int mtd_num;
int dev_num = UBI_DEV_NUM_AUTO;
int vol_id = UBI_VOL_NUM_AUTO;
+ int vid_hdr_offset = 0;
char *vol_name;
unsigned long long size_bytes = size_bytes; /* for compiler */
char *size_bytes_str;
#define OPTION_a (1 << 5)
#define OPTION_t (1 << 6)
if (do_mkvol) {
- opt_complementary = "-1:d+:n+:a+";
- opts = getopt32(argv, "md:n:N:s:a:t:",
+ opt_complementary = "-1:d+:n+:a+:O+";
+ opts = getopt32(argv, "md:n:N:s:a:t:O:",
&dev_num, &vol_id,
- &vol_name, &size_bytes_str, &alignment, &type
+ &vol_name, &size_bytes_str, &alignment, &type,
+ &vid_hdr_offset
} else
if (do_update) {
// bb_error_msg_and_die("%s: not a char device", ubi_ctrl);
//usage:#define ubiattach_trivial_usage
-//usage: "-m MTD_NUM [-d UBI_NUM] UBI_CTRL_DEV"
+//usage: "-m MTD_NUM [-d UBI_NUM] [-O VID_HDR_OFF] UBI_CTRL_DEV"
//usage:#define ubiattach_full_usage "\n\n"
//usage: "Attach MTD device to UBI\n"
//usage: "\n -m MTD_NUM MTD device number to attach"
//usage: "\n -d UBI_NUM UBI device number to assign"
+//usage: "\n -O VID_HDR_OFF VID header offset"
if (do_attach) {
if (!(opts & OPTION_m))
bb_error_msg_and_die("%s device not specified", "MTD");
attach_req.mtd_num = mtd_num;
attach_req.ubi_num = dev_num;
+ attach_req.vid_hdr_offset = vid_hdr_offset;
xioctl(fd, UBI_IOCATT, &attach_req);
} else