If you delete all ssh keys in the textarea then LuCI will rais an error.
So if you added one ssh-key to the textarea and then you want to delete them
again that is not possbile in LuCI.
To fix this remove "rmempty" attribute and add a remove function which will
called if the textarea is empty.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert <fe@dev.tdt.de>
keys = s2:option(TextValue, "_data", "")
keys.wrap = "off"
keys.rows = 3
-keys.rmempty = false
function keys.cfgvalue()
return fs.readfile("/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys") or ""
function keys.write(self, section, value)
- if value then
- fs.writefile("/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys", value:gsub("\r\n", "\n"))
- end
+ return fs.writefile("/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys", value:gsub("\r\n", "\n"))
+function keys.remove(self, section, value)
+ return fs.writefile("/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys", "")