/* $TOG: SelectFileCmd.C /main/9 1998/10/26 17:57:37 mgreess $ */ /* *+SNOTICE * * RESTRICTED CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: * * The information in this document is subject to special * restrictions in a confidential disclosure agreement bertween * HP, IBM, Sun, USL, SCO and Univel. Do not distribute this * document outside HP, IBM, Sun, USL, SCO, or Univel wihtout * Sun's specific written approval. This documment and all copies * and derivative works thereof must be returned or destroyed at * Sun's request. * * Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * *+ENOTICE */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This example code is from the book: // // Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and OSF/Motif // by // Douglas Young // Prentice Hall, 1992 // ISBN 0-13-630252-1 // // Copyright 1991 by Prentice Hall // All Rights Reserved // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for // any purpose except publication and without fee is hereby granted, provided // that the above copyright notice appear in all copies of the software. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SelectFileCmd.C: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "SelectFileCmd.h" #include "Application.h" #include #include #include "Help.hh" #include extern nl_catd catd; #include "NLS.hh" extern "C" { #include
} extern "C" { extern XtPointer _XmStringUngenerate ( XmString string, XmStringTag tag, XmTextType tag_type, XmTextType output_type); } extern forceUpdate( Widget ); SelectFileCmd::SelectFileCmd (const char * name, const char * label, const char * title, const char * ok_label, int active, FileCallback ok_callback, void *ok_clientData, Widget parent) : NoUndoCmd ((char *)name, (char *)label, active ) { _ok_label = (ok_label ? strdup(ok_label) : strdup("OK")); _title = (title ? strdup(title) : strdup(name)); _ok_callback = ok_callback; _ok_clientData = ok_clientData; _cancel_callback = NULL; _cancel_clientData = NULL; _fileBrowser = NULL; _parentWidget = parent; } SelectFileCmd::SelectFileCmd (const char * name, const char * label, const char * title, const char * ok_label, int active, FileCallback ok_callback, void *ok_clientData, FileCallback cancel_callback, void *cancel_clientData, Widget parent) : NoUndoCmd ((char *)name, (char *)label, active ) { _ok_label = (ok_label ? strdup(ok_label) : strdup("OK")); _title = (title ? strdup(title) : strdup(name)); _ok_callback = ok_callback; _ok_clientData = ok_clientData; _cancel_callback = cancel_callback; _cancel_clientData = cancel_clientData; _fileBrowser = NULL; _parentWidget = parent; } SelectFileCmd::~SelectFileCmd() { free(_ok_label); free(_title); } void SelectFileCmd::doit() { // Create a FileSelectionBox widget Arg args[1]; Cardinal n = 0; XmString title; // If the FSB already exists and is managed, raise it. if (_fileBrowser) { XtManageChild ( _fileBrowser ); XtPopup (XtParent(_fileBrowser), XtGrabNone ); XRaiseWindow(XtDisplay(_fileBrowser), XtWindow(XtParent(_fileBrowser))); forceUpdate(_fileBrowser); return; } // If there is no FSB, create it and manage it. // If there is one, just manage it. // Creating one is different from the book. cast required. // Also, its the "new CDE" FSB! if (!_fileBrowser) { _DtTurnOnHourGlass(_parentWidget); _fileBrowser = XmCreateFileSelectionDialog (_parentWidget, (char *) name(), args, n ); // Set the title right... title = XmStringCreateLocalized(_title); XmString ok_str = XmStringCreateLocalized(_ok_label); XtVaSetValues(_fileBrowser, XmNdialogTitle, title, XmNokLabelString, ok_str, NULL); XmStringFree(title); XmStringFree(ok_str); XmString hidden_str = XmStringCreateLocalized( GETMSG(catd, 1, 11, "Show hidden folders and files")); _hidden_button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "hidden", xmToggleButtonWidgetClass, _fileBrowser, XmNlabelString, hidden_str, XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING, XmNnavigationType, XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP, XmNsensitive, TRUE, NULL); XmStringFree(hidden_str); printHelpId("_fileBrowser", _fileBrowser); /* add help callback */ // XtAddCallback(_fileBrowser, XmNhelpCallback, HelpCB, helpId); // Set up the callback to be called when the user chooses a file XtAddCallback ( _fileBrowser, XmNokCallback, &SelectFileCmd::fileSelectedCB, (XtPointer) this ); XtAddCallback ( _fileBrowser, XmNcancelCallback, &SelectFileCmd::fileCanceledCB, (XtPointer) this ); XtAddCallback(_hidden_button, XmNvalueChangedCallback, &SelectFileCmd::hiddenCB, this); XtSetSensitive( XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(_fileBrowser, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON), False); _DtTurnOffHourGlass(_parentWidget); } // Display the dialog XtManageChild ( _fileBrowser ); // Raise it, because it might be buried. // XRaiseWindow(XtDisplay(_fileBrowser), XtWindow(XtParent(_fileBrowser))); } void SelectFileCmd::fileSelectedCB( Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData) { SelectFileCmd * obj = (SelectFileCmd *) clientData; XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *cb = (XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *) callData; char *name = NULL; // XtUnmanageChild ( w ); // Bring the file selection dialog down. if (cb->value) { // Extract the first character string matching the default // character set from the compound string name = (char *) _XmStringUngenerate( cb->value, NULL, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT); // if the name is a null string ( no file is selected) // we should pop up an error dialog to let user know // that he/she did not specify file name. But because // the message cat file is frozen, we can not add any // new msg. Just free the name and return. // see aix defect 176761. if(NULL == name) return; if (strlen(name)<1) { free(name); return; } // If a string was succesfully extracted, call // fileSelected to handle the file. XtUnmanageChild ( w ); // Bring the file selection dialog down. obj->fileSelected ( name ); } } void SelectFileCmd::fileCanceledCB ( Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer ) { SelectFileCmd * obj = (SelectFileCmd *) clientData; XtUnmanageChild(w); // Bring the file selection dialog down. obj->fileCanceled(); } void SelectFileCmd::fileSelected ( char *filename ) { if ( _ok_callback ) _ok_callback ( _ok_clientData, filename ); } void SelectFileCmd::fileCanceled () { if ( _cancel_callback ) _cancel_callback ( _cancel_clientData, NULL ); } void SelectFileCmd::hiddenCB(Widget, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer cb_data) { SelectFileCmd * self = (SelectFileCmd *)client_data; XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct *cbs = (XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct*) cb_data; self->doHidden(cbs->set); } void SelectFileCmd::doHidden(int on) { XtEnum style; style = (on) ? XmFILTER_NONE : XmFILTER_HIDDEN_FILES; XtVaSetValues(_fileBrowser, XmNfileFilterStyle, style, NULL); XmFileSelectionDoSearch(_fileBrowser, NULL); } char * SelectFileCmd::getDirectory() { XmString directory; char *path; if (NULL == _fileBrowser) return NULL; // Get the default selection. XtVaGetValues(_fileBrowser, XmNdirectory, &directory, NULL); path = (char *) _XmStringUngenerate(directory, NULL, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT); XmStringFree(directory); return path; } char * SelectFileCmd::getSelected() { Widget text; char *path = NULL; if (NULL == _fileBrowser) return NULL; // Set the default selection. text = XtNameToWidget(_fileBrowser, "Text"); if (NULL != text) XtVaGetValues(text, XmNvalue, &path, NULL); return path; } int SelectFileCmd::getHidden() { int val; unsigned char current_state; if (NULL == _fileBrowser || NULL == _hidden_button) return 0; XtVaGetValues(_hidden_button, XmNset, ¤t_state, NULL); val = (current_state == XmSET) ? 1 : 0; return val; } void SelectFileCmd::setDirectory(char *path) { XmString directory; if (NULL == _fileBrowser) return; // Set the default directory where the file selection box points. directory = XmStringCreateLocalized(path); XtVaSetValues(_fileBrowser, XmNdirectory, directory, NULL); XmStringFree(directory); } void SelectFileCmd::setSelected(char *path) { Widget text; if (NULL == _fileBrowser) return; // Set the default selection. text = XtNameToWidget(_fileBrowser, "Text"); if (NULL != text) XtVaSetValues(text, XmNvalue, path, NULL); } void SelectFileCmd::setHidden(int on) { unsigned char current_state; unsigned char desired_state; if (NULL == _fileBrowser || NULL == _hidden_button) return; desired_state = (on) ? XmSET : XmUNSET; XtVaGetValues(_hidden_button, XmNset, ¤t_state, NULL); if (current_state == desired_state) return; XtVaSetValues(_hidden_button, XmNset, desired_state, NULL); doHidden(on); }