[gns] AUTOSTART = YES HOSTNAME = localhost BINARY = gnunet-service-gns UNIXPATH = $GNUNET_RUNTIME_DIR/gnunet-service-gns.sock @UNIXONLY@PORT = 2102 # Do we require users that want to access GNS to run this process # (usually not a good idea) UNIX_MATCH_UID = NO # Do we require users that want to access GNS to be in the 'gnunet' group? UNIX_MATCH_GID = YES # How many queries is GNS allowed to perform in the background at the same time? MAX_PARALLEL_BACKGROUND_QUERIES = 1000 # How frequently do we try to publish our full zone? ZONE_PUBLISH_TIME_WINDOW = 4 h # Using caching or always ask DHT # USE_CACHE = YES # PREFIX = valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes [gns-proxy] BINARY = gnunet-gns-proxy AUTOSTART = NO USER_SERVICE = YES # Where is the certificate for the GNS proxy stored? PROXY_CACERT = $GNUNET_DATA_HOME/gns/gns_ca_cert.pem PROXY_UNIXPATH = $GNUNET_RUNTIME_DIR/gnunet-gns-proxy.sock [dns2gns] BINARY = gnunet-dns2gns AUTOSTART = NO USER_SERVICE = YES # -d: DNS resolver to use, -s: suffix to use, -f: fcfs suffix to use OPTIONS = -d