/* * CDE - Common Desktop Environment * * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* $XConsortium: ParserState.C /main/1 1996/07/29 17:01:20 cde-hp $ */ // Copyright (c) 1994 James Clark // See the file COPYING for copying permission. #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "splib.h" #include "ParserState.h" #include "InternalInputSource.h" #include "MessageArg.h" #include "macros.h" #include "SgmlParser.h" #include "IListIter.h" #include "ParserMessages.h" #include "Undo.h" #ifdef SP_NAMESPACE namespace SP_NAMESPACE { #endif const Location ParserState::nullLocation_; sig_atomic_t ParserState::dummyCancel_ = 0; static const size_t eventSizes[] = { #define EVENT(c, f) sizeof(c), #include "events.h" #undef EVENT }; static const size_t internalSizes[] = { sizeof(InternalInputSource), sizeof(EntityOrigin), sizeof(OpenElement), sizeof(UndoStartTag), sizeof(UndoEndTag), sizeof(UndoTransition) }; static size_t maxSize(const size_t *v, size_t n) { size_t max = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (v[i] > max) max = v[i]; } return max; } ParserState::ParserState(const Ptr &em, const ParserOptions &opt, unsigned subdocLevel, Phase finalPhase) : entityManager_(em), options_(opt), inInstance_(0), keepingMessages_(0), eventAllocator_(maxSize(eventSizes, SIZEOF(eventSizes)), 50), internalAllocator_(maxSize(internalSizes, SIZEOF(internalSizes)), 50), handler_(&eventQueue_), subdocLevel_(subdocLevel), inputLevel_(0), specialParseInputLevel_(0), markedSectionLevel_(0), markedSectionSpecialLevel_(0), currentMode_(proMode), hadLpd_(0), resultAttributeSpecMode_(0), pass2_(0), activeLinkTypesSubsted_(0), allowPass2_(0), hadPass2Start_(0), pcdataRecovering_(0), currentMarkup_(0), cancelPtr_(&dummyCancel_), finalPhase_(finalPhase), hadAfdrDecl_(0), pass2StartOffset_(0), phase_(noPhase), specialParseMode_() { } void ParserState::inheritActiveLinkTypes(const ParserState &parent) { activeLinkTypes_ = parent.activeLinkTypes_; activeLinkTypesSubsted_ = parent.activeLinkTypesSubsted_; } void ParserState::allDone() { phase_ = noPhase; } void ParserState::setPass2Start() { ASSERT(inputLevel_ == 1); if (hadPass2Start_) return; hadPass2Start_ = 1; if (!pass2() && sd().link() && activeLinkTypes_.size() > 0) { allowPass2_ = 1; pass1Handler_.init(handler_); handler_ = &pass1Handler_; const InputSourceOrigin *p = currentLocation().origin()->asInputSourceOrigin(); pass2StartOffset_= p->startOffset(currentLocation().index()); } else { allowPass2_ = 0; currentInput()->willNotRewind(); } } void ParserState::allLinkTypesActivated() { if (activeLinkTypes_.size() == 0 && inputLevel_ == 1) currentInput()->willNotRewind(); } Boolean ParserState::maybeStartPass2() { if (pass2_ || !allowPass2_) return 0; handler_ = pass1Handler_.origHandler(); if (!nActiveLink() || pass1Handler_.hadError()) { while (!pass1Handler_.empty()) { if (cancelled()) return 0; pass1Handler_.get()->handle(*handler_); } InputSource *top = 0; for (IListIter iter(inputStack_); !iter.done(); iter.next()) top = iter.cur(); if (top) top->willNotRewind(); return 0; } pass1Handler_.clear(); while (inputLevel_ > 1) { InputSource *p = inputStack_.get(); inputLevel_--; delete p; } // Caller will call allDone() if inputLevel_ is 0. if (inputLevel_ == 0) return 0; if (!inputStack_.head()->rewind(*this)) { inputLevel_ = 0; delete inputStack_.get(); return 0; } inputStack_.head()->willNotRewind(); for (; pass2StartOffset_ > 0; pass2StartOffset_--) if (inputStack_.head()->get(messenger()) == InputSource::eE) { message(ParserMessages::pass2Ee); inputLevel_ = 0; delete inputStack_.get(); return 0; } specialParseInputLevel_ = 0; markedSectionLevel_ = 0; markedSectionSpecialLevel_ = 0; currentMode_ = proMode; hadLpd_ = 0; allowPass2_ = 0; hadPass2Start_ = 0; currentMarkup_ = 0; inputLevel_ = 1; inInstance_ = 0; defDtd_.clear(); defLpd_.clear(); dtd_[0].swap(pass1Dtd_); dtd_.clear(); dsEntity_.clear(); currentDtd_.clear(); phase_ = noPhase; pass2_ = 1; lpd_.clear(); allLpd_.clear(); return 1; } Boolean ParserState::referenceDsEntity(const Location &loc) { if (dsEntity_.isNull()) return 0; Ptr origin = new (internalAllocator()) EntityOrigin(dsEntity_, loc); dsEntity_->dsReference(*this, origin); dsEntity_.clear(); return inputLevel() > 1; } void ParserState::startDtd(const StringC &name) { defDtd_ = new Dtd(name, dtd_.size() == 0); defLpd_.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < options().includes.size(); i++) { StringC name = options().includes[i]; const SubstTable *subst = syntax().entitySubstTable(); for (size_t j = 0; j < name.size(); j++) subst->subst(name[j]); Text text; text.addChars(syntax().reservedName(Syntax::rINCLUDE), Location()); Entity *entity = new InternalTextEntity(name, Entity::parameterEntity, Location(), text, InternalTextEntity::none); entity->setUsed(); defDtd_->insertEntity(entity); } currentDtd_ = defDtd_; currentMode_ = dsMode; } void ParserState::endDtd() { dtd_.push_back(defDtd_); defDtd_.clear(); currentDtd_.clear(); currentMode_ = proMode; } void ParserState::startLpd(Ptr &lpd) { defLpd_ = lpd; defDtd_ = defLpd_->sourceDtd(); currentDtd_ = defLpd_->sourceDtd(); currentMode_ = dsMode; } void ParserState::endLpd() { hadLpd_ = 1; if (defLpd_->active()) lpd_.push_back(defLpd_); allLpd_.push_back(defLpd_); defLpd_.clear(); currentDtd_.clear(); currentMode_ = proMode; } void ParserState::popInputStack() { ASSERT(inputLevel_ > 0); InputSource *p = inputStack_.get(); inputLevel_--; delete p; if (specialParseInputLevel_ > 0 && inputLevel_ == specialParseInputLevel_) currentMode_ = specialParseMode_; if (currentMode_ == dsiMode && inputLevel_ == 1 && markedSectionLevel_ == 0) currentMode_ = dsMode; } void ParserState::setSd(ConstPtr sd) { sd_ = sd; mayDefaultAttribute_ = (sd_->omittag() || sd_->shorttag()); } void ParserState::setSyntax(ConstPtr syntax) { syntax_ = syntax; prologSyntax_ = syntax; instanceSyntax_ = syntax; } void ParserState::setSyntaxes(ConstPtr prologSyntax, ConstPtr instanceSyntax) { syntax_ = prologSyntax; prologSyntax_ = prologSyntax; instanceSyntax_ = instanceSyntax; } void ParserState::pushInput(InputSource *in) { if (!in) return; if (!syntax_.isNull() && syntax_->multicode()) in->setMarkupScanTable(syntax_->markupScanTable()); inputStack_.insert(in); inputLevel_++; if (specialParseInputLevel_ > 0 && inputLevel_ > specialParseInputLevel_) currentMode_ = rcconeMode; // mode for rcdata in an entity else if (currentMode_ == dsMode) currentMode_ = dsiMode; } void ParserState::startMarkedSection(const Location &loc) { markedSectionLevel_++; markedSectionStartLocation_.push_back(loc); if (currentMode_ == dsMode) currentMode_ = dsiMode; if (markedSectionSpecialLevel_) markedSectionSpecialLevel_++; } void ParserState::startSpecialMarkedSection(Mode mode, const Location &loc) { markedSectionLevel_++; markedSectionStartLocation_.push_back(loc); specialParseInputLevel_ = inputLevel_; markedSectionSpecialLevel_ = 1; specialParseMode_ = currentMode_ = mode; } void ParserState::endMarkedSection() { ASSERT(markedSectionLevel_ > 0); markedSectionLevel_--; markedSectionStartLocation_.resize(markedSectionStartLocation_.size() - 1); if (markedSectionSpecialLevel_ > 0) { markedSectionSpecialLevel_--; if (markedSectionSpecialLevel_ > 0) return; // remain in imsMode specialParseInputLevel_ = 0; if (inInstance_) currentMode_ = contentMode(); else currentMode_ = dsiMode; } if (currentMode_ == dsiMode && inputLevel_ == 1 && markedSectionLevel_ == 0) currentMode_ = dsMode; } void ParserState::pushElement(OpenElement *e) { ContentState::pushElement(e); pcdataRecovering_ = 0; // the start tag of this element may have been implied by data // inside a cdata or rcdata marked section if (markedSectionSpecialLevel_ == 0) { currentMode_ = contentMode(); if (e->requiresSpecialParse()) { specialParseMode_ = currentMode_; specialParseInputLevel_ = inputLevel_; } } } // PCDATA was encountered somewhere where it was not allowed. // Change the current mode to improve recovery. void ParserState::pcdataRecover() { switch (currentMode_) { case econMode: currentMode_ = mconMode; break; case econnetMode: currentMode_ = mconnetMode; break; default: break; } pcdataRecovering_ = 1; } OpenElement *ParserState::popSaveElement() { OpenElement *e = ContentState::popSaveElement(); // the end tag of this element may have been implied by data // inside a cdata or rcdata marked section if (markedSectionSpecialLevel_ == 0) { currentMode_ = contentMode(); specialParseInputLevel_ = 0; } pcdataRecovering_ = 0; return e; } void ParserState::popElement() { delete popSaveElement(); } Boolean ParserState::entityIsOpen(const Entity *entity) const { for (IListIter iter(inputStack_); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { const EntityOrigin *eo = iter.cur()->currentLocation().origin()->asEntityOrigin(); if (eo && eo->entity().pointer() == entity) return 1; } return 0; } void ParserState::startInstance() { if (!instanceSyntax_.isNull()) syntax_ = instanceSyntax_; currentMode_ = econMode; currentDtd_ = dtd_[0]; startContent(currentDtd()); inInstance_ = 1; if (sd().rank()) currentRank_.assign(currentDtd().nRankStem(), StringC()); currentAttributes_.clear(); currentAttributes_.resize(currentDtd().nCurrentAttribute()); idTable_.clear(); } Id *ParserState::lookupCreateId(const StringC &name) { Id *id = idTable_.lookup(name); if (!id) { id = new Id(name); idTable_.insert(id); } return id; } ConstPtr ParserState::lookupEntity(Boolean isParameter, const StringC &name, const Location &useLocation, Boolean referenced) { Dtd *dtd; if (resultAttributeSpecMode_) dtd = defComplexLpd().resultDtd().pointer(); else dtd = (Dtd *)currentDtd_.pointer(); if (dtd) { Ptr entity(dtd->lookupEntity(isParameter, name)); // Did we find it in pass1Dtd? // Did we look at the defaultEntity? if (!inInstance_ && pass2() && dtd->isBase() && !resultAttributeSpecMode_ && (entity.isNull() || !entity->declInActiveLpd())) { ConstPtr entity1 = pass1Dtd_->lookupEntity(isParameter, name); if (!entity1.isNull() && entity1->declInActiveLpd() && !entity1->defaulted()) { if (referenced) noteReferencedEntity(entity1, 1, 0); return entity1; } else if (!entity.isNull()) { if (referenced) noteReferencedEntity(entity, 0, 0); entity->setUsed(); return entity; } } else if (!entity.isNull()) { entity->setUsed(); return entity; } if (!isParameter) { ConstPtr entity(dtd->defaultEntity()); Boolean note = 0; Boolean usedPass1 = 0; if (!inInstance_ && pass2() && dtd->isBase() && !resultAttributeSpecMode_ && (entity.isNull() || !entity->declInActiveLpd())) { if (referenced) note = 1; ConstPtr entity1 = pass1Dtd_->defaultEntity(); if (!entity1.isNull() && entity1->declInActiveLpd()) { usedPass1 = 1; entity = entity1; } } if (!entity.isNull()) { Boolean mustCopy = 1; if (inInstance_) { ConstPtr tem = instanceDefaultedEntityTable_.lookupConst(name); if (!tem.isNull()) { entity = tem; mustCopy = 0; } } if (mustCopy) { Ptr p(entity->copy()); p->setName(name); p->generateSystemId(*this); p->setDefaulted(); entity = p; if (inInstance_) { instanceDefaultedEntityTable_.insert(p); eventHandler().entityDefaulted(new (eventAllocator()) EntityDefaultedEvent(entity, useLocation)); } else dtd->insertEntity(p); } if (note) noteReferencedEntity(entity, usedPass1, 1); } return entity; } } return (Entity *)0; } void ParserState::noteReferencedEntity(const ConstPtr &entity, Boolean foundInPass1Dtd, Boolean lookedAtDefault) { LpdEntityRef ref; ref.entity = entity; ref.lookedAtDefault = lookedAtDefault; ref.foundInPass1Dtd = foundInPass1Dtd; LpdEntityRef *old = lpdEntityRefs_.lookup(ref); if (!old) lpdEntityRefs_.insert(new LpdEntityRef(ref)); } // Compare entity definitions. // e1 is the original (will not be an external non-text entity). // FIXME should look at generated sysids as well. static Boolean sameEntityDef(const Entity *e1, const Entity *e2) { if (e1->dataType() != e2->dataType()) return 0; const InternalEntity *i1 = e1->asInternalEntity(); const InternalEntity *i2 = e2->asInternalEntity(); if (i1) { if (!i2) return 0; if (i1->string() != i2->string()) return 0; return 1; } else if (i2) return 0; const ExternalEntity *x1 = e1->asExternalEntity(); const ExternalEntity *x2 = e2->asExternalEntity(); const StringC *s1 = x1->externalId().systemIdString(); const StringC *s2 = x2->externalId().systemIdString(); if (s1) { if (!s2) return 0; if (*s1 != *s2) return 0; } else if (s2) return 0; s1 = x1->externalId().publicIdString(); s2 = x2->externalId().publicIdString(); if (s1) { if (!s2) return 0; if (*s1 != *s2) return 0; } else if (s2) return 0; return 1; } void ParserState::checkEntityStability() { LpdEntityRefSetIter iter(lpdEntityRefs_); LpdEntityRef *ref; while ((ref = iter.next()) != 0) { ConstPtr entity = dtd_[0]->lookupEntity(ref->entity->declType() == Entity::parameterEntity, ref->entity->name()); if (entity.isNull() && ref->lookedAtDefault) entity = dtd_[0]->defaultEntity(); if (entity.isNull() ? ref->foundInPass1Dtd : !sameEntityDef(ref->entity.pointer(), entity.pointer())) message(((ref->entity->declType() == Entity::parameterEntity) ? ParserMessages::unstableLpdParameterEntity : ParserMessages::unstableLpdGeneralEntity), StringMessageArg(ref->entity->name())); } { // Ensure that the memory is released. LpdEntityRefSet tem; lpdEntityRefs_.swap(tem); } } Boolean ParserState::appendCurrentRank(StringC &str, const RankStem *stem) const { const StringC &suffix = currentRank_[stem->index()]; if (suffix.size() > 0) { str += suffix; return 1; } return 0; } void ParserState::setCurrentRank(const RankStem *stem, const StringC &suffix) { currentRank_[stem->index()] = suffix; } void ParserState::getCurrentToken(const SubstTable *subst, StringC &str) const { InputSource *in = currentInput(); const Char *p = in->currentTokenStart(); size_t count = in->currentTokenLength(); str.resize(count); StringC::iterator s = str.begin(); for (; count > 0; --count) *s++ = (*subst)[*p++]; } void ParserState::queueMessage(MessageEvent *event) { if (cancelled()) { delete event; return; } if (keepingMessages_) keptMessages_.append(event); else handler_->message(event); } void ParserState::releaseKeptMessages() { keepingMessages_ = 0; while (!keptMessages_.empty()) { if (cancelled()) { allDone(); return; } handler_->message(keptMessages_.get()); } } void ParserState::discardKeptMessages() { keepingMessages_ = 0; keptMessages_.clear(); } void ParserState::initMessage(Message &msg) { if (inInstance()) { StringC rniPcdata = syntax().delimGeneral(Syntax::dRNI); rniPcdata += syntax().reservedName(Syntax::rPCDATA); getOpenElementInfo(msg.openElementInfo, rniPcdata); } msg.loc = currentLocation(); } void ParserState::dispatchMessage(Message &msg) { queueMessage(new MessageEvent(msg)); } void ParserState::dispatchMessage(const Message &msg) { queueMessage(new MessageEvent(msg)); } AttributeList * ParserState::allocAttributeList(const ConstPtr &def, unsigned i) { if (i < attributeLists_.size()) attributeLists_[i]->init(def); else { attributeLists_.resize(i + 1); attributeLists_[i] = new AttributeList(def); } return attributeLists_[i].pointer(); } void ParserState::activateLinkType(const StringC &name) { if (!hadPass2Start_ && !pass2_) activeLinkTypes_.push_back(name); else message(ParserMessages::linkActivateTooLate); } Boolean ParserState::shouldActivateLink(const StringC &name) const { if (!activeLinkTypesSubsted_) { // FIXME use mutable ParserState *state = (ParserState *)this; for (size_t i = 0; i < activeLinkTypes_.size(); i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < activeLinkTypes_[i].size(); j++) syntax().generalSubstTable()->subst(state->activeLinkTypes_[i][j]); state->activeLinkTypesSubsted_ = 1; } for (size_t i = 0; i < activeLinkTypes_.size(); i++) if (name == activeLinkTypes_[i]) return 1; return 0; } Ptr ParserState::lookupDtd(const StringC &name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < dtd_.size(); i++) if (dtd_[i]->name() == name) return dtd_[i]; return Ptr(); } ConstPtr ParserState::lookupLpd(const StringC &name) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < allLpd_.size(); i++) if (allLpd_[i]->name() == name) return allLpd_[i]; return ConstPtr(); } ConstPtr ParserState::getAttributeNotation(const StringC &name, const Location &) { ConstPtr notation; if (haveCurrentDtd()) notation = currentDtd().lookupNotation(name); else if (resultAttributeSpecMode_) { const Dtd *resultDtd = defComplexLpd().resultDtd().pointer(); if (!resultDtd) return 0; notation = resultDtd->lookupNotation(name); } return notation; } ConstPtr ParserState::getAttributeEntity(const StringC &str, const Location &loc) { ConstPtr entity = lookupEntity(0, str, loc, 0); if (!entity.isNull() && entity->defaulted() && options().warnDefaultEntityReference) { setNextLocation(loc); message(ParserMessages::defaultEntityInAttribute, StringMessageArg(str)); } return entity; } Boolean ParserState::defineId(const StringC &str, const Location &loc, Location &prevLoc) { if (!inInstance()) return 1; Id *id = lookupCreateId(str); if (id->defined()) { prevLoc = id->defLocation(); return 0; } id->define(loc); return 1; } void ParserState::noteIdref(const StringC &str, const Location &loc) { if (!inInstance() || !options().errorIdref) return; Id *id = lookupCreateId(str); if (!id->defined()) id->addPendingRef(loc); } void ParserState::noteCurrentAttribute(size_t i, AttributeValue *value) { if (inInstance()) currentAttributes_[i] = value; } ConstPtr ParserState::getCurrentAttribute(size_t i) const { return currentAttributes_[i]; } const Syntax &ParserState::attributeSyntax() const { return syntax(); } #ifdef SP_NAMESPACE } #endif