#!/bin/sh # This shell script will generate an X509 certificate for your gnunet-gns-proxy # and install it (for both GNUnet and your browser). # if ! which certtool > /dev/null then echo "'certtool' command not found. Please install it." exit 1 fi echo "Generating CA" options='' while getopts "c:" opt; do case $opt in c) options+="-c $OPTARG" ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; :) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done GNSCERT=`mktemp /tmp/gnscertXXXXXX.pem` GNSCAKY=`mktemp /tmp/gnscakeyXXXXXX.pem` GNSCANO=`mktemp /tmp/gnscakeynoencXXXXXX.pem` GNS_CA_CERT_PEM=`gnunet-config -s gns-proxy -o PROXY_CACERT -f $options` mkdir -p `dirname $GNS_CA_CERT_PEM` openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -extensions v3_ca -keyout $GNSCAKY -out $GNSCERT -subj "/C=ZZ/L=World/O=GNU/OU=GNUnet/CN=GNS CA/emailAddress=bounce@gnunet.org" -passout pass:"GNU Name System" echo "Removing passphrase from key" openssl rsa -passin pass:"GNU Name System" -in $GNSCAKY -out $GNSCANO cat $GNSCERT $GNSCANO > $GNS_CA_CERT_PEM echo "Importing CA into browsers" for f in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default do if [ -d $f ]; then echo "Importing CA info Firefox $f" certutil -D -n "GNS Proxy CA" -d ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default >/dev/null 2&>1 certutil -A -n "GNS Proxy CA" -t CT,, -d ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default < $GNSCERT fi done if [ -d ~/.pki/nssdb ]; then echo "Importing CA into Chrome" certutil -D -n "GNS Proxy CA" -d ~/.pki/nssdb >/dev/null 2&>1 certutil -A -n "GNS Proxy CA" -t CT,, -d ~/.pki/nssdb < $GNSCERT fi rm $GNSCAKY $GNSCANO $GNSCERT echo "You can now start gnunet-gns-proxy and configure your browser to use a SOCKS proxy on port 7777"