* Warning! The type field ("shaped","cooking" or any other) will be ignored if the recipe
contains output. Erasing is then done independently from the crafting method.
* `minetest.register_ore(ore definition)`
+* `minetest.register_biome(biome definition)`
* `minetest.register_decoration(decoration definition)`
* `minetest.override_item(name, redefinition)`
* Overrides fields of an item registered with register_node/tool/craftitem.
* Note: Item must already be defined, (opt)depend on the mod defining it.
* Example: `minetest.override_item("default:mese", {light_source=LIGHT_MAX})`
* `minetest.clear_registered_ores()`
+* `minetest.clear_registered_biomes()`
* `minetest.clear_registered_decorations()`
### Global callback registration functions
* increase level of leveled node by level, default `level` equals `1`
* if `totallevel > maxlevel`, returns rest (`total-max`)
* can be negative for decreasing
+* `nodeupdate_single(pos)`
+ * causes an unsupported `group:falling_node` node to fall and causes an
+ unattached `group:attached_node` node to fall.
+ * does not spread these updates to neighbours
+ * a helper function, not officially part of the API, but useful
### Inventory
`minetest.get_inventory(location)`: returns an `InvRef`