[nse] AUTOSTART = YES @JAVAPORT@PORT = 2097 HOSTNAME = localhost HOME = $SERVICEHOME BINARY = gnunet-service-nse ACCEPT_FROM =; ACCEPT_FROM6 = ::1; UNIXPATH = $SERVICEHOME/gnunet-service-nse.unix UNIX_MATCH_UID = NO UNIX_MATCH_GID = YES PROOFFILE = $SERVICEHOME/.nse-proof # The directory where the NSE services logs timestamps everytime # a size estime flooding message is received # This option is only used for benchmarking, not in production. HISTOGRAM_DIR = $SERVICEHOME # How 'slowly' should the proof-of-work be constructed (delay # between rounds); sane values between 0 and ~1000. # It should rarely make sense to change this value. # Only systems with slow CPUs where 5ms is a long time might # want it to be reduced. WORKDELAY = 5 ms # Note: changing any of the values below will make this peer # completely incompatible with other peers! # How often do peers exchange network size messages? # Note that all peers MUST use the same interval. # DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE, doing so will break the protocol! INTERVAL = 1 h # 2^22 hash operations take about 2-3h on a modern i7 (single-core) # for SCRYPT; with 2ms/op and 5ms workdelay, we can expect # the POW calculation to be done by a high-end peer in about 6h # DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE, doing so will break the protocol! WORKBITS = 22