--- /dev/null
+This is another method to setup an xsession which allows you to execute
+commads before the CDE Xsession gets executed.
+This alternate method is useful when for example you need to
+set a different language.
+In this example we
+1. have the login manager execute /usr/dt/bin/startxsession.sh script
+2. The /usr/dt/bin/startxsession.sh first sets properly the LANG variable
+ (or you can add whatever you want to execute before CDE Xsession starts)
+ and then executes /usr/dt/bin/Xsession which will start CDE.
+To install, after you edit the startxsession.sh to your liking, do as root:
+cp /path/to/cdesktopenv-code/cde/contrib/desktopentry/cde-alt.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/
+cp /path/to/cdesktopenv-code/cde/contrib/desktopentry/startxsession.sh /usr/dt/bin/
+chmod ugo+rx /usr/dt/bin/startxsession.sh
--- /dev/null
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=Use this session to boot into the Common Desktop Environment
+Keywords=Common Desktop Environment