#!/usr/bin/env perl # helper tool to make gnunet logs more readable # try 'gnunet-logread -h' for usage use strict; use warnings; my $DEFAULT_SOCKET = '/tmp/gnunet-logread-ipc.sock'; use Getopt::Std; my (%opts, $name, $ipc, $msg_level, $msg_regex); getopts ('i:x:n:s:L:m:fh', \%opts); die < |& $0 [] or $0 [] [] Options: -f Follow input from IPC FIFO socket. Regular screen output options: -i Include only messages that match . -x Exclude all messages that match . Options to enable message passing to IPC socket: -n Name of this component to use for IPC logging. -s Default = $DEFAULT_SOCKET -L Minimum level of messages to pass on. Log levels: NONE, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG. -m Only pass messages matching a regular expression. X use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants :pushpop); $Term::ANSIColor::AUTOLOCAL = 1; # Message type numbers to names my %msgtypes; my $prefix = $ENV{GNUNET_PREFIX} || '/usr'; my $filename = "$prefix/include/gnunet/gnunet_protocols.h"; $ipc = $opts{s} || $DEFAULT_SOCKET; if (open HEADER, $filename) { while (
) { $msgtypes{$2} = $1 if /^\s*#define\s+GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_(\w+)\s+(\d+)/i; } close HEADER; } else { warn < 0, ERROR => 1, WARNING => 2, INFO => 4, DEBUG => 8 ); if (exists $opts{n}) { die "You can't read and write the socket at the same time" if exists $opts{f}; $name = $opts{n}; $msg_level = $opts{L} && exists $levels{$opts{L}} ? $levels{$opts{L}} : 0; $msg_regex = $opts{m}; print STDERR "RE: /$msg_regex/\n" if defined $msg_regex; open O, '>', $ipc or die "Cannot write to $ipc: $!"; } if (exists $opts{f}) { system('/bin/mkfifo', $ipc) unless -r $ipc; open(I, $ipc) or die "Cannot read from $ipc: $!"; &perform while ; close I; } else { &perform while <>; } fileno O and close O; exit; sub perform { if (fileno O) { my ($time, $type, $size, $from, $to, $level, $msg); if (($time, $type, $size, $from, $to) = /^([A-Z][a-z]{2}\ .[0-9]\ [0-9:]{8}(?:-[0-9]{6})?)\ util-.*\b (?: Received | Transmitting )\ message \b.*?\b type \s+ (\d+) \b.*?\b size \s+ (\d+) \b.*?\b (?: from \s+ (\S+) | to \s+ (\S+) ) /x) { $from ||= $name; $to ||= $name; my ($time, $type, $size, $from, $to) = ($1, $2, $3, $4 || $name, $5 || $name); my $msg = exists $msgtypes{$type} ? $msgtypes{$type} : $type; my $ofh = select O; print O "$time\t$from -> $to\t$msg ($size)\n"; $| = 1; select $ofh; } if (($time, $level, $msg) = /^([A-Z][a-z]{2}\ .[0-9]\ [0-9:]{8}(?:-[0-9]{6})?) \s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)/x and (exists $levels{$level} && $levels{$level} <= $msg_level && (!defined $msg_regex || $msg =~ /$msg_regex/i))) { print O "$time\t$name\t$level: $msg\n"; } } return if $opts{x} and /$opts{x}/io; return if $opts{i} and not /$opts{i}/io; # Timestamp (e.g. Nov 01 19:36:11-384136) s/^([A-Z][a-z]{2} .[0-9] [0-9:]{8}(?:-[0-9]{6})?)/YELLOW $1/e; # Log levels s/\b(ERROR )\b/RED $1/ex; s/\b(WARNING)\b/YELLOW $1/ex; s/\b(INFO )\b/GREEN $1/ex; s/\b(DEBUG )\b/BRIGHT_BLACK $1/ex; # Service names # TODO: might read the list from $GNUNET_PREFIX/libexec/gnunet/ s/\b(multicast|psyc|psycstore|social)\b/BLUE $1/gex; # Add message type names s/(\s+type\s+)(\d+)/ $1 . BRIGHT_CYAN (exists $msgtypes{$2} ? $msgtypes{$2} : 'UNKNOWN') . CYAN " ($2)"/gei; # logread-ipc output s/(\s+)([A-Z_]+)( \(\d+\))$/$1 . BRIGHT_CYAN $2 . CYAN $3/e; print; }