--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth Copyright 2010 Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- m = Map("network", translate("Switch"), translate("The network ports on your router can be combined to several VLANs in which computers can communicate directly with each other. VLANs are often used to separate different network segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local network.")) m.uci:foreach("network", "switch", function(x) local switch_name = x.name or x['.name'] local has_vlan4k = nil local has_ptpvid = nil local max_vid = 16 local num_vlans = 16 local num_ports = 5 local cpu_port = 5 local swc = io.popen("swconfig dev %q help 2>/dev/null" % switch_name) if swc then local is_port_attr = false local is_vlan_attr = false while true do local line = swc:read("*l") if not line then break end if line:match("^%s+%-%-vlan") then is_vlan_attr = true elseif line:match("^%s+%-%-port") then is_vlan_attr = false is_port_attr = true elseif line:match("^Switch %d+:") then num_ports, cpu_port, num_vlans = line:match("ports: (%d+) %(cpu @ (%d+)%), vlans: (%d+)") num_ports = tonumber(num_ports or 5) num_vlans = tonumber(num_vlans or 16) cpu_port = tonumber(cpu_port or 5) elseif line:match("%-%-pvid") or line:match("%-%-tag") or line:match("%-%-vid") then if is_vlan_attr then has_vlan4k = line:match("%-%-(%w+)") end if is_port_attr then has_ptpvid = line:match("%-%-(%w+)") end end end swc:close() end -- Switch properties s = m:section(NamedSection, x['.name'], "switch", "Switch %q" % switch_name) s.addremove = false s:option(Flag, "enable", "Enable this switch") .cfgvalue = function(self, section) return Flag.cfgvalue(self, section) or self.enabled end s:option(Flag, "enable_vlan", "Enable VLAN functionality") .cfgvalue = function(self, section) return Flag.cfgvalue(self, section) or self.enabled end s:option(Flag, "reset", "Reset switch during setup") .cfgvalue = function(self, section) return Flag.cfgvalue(self, section) or self.enabled end -- VLAN table s = m:section(TypedSection, "switch_vlan", "VLANs on %q" % switch_name) s.template = "cbi/tblsection" s.addremove = true s.anonymous = true s.cfgsections = function(self) local osections = TypedSection.cfgsections(self) local sections = { } local section for _, section in luci.util.spairs( osections, function(a, b) return (tonumber(m.uci:get("network", osections[a], has_vlan4k or "vlan") or 9999) or 0) < (tonumber(m.uci:get("network", osections[b], has_vlan4k or "vlan") or 9999) or 0) end ) do sections[#sections+1] = section end return sections end s.create = function(self, section) local sid = TypedSection.create(self, section) local max_nr = 0 local max_id = 0 m.uci:foreach("network", "switch_vlan", function(s) local nr = tonumber(s.vlan) local id = has_vlan4k and tonumber(s[has_vlan4k]) if nr ~= nil and nr > max_nr then max_nr = nr end if id ~= nil and id > max_id then max_id = id end end) m.uci:set("network", sid, "vlan", max_nr + 1) if has_vlan4k then m.uci:set("network", sid, has_vlan4k, max_id + 1) end return sid end local port_opts = { } local untagged = { } local portvalue = function(self, section) local pt for pt in (m.uci:get("network", section, "ports") or ""):gmatch("%w+") do local pc, tu = pt:match("^(%d+)([tu]*)") if pc == self.option then return (#tu > 0) and tu or "u" end end return "" end local portvalidate = function(self, value, section) -- ensure that the ports appears untagged only once if value == "u" then if not untagged[self.option] then untagged[self.option] = true else return nil, translatef("Port %d is untagged in multiple VLANs!", tonumber(self.option) + 1) end end return value end local vid = s:option(Value, has_vlan4k or "vlan", "VLAN ID") vid.rmempty = false vid.validate = function(self, value, section) local v = tonumber(value) local m = has_vlan4k and 4094 or (num_vlans - 1) if v ~= nil and v > 0 and v <= m then return value else return nil, translatef("Invalid VLAN ID given! Only IDs between %d and %d are allowed.", 1, m) end end vid.write = function(self, section, value) local o local p = { } for _, o in ipairs(port_opts) do local v = o:formvalue(section) if v == "t" then p[#p+1] = o.option .. v elseif v == "u" then p[#p+1] = o.option end end m.uci:set("network", section, "ports", table.concat(p, " ")) return Value.write(self, section, value) end local pt for pt = 0, num_ports - 1 do local po = s:option(ListValue, tostring(pt), (pt == cpu_port) and "CPU" or "Port %d" % (pt + 1)) po:value("", translate("off")) po:value("u" % pt, translate("untagged")) po:value("t" % pt, translate("tagged")) po.cfgvalue = portvalue po.validate = portvalidate port_opts[#port_opts+1] = po end end ) return m