{% extends "base.html" %} {% load url from future %} {% block title %} {{ note.name }} {% endblock %} {% block pagestyle %} {% endblock %} {% block pagescripts %} {% endblock %} {% block raw_content %}
{{ note.name }} {% if user.is_authenticated %} {% if already_thanked %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if user.is_authenticated %} {% if already_flagged %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if user.is_authenticated %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if user.get_profile.can_edit_items %} {% endif %}
Tags: {% for tag in note.tags.all %} {{ tag.name }} {% endfor %}

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{% if note.license %}
{{ note.license.html|safe }} {% if note.upstream_link %}{{ note.upstream_link|slice:":80" }}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Key Terms & Definitions
{% if pdf_controls %}
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{% endif %}
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{% if note.has_markdown %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% else %} {# note.static_html #}
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{% endif %} {# note.static_html #}

These key terms and definitions have been defined by KarmaNotes users. You can edit them for accuracy and add more if you like.

{% for keyword in keywords %} {% endfor %}
Key Terms Definitions
{{ keyword.word }} {{ keyword.definition }}
{% csrf_token %} {{ keyword_formset.management_form }}
{{ keyword_prototype_form.keyword }}
{{ keyword_prototype_form.definition }} {{ keyword_prototype_form.id }}

{% for form_row in keyword_formset %}
{{ form_row.keyword }}
{{ form_row.definition }} {{ form_row.id }}

{% endfor %}

(Click or press TAB in the last definition for another row)

  1. You can highlight important words or phrases in this note to add definitions for them.

  2. Keywords you define will appear here, and you can define new ones here too.

{% endblock %}