times in a row to add more inventory items to it.
+`on_blast` callbacks:
+Both nodedefs and entitydefs can provide an `on_blast()` callback
+`nodedef.on_blast(pos, intensity)`
+^ Allow drop and node removal overriding
+* `pos` - node position
+* `intensity` - TNT explosion measure. larger or equal to 1.0
+^ Should return a list of drops (e.g. {"default:stone"})
+^ Should perform node removal itself. If callback exists in the nodedef
+^ then the TNT code will not destroy this node.
+`entitydef.on_blast(luaobj, damage)`
+^ Allow TNT effects on entities to be overridden
+* `luaobj` - LuaEntityRef of the entity
+* `damage` - suggested HP damage value
+^ Should return a list of (bool do_damage, bool do_knockback, table drops)
+* `do_damage` - if true then TNT mod wil damage the entity
+* `do_knockback` - if true then TNT mod will knock the entity away
+* `drops` - a list of drops, e.g. {"wool:red"}
Screwdriver API
return vel
-local function entity_physics(pos, radius)
+local function entity_physics(pos, radius, drops)
local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, radius)
for _, obj in pairs(objs) do
local obj_pos = obj:getpos()
obj:set_hp(obj:get_hp() - damage)
- local obj_vel = obj:getvelocity()
- obj:setvelocity(calc_velocity(pos, obj_pos,
- obj_vel, radius * 10))
- if not obj:get_armor_groups().immortal then
- obj:punch(obj, 1.0, {
- full_punch_interval = 1.0,
- damage_groups = {fleshy = damage},
- }, nil)
+ local do_damage = true
+ local do_knockback = true
+ local entity_drops = {}
+ local luaobj = obj:get_luaentity()
+ local objdef = minetest.registered_entities[luaobj.name]
+ if objdef and objdef.on_blast then
+ do_damage, do_knockback, entity_drops = objdef.on_blast(luaobj, damage)
+ end
+ if do_knockback then
+ local obj_vel = obj:getvelocity()
+ obj:setvelocity(calc_velocity(pos, obj_pos,
+ obj_vel, radius * 10))
+ end
+ if do_damage then
+ if not obj:get_armor_groups().immortal then
+ obj:punch(obj, 1.0, {
+ full_punch_interval = 1.0,
+ damage_groups = {fleshy = damage},
+ }, nil)
+ end
+ end
+ for _, item in ipairs(entity_drops) do
+ add_drop(drops, item)
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "tnt:boom"})
local drops = tnt_explode(pos, def.radius, def.ignore_protection,
- entity_physics(pos, def.damage_radius)
+ -- append entity drops
+ entity_physics(pos, def.damage_radius, drops)
if not def.disable_drops then
eject_drops(drops, pos, def.radius)