# $XConsortium: nlsREADME.txt /main/2 1996/11/11 11:32:08 drk $ ############################################################################# # # Component: dtstyle # ############################################################################ _DtMessage catalog source: File name: dtstyle.msg Target: /usr/dt/nls/%L/dtstyle.cat App-defaults file: File name: Dtstyle Target: /usr/dt/app-defaults/%L/Dtstyle NOTE: ONLY localize the font and accelerator resources in the Dtstyle app-defaults file. DO NOT localize any of the following resources: Dtstyle*componentList: Dtstyle*mainRC.orientation: Dtstyle*toneScale.maximum: 9000 Dtstyle*toneScale.minimum: 82 Dtstyle*durationScale.maximum: 25 The Font resources may need to be localized if a character set other than the default hp-roman8 is needed. A set of iso8859-1 Dt fonts are delivered with Dt. The iso8859-1 fonts can be used by replacing the last field in the font resource xlfd strings from "hp-roman8" to "iso8859-1" in the following files: /usr/dt/app-defaults/%L/Dtstyle /usr/dt/config/%L/sys.fonts Sample versions of these files localized for iso8859-1 are provided in: /usr/dt/examples/%L/Dtstyle /usr/dt/examples/%L/sys.fonts To specify a localized set of fonts other than the delivered dt iso8859-1 fonts, modify the following resources: NumFonts: Specifies the number of different font sizes available. Each font size in the Dtstyle Font list actually represents 2 fonts (a system and user font) for that size. SystemFont[1-NumFonts]: UserFont[1-NumFonts]: Specify xlfd strings for NumFont pairs of SystemFont and UserFont. To allow the font dialog to present the user with an accurate point size for each font pair, the resource values must specify all 14 field delimiters of the xlfd string. In addition, Scalable font - must specify point size field Bitmap font - must specify pixel size field If the point size cannot be calculated from the font resource, the font sizes will appear numbered 1,2,3,etc.... in the size list in the Font dialog. Font resource values must match exactly the default font resources specified in /usr/dt/config/%L/sys.fonts. When choosing a default font to specify in the sys.fonts file, the font pair must be chosen from the list specified in the Dtstyle app-defaults file and the font strings must be identical. Example: localize fonts for Japanese using four font sizes. (There are probably the actual fonts that will be used - its just an example.) - There is no separate user and system fonts so SystemFont# and UserFont# refer to the same font. - The xlfd strings are used with all delimiters ("-") Dtstyle*numFonts: 4 Dtstyle*SystemFont1: -hp-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-140-75-75-c-70-hp-japanese15 Dtstyle*SystemFont2: -hp-gothic-medium-r-normal--18-180-75-75-c-80-hp-japanese15 Dtstyle*SystemFont3: -hp-mincho-medium-r-normal--24-240-75-75-c-120-hp-japanese15 Dtstyle*SystemFont4: -hp-mincho-medium-r-normal--32-320-75-75-c-160-hp-japanese15 Dtstyle*UserFont1: -hp-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-140-75-75-c-70-hp-japanese15 Dtstyle*UserFont2: -hp-gothic-medium-r-normal--18-180-75-75-c-80-hp-japanese15 Dtstyle*UserFont3: -hp-mincho-medium-r-normal--24-240-75-75-c-120-hp-japanese15 Dtstyle*UserFont4: -hp-mincho-medium-r-normal--32-320-75-75-c-160-hp-japanese15