--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2011 Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ]]-- local map, section, net = ... local username, password, ac, service local ipv6, defaultroute, metric, peerdns, dns, keepalive_failure, keepalive_interval, demand, mtu username = section:taboption("general", Value, "username", translate("PAP/CHAP username")) password = section:taboption("general", Value, "password", translate("PAP/CHAP password")) password.password = true ac = section:taboption("general", Value, "ac", translate("Access Concentrator"), translate("Leave empty to autodetect")) ac.placeholder = translate("auto") service = section:taboption("general", Value, "service", translate("Service Name"), translate("Leave empty to autodetect")) service.placeholder = translate("auto") if luci.model.network:has_ipv6() then ipv6 = section:taboption("advanced", Flag, "ipv6", translate("Enable IPv6 negotiation on the PPP link")) ipv6.default = ipv6.disabled end defaultroute = section:taboption("advanced", Flag, "defaultroute", translate("Use default gateway"), translate("If unchecked, no default route is configured")) defaultroute.default = defaultroute.enabled metric = section:taboption("advanced", Value, "metric", translate("Use gateway metric")) metric.placeholder = "0" metric.datatype = "uinteger" metric:depends("defaultroute", defaultroute.enabled) peerdns = section:taboption("advanced", Flag, "peerdns", translate("Use DNS servers advertised by peer"), translate("If unchecked, the advertised DNS server addresses are ignored")) peerdns.default = peerdns.enabled dns = section:taboption("advanced", DynamicList, "dns", translate("Use custom DNS servers")) dns:depends("peerdns", "") dns.datatype = "ipaddr" dns.cast = "string" keepalive_failure = section:taboption("advanced", Value, "_keepalive_failure", translate("LCP echo failure threshold"), translate("Presume peer to be dead after given amount of LCP echo failures, use 0 to ignore failures")) function keepalive_failure.cfgvalue(self, section) local v = m:get(section, "keepalive") if v and #v > 0 then return tonumber(v:match("^(%d+)[ ,]+%d+") or v) end end function keepalive_failure.write() end function keepalive_failure.remove() end keepalive_failure.placeholder = "0" keepalive_failure.datatype = "uinteger" keepalive_interval = section:taboption("advanced", Value, "_keepalive_interval", translate("LCP echo interval"), translate("Send LCP echo requests at the given interval in seconds, only effective in conjunction with failure threshold")) function keepalive_interval.cfgvalue(self, section) local v = m:get(section, "keepalive") if v and #v > 0 then return tonumber(v:match("^%d+[ ,]+(%d+)")) end end function keepalive_interval.write(self, section, value) local f = tonumber(keepalive_failure:formvalue(section)) or 0 local i = tonumber(value) or 5 if i < 1 then i = 1 end if f > 0 then m:set(section, "keepalive", "%d %d" %{ f, i }) else m:del(section, "keepalive") end end keepalive_interval.remove = keepalive_interval.write keepalive_interval.placeholder = "5" keepalive_interval.datatype = "min(1)" demand = section:taboption("advanced", Value, "demand", translate("Inactivity timeout"), translate("Close inactive connection after the given amount of seconds, use 0 to persist connection")) demand.placeholder = "0" demand.datatype = "uinteger" mtu = section:taboption("advanced", Value, "mtu", translate("Override MTU")) mtu.placeholder = "1500" mtu.datatype = "max(9200)"