See `StorageRef`, `NodeMetaRef`, `ItemStackMetaRef`, and `PlayerMetaRef`.
#### Methods
-* `set_string(name, value)`
-* `get_string(name)`
-* `set_int(name, value)`
-* `get_int(name)`
-* `set_float(name, value)`
-* `get_float(name)`
+* `contains(key)`: Returns true if key present, otherwise false.
+ * Returns `nil` when the MetaData is inexistent.
+* `get(key)`: Returns `nil` if key not present, else the stored string.
+* `set_string(key, value)`: Value of `""` will delete the key.
+* `get_string(key)`: Returns `""` if key not present.
+* `set_int(key, value)`
+* `get_int(key)`: Returns `0` if key not present.
+* `set_float(key, value)`
+* `get_float(key)`: Returns `0` if key not present.
* `to_table()`: returns `nil` or a table with keys:
* `fields`: key-value storage
* `inventory`: `{list1 = {}, ...}}` (NodeMetaRef only)
local function run_player_meta_tests(player)
local meta = player:get_meta()
meta:set_string("foo", "bar")
+ assert(meta:contains("foo"))
assert(meta:get_string("foo") == "bar")
+ assert(meta:get("foo") == "bar")
local meta2 = player:get_meta()
assert(meta2:get_string("foo") == "bar")
+ assert(meta2:get("foo") == "bar")
assert(player:get_attribute("foo") == "bar")
meta:set_string("bob", "dillan")
assert(meta:get_string("foo") == "bar")
assert(meta:get_string("bob") == "dillan")
+ assert(meta:get("bob") == "dillan")
assert(meta2:get_string("foo") == "bar")
assert(meta2:get_string("bob") == "dillan")
+ assert(meta2:get("bob") == "dillan")
assert(player:get_attribute("foo") == "bar")
assert(player:get_attribute("bob") == "dillan")
+ meta:set_string("foo", "")
+ assert(not meta:contains("foo"))
+ assert(meta:get("foo") == nil)
+ assert(meta:get_string("foo") == "")
+ assert(meta:equals(meta2))
local function run_player_tests(player)
const char ItemStackMetaRef::className[] = "ItemStackMetaRef";
const luaL_Reg ItemStackMetaRef::methods[] = {
+ luamethod(MetaDataRef, contains),
+ luamethod(MetaDataRef, get),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, get_string),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, set_string),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, get_int),
// Exported functions
+// contains(self, name)
+int MetaDataRef::l_contains(lua_State *L)
+ MetaDataRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1);
+ std::string name = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
+ Metadata *meta = ref->getmeta(false);
+ if (meta == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ lua_pushboolean(L, meta->contains(name));
+ return 1;
+// get(self, name)
+int MetaDataRef::l_get(lua_State *L)
+ MetaDataRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1);
+ std::string name = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
+ Metadata *meta = ref->getmeta(false);
+ if (meta == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ std::string str;
+ if (meta->getStringToRef(name, str)) {
+ lua_pushlstring(L, str.c_str(), str.size());
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
// get_string(self, name)
int MetaDataRef::l_get_string(lua_State *L)
// Exported functions
+ // contains(self, name)
+ static int l_contains(lua_State *L);
+ // get(self, name)
+ static int l_get(lua_State *L);
// get_string(self, name)
static int l_get_string(lua_State *L);
const luaL_Reg NodeMetaRef::methodsServer[] = {
+ luamethod(MetaDataRef, contains),
+ luamethod(MetaDataRef, get),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, get_string),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, set_string),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, get_int),
const luaL_Reg NodeMetaRef::methodsClient[] = {
+ luamethod(MetaDataRef, contains),
+ luamethod(MetaDataRef, get),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, get_string),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, get_int),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, get_float),
// clang-format off
const char PlayerMetaRef::className[] = "PlayerMetaRef";
const luaL_Reg PlayerMetaRef::methods[] = {
+ luamethod(MetaDataRef, contains),
+ luamethod(MetaDataRef, get),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, get_string),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, set_string),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, get_int),
const char StorageRef::className[] = "StorageRef";
const luaL_Reg StorageRef::methods[] = {
+ luamethod(MetaDataRef, contains),
+ luamethod(MetaDataRef, get),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, get_string),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, set_string),
luamethod(MetaDataRef, get_int),