/* * CDE - Common Desktop Environment * * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* *+SNOTICE * * $TOG: DtMailRc.C /main/9 1998/07/23 18:02:08 mgreess $ * * RESTRICTED CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: * * The information in this document is subject to special * restrictions in a confidential disclosure agreement between * HP, IBM, Sun, USL, SCO and Univel. Do not distribute this * document outside HP, IBM, Sun, USL, SCO, or Univel without * Sun's specific written approval. This document and all copies * and derivative works thereof must be returned or destroyed at * Sun's request. * * Copyright 1993, 1995, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * *+ENOTICE */ /* * Format of the command description table. * The actual table is declared and initialized * in lex.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "str_utils.h" struct cmd { char *c_name; /* Name of command */ int (*c_func)(char **, DtMail::MailRc *); /* Implementor of the command */ void (*c_write)(const char * verbatim, char ** args, FILE * outf); short c_argtype; /* Type of arglist (see below) */ short c_msgflag; /* Required flags of messages */ short c_msgmask; /* Relevant flags of messages */ }; struct var *DtMail::MailRc::variables[HSHSIZE]; /* Pointer to active var list */ #ifdef __osf__ typedef DtMail::MailRc::globals DtMailRc_globals; DtMailRc_globals DtMail::MailRc::glob; #else struct DtMail::MailRc::globals DtMail::MailRc::glob; #endif char *DtMail::MailRc::nullfield; Boolean DtMail::MailRc::clearAliases; #ifdef HAS_VFORK #define DTMAIL_FORK vfork #else #define DTMAIL_FORK fork #endif #define MAXIMUM_PATH_LENGTH 2048 /* can't initialize unions */ #define c_minargs c_msgflag /* Minimum argcount for RAWLIST */ #define c_maxargs c_msgmask /* Max argcount for RAWLIST */ #define HASHSIZE 120 // defines needed by mail-parse #define LINESIZE 10240 /* max readable line width */ #define MAXARGC 1024 /* Maximum list of raw strings */ #define equal(a, b) (strcmp(a,b)==0)/* A nice function to string compare */ #define NONE ((struct cmd *) 0) /* The nil pointer to command tab */ #define CANY 0 /* Execute in send or receive mode */ #define CRCV 1 /* Execute in receive mode only */ #define CSEND 2 /* Execute in send mode only */ #define CTTY 3 /* Execute if attached to a tty only */ #define CNOTTY 4 /* Execute if not attached to a tty */ #define STRLIST 1 /* A pure string */ #define RAWLIST 2 /* Shell string list */ #define F 01000 /* Is a conditional command */ #define NOLIST 3 /* Just plain 0 */ #define CANY 0 /* Execute in send or receive mode */ #define NOSTR ((char *) 0) /* Null string pointer */ // #define NOFILE_DTMAIL 20 /* this define is here for */ // /* compatibility purposes only */ // /* and will be removed in a */ // /* later release */ struct var { struct var *v_link; /* Forward link to next variable */ char *v_name; /* The variable's name */ char *v_value; /* And it's current value */ int v_written; /* It has been written on this pass. */ }; struct hash { struct hash *h_next; char *h_key; void *h_value; int h_written; }; struct cmd cmdtab[] = { { "unset", DtMail::MailRc::unset, DtMail::MailRc::wunset, RAWLIST, 1, 1000, }, { "alias", DtMail::MailRc::group, DtMail::MailRc::wgroup, RAWLIST, 2, 1000, }, { "group", DtMail::MailRc::group, DtMail::MailRc::wgroup, RAWLIST, 2, 1000, }, { "set", DtMail::MailRc::set, DtMail::MailRc::wset, RAWLIST, 1, 1000,}, { "ignore", DtMail::MailRc::igfield, DtMail::MailRc::wigfield, RAWLIST, 1, 1000, }, { "source", DtMail::MailRc::source, DtMail::MailRc::wsource, RAWLIST, 1, 1000, }, { "if", DtMail::MailRc::ifcmd, DtMail::MailRc::wifcmd, F|RAWLIST, 1, 1, }, { "else", DtMail::MailRc::elsecmd, DtMail::MailRc::welsecmd, F|RAWLIST, 0, 0, }, { "endif", DtMail::MailRc::endifcmd, DtMail::MailRc::wendifcmd, F|RAWLIST, 0, 0, }, { "alternates", DtMail::MailRc::alternates, DtMail::MailRc::walternates, RAWLIST, 1, 1000, }, { "clearaliases", DtMail::MailRc::clearaliases, DtMail::MailRc::wclearaliases, RAWLIST, 0, 0, }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; #if defined(sun) #define SYSTEM_MAILRC "/etc/mail/mail.rc" #elif defined(_AIX) || defined(__osf__) || defined(linux) #define SYSTEM_MAILRC "/usr/share/lib/Mail.rc" #elif defined(USL) || defined(__hpux) #define SYSTEM_MAILRC "/usr/share/lib/mailx.rc" #elif defined(CSRG_BASED) #define SYSTEM_MAILRC "/etc/mail.rc" #endif // constructor DtMail::MailRc::MailRc(DtMailEnv &env, DtMail::Session *session) { //char *line = NULL; session = session; env.clear(); _parseError = DTME_NoError; input = NULL; init_globals(); char * mail_rc = getenv("MAILRC"); if (mail_rc) { _mailrc_name = strdup(mail_rc); } else { passwd pw; GetPasswordEntry(pw); _mailrc_name = (char *)malloc(MAXIMUM_PATH_LENGTH); strcpy(_mailrc_name, pw.pw_dir); strcat(_mailrc_name, "/.mailrc"); } cond = CANY; char line[LINESIZE]; int rval = 0; line[0] = '\0'; if ((rval = this->load(_mailrc_name, line)) != 0) { char *msg = new char[MAXIMUM_PATH_LENGTH + LINESIZE]; if (rval == -1) { sprintf(msg, "error while reading \'%s\' in %s\n", line, _mailrc_name); } else if (rval == -2) { sprintf(msg, "%s\n", line); } else if (rval == -3) { sprintf(msg, "error: no endif for conditional if statement while reading %s\n", _mailrc_name); env.setError(DTME_ResourceParsingNoEndif, NULL); _parseError = DTME_ResourceParsingNoEndif; } env.logError(DTM_FALSE, "%s", msg); delete [] msg; } rval = 0; line[0] = '\0'; if ((rval = this->load(SYSTEM_MAILRC, line)) != 0) { char *msg = new char[MAXIMUM_PATH_LENGTH + LINESIZE]; if (rval == -1) { sprintf(msg, "error while reading \'%s\' in %s\n", line, SYSTEM_MAILRC); env.logError(DTM_FALSE, "%s", msg); } else if (rval == -2) { /* Ignore error if the system logfile does not exist. */ } delete [] msg; } } DtMail::MailRc::~MailRc(void) { free(_mailrc_name); } // return true if in list DtMailBoolean DtMail::MailRc::ignore(DtMailEnv &env, const char *name) { char *ignore_list = (char *)MailRc::hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_ignore, (char *)name); env.clear(); if(ignore_list != NULL) // we have a valid ignore list { return DTM_TRUE; } else { env.setError(DTME_NoObjectValue, NULL); return DTM_FALSE; } } void DtMail::MailRc::addIgnore(DtMailEnv & error, const char * name) { error.clear(); add_ignore((char *)name); } void DtMail::MailRc::removeIgnore(DtMailEnv & error, const char * name) { error.clear(); if(MailRc::hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_ignore, (char *)name)) { MailRc::hm_delete((struct hash **)glob.g_ignore, (char *)name); } } const char *DtMail::MailRc::getAlias(DtMailEnv &env, const char * name) { char *return_value = (char *)hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, (char *)name); env.clear(); if(return_value == NULL) { env.setError(DTME_NoObjectValue, NULL); return NULL; } else { return return_value; } } void DtMail::MailRc::setAlias(DtMailEnv & error, const char * name, const char * value) { error.clear(); if (hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, (char *)name)) { hm_delete((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, (char *)name); } add_alias((char *)name, (char *)value); } void DtMail::MailRc::removeAlias(DtMailEnv & error, const char * name) { error.clear(); if (hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, (char *)name)) { hm_delete((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, (char *)name); } } // // Adapted from uuencode and uudecode written by Ian Lance Taylor. // #define ENCRYPT(c) ((c) ? (((c)&077) + ' ' + 2) : ('`' + 2)) #define DECRYPT(c) ((((c) - ' ') & 077) - 2) int DtMail::MailRc::encryptedLength(int length) { // One for the length, one for the '\0', expansion factor of 4/3. int encrypted_length = (2 + (4 * ((length+2)/3))); return encrypted_length; } void DtMail::MailRc::encryptValue(char *to, char *from, int buflen) { int ch, length; char *p; int i=0; memset(to, 0, buflen); length = strlen(from); to[i++] = ENCRYPT(length); for (p=from; length>0; length-=3, p+=3) { ch = *p >> 2; ch = ENCRYPT(ch); to[i++] = (char) ch; ch = ((*p << 4) & 060) | ((p[1] >> 4) & 017); ch = ENCRYPT(ch); to[i++] = (char) ch; ch = ((p[1] << 2) & 074) | ((p[2] >> 6) & 03); ch = ENCRYPT(ch); to[i++] = (char) ch; ch = p[2] & 077; ch = ENCRYPT(ch); to[i++] = (char) ch; } } int DtMail::MailRc::decryptValue(char *to, char *from, int buflen) { int ch, length; int i=0; char *p; memset(to, 0, buflen); p = from; length = DECRYPT(*p); if (length<=0) return 1; for (++p; length>0; p+=4, length-=3) { if (length>=3) { ch = DECRYPT(p[0]) << 2 | DECRYPT(p[1]) >> 4; to[i++] = (char) ch; ch = DECRYPT(p[1]) << 4 | DECRYPT(p[2]) >> 2; to[i++] = (char) ch; ch = DECRYPT(p[2]) << 6 | DECRYPT(p[3]); to[i++] = (char) ch; } else { if (length>=1) { ch = DECRYPT(p[0]) << 2 | DECRYPT(p[1]) >> 4; to[i++] = (char) ch; } if (length>=2) { ch = DECRYPT(p[1]) << 4 | DECRYPT(p[2]) >> 2; to[i++] = (char) ch; } } } return 0; } // if set with value return no error in env and set value // if set with no value return no error in env and return empty string // if not set, return error in env and leave value alone void DtMail::MailRc::getValue(DtMailEnv &env, const char * var, const char ** value, DtMailBoolean decrypt) { char *get_result = mt_value((char *)var); *value = NULL; env.clear(); if (get_result != NULL) { if (decrypt) { int length = encryptedLength(strlen(get_result)); *value = (char*) malloc(length); if (decryptValue((char*) *value, get_result, length)) strcpy((char*) *value, get_result); } else *value = strdup((char *)get_result); } else env.setError(DTME_NoObjectValue, NULL); } void DtMail::MailRc::setValue(DtMailEnv & error, const char * var, const char * value, DtMailBoolean encrypt) { error.clear(); if (encrypt && strlen(value)) { int length = encryptedLength(strlen(value)); char *encrypted = (char*) malloc(length); encryptValue(encrypted, (char*) value, length); mt_assign((char*) var, (char*) encrypted); } else mt_assign((char*) var, (char*) value); } void DtMail::MailRc::removeValue(DtMailEnv & error, const char * var) { error.clear(); mt_deassign((char *)var); } // return alternates list const char * DtMail::MailRc::getAlternates(DtMailEnv &env) { register int i; register struct hash *h; struct hash **table = (struct hash **)glob.g_alternates; int len; env.clear(); // we don't free this memory... alternate_list = NULL; if(table == NULL) { env.setError(DTME_NoObjectValue, NULL); return NULL; } i = HASHSIZE; while (--i >= 0) { h = *table++; while (h) { len = strlen((const char*)h->h_key); if(alternate_list == NULL) { alternate_list = (char *)malloc(len + 1); // plus terminator strcpy(alternate_list, (const char*)h->h_key); } else { len += strlen(alternate_list); alternate_list = (char *)realloc(alternate_list, len + 2); // plus terminator // and space strcat(alternate_list, " "); // add space strcat(alternate_list, (const char *)h->h_key); } h = h->h_next; } } return (alternate_list); } void DtMail::MailRc::setAlternate(DtMailEnv & error, const char * alt) { error.clear(); add_alternates((char *)alt); } void DtMail::MailRc::removeAlternate(DtMailEnv & error, const char * name) { error.clear(); if(MailRc::hm_test((struct hash**)glob.g_alternates, (char *)name)) { MailRc::hm_delete((struct hash **)glob.g_alternates, (char *)name); } } void DtMail::MailRc::update(DtMailEnv & error) { error.clear(); // Generate a temporary file. char *tmp_mailrc = new char[MAXIMUM_PATH_LENGTH]; strcpy(tmp_mailrc, _mailrc_name); strcat(tmp_mailrc, ".tmp"); FILE * outf = fopen(tmp_mailrc, "w+"); if (outf == NULL) { error.setError(DTME_ObjectCreationFailed); delete [] tmp_mailrc; return; } // Now open the mailrc for input. FILE * inf = fopen(_mailrc_name, "r"); if (inf != NULL) { // Now we will read the input file, and copy it to the output, // based on type and changes to the mailrc. // updateByLine(inf, outf); fclose(inf); } // Now we need to make a final scan. This will cause new values // to be written and the written flag to be reset for the next // update. // mt_scan(outf); hm_scan((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, ngroup, outf); // Alternates and groups we will add to a list, and then // put them out in one batch. // DtVirtArray value_list(32); hm_scan((struct hash **)glob.g_ignore, nigfield, &value_list); if (value_list.length()) { fwrite("ignore ", 1, 7, outf); while (value_list.length()) { char * val = value_list[0]; fwrite(val, 1, strlen(val), outf); fwrite(" ", 1, 1, outf); value_list.remove(0); } fwrite("\n", 1, 1, outf); } hm_scan((struct hash **)glob.g_alternates, nalternates, &value_list); if (value_list.length()) { fwrite("alternates ", 1, 11, outf); while (value_list.length()) { char * val = value_list[0]; fwrite(val, 1, strlen(val), outf); fwrite(" ", 1, 1, outf); value_list.remove(0); } fwrite("\n", 1, 1, outf); } fclose(outf); if (rename(tmp_mailrc, _mailrc_name)) { error.setError(DTME_ObjectAccessFailed); delete [] tmp_mailrc; return; } delete [] tmp_mailrc; } void DtMail::MailRc::getAliasList(hm_callback stuffing_func, void *client_data) { hm_scan((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, stuffing_func, client_data); } DtVirtArray *DtMail::MailRc::getAliasList() { DtVirtArray *value_list = NULL; value_list = new DtVirtArray(10); hm_scan((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, nalias, value_list); return value_list; } DtVirtArray *DtMail::MailRc::getIgnoreList() { DtVirtArray *value_list = NULL; value_list = new DtVirtArray(10); hm_scan((struct hash **)glob.g_ignore, nignorelist, value_list); return value_list; } void DtMail::MailRc::updateByLine(FILE * inf, FILE * outf) { // We are going to keep two line buffers, unlike the first // pass parser. One is the line, with continuations, verbatim. // If nothing has changed, then we put this into the output // unmodified. The other is the line with continuations stripped // so we can finish parsing and analyzing the line. // char *verbatim = new char[LINESIZE]; char *for_parser = new char[LINESIZE]; char *linebuf = new char[LINESIZE]; int at_eof = 0; while(!at_eof) { verbatim[0] = 0; for_parser[0] = 0; while(1) { if (readline(inf, linebuf) <= 0) { at_eof = 1; break; } int len = strlen(linebuf); if (len == 0 || linebuf[len - 1] != '\\') { break; } strcat(verbatim, linebuf); strcat(verbatim, "\n"); linebuf[len - 1] = ' '; strcat(for_parser, linebuf); } if (at_eof) { break; } strcat(verbatim, linebuf); strcat(verbatim, "\n"); strcat(for_parser, linebuf); outputLine(verbatim, for_parser, outf); } delete [] verbatim; delete [] for_parser; delete [] linebuf; } void DtMail::MailRc::outputLine(const char * verbatim, const char * for_parser, FILE * outf) { char *arglist[MAXARGC]; const char * start = for_parser; while(*start && isspace(*start)) { start++; } // If we have a comment, write it out and move on. // if (*start == '#') { fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); return; } char word[LINESIZE]; // Pull off the command word. // char * cp2 = word; while (*start && !strchr(" \t0123456789$^.:/-+*'\"", *start)) *cp2++ = *start++; *cp2 = '\0'; if (equal(word, "")) { fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); return; } struct cmd * com = (struct cmd *)lex(word); if (com == NONE) { // We dont know the command, so just copy the line. // fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); return; } // We will simply rewrite conditionals. if ((com->c_argtype & F)) { fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); return; } int c; switch (com->c_argtype & ~(F)) { case STRLIST: /* * Just the straight string, with * leading blanks removed. */ while (strchr(" \t", *start)) { start++; } com->c_write(verbatim, (char **)&start, outf); break; case RAWLIST: /* * A vector of strings, in shell style. */ if ((c = getrawlist((char *)start, arglist, sizeof arglist / sizeof *arglist)) < 0) break; if (c < com->c_minargs) { fprintf(stderr,"%s requires at least %d arg(s)\n", com->c_name, com->c_minargs); break; } if (c > com->c_maxargs) { fprintf(stderr,"%s takes no more than %d arg(s)\n", com->c_name, com->c_maxargs); break; } com->c_write(verbatim, arglist, outf); freerawlist(arglist); break; case NOLIST: /* * Just the constant zero, for exiting, * eg. */ com->c_write(verbatim, NULL, outf); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unknown argtype %#x", com->c_argtype); fprintf(stderr, "NEED TO FIX THIS FOR DTMAIL!\n"); /* mt_done(1); */ } } // init the global hash structure void DtMail::MailRc::init_globals() { glob.g_myname = NULL; glob.g_ignore = this->hm_alloc(); glob.g_retain = this->hm_alloc(); glob.g_alias = this->hm_alloc(); glob.g_alternates = this->hm_alloc(); ssp = -1; nullfield = new char[3]; strcpy(nullfield, ""); alternate_list = NULL; } // load a "user definintion" file int DtMail::MailRc::load(char *name, char* line) { register FILE *in, *oldin; int ret=0; if ((in = fopen(name, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(line, "can not open file %s\n", name); return(-2); } line[0] = '\0'; oldin = input; input = in; sourcing = 0; if ((ret = commands(line)) != 0) { input = oldin; fclose(in); return ret; } input = oldin; fclose(in); return ret; } /* * Interpret user commands one by one. If standard input is not a tty, * print no prompt. */ int DtMail::MailRc::commands(char* iline) { register int n; char *linebuf = new char[LINESIZE]; char *line = new char[LINESIZE]; for (;;) { /* * Read a line of commands from the current input * and handle end of file specially. */ n = 0; linebuf[0] = '\0'; for (;;) { if (readline(input, line) <= 0) { if (n != 0) break; if (sourcing) { unstack(); goto more; } // Conditional if statement with no corresponding endif if (cond != CANY) { delete [] linebuf; delete [] line; return(-3); } delete [] linebuf; delete [] line; return 0; } if ((n = strlen(line)) == 0) break; n--; if (line[n] != '\\') break; line[n++] = ' '; if (n > LINESIZE - strlen(linebuf) - 1) break; strcat(linebuf, line); } n = LINESIZE - strlen(linebuf) - 1; if (strlen(line) > n) { fprintf(stderr, "Line plus continuation line too long:\n\t%s\n\nplus\n\t%s\n", linebuf, line); if (sourcing) { unstack(); goto more; } // Conditional if statement with no corresponding endif if (cond != CANY) { delete [] linebuf; delete [] line; return(-3); } delete [] linebuf; delete [] line; return 0; } strncat(linebuf, line, n); if (execute(linebuf)) { strncpy(iline, linebuf, LINESIZE); iline[LINESIZE-1] = '\0'; delete [] linebuf; delete [] line; return(-1); } more: ; } delete [] linebuf; delete [] line; } /* * Execute a single command. If the command executed * is "quit," then return non-zero so that the caller * will know to return back to main, if he cares. * Contxt is non-zero if called while composing mail. */ int DtMail::MailRc::execute(char linebuf[]) { char word[LINESIZE]; char *arglist[MAXARGC]; struct cmd *com; char *cp, *cp2; int c; // int muvec[2]; int e; int newcmd = 0; /* * Strip the white space away from the beginning * of the command, then scan out a word, which * consists of anything except digits and white space. * * Handle ! escapes differently to get the correct * lexical conventions. */ cp = linebuf; while (*cp && strchr(" \t", *cp)) cp++; /* * Throw away comment lines here. */ if (*cp == '#') { if (*++cp != '-') { return(0); } /* the special newcmd header -- "#-" */ newcmd = 1; /* strip whitespace again */ while (*++cp && strchr(" \t", *cp)); } cp2 = word; while (*cp && !strchr(" \t0123456789$^.:/-+*'\"", *cp)) *cp2++ = *cp++; *cp2 = '\0'; /* * Look up the command; if not found, complain. * We ignore blank lines to eliminate confusion. */ if (equal(word, "")) return(0); com = (struct cmd *)lex(word); if (com == NONE) { if (newcmd) { /* this command is OK not to be found; that way * we can extend the .mailrc file with new * commands and not kill old mail and mailtool * programs. */ return(0); } fprintf(stderr,"Unknown command: \"%s\"\n", word); if (sourcing) unstack(); return(1); } /* * See if we should execute the command -- if a conditional * we always execute it, otherwise, check the state of cond. */ if ((com->c_argtype & F) == 0) { if (cond == CSEND || cond == CTTY ) { return(0); } #ifdef undef if (cond == CRCV && !rcvmode || cond == CSEND && rcvmode || cond == CTTY && !intty || cond == CNOTTY && intty) { return(0); } #endif } /* * Process the arguments to the command, depending * on the type he expects. Default to an error. * If we are sourcing an interactive command, it's * an error. */ e = 1; switch (com->c_argtype & ~(F)) { case STRLIST: /* * Just the straight string, with * leading blanks removed. */ while (strchr(" \t", *cp)) cp++; e = (*com->c_func)(&cp, this); break; case RAWLIST: /* * A vector of strings, in shell style. */ if ((c = getrawlist(cp, arglist, sizeof arglist / sizeof *arglist)) < 0) break; if (c < com->c_minargs) { fprintf(stderr,"%s requires at least %d arg(s)\n", com->c_name, com->c_minargs); break; } if (c > com->c_maxargs) { fprintf(stderr,"%s takes no more than %d arg(s)\n", com->c_name, com->c_maxargs); break; } e = (*com->c_func)(arglist, this); freerawlist(arglist); break; case NOLIST: /* * Just the constant zero, for exiting, * eg. */ e = (*com->c_func)(0, this); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unknown argtype %#x", com->c_argtype); fprintf(stderr, "NEED TO FIX THIS FOR DTMAIL!\n"); /* mt_done(1); */ } /* * Exit the current source file on * error. */ if (e && sourcing) unstack(); /* ZZZ:katin: should we return an error here? */ return(e); } /* * Read up a line from the specified input into the line * buffer. Return the number of characters read. Do not * include the newline at the end. */ int DtMail::MailRc::readline(FILE *ibuf, char *linebuf) { register char *cp; register int c; int seennulls = 0; clearerr(ibuf); c = getc(ibuf); for (cp = linebuf; c != '\n' && c != EOF; c = getc(ibuf)) { if (c == 0) { if (!seennulls) { fprintf(stderr, "Mail: ignoring NULL characters in mail\n"); seennulls++; } continue; } if (cp - linebuf < LINESIZE-2) *cp++ = c; } *cp = 0; if (c == EOF && cp == linebuf) return(0); return(cp - linebuf + 1); } /* * Pop the current input back to the previous level. * Update the "sourcing" flag as appropriate. */ void DtMail::MailRc::unstack() { if (ssp < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"\"Source\" stack over-pop.\n"); sourcing = 0; return; } fclose(input); if (cond != CANY) fprintf(stderr,"Unmatched \"if\"\n"); cond = sstack[ssp].s_cond; input = sstack[ssp--].s_file; if (ssp < 0) sourcing = 0; } /* * Find the correct command in the command table corresponding * to the passed command "word" */ void *DtMail::MailRc::lex(char word[]) { register struct cmd *cp; for (cp = &cmdtab[0]; cp->c_name != NOSTR; cp++) if (DtMail::MailRc::isprefix(word, cp->c_name)) return(cp); return(NONE); } /* * Determine if as1 is a valid prefix of as2. * Return true if yep. */ int DtMail::MailRc::isprefix(char *as1, char *as2) { register char *s1, *s2; s1 = as1; s2 = as2; while (*s1++ == *s2) if (*s2++ == '\0') return(1); return(*--s1 == '\0'); } /* * Scan out the list of string arguments, shell style * for a RAWLIST. */ int DtMail::MailRc::getrawlist(char line[], char **argv, int argc) { register char **ap, *cp, *cp2; char linebuf[LINESIZE], quotec; register char **last; ap = argv; cp = line; last = argv + argc - 1; while (*cp != '\0') { while (*cp && strchr(" \t", *cp)) cp++; cp2 = linebuf; quotec = 0; while (*cp != '\0') { if (quotec) { if (*cp == quotec) { quotec=0; cp++; } else *cp2++ = *cp++; } else { if (*cp && strchr(" \t", *cp)) break; if (*cp && strchr("'\"", *cp)) quotec = *cp++; else *cp2++ = *cp++; } } *cp2 = '\0'; if (cp2 == linebuf) break; if (ap >= last) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many elements in the list; excess discarded\n"); break; } *ap++ = strdup((char*)linebuf); } *ap = NOSTR; return(ap-argv); } void DtMail::MailRc::freerawlist(char **argv) { while(*argv) { free((char*)*argv); argv++; } } /* * Get the value of a variable and return it. * Look in the environment if its not available locally. */ char *DtMail::MailRc::mt_value(char name[]) { register struct var *vp; register char *cp; // extern char *getenv(); if ((vp = lookup(name, (struct var **)this->variables)) == (struct var *)NULL) cp = getenv(name); else cp = vp->v_value; return (cp); } /* * Locate a variable and return its variable * node. */ struct var *DtMail::MailRc::lookup(char *name, struct var **hasharray) { register struct var *vp; register int h; h = hash(name); for (vp = hasharray[h]; vp != (struct var *)NULL; vp = vp->v_link) if (strcmp(vp->v_name, name) == 0) return (vp); return ((struct var *)NULL); } /* * Put add users to a group. */ int DtMail::MailRc::group(char **argv, DtMail::MailRc *) { int size; char *buf; char *s; char **ap; /* * Insert names from the command list into the group. * Who cares if there are duplicates? They get tossed * later anyway. */ /* compute the size of the buffer */ size = 0; for (ap = argv+1; *ap != NOSTR; ap++) { size += strlen(*ap) +1; } buf = (char *)malloc(size); s = buf; for (ap = argv+1; *ap != NOSTR; ap++) { strcpy(s, *ap); s += strlen(s); *s++ = ' '; } *--s = '\0'; MailRc::add_alias((char *)argv[0], (char *)buf); free(buf); return(0); } void DtMail::MailRc::wgroup(const char * verbatim, char ** argv, FILE * outf) { int size = 0; char * buf; char * s; char ** ap; for (ap = argv+1; *ap != NOSTR; ap++) { size += strlen(*ap) +1; } buf = (char *)malloc(size); s = buf; for (ap = argv+1; *ap != NOSTR; ap++) { strcpy(s, *ap); s += strlen(s); *s++ = ' '; } *--s = '\0'; char * cur = (char *)hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, argv[0]); if (!cur || (!clearAliases && hm_ismarked((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, argv[0]))) { // Its been removed or written. Dont write it to the file. free(buf); return; } if (strcmp(cur, buf) == 0) { // It hasnt changed. Write the original to preserve spacing. // fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); } else { // It has changed. Create a new alias. // fwrite("alias ", 1, 6, outf); fwrite(argv[0], 1, strlen(argv[0]), outf); fwrite(" ", 1, 1, outf); fwrite(cur, 1, strlen(cur), outf); fwrite("\n", 1, 1, outf); } hm_mark((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, argv[0]); } void DtMail::MailRc::ngroup(char * key, void * data, void * client_data) { char * value = (char *)data; FILE * outf = (FILE *)client_data; fwrite("alias ", 1, 6, outf); fwrite(key, 1, strlen(key), outf); fwrite(" ", 1, 1, outf); fwrite(value, 1, strlen(value), outf); fwrite("\n", 1, 1, outf); } void DtMail::MailRc::nalias(char * key, void * data, void * client_data) { DtVirtArray *value_list = (DtVirtArray *)client_data; char *new_alias = NULL; char *white_space = NULL; int m_size = 0; int i, num_spaces = 0; int key_len = strlen(key); // figure out whitespace for formatting // assume 13 for normal sized alias name if(key_len < 13) // need to add spaces { num_spaces = 13 - key_len; white_space = (char *)malloc(num_spaces + 1); white_space[0] = '\0'; for(i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++) white_space[i] = ' '; white_space[num_spaces] = '\0'; // strcat(white_space, " "); /* make an alias string */ m_size = key_len + strlen((char *)white_space) + strlen((char *)data) + strlen(" = ") + 1; new_alias = (char *)malloc(m_size); sprintf(new_alias, "%s%s = %s",key, white_space, (char *) data); } else { /* make an alias string */ m_size = key_len + strlen((char *)data) + strlen(" = ") + 1; new_alias = (char *)malloc(m_size); sprintf(new_alias, "%s = %s",key, (char *) data); } value_list->append(new_alias); } void DtMail::MailRc::nignorelist(char * key, void * data, void * client_data) { data = data; DtVirtArray *value_list = (DtVirtArray *)client_data; char *new_ignore = NULL; new_ignore = (char *)malloc(strlen((char *)key) + 2); sprintf(new_ignore, "%s", key); value_list->append(new_ignore); } /* * Set or display a variable value. Syntax is similar to that * of csh. */ int DtMail::MailRc::set(char **arglist, DtMail::MailRc *) { register char *cp, *cp2; char varbuf[LINESIZE], **ap; int errs; errs = 0; for (ap = arglist; *ap != NOSTR; ap++) { cp = *ap; cp2 = varbuf; while (*cp != '=' && *cp != '\0') *cp2++ = *cp++; *cp2 = '\0'; if (*cp == '\0') cp = ""; else cp++; if (equal(varbuf, "")) { fprintf(stderr,"Non-null variable name required\n"); errs++; continue; } MailRc::mt_assign(varbuf, cp); } return(errs); } void DtMail::MailRc::wset(const char * verbatim, char ** arglist, FILE * outf) { char varbuf[LINESIZE]; char *cp, *cp2, **ap; for (ap = arglist; *ap != NOSTR; ap++) { cp = *ap; cp2 = varbuf; while (*cp != '=' && *cp != '\0') *cp2++ = *cp++; *cp2 = '\0'; if (*cp == '\0') cp = ""; else cp++; if (equal(varbuf, "")) { continue; } // Lookup the current value, and see if we should rewrite this // variable. // struct var * vp = lookup(varbuf, (struct var **)variables); if (vp == NULL || vp->v_written) { // If the original input line was set novar then just write // it out again. We can not easily track duplicates here. // if (varbuf[0] == 'n' && varbuf[1] == 'o') { fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); } // This variable has been unassigned or previously written. // Remove it from the file, by not writing it. // continue; } // Compare the values. If equal, then write the line verbatim to // preserve the users original spacing and quoting. // if (strcmp(cp, vp->v_value) == 0) { fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); vp->v_written = 1; } else { // Write the variable, with a new value. // fwrite("set ", 1, 4, outf); fwrite(varbuf, 1, strlen(varbuf), outf); if (strlen(vp->v_value) > 0) { fwrite("='", 1, 2, outf); fwrite(vp->v_value, 1, strlen(vp->v_value), outf); fwrite("'", 1, 1, outf); } fwrite("\n", 1, 1, outf); vp->v_written = 1; } } } /* * Unset a bunch of variable values. */ int DtMail::MailRc::unset(char **arglist, DtMail::MailRc *) { register char **ap; for (ap = arglist; *ap != NOSTR; ap++) (void) MailRc::mt_deassign(*ap); return(0); } void DtMail::MailRc::wunset(const char * verbatim, char ** arglist, FILE * outf) { arglist = arglist; if(verbatim != NULL && outf != NULL) fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); } /* * Hash the passed string and return an index into * the variable or group hash table. */ int DtMail::MailRc::hash(char *name) { register unsigned h; register char *cp; for (cp = name, h = 0; *cp; h = (h << 2) + *cp++) ; return (h % HSHSIZE); } /* manage the alias list */ void DtMail::MailRc::add_alias(char *name, char *value) { char *old; char *new_ptr; /* aliases to the same name get appended to the list */ old = (char*)MailRc::hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, name); if (old) { int size; size = strlen(value) + strlen(old) + 2; new_ptr = (char *)malloc(size); sprintf(new_ptr, "%s %s", value, old); /* delete any old bindings for the name */ MailRc::hm_delete((struct hash**)glob.g_alias, name); /* add the new binding */ MailRc::hm_add((struct hash**)glob.g_alias, name, new_ptr, size); /* free up the temporary space */ free(new_ptr); } else { /* add the new binding */ MailRc::hm_add((struct hash**)glob.g_alias, name, value, strlen(value) +1); } } /* * Assign a value to a mail variable. */ void DtMail::MailRc::mt_assign(char *name,char * val) { if (name[0]=='-') (void) mt_deassign(name+1); else if (name[0]=='n' && name[1]=='o') (void) mt_deassign(name+2); else if ((val[0] == 'n' || val[0] == 'N') && (val[1] == 'o' || val[1] == 'O') && val[2] == '\0') { (void) mt_deassign(name); } else mt_puthash(name, vcopy(val), MailRc::variables); } int DtMail::MailRc::mt_deassign(char *s) { register struct var *vp, *vp2; register int h; if ((vp2 = lookup(s, MailRc::variables)) == (struct var *)NULL) { return (1); } h = hash(s); if (vp2 == MailRc::variables[h]) { MailRc::variables[h] = MailRc::variables[h]->v_link; vfree(vp2->v_name); vfree(vp2->v_value); free((char *)vp2); return (0); } for (vp = MailRc::variables[h]; vp->v_link != vp2; vp = vp->v_link) ; vp->v_link = vp2->v_link; vfree(vp2->v_name); vfree(vp2->v_value); free((char *)vp2); return (0); } /* * associate val with name in hasharray */ void DtMail::MailRc::mt_puthash(char *name, char *val, struct var **hasharray) { register struct var *vp; register int h; vp = lookup(name, hasharray); if (vp == (struct var *)NULL) { h = hash(name); vp = (struct var *) (calloc(sizeof *vp, 1)); vp->v_name = vcopy(name); vp->v_link = hasharray[h]; vp->v_written = 0; hasharray[h] = vp; } else vfree(vp->v_value); vp->v_value = val; } void DtMail::MailRc::mt_scan(FILE * outf) { for (int slot = 0; slot < HSHSIZE; slot++) { for (var * vp = MailRc::variables[slot]; vp != (struct var *)NULL; vp = vp->v_link) { if (!vp->v_written) { fwrite("set ", 1, 4, outf); fwrite(vp->v_name, 1, strlen(vp->v_name), outf); if (strlen(vp->v_value)) { fwrite("='", 1, 2, outf); fwrite(vp->v_value, 1, strlen(vp->v_value), outf); fwrite("'", 1, 1, outf); } fwrite("\n", 1, 1, outf); } vp->v_written = 0; } } } /* * Copy a variable value into permanent space. * Do not bother to alloc space for "". */ char *DtMail::MailRc::vcopy(char *str) { if (strcmp(str, "") == 0) return (""); return (strdup(str)); } /* * Free up a variable string. We do not bother to allocate * strings whose value is "" since they are expected to be frequent. * Thus, we cannot free same! */ void DtMail::MailRc::vfree(char *cp) { if (strcmp(cp, "") != 0) free(cp); } void *DtMail::MailRc::hm_alloc(void) { struct hash **table; table = (struct hash**)malloc(sizeof (struct hash) * HASHSIZE); memset(table, '\0', sizeof (struct hash) * HASHSIZE); return (table); } void DtMail::MailRc::hm_add(struct hash **table, char *key, void *value, int size) { int index; register struct hash *h; if (!table) return; index = hash_index(key); h = (struct hash *)malloc(sizeof (struct hash)); h->h_next = table[index]; h->h_written = 0; table[index] = h; h->h_key = strdup(key); if (size && value != NULL) { h->h_value = malloc(size); memcpy(h->h_value, value, size); } else { h->h_value = nullfield; } } void DtMail::MailRc::hm_delete(struct hash **table, char *key) { register int index; register struct hash *h; register struct hash *old; if (!table) return; index = hash_index(key); old = NULL; h = table[index]; while (h) { if (strcasecmp(h->h_key, key) == 0) { /* found the match */ if (old == NULL) table[index] = h->h_next; else old->h_next = h->h_next; free_hash(h); break; } old = h; h = h->h_next; } } void *DtMail::MailRc::hm_test(struct hash **table, char *key) { register struct hash *h; if (!table) return (NULL); h = table[hash_index(key)]; while (h) { if (strcasecmp(h->h_key, key) == 0) { /* found a match */ return (h->h_value); } h = h->h_next; } return (NULL); } void DtMail::MailRc::hm_mark(struct hash **table, char *key) { register struct hash *h; if (!table) return; h = table[hash_index(key)]; while (h) { if (strcasecmp(h->h_key, key) == 0) { h->h_written = 1; return; } h = h->h_next; } } int DtMail::MailRc::hm_ismarked(struct hash **table, char *key) { register struct hash *h; if (!table) return 0; h = table[hash_index(key)]; while (h) { if (strcasecmp(h->h_key, key) == 0) return(h->h_written); h = h->h_next; } return 0; } void DtMail::MailRc::hm_scan(struct hash **table, hm_callback callback, void * client_data) { for (int slot = 0; slot < HASHSIZE; slot++) { for (struct hash * h = table[slot]; h; h = h->h_next) { if (!h->h_written) { callback(h->h_key, h->h_value, client_data); } h->h_written = 0; } } } int DtMail::MailRc::hash_index(char *key) { register unsigned h; register char *s; register int c; s = key; h = 0; while (*s) { c = *s++; if (isupper(c)) { c = tolower(c); } h = (h << 2) + c; } return (h % HASHSIZE); } void DtMail::MailRc::free_hash(struct hash *h) { free(h->h_key); if (h->h_value != nullfield) { free(h->h_value); } free(h); } /* * Add the given header fields to the ignored list. * If no arguments, print the current list of ignored fields. */ int DtMail::MailRc::igfield(char *list[], DtMail::MailRc *) { char **ap; for (ap = list; *ap != 0; ap++) { // DP(("igfield: adding %s\n", *ap)); MailRc::add_ignore(*ap); } return(0); } void DtMail::MailRc::wigfield(const char * verbatim, char ** list, FILE * outf) { char ** ap; Boolean ignore_written = FALSE; // We need to see that every name in this line still exists. If not, // then we will make a second pass, rewriting the line with only the // valid ignores. // int good = 1; for (ap = list; *ap && good; ap++) { if (!hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_ignore, *ap)) { good = 0; break; } } if (good) { fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); for (ap = list; *ap; ap++) { hm_mark((struct hash **)glob.g_ignore, *ap); } return; } // Create a new ignore line, leaving out the ignores that have // been removed. Also, dont write any ignores that have been // previously written. // for (ap = list; *ap; ap++) { if (hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_ignore, *ap) && !hm_ismarked((struct hash **)glob.g_ignore, *ap)) { // Only write 'ignore' if there is something in the list if (!ignore_written) { fwrite("ignore ", 1, 7, outf); ignore_written = TRUE; } fwrite(*ap, 1, strlen(*ap), outf); fwrite(" ", 1, 1, outf); hm_mark((struct hash **)glob.g_ignore, *ap); } } if (ignore_written) fwrite("\n", 1, 1, outf); } void DtMail::MailRc::nigfield(char * key, void *, void * client_data) { DtVirtArray *value_list = (DtVirtArray *)client_data; value_list->append(key); } /* manage the retain/ignore list */ void DtMail::MailRc::add_ignore(char *name) { if(! MailRc::hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_ignore, name)) { /* name is not already there... */ MailRc::hm_add((struct hash **)glob.g_ignore, name, NULL, 0); } } /* * Set the list of alternate names. */ int DtMail::MailRc::alternates(char **namelist, DtMail::MailRc *) { while (*namelist != NULL) MailRc::add_alternates(*namelist++); return(0); } void DtMail::MailRc::walternates(const char * verbatim, char ** list, FILE * outf) { // This is like ignores. We need to make sure all of the alternates // on this command are still in the database. // char ** ap; int good = 1; for (ap = list; *ap && good; ap++) { if (!hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_alternates, *ap)) { good = 0; break; } } if (good) { fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); for (ap = list; *ap; ap++) { hm_mark((struct hash **)glob.g_alternates, *ap); } return; } // Write out the alternates that still exist and have not been // previously written. // Boolean written = FALSE; for (ap = list; *ap; ap++) { if (hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_alternates, *ap) && !hm_ismarked((struct hash **)glob.g_alternates, *ap)) { if (!written) { fwrite("alternates ", 1, 11, outf); written=TRUE; } fwrite(*ap, 1, strlen(*ap), outf); fwrite(" ", 1, 1, outf); hm_mark((struct hash **)glob.g_alternates, *ap); } } } void DtMail::MailRc::nalternates(char * key, void *, void * client_data) { DtVirtArray *value_list = (DtVirtArray *)client_data; value_list->append(key); } /* manage the alternate name list */ void DtMail::MailRc::add_alternates(char *name) { if(! MailRc::hm_test((struct hash**)glob.g_alternates, name)) { /* name is not already there... */ MailRc::hm_add((struct hash **)glob.g_alternates, name, NULL, 0); } } /* * Determine the current folder directory name. */ int DtMail::MailRc::getfolderdir(char *name, size_t buffsize) { char *folder; if ((folder = mt_value("folder")) == NOSTR) return(-1); if (*folder == '/') snprintf(name, buffsize, "%s", folder); else snprintf(name, buffsize, "%s/%s", mt_value("HOME"), folder); return(0); } /* * Take a file name, possibly with shell meta characters * in it and expand it by using "sh -c echo filename" * Return the file name as a dynamic string. */ char * DtMail::MailRc::expand(char *name) { char *xname = new char[LINESIZE]; char *cmdbuf = new char[LINESIZE]; char *str; register int pid, l; register char *cp, *Shell; int s, pivec[2]; struct stat sbuf; char *retchr = NULL; if (name[0] == '+' && getfolderdir(cmdbuf, LINESIZE) >= 0) { sprintf(xname, "%s/%s", cmdbuf, name + 1); str = expand(xname); delete [] xname; delete [] cmdbuf; return str; } if (!strpbrk(name, "~{[*?$`'\"\\")) { return(strdup(name)); } if (pipe(pivec) < 0) { perror("pipe"); delete [] xname; delete [] cmdbuf; return(strdup(name)); } sprintf(cmdbuf, "echo %s", name); if ((pid = DTMAIL_FORK()) == 0) { Shell = mt_value("SHELL"); if (Shell == NOSTR || *Shell=='\0') Shell = "/bin/sh"; close(pivec[0]); close(1); dup(pivec[1]); close(pivec[1]); close(2); execlp(Shell, Shell, "-c", cmdbuf, (char *)0); _exit(1); } if (pid == -1) { perror("fork"); close(pivec[0]); close(pivec[1]); delete [] xname; delete [] cmdbuf; return(NOSTR); } close(pivec[1]); l = read(pivec[0], xname, LINESIZE); close(pivec[0]); while (wait(&s) != pid); ; s &= 0377; if (s != 0 && s != SIGPIPE) { fprintf(stderr, "Echo failed\n"); goto err; } if (l < 0) { perror("read"); goto err; } if (l == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: No match\n", name); goto err; } if (l == LINESIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "Buffer overflow expanding %s\n", name); goto err; } xname[l] = 0; for (cp = &xname[l-1]; *cp == '\n' && cp > xname; cp--) ; *++cp = '\0'; if (strchr(xname, ' ') && stat(xname, &sbuf) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Ambiguous\n", name); goto err; } retchr = strdup(xname); delete [] xname; delete [] cmdbuf; return(retchr); err: fflush(stderr); delete [] xname; delete [] cmdbuf; return(NOSTR); } int DtMail::MailRc::source(char **arglist, DtMail::MailRc *self) { char *fname = arglist[0]; FILE *fi; char *cp; /* if any of the three if test failed, return 0, * since we have not updated the input and stack pointer yet */ if ((cp = self->expand(fname)) == NOSTR) return(0); if ((fi = fopen(cp, "r")) == NULL) { free(cp); return(0); } free(cp); if (self->ssp >= NOFILE - 2) { fclose(fi); return(0); } self->sstack[++(self->ssp)].s_file = self->input; self->sstack[self->ssp].s_cond = self->cond; self->cond = CANY; self->input = fi; self->sourcing++; return(0); } void DtMail::MailRc::wsource(const char * verbatim, char ** arglist, FILE * outf) { arglist = arglist; if(verbatim != NULL && outf != NULL) fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); } int DtMail::MailRc::ifcmd(char **arglist, DtMail::MailRc *self) { register char *cp; if (self->cond != CANY) { fprintf(stderr,"Illegal nested \"if\"\n"); return(1); } self->cond = CANY; cp = arglist[0]; switch (*cp) { case 'r': case 'R': self->cond = CRCV; break; case 's': case 'S': self->cond = CSEND; break; case 't': case 'T': self->cond = CTTY; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unrecognized if-keyword: \"%s\"\n", cp); return(1); } return(0); } void DtMail::MailRc::wifcmd(const char * verbatim, char ** arglist, FILE * outf) { arglist = arglist; if(verbatim != NULL && outf != NULL) fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); } int DtMail::MailRc::elsecmd(char **, DtMail::MailRc *self) { switch (self->cond) { case CANY: fprintf(stderr, "\"Else\" without matching \"if\"\n"); return(1); case CSEND: self->cond = CRCV; break; case CRCV: self->cond = CSEND; break; case CTTY: self->cond = CNOTTY; break; case CNOTTY: self->cond = CTTY; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"invalid condition encountered\n"); self->cond = CANY; break; } return(0); } void DtMail::MailRc::welsecmd(const char * verbatim, char ** arglist, FILE * outf) { arglist = arglist; if(verbatim != NULL && outf != NULL) fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); } int DtMail::MailRc::endifcmd(char **, DtMail::MailRc *self) { if (self->cond == CANY) { fprintf(stderr,"\"Endif\" without matching \"if\"\n"); return(1); } self->cond = CANY; return(0); } void DtMail::MailRc::wendifcmd(const char * verbatim, char ** arglist, FILE * outf) { arglist = arglist; if(verbatim != NULL && outf != NULL) fwrite(verbatim, 1, strlen(verbatim), outf); } int DtMail::MailRc::clearaliases(char **, DtMail::MailRc *) { DtVirtArray *value_list = NULL; DtMailEnv error; value_list = new DtVirtArray(10); hm_scan((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, nalias, value_list); while (value_list->length()) { char *buf, *val = (*value_list)[0]; if ((buf = strchr(val, ' ')) != NULL) *buf = '\0'; if (hm_test((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, val)) hm_delete((struct hash **)glob.g_alias, val); value_list->remove(0); } delete value_list; clearAliases = 1; return 0; } void DtMail::MailRc::wclearaliases(const char *, char **, FILE *) { }