.TH GNUNET\-QR 1 "Sep 13, 2014" "GNUnet" .SH NAME gnunet\-qr \- Scan a QR code using a video device and import. .SH SYNOPSIS .B gnunet\-qr .RI [ options ] .br .SH DESCRIPTION \fBgnunet\-qr\fP is a command line tool to scan a QR code using a video device and import. .SH OPTIONS .B .IP "\-c FILENAME, \-\-config=FILENAME" Use the configuration file FILENAME. .B .IP "\-d DEVICE, \-\-device=DEVICE" Use device DEVICE. .B .IP "\-h, \-\-help" Print short help on options. .B .IP "\-s, \-\-silent" Do not show preview windows. .B .IP "\-v, \-\-verbose" Be verbose. .SH BUGS Report bugs by using Mantis or by sending electronic mail to .SH "SEE ALSO" The full documentation for .B gnunet is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the .B info and .B gnunet programs are properly installed at your site, the command .IP .B info gnunet .PP should give you access to the complete handbook, .IP .B info gnunet-c-tutorial .PP will give you access to a tutorial for developers. .PP Depending on your installation, this information is also available in \fBgnunet\fP(7) and \fBgnunet-c-tutorial\fP(7).