# $XConsortium: nlsMsgChk.txt /main/2 1996/11/11 11:31:52 drk $ 1. Screendump file name: < 1.Z > _DtMessage catalog set number: _DtMessage number(s): Instructions: General messages: (2,2) - Notice dialog titles (2,3) - Error dialog titles Dtstyle dialogs ================ The numbering represents window dump numbers for localization. (*) - indicates there is no slide for the dialog or menu 1. Style Manager main dialog Screendump file: style-1 _DtMessage numbers: set 4 (1-5,27-33,35-36,38) Instructions: - Select the Style Manager icon from the front panel . The Style Manager dialog should appear 1a.Minimize Dtstyle Screendump file: (*) _DtMessage numbers: set 4 (37) Instructions: - Click the Style Manager minimize button on the window frame . The Style manager should iconify - check the icon name - De-iconify the Style Manager icon by double-clicking the icon 1b.Help menu Screendump file: (*) _DtMessage numbers: set 4 (41-52) Instructions: - Pull down the Help menu using MB-1 1c.File menu Screendump file: (*) _DtMessage numbers: set 4 (7,40) Instructions: - Pull down the File menu using MB-1 2. Color dialog Screendump file: style-2 _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (5-8,30,37) Instructions: - Click on the Color icon in the Style Manager main window 2b. Modify Color dialog Screendump file: style-2b !! Color Use _DtMessage numbers: set 17 (4-12) Instructions: - Select Modify button 2c. Add Palette dialog Screendump file: style-2c _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (10,11) Instructions: - Select Add button 2d. Delete Palette dialog Screendump file: style-2d _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (16,23) Instructions: - Select Delete button 2e. Color Use dialog - Screendump file: style-2e !! Color Use _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (31-36)) Instructions: - from the Color dialog press Color Use... 2f. Notice dialog - Screendump file: style-2f _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (27) Instructions: - make a selection from ColorUse dialog - chose Ok 2g. Warning Dialog - duplicate palette name Screendump file: style-2g _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (21,29) Instructions: - in Add Palette dialog type in a duplicate palette name 2h. Error Dialog - invalid character in palette name Screendump file: style-2h _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (12) Instructions: - In Add Palette dialog, type a * or # in the filename 2i. Information Dialog - can't delete the last palette Screendump file: style-2i _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (18) Instructions: - Delete the palettes one at a time. This will happen on the last one. 2j. Error Dialog - can't delete palette - see errorlog for details Screendump file: style-2j _DtMessage numbers: set 16 (11,12) Instructions: - Add a palette named foo. - change the permissions on the users $HOME/.dt/palettes directory to not writable. - Then try to delete palette foo. 2k. Information Dialog - palette will change next session Screendump file: style-2k _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (28) Instructions: - post Color Use dialog - select B_W - restart your session - Rerun dtstyle, and select a palette. - to undo this, post the Color Use dialog, select default and restart your session 2l. Error Dialog - can't use colors because useColorObj is false Screendump file: style-2m _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (26) Instructions: - In a terminal window xrdb -m Dtstyle*useColorObj: False" - run dtstyle and press the color icon. - to undo this, set "Dtstyle*useColorObj: False" 2m. Error Dialog - can't use colors because color server not running Screendump file: (*) _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (25) Instructions: - run dtstyle not in the DT environment 2n. Error Dialog - palette name must be 10 characters or less (short filenames) Screendump file: (*) _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (13) Instructions: - run Dtstyle on a short filename system. - Try to add a palette with a palette name of > 10 characters 3. Font dialog Screendump file: style-3 _DtMessage numbers: set 5 (17,22,23) Instructions: - Click on the Fonts icon in the Style Manager main window 3a. Notice dialog - use selected font next executable Screendump file: style-3b _DtMessage numbers: set 5 (18) Instructions: - Change the Font Size selection and press Ok . a Notice dialog will appear. 3b. Notice dialog - use selected font next session Screendump file: style-3a _DtMessage numbers: set 5 (19) Instructions: - In a terminal window type xrdb -m *WriteXrdbImmediate: False" - Rerun dtstyle, select a new font size, press Ok . the Notice dialog will appear withe a different message. (combine this with 6b) 4. Backdrop dialog Screendump file: style-4 _DtMessage numbers: set 11 (12) Instructions: - Click on the Backdrop icon in the Style Manager main window 4a. Error Dialog - no bitmaps in backdrop directory Screendump file: style-4a _DtMessage numbers: set 11 (11) Instructions: - In a terminal window type xrdb -m *backdropDirectory: /tmp/foo where /tmp/foo is an empty directory. - run dtstyle, press the Backdrop icon 4b. _DtMessage to errorlog - couldn't open bitmap directory Screendump file: no screen dump, message goes to errorlog _DtMessage numbers: set 11 (9) Instructions: - In a terminal window type xrdb -m *backdropDirectory: /tmp/foo where /tmp/foo does not exist - run dtstyle, press the Backdrop icon 5. Keyboard dialog Screendump file: style-5 _DtMessage numbers: set 13 (2-4,6) Instructions: - Click on the Keyboard icon in the Style Manager main window 6. Mouse dialog Screendump file: style-6 _DtMessage numbers: set 9 (1,2,5,6,8,9,17,18) Instructions: - Click on the Mouse icon in the Style Manager main window 6a. Notice dialog - change will happen next execution Screendump file: style-6b _DtMessage numbers: set 9 (15) Instructions: - Move the Double-Click slider, press OK . a Notice dialog will appear 6b. Notice dialog - change will happen next session Screendump file: style-6a _DtMessage numbers: set 9 (16) Instructions: - In a terminal window type "xrdb -m WriteXrdbImmediate: False". - run dtstyle, move the Double-Click slider, press OK . a Notice dialog will appear with a different message. (combine this with 3b) 7. Audio dialog Screendump file: style-7 _DtMessage numbers: set 6 (2-5,7) Instructions: - Click on the Audio icon in the Style Manager main window 8. Screen dialog Screendump file: style-8 _DtMessage numbers: set 12 (2,4,5,7-11) Instructions: - Click on the Screen icon in the Style Manager main window 9. Window dialog Screendump file: style-9 _DtMessage numbers: set 18 (1-10) Instructions: - Click on the Window icon in the Style Manager main window 10. Startup dialog Screendump file: style-10 _DtMessage numbers: set 7 (3-10,14) Instructions: - Click on the Startup icon in the Style Manager main window 10a. Warning Dialog - this will replace your home session Screendump file: style-10a _DtMessage numbers: set 7 (11,12) Instructions: - Select the Set Home Session... button 10b.(*) Information Dialog - can't change startup parameters when in Screendump file: style-2 _DtMessage numbers: set 14 (5-8) Instructions: compatibility mode - See dtsession man page for how to set -norestore option. Will have to set this mode for session manager logout dialog also.