/* * CDE - Common Desktop Environment * * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* $XConsortium: Attribute.C /main/1 1996/07/29 16:46:34 cde-hp $ */ // Copyright (c) 1994 James Clark // See the file COPYING for copying permission. #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "splib.h" #include "Attribute.h" #include "MessageArg.h" #include "macros.h" #include "ParserMessages.h" #include "StringVectorMessageArg.h" #include "Syntax.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "Notation.h" #ifdef SP_NAMESPACE namespace SP_NAMESPACE { #endif DeclaredValue::DeclaredValue() { } DeclaredValue::~DeclaredValue() { } AttributeValue *DeclaredValue::makeValueFromToken(Text &text, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &name, unsigned &specLength) const { return makeValue(text, context, name, specLength); } AttributeSemantics *DeclaredValue::makeSemantics(const TokenizedAttributeValue &, AttributeContext &, const StringC &, unsigned &, unsigned &) const { return 0; } Boolean DeclaredValue::containsToken(const StringC &) const { return 0; } Boolean DeclaredValue::isNotation() const { return 0; } Boolean DeclaredValue::isEntity() const { return 0; } Boolean DeclaredValue::isId() const { return 0; } Boolean DeclaredValue::isIdref() const { return 0; } const Vector *DeclaredValue::getTokens() const { return 0; } CdataDeclaredValue::CdataDeclaredValue() { } Boolean CdataDeclaredValue::tokenized() const { return 0; } AttributeValue *CdataDeclaredValue::makeValue(Text &text, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &, unsigned &specLength) const { const Syntax &syntax = context.attributeSyntax(); size_t normsep = syntax.normsep(); size_t normalizedLength = text.size() + (normsep * (1 + text.nDataEntities())); specLength += normalizedLength; size_t litlen = syntax.litlen(); // A length error will already have been given if // length > litlen - normsep. if (litlen >= normsep && text.size() <= litlen - normsep && normalizedLength > litlen) context.message(ParserMessages::normalizedAttributeValueLength, NumberMessageArg(litlen), NumberMessageArg(normalizedLength)); return new CdataAttributeValue(text); } void CdataDeclaredValue::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { desc.declaredValue = AttributeDefinitionDesc::cdata; } DeclaredValue *CdataDeclaredValue::copy() const { return new CdataDeclaredValue(*this); } TokenizedDeclaredValue::TokenizedDeclaredValue(TokenType type, Boolean isList) : type_(type), isList_(isList) { switch (type) { case name: case entityName: initialCategories_ = Syntax::nameStartCategory; subsequentCategories_ = (Syntax::nameStartCategory|Syntax::digitCategory | Syntax::otherNameCategory); break; case number: initialCategories_ = Syntax::digitCategory; subsequentCategories_ = Syntax::digitCategory; break; case nameToken: initialCategories_ = (Syntax::nameStartCategory|Syntax::digitCategory | Syntax::otherNameCategory); subsequentCategories_ = initialCategories_; break; case numberToken: initialCategories_ = Syntax::digitCategory; subsequentCategories_ = (Syntax::nameStartCategory|Syntax::digitCategory | Syntax::otherNameCategory); break; } } Boolean TokenizedDeclaredValue::tokenized() const { return 1; } AttributeValue *TokenizedDeclaredValue::makeValue(Text &text, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &str, unsigned &specLength) const { return makeTokenizedValue(text, context, str, specLength); } TokenizedAttributeValue * TokenizedDeclaredValue::makeTokenizedValue(Text &text, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &name, unsigned &specLength) const { const Syntax &syntax = context.attributeSyntax(); Vector spaceIndex; Char space = syntax.space(); text.subst(*(type_ == entityName ? syntax.entitySubstTable() : syntax.generalSubstTable()), space); const StringC &value = text.string(); size_t i = 0; size_t length = value.size(); for (;;) { if (i >= length) { // ends with a space (which would have to have been entered // via a numeric character reference) context.message(ParserMessages::attributeValueSyntax); return 0; } if (!(syntax.charCategory(value[i]) & initialCategories_)) { context.Messenger::setNextLocation(text.charLocation(i)); Char c = value[i]; if (!(syntax.charCategory(value[i]) & subsequentCategories_)) context.message(ParserMessages::attributeValueChar, StringMessageArg(StringC(&c, 1)), StringMessageArg(name)); else if (initialCategories_ == Syntax::digitCategory) context.message(ParserMessages::attributeValueNumberToken, StringMessageArg(StringC(&c, 1)), StringMessageArg(name)); else context.message(ParserMessages::attributeValueName, StringMessageArg(StringC(&c, 1)), StringMessageArg(name)); return 0; } size_t startIndex = i; for (++i; i < length && (syntax.charCategory(value[i]) & subsequentCategories_); i++) ; if (i - startIndex > syntax.namelen()) { context.Messenger::setNextLocation(text.charLocation(i)); context.message(ParserMessages::nameTokenLength, NumberMessageArg(syntax.namelen())); } if (i == length) break; if (value[i] == space) { if (!isList_) { context.Messenger::setNextLocation(text.charLocation(i)); context.message(ParserMessages::attributeValueMultiple, StringMessageArg(name)); return 0; } spaceIndex.push_back(i); i++; } else { Char c = value[i]; // character value[i] is not allowed anywhere in the value context.Messenger::setNextLocation(text.charLocation(i)); context.message(ParserMessages::attributeValueChar, StringMessageArg(StringC(&c, 1)), StringMessageArg(name)); return 0; } } size_t normsep = syntax.normsep(); size_t litlen = syntax.litlen(); size_t normalizedLength = normsep + length; // should we count CDATA and SDATA entities here? if (isList_) { normalizedLength += 1; // length is now the number of characters in each token in the list // + 1 for each token in the list; so add normsep - 1 for each // token in the list. if (normsep > 0) normalizedLength += (normsep - 1)*(spaceIndex.size() + 1); else normalizedLength -= spaceIndex.size() + 1; } specLength += normalizedLength; // A length error will already have been given if // length > litlen - normsep. if (litlen >= normsep && length <= litlen - normsep && normalizedLength > litlen) context.message(ParserMessages::normalizedAttributeValueLength, NumberMessageArg(litlen), NumberMessageArg(normalizedLength)); return new TokenizedAttributeValue(text, spaceIndex); } Boolean TokenizedAttributeValue::recoverUnquoted(const StringC &str, const Location &strLoc, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &name) { TextIter iter(text_); TextItem::Type type; const Char *s; size_t len; const Location *loc; if (iter.next(type, s, len, loc) && type == TextItem::data && len == text_.size() && loc->origin().pointer() == strLoc.origin().pointer() && loc->index() + len == strLoc.index() && !iter.next(type, s, len, loc)) { context.Messenger::setNextLocation(strLoc); context.message(ParserMessages::attributeValueChar, StringMessageArg(StringC(str.data(), 1)), StringMessageArg(name)); return 1; } return 0; } void TokenizedDeclaredValue::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { desc.declaredValue = AttributeDefinitionDesc::DeclaredValue( type_ - name + (isList_ ? AttributeDefinitionDesc::names : AttributeDefinitionDesc::name)); } DeclaredValue *TokenizedDeclaredValue::copy() const { return new TokenizedDeclaredValue(*this); } GroupDeclaredValue::GroupDeclaredValue(TokenType type, Vector &vec) : TokenizedDeclaredValue(type, 0) { vec.swap(allowedValues_); } void GroupDeclaredValue::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { desc.allowedValues = allowedValues_; } DeclaredValue *GroupDeclaredValue::copy() const { return new GroupDeclaredValue(*this); } AttributeValue *GroupDeclaredValue::makeValue(Text &text, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &name, unsigned &specLength) const { TokenizedAttributeValue *val = makeTokenizedValue(text, context, name, specLength); if (!val) return 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < allowedValues_.size(); i++) if (val->string() == allowedValues_[i]) return val; context.message(ParserMessages::attributeValueNotInGroup, StringMessageArg(val->string()), StringMessageArg(name), StringVectorMessageArg(allowedValues_)); delete val; return 0; } AttributeValue *GroupDeclaredValue::makeValueFromToken(Text &text, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &, unsigned &specLength) const { const Syntax &syntax = context.attributeSyntax(); size_t litlen = syntax.litlen(); size_t normsep = syntax.normsep(); if (normsep > litlen || text.size() > litlen - normsep) context.message(ParserMessages::normalizedAttributeValueLength, NumberMessageArg(litlen), NumberMessageArg(text.size() + normsep)); specLength += text.size() + normsep; return new TokenizedAttributeValue(text, Vector()); } Boolean GroupDeclaredValue::containsToken(const StringC &token) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < allowedValues_.size(); i++) if (allowedValues_[i] == token) return 1; return 0; } const Vector *GroupDeclaredValue::getTokens() const { return &allowedValues_; } NameTokenGroupDeclaredValue::NameTokenGroupDeclaredValue(Vector &vec) : GroupDeclaredValue(nameToken, vec) { } void NameTokenGroupDeclaredValue::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { GroupDeclaredValue::buildDesc(desc); desc.declaredValue = AttributeDefinitionDesc::nameTokenGroup; } DeclaredValue *NameTokenGroupDeclaredValue::copy() const { return new NameTokenGroupDeclaredValue(*this); } NotationDeclaredValue::NotationDeclaredValue(Vector &vec) : GroupDeclaredValue(name, vec) { } Boolean NotationDeclaredValue::isNotation() const { return 1; } AttributeSemantics * NotationDeclaredValue::makeSemantics(const TokenizedAttributeValue &value, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &, unsigned &, unsigned &) const { ConstPtr notation = context.getAttributeNotation(value.string(), value.tokenLocation(0)); if (notation.isNull()) { context.setNextLocation(value.tokenLocation(0)); context.message(ParserMessages::invalidNotationAttribute, StringMessageArg(value.string())); return 0; } return new NotationAttributeSemantics(notation); } void NotationDeclaredValue::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { GroupDeclaredValue::buildDesc(desc); desc.declaredValue = AttributeDefinitionDesc::notation; } DeclaredValue *NotationDeclaredValue::copy() const { return new NotationDeclaredValue(*this); } EntityDeclaredValue::EntityDeclaredValue(Boolean isList) : TokenizedDeclaredValue(entityName, isList) { } Boolean EntityDeclaredValue::isEntity() const { return 1; } AttributeSemantics * EntityDeclaredValue::makeSemantics(const TokenizedAttributeValue &value, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &, unsigned &, unsigned &nEntityNames) const { Boolean valid = 1; size_t nTokens = value.nTokens(); nEntityNames += nTokens; Vector > entities(nTokens); for (size_t i = 0; i < nTokens; i++) { entities[i] = context.getAttributeEntity(value.token(i), value.tokenLocation(i)); if (entities[i].isNull()) { context.setNextLocation(value.tokenLocation(i)); context.message(ParserMessages::invalidEntityAttribute, StringMessageArg(value.token(i))); valid = 0; } else if (!entities[i]->isDataOrSubdoc()) { context.Messenger::setNextLocation(value.tokenLocation(i)); context.message(ParserMessages::notDataOrSubdocEntity, StringMessageArg(value.token(i))); valid = 0; } } if (valid) return new EntityAttributeSemantics(entities); else return 0; } DeclaredValue *EntityDeclaredValue::copy() const { return new EntityDeclaredValue(*this); } IdDeclaredValue::IdDeclaredValue() : TokenizedDeclaredValue(name, 0) { } Boolean IdDeclaredValue::isId() const { return 1; } AttributeSemantics * IdDeclaredValue::makeSemantics(const TokenizedAttributeValue &value, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &, unsigned &, unsigned &) const { Location prevLoc; if (!context.defineId(value.string(), value.tokenLocation(0), prevLoc)) { context.setNextLocation(value.tokenLocation(0)); context.message(ParserMessages::duplicateId, StringMessageArg(value.string()), prevLoc); } return 0; } void IdDeclaredValue::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { desc.declaredValue = AttributeDefinitionDesc::id; } DeclaredValue *IdDeclaredValue::copy() const { return new IdDeclaredValue(*this); } IdrefDeclaredValue::IdrefDeclaredValue(Boolean isList) : TokenizedDeclaredValue(name, isList) { } AttributeSemantics * IdrefDeclaredValue::makeSemantics(const TokenizedAttributeValue &value, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &, unsigned &nIdrefs, unsigned &) const { size_t nTokens = value.nTokens(); nIdrefs += nTokens; for (size_t i = 0; i < nTokens; i++) context.noteIdref(value.token(i), value.tokenLocation(i)); return 0; } Boolean IdrefDeclaredValue::isIdref() const { return 1; } void IdrefDeclaredValue::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { TokenizedDeclaredValue::buildDesc(desc); if (desc.declaredValue == AttributeDefinitionDesc::name) desc.declaredValue = AttributeDefinitionDesc::idref; else desc.declaredValue = AttributeDefinitionDesc::idrefs; } DeclaredValue *IdrefDeclaredValue::copy() const { return new IdrefDeclaredValue(*this); } AttributeDefinition::AttributeDefinition(const StringC &name, DeclaredValue *value) : name_(name), declaredValue_(value) { } AttributeDefinition::~AttributeDefinition() { } AttributeValue *AttributeDefinition::checkValue(AttributeValue *p, AttributeContext &) const { return p; } Boolean AttributeDefinition::missingValueWouldMatch(const Text &, const AttributeContext &) const { return 0; } const AttributeValue * AttributeDefinition::defaultValue(const AttributeValue *) const { return 0; } void AttributeDefinition::getDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { desc.allowedValues.clear(); desc.defaultValue.clear(); desc.currentIndex = 0; buildDesc(desc); declaredValue_->buildDesc(desc); } Boolean AttributeDefinition::isConref() const { return 0; } Boolean AttributeDefinition::isCurrent() const { return 0; } Boolean AttributeDefinition::isFixed() const { return 0; } RequiredAttributeDefinition::RequiredAttributeDefinition(const StringC &name, DeclaredValue *value) : AttributeDefinition(name, value) { } ConstPtr RequiredAttributeDefinition::makeMissingValue(AttributeContext &context) const { context.message(ParserMessages::requiredAttributeMissing, StringMessageArg(name())); return 0; } void RequiredAttributeDefinition::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { desc.defaultValueType = AttributeDefinitionDesc::required; } AttributeDefinition *RequiredAttributeDefinition::copy() const { return new RequiredAttributeDefinition(*this); } CurrentAttributeDefinition::CurrentAttributeDefinition(const StringC &name, DeclaredValue *value, size_t index) : AttributeDefinition(name, value), currentIndex_(index) { } ConstPtr CurrentAttributeDefinition::makeMissingValue(AttributeContext &context) const { if (context.mayDefaultAttribute()) { ConstPtr currentValue = context.getCurrentAttribute(currentIndex_); if (currentValue.isNull()) context.message(ParserMessages::currentAttributeMissing, StringMessageArg(name())); return currentValue; } else { context.message(ParserMessages::attributeMissing, StringMessageArg(name())); return 0; } } Boolean CurrentAttributeDefinition::missingValueWouldMatch(const Text &text, const AttributeContext &context) const { if (!context.mayDefaultAttribute()) return 0; ConstPtr currentValue = context.getCurrentAttribute(currentIndex_); if (currentValue.isNull()) return 0; return text.fixedEqual(*currentValue->text()); } AttributeValue * CurrentAttributeDefinition::checkValue(AttributeValue *value, AttributeContext &context) const { context.noteCurrentAttribute(currentIndex_, value); return value; } void CurrentAttributeDefinition::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { desc.defaultValueType = AttributeDefinitionDesc::current; desc.currentIndex = currentIndex_; } AttributeDefinition *CurrentAttributeDefinition::copy() const { return new CurrentAttributeDefinition(*this); } Boolean CurrentAttributeDefinition::isCurrent() const { return 1; } ImpliedAttributeDefinition::ImpliedAttributeDefinition(const StringC &name, DeclaredValue *value) : AttributeDefinition(name, value) { } ConstPtr ImpliedAttributeDefinition::makeMissingValue(AttributeContext &context) const { return context.makeImpliedAttributeValue(); } void ImpliedAttributeDefinition::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { desc.defaultValueType = AttributeDefinitionDesc::implied; } AttributeDefinition *ImpliedAttributeDefinition::copy() const { return new ImpliedAttributeDefinition(*this); } const AttributeValue * ImpliedAttributeDefinition::defaultValue(const AttributeValue *impliedValue) const { return impliedValue; } ConrefAttributeDefinition::ConrefAttributeDefinition(const StringC &name, DeclaredValue *value) : ImpliedAttributeDefinition(name, value) { } Boolean ConrefAttributeDefinition::isConref() const { return 1; } void ConrefAttributeDefinition::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { desc.defaultValueType = AttributeDefinitionDesc::conref; } AttributeDefinition *ConrefAttributeDefinition::copy() const { return new ConrefAttributeDefinition(*this); } DefaultAttributeDefinition::DefaultAttributeDefinition(const StringC &name, DeclaredValue *declaredValue, AttributeValue *defaultValue) : AttributeDefinition(name, declaredValue), value_(defaultValue) { } ConstPtr DefaultAttributeDefinition::makeMissingValue(AttributeContext &context) const { if (context.mayDefaultAttribute()) return value_; else { context.message(ParserMessages::attributeMissing, StringMessageArg(name())); return 0; } } Boolean DefaultAttributeDefinition::missingValueWouldMatch(const Text &text, const AttributeContext &context) const { return context.mayDefaultAttribute() && text.fixedEqual(*value_->text()); } void DefaultAttributeDefinition::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { desc.defaultValueType = AttributeDefinitionDesc::defaulted; desc.defaultValue = value_; } AttributeDefinition *DefaultAttributeDefinition::copy() const { return new DefaultAttributeDefinition(*this); } FixedAttributeDefinition:: FixedAttributeDefinition(const StringC &name, DeclaredValue *declaredValue, AttributeValue *defaultValue) : DefaultAttributeDefinition(name, declaredValue, defaultValue) { } Boolean FixedAttributeDefinition::isFixed() const { return 1; } AttributeValue *FixedAttributeDefinition::checkValue(AttributeValue *value, AttributeContext &context) const { const AttributeValue *fixedValue = DefaultAttributeDefinition::defaultValue(0); if (value && fixedValue) { const Text *text; const StringC *str; const Text *fixedText; const StringC *fixedStr; switch (value->info(text, str)) { case AttributeValue::implied: CANNOT_HAPPEN(); case AttributeValue::cdata: if (fixedValue->info(fixedText, fixedStr) == AttributeValue::cdata) { if (!text->fixedEqual(*fixedText)) context.message(ParserMessages::notFixedValue, StringMessageArg(name())); } break; case AttributeValue::tokenized: if (fixedValue->info(fixedText, fixedStr) == AttributeValue::tokenized) { if (*str != *fixedStr) context.message(ParserMessages::notFixedValue, StringMessageArg(name())); } break; } } return value; } void FixedAttributeDefinition::buildDesc(AttributeDefinitionDesc &desc) const { // get the fixed value DefaultAttributeDefinition::buildDesc(desc); desc.defaultValueType = AttributeDefinitionDesc::fixed; } AttributeDefinition *FixedAttributeDefinition::copy() const { return new FixedAttributeDefinition(*this); } AttributeDefinitionList ::AttributeDefinitionList(Vector > &vec, size_t index, Boolean anyCurrent, size_t idIndex, size_t notationIndex) : index_(index), anyCurrent_(anyCurrent), idIndex_(idIndex), notationIndex_(notationIndex) { defs_.swap(vec); } Boolean AttributeDefinitionList::tokenIndex(const StringC &token, unsigned &index) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < defs_.size(); i++) if (defs_[i]->containsToken(token)) { index = i; return 1; } return 0; } Boolean AttributeDefinitionList::attributeIndex(const StringC &name, unsigned &index) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < defs_.size(); i++) if (defs_[i]->name() == name) { index = i; return 1; } return 0; } void AttributeDefinitionList::append(AttributeDefinition *def) { if (def->isId() && idIndex_ == size_t(-1)) idIndex_ = defs_.size(); if (def->isNotation() && notationIndex_ == size_t(-1)) notationIndex_ = defs_.size(); if (def->isCurrent()) anyCurrent_ = 1; defs_.resize(defs_.size() + 1); defs_.back() = def; } AttributeSemantics::AttributeSemantics() { } AttributeSemantics::~AttributeSemantics() { } size_t AttributeSemantics::nEntities() const { return 0; } ConstPtr AttributeSemantics::entity(size_t) const { return 0; } ConstPtr AttributeSemantics::notation() const { return 0; } NotationAttributeSemantics::NotationAttributeSemantics(const ConstPtr ¬ation) : notation_(notation) { } ConstPtr NotationAttributeSemantics::notation() const { return notation_; } AttributeSemantics *NotationAttributeSemantics::copy() const { return new NotationAttributeSemantics(*this); } EntityAttributeSemantics::EntityAttributeSemantics(Vector > &entity) { entity.swap(entity_); } size_t EntityAttributeSemantics::nEntities() const { return entity_.size(); } ConstPtr EntityAttributeSemantics::entity(size_t i) const { return entity_[i]; } AttributeSemantics *EntityAttributeSemantics::copy() const { return new EntityAttributeSemantics(*this); } AttributeValue::AttributeValue() { } AttributeValue::~AttributeValue() { } AttributeSemantics *AttributeValue::makeSemantics(const DeclaredValue *, AttributeContext &, const StringC &, unsigned &, unsigned &) const { return 0; } const Text *AttributeValue::text() const { return 0; } Boolean AttributeValue::recoverUnquoted(const StringC &, const Location &, AttributeContext &, const StringC &) { return 0; } ImpliedAttributeValue::ImpliedAttributeValue() { } AttributeValue::Type ImpliedAttributeValue::info(const Text *&, const StringC *&) const { return implied; } TokenizedAttributeValue::TokenizedAttributeValue(Text &text, const Vector &spaceIndex) : spaceIndex_(spaceIndex) { text.swap(text_); } AttributeValue::Type TokenizedAttributeValue::info(const Text *&, const StringC *&string) const { string = &text_.string(); return tokenized; } const Text *TokenizedAttributeValue::text() const { return &text_; } AttributeSemantics * TokenizedAttributeValue::makeSemantics(const DeclaredValue *value, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &name, unsigned &nIdrefs, unsigned &nEntityNames) const { return value->makeSemantics(*this, context, name, nIdrefs, nEntityNames); } CdataAttributeValue::CdataAttributeValue(Text &text) { text.swap(text_); } AttributeValue::Type CdataAttributeValue::info(const Text *&text, const StringC *&) const { text = &text_; return cdata; } const Text *CdataAttributeValue::text() const { return &text_; } Boolean CdataAttributeValue::recoverUnquoted(const StringC &str, const Location &strLoc, AttributeContext &context, const StringC &) { TextIter iter(text_); TextItem::Type type; const Char *s; size_t len; const Location *loc; if (iter.next(type, s, len, loc) && type == TextItem::data && len == text_.size() && loc->origin().pointer() == strLoc.origin().pointer() && loc->index() + len == strLoc.index() && !iter.next(type, s, len, loc)) { text_.addChars(str, strLoc); context.Messenger::setNextLocation(strLoc); context.message(ParserMessages::unquotedAttributeValue); return 1; } return 0; } Attribute::Attribute() : specIndexPlus_(0) { } void Attribute::clear() { specIndexPlus_ = 0; value_.clear(); semantics_.clear(); } AttributeList::AttributeList(const ConstPtr &def) : def_(def), vec_(def.isNull() ? 0 : def->size()), nSpec_(0), conref_(0), nIdrefs_(0), nEntityNames_(0) { } AttributeList::AttributeList() : nSpec_(0), conref_(0), nIdrefs_(0), nEntityNames_(0) { } void AttributeList::init(const ConstPtr &def) { def_ = def; nSpec_ = 0; conref_ = 0; nIdrefs_ = 0; nEntityNames_ = 0; if (def_.isNull()) vec_.resize(0); else { size_t newLength = def_->size(); size_t clearLim = vec_.size(); if (clearLim > newLength) clearLim = newLength; vec_.resize(newLength); for (size_t i = 0; i < clearLim; i++) vec_[i].clear(); } } void AttributeList::swap(AttributeList &to) { vec_.swap(to.vec_); def_.swap(to.def_); { unsigned tem = to.nIdrefs_; to.nIdrefs_ = nIdrefs_; nIdrefs_ = tem; } { unsigned tem = to.nEntityNames_; to.nEntityNames_ = nEntityNames_; nEntityNames_ = tem; } { size_t tem = to.nSpec_; to.nSpec_ = nSpec_; nSpec_ = tem; } { PackedBoolean tem = to.conref_; to.conref_ = conref_; conref_ = tem; } } void AttributeList::finish(AttributeContext &context) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_.size(); i++) if (!vec_[i].specified()) { ConstPtr value = def(i)->makeMissingValue(context); vec_[i].setValue(value); if (!value.isNull()) vec_[i].setSemantics(def(i)->makeSemantics(value.pointer(), context, nIdrefs_, nEntityNames_)); } const Syntax &syntax = context.attributeSyntax(); if (nIdrefs_ > syntax.grpcnt()) context.message(ParserMessages::idrefGrpcnt, NumberMessageArg(syntax.grpcnt())); if (nEntityNames_ > syntax.grpcnt()) context.message(ParserMessages::entityNameGrpcnt, NumberMessageArg(syntax.grpcnt())); if (conref_ && def_->notationIndex() != size_t(-1) && specified(def_->notationIndex())) context.message(ParserMessages::conrefNotation); } void AttributeList::setSpec(unsigned i, AttributeContext &context) { if (vec_[i].specified()) context.message(ParserMessages::duplicateAttributeSpec, StringMessageArg(def(i)->name())); else vec_[i].setSpec(nSpec_++); } void AttributeList::noteInvalidSpec() { nSpec_++; } Boolean AttributeList::setValue(unsigned i, Text &text, AttributeContext &context, unsigned &specLength) { AttributeValue *value = def(i)->makeValue(text, context, specLength); if (def(i)->isConref()) conref_ = 1; vec_[i].setValue(value); if (value) vec_[i].setSemantics(def(i)->makeSemantics(value, context, nIdrefs_, nEntityNames_)); else if (AttributeValue::handleAsUnterminated(text, context)) return 0; return 1; } void AttributeList::setValueToken(unsigned i, Text &text, AttributeContext &context, unsigned &specLength) { AttributeValue *value = def(i)->makeValueFromToken(text, context, specLength); if (def(i)->isConref()) conref_ = 1; vec_[i].setValue(value); if (value) vec_[i].setSemantics(def(i)->makeSemantics(value, context, nIdrefs_, nEntityNames_)); } const StringC *AttributeList::getId() const { // Check for no attributes if (def_.isNull()) return 0; // Check for no ID declared size_t i = def_->idIndex(); if (i == size_t(-1)) return 0; // Check for invalid value const AttributeValue *v = value(i); if (!v) return 0; // Check for implied value const Text *t = v->text(); if (!t) return 0; return &t->string(); } Boolean AttributeList::recoverUnquoted(const StringC &str, const Location &strLoc, AttributeContext &context) { if (nSpec_ > 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_.size(); i++) if (vec_[i].specified() && vec_[i].specIndex() == nSpec_ - 1) { const AttributeValue *val = vec_[i].value(); if (val) // I wish I could avoid casting away const here. return ((AttributeValue *)val)->recoverUnquoted(str, strLoc, context, name(i)); break; } return 1; } return 0; } Boolean AttributeList::handleAsUnterminated(AttributeContext &context) { if (nSpec_ > 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_.size(); i++) { if (vec_[i].specified() && vec_[i].specIndex() == nSpec_ - 1) { const AttributeValue *val = vec_[i].value(); const Text *ptr; if (val && (ptr = val->text()) != 0 && AttributeValue::handleAsUnterminated(*ptr, context)) return 1; break; } } } return 0; } // This tries to guess this attribute value looks like if it had // a missing ending quote. Boolean AttributeValue::handleAsUnterminated(const Text &text, AttributeContext &context) { TextIter iter(text); const Char *lastStr = 0; size_t lastLen; Location startLoc; const Location *loc; TextItem::Type type; const Char *str; size_t len; while (iter.next(type, str, len, loc)) { if (startLoc.origin().isNull() && !loc->origin().isNull()) startLoc = *loc; switch (type) { case TextItem::data: if (len != 1 || *str != context.attributeSyntax().space()) { lastStr = str; lastLen = len; } break; case TextItem::endDelim: case TextItem::endDelimA: case TextItem::ignore: break; default: lastStr = 0; break; } } if (lastStr) { while (lastLen > 0 && lastStr[lastLen - 1] == context.attributeSyntax().space()) lastLen--; const StringC &vi = context.attributeSyntax().delimGeneral(Syntax::dVI); if (lastLen >= vi.size() && (vi == StringC(lastStr + (lastLen - vi.size()), vi.size()))) { context.Messenger::setNextLocation(startLoc); context.message(ParserMessages::literalClosingDelimiter); return 1; } } return 0; } AttributeContext::AttributeContext() : mayDefaultAttribute_(0) { } AttributeContext::~AttributeContext() { } Boolean AttributeContext::defineId(const StringC &, const Location &, Location &) { return 1; } void AttributeContext::noteIdref(const StringC &, const Location &) { } void AttributeContext::noteCurrentAttribute(size_t, AttributeValue *) { } ConstPtr AttributeContext::getCurrentAttribute(size_t) const { return 0; } ConstPtr AttributeContext::getAttributeEntity(const StringC &, const Location &) { return 0; } ConstPtr AttributeContext::getAttributeNotation(const StringC &, const Location &) { return 0; } ConstPtr AttributeContext::makeImpliedAttributeValue() { if (impliedAttributeValue_.isNull()) impliedAttributeValue_ = new ImpliedAttributeValue; return impliedAttributeValue_; } #ifdef SP_NAMESPACE } #endif