!###################################################################### !# !# actions.ddf !# !# Definitions for dialogs used by actions. !# !# (c) Copyright 1993 Hewlett-Packard Company !# (c) Copyright 1993 International Business Machines Corp. !# (c) Copyright 1993 Sun Microsystems, Inc. !# !# $XConsortium: actions.ddf /main/3 1995/11/03 16:06:10 rswiston $ !# !###################################################################### ! ! To display this dialog: ! 1. Make sure you don't have a $HOME/.dt/dtwmrc file. ! 2. Run the ConvertDtwmrc action from the System_Admin toolbox. ! ! In this block, localize title, ok.label, and message. ! noDtwmrc.type: InformationDialog noDtwmrc.title: %|nls-13-#Convert#| noDtwmrc.dialogButtons: ok noDtwmrc.ok.label: %|nls-4-#OK#| noDtwmrc.ok.isDefault: True noDtwmrc.ok.action: f.unpost noDtwmrc.message: \ %|nls-12-#You#| ! ! To display this dialog: ! 1. Slide up the printer subpanel. ! 2. Click on one of the printers that is not yet configured. ! ! In this block, localize title, ok.label, and message. ! unconfigPrinter.type: InformationDialog unconfigPrinter.title: %|nls-8-#Unconfigured#| unconfigPrinter.helpTitle: %|nls-9-#Configure#| unconfigPrinter.helpType: Topic unconfigPrinter.helpVolume: Dtmisc unconfigPrinter.helpLocation: ConfigurePrintersSubpanelTA unconfigPrinter.dialogButtons: ok,help unconfigPrinter.ok.label: %|nls-4-#OK#| unconfigPrinter.ok.isDefault: True unconfigPrinter.ok.action: f.unpost unconfigPrinter.help.label: %|nls-7-#Help#| unconfigPrinter.help.isDefault: False unconfigPrinter.help.action: f.help unconfigPrinter.message: \ %|nls-6-#This#|