# $XConsortium: nlsMsgChk.txt /main/2 1996/11/11 11:31:15 drk $ * * * (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company * * (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 International Business Machines Corp. * * (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Novell, Inc. * * Dtsession ========== 1) To display figure 1 a) press style manager button in front panel b) press "start up" button in style manager c) choose "Resume current session" d) press OK e) press logout button in front panel f) press "Cancel" on logout dialog 2) To display figure 2 a) do 1a and 1b b) choose "Return to Home session" c) press OK d) press logout button in front panel e) press "Cancel" on logout dialog 3) To display figure 3 a) do 1a and 1b b) choose "Ask me at logout" c) press OK d) press logout button in front panel e) press "Cancel" on logout dialog 4) To display figure 4 a) Enter HP DT via compatibility mode (see man page or system administration manual -norestore option) b) press the logout button on the front panel After the system is back up and you are logged back in 5) To display figure 5 a) kill -9 on the BMS process (softmsgsrv) b) read the instructions in the dialog and then press OK c) follow the instructions in the dialog After the system is back up and you are logged back in 6) To display figure 6 a) logout b) login in "no windows" mode c) move /usr/softbench/bin/softmsgsrv to /usr/softbench/bin/softmsgsrv_ d) exit e) login f) login in "no windows" mode g) move /usr/softbench/bin/softmsgsrv_ to /usr/softbench/bin/softmsgsrv h) exit After the system is back up and you are logged back in Figure 7 and 8 are nearly identical, one covers the screen and one only displays a large dialog. 7) To display figure 7. a) press style manager button in front panel b) press "screen" button in style manager c) choose "Full Screen Cover: On" d) press OK e) press lock button in front panel f) enter the password to dismiss lock 8) To display figure dtsession-2 . a) press style manager button in front panel b) press "screen" button in style manager c) choose "Full Screen Cover: Off" d) press OK e) press lock button in front panel f) enter the password to dismiss lock