$XConsortium: README /main/3 1996/07/04 02:23:02 cde-fuj $ UDC font editor and UDC data exchange utility README 1) Environment 1.1) XLOCALEDIR environment variable - If the NLS database ("XLC_LOCALE" files) locates in different directory from where specified at building time, set the full path name of the correct directory to the XLOCALEDIR environment variable. 1.2) Editable Fonts - Currently, only jisx0208 fonts in Japanese locale is defined in NLS database to have UDC. So the dtudcfonted will not show the edit view in other locales than Japanese. - If the "fonts.list" file exists in the directories showed below, dtudcfonted and dtudcexch read and get directories from this file to search fonts. /usr/dt/config/ /usr/dt/config/$LANG $DTUDCFONTS/ $DTUDCFONTS/$LANG - If the system place fonts in different directories other than listed in this file, you need to add them in it.