/* opensslconf.h */ {- join("\n",map { "/* $_ */" } @autowarntext) -} #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* OpenSSL was configured with the following options: */ {- if (@{$config{openssl_sys_defines}}) { foreach (@{$config{openssl_sys_defines}}) { $OUT .= "#ifndef $_\n"; $OUT .= "# define $_ 1\n"; $OUT .= "#endif\n"; } } ""; -} #ifndef OPENSSL_DOING_MAKEDEPEND {- if (@{$config{openssl_experimental_defines}}) { foreach (@{$config{openssl_experimental_defines}}) { (my $ex = $_) =~ s/_NO_/_EXPERIMENTAL_/; $OUT .= "#ifndef $ex\n"; $OUT .= "# ifndef $_\n"; $OUT .= "# define $_\n"; $OUT .= "# endif\n"; $OUT .= "#endif\n"; } } ""; -} {- foreach (@{$config{openssl_api_defines}}) { (my $macro, my $value) = $_ =~ /^(.*?)=(.*?)$/; $OUT .= "#define OPENSSL_MIN_API $value\n"; } -} {- if (@{$config{openssl_algorithm_defines}}) { foreach (@{$config{openssl_algorithm_defines}}) { $OUT .= "#ifndef $_\n"; $OUT .= "# define $_\n"; $OUT .= "#endif\n"; } } else { " /* no ciphers excluded */\n"; } -} #endif /* OPENSSL_DOING_MAKEDEPEND */ {- if (@{$config{openssl_thread_defines}}) { foreach (@{$config{openssl_thread_defines}}) { $OUT .= "#ifndef $_\n"; $OUT .= "# define $_\n"; $OUT .= "#endif\n"; } } ""; -} {- if (@{$config{openssl_other_defines}}) { foreach (@{$config{openssl_other_defines}}) { $OUT .= "#ifndef $_\n"; $OUT .= "# define $_\n"; $OUT .= "#endif\n"; } } ""; -} /* The OPENSSL_NO_* macros are also defined as NO_* if the application asks for it. This is a transient feature that is provided for those who haven't had the time to do the appropriate changes in their applications. */ #ifdef OPENSSL_ALGORITHM_DEFINES {- if (@{$config{openssl_algorithm_defines}}) { foreach (@{$config{openssl_algorithm_defines}}) { (my $ex = $_) =~ s/^OPENSSL_//; $OUT .= "# if defined($_) \&\& !defined($ex)\n"; $OUT .= "# define $ex\n"; $OUT .= "# endif\n"; } } ""; -} #endif {- $target{cpuid_obj} ne "mem_clr.o" ? "#define OPENSSL_CPUID_OBJ" : "" -} /* * Applications should use -DOPENSSL_API_COMPAT= to suppress the * declarations of functions deprecated in or before . Otherwise, they * still won't see them if the library has been built to disable deprecated * functions. */ #if defined(OPENSSL_NO_DEPRECATED) # define DECLARE_DEPRECATED(f) #elif __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 0) # define DECLARE_DEPRECATED(f) f __attribute__ ((deprecated)); #else # define DECLARE_DEPRECATED(f) f; #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_MIN_API #define OPENSSL_MIN_API 0 #endif #if !defined(OPENSSL_API_COMPAT) || OPENSSL_API_COMPAT < OPENSSL_MIN_API #undef OPENSSL_API_COMPAT #define OPENSSL_API_COMPAT OPENSSL_MIN_API #endif #if OPENSSL_API_COMPAT < 0x10100000L # define DEPRECATEDIN_1_1_0(f) DECLARE_DEPRECATED(f) #else # define DEPRECATEDIN_1_1_0(f) #endif #if OPENSSL_API_COMPAT < 0x10000000L # define DEPRECATEDIN_1_0_0(f) DECLARE_DEPRECATED(f) #else # define DEPRECATEDIN_1_0_0(f) #endif #if OPENSSL_API_COMPAT < 0x00908000L # define DEPRECATEDIN_0_9_8(f) DECLARE_DEPRECATED(f) #else # define DEPRECATEDIN_0_9_8(f) #endif /* Generate 80386 code? */ {- $config{processor} eq "386" ? "#define" : "#undef" -} I386_ONLY #if !(defined(VMS) || defined(__VMS)) /* VMS uses logical names instead */ #if defined(HEADER_CRYPTLIB_H) && !defined(OPENSSLDIR) #define ENGINESDIR {- quotify1($config{enginesdir}) -} #define OPENSSLDIR {- quotify1($config{openssldir}) -} #endif #endif #undef OPENSSL_UNISTD #define OPENSSL_UNISTD {- $target{unistd} -} #undef OPENSSL_EXPORT_VAR_AS_FUNCTION {- $config{export_var_as_fn} ? "#define OPENSSL_EXPORT_VAR_AS_FUNCTION" : "" -} /* * The following are cipher-specific, but are part of the public API. */ #define OSSL_DES_LONG {- $config{des_int} -} #if !defined(OPENSSL_SYS_UEFI) {- $config{bn_ll} ? "#define" : "#undef" -} BN_LLONG /* Only one for the following should be defined */ {- $config{b64l} ? "#define" : "#undef" -} SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG {- $config{b64} ? "#define" : "#undef" -} SIXTY_FOUR_BIT {- $config{b32} ? "#define" : "#undef" -} THIRTY_TWO_BIT #endif # define RC2_INT {- $config{rc2_int} -} # define IDEA_INT {- $config{idea_int} -} # define MD2_INT {- $config{md2_int} -} # define RC4_INT {- $config{rc4_int} -} #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif