-- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. local io = require "io" local os = require "os" local table = require "table" local nixio = require "nixio" local fs = require "nixio.fs" local uci = require "luci.model.uci" local luci = {} luci.util = require "luci.util" luci.ip = require "luci.ip" local tonumber, ipairs, pairs, pcall, type, next, setmetatable, require, select = tonumber, ipairs, pairs, pcall, type, next, setmetatable, require, select --- LuCI Linux and POSIX system utilities. module "luci.sys" --- Execute a given shell command and return the error code -- @class function -- @name call -- @param ... Command to call -- @return Error code of the command function call(...) return os.execute(...) / 256 end --- Execute a given shell command and capture its standard output -- @class function -- @name exec -- @param command Command to call -- @return String containg the return the output of the command exec = luci.util.exec --- Retrieve information about currently mounted file systems. -- @return Table containing mount information function mounts() local data = {} local k = {"fs", "blocks", "used", "available", "percent", "mountpoint"} local ps = luci.util.execi("df") if not ps then return else ps() end for line in ps do local row = {} local j = 1 for value in line:gmatch("[^%s]+") do row[k[j]] = value j = j + 1 end if row[k[1]] then -- this is a rather ugly workaround to cope with wrapped lines in -- the df output: -- -- /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part3 -- 114382024 93566472 15005244 86% /mnt/usb -- if not row[k[2]] then j = 2 line = ps() for value in line:gmatch("[^%s]+") do row[k[j]] = value j = j + 1 end end table.insert(data, row) end end return data end --- Retrieve environment variables. If no variable is given then a table -- containing the whole environment is returned otherwise this function returns -- the corresponding string value for the given name or nil if no such variable -- exists. -- @class function -- @name getenv -- @param var Name of the environment variable to retrieve (optional) -- @return String containg the value of the specified variable -- @return Table containing all variables if no variable name is given getenv = nixio.getenv --- Get or set the current hostname. -- @param String containing a new hostname to set (optional) -- @return String containing the system hostname function hostname(newname) if type(newname) == "string" and #newname > 0 then fs.writefile( "/proc/sys/kernel/hostname", newname ) return newname else return nixio.uname().nodename end end --- Returns the contents of a documented referred by an URL. -- @param url The URL to retrieve -- @param stream Return a stream instead of a buffer -- @param target Directly write to target file name -- @return String containing the contents of given the URL function httpget(url, stream, target) if not target then local source = stream and io.popen or luci.util.exec return source("wget -qO- '"..url:gsub("'", "").."'") else return os.execute("wget -qO '%s' '%s'" % {target:gsub("'", ""), url:gsub("'", "")}) end end --- Initiate a system reboot. -- @return Return value of os.execute() function reboot() return os.execute("reboot >/dev/null 2>&1") end --- Retrieves the output of the "logread" command. -- @return String containing the current log buffer function syslog() return luci.util.exec("logread") end --- Retrieves the output of the "dmesg" command. -- @return String containing the current log buffer function dmesg() return luci.util.exec("dmesg") end --- Generates a random id with specified length. -- @param bytes Number of bytes for the unique id -- @return String containing hex encoded id function uniqueid(bytes) local rand = fs.readfile("/dev/urandom", bytes) return rand and nixio.bin.hexlify(rand) end --- Returns the current system uptime stats. -- @return String containing total uptime in seconds function uptime() return nixio.sysinfo().uptime end --- LuCI system utilities / network related functions. -- @class module -- @name luci.sys.net net = {} --- Returns the current arp-table entries as two-dimensional table. -- @return Table of table containing the current arp entries. -- The following fields are defined for arp entry objects: -- { "IP address", "HW address", "HW type", "Flags", "Mask", "Device" } function net.arptable(callback) local arp = (not callback) and {} or nil local e, r, v if fs.access("/proc/net/arp") then for e in io.lines("/proc/net/arp") do local r = { }, v for v in e:gmatch("%S+") do r[#r+1] = v end if r[1] ~= "IP" then local x = { ["IP address"] = r[1], ["HW type"] = r[2], ["Flags"] = r[3], ["HW address"] = r[4], ["Mask"] = r[5], ["Device"] = r[6] } if callback then callback(x) else arp = arp or { } arp[#arp+1] = x end end end end return arp end local function _nethints(what, callback) local _, k, e, mac, ip, name local cur = uci.cursor() local ifn = { } local hosts = { } local function _add(i, ...) local k = select(i, ...) if k then if not hosts[k] then hosts[k] = { } end hosts[k][1] = select(1, ...) or hosts[k][1] hosts[k][2] = select(2, ...) or hosts[k][2] hosts[k][3] = select(3, ...) or hosts[k][3] hosts[k][4] = select(4, ...) or hosts[k][4] end end if fs.access("/proc/net/arp") then for e in io.lines("/proc/net/arp") do ip, mac = e:match("^([%d%.]+)%s+%S+%s+%S+%s+([a-fA-F0-9:]+)%s+") if ip and mac then _add(what, mac:upper(), ip, nil, nil) end end end if fs.access("/etc/ethers") then for e in io.lines("/etc/ethers") do mac, ip = e:match("^([a-f0-9]%S+) (%S+)") if mac and ip then _add(what, mac:upper(), ip, nil, nil) end end end if fs.access("/var/dhcp.leases") then for e in io.lines("/var/dhcp.leases") do mac, ip, name = e:match("^%d+ (%S+) (%S+) (%S+)") if mac and ip then _add(what, mac:upper(), ip, nil, name ~= "*" and name) end end end cur:foreach("dhcp", "host", function(s) for mac in luci.util.imatch(s.mac) do _add(what, mac:upper(), s.ip, nil, s.name) end end) for _, e in ipairs(nixio.getifaddrs()) do if e.name ~= "lo" then ifn[e.name] = ifn[e.name] or { } if e.family == "packet" and e.addr and #e.addr == 17 then ifn[e.name][1] = e.addr:upper() elseif e.family == "inet" then ifn[e.name][2] = e.addr elseif e.family == "inet6" then ifn[e.name][3] = e.addr end end end for _, e in pairs(ifn) do if e[what] and (e[2] or e[3]) then _add(what, e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]) end end for _, e in luci.util.kspairs(hosts) do callback(e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]) end end --- Returns a two-dimensional table of mac address hints. -- @return Table of table containing known hosts from various sources. -- Each entry contains the values in the following order: -- [ "mac", "name" ] function net.mac_hints(callback) if callback then _nethints(1, function(mac, v4, v6, name) name = name or nixio.getnameinfo(v4 or v6, nil, 100) or v4 if name and name ~= mac then callback(mac, name or nixio.getnameinfo(v4 or v6, nil, 100) or v4) end end) else local rv = { } _nethints(1, function(mac, v4, v6, name) name = name or nixio.getnameinfo(v4 or v6, nil, 100) or v4 if name and name ~= mac then rv[#rv+1] = { mac, name or nixio.getnameinfo(v4 or v6, nil, 100) or v4 } end end) return rv end end --- Returns a two-dimensional table of IPv4 address hints. -- @return Table of table containing known hosts from various sources. -- Each entry contains the values in the following order: -- [ "ip", "name" ] function net.ipv4_hints(callback) if callback then _nethints(2, function(mac, v4, v6, name) name = name or nixio.getnameinfo(v4, nil, 100) or mac if name and name ~= v4 then callback(v4, name) end end) else local rv = { } _nethints(2, function(mac, v4, v6, name) name = name or nixio.getnameinfo(v4, nil, 100) or mac if name and name ~= v4 then rv[#rv+1] = { v4, name } end end) return rv end end --- Returns a two-dimensional table of IPv6 address hints. -- @return Table of table containing known hosts from various sources. -- Each entry contains the values in the following order: -- [ "ip", "name" ] function net.ipv6_hints(callback) if callback then _nethints(3, function(mac, v4, v6, name) name = name or nixio.getnameinfo(v6, nil, 100) or mac if name and name ~= v6 then callback(v6, name) end end) else local rv = { } _nethints(3, function(mac, v4, v6, name) name = name or nixio.getnameinfo(v6, nil, 100) or mac if name and name ~= v6 then rv[#rv+1] = { v6, name } end end) return rv end end --- Returns conntrack information -- @return Table with the currently tracked IP connections function net.conntrack(callback) local connt = {} if fs.access("/proc/net/nf_conntrack", "r") then for line in io.lines("/proc/net/nf_conntrack") do line = line:match "^(.-( [^ =]+=).-)%2" local entry, flags = _parse_mixed_record(line, " +") if flags[6] ~= "TIME_WAIT" then entry.layer3 = flags[1] entry.layer4 = flags[3] for i=1, #entry do entry[i] = nil end if callback then callback(entry) else connt[#connt+1] = entry end end end elseif fs.access("/proc/net/ip_conntrack", "r") then for line in io.lines("/proc/net/ip_conntrack") do line = line:match "^(.-( [^ =]+=).-)%2" local entry, flags = _parse_mixed_record(line, " +") if flags[4] ~= "TIME_WAIT" then entry.layer3 = "ipv4" entry.layer4 = flags[1] for i=1, #entry do entry[i] = nil end if callback then callback(entry) else connt[#connt+1] = entry end end end else return nil end return connt end --- Determine the names of available network interfaces. -- @return Table containing all current interface names function net.devices() local devs = {} for k, v in ipairs(nixio.getifaddrs()) do if v.family == "packet" then devs[#devs+1] = v.name end end return devs end --- Return information about available network interfaces. -- @return Table containing all current interface names and their information function net.deviceinfo() local devs = {} for k, v in ipairs(nixio.getifaddrs()) do if v.family == "packet" then local d = v.data d[1] = d.rx_bytes d[2] = d.rx_packets d[3] = d.rx_errors d[4] = d.rx_dropped d[5] = 0 d[6] = 0 d[7] = 0 d[8] = d.multicast d[9] = d.tx_bytes d[10] = d.tx_packets d[11] = d.tx_errors d[12] = d.tx_dropped d[13] = 0 d[14] = d.collisions d[15] = 0 d[16] = 0 devs[v.name] = d end end return devs end --- Returns the current kernel routing table entries. -- @return Table of tables with properties of the corresponding routes. -- The following fields are defined for route entry tables: -- { "dest", "gateway", "metric", "refcount", "usecount", "irtt", -- "flags", "device" } function net.routes(callback) local routes = { } for line in io.lines("/proc/net/route") do local dev, dst_ip, gateway, flags, refcnt, usecnt, metric, dst_mask, mtu, win, irtt = line:match( "([^%s]+)\t([A-F0-9]+)\t([A-F0-9]+)\t([A-F0-9]+)\t" .. "(%d+)\t(%d+)\t(%d+)\t([A-F0-9]+)\t(%d+)\t(%d+)\t(%d+)" ) if dev then gateway = luci.ip.Hex( gateway, 32, luci.ip.FAMILY_INET4 ) dst_mask = luci.ip.Hex( dst_mask, 32, luci.ip.FAMILY_INET4 ) dst_ip = luci.ip.Hex( dst_ip, dst_mask:prefix(dst_mask), luci.ip.FAMILY_INET4 ) local rt = { dest = dst_ip, gateway = gateway, metric = tonumber(metric), refcount = tonumber(refcnt), usecount = tonumber(usecnt), mtu = tonumber(mtu), window = tonumber(window), irtt = tonumber(irtt), flags = tonumber(flags, 16), device = dev } if callback then callback(rt) else routes[#routes+1] = rt end end end return routes end --- Returns the current ipv6 kernel routing table entries. -- @return Table of tables with properties of the corresponding routes. -- The following fields are defined for route entry tables: -- { "source", "dest", "nexthop", "metric", "refcount", "usecount", -- "flags", "device" } function net.routes6(callback) if fs.access("/proc/net/ipv6_route", "r") then local routes = { } for line in io.lines("/proc/net/ipv6_route") do local dst_ip, dst_prefix, src_ip, src_prefix, nexthop, metric, refcnt, usecnt, flags, dev = line:match( "([a-f0-9]+) ([a-f0-9]+) " .. "([a-f0-9]+) ([a-f0-9]+) " .. "([a-f0-9]+) ([a-f0-9]+) " .. "([a-f0-9]+) ([a-f0-9]+) " .. "([a-f0-9]+) +([^%s]+)" ) if dst_ip and dst_prefix and src_ip and src_prefix and nexthop and metric and refcnt and usecnt and flags and dev then src_ip = luci.ip.Hex( src_ip, tonumber(src_prefix, 16), luci.ip.FAMILY_INET6, false ) dst_ip = luci.ip.Hex( dst_ip, tonumber(dst_prefix, 16), luci.ip.FAMILY_INET6, false ) nexthop = luci.ip.Hex( nexthop, 128, luci.ip.FAMILY_INET6, false ) local rt = { source = src_ip, dest = dst_ip, nexthop = nexthop, metric = tonumber(metric, 16), refcount = tonumber(refcnt, 16), usecount = tonumber(usecnt, 16), flags = tonumber(flags, 16), device = dev, -- lua number is too small for storing the metric -- add a metric_raw field with the original content metric_raw = metric } if callback then callback(rt) else routes[#routes+1] = rt end end end return routes end end --- Tests whether the given host responds to ping probes. -- @param host String containing a hostname or IPv4 address -- @return Number containing 0 on success and >= 1 on error function net.pingtest(host) return os.execute("ping -c1 '"..host:gsub("'", '').."' >/dev/null 2>&1") end --- LuCI system utilities / process related functions. -- @class module -- @name luci.sys.process process = {} --- Get the current process id. -- @class function -- @name process.info -- @return Number containing the current pid function process.info(key) local s = {uid = nixio.getuid(), gid = nixio.getgid()} return not key and s or s[key] end --- Retrieve information about currently running processes. -- @return Table containing process information function process.list() local data = {} local k local ps = luci.util.execi("/bin/busybox top -bn1") if not ps then return end for line in ps do local pid, ppid, user, stat, vsz, mem, cpu, cmd = line:match( "^ *(%d+) +(%d+) +(%S.-%S) +([RSDZTW][W ][= 1 on error function user.setpasswd(username, password) if password then password = password:gsub("'", [['"'"']]) end if username then username = username:gsub("'", [['"'"']]) end return os.execute( "(echo '" .. password .. "'; sleep 1; echo '" .. password .. "') | " .. "passwd '" .. username .. "' >/dev/null 2>&1" ) end --- LuCI system utilities / wifi related functions. -- @class module -- @name luci.sys.wifi wifi = {} --- Get wireless information for given interface. -- @param ifname String containing the interface name -- @return A wrapped iwinfo object instance function wifi.getiwinfo(ifname) local stat, iwinfo = pcall(require, "iwinfo") if ifname then local c = 0 local u = uci.cursor_state() local d, n = ifname:match("^(%w+)%.network(%d+)") if d and n then ifname = d n = tonumber(n) u:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.device == d then c = c + 1 if c == n then ifname = s.ifname or s.device return false end end end) elseif u:get("wireless", ifname) == "wifi-device" then u:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.device == ifname and s.ifname then ifname = s.ifname return false end end) end local t = stat and iwinfo.type(ifname) local x = t and iwinfo[t] or { } return setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) if k == "ifname" then return ifname elseif x[k] then return x[k](ifname) end end }) end end --- LuCI system utilities / init related functions. -- @class module -- @name luci.sys.init init = {} init.dir = "/etc/init.d/" --- Get the names of all installed init scripts -- @return Table containing the names of all inistalled init scripts function init.names() local names = { } for name in fs.glob(init.dir.."*") do names[#names+1] = fs.basename(name) end return names end --- Get the index of he given init script -- @param name Name of the init script -- @return Numeric index value function init.index(name) if fs.access(init.dir..name) then return call("env -i sh -c 'source %s%s enabled; exit ${START:-255}' >/dev/null" %{ init.dir, name }) end end local function init_action(action, name) if fs.access(init.dir..name) then return call("env -i %s%s %s >/dev/null" %{ init.dir, name, action }) end end --- Test whether the given init script is enabled -- @param name Name of the init script -- @return Boolean indicating whether init is enabled function init.enabled(name) return (init_action("enabled", name) == 0) end --- Enable the given init script -- @param name Name of the init script -- @return Boolean indicating success function init.enable(name) return (init_action("enable", name) == 1) end --- Disable the given init script -- @param name Name of the init script -- @return Boolean indicating success function init.disable(name) return (init_action("disable", name) == 0) end --- Start the given init script -- @param name Name of the init script -- @return Boolean indicating success function init.start(name) return (init_action("start", name) == 0) end --- Stop the given init script -- @param name Name of the init script -- @return Boolean indicating success function init.stop(name) return (init_action("stop", name) == 0) end -- Internal functions function _parse_mixed_record(cnt, delimiter) delimiter = delimiter or " " local data = {} local flags = {} for i, l in pairs(luci.util.split(luci.util.trim(cnt), "\n")) do for j, f in pairs(luci.util.split(luci.util.trim(l), delimiter, nil, true)) do local k, x, v = f:match('([^%s][^:=]*) *([:=]*) *"*([^\n"]*)"*') if k then if x == "" then table.insert(flags, k) else data[k] = v end end end end return data, flags end