#!@PYTHON@ # This file is part of GNUnet. # (C) 2010, 2017, 2018 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors) # # GNUnet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, # or (at your option) any later version. # # GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL3.0-or-later # # Functions for integration testing from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from builtins import object from builtins import str import os import subprocess import sys import shutil import time from gnunet_pyexpect import pexpect import logging logger = logging.getLogger() handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) class Check(object): def __init__(self, test): self.fulfilled = False self.conditions = list() self.test = test def add(self, condition): self.conditions.append(condition) def run(self): fulfilled = True pos = 0 neg = 0 for c in self.conditions: if (False == c.check()): fulfilled = False neg += 1 else: pos += 1 return fulfilled def run_blocking(self, timeout, pos_cont, neg_cont): execs = 0 res = False while ((False == res) and (execs < timeout)): res = self.run() time.sleep(1) execs += 1 if ((False == res) and (execs >= timeout)): logger.debug('Check had timeout after %s seconds', str(timeout)) neg_cont(self) elif ((False == res) and (execs < timeout)): if (None != neg_cont): neg_cont(self) else: if (None != pos_cont): pos_cont(self) return res def run_once(self, pos_cont, neg_cont): execs = 0 res = False res = self.run() if ((res == False) and (neg_cont != None)): neg_cont(self) if ((res == True) and (pos_cont != None)): pos_cont(self) return res def evaluate(self, failed_only): pos = 0 neg = 0 for c in self.conditions: if (False == c.evaluate(failed_only)): neg += 1 else: pos += 1 logger.debug('%s out of %s conditions fulfilled', str(pos), str(pos+neg)) return self.fulfilled def reset(self): self.fulfilled = False for c in self.conditions: c.fulfilled = False class Condition(object): def __init__(self): self.fulfilled = False self.type = 'generic' def __init__(self, type): self.fulfilled = False self.type = type def check(self): return False def evaluate(self, failed_only): if ((self.fulfilled == False) and (failed_only == True)): logger.debug('%s condition for was %s', str(self.type), str(self.fulfilled)) elif (failed_only == False): logger.debug('%s condition for was %s', str(self.type), str(self.fulfilled)) return self.fulfilled class FileExistCondition(Condition): def __init__(self, file): self.fulfilled = False self.type = 'file' self.file = file def check(self): if (self.fulfilled == False): res = os.path.isfile(self.file) if (res == True): self.fulfilled = True return True else: return False else: return True def evaluate(self, failed_only): if ((self.fulfilled == False) and (failed_only == True)): logger.debug('%s confition for file %s was %s', str(self.type), self.file, str(self.fulfilled)) elif (failed_only == False): logger.debug('%s confition for file %s was %s', str(self.type), self.file, str(self.fulfilled)) return self.fulfilled class StatisticsCondition(Condition): def __init__(self, peer, subsystem, name, value): self.fulfilled = False self.type = 'statistics' self.peer = peer self.subsystem = subsystem self.name = name self.value = str(value) self.result = -1 def check(self): if (self.fulfilled == False): self.result = self.peer.get_statistics_value(self.subsystem, self.name) if (self.result == self.value): self.fulfilled = True return True else: return False else: return True def evaluate(self, failed_only): if (self.fulfilled == False): fail = " FAIL!" op = " != " else: fail = "" op = " == " if (((self.fulfilled == False) and (failed_only == True)) or (failed_only == False)): logger.debug('%s %s condition in subsystem %s: %s: (expected/real value) %s %s %s %s', self.peer.id[:4].decode("utf-8"), peer.cfg, self.subsystem.ljust(12), self.name.ljust(30), self.value, op, self.result, fail) return self.fulfilled # Specify two statistic values and check if they are equal class EqualStatisticsCondition(Condition): def __init__(self, peer, subsystem, name, peer2, subsystem2, name2): self.fulfilled = False self.type = 'equalstatistics' self.peer = peer self.subsystem = subsystem self.name = name self.result = -1 self.peer2 = peer2 self.subsystem2 = subsystem2 self.name2 = name2 self.result2 = -1 def check(self): if (self.fulfilled == False): self.result = self.peer.get_statistics_value(self.subsystem, self.name) self.result2 = self.peer2.get_statistics_value(self.subsystem2, self.name2) if (self.result == self.result2): self.fulfilled = True return True else: return False else: return True def evaluate(self, failed_only): if (((self.fulfilled == False) and (failed_only == True)) or (failed_only == False)): logger.debug('%s %s %s == %s %s %s %s %s', self.peer.id[:4], self.subsystem.ljust(12), self.name.ljust(30), self.result, self.peer2.id[:4], self.subsystem2.ljust(12), self.name2.ljust(30), self.result2) return self.fulfilled class Test(object): def __init__(self, testname, verbose): self.peers = list() self.verbose = verbose self.name = testname srcdir = "../.." gnunet_pyexpect_dir = os.path.join(srcdir, "contrib/scripts") if gnunet_pyexpect_dir not in sys.path: sys.path.append(gnunet_pyexpect_dir) self.gnunetarm = '' self.gnunetstatistics = '' if os.name == 'posix': self.gnunetarm = 'gnunet-arm' self.gnunetstatistics = 'gnunet-statistics' self.gnunetpeerinfo = 'gnunet-peerinfo' elif os.name == 'nt': self.gnunetarm = 'gnunet-arm.exe' self.gnunetstatistics = 'gnunet-statistics.exe' self.gnunetpeerinfo = 'gnunet-peerinfo.exe' if os.name == "nt": shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(os.getenv("TEMP"), testname), True) else: shutil.rmtree("/tmp/" + testname, True) def add_peer(self, peer): self.peers.append(peer) def p(self, msg): if (self.verbose == True): print(msg) class Peer(object): def __init__(self, test, cfg_file): if (False == os.path.isfile(cfg_file)): # print(("Peer cfg " + cfg_file + ": FILE NOT FOUND")) logger.debug('Peer cfg %s : FILE NOT FOUND', cfg_file) self.id = "" self.test = test self.started = False self.cfg = cfg_file def __del__(self): if (self.started == True): # print('ERROR! Peer using cfg ' + self.cfg + ' was not stopped') logger.debug('ERROR! Peer using cfg %s was not stopped', self.cfg) ret = self.stop() if (False == ret): # print('ERROR! Peer using cfg ' + # self.cfg + # ' could not be stopped') logger.debug('ERROR! Peer using cfg %s could not be stopped', self.cfg) self.started = False return ret else: return False def start(self): self.test.p("Starting peer using cfg " + self.cfg) try: server = subprocess.Popen([self.test.gnunetarm, '-sq', '-c', self.cfg]) server.communicate() except OSError: # print("Can not start peer") logger.debug('Can not start peer') self.started = False return False self.started = True test = '' try: server = pexpect() server.spawn(None, [self.test.gnunetpeerinfo, '-c', self.cfg, '-s'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) test = server.read("stdout", 1024) except OSError: # print("Can not get peer identity") logger.debug('Can not get peer identity') test = (test.split(b'`')[1]) self.id = test.split(b'\'')[0] return True def stop(self): if (self.started == False): return False self.test.p("Stopping peer using cfg " + self.cfg) try: server = subprocess.Popen([self.test.gnunetarm, '-eq', '-c', self.cfg]) server.communicate() except OSError: # print("Can not stop peer") logger.debug('Can not stop peer') return False self.started = False return True def get_statistics_value(self, subsystem, name): server = pexpect() server.spawn(None, [self.test.gnunetstatistics, '-c', self.cfg, '-q', '-n', name, '-s', subsystem], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # server.expect ("stdout", re.compile (r"")) test = server.read("stdout", 10240) tests = test.partition(b'\n') # On W32 GNUnet outputs with \r\n, rather than \n if os.name == 'nt' and tests[1] == b'\n' and tests[0][-1] == b'\r': tests = (tests[0][:-1], tests[1], tests[2]) tests = tests[0] result = tests.decode("utf-8").strip() logger.debug('running gnunet-statistics %s for %s "/" %s yields %s', self.cfg, name, subsystem, result) if (result.isdigit() == True): return result else: logger.debug('Invalid statistics value: %s is not a number!', result) return -1