_temporaries,
- int recursive,
+ uint64_t offset,
+ uint64_t length,
+ uint32_t anonymity,
+ enum GNUNET_FS_DownloadOptions options,
struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *parent)
- return NULL;
+ struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc;
+ struct GNUNET_CLIENT_Connection *client;
+ client = GNUNET_CLIENT_connect (h->sched,
+ "fs",
+ h->cfg);
+ if (NULL == client)
+ return NULL;
+ // FIXME: add support for "loc" URIs!
+ GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_FS_uri_test_chk (uri));
+ if ( (dc->offset + dc->length < dc->offset) ||
+ (dc->offset + dc->length > uri->data.chk.file_length) )
+ {
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ dc = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof(struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext));
+ dc->h = h;
+ dc->client = client;
+ dc->parent = parent;
+ dc->uri = GNUNET_FS_uri_dup (uri);
+ dc->filename = (NULL == filename) ? NULL : GNUNET_strdup (filename);
+ dc->offset = offset;
+ dc->length = length;
+ dc->anonymity = anonymity;
+ dc->options = options;
+ dc->active = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create (1 + (length / DBLOCK_SIZE));
+ // FIXME: make persistent
+ schedule_block_download (dc,
+ &dc->uri->data.chk.chk,
+ 0,
+ 0);
+ GNUNET_CLIENT_notify_transmit_ready (client,
+ sizeof (struct SearchMessage),
+ &transmit_download_request,
+ dc);
+ GNUNET_CLIENT_receive (client,
+ &receive_results,
+ dc,
+ // FIXME: signal download start
+ return dc;
+ * Free entries in the map.
+ *
+ * @param cls unused (NULL)
+ * @param key unused
+ * @param entry entry of type "struct DownloadRequest" which is freed
+ * @return GNUNET_OK
+ */
+static int
+free_entry (void *cls,
+ const GNUNET_HashCode *key,
+ void *entry)
+ GNUNET_free (entry);
+ return GNUNET_OK;
* Stop a download (aborts if download is incomplete).
- * @param rm handle for the download
+ * @param dc handle for the download
* @param do_delete delete files of incomplete downloads
-GNUNET_FS_file_download_stop (struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *rm,
+GNUNET_FS_file_download_stop (struct GNUNET_FS_DownloadContext *dc,
int do_delete)
+ // FIXME: make unpersistent
+ // FIXME: signal download end
+ if (GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK != dc->task)
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (dc->h->sched,
+ dc->task);
+ if (NULL != dc->client)
+ GNUNET_CLIENT_disconnect (dc->client);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (dc->active,
+ &free_entry,
+ NULL);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (dc->active);
+ GNUNET_FS_uri_destroy (dc->uri);
+ GNUNET_free_non_null (dc->filename);
+ GNUNET_free (dc);
#if 0