-- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. module("luci.cbi", package.seeall) require("luci.template") local util = require("luci.util") require("luci.http") --local event = require "luci.sys.event" local fs = require("nixio.fs") local uci = require("luci.model.uci") local datatypes = require("luci.cbi.datatypes") local dispatcher = require("luci.dispatcher") local class = util.class local instanceof = util.instanceof FORM_NODATA = 0 FORM_PROCEED = 0 FORM_VALID = 1 FORM_DONE = 1 FORM_INVALID = -1 FORM_CHANGED = 2 FORM_SKIP = 4 AUTO = true CREATE_PREFIX = "cbi.cts." REMOVE_PREFIX = "cbi.rts." RESORT_PREFIX = "cbi.sts." FEXIST_PREFIX = "cbi.cbe." -- Loads a CBI map from given file, creating an environment and returns it function load(cbimap, ...) local fs = require "nixio.fs" local i18n = require "luci.i18n" require("luci.config") require("luci.util") local upldir = "/etc/luci-uploads/" local cbidir = luci.util.libpath() .. "/model/cbi/" local func, err if fs.access(cbidir..cbimap..".lua") then func, err = loadfile(cbidir..cbimap..".lua") elseif fs.access(cbimap) then func, err = loadfile(cbimap) else func, err = nil, "Model '" .. cbimap .. "' not found!" end assert(func, err) local env = { translate=i18n.translate, translatef=i18n.translatef, arg={...} } setfenv(func, setmetatable(env, {__index = function(tbl, key) return rawget(tbl, key) or _M[key] or _G[key] end})) local maps = { func() } local uploads = { } local has_upload = false for i, map in ipairs(maps) do if not instanceof(map, Node) then error("CBI map returns no valid map object!") return nil else map:prepare() if map.upload_fields then has_upload = true for _, field in ipairs(map.upload_fields) do uploads[ field.config .. '.' .. (field.section.sectiontype or '1') .. '.' .. field.option ] = true end end end end if has_upload then local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor() local prm = luci.http.context.request.message.params local fd, cbid luci.http.setfilehandler( function( field, chunk, eof ) if not field then return end if field.name and not cbid then local c, s, o = field.name:gmatch( "cbid%.([^%.]+)%.([^%.]+)%.([^%.]+)" )() if c and s and o then local t = uci:get( c, s ) or s if uploads[c.."."..t.."."..o] then local path = upldir .. field.name fd = io.open(path, "w") if fd then cbid = field.name prm[cbid] = path end end end end if field.name == cbid and fd then fd:write(chunk) end if eof and fd then fd:close() fd = nil cbid = nil end end ) end return maps end -- -- Compile a datatype specification into a parse tree for evaluation later on -- local cdt_cache = { } function compile_datatype(code) local i local pos = 0 local esc = false local depth = 0 local stack = { } for i = 1, #code+1 do local byte = code:byte(i) or 44 if esc then esc = false elseif byte == 92 then esc = true elseif byte == 40 or byte == 44 then if depth <= 0 then if pos < i then local label = code:sub(pos, i-1) :gsub("\\(.)", "%1") :gsub("^%s+", "") :gsub("%s+$", "") if #label > 0 and tonumber(label) then stack[#stack+1] = tonumber(label) elseif label:match("^'.*'$") or label:match('^".*"$') then stack[#stack+1] = label:gsub("[\"'](.*)[\"']", "%1") elseif type(datatypes[label]) == "function" then stack[#stack+1] = datatypes[label] stack[#stack+1] = { } else error("Datatype error, bad token %q" % label) end end pos = i + 1 end depth = depth + (byte == 40 and 1 or 0) elseif byte == 41 then depth = depth - 1 if depth <= 0 then if type(stack[#stack-1]) ~= "function" then error("Datatype error, argument list follows non-function") end stack[#stack] = compile_datatype(code:sub(pos, i-1)) pos = i + 1 end end end return stack end function verify_datatype(dt, value) if dt and #dt > 0 then if not cdt_cache[dt] then local c = compile_datatype(dt) if c and type(c[1]) == "function" then cdt_cache[dt] = c else error("Datatype error, not a function expression") end end if cdt_cache[dt] then return cdt_cache[dt][1](value, unpack(cdt_cache[dt][2])) end end return true end -- Node pseudo abstract class Node = class() function Node.__init__(self, title, description) self.children = {} self.title = title or "" self.description = description or "" self.template = "cbi/node" end -- hook helper function Node._run_hook(self, hook) if type(self[hook]) == "function" then return self[hook](self) end end function Node._run_hooks(self, ...) local f local r = false for _, f in ipairs(arg) do if type(self[f]) == "function" then self[f](self) r = true end end return r end -- Prepare nodes function Node.prepare(self, ...) for k, child in ipairs(self.children) do child:prepare(...) end end -- Append child nodes function Node.append(self, obj) table.insert(self.children, obj) end -- Parse this node and its children function Node.parse(self, ...) for k, child in ipairs(self.children) do child:parse(...) end end -- Render this node function Node.render(self, scope) scope = scope or {} scope.self = self luci.template.render(self.template, scope) end -- Render the children function Node.render_children(self, ...) local k, node for k, node in ipairs(self.children) do node.last_child = (k == #self.children) node.index = k node:render(...) end end --[[ A simple template element ]]-- Template = class(Node) function Template.__init__(self, template) Node.__init__(self) self.template = template end function Template.render(self) luci.template.render(self.template, {self=self}) end function Template.parse(self, readinput) self.readinput = (readinput ~= false) return Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.submit") and FORM_DONE or FORM_NODATA end --[[ Map - A map describing a configuration file ]]-- Map = class(Node) function Map.__init__(self, config, ...) Node.__init__(self, ...) self.config = config self.parsechain = {self.config} self.template = "cbi/map" self.apply_on_parse = nil self.readinput = true self.proceed = false self.flow = {} self.uci = uci.cursor() self.save = true self.changed = false local path = "%s/%s" %{ self.uci:get_confdir(), self.config } if fs.stat(path, "type") ~= "reg" then fs.writefile(path, "") end local ok, err = self.uci:load(self.config) if not ok then local url = dispatcher.build_url(unpack(dispatcher.context.request)) local source = self:formvalue("cbi.source") if type(source) == "string" then fs.writefile(path, source:gsub("\r\n", "\n")) ok, err = self.uci:load(self.config) if ok then luci.http.redirect(url) end end self.save = false end if not ok then self.template = "cbi/error" self.error = err self.source = fs.readfile(path) or "" self.pageaction = false end end function Map.formvalue(self, key) return self.readinput and luci.http.formvalue(key) or nil end function Map.formvaluetable(self, key) return self.readinput and luci.http.formvaluetable(key) or {} end function Map.get_scheme(self, sectiontype, option) if not option then return self.scheme and self.scheme.sections[sectiontype] else return self.scheme and self.scheme.variables[sectiontype] and self.scheme.variables[sectiontype][option] end end function Map.submitstate(self) return self:formvalue("cbi.submit") end -- Chain foreign config function Map.chain(self, config) table.insert(self.parsechain, config) end function Map.state_handler(self, state) return state end -- Use optimized UCI writing function Map.parse(self, readinput, ...) if self:formvalue("cbi.skip") then self.state = FORM_SKIP elseif not self.save then self.state = FORM_INVALID elseif not self:submitstate() then self.state = FORM_NODATA end -- Back out early to prevent unauthorized changes on the subsequent parse if self.state ~= nil then return self:state_handler(self.state) end self.readinput = (readinput ~= false) self:_run_hooks("on_parse") Node.parse(self, ...) if self.save then self:_run_hooks("on_save", "on_before_save") local i, config for i, config in ipairs(self.parsechain) do self.uci:save(config) end self:_run_hooks("on_after_save") if (not self.proceed and self.flow.autoapply) or luci.http.formvalue("cbi.apply") then self:_run_hooks("on_before_commit") if self.apply_on_parse == false then for i, config in ipairs(self.parsechain) do self.uci:commit(config) end end self:_run_hooks("on_commit", "on_after_commit", "on_before_apply") if self.apply_on_parse == true or self.apply_on_parse == false then self.uci:apply(self.apply_on_parse) self:_run_hooks("on_apply", "on_after_apply") else -- This is evaluated by the dispatcher and delegated to the -- template which in turn fires XHR to perform the actual -- apply actions. self.apply_needed = true end -- Reparse sections Node.parse(self, true) end for i, config in ipairs(self.parsechain) do self.uci:unload(config) end if type(self.commit_handler) == "function" then self:commit_handler(self:submitstate()) end end if not self.save then self.state = FORM_INVALID elseif self.proceed then self.state = FORM_PROCEED elseif self.changed then self.state = FORM_CHANGED else self.state = FORM_VALID end return self:state_handler(self.state) end function Map.render(self, ...) self:_run_hooks("on_init") Node.render(self, ...) end -- Creates a child section function Map.section(self, class, ...) if instanceof(class, AbstractSection) then local obj = class(self, ...) self:append(obj) return obj else error("class must be a descendent of AbstractSection") end end -- UCI add function Map.add(self, sectiontype) return self.uci:add(self.config, sectiontype) end -- UCI set function Map.set(self, section, option, value) if type(value) ~= "table" or #value > 0 then if option then return self.uci:set(self.config, section, option, value) else return self.uci:set(self.config, section, value) end else return Map.del(self, section, option) end end -- UCI del function Map.del(self, section, option) if option then return self.uci:delete(self.config, section, option) else return self.uci:delete(self.config, section) end end -- UCI get function Map.get(self, section, option) if not section then return self.uci:get_all(self.config) elseif option then return self.uci:get(self.config, section, option) else return self.uci:get_all(self.config, section) end end --[[ Compound - Container ]]-- Compound = class(Node) function Compound.__init__(self, ...) Node.__init__(self) self.template = "cbi/compound" self.children = {...} end function Compound.populate_delegator(self, delegator) for _, v in ipairs(self.children) do v.delegator = delegator end end function Compound.parse(self, ...) local cstate, state = 0 for k, child in ipairs(self.children) do cstate = child:parse(...) state = (not state or cstate < state) and cstate or state end return state end --[[ Delegator - Node controller ]]-- Delegator = class(Node) function Delegator.__init__(self, ...) Node.__init__(self, ...) self.nodes = {} self.defaultpath = {} self.pageaction = false self.readinput = true self.allow_reset = false self.allow_cancel = false self.allow_back = false self.allow_finish = false self.template = "cbi/delegator" end function Delegator.set(self, name, node) assert(not self.nodes[name], "Duplicate entry") self.nodes[name] = node end function Delegator.add(self, name, node) node = self:set(name, node) self.defaultpath[#self.defaultpath+1] = name end function Delegator.insert_after(self, name, after) local n = #self.chain + 1 for k, v in ipairs(self.chain) do if v == after then n = k + 1 break end end table.insert(self.chain, n, name) end function Delegator.set_route(self, ...) local n, chain, route = 0, self.chain, {...} for i = 1, #chain do if chain[i] == self.current then n = i break end end for i = 1, #route do n = n + 1 chain[n] = route[i] end for i = n + 1, #chain do chain[i] = nil end end function Delegator.get(self, name) local node = self.nodes[name] if type(node) == "string" then node = load(node, name) end if type(node) == "table" and getmetatable(node) == nil then node = Compound(unpack(node)) end return node end function Delegator.parse(self, ...) if self.allow_cancel and Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.cancel") then if self:_run_hooks("on_cancel") then return FORM_DONE end end if not Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.delg.current") then self:_run_hooks("on_init") end local newcurrent self.chain = self.chain or self:get_chain() self.current = self.current or self:get_active() self.active = self.active or self:get(self.current) assert(self.active, "Invalid state") local stat = FORM_DONE if type(self.active) ~= "function" then self.active:populate_delegator(self) stat = self.active:parse() else self:active() end if stat > FORM_PROCEED then if Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.delg.back") then newcurrent = self:get_prev(self.current) else newcurrent = self:get_next(self.current) end elseif stat < FORM_PROCEED then return stat end if not Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.submit") then return FORM_NODATA elseif stat > FORM_PROCEED and (not newcurrent or not self:get(newcurrent)) then return self:_run_hook("on_done") or FORM_DONE else self.current = newcurrent or self.current self.active = self:get(self.current) if type(self.active) ~= "function" then self.active:populate_delegator(self) local stat = self.active:parse(false) if stat == FORM_SKIP then return self:parse(...) else return FORM_PROCEED end else return self:parse(...) end end end function Delegator.get_next(self, state) for k, v in ipairs(self.chain) do if v == state then return self.chain[k+1] end end end function Delegator.get_prev(self, state) for k, v in ipairs(self.chain) do if v == state then return self.chain[k-1] end end end function Delegator.get_chain(self) local x = Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.delg.path") or self.defaultpath return type(x) == "table" and x or {x} end function Delegator.get_active(self) return Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.delg.current") or self.chain[1] end --[[ Page - A simple node ]]-- Page = class(Node) Page.__init__ = Node.__init__ Page.parse = function() end --[[ SimpleForm - A Simple non-UCI form ]]-- SimpleForm = class(Node) function SimpleForm.__init__(self, config, title, description, data) Node.__init__(self, title, description) self.config = config self.data = data or {} self.template = "cbi/simpleform" self.dorender = true self.pageaction = false self.readinput = true end SimpleForm.formvalue = Map.formvalue SimpleForm.formvaluetable = Map.formvaluetable function SimpleForm.parse(self, readinput, ...) self.readinput = (readinput ~= false) if self:formvalue("cbi.skip") then return FORM_SKIP end if self:formvalue("cbi.cancel") and self:_run_hooks("on_cancel") then return FORM_DONE end if self:submitstate() then Node.parse(self, 1, ...) end local valid = true for k, j in ipairs(self.children) do for i, v in ipairs(j.children) do valid = valid and (not v.tag_missing or not v.tag_missing[1]) and (not v.tag_invalid or not v.tag_invalid[1]) and (not v.error) end end local state = not self:submitstate() and FORM_NODATA or valid and FORM_VALID or FORM_INVALID self.dorender = not self.handle if self.handle then local nrender, nstate = self:handle(state, self.data) self.dorender = self.dorender or (nrender ~= false) state = nstate or state end return state end function SimpleForm.render(self, ...) if self.dorender then Node.render(self, ...) end end function SimpleForm.submitstate(self) return self:formvalue("cbi.submit") end function SimpleForm.section(self, class, ...) if instanceof(class, AbstractSection) then local obj = class(self, ...) self:append(obj) return obj else error("class must be a descendent of AbstractSection") end end -- Creates a child field function SimpleForm.field(self, class, ...) local section for k, v in ipairs(self.children) do if instanceof(v, SimpleSection) then section = v break end end if not section then section = self:section(SimpleSection) end if instanceof(class, AbstractValue) then local obj = class(self, section, ...) obj.track_missing = true section:append(obj) return obj else error("class must be a descendent of AbstractValue") end end function SimpleForm.set(self, section, option, value) self.data[option] = value end function SimpleForm.del(self, section, option) self.data[option] = nil end function SimpleForm.get(self, section, option) return self.data[option] end function SimpleForm.get_scheme() return nil end Form = class(SimpleForm) function Form.__init__(self, ...) SimpleForm.__init__(self, ...) self.embedded = true end --[[ AbstractSection ]]-- AbstractSection = class(Node) function AbstractSection.__init__(self, map, sectiontype, ...) Node.__init__(self, ...) self.sectiontype = sectiontype self.map = map self.config = map.config self.optionals = {} self.defaults = {} self.fields = {} self.tag_error = {} self.tag_invalid = {} self.tag_deperror = {} self.changed = false self.optional = true self.addremove = false self.dynamic = false end -- Define a tab for the section function AbstractSection.tab(self, tab, title, desc) self.tabs = self.tabs or { } self.tab_names = self.tab_names or { } self.tab_names[#self.tab_names+1] = tab self.tabs[tab] = { title = title, description = desc, childs = { } } end -- Check whether the section has tabs function AbstractSection.has_tabs(self) return (self.tabs ~= nil) and (next(self.tabs) ~= nil) end -- Appends a new option function AbstractSection.option(self, class, option, ...) if instanceof(class, AbstractValue) then local obj = class(self.map, self, option, ...) self:append(obj) self.fields[option] = obj return obj elseif class == true then error("No valid class was given and autodetection failed.") else error("class must be a descendant of AbstractValue") end end -- Appends a new tabbed option function AbstractSection.taboption(self, tab, ...) assert(tab and self.tabs and self.tabs[tab], "Cannot assign option to not existing tab %q" % tostring(tab)) local l = self.tabs[tab].childs local o = AbstractSection.option(self, ...) if o then l[#l+1] = o end return o end -- Render a single tab function AbstractSection.render_tab(self, tab, ...) assert(tab and self.tabs and self.tabs[tab], "Cannot render not existing tab %q" % tostring(tab)) local k, node for k, node in ipairs(self.tabs[tab].childs) do node.last_child = (k == #self.tabs[tab].childs) node.index = k node:render(...) end end -- Parse optional options function AbstractSection.parse_optionals(self, section, noparse) if not self.optional then return end self.optionals[section] = {} local field = nil if not noparse then field = self.map:formvalue("cbi.opt."..self.config.."."..section) end for k,v in ipairs(self.children) do if v.optional and not v:cfgvalue(section) and not self:has_tabs() then if field == v.option then field = nil self.map.proceed = true else table.insert(self.optionals[section], v) end end end if field and #field > 0 and self.dynamic then self:add_dynamic(field) end end -- Add a dynamic option function AbstractSection.add_dynamic(self, field, optional) local o = self:option(Value, field, field) o.optional = optional end -- Parse all dynamic options function AbstractSection.parse_dynamic(self, section) if not self.dynamic then return end local arr = luci.util.clone(self:cfgvalue(section)) local form = self.map:formvaluetable("cbid."..self.config.."."..section) for k, v in pairs(form) do arr[k] = v end for key,val in pairs(arr) do local create = true for i,c in ipairs(self.children) do if c.option == key then create = false end end if create and key:sub(1, 1) ~= "." then self.map.proceed = true self:add_dynamic(key, true) end end end -- Returns the section's UCI table function AbstractSection.cfgvalue(self, section) return self.map:get(section) end -- Push events function AbstractSection.push_events(self) --luci.util.append(self.map.events, self.events) self.map.changed = true end -- Removes the section function AbstractSection.remove(self, section) self.map.proceed = true return self.map:del(section) end -- Creates the section function AbstractSection.create(self, section) local stat if section then stat = section:match("^[%w_]+$") and self.map:set(section, nil, self.sectiontype) else section = self.map:add(self.sectiontype) stat = section end if stat then for k,v in pairs(self.children) do if v.default then self.map:set(section, v.option, v.default) end end for k,v in pairs(self.defaults) do self.map:set(section, k, v) end end self.map.proceed = true return stat end SimpleSection = class(AbstractSection) function SimpleSection.__init__(self, form, ...) AbstractSection.__init__(self, form, nil, ...) self.template = "cbi/nullsection" end Table = class(AbstractSection) function Table.__init__(self, form, data, ...) local datasource = {} local tself = self datasource.config = "table" self.data = data or {} datasource.formvalue = Map.formvalue datasource.formvaluetable = Map.formvaluetable datasource.readinput = true function datasource.get(self, section, option) return tself.data[section] and tself.data[section][option] end function datasource.submitstate(self) return Map.formvalue(self, "cbi.submit") end function datasource.del(...) return true end function datasource.get_scheme() return nil end AbstractSection.__init__(self, datasource, "table", ...) self.template = "cbi/tblsection" self.rowcolors = true self.anonymous = true end function Table.parse(self, readinput) self.map.readinput = (readinput ~= false) for i, k in ipairs(self:cfgsections()) do if self.map:submitstate() then Node.parse(self, k) end end end function Table.cfgsections(self) local sections = {} for i, v in luci.util.kspairs(self.data) do table.insert(sections, i) end return sections end function Table.update(self, data) self.data = data end --[[ NamedSection - A fixed configuration section defined by its name ]]-- NamedSection = class(AbstractSection) function NamedSection.__init__(self, map, section, stype, ...) AbstractSection.__init__(self, map, stype, ...) -- Defaults self.addremove = false self.template = "cbi/nsection" self.section = section end function NamedSection.prepare(self) AbstractSection.prepare(self) AbstractSection.parse_optionals(self, self.section, true) end function NamedSection.parse(self, novld) local s = self.section local active = self:cfgvalue(s) if self.addremove then local path = self.config.."."..s if active then -- Remove the section if self.map:formvalue("cbi.rns."..path) and self:remove(s) then self:push_events() return end else -- Create and apply default values if self.map:formvalue("cbi.cns."..path) then self:create(s) return end end end if active then AbstractSection.parse_dynamic(self, s) if self.map:submitstate() then Node.parse(self, s) end AbstractSection.parse_optionals(self, s) if self.changed then self:push_events() end end end --[[ TypedSection - A (set of) configuration section(s) defined by the type addremove: Defines whether the user can add/remove sections of this type anonymous: Allow creating anonymous sections validate: a validation function returning nil if the section is invalid ]]-- TypedSection = class(AbstractSection) function TypedSection.__init__(self, map, type, ...) AbstractSection.__init__(self, map, type, ...) self.template = "cbi/tsection" self.deps = {} self.anonymous = false end function TypedSection.prepare(self) AbstractSection.prepare(self) local i, s for i, s in ipairs(self:cfgsections()) do AbstractSection.parse_optionals(self, s, true) end end -- Return all matching UCI sections for this TypedSection function TypedSection.cfgsections(self) local sections = {} self.map.uci:foreach(self.map.config, self.sectiontype, function (section) if self:checkscope(section[".name"]) then table.insert(sections, section[".name"]) end end) return sections end -- Limits scope to sections that have certain option => value pairs function TypedSection.depends(self, option, value) table.insert(self.deps, {option=option, value=value}) end function TypedSection.parse(self, novld) if self.addremove then -- Remove local crval = REMOVE_PREFIX .. self.config local name = self.map:formvaluetable(crval) for k,v in pairs(name) do if k:sub(-2) == ".x" then k = k:sub(1, #k - 2) end if self:cfgvalue(k) and self:checkscope(k) then self:remove(k) end end end local co for i, k in ipairs(self:cfgsections()) do AbstractSection.parse_dynamic(self, k) if self.map:submitstate() then Node.parse(self, k, novld) end AbstractSection.parse_optionals(self, k) end if self.addremove then -- Create local created local crval = CREATE_PREFIX .. self.config .. "." .. self.sectiontype local origin, name = next(self.map:formvaluetable(crval)) if self.anonymous then if name then created = self:create(nil, origin) end else if name then -- Ignore if it already exists if self:cfgvalue(name) then name = nil; end name = self:checkscope(name) if not name then self.err_invalid = true end if name and #name > 0 then created = self:create(name, origin) and name if not created then self.invalid_cts = true end end end end if created then AbstractSection.parse_optionals(self, created) end end if self.sortable then local stval = RESORT_PREFIX .. self.config .. "." .. self.sectiontype local order = self.map:formvalue(stval) if order and #order > 0 then local sids, sid = { }, nil for sid in util.imatch(order) do sids[#sids+1] = sid end if #sids > 0 then self.map.uci:reorder(self.config, sids) self.changed = true end end end if created or self.changed then self:push_events() end end -- Verifies scope of sections function TypedSection.checkscope(self, section) -- Check if we are not excluded if self.filter and not self:filter(section) then return nil end -- Check if at least one dependency is met if #self.deps > 0 and self:cfgvalue(section) then local stat = false for k, v in ipairs(self.deps) do if self:cfgvalue(section)[v.option] == v.value then stat = true end end if not stat then return nil end end return self:validate(section) end -- Dummy validate function function TypedSection.validate(self, section) return section end --[[ AbstractValue - An abstract Value Type null: Value can be empty valid: A function returning the value if it is valid otherwise nil depends: A table of option => value pairs of which one must be true default: The default value size: The size of the input fields rmempty: Unset value if empty optional: This value is optional (see AbstractSection.optionals) ]]-- AbstractValue = class(Node) function AbstractValue.__init__(self, map, section, option, ...) Node.__init__(self, ...) self.section = section self.option = option self.map = map self.config = map.config self.tag_invalid = {} self.tag_missing = {} self.tag_reqerror = {} self.tag_error = {} self.deps = {} --self.cast = "string" self.track_missing = false self.rmempty = true self.default = nil self.size = nil self.optional = false end function AbstractValue.prepare(self) self.cast = self.cast or "string" end -- Add a dependencie to another section field function AbstractValue.depends(self, field, value) local deps if type(field) == "string" then deps = {} deps[field] = value else deps = field end table.insert(self.deps, deps) end -- Serialize dependencies function AbstractValue.deplist2json(self, section, deplist) local deps, i, d = { } if type(self.deps) == "table" then for i, d in ipairs(deplist or self.deps) do local a, k, v = { } for k, v in pairs(d) do if k:find("!", 1, true) then a[k] = v elseif k:find(".", 1, true) then a['cbid.%s' % k] = v else a['cbid.%s.%s.%s' %{ self.config, section, k }] = v end end deps[#deps+1] = a end end return util.serialize_json(deps) end -- Generates the unique CBID function AbstractValue.cbid(self, section) return "cbid."..self.map.config.."."..section.."."..self.option end -- Return whether this object should be created function AbstractValue.formcreated(self, section) local key = "cbi.opt."..self.config.."."..section return (self.map:formvalue(key) == self.option) end -- Returns the formvalue for this object function AbstractValue.formvalue(self, section) return self.map:formvalue(self:cbid(section)) end function AbstractValue.additional(self, value) self.optional = value end function AbstractValue.mandatory(self, value) self.rmempty = not value end function AbstractValue.add_error(self, section, type, msg) self.error = self.error or { } self.error[section] = msg or type self.section.error = self.section.error or { } self.section.error[section] = self.section.error[section] or { } table.insert(self.section.error[section], msg or type) if type == "invalid" then self.tag_invalid[section] = true elseif type == "missing" then self.tag_missing[section] = true end self.tag_error[section] = true self.map.save = false end function AbstractValue.parse(self, section, novld) local fvalue = self:formvalue(section) local cvalue = self:cfgvalue(section) -- If favlue and cvalue are both tables and have the same content -- make them identical if type(fvalue) == "table" and type(cvalue) == "table" then local equal = #fvalue == #cvalue if equal then for i=1, #fvalue do if cvalue[i] ~= fvalue[i] then equal = false end end end if equal then fvalue = cvalue end end if fvalue and #fvalue > 0 then -- If we have a form value, write it to UCI local val_err fvalue, val_err = self:validate(fvalue, section) fvalue = self:transform(fvalue) if not fvalue and not novld then self:add_error(section, "invalid", val_err) end if fvalue and (self.forcewrite or not (fvalue == cvalue)) then if self:write(section, fvalue) then -- Push events self.section.changed = true --luci.util.append(self.map.events, self.events) end end else -- Unset the UCI or error if self.rmempty or self.optional then if self:remove(section) then -- Push events self.section.changed = true --luci.util.append(self.map.events, self.events) end elseif cvalue ~= fvalue and not novld then -- trigger validator with nil value to get custom user error msg. local _, val_err = self:validate(nil, section) self:add_error(section, "missing", val_err) end end end -- Render if this value exists or if it is mandatory function AbstractValue.render(self, s, scope) if not self.optional or self.section:has_tabs() or self:cfgvalue(s) or self:formcreated(s) then scope = scope or {} scope.section = s scope.cbid = self:cbid(s) Node.render(self, scope) end end -- Return the UCI value of this object function AbstractValue.cfgvalue(self, section) local value if self.tag_error[section] then value = self:formvalue(section) else value = self.map:get(section, self.option) end if not value then return nil elseif not self.cast or self.cast == type(value) then return value elseif self.cast == "string" then if type(value) == "table" then return value[1] end elseif self.cast == "table" then return { value } end end -- Validate the form value function AbstractValue.validate(self, value) if self.datatype and value then if type(value) == "table" then local v for _, v in ipairs(value) do if v and #v > 0 and not verify_datatype(self.datatype, v) then return nil end end else if not verify_datatype(self.datatype, value) then return nil end end end return value end AbstractValue.transform = AbstractValue.validate -- Write to UCI function AbstractValue.write(self, section, value) return self.map:set(section, self.option, value) end -- Remove from UCI function AbstractValue.remove(self, section) return self.map:del(section, self.option) end --[[ Value - A one-line value maxlength: The maximum length ]]-- Value = class(AbstractValue) function Value.__init__(self, ...) AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...) self.template = "cbi/value" self.keylist = {} self.vallist = {} self.readonly = nil end function Value.reset_values(self) self.keylist = {} self.vallist = {} end function Value.value(self, key, val) val = val or key table.insert(self.keylist, tostring(key)) table.insert(self.vallist, tostring(val)) end function Value.parse(self, section, novld) if self.readonly then return end AbstractValue.parse(self, section, novld) end -- DummyValue - This does nothing except being there DummyValue = class(AbstractValue) function DummyValue.__init__(self, ...) AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...) self.template = "cbi/dvalue" self.value = nil end function DummyValue.cfgvalue(self, section) local value if self.value then if type(self.value) == "function" then value = self:value(section) else value = self.value end else value = AbstractValue.cfgvalue(self, section) end return value end function DummyValue.parse(self) end --[[ Flag - A flag being enabled or disabled ]]-- Flag = class(AbstractValue) function Flag.__init__(self, ...) AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...) self.template = "cbi/fvalue" self.enabled = "1" self.disabled = "0" self.default = self.disabled end -- A flag can only have two states: set or unset function Flag.parse(self, section, novld) local fexists = self.map:formvalue( FEXIST_PREFIX .. self.config .. "." .. section .. "." .. self.option) if fexists then local fvalue = self:formvalue(section) and self.enabled or self.disabled local cvalue = self:cfgvalue(section) local val_err fvalue, val_err = self:validate(fvalue, section) if not fvalue then if not novld then self:add_error(section, "invalid", val_err) end return end if fvalue == self.default and (self.optional or self.rmempty) then self:remove(section) else self:write(section, fvalue) end if (fvalue ~= cvalue) then self.section.changed = true end else self:remove(section) self.section.changed = true end end function Flag.cfgvalue(self, section) return AbstractValue.cfgvalue(self, section) or self.default end function Flag.validate(self, value) return value end --[[ ListValue - A one-line value predefined in a list widget: The widget that will be used (select, radio) ]]-- ListValue = class(AbstractValue) function ListValue.__init__(self, ...) AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...) self.template = "cbi/lvalue" self.size = 1 self.widget = "select" self:reset_values() end function ListValue.reset_values(self) self.keylist = {} self.vallist = {} self.deplist = {} end function ListValue.value(self, key, val, ...) if luci.util.contains(self.keylist, key) then return end val = val or key table.insert(self.keylist, tostring(key)) table.insert(self.vallist, tostring(val)) table.insert(self.deplist, {...}) end function ListValue.validate(self, val) if luci.util.contains(self.keylist, val) then return val else return nil end end --[[ MultiValue - Multiple delimited values widget: The widget that will be used (select, checkbox) delimiter: The delimiter that will separate the values (default: " ") ]]-- MultiValue = class(AbstractValue) function MultiValue.__init__(self, ...) AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...) self.template = "cbi/mvalue" self.widget = "checkbox" self.delimiter = " " self:reset_values() end function MultiValue.render(self, ...) if self.widget == "select" and not self.size then self.size = #self.vallist end AbstractValue.render(self, ...) end function MultiValue.reset_values(self) self.keylist = {} self.vallist = {} self.deplist = {} end function MultiValue.value(self, key, val) if luci.util.contains(self.keylist, key) then return end val = val or key table.insert(self.keylist, tostring(key)) table.insert(self.vallist, tostring(val)) end function MultiValue.valuelist(self, section) local val = self:cfgvalue(section) if not(type(val) == "string") then return {} end return luci.util.split(val, self.delimiter) end function MultiValue.validate(self, val) val = (type(val) == "table") and val or {val} local result for i, value in ipairs(val) do if luci.util.contains(self.keylist, value) then result = result and (result .. self.delimiter .. value) or value end end return result end StaticList = class(MultiValue) function StaticList.__init__(self, ...) MultiValue.__init__(self, ...) self.cast = "table" self.valuelist = self.cfgvalue if not self.override_scheme and self.map:get_scheme(self.section.sectiontype, self.option) then local vs = self.map:get_scheme(self.section.sectiontype, self.option) if self.value and vs.values and not self.override_values then for k, v in pairs(vs.values) do self:value(k, v) end end end end function StaticList.validate(self, value) value = (type(value) == "table") and value or {value} local valid = {} for i, v in ipairs(value) do if luci.util.contains(self.keylist, v) then table.insert(valid, v) end end return valid end DynamicList = class(AbstractValue) function DynamicList.__init__(self, ...) AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...) self.template = "cbi/dynlist" self.cast = "table" self:reset_values() end function DynamicList.reset_values(self) self.keylist = {} self.vallist = {} end function DynamicList.value(self, key, val) val = val or key table.insert(self.keylist, tostring(key)) table.insert(self.vallist, tostring(val)) end function DynamicList.write(self, section, value) local t = { } if type(value) == "table" then local x for _, x in ipairs(value) do if x and #x > 0 then t[#t+1] = x end end else t = { value } end if self.cast == "string" then value = table.concat(t, " ") else value = t end return AbstractValue.write(self, section, value) end function DynamicList.cfgvalue(self, section) local value = AbstractValue.cfgvalue(self, section) if type(value) == "string" then local x local t = { } for x in value:gmatch("%S+") do if #x > 0 then t[#t+1] = x end end value = t end return value end function DynamicList.formvalue(self, section) local value = AbstractValue.formvalue(self, section) if type(value) == "string" then if self.cast == "string" then local x local t = { } for x in value:gmatch("%S+") do t[#t+1] = x end value = t else value = { value } end end return value end --[[ TextValue - A multi-line value rows: Rows ]]-- TextValue = class(AbstractValue) function TextValue.__init__(self, ...) AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...) self.template = "cbi/tvalue" end --[[ Button ]]-- Button = class(AbstractValue) function Button.__init__(self, ...) AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...) self.template = "cbi/button" self.inputstyle = nil self.rmempty = true self.unsafeupload = false end FileUpload = class(AbstractValue) function FileUpload.__init__(self, ...) AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...) self.template = "cbi/upload" if not self.map.upload_fields then self.map.upload_fields = { self } else self.map.upload_fields[#self.map.upload_fields+1] = self end end function FileUpload.formcreated(self, section) if self.unsafeupload then return AbstractValue.formcreated(self, section) or self.map:formvalue("cbi.rlf."..section.."."..self.option) or self.map:formvalue("cbi.rlf."..section.."."..self.option..".x") or self.map:formvalue("cbid."..self.map.config.."."..section.."."..self.option..".textbox") else return AbstractValue.formcreated(self, section) or self.map:formvalue("cbid."..self.map.config.."."..section.."."..self.option..".textbox") end end function FileUpload.cfgvalue(self, section) local val = AbstractValue.cfgvalue(self, section) if val and fs.access(val) then return val end return nil end -- If we have a new value, use it -- otherwise use old value -- deletion should be managed by a separate button object -- unless self.unsafeupload is set in which case if the user -- choose to remove the old file we do so. -- Also, allow to specify (via textbox) a file already on router function FileUpload.formvalue(self, section) local val = AbstractValue.formvalue(self, section) if val then if self.unsafeupload then if not self.map:formvalue("cbi.rlf."..section.."."..self.option) and not self.map:formvalue("cbi.rlf."..section.."."..self.option..".x") then return val end fs.unlink(val) self.value = nil return nil elseif val ~= "" then return val end end val = luci.http.formvalue("cbid."..self.map.config.."."..section.."."..self.option..".textbox") if val == "" then val = nil end if not self.unsafeupload then if not val then val = self.map:formvalue("cbi.rlf."..section.."."..self.option) end end return val end function FileUpload.remove(self, section) if self.unsafeupload then local val = AbstractValue.formvalue(self, section) if val and fs.access(val) then fs.unlink(val) end return AbstractValue.remove(self, section) else return nil end end FileBrowser = class(AbstractValue) function FileBrowser.__init__(self, ...) AbstractValue.__init__(self, ...) self.template = "cbi/browser" end