[PATHS] # The PATHS section is special, as filenames including $-expression are # expanded using the values from PATHS or the system environment (PATHS # is checked first). GNUnet also supports expanding $-expressions using # defaults with the syntax "${VAR:-default}". Here, "default" can again # be a $-expression. # # We usually want $HOME for $GNUNET_HOME, but we allow testcases to # easily override this by setting $GNUNET_TEST_HOME. # GNUNET_HOME = ${GNUNET_TEST_HOME:-${HOME:-${USERPROFILE}}} # see XDG Base Directory Specification at # http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html # for how these should be used. # Persistant data storage GNUNET_DATA_HOME = ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$GNUNET_HOME/.local/share}/gnunet/ # Configuration files GNUNET_CONFIG_HOME = ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$GNUNET_HOME/.config}/gnunet/ # Cached data, no big deal if lost GNUNET_CACHE_HOME = ${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$GNUNET_HOME/.cache}/gnunet/ # Runtime data (i.e UNIX domain sockets, locks, always lost on system boot) GNUNET_RUNTIME_DIR = ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-${TMPDIR:-${TMP:-/tmp}}}/gnunet/ # Legacy option... # GNUNET_TEST_HOME = ~/.gnunet/ # GNUNET_TEST_HOME = /var/lib/gnunet/ # DEFAULTCONFIG = /etc/gnunet.conf # If 'DEFAULTCONFIG' is not defined, the current # configuration file is assumed to be the default, # which is what we want by default... [PEER] PRIVATE_KEY = $GNUNET_DATA_HOME/private_key.ecc [TESTING] SPEEDUP_INTERVAL = 0 ms SPEEDUP_DELTA = 0 ms