/* * CDE - Common Desktop Environment * * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* $XConsortium: cstring.C /main/2 1995/07/17 14:10:22 drk $ */ /******************************************************************* ** (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993. ** All rights are reserved. Copying or other reproduction of this ** program except for archival purposes is prohibited without prior ** written consent of Hewlett-Packard Company. ******************************************************************** ****************************<+>*************************************/ #include "cstring.h" #include CString::CString() { contents = 0; skipWhiteSpace = 1; } CString::CString ( const char * s, unsigned char ws ) : skipWhiteSpace(ws) { if (s != 0) { contents = new char [strlen(s) + 1]; strcpy(contents,s); } else { contents = new char [1]; strcpy(contents,""); } } CString::CString ( const char c, unsigned char ws ) : skipWhiteSpace(ws) { contents = new char [2]; contents[0] = c; contents[1] = 0; } CString::~CString() { delete [] contents; } CString::CString ( const CString & s ) { contents = new char [s.length() + 1]; strcpy(contents,s.data()); skipWhiteSpace = s.skipWhiteSpace; } char & CString::operator[] ( int index ) const { if (index < 0) return contents[0]; if (index > strlen(contents)) return contents[strlen(contents)-1]; return contents[index]; } int CString::operator!= ( const CString & s ) const { return !(*this == s); } int CString::operator== ( const CString & s ) const { if (isNull() && s.isNull()) return 1; if (isNull() || s.isNull()) return 0; if (strcmp(contents,s.data()) == 0) return 1; return 0; } CString & CString::operator= ( const CString & s ) { if (s != *this) { delete [] contents; contents = new char [s.length() + 1]; strcpy(contents,s.data()); } return *this; } CString & CString::operator= ( const char * s ) { delete [] contents; contents = new char [strlen(s) + 1]; strcpy(contents,s); return *this; } CString & CString::operator+= ( const char * cs ) { char * temp; if (contents) { if (cs) temp = new char [strlen(contents) + strlen(cs) + 1]; else return *this; } else { if (cs) temp = new char [strlen(cs) + 1]; else return *this; } *temp = 0; if (contents) strcat(temp,contents); if (cs) strcat(temp,cs); delete [] contents; contents = temp; return *this; } CString & CString::operator+= ( const CString & s ) { char * temp; if (contents) { if (s.contents) temp = new char [strlen(contents) + s.length() + 1]; else return *this; } else { if (s.contents) temp = new char [s.length() + 1]; else return *this; } *temp = 0; if (contents) strcat(temp,contents); if (s.contents) strcat(temp,s.data()); delete [] contents; contents = temp; return *this; } CString operator+ ( const CString & s1, const CString & s2 ) { CString result(s1); result += s2; return result; } CString operator+ ( const CString & s, const char * cs ) { CString result(s); result += cs; return result; } CString operator+ ( const char * cs, const CString & s ) { CString result(cs); result += s; return result; } CString CString::copy ( unsigned int start, const char * delim ) { if (isNull()) return *this; for (int i = 0; i < strlen(delim); i++) { char * q; if (q = strchr(contents,delim[i])) { char remember = *q; *q = 0; CString result(&contents[start]); *q = remember; return result; } } return *this; } CString CString::copy ( const char * delim1, const char * delim2 ) { if (isNull()) return *this; for (int i = 0; i < strlen(delim1); i++) { char * q; if (q = strchr(contents,delim1[i])) { for (int j = 0; j < strlen(delim2); j++) { char * p; if (p = strchr(q+1,delim2[j])) { char remember = *p; *p = 0; CString result(q+1); *p = remember; return result; } } return CString(q); } } return *this; } CString CString::find ( const char * cs ) { char * q; if (isNull()) return *this; if (q = strstr(contents,cs)) return CString(q); return *this; } int CString::contains ( const CString & s, const char * leader, const char * trailer ) const { return contains(s.data(), leader, trailer); } int CString::contains ( const char * cs, const char * leader, const char * trailer ) const { // first see if there is anything in contents if (isNull()) return 0; // or if the strings are exactly the same if (strcmp(cs,data()) == 0) return 1; // now check to see if it is embedded in the string CString search(leader); search += cs; search += trailer; if (strstr (contents, search.data())) return 1; // if skipWhiteSpace is on then check for spaces on one or // both sides of the target in the source. if (skipWhiteSpace) { // first, a space in front, delimiter on the end search = " "; search += cs; search += trailer; if (strstr (contents, search.data())) return 1; // second, a delimiter on the front, space on the end search = leader; search += cs; search += " "; if (strstr (contents, search.data())) return 1; // third, spaces before and after search = " "; search += cs; search += " "; if (strstr (contents, search.data())) return 1; } // now check to see if it is the start of the string search = cs; search += trailer; if (strncmp (contents, search.data(), search.length()) == 0) return 1; // now check to see if it is the start of the string followed // by a space search = cs; search += " "; if (strncmp (contents, search.data(), search.length()) == 0) return 1; // last, check to see if it is on the end of the string using // the delimiter and a space search = leader; while (1) { search += cs; char *q, *r = 0; char *p = contents; while (q = strstr(p, search.data())) { r = q + strlen(leader); p = q + 1; } if (r && strcmp(r,cs) == 0) return 1; if (search[0] == ' ') break; search = " "; } return 0; } void CString::replace ( const CString & to_be_replaced, const CString & replacee ) { char * q; if (isNull()) return; if (q = strstr(contents,to_be_replaced.data())) { *q = 0; char * prefix = new char [strlen(contents) + 1]; strcpy(prefix,contents); q += to_be_replaced.length(); char * suffix = new char [strlen(q) + 1]; strcpy(suffix,q); delete [] contents; contents = new char [strlen(prefix) + replacee.length() + strlen(suffix) + 1]; strcpy(contents,prefix); strcat(contents,replacee.data()); strcat(contents,suffix); delete [] prefix; delete [] suffix; } } int CString::isNull() const { if (contents == 0) return 1; if (strlen(contents) == 0) return 1; return 0; } CTokenizedString::CTokenizedString() : CString(""), finished(0), cursor(0), delimiter(0) {} CTokenizedString::CTokenizedString ( const CTokenizedString & s ) { if (s != *this) { cursor = new char [strlen(s.cursor) + 1]; strcpy(cursor,s.cursor); delimiter = new char [strlen(s.delimiter) + 1]; strcpy(delimiter,s.delimiter); finished = s.finished; skipWhiteSpace = s.skipWhiteSpace; contents = new char [strlen(s.contents) + 1]; strcpy(contents,s.contents); } } CTokenizedString::CTokenizedString ( const CString & s, char * d, unsigned char ws ) : CString(s), finished(0) { cursor = new char [s.length() + 1]; strcpy(cursor,s.data()); delimiter = new char [strlen(d) + 1]; strcpy(delimiter,d); skipWhiteSpace = ws; } CTokenizedString::~CTokenizedString() { delete [] cursor; delete [] delimiter; } CString CTokenizedString::next() { char * q = 0; if (cursor) { if (strlen(delimiter) == 1) q = strchr(cursor,delimiter[0]); else { for (int i = 0; i < strlen(cursor); i++) if (strchr(delimiter,cursor[i])) { q = &cursor[i]; break; } } } if (q) { // a delimiter has been found. Create the return token, // adjust the cursor *q = 0; // eliminate trailing white space if (skipWhiteSpace) { for (char *p = q; isspace(*(p-1)); p--); *p = 0; } CString result(cursor); // eliminate leading white space if (skipWhiteSpace) for (; isspace(*(q+1)); q++); char * temp = new char [strlen(q+1) + 1]; strcpy(temp,q+1); delete [] cursor; cursor = temp; return result; } else if (cursor) { // no delimiter found. Return what is left of the string CString result(cursor); delete [] cursor; cursor = 0; return result; } else { finished = 1; return CString(""); } } ostream & operator<< ( ostream & os, const CString & s ) { if (s.isNull()) return os << "(null)"; return os << s.data(); }