Fix elusive 5 year old bug that caused mgvalleys large caves to be flat and
limited to mapchunk borders.
Error was fixed 2 years ago in 'CavesV6' but not in 'CavesRandomWalk'.
route_y_min = 0;
// Allow half a diameter + 7 over stone surface
- route_y_max = -of.Y + max_stone_y + max_tunnel_diameter / 2 + 7;
+ route_y_max = -of.Y + max_stone_height + max_tunnel_diameter / 2 + 7;
// Limit maximum to area
route_y_max = rangelim(route_y_max, 0, ar.Y - 1);
bool large_cave_is_flat;
bool flooded;
- s16 max_stone_y;
v3s16 node_min;
v3s16 node_max;