/* done */
- if ((ats->save_mlp == GNUNET_YES) && (c_peers > 1))
- {
- char * filename;
- GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i_%llu.mlp",c_peers, c_mechs, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get().abs_value);
- //if (GNUNET_NO == GNUNET_DISK_file_test(filename))
- glp_write_lp (prob, NULL, filename);
- GNUNET_free (filename);
- }
- if ((ats->save_solution == GNUNET_YES) && (c_peers > 1))
- {
- char * filename;
- GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i_%llu.sol",c_peers, c_mechs, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get().abs_value);
- //if (GNUNET_NO == GNUNET_DISK_file_test(filename))
- glp_print_sol (prob, filename);
- GNUNET_free (filename);
- }
int check;
int error = GNUNET_NO;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute start;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative creation;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative solving;
+ char *text = "unmodified";
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative delta = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_difference(ats->last,GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get());
if (delta.rel_value < ats->min_delta.rel_value)
start = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get();
if ((ats->modified_addr == GNUNET_YES) || (ats->prob==NULL))
+ text = "new";
ats_delete_problem ();
ats_create_problem (ats->D, ats->U, ats->R, ats->v_b_min, ats->v_n_min, &ats->stat);
GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Peers/Addresses were modified... new problem: %i peer, %i mechs\n", ats->stat.c_peers, ats->stat.c_mechs);
- else if (ats->modified_resources == GNUNET_YES)
+ else if ((ats->modified_addr == GNUNET_NO) && (ats->modified_resources == GNUNET_YES))
+ text = "modified resources";
- else if (ats->modified_quality == GNUNET_YES)
+ else if ((ats->modified_addr == GNUNET_NO) && (ats->modified_quality == GNUNET_YES))
+ text = "modified quality";
else GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Problem is unmodified\n");
ats->stat.solution = GNUNET_SYSERR;
ats_solve_problem(ats->max_iterations, ats->max_exec_duration.rel_value, ats->stat.c_peers, ats->stat.c_mechs, &ats->stat);
- if (ats->stat.solution != 5)
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Problem solution is not optimal: %i\n", ats->stat.solution);
+ //if (ats->stat.solution != 5)
+ //GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Problem solution is not optimal: %i\n", ats->stat.solution);
solving = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_difference(start,GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get());
if (ats->stat.valid == GNUNET_YES)
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "MLP: creation time in [ms] %llu execution time in [ms] %llu for %i mechanisms\n", creation.rel_value, solving.rel_value, ats->stat.c_mechs);
+ //if (ats->stat.c_peers > 1)
+ //{
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "MLP %s: creation time in [ms] %llu execution time in [ms] %llu for %i mechanisms\n", text, creation.rel_value, solving.rel_value, ats->stat.c_mechs);
+ //}
GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (stats, "ATS duration", solving.rel_value + creation.rel_value, GNUNET_NO);
GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (stats, "ATS mechanisms", ats->stat.c_mechs, GNUNET_NO);
GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "MLP not executed: no addresses\n");
+ if ((ats->save_mlp == GNUNET_YES) && (ats->stat.c_peers > 1))
+ {
+ char * filename;
+ GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i_%llu.mlp",ats->stat.c_peers, ats->stat.c_mechs, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get().abs_value);
+ //if (GNUNET_NO == GNUNET_DISK_file_test(filename))
+ glp_write_lp (ats->prob, NULL, filename);
+ GNUNET_free (filename);
+ }
+ if ((ats->save_solution == GNUNET_YES) && (ats->stat.c_peers > 1))
+ {
+ char * filename;
+ GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i_%llu.sol", ats->stat.c_peers, ats->stat.c_mechs, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get().abs_value);
+ //if (GNUNET_NO == GNUNET_DISK_file_test(filename))
+ glp_print_sol (ats->prob, filename);
+ GNUNET_free (filename);
+ }
ats->last = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get();
ats->modified_addr = GNUNET_NO;
static int failed_peers;
static int measurement_started = GNUNET_NO;
+static char * config_file;
static struct GNUNET_TESTING_PeerGroup *pg;
static int force_q_updates;
static int force_rebuild;
static int send_msg;
+static int machine_parsable;
static struct TEST_result results_new [MEASUREMENTS+1];
static struct TEST_result results_modified [MEASUREMENTS+1];
static void evaluate_measurements()
int c;
- double average ;
- double stddev;
+ //int mechs = 0;
+ double average[3];
+ double stddev[3];
+ //char * output;
c = 1;
- average = 0.0;
+ //GNUNET_asprintf(&output, "p,%i,m,%i,",peers, MEASUREMENTS, results_modified[0].mechs,
+ average[0] = 0.0;
for (c=0; c<c_new;c++)
- average += (double) results_new[c].duration;
+ average[0] += (double) results_new[c].duration;
- average /= c_new;
+ average[0] /= c_new;
- stddev = 0.0;
+ stddev[0] = 0.0;
for (c=0; c<c_new;c++)
- stddev += (results_new[c].duration - average) * (results_new[c].duration - average);
+ stddev[0] += (results_new[c].duration - average[0]) * (results_new[c].duration - average[0]);
- stddev /= c_new;
- stddev = sqrt (stddev);
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR,"new average: %f stddev: %f\n", average, stddev);
+ stddev[0] /= c_new;
+ stddev[0] = sqrt (stddev[0]);
+ if (!machine_parsable) GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR,"new, %i measurements, average: %f stddev: %f\n",
+ c_new, average[0], stddev[0]);
- average = 0.0;
+ average[1] = 0.0;
for (c=0; c<c_modified;c++)
- average += (double) results_modified[c].duration;
+ average[1] += (double) results_modified[c].duration;
- average /= c_modified;
+ average[1] /= c_modified;
- stddev = 0.0;
+ stddev[1] = 0.0;
for (c=0; c<c_modified;c++)
- stddev += (results_modified[c].duration - average) * (results_modified[c].duration - average);
+ stddev[1] += (results_modified[c].duration - average[1]) * (results_modified[c].duration - average[1]);
- stddev /= c_modified;
- stddev = sqrt (stddev);
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR,"modified average: %f stddev: %f\n", average, stddev);
+ stddev[1] /= c_modified;
+ stddev[1] = sqrt (stddev[1]);
+ if (!machine_parsable) GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR,"modified, %i measurements, average: %f stddev: %f\n",
+ c_modified, average[1], stddev[1]);
- average = 0.0;
+ average[2] = 0.0;
for (c=0; c<c_unmodified;c++)
- average += (double) results_unmodified[c].duration;
+ average[2] += (double) results_unmodified[c].duration;
- average /= c_unmodified;
- stddev = 0.0;
+ average[2] /= c_unmodified;
+ stddev[2] = 0.0;
for (c=0; c<c_unmodified;c++)
- stddev += (results_unmodified[c].duration - average) * (results_unmodified[c].duration - average);
+ stddev[2] += (results_unmodified[c].duration - average[2]) * (results_unmodified[c].duration - average[2]);
- stddev /= c_unmodified;
- stddev = sqrt (stddev);
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR,"unmodified average: %f stddev: %f\n", average, stddev);
+ stddev[2] /= c_unmodified;
+ stddev[2] = sqrt (stddev[2]);
+ if (!machine_parsable) GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR,"unmodified, %i measurements, average: %f stddev: %f\n",
+ c_unmodified, average[2], stddev[2]);
+ if (machine_parsable)
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR,",peers,%i,mechs,%i,"
+ "new,%i,%f,%f,"
+ "mod,%i,%f,%f,"
+ "unmod,%i,%f,%f\n",
+ peers-1, results_unmodified[0].mechs,
+ c_new, average[0], stddev[0],
+ c_modified, average[1], stddev[1],
+ c_unmodified, average[2], stddev[2]);
measurement_started = GNUNET_YES;
count = 1;
GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "All %llu peers connected\n", value);
+ if (!machine_parsable) fprintf(stderr, "%i", count);
if (measurement_started == GNUNET_YES)
count ++;
GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "(new: %i / modified: %i / unmodified: %i) of %i \n", c_new, c_modified, c_unmodified , MEASUREMENTS);
- if ((count > MEASUREMENTS * 4) || ((c_modified >= MEASUREMENTS) && (c_new >= MEASUREMENTS) && (c_unmodified >= MEASUREMENTS)))
+ if ((count > MEASUREMENTS * 5) || ((c_modified >= MEASUREMENTS) && (c_new >= MEASUREMENTS) && (c_unmodified >= MEASUREMENTS)))
- fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+ if (!machine_parsable) fprintf(stdout, "\n");
if (stats_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
printed = GNUNET_NO;
current.timestamp = value;
+ if (!machine_parsable) fprintf(stderr, "..%i", count);
return GNUNET_OK;
char *const argv[] = { "test-testing",
- "test_transport_ats.conf",
+ config_file,
"-L", "DEBUG",
GNUNET_DISK_directory_remove ("/tmp/test-gnunet-testing");
+ machine_parsable = GNUNET_NO;
peers = NUM_PEERS;
- if (argc == 2)
+ config_file = "test_transport_ats_1addr.conf";
+ int c = 0;
+ if (argc >= 2)
- peers = atoi(argv[1]);
- peers++;
+ for (c=0; c<argc; c++)
+ {
+ /* set peers */
+ if ((strcmp(argv[c], "-p") == 0) && c < (argc-1))
+ {
+ peers = atoi(argv[c+1]);
+ peers++;
+ }
+ /* set machine parsable */
+ if (strcmp(argv[c], "-m") == 0)
+ {
+ machine_parsable = GNUNET_YES;
+ }
+ /* set config file */
+ if ((strcmp(argv[c], "-c") == 0) && c < (argc-1))
+ {
+ config_file = argv[c+1];
+ }
+ }
ret = check ();
* Still need to remove the base testing directory here,