import 'mocha'
import * as chai from 'chai'
-import { About } from '../../../../shared/models/server/about.model'
-import { CustomConfig } from '../../../../shared/models/server/custom-config.model'
import {
- deleteCustomConfig,
+ closeAllSequelize,
- getAbout,
- getConfig,
- getCustomConfig, installPlugin,
- killallServers, parallelTests,
- registerUser,
- reRunServer, ServerInfo,
+ getConfig, getMyUserInformation, getPluginPackageJSON,
+ getPlugin,
+ getPluginRegisteredSettings,
+ getPluginsCSS,
+ installPlugin, killallServers,
+ listAvailablePlugins,
+ listPlugins, reRunServer,
+ ServerInfo,
- updateCustomConfig, uploadVideo
+ setPluginVersion, uninstallPlugin,
+ updateCustomSubConfig, updateMyUser, updatePluginPackageJSON, updatePlugin,
+ updatePluginSettings,
+ wait
} from '../../../../shared/extra-utils'
-import { ServerConfig } from '../../../../shared/models'
+import { PluginType } from '../../../../shared/models/plugins/plugin.type'
+import { PeerTubePluginIndex } from '../../../../shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin-index.model'
+import { ServerConfig } from '../../../../shared/models/server'
+import { RegisteredSettings } from '../../../../shared/models/plugins/register-setting.model'
import { PeerTubePlugin } from '../../../../shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin.model'
+import { User } from '../../../../shared/models/users'
+import { PluginPackageJson } from '../../../../shared/models/plugins/plugin-package-json.model'
const expect = chai.expect
describe('Test plugins', function () {
- let server = null
+ let server: ServerInfo = null
before(async function () {
- server = await flushAndRunServer(1)
+ const configOverride = {
+ plugins: {
+ index: { check_latest_versions_interval: '5 seconds' }
+ }
+ }
+ server = await flushAndRunServer(1, configOverride)
await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ])
+ })
+ it('Should list and search available plugins and themes', async function () {
+ this.timeout(30000)
- await installPlugin({ url: server.url, accessToken: server.accessToken, npmName: 'peertube-plugin-hello-world' })
+ const res = await listAvailablePlugins({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ count: 1,
+ start: 0,
+ pluginType: PluginType.THEME,
+ search: 'background-red'
+ })
+ expect(
+ expect(
- await installPlugin({ url: server.url, accessToken: server.accessToken, npmName: 'peertube-plugin-background-color' })
+ const res1 = await listAvailablePlugins({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ count: 2,
+ start: 0,
+ sort: 'npmName'
+ })
+ const data1: PeerTubePluginIndex[] =
+ expect(
+ expect(data1).to.have.lengthOf(2)
+ const res2 = await listAvailablePlugins({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ count: 2,
+ start: 0,
+ sort: '-npmName'
+ })
+ const data2: PeerTubePluginIndex[] =
+ expect(
+ expect(data2).to.have.lengthOf(2)
+ expect(data1[0].npmName).to.not.equal(data2[ 0 ].npmName)
- })
- it('Should list available plugins and themes', async function () {
- // List without filter
- // List with filter (plugin and theme)
- })
+ {
+ const res = await listAvailablePlugins({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ count: 10,
+ start: 0,
+ pluginType: PluginType.THEME,
+ search: 'background-red',
+ currentPeerTubeEngine: '1.0.0'
+ })
+ const data: PeerTubePluginIndex[] =
- it('Should search available plugins', async function () {
- // Search with filter (plugin and theme)
- // Add pagination
- // Add sort
- // Add peertube engine
+ const p = data.find(p => p.npmName === 'peertube-theme-background-red')
+ expect(p)
+ }
it('Should have an empty global css', async function () {
- // get /global.css
+ const res = await getPluginsCSS(server.url)
+ expect(res.text)
it('Should install a plugin and a theme', async function () {
+ this.timeout(30000)
+ await installPlugin({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ npmName: 'peertube-plugin-hello-world'
+ })
+ await installPlugin({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ npmName: 'peertube-theme-background-red'
+ })
it('Should have the correct global css', async function () {
- // get /global.css
+ const res = await getPluginsCSS(server.url)
+ expect(res.text).to.contain('--mainBackgroundColor')
it('Should have the plugin loaded in the configuration', async function () {
- // Check registered themes/plugins
+ const res = await getConfig(server.url)
+ const config: ServerConfig = res.body
+ const theme = config.theme.registered.find(r => === 'background-red')
+ expect(theme)
+ const plugin = config.plugin.registered.find(r => === 'hello-world')
+ expect(plugin)
it('Should update the default theme in the configuration', async function () {
- // Update config
+ await updateCustomSubConfig(server.url, server.accessToken, { theme: { default: 'background-red' } })
+ const res = await getConfig(server.url)
+ const config: ServerConfig = res.body
+ expect(config.theme.default).to.equal('background-red')
- it('Should list plugins and themes', async function () {
- // List without filter
- // List with filter (theme/plugin)
- // List with pagination
- // List with sort
+ it('Should update my default theme', async function () {
+ await updateMyUser({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ theme: 'background-red'
+ })
+ const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken)
+ expect((res.body as User).theme).to.equal('background-red')
- it('Should get a plugin and a theme', async function () {
- // Get plugin
- // Get theme
+ it('Should list plugins and themes', async function () {
+ {
+ const res = await listPlugins({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ count: 1,
+ start: 0,
+ pluginType: PluginType.THEME
+ })
+ const data: PeerTubePlugin[] =
+ expect(
+ expect(data).to.have.lengthOf(1)
+ expect(data[0].name).to.equal('background-red')
+ }
+ {
+ const res = await listPlugins({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ count: 2,
+ start: 0,
+ sort: 'name'
+ })
+ const data: PeerTubePlugin[] =
+ expect(data[0].name).to.equal('background-red')
+ expect(data[1].name).to.equal('hello-world')
+ }
+ {
+ const res = await listPlugins({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ count: 2,
+ start: 1,
+ sort: 'name'
+ })
+ const data: PeerTubePlugin[] =
+ expect(data[0].name).to.equal('hello-world')
+ }
it('Should get registered settings', async function () {
- // Get plugin
+ const res = await getPluginRegisteredSettings({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ npmName: 'peertube-plugin-hello-world'
+ })
+ const settings = (res.body as RegisteredSettings).settings
+ expect(settings)
+ const adminNameSettings = settings.find(s => === 'admin-name')
+ expect(adminNameSettings)
it('Should update the settings', async function () {
- // Update /settings
+ const settings = {
+ 'admin-name': 'Cid'
+ }
+ await updatePluginSettings({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ npmName: 'peertube-plugin-hello-world',
+ settings
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should get a plugin and a theme', async function () {
+ {
+ const res = await getPlugin({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ npmName: 'peertube-plugin-hello-world'
+ })
+ const plugin: PeerTubePlugin = res.body
+ expect(plugin.type).to.equal(PluginType.PLUGIN)
+ expect('hello-world')
+ expect(plugin.description).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.homepage).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.uninstalled)
+ expect(plugin.enabled)
+ expect(plugin.description).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.version).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.peertubeEngine).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.createdAt).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.settings)
+ expect(plugin.settings['admin-name']).to.equal('Cid')
+ }
+ {
+ const res = await getPlugin({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ npmName: 'peertube-theme-background-red'
+ })
+ const plugin: PeerTubePlugin = res.body
- // get /plugin
+ expect(plugin.type).to.equal(PluginType.THEME)
+ expect('background-red')
+ expect(plugin.description).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.homepage).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.uninstalled)
+ expect(plugin.enabled)
+ expect(plugin.description).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.version).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.peertubeEngine).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.createdAt).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.settings)
+ }
it('Should update the plugin and the theme', async function () {
- // update BDD -> 0.0.1
- // update package.json (theme + plugin)
- // list to check versions
- // update plugin + theme
- // list to check they have been updated
- // check package.json are upgraded too
+ this.timeout(30000)
+ // Wait the scheduler that get the latest plugins versions
+ await wait(6000)
+ // Fake update our plugin version
+ await setPluginVersion(server.internalServerNumber, 'hello-world', '0.0.1')
+ // Fake update package.json
+ const packageJSON: PluginPackageJson = await getPluginPackageJSON(server, 'peertube-plugin-hello-world')
+ const oldVersion = packageJSON.version
+ packageJSON.version = '0.0.1'
+ await updatePluginPackageJSON(server, 'peertube-plugin-hello-world', packageJSON)
+ // Restart the server to take into account this change
+ killallServers([ server ])
+ await reRunServer(server)
+ {
+ const res = await listPlugins({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ pluginType: PluginType.PLUGIN
+ })
+ const plugin: PeerTubePlugin =[0]
+ expect(plugin.version).to.equal('0.0.1')
+ expect(plugin.latestVersion).to.exist
+ expect(plugin.latestVersion).to.not.equal('0.0.1')
+ }
+ {
+ await updatePlugin({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ npmName: 'peertube-plugin-hello-world'
+ })
+ const res = await listPlugins({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ pluginType: PluginType.PLUGIN
+ })
+ const plugin: PeerTubePlugin =[0]
+ expect(plugin.version).to.equal(oldVersion)
+ const updatedPackageJSON: PluginPackageJson = await getPluginPackageJSON(server, 'peertube-plugin-hello-world')
+ expect(updatedPackageJSON.version).to.equal(oldVersion)
+ }
it('Should uninstall the plugin', async function () {
- // uninstall
- // list
+ await uninstallPlugin({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ npmName: 'peertube-plugin-hello-world'
+ })
+ const res = await listPlugins({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ pluginType: PluginType.PLUGIN
+ })
+ expect(
+ expect(
it('Should have an empty global css', async function () {
- // get /global.css
+ const res = await getPluginsCSS(server.url)
+ expect(res.text)
it('Should list uninstalled plugins', async function () {
- // { uninstalled: true }
+ const res = await listPlugins({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ pluginType: PluginType.PLUGIN,
+ uninstalled: true
+ })
+ expect(
+ expect(
+ const plugin: PeerTubePlugin =[0]
+ expect('hello-world')
+ expect(plugin.enabled)
+ expect(plugin.uninstalled)
it('Should uninstall the theme', async function () {
- // Uninstall
+ await uninstallPlugin({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: server.accessToken,
+ npmName: 'peertube-theme-background-red'
+ })
it('Should have updated the configuration', async function () {
// get /config (default theme + registered themes + registered plugins)
+ const res = await getConfig(server.url)
+ const config: ServerConfig = res.body
+ expect(config.theme.default).to.equal('default')
+ const theme = config.theme.registered.find(r => === 'background-red')
+ expect(theme)
+ const plugin = config.plugin.registered.find(r => === 'hello-world')
+ expect(plugin)
+ })
+ it('Should have updated the user theme', async function () {
+ const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken)
+ expect((res.body as User).theme).to.equal('instance-default')
after(async function () {
+ await closeAllSequelize([ server ])
await cleanupTests([ server ])
-import { makeGetRequest, makePostBodyRequest } from '../requests/requests'
+import { makeGetRequest, makePostBodyRequest, makePutBodyRequest } from '../requests/requests'
import { PluginType } from '../../models/plugins/plugin.type'
+import { PeertubePluginIndexList } from '../../models/plugins/peertube-plugin-index-list.model'
+import { readJSON, writeJSON } from 'fs-extra'
+import { ServerInfo } from './servers'
+import { root } from '../miscs/miscs'
+import { join } from 'path'
function listPlugins (parameters: {
url: string,
start?: number,
count?: number,
sort?: string,
- type?: PluginType,
+ pluginType?: PluginType,
+ uninstalled?: boolean,
expectedStatus?: number
}) {
- const { url, accessToken, start, count, sort, type, expectedStatus = 200 } = parameters
+ const { url, accessToken, start, count, sort, pluginType, uninstalled, expectedStatus = 200 } = parameters
const path = '/api/v1/plugins'
return makeGetRequest({
- type
+ pluginType,
+ uninstalled
statusCodeExpected: expectedStatus
+function listAvailablePlugins (parameters: {
+ url: string,
+ accessToken: string,
+ start?: number,
+ count?: number,
+ sort?: string,
+ pluginType?: PluginType,
+ currentPeerTubeEngine?: string,
+ search?: string
+ expectedStatus?: number
+}) {
+ const { url, accessToken, start, count, sort, pluginType, search, currentPeerTubeEngine, expectedStatus = 200 } = parameters
+ const path = '/api/v1/plugins/available'
+ const query: PeertubePluginIndexList = {
+ start,
+ count,
+ sort,
+ pluginType,
+ currentPeerTubeEngine,
+ search
+ }
+ return makeGetRequest({
+ url,
+ path,
+ token: accessToken,
+ query,
+ statusCodeExpected: expectedStatus
+ })
function getPlugin (parameters: {
url: string,
accessToken: string,
-function getPluginSettings (parameters: {
+function updatePluginSettings (parameters: {
url: string,
accessToken: string,
npmName: string,
+ settings: any,
expectedStatus?: number
}) {
- const { url, accessToken, npmName, expectedStatus = 200 } = parameters
+ const { url, accessToken, npmName, settings, expectedStatus = 204 } = parameters
const path = '/api/v1/plugins/' + npmName + '/settings'
- return makeGetRequest({
+ return makePutBodyRequest({
token: accessToken,
+ fields: { settings },
statusCodeExpected: expectedStatus
+function getPluginsCSS (url: string) {
+ const path = '/plugins/global.css'
+ return makeGetRequest({
+ url,
+ path,
+ statusCodeExpected: 200
+ })
+function getPackageJSONPath (server: ServerInfo, npmName: string) {
+ return join(root(), 'test' + server.internalServerNumber, 'plugins', 'node_modules', npmName, 'package.json')
+function updatePluginPackageJSON (server: ServerInfo, npmName: string, json: any) {
+ const path = getPackageJSONPath(server, npmName)
+ return writeJSON(path, json)
+function getPluginPackageJSON (server: ServerInfo, npmName: string) {
+ const path = getPackageJSONPath(server, npmName)
+ return readJSON(path)
export {
+ listAvailablePlugins,
+ getPluginsCSS,
- getPluginSettings,
- getPluginRegisteredSettings
+ updatePluginSettings,
+ getPluginRegisteredSettings,
+ getPackageJSONPath,
+ updatePluginPackageJSON,
+ getPluginPackageJSON