<%- if type(self.hidden) == "table" then for k, v in pairs(self.hidden) do -%> <%- end end %> <% if self.tabs then %> <%+cbi/tabcontainer%> <% else %> <% self:render_children(section, scope or {}) %> <% end %> <% if self.error and self.error[section] then -%>
<%- end %> <% if self.optionals[section] and #self.optionals[section] > 0 or self.dynamic then %>
<%- if self.dynamic then local keys, vals, name, opt = { }, { } for name, opt in pairs(self.optionals[section]) do keys[#keys+1] = name vals[#vals+1] = opt.title end -%> 0, "data-choices", luci.util.json_encode({keys, vals})) %> /> <%- else -%> <%- end -%>
<% end %>