XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/18 1996/05/08 09:29:12 drk $ #ifdef BSDArchitecture UTILLIB = -lutil #endif /* BSDArchitecture */ #define CplusplusSource YES DEPEND_DEFINES = $(CXXDEPENDINCLUDES) INCLUDES = $(TIRPCINC) EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS = ExtraLoadFlags $(UNSHARED_CXXLIB) DEPLIBS = $(DEPDTTERMLIB) DepDtClientLibs $(DEPUTILLIB) LOCAL_LIBRARIES = $(DTTERMLIB) DtClientLibs $(UTILLIB) SYS_LIBRARIES = DtClientSysLibs DtClientExtraLibs DTCODEGENCAT = NLSPATH=$(CDESRC)/dtappbuilder/src/abmf/dtcodegen.cat XCOMM ########################################################################## XCOMM These parameters are generated by dtcodegen according to the structure XCOMM of the project as defined in the .bip and .bil files XCOMM ########################################################################## PROGRAMS = ttsnoop XCOMM XCOMM Generated from TARGETS.h = \ apiTracer_ui.h argChooser_ui.h \ callbackChooser_ui.h dtb_utils.h \ fileChooser_ui.h messageProps_ui.h \ patternProps_ui.h sessionChooser_ui.h \ stringChooser_ui.h ttChooser_ui.h \ ttsnoop_ui.h TARGETS.c = \ apiTracer_ui.c argChooser_ui.c \ callbackChooser_ui.c dtb_utils.c \ fileChooser_ui.c messageProps_ui.c \ patternProps_ui.c sessionChooser_ui.c \ stringChooser_ui.c ttChooser_ui.c \ ttsnoop_ui.c TARGETS.c.temp = \ apiTracer_stubs.c argChooser_stubs.c \ callbackChooser_stubs.c fileChooser_stubs.c \ messageProps_stubs.c patternProps_stubs.c \ sessionChooser_stubs.c stringChooser_stubs.c \ ttChooser_stubs.c ttsnoop.c \ ttsnoop_stubs.c TARGETS.h.merged = \ ttsnoop.h TARGETS.C.merged = \ apiTracer_stubs.C argChooser_stubs.C \ callbackChooser_stubs.C fileChooser_stubs.C \ messageProps_stubs.C patternProps_stubs.C \ sessionChooser_stubs.C stringChooser_stubs.C \ ttChooser_stubs.C ttsnoop.C \ ttsnoop_stubs.C SRCS2.h = $(TARGETS.h.merged) $(TARGETS.h) tt_c++.h DtTt.h SRCS2 = $(TARGETS.C.merged) $(TARGETS.c) tt_c++.C DtTt.C OBJS2 = \ DtTt.o apiTracer_stubs.o \ apiTracer_ui.o argChooser_stubs.o \ argChooser_ui.o callbackChooser_stubs.o \ callbackChooser_ui.o dtb_utils.o \ fileChooser_stubs.o fileChooser_ui.o \ messageProps_stubs.o messageProps_ui.o \ patternProps_stubs.o patternProps_ui.o \ sessionChooser_stubs.o sessionChooser_ui.o \ stringChooser_stubs.o stringChooser_ui.o \ ttChooser_stubs.o ttChooser_ui.o \ tt_c++.o ttsnoop.o \ ttsnoop_stubs.o ttsnoop_ui.o AB_MAKEFILES = \ Makefile.aix \ Makefile.hpux \ Makefile.sunos \ Makefile.linux \ Makefile.freebsd \ Makefile.netbsd \ Makefile.openbsd XCOMM ### XCOMM ### This is basically a kludge since dtappbuilder is not being XCOMM ### successfully created during the make includes phase. XCOMM ### Once it is, the following 2 line should be replaced with: XCOMM ### XCOMM ### includes:: $(TARGETS.h) $(TARGETS.c) XCOMM ### localincludes:: $(TARGETS.h) $(TARGETS.c) XCOMM ### all:: targets ttdepend targets:: $(TARGETS.h) $(TARGETS.c) XCOMM Make initial copies of the .C.src files so that makedepend XCOMM has some meaningful input. depend:: for file in $(TARGETS.C.merged) ; do \ if [ ! -r $$file ] ; then \ $(CP) $$file.src $$file ; chmod -w $$file ; fi ; \ done NormalCplusplusObjectRule() all:: $(PROGRAMS) ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_2($(PROGRAMS),$(LOCAL_LIBRARIES),) ttdepend:: DependFileName DependFileName:: -RunProgram(DEPEND,$(DEPENDFLAGS) $(ALLDEFINES) $(DEPEND_DEFINES) $(SRCS2)) > $@ clean:: RemoveFile(ProgramTargetName(PROGRAMS)) XCOMM ##################################################################### XCOMM Standard targets. XCOMM ##################################################################### CppSourceFile(Ttsnoop,Ttsnoop.src,$(LOCAL_CPP_DEFINES),) /* * CodeGenTarget - generate rules to create the generated source and * header files as well as the appropriate dependencies. */ #ifndef Plus # ifdef SunArchitecture # define Plus() + # else # define Plus() # endif #endif #ifndef CodeGenAppendableTarget # define CodeGenAppendableTarget(m) @@\ m.SRC_STUBS_C++ = Concat(m,_stubs.C.src) @@\ m.SRC_BIL = Concat(m,.bil) @@\ m.GEN_UI_C = Concat(m,_ui.c) @@\ m.GEN_UI_H = Concat(m,_ui.h) @@\ m.GEN_UI_O = Concat(m,_ui.o) @@\ m.GEN_STUBS_C = Concat(m,_stubs.c) @@\ m.GEN_STUBS_C++ = Concat(m,_stubs.C) @@\ m.GEN_STUBS_O = Concat(m,_stubs.o) @@\ $(m.GEN_UI_O): $(m.GEN_UI_C) $(m.GEN_UI_H) $(m.SRC_BIL) @@\ $(m.GEN_STUBS_O): $(m.GEN_STUBS_C++) $(m.GEN_UI_H) $(m.SRC_BIL) @@\ $(m.GEN_UI_C) Plus() $(m.GEN_UI_H) Plus() $(m.GEN_STUBS_C++): ttsnoop.bip $(m.SRC_BIL) $(m.SRC_STUBS_C++) @@\ $(CP) $(m.SRC_STUBS_C++) $(m.GEN_STUBS_C) @@\ -if [ ! -w $(m.GEN_STUBS_C) ]; then \ @@\ chmod +w $(m.GEN_STUBS_C); fi @@\ $(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p ttsnoop.bip $(m.SRC_BIL) @@\ $(RM) $(m.GEN_STUBS_C++) @@\ $(MV) $(m.GEN_STUBS_C) $(m.GEN_STUBS_C++) @@\ cat externC.h $(m.GEN_UI_H) closeBrace.h > $(m.GEN_UI_H).patched @@\ $(MV) $(m.GEN_UI_H).patched $(m.GEN_UI_H) #endif #ifndef CodeGenTarget # define CodeGenTarget(m) CodeGenAppendableTarget(m) #endif #define SED_MoreButton $(SED) \ @@\ -e 's/\(MoreButton;\)/\1Boolean _DtCanHelp( const char * );/' \ @@\ -e 's/\(XtManageChild(Quick_help\)/XtSetSensitive(MoreButton,_DtCanHelp(help_data->help_text));\1/' \ @@\ -e 's/\(buffer, vol, loc;\)/\1Boolean _DtHelped( Widget );/' \ @@\ -e 's/\(if( (cp=strrchr\)/if (_DtHelped( help_dialog)) return;\1/' \ @@\ dtb_utils.c > dtb_utils.c.patched #define SED_DtbTt $(SED) \ @@\ -e 's/^DtbTt/extern String snooperArgv[];DtbTt/' \ @@\ -e 's/XmNheight, 257,//' \ @@\ -e 's/XmNwidth, 580,//' \ @@\ -e 's/XmNcolumns, 80,//' \ @@\ -e 's/XmNrows, 24/DtNsubprocessArgv, snooperArgv/' \ @@\ ttsnoop_ui.c > ttsnoop_ui.c.patched #define SED_DtbApi $(SED) \ @@\ -e 's/^DtbApi/extern String apiTracerArgv[];DtbApi/' \ @@\ -e 's/XmNrows, 24/XmNrows, 24, DtNsubprocessArgv, apiTracerArgv/' \ @@\ apiTracer_ui.c > apiTracer_ui.c.patched ttsnoop.C ttsnoop.h dtb_utils.c dtb_utils.h: ttsnoop.bip ttsnoop.C.src $(CP) ttsnoop.C.src ttsnoop.c -if [ ! -w ttsnoop.c ]; then chmod +w ttsnoop.c; fi $(DTCODEGEN) -changed -merge -p ttsnoop.bip -main $(RM) ttsnoop.C $(MV) ttsnoop.c ttsnoop.C chmod -w ttsnoop.C cat externC.h dtb_utils.h closeBrace.h > dtb_utils.h.patched $(MV) dtb_utils.h.patched dtb_utils.h SED_MoreButton $(MV) dtb_utils.c.patched dtb_utils.c ttsnoop.o: ttsnoop.C ttsnoop.bip $(TARGETS.h) $(TARGETS.h.merged) CodeGenAppendableTarget(ttsnoop) SED_DtbTt $(MV) ttsnoop_ui.c.patched ttsnoop_ui.c CodeGenAppendableTarget(apiTracer) SED_DtbApi $(MV) apiTracer_ui.c.patched apiTracer_ui.c CodeGenTarget(ttChooser) CodeGenTarget(patternProps) CodeGenTarget(stringChooser) CodeGenTarget(messageProps) CodeGenTarget(sessionChooser) CodeGenTarget(fileChooser) CodeGenTarget(argChooser) CodeGenTarget(callbackChooser) CLEAN_FILES = core .dtcodegen.log *.BAK *.delta *.patched \ $(PROGRAMS) $(OBJS2) $(TARGETS.c) $(TARGETS.h) \ $(TARGETS.c.temp) $(TARGETS.C.merged) Ttsnoop clean:: $(RM) $(CLEAN_FILES) $(AB_MAKEFILES) scour: $(RM) $(CLEAN_FILES) $(TARGETS.h.merged) Makefile Makefile.aix Makefile.hpux Makefile.sunos