/* $TOG: terminfoChecklist /main/4 1997/05/20 16:45:31 samborn $ * * COMPONENT_NAME: desktop * * FUNCTIONS: E * * ORIGINS: 27,118,119,120,121 * * This module contains IBM CONFIDENTIAL code. -- (IBM * Confidential Restricted when combined with the aggregated * modules for this product) * OBJECT CODE ONLY SOURCE MATERIALS * * (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995 * All Rights Reserved * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ dtterm, ##Wnum, /* Maximum number of definable windows */ acsc=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~, /* Graphic charset pairs aAbBcC */ am, /* terminal has automatic margins */ /* we do not erase the screen in the current background color... */ ##bce, /* Screen erased with background color */ bel=^G, /* Audible signal (bell) */ ##bicr, /* Move to beginning of same row (use tparm) */ ##binel, /* Move to next row of bit image (use tparm) */ ##birep, /* Repeat bit-image cell #1 #2 times (use tparm) */ ##bitwin, /* Number of passes for each bit-map row */ ##bitype, /* Type of bit image device */ blink=\E[5m, /* Turn on blinking */ bold=\E[1m, /* Turn on bold (extra bright) mode */ ##btns, /* Number of buttons on the mouse */ /* DKS: this relates to reverse wrap... */ ##bw, /* cub1 wraps from column 0 to last column */ ##cbt, /* Back tab */ ##ccc, /* Terminal can re-define existing color */ ##chts, /* Cursor is hard to see */ civis=\E[?25l, /* Make cursor invisible */ clear=\E[H\E[J, /* Clear screen and home cursor */ ##cmdch, /* Terminal settable cmd char in prototype */ cnorm=\E[?25h, /* Make cursor appear normal (undo vs/vi) */ ##colornm, /* Give name for color #1 */ colors#8, /* Maximum number of colors on the screen */ cols#80, /* Number of columns in a line */ cr=\r, /* Carriage return */ ##csin, /* Init sequence for multiple codesets */ ##csnm, /* List of character set names */ csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr, /* Change to lines #1 through #2 (vt100) */ cub=\E[%p1%dD, /* Move left one space. */ cub1=\b, /* Move cursor left #1 spaces */ cud=\E[%p1%dB, /* Down one line */ cud1=\n, /* Move down #1 lines. */ cuf=\E[%p1%dC, /* Non-destructive space (cursor or carriage right) */ cuf1=\E[C, /* Move right #1 spaces. */ cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH, /* Move to row #1 col #2 */ cuu=\E[%p1%dA, /* Move cursor up #1 lines. */ cuu1=\E[A, /* Upline (cursor up) */ ##cvvis, /* Make cursor very visible */ ##cwin, /* Define win #1 to go from #2,#3 to #4,#5 */ ##da, /* Display may be retained above the screen */ ##db, /* Display may be retained below the screen */ dch=\E[%p1%dP, /* Delete #1 chars */ dch1=\E[P, /* Delete character */ ##dclk, /* Display time-of-day clock */ ##defbi, /* Define rectangular bit-image region (use tparm) */ ##defc, /* Define a character in a character set */ ##devt, /* Indicate language/codeset support */ ##dial, /* Dial phone number #1 */ dim=\E[2m, /* Turn on half-bright mode */ ##dispc, /* Display PC character */ dl=\E[%p1%dM, /* Delete #1 lines */ dl1=\E[M, /* Delete line */ ##docr, /* Printing any of these chars causes cr */ ##dsl, /* Disable status line */ ech=\E[%p1%dX, /* Erase #1 characters */ ed=\E[J, /* Clear to end of display */ ##ehhlm, /* turn on horizontal highlight mode */ el=\E[K, /* Clear to end of line */ el1=\E[1K, /* Clear to beginning of line, inclusive */ ##elhlm, /* turn on left highlight mode */ ##elohlm, /* turn on low highlight mode */ ##enacs=\E)0, /* Enable alternate character set */ ##endbi, /* End a bit-image region (use tparm) */ ##eo, /* Can erase overstrikes with a blank */ ##erhlm, /* turn on right highlight mode */ ##eslok, /* Escape can be used on the status line */ ##ethlm, /* Turn on top highlight mode */ ##evhlm, /* turn on vertical highlight mode */ flash=\E[?5h$<200>\E[?5l, /* Visible bell (may not move cursor) */ ##fln, /* Label format */ ##fsl, /* Return from status line */ ##getm, /* Curses should get button events */ ##gn, /* Generic line type (e.g., dialup, switch) */ ##hc, /* Hardcopy terminal */ ##hls, /* Term uses only HLS color notation (Tektronix) */ home=\E[H, /* Home cursor (if no cup) */ ##hook, /* Flash the switch hook */ ##hpa, /* Horizontal position absolute */ ##hs, /* Has extra "status line" */ ht=\t, /* Tab to next 8-space hardware tab stop */ hts=\EH, /* Set a tab in all rows, current column */ ##hup, /* Hang-up phone */ ##hz, /* Hazeltine; can't print tilde (~) */ ich=\E[%p1%d@, /* Insert #1 blank chars */ /* this needs to be left out for multi-byte functionality to work... */ ##ich1, /* Insert character */ ##if, /* Name of initialization file */ il=\E[%p1%dL, /* Add #1 new blank lines */ il1=\E[L, /* Add new blank line */ ##in, /* Insert mode distinguishes nulls */ ind=\ED, /* Scroll text up */ ##indn, /* Scroll forward #1 lines. */ ##initc, /* Initialize the definition of color */ ##initp, /* Initialize color-pair */ invis=\E[8m, /* Turn on blank mode (characters invisible) */ ##ip, /* Insert pad after character inserted */ ##iprog, /* Path name of program for initialization */ ##is1, /* Terminal or printer initialization string */ is2=\E\sF\E>\E[?1l\E[?7h\E[?45l,/* Terminal or printer initialization string */ ##is3, /* Terminal or printer initialization string */ it#8, /* Tabs initially every # spaces */ ##kBEG, /* sent by shifted beginning key */ ##kCAN, /* sent by shifted cancel key */ ##kCMD, /* sent by shifted command key */ ##kCPY, /* sent by shifted copy key */ ##kCRT, /* sent by shifted create key */ ##kDC, /* sent by shifted delete-char key */ ##kDL, /* sent by shifted delete-line key */ ##kEND, /* sent by shifted end key */ ##kEOL, /* sent by shifted clear-line key */ ##kEXT, /* sent by shifted exit key */ ##kFND, /* sent by shifted find key */ ##kHLP, /* sent by shifted help key */ ##kHOM, /* sent by shifted home key */ ##kIC, /* sent by shifted input key */ ##kLFT, /* sent by shifted left-arrow key */ ##kMOV, /* sent by shifted move key */ ##kMSG, /* sent by shifted message key */ ##kNXT, /* sent by shifted next key */ ##kOPT, /* sent by shifted options key */ ##kPRT, /* sent by shifted print key */ ##kPRV, /* sent by shifted prev key */ ##kRDO, /* sent by shifted redo key */ ##kRES, /* sent by shifted resume key */ ##kRIT, /* sent by shifted right-arrow key */ ##kRPL, /* sent by shifted replace key */ ##kSAV, /* sent by shifted save key */ ##kSPD, /* sent by shifted suspend key */ ##kUND, /* sent by shifted undo key */ ##ka1, /* upper left of keypad */ ##ka3, /* upper right of keypad */ ##kb2, /* center of keypad */ ##kbeg, /* sent by beg(inning) key */ kbs=\b, /* sent by backspace key */ ##kc1, /* lower left of keypad */ ##kcan, /* sent by cancel key */ ##kcbt, /* sent by back-tab key */ ##kclo, /* sent by close key */ ##kclr, /* sent by clear-screen or erase key */ ##kcmd, /* sent by cmd (command) key */ ##kcpy, /* sent by copy key */ ##kcrt, /* sent by create key */ ##kctab, /* sent by clear-tab key */ kcub1=\E[D, /* sent by terminal left-arrow key */ kcud1=\E[B, /* sent by terminal down-arrow key */ kcuf1=\E[C, /* sent by terminal right-arrow key */ kcuu1=\E[A, /* sent by terminal up-arrow key */ kdch1=\E[3~, /* sent by delete-character key */ ##kdl1, /* sent by delete-line key */ ##ked, /* sent by clear-to-end-of-screen key */ ##kel, /* sent by clear-to-end-of-line key */ ##kend, /* sent by end key */ ##kent, /* sent by enter/send key */ ##kext, /* sent by exit key */ ##kf0, /* sent by function key f0 */ kf1=\E[11~, /* sent by function key f1 */ kf2=\E[12~, /* sent by function key f2 */ kf3=\E[13~, /* sent by function key f3 */ kf4=\E[14~, /* sent by function key f4 */ kf5=\E[15~, /* sent by function key f5 */ kf6=\E[17~, /* sent by function key f6 */ kf7=\E[18~, /* sent by function key f7 */ kf8=\E[19~, /* sent by function key f8 */ kf9=\E[20~, /* sent by function key f9 */ kf10=\E[21~, /* sent by function key f10 */ kf11=\E[23~, /* sent by function key f11 */ kf12=\E[24~, /* sent by function key f12 */ kf13=\E[25~, /* sent by function key f13 */ kf14=\E[26~, /* sent by function key f14 */ kf15=\E[28~, /* sent by function key f15 */ kf16=\E[29~, /* sent by function key f16 */ kf17=\E[31~, /* sent by function key f17 */ kf18=\E[32~, /* sent by function key f18 */ kf19=\E[33~, /* sent by function key f19 */ kf20=\E[34~, /* sent by function key f20 */ ##kf21, /* sent by function key f21 */ ##kf22, /* sent by function key f22 */ ##kf23, /* sent by function key f23 */ ##kf24, /* sent by function key f24 */ ##kf25, /* sent by function key f25 */ ##kf26, /* sent by function key f26 */ ##kf27, /* sent by function key f27 */ ##kf28, /* sent by function key f28 */ ##kf29, /* sent by function key f29 */ ##kf30, /* sent by function key f30 */ ##kf31, /* sent by function key f31 */ ##kf32, /* sent by function key f32 */ ##kf33, /* sent by function key f33 */ ##kf34, /* sent by function key f34 */ ##kf35, /* sent by function key f35 */ ##kf36, /* sent by function key f36 */ ##kf37, /* sent by function key f37 */ ##kf38, /* sent by function key f38 */ ##kf39, /* sent by function key f39 */ ##kf40, /* sent by function key f40 */ ##kf41, /* sent by function key f41 */ ##kf42, /* sent by function key f42 */ ##kf43, /* sent by function key f43 */ ##kf44, /* sent by function key f44 */ ##kf45, /* sent by function key f45 */ ##kf46, /* sent by function key f46 */ ##kf47, /* sent by function key f47 */ ##kf48, /* sent by function key f48 */ ##kf49, /* sent by function key f49 */ ##kf50, /* sent by function key f50 */ ##kf51, /* sent by function key f51 */ ##kf52, /* sent by function key f52 */ ##kf53, /* sent by function key f53 */ ##kf54, /* sent by function key f54 */ ##kf55, /* sent by function key f55 */ ##kf56, /* sent by function key f56 */ ##kf57, /* sent by function key f57 */ ##kf58, /* sent by function key f58 */ ##kf59, /* sent by function key f59 */ ##kf60, /* sent by function key f60 */ ##kf61, /* sent by function key f61 */ ##kf62, /* sent by function key f62 */ ##kf63, /* sent by function key f63 */ kfnd=\E[1~, /* sent by find key */ khlp=\E[28~, /* sent by help key */ ##khome, /* sent by home key */ ##khts, /* sent by set-tab key */ kich1=\E[2~, /* sent by ins-char/enter ins-mode key */ ##kil1, /* sent by insert-line key */ ##kind, /* sent by scroll-forward/down key */ ##kll, /* sent by home-down key */ ##km, /* Has a meta key (shift, sets parity bit) */ ##kmous, /* 0631, Mouse event has occured */ ##kmov, /* sent by move key */ ##kmrk, /* sent by mark key */ ##kmsg, /* sent by message key */ #ifdef HAS_KNL knl=\r, /* sent by newline key */ #endif knp=\E[6~, /* sent by next-page key */ ##knxt, /* sent by next-object key */ ##kopn, /* sent by open key */ ##kopt, /* sent by options key */ kpp=\E[5~, /* sent by previous-page key */ ##kprt, /* sent by print or copy key */ ##kprv, /* sent by previous-object key */ ##krdo, /* sent by redo key */ ##kref, /* sent by ref(erence) key */ ##kres, /* sent by resume key */ ##krfr, /* sent by refresh key */ ##kri, /* sent by scroll-backward/up key */ ##krmir, /* sent by rmir or smir in insert mode */ ##krpl, /* sent by replace key */ ##krst, /* sent by restart key */ ##ksav, /* sent by save key */ kslt=\E[4~, /* sent by select key */ ##kspd, /* sent by suspend key */ #ifdef HAS_KTAB ktab=^I, /* sent by tab key */ #endif ##ktbc, /* sent by clear-all-tabs key */ ##kund, /* sent by undo key */ ##lf0, /* Labels on function key f0 if not f0 */ ##lf1, /* Labels on function key f1 if not f1 */ ##lf2, /* Labels on function key f2 if not f2 */ ##lf3, /* Labels on function key f3 if not f3 */ ##lf4, /* Labels on function key f4 if not f4 */ ##lf5, /* Labels on function key f5 if not f5 */ ##lf6, /* Labels on function key f6 if not f6 */ ##lf7, /* Labels on function key f7 if not f7 */ ##lf8, /* Labels on function key f8 if not f8 */ ##lf9, /* Labels on function key f9 if not f9 */ ##lf10, /* Labels on function key f10 if not f10 */ ##lh, /* Number of rows in each label */ lines#24, /* Number of lines on a screen or a page */ ##ll, /* Last line, first column (if no cup) */ lm#0, /* Lines of memory if > lines; 0 means varies */ ##lw, /* Number of columns in each label */ ##ma, /* Max video attributes terminal can display */ ##maddr, /* Maximum value in micro_..._address */ ##mc0, /* Print contents of the screen */ ##mc4, /* Turn off the printer */ ##mc5, /* Turn on the printer */ ##mc5i, /* Printer won't echo on screen */ ##mc5p, /* Turn on the printer for #1 bytes */ ##mgc, /* Clear all margins (top, bottom, and sides) */ ##minfo, /* Mouse status information */ mir, /* Safe to move while in insert mode */ ##mrcup, /* Memory relative cursor addressing */ msgr, /* Safe to move in standout modes */ ##ncv, /* Video attrs that can't be used with colors */ ##ndscr, /* Scrolling region is nondestructive */ nel=\EE, /* Newline (behaves like cr followed by lf) */ ##nlab, /* Number of labels on screen (start at 1) */ ##npc, /* Pad character doesn't exist */ ##nrrmc, /* smcup does not reverse rmcup */ ##nxon, /* Padding won't work, xon/xoff required */ ##oc, /* Set all color(-pair)s to the original ones */ op=\E[39;49m, /* Set default color-pair to the original one */ ##os, /* Terminal overstrikes on hard-copy terminal */ ##pad, /* Pad character (rather than null) */ pairs#8, /* Max number of color-pairs on the screen */ ##pause, /* Pause for 2-3 secondse */ ##pb, /* Lowest baud rate where padding needed */ ##pctrm, /* PC terminal options */ ##pfkey, /* Prog funct key #1 to type string #2 */ ##pfloc, /* Prog funct key #1 to execute string #2 */ ##pfx, /* Prog funct key #1 to xmit string #2 */ ##pfxl, /* Prog key #1 to xmit string #2 and show string #3 */ ##pln, /* Prog label #1 to show string #2 */ ##prot, /* Turn on protected mode */ ##pulse, /* Select pulse dialing */ ##qdial, /* Dial phone number #1, without progress detection */ rc=\E8, /* Restore cursor to position of last sc */ ##rep, /* Repeat char #1 #2 times */ ##reqmp, /* Request mouse position report */ rev=\E[7m, /* Turn on reverse video mode */ ##rf, /* Name of file containing reset string */ ##rfi, /* Send next input char (for ptys) */ ri=\EM, /* Scroll text down */ ##rin, /* Scroll backward #1 lines. */ ##rlm, /* Enable rightward (normal) carriage motion */ rmacs=^O, /* End alternate character set */ rmam=\E[?7l, /* Turn off automatic margins */ ##rmclk, /* Remove time-of-day clock */ ##rmcup, /* String to end programs that use cup */ ##rmdc, /* End delete mode */ rmir=\E[4l, /* End insert mode */ ##rmkx, /* Out of ``keypad-transmit'' mode */ ##rmln, /* Turn off soft labels */ ##rmm, /* Turn off "meta mode" */ ##rmp, /* Like ip but when in replace mode */ ##rmpch, /* Disable PC character display mode */ ##rmsc, /* Disable PC scancode mode */ rmso=\E[22;27m, /* End standout mode */ rmul=\E[24m, /* End underscore mode */ ##rmxon, /* Turn off xon/xoff handshaking */ ##rs1, /* Reset terminal completely to sane modes */ ##rs2, /* Reset terminal completely to sane modes */ ##rs3, /* Reset terminal completely to sane modes */ ##rum, /* Enable downward (normal) carriage motion */ ##s0ds, /* Shift into codeset 0 (EUC set 0, ASCII) */ ##s1ds, /* Shift into codeset 1 */ ##s2ds, /* Shift into codeset 2 */ ##s3ds, /* Shift into codeset 3 */ ##sam, /* Printing in last column causes cr */ ##sbim, /* Start printing bit image graphics */ sc=\E7, /* Save cursor position */ ##scesa, /* Alternate escape for scancode emulation (default is for vt100) */ ##scesc, /* Escape for scancode emulation */ ##sclk, /* Set time-of-day clock */ ##scp, /* Set current color-pair */ ##scs, /* Select character set */ ##scsd, /* Start definition of a character set */ setab=\E[%p1%{40}%+%dm, /* Set background color using ANSI escape */ setaf=\E[%p1%{30}%+%dm, /* Set foreground color using ANSI escape */ ##setb, /* Set current background color */ ##setcolor, /* Change to ribbon color #1 */ ##setf, /* Set current foreground color1 */ sgr=\E[0%?%p1%t;2;7%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p3%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p5%t;2%;%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p7%t;8%;m%?%p9%t^N%e^O%;, /* Define the video attributes #1-#9 */ sgr0=\E[0m, /* Turn off all attributes */ ##slm, /* Enable leftward carriage motion */ smacs=^N, /* Start alternate character set */ smam=\E[?7h, /* Turn on automatic margins */ ##smcup, /* String to begin programs that use cup */ ##smdc, /* Delete mode (enter) */ ##smgb, /* Set bottom margin at current line */ ##smgl, /* Set left margin at current line */ ##smglp, /* Set left (right) margin at column #1 (#2) */ ##smglr, /* Sets both left and right margins */ ##smgr, /* Set right margin at current column */ ##smgrp, /* Set right margin at column #1 */ ##smgt, /* Set top margin at current line */ ##smgtb, /* Sets both top and bottom margins */ ##smgtp, /* Set top (bottom) margin at line #1 (#2) */ smir=\E[4h, /* Insert mode (enter) */ ##smkx, /* Put terminal in ``keypad-transmit'' mode */ ##smln, /* Turn on soft labels */ ##smm, /* Turn on "meta mode" (8th bit) */ ##smpch, /* Enter PC character display mode */ ##smsc, /* Enter PC scancode mode */ smso=\E[2;7m, /* Begin standout mode */ smul=\E[4m, /* Start underscore mode */ ##smxon, /* Turn on xon/xoff handshaking */ ##supcs, /* List of ``superscript-able'' characters */ tbc=\E[3g, /* Clear all tab stops */ ##tone, /* Select touch tone dialing */ ##tsl, /* Go to status line, col #1 */ ##u0, /* User string 0 */ ##u1, /* User string 1 */ ##u2, /* User string 2 */ ##u3, /* User string 3 */ ##u4, /* User string 4 */ ##u5, /* User string 5 */ ##u6, /* User string 6 */ ##u7, /* User string 7 */ ##u8, /* User string 8 */ ##u9, /* User string 9 */ ##uc, /* Underscore one char and move past it */ ##ul, /* Underline character overstrikes */ ##vpa, /* Vertical position absolute */ ##vt, /* Virtual terminal number */ ##wait, /* Wait for dial tone */ ##widcs, /* Char step size when in double wide mode */ ##wind, /* Current window is lines #1-#2 cols #3-#4 */ ##wingo, /* Got to window #1 */ ##wsl, /* Number of columns in status line */ xenl, /* Newline ignored after 80 columns */ ##xhp, /* Standout not erased by overwriting (hp) */ ##xhpa, /* Only positive motion for hpa/mhpa caps */ ##xmc, /* Number of blank chars left by smso or rmso */ ##xoffc, /* X-off character */ xon, /* Terminal uses xon/xoff handshaking */ ##xonc, /* X-on character */ ##xsb, /* Beehive (f1=escape, f2=ctrl C) */ ##xt, /* Destructive tabs, magic smso char (t1061) */ ##xvpa, /* Only positive motion for vpa/mvpa caps */ ##zerom, /* No motion for the subsequent character */ /* printer functionality... */ ##bufsz, /* Number of bytes buffered before printing */ ##chr, /* Change horizontal resolution */ ##cpi, /* Change number of characters per inch */ ##cpix, /* Changing char pitch changes resolution */ ##cps, /* Print rate in characters per second */ ##crxm, /* Using cr turns off micro mode */ ##cvr, /* Change vertical resolution */ ##daisy, /* Printer needs operator to change char set */ ##ff, /* Hardcopy terminal page eject */ ##hd, /* Half-line down (forward 1/2 linefeed) */ ##hu, /* Half-line up (reverse 1/2 linefeed) */ ##kc3, /* lower right of keypad */ ##lpi, /* Change number of lines per inch */ ##lpix, /* Changing line pitch changes resolution */ ##mcs, /* Character step size when in micro mode */ ##mcub, /* Like parm_left_cursor for micro adjust. */ ##mcub1, /* Like cursor_left for micro adjustment */ ##mcud, /* Like parm_down_cursor for micro adjust. */ ##mcud1, /* Like cursor_down for micro adjustment */ ##mcuf, /* Like parm_right_cursor for micro adjust. */ ##mcuf1, /* Like cursor_right for micro adjustment */ ##mcuu, /* Like parm_up_cursor for micro adjust. */ ##mcuu1, /* Like cursor_up for micro adjustment */ ##mhpa, /* Like column_address for micro adjustment */ ##mjump, /* Maximum value in parm_..._micro */ ##mls, /* Line step size when in micro mode */ ##mvpa, /* Like row_address for micro adjustment */ ##npins, /* Number of pins in print-head */ ##orc, /* Horizontal resolution in units per char */ ##orhi, /* Horizontal resolution in units per inch */ ##orl, /* Vertical resolution in units per line */ ##orvi, /* Vertical resolution in units per inch */ ##porder, /* Matches software bits to print-head pins */ ##rbim, /* End printing bit image graphics */ ##rcsd, /* End definition of a character set */ ##ritm, /* Disable italics */ ##rmicm, /* Disable micro motion capabilities */ ##rshm, /* Disable shadow printing */ ##rsubm, /* Disable subscript printing */ ##rsupm, /* Disable superscript printing */ ##rwidm, /* Disable double wide printing */ ##sdrfq, /* Set draft quality print */ ##sitm, /* Enable italics */ ##slength, /* Set page length to #1 hundredth of an inch (use tparm) */ ##slines, /* Set page length to #1 lines (use tparm) */ ##smgbp, /* Set bottom margin at line #1 or #2 lines from bottom */ ##smicm, /* Enable micro motion capabilities */ ##snlq, /* Set near-letter quality print */ ##snrmq, /* Set normal quality print */ ##spinh, /* Spacing of dots horiz. in dots per inch */ ##spinv, /* Spacing of pins vert. in pins per inch */ ##sshm, /* Enable shadow printing */ ##ssubm, /* Enable subscript printing */ ##ssupm, /* Enable superscript printing */ ##subcs, /* List of ``subscript-able'' characters */ ##sum, /* Enable upward carriage motion */ ##swidm, /* Enable double wide printing */