/* * CDE - Common Desktop Environment * * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* $TOG: WindowSystemMotif.C /main/35 1998/04/20 12:54:36 mgreess $ */ /* * (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation. * (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company. * (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp. * (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc. * (c) Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED. * (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1991 HaL Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * UNPUBLISHED -- rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United * States. Use of a copyright notice is precautionary only and does not * imply publication or disclosure. * * This software contains confidential information and trade secrets of HaL * Computer Systems, Inc. Use, disclosure, or reproduction is prohibited * without the prior express written permission of HaL Computer Systems, Inc. * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to * restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(l)(ii) of the Rights in * Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. * HaL Computer Systems, Inc. * 1315 Dell Avenue, Campbell, CA 95008 * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
typedef enum { DtIgnore, DtInformation, DtWarning, DtError, DtFatalError, DtInternalError } DtSeverity; extern "C" void _DtSimpleError( char *progName, DtSeverity severity, char *help, char *format, ...) ; extern "C" int _DtPrintDefaultErrorSafe( Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *event, char *msg, int bytes); #if XmVersion < 1002 #include #include #include #endif /* XmVersion < 1002 */ #include #if XmVersion >= 1002 #include #include #endif /* XmVersion >= 1002 */ #define C_TOC_Element #define L_Basic #define C_WindowGeometryPref #define L_Preferences #ifdef UseDlOpen # define C_XpmLib #endif #define C_WindowSystem #define L_Other #define C_ServiceMgr #define C_MessageMgr #define C_EnvMgr #define L_Managers #define USES_OLIAS_FONT #include "Prelude.h" #include "Other/XmStringLocalized.hh" #include "Managers/CatMgr.hh" #include "Registration.hh" #include #include #include // These guys are backups for when there is not enough // colors to display the standard ones #ifdef UseDlOpen #include "graphic_unavailable.xbm" #include "detached_bw.xbm" #else #include "graphic_unavailable.xpm" #include "detached_bw.xpm" #endif // four bitmap images for user marks #define mark_single_width 13 #define mark_single_height 13 static unsigned char mark_single_bits[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x01, 0x82, 0x02, 0x82, 0x04, 0x82, 0x08, 0x82, 0x0f, 0x02, 0x08, 0x02, 0x08, 0x02, 0x08, 0x02, 0x08, 0x02, 0x08, 0xfe, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00}; #define mark_double_width 15 #define mark_double_height 15 static unsigned char mark_double_bits[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x07, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0e, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x22, 0x0a, 0x3e, 0x0a, 0x20, 0x0a, 0x20, 0x0a, 0x20, 0x0a, 0x20, 0x0a, 0x20, 0xfa, 0x3f, 0x02, 0x08, 0xfe, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00}; #define anno_single_width 13 #define anno_single_height 13 static unsigned char anno_single_bits[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x01, 0x82, 0x02, 0xba, 0x04, 0x82, 0x08, 0xba, 0x0f, 0x02, 0x08, 0xfa, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x08, 0xfa, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x08, 0xfe, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00}; #define anno_double_width 15 #define anno_double_height 15 static unsigned char anno_double_bits[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x07, 0x08, 0x0a, 0xee, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x22, 0xea, 0x3e, 0x0a, 0x20, 0xea, 0x2f, 0x0a, 0x20, 0xea, 0x2f, 0x0a, 0x20, 0xfa, 0x3f, 0x02, 0x08, 0xfe, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00}; #if defined(SVR4) || defined(__linux__) || defined(CSRG_BASED) #include #else #include #endif #ifdef hpux typedef void (*SIG_PF)(); #endif #include #include #include // virtual root finder extern "C" { #include "vroot.h" } extern Boolean print_server_error; static String fallbacks[] = { (char*)"Dtinfo.Print*background:white", (char*)"Dtinfo.Print*renderTable:-dt-application-bold-r-normal-serif-0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1", (char*)"Dtinfo.Print*shadowThickness:0", (char*)"Dtinfo.Print*highlightThickness:0", (char*)"Dtinfo.Print*pform.marginHeight: 1in", (char*)"Dtinfo.Print*pform.marginWidth: 1in", (char*)"Dtinfo.Print*ptext.Attachment:attach_form", NULL }; static XtActionsRec DrawnBActions[] = { {(char*)"DeSelectAll" , (DeSelectAll_ptr)_DtHelpDeSelectAll }, {(char*)"SelectAll" , (SelectAll_ptr)_DtHelpSelectAll }, {(char*)"ActivateLink" , (ActivateLink_ptr)_DtHelpActivateLink }, {(char*)"CopyToClipboard", (CopyAction_ptr)_DtHelpCopyAction }, {(char*)"PageUpOrDown" , (PageUpOrDown_ptr)_DtHelpPageUpOrDown }, {(char*)"PageLeftOrRight", (PageLeftOrRight_ptr)_DtHelpPageLeftOrRight }, {(char*)"NextLink" , (NextLink_ptr)_DtHelpNextLink } }; WindowSystem *WindowSystem::f_window_system; static Atom XA_WM_STATE; class Shell_Info { public: Shell_Info (Widget w) : f_shell (w), f_size_hints (NULL), f_has_size_hints(False), f_restore (False), f_iconic(False), f_has_wm_state(False) { } public: Widget f_shell; XSizeHints *f_size_hints; bool f_has_size_hints : 1; bool f_restore : 1; bool f_iconic : 1; bool f_has_wm_state : 1; }; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class constructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WindowSystem::WindowSystem (int &argc, char *argv[]) : f_print_display(NULL), f_printing(False), f_default_pixmap (0), f_default_print_pixmap(0), f_defpix_width (0), f_defpix_height (0), f_print_defpix_width(0), f_print_defpix_height(0), f_detached_pixmap(0), f_detached_width(0), f_detached_height(0), f_shell_list (20), f_cursor_stack_pos(-1), f_print_screen(NULL), f_dtinfo_font(NULL), f_dtinfo_space_font(NULL) { f_argc = &argc; f_argv = argv; f_window_system = this; init(); f_modal_cursor = create_cursor ("xm_noenter16"); f_wait_cursor = create_cursor ("xm_hour16"); f_bomb_cursor = create_cursor ("bomb"); /* -------- Debugging setup. Should be a function. -------- */ bool debugging = get_boolean_app_resource("debug"); if (!debugging) { signal (SIGABRT, /*DWC IBM (SIG_PF)*/ (core_dump_handler_ptr)core_dump_handler); signal (SIGBUS, /*(SIG_PF)*/ (core_dump_handler_ptr)core_dump_handler); signal (SIGSEGV, /*(SIG_PF)*/ (core_dump_handler_ptr)core_dump_handler); signal (SIGINT, (interrupt_handler_ptr)interrupt_handler); } /* Reference the scale widget so Veritas Replay Xt lib can link. */ /* WidgetClass xxx = xmScaleWidgetClass; */ int count; char **names = XListFonts(window_system().display(), "-dt-dtinfo-*-14-*-dtinfo-?", 1, &count); if (count && names) { f_dtinfo_font = XmFontListEntryLoad(f_display, *names, XmFONT_IS_FONT, (char*)"olias"); f_dtinfo_space_font = XmFontListEntryLoad(f_display, *names, XmFONT_IS_FONT, (char*)"ospace"); XFreeFontNames(names); } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Destructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WindowSystem::~WindowSystem() { signal (SIGABRT, SIG_DFL); signal (SIGBUS, SIG_DFL); signal (SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL); } XmFontListEntry WindowSystem::dtinfo_font() { return f_dtinfo_font; } XmFontListEntry WindowSystem::dtinfo_space_font() { return f_dtinfo_space_font; } WApplicationShell & WindowSystem::toplevel() { if (f_printing) { return (f_print_toplevel); } else { return (f_toplevel); } } WApplicationShell & WindowSystem::printToplevel() { return (f_print_toplevel); } WApplicationShell & WindowSystem::onlineToplevel() { return (f_toplevel); } Display * WindowSystem::display() { if (f_printing) { return (f_print_display); } else { return (f_display); } } Screen * WindowSystem::screen() { if (f_printing) { return (f_print_screen); } else { return (f_screen); } } Display * WindowSystem::onlineDisplay() { return (f_display); } Display * WindowSystem::printDisplay() { return (f_print_display); } Boolean WindowSystem::printing() { return (f_printing); } void WindowSystem::setPrintDisplay(Widget widget) { f_print_toplevel = widget; f_print_display = XtDisplay(widget); f_print_screen = XtScreen(widget); } void WindowSystem::setPrinting(Boolean state) { f_printing = state; } void WindowSystem::update_display() { XmUpdateDisplay (f_toplevel); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // init - initialize // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef JBM extern "C" { void tml_dp_set_font_display(Display *); } #endif // command line options // include "dbg" so we can use the startup script -debug flag independently XrmOptionDescRec options[] = { {(char*)"-debug", (char*)"*debug", XrmoptionNoArg, (char*)"True"}, {(char*)"-dbg", (char*)"*debug", XrmoptionNoArg, (char*)"True"}, {(char*)"-author", (char*)"*author", XrmoptionNoArg, (char*)"True"}, {(char*)"-readonly", (char*)"*readonly", XrmoptionNoArg, (char*)"True"}, {(char*)"-ro", (char*)"*readonly", XrmoptionNoArg, (char*)"True"}, {(char*)"-autohelp", (char*)"*AutomaticHelp",XrmoptionNoArg, (char*)"On"}, {(char*)"-nofonts", (char*)"*NoFonts", XrmoptionNoArg, (char*)"True"}, {(char*)"-print", (char*)"printOnly", XrmoptionNoArg, (char*)"True"}, {(char*)"-hierarchy", (char*)"hierarchy", XrmoptionNoArg, (char*)"True"}, {(char*)"-printer", (char*)"printer", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {(char*)"-copies", (char*)"copies", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {(char*)"-paperSize", (char*)"paperSize", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {(char*)"-silent", (char*)"silent", XrmoptionNoArg, (char*)"True"}, {(char*)"-outputFile",(char*)"outputFile", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL} }; static XtResource VideoResources[] = { {(char*)"printOnly", (char*)"PrintOnly", XmRBoolean, sizeof (Boolean), XtOffsetOf (VideoShell, print_only), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)False, }, {(char*)"outputFile", (char*)"OutputFile", XmRString, sizeof (char *), XtOffsetOf (VideoShell, file_name), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)NULL, }, {(char*)"hierarchy", (char*)"Hierarchy", XmRBoolean, sizeof (Boolean), XtOffsetOf (VideoShell, hierarchy), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)False, }, {(char*)"printer", (char*)"Printer", XmRString, sizeof (char *), XtOffsetOf (VideoShell, printer), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)NULL, }, {(char*)"copies", (char*)"Copies", XmRInt, sizeof (int), XtOffsetOf (VideoShell, copies), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)1, }, {(char*)"paperSize", (char*)"PaperSize", XmRString, sizeof (char *), XtOffsetOf (VideoShell, paper_size), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)NULL, }, {(char*)"silent", (char*)"Silent", XmRBoolean, sizeof (Boolean), XtOffsetOf (VideoShell, silent), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)False, }, }; /* * static function declarations */ VideoShell* VideoShell_new(Display* display); /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: videoShell * * Description: * * Access function for f_video_shell containing application resources * and command line options. * * Return value: * * A pointer to the VideoShell structure. */ VideoShell * WindowSystem::videoShell() { return (f_video_shell); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: VideoShell_new * * Description: * * Allocates a new VideoShell data structure. * * This function creates a top level application shell on the passed * video display. * * Return value: * * A pointer to the new VideoShell structure. */ VideoShell* VideoShell_new(Display*, Widget app_shell) { VideoShell* me = (VideoShell*)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(VideoShell)); me->widget = app_shell; XtGetApplicationResources(me->widget, me, VideoResources, XtNumber(VideoResources), NULL, 0); // Modify the videoShell data based on environment variable settings // if DTPRINTSILENT is set then turn silent printing on if (getenv("DTPRINTSILENT") != NULL) { me->silent = True; } return me; } static int xevent_error_aborter(Display *display, XErrorEvent* error_event) { #define _DTINFO_BUFSIZE 1024 char error_msg[_DTINFO_BUFSIZE]; // log error _DtPrintDefaultErrorSafe(display, error_event, error_msg, _DTINFO_BUFSIZE); _DtSimpleError((char*)"dtinfo", DtWarning, NULL, error_msg, NULL); // if the error occurred on the print display we're going to set // a variable so that and when the job is done, right before calling // XpEndJob, we call XpCancelJob, and notify the user. if ( (display == window_system().printDisplay()) && (error_event->error_code == BadAlloc) ) { print_server_error = True; } return 0; } void WindowSystem::init() { XtSetLanguageProc(NULL, (XtLanguageProc)NULL, NULL); _DtEnvControl(DT_ENV_SET); Widget app_shell = XtAppInitialize(&f_application_context, CLASS_NAME, options, XtNumber(options), f_argc, f_argv, fallbacks, NULL, 0); f_display = XtDisplay(app_shell); #ifdef XEV_DEBUG XSynchronize(f_display, True); #endif XSync(f_display, False); XSetErrorHandler((xevent_error_aborter_ptr)xevent_error_aborter); #if 0 XtAppSetFallbackResources(f_application_context, fallbacks); #endif // exit if display cannot be opened. this code will need to be revised // if we ever want to handle gui-less printing if (f_display == (Display*)NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", CATGETS(Set_WindowSystem, 3, "Unable to open display.\n")); exit(1); } // Create the top level video shell f_video_shell = VideoShell_new(f_display, app_shell); // Create a new AppPrintData object here and initialize it since // the $%^& doesn't seem to get called. f_AppPrintData = new AppPrintData; f_AppPrintData->f_print_data = (DtPrintSetupData*)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(DtPrintSetupData)); f_AppPrintData->f_pform = NULL ; f_AppPrintData->f_print_dialog = NULL; f_AppPrintData->f_print_shell = NULL; f_AppPrintData->f_print_only = f_video_shell->print_only; f_toplevel = f_video_shell->widget; if (DtAppInitialize( f_application_context, f_display, f_toplevel, f_argv[0], (char*)CLASS_NAME) == False) { /* DtAppInitialize() has already logged an appropriate error msg */ exit(-1); } // Make sure this shell never appears. XtSetMappedWhenManaged (f_toplevel, False); XtAppAddActions (f_application_context, DrawnBActions, XtNumber (DrawnBActions)); // register_shell (f_toplevel) f_display = XtDisplay(f_toplevel); // NOTE: Check for failure DJB #ifdef JBM tml_dp_set_font_display(f_display); #endif // Create atom used elsewhere by agents f_wm_delete_window = XmInternAtom (f_display, (char*)"WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); XA_WM_STATE = XmInternAtom (f_display, (char*)"WM_STATE", False); // -------- Add some converters -------- // #if XmVersion < 1002 // This converter let's us specify form connections in resources static XtConvertArgRec parentCvtArg[] = { { XtWidgetBaseOffset, (XtPointer) XtOffsetOf(WidgetRec, core.parent), sizeof(Widget)} }; XtSetTypeConverter (XtRString, XtRWindow, XmuNewCvtStringToWidget, parentCvtArg, XtNumber (parentCvtArg), XtCacheNone, NULL); #endif /* XmVersion < 1002 */ XtAddConverter (XtRString, XtRGravity, (XmuCvtStringToGravity_ptr)XmuCvtStringToGravity, NULL, 0); #if XmVersion >= 1002 XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter(); #endif /* XmVersion >= 1002 */ // NOTE: Really need to install a string to pixmap converter! /* -------- Get some pixmaps. -------- */ f_screen = XtScreen(f_toplevel); f_nofonts = get_boolean_default ("NoFonts"); f_locked_pixmap = 0; f_semilocked_pixmap = 0; f_unlocked_pixmap = 0; XImage *mark_single = XCreateImage(f_display, DefaultVisualOfScreen(f_screen), 1, XYBitmap, 0, (char*)mark_single_bits, mark_single_width, mark_single_height, 8, 0); mark_single->byte_order = LSBFirst; mark_single->bitmap_bit_order = LSBFirst; mark_single->bitmap_unit = 8; XImage *mark_double = XCreateImage(f_display, DefaultVisualOfScreen(f_screen), 1, XYBitmap, 0, (char*)mark_double_bits, mark_double_width, mark_double_height, 8, 0); mark_double->byte_order = LSBFirst; mark_double->bitmap_bit_order = LSBFirst; mark_double->bitmap_unit = 8; XImage *anno_single = XCreateImage(f_display, DefaultVisualOfScreen(f_screen), 1, XYBitmap, 0, (char*)anno_single_bits, anno_single_width, anno_single_height, 8, 0); anno_single->byte_order = LSBFirst; anno_single->bitmap_bit_order = LSBFirst; anno_single->bitmap_unit = 8; XImage *anno_double = XCreateImage(f_display, DefaultVisualOfScreen(f_screen), 1, XYBitmap, 0, (char*)anno_double_bits, anno_double_width, anno_double_height, 8, 0); anno_double->byte_order = LSBFirst; anno_double->bitmap_bit_order = LSBFirst; anno_double->bitmap_unit = 8; XmInstallImage(mark_single, (char*)"mark_single"); XmInstallImage(mark_double, (char*)"mark_double"); XmInstallImage(anno_single, (char*)"anno_single"); XmInstallImage(anno_double, (char*)"anno_double"); } Pixmap WindowSystem::locked_pixmap(Widget w) { Pixel fg, bg; if (!f_locked_pixmap) { XtVaGetValues(w, XmNforeground, &fg, XmNbackground, &bg, NULL); f_locked_pixmap = XmGetPixmap (f_screen, (char*)"locked.xbm", fg, bg); if (f_locked_pixmap == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load locked.xbm.\n"); } } return (f_locked_pixmap); } Pixmap WindowSystem::unlocked_pixmap(Widget w) { Pixel fg, bg; if (!f_unlocked_pixmap) { XtVaGetValues(w, XmNforeground, &fg, XmNbackground, &bg, NULL); f_unlocked_pixmap = XmGetPixmap (f_screen, (char*)"unlocked.xbm", fg, bg); if (f_unlocked_pixmap == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load locked.xbm.\n"); } } return (f_unlocked_pixmap); } Pixmap WindowSystem::semilocked_pixmap(Widget w) { Pixel fg, bg; if (!f_semilocked_pixmap) { XtVaGetValues(w, XmNforeground, &fg, XmNbackground, &bg, NULL); f_semilocked_pixmap = XmGetPixmap (f_screen, (char*)"semilocked.xbm", fg, bg); if (f_semilocked_pixmap == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load locked.xbm.\n"); } } return (f_semilocked_pixmap); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // run - main event handling loop // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WindowSystem::run() { // don't realize the toplevel shell if we are doing print only toplevel().Realize(); service_manager().establish_server(); XtAppMainLoop (app_context()); } // return value is success/failure value unsigned long WindowSystem::get_color( const char * colorval, unsigned long &pixel) const { // NOTE: do we have to free these colors on exit ??? pixel = 0 ; // a reasonable value on failures ! XColor xcolor ; Status status ; Colormap colormap = DefaultColormap(f_display,DefaultScreen(f_display)); status = XParseColor( f_display, colormap, colorval, &xcolor); // return now if call failed if (!status) return status ; // now see if we can get the requested color status = XAllocColor( f_display, colormap, &xcolor ); if (status) pixel = xcolor.pixel ; return status ; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // register_shell - register a toplevel shell for cursor stuff // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TMP hack for bogus HGL help lib extern "C" { void olias_register_shell (Widget); } void olias_register_shell (Widget shell) { window_system().register_shell ((WShell *) shell); } void WindowSystem::register_shell (WShell *shell) { Shell_Info *si = new Shell_Info (*shell); f_shell_list.append ((FolioObject *) si); shell->SetDestroyCallback (this, (WWL_FUN)&WindowSystem::unregister_shell, (void *) si); XtAddEventHandler (*shell, (EventMask) 0, TRUE, (XtEventHandler) _XEditResCheckMessages, NULL); } void WindowSystem::register_full_modal_shell (WShell *shell) { Shell_Info *si = new Shell_Info (*shell); f_shell_list.append ((FolioObject *) si); shell->SetPopupCallback (this, (WWL_FUN) &WindowSystem::full_modal_cursor); shell->SetPopdownCallback (this,(WWL_FUN) &WindowSystem::reset_cursor); shell->SetDestroyCallback (this, (WWL_FUN) &WindowSystem::unregister_shell, (void *) si); XtAddEventHandler (*shell, (EventMask) 0, TRUE, (XtEventHandler) _XEditResCheckMessages, NULL); } void WindowSystem::register_primary_modal_shell (WShell *shell) { Shell_Info *si = new Shell_Info (*shell); shell->SetPopupCallback (this, (WWL_FUN)&WindowSystem::primary_modal_cursor); shell->SetPopdownCallback (this,(WWL_FUN) &WindowSystem::reset_cursor); shell->SetDestroyCallback (this, (WWL_FUN) &WindowSystem::unregister_shell, (void *) si); XtAddEventHandler (*shell, (EventMask) 0, TRUE, (XtEventHandler) _XEditResCheckMessages, NULL); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // unregister_shell // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WindowSystem::unregister_shell (WCallback *wcb) { // Reset the cursor if it is currently set because of this shell. if (f_cursor_stack_pos >= 0 && f_cursor_stack[f_cursor_stack_pos].exception == wcb->GetWidget()) reset_cursor (wcb); Shell_Info *si = (Shell_Info *) wcb->ClientData(); f_shell_list.remove ((FolioObject *) si); if (si->f_size_hints != NULL) XFree ((char *) si->f_size_hints); delete si; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set_cursor - turn a cursor on // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WindowSystem::set_cursor (Cursor cursor, Widget exception) { Widget shell; // ON_DEBUG (printf ("Cursor change <%d>\n", f_cursor_stack_pos)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < f_shell_list.length(); i++) { shell = ((Shell_Info *) f_shell_list[i])->f_shell; if (shell != exception && XtWindow (shell) != 0) { // ON_DEBUG (printf(" Setting cursor on %s\n", XtName(shell))); XDefineCursor (f_display, XtWindow (shell), cursor); } } XFlush (f_display); // Save the cursor setting on the cursor stack. ON_DEBUG (printf ("Setting cursor #%d\n", f_cursor_stack_pos + 1)); assert (f_cursor_stack_pos < (int)(sizeof(f_cursor_stack) / sizeof(f_cursor_stack[0]))); f_cursor_stack_pos++; f_cursor_stack[f_cursor_stack_pos].cursor = cursor; f_cursor_stack[f_cursor_stack_pos].exception = exception; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reset_cursor - reset the cursor to the previous // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WindowSystem::reset_cursor (WCallback *wcb) { // Make sure a cursor has been set first. assert (f_cursor_stack_pos >= 0); Widget shell; Widget exception = wcb ? wcb->GetWidget() : NULL; f_cursor_stack_pos--; Cursor cursor = 0; if (f_cursor_stack_pos >= 0) cursor = f_cursor_stack[f_cursor_stack_pos].cursor; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < f_shell_list.length(); i++) { shell = ((Shell_Info *) f_shell_list[i])->f_shell; if (shell != exception && XtWindow (shell) != 0) { // Reset the previous cursor if there's one on the stack, revert // to default cursor if the stack is empty. // printf ("Resetting cursor on %s\n", XtName(shell)); if (f_cursor_stack_pos >= 0 && shell != f_cursor_stack[f_cursor_stack_pos].exception) XDefineCursor (f_display, XtWindow (shell), cursor); else XUndefineCursor (f_display, XtWindow (shell)); } } XFlush (f_display); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // modal_cursor - turn on the modal cursor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WindowSystem::full_modal_cursor (WCallback *wcb) { set_cursor (f_modal_cursor, wcb ? wcb->GetWidget() : (Widget) NULL); // Make sure the cursor of a freshly popped up dialog is the default. if (wcb && wcb->GetWidget()) XUndefineCursor (f_display, XtWindow (wcb->GetWidget())); } void WindowSystem::primary_modal_cursor (WCallback *wcb) { // NOTE: really needs to traverse up hierarchy setting cursor on shell // parents! set_cursor (f_modal_cursor, wcb ? wcb->GetWidget() : (Widget) NULL); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create_cursor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Cursor WindowSystem::create_cursor (const char *filename) { Cursor cursor; Pixmap cursor_bits, cursor_mask; Screen *screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay (f_display); unsigned short c = ~0; static XColor white = { 0, c, c, c, DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue }; static XColor black = { 0, 0, 0, 0, DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue }; int hot_x, hot_y; int depth, len; Boolean success; // Get the cursor pixmap. cursor_bits = XmGetPixmapByDepth (screen, (char *) filename, 1, 0, 1); if (cursor_bits == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to load bitmap %s\n", filename); abort(); } success = XmeGetPixmapData (screen, cursor_bits, // 0, // image_name &depth, // depth 0, 0, // foreground, background &hot_x, &hot_y, // 0, 0); // width, height if(!success) { assert (success); } // Get the cursor mask pixmap. len = strlen(filename); char *mask_filename = new char [len + 2]; *((char *) memcpy(mask_filename, filename, len) + len) = '\0'; *((char *) memcpy(mask_filename + len, "m", 1) + 1) = '\0'; cursor_mask = XmGetPixmapByDepth (screen, mask_filename, 1, 0, 1); if (cursor_mask == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to load bitmap %s\n", mask_filename); abort(); } delete [] mask_filename; cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor (f_display, cursor_bits, cursor_mask, &black, &white, hot_x, hot_y); XmDestroyPixmap (screen, cursor_bits); XmDestroyPixmap (screen, cursor_mask); return (cursor); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // core_dump_handler // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WindowSystem::core_dump_handler (int signal_number) { if ((XtWindow ((Widget)window_system().toplevel())) != 0) { WXmMessageDialog byebye (window_system().toplevel(), (char*)"core_dump"); XtVaSetValues((Widget)byebye, XmNmessageString, (XmString)XmStringLocalized(CATGETS(Set_WindowSystem, 2, "Bombing...")), NULL); WShell shell (XtParent ((Widget) byebye)); window_system().register_shell (&shell); window_system().set_cursor (window_system().f_bomb_cursor); XtVaSetValues((Widget)shell, XmNtitle, CATGETS(Set_WindowSystem, 1, "Dtinfo: Fatal Error"), NULL); byebye.OkPB().Unmanage(); byebye.CancelPB().Unmanage(); byebye.HelpPB().Unmanage(); byebye.Separator().Unmanage(); byebye.Manage(); // Wait for window manager then process events. // The best solution would be to wait for the dialog to be mapped, // but this generally works. XSync (window_system().f_display, False); XmUpdateDisplay (byebye); sleep (1); XmUpdateDisplay (byebye); } else { fputs ("Fatal error: core dumping...\n", stderr); } signal (signal_number, SIG_DFL); kill (getpid(), signal_number); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get default pixmap // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Pixmap WindowSystem::default_pixmap (Dimension *width, Dimension *height) { Pixmap temp_pixmap; Dimension temp_width, temp_height; // if printing return default print pixmap info if (f_printing) { if (f_default_print_pixmap) { *width = f_print_defpix_width; *height = f_print_defpix_height; return f_default_print_pixmap; } } // if not printing return default print pixmap info else { if (f_default_pixmap) { *width = f_defpix_width; *height = f_defpix_height; return f_default_pixmap; } } // NOTE: name should be a resource temp_pixmap = read_pixmap("default.xpm", width, height); temp_width = *width ; temp_height = *height ; if (temp_pixmap == 0){ #ifdef UseDlOpen Screen* screen = XtScreen((Widget)toplevel()); temp_pixmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(f_display, XtWindow((Widget)toplevel()), default_bits, default_width, default_height, screen->black_pixel, screen->white_pixel, DefaultDepthOfScreen(screen)); if (! temp_pixmap) throw(CASTEXCEPT Exception()); temp_width = default_width; temp_height = default_height; #else XpmAttributes xpm_attr ; xpm_attr.valuemask = 0 ; XpmCreatePixmapFromData(f_display, XtWindow((Widget)toplevel()), (char**)graphic_unavailable_data, &temp_pixmap, NULL, &xpm_attr); temp_width = xpm_attr.width; temp_height = xpm_attr.height ; #endif *width = temp_width ; *height = temp_height ; } // if printing, store values in print variables if (f_printing) { f_default_print_pixmap = temp_pixmap; f_print_defpix_width = temp_width; f_print_defpix_height = temp_height; } // if not printing store values in display variables else { f_default_pixmap = temp_pixmap; f_defpix_width = temp_width; f_defpix_height = temp_height; } return temp_pixmap; } Pixmap WindowSystem::detached_pixmap(Dimension *width, Dimension *height) { if (f_detached_pixmap){ *width = f_detached_width ; *height = f_detached_height ; } else { // NOTE: name should be a resource f_detached_pixmap = read_pixmap("detached.xpm", width, height); f_detached_width = *width ; f_detached_height = *height ; if (f_detached_pixmap == 0) { #ifdef UseDlOpen Screen* screen = XtScreen((Widget)toplevel()); f_detached_pixmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(f_display, XtWindow((Widget)toplevel()), detached_bits, detached_width, detached_height, screen->black_pixel, screen->white_pixel, DefaultDepthOfScreen(screen)); int status = f_detached_pixmap ? 0 : 1; f_detached_width = detached_width; f_detached_height = detached_height; #else XpmAttributes xpm_attr; xpm_attr.valuemask = 0 ; int status = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(f_display, XtWindow((Widget)toplevel()), (char**)detached_pixmap_data, &f_detached_pixmap, NULL, &xpm_attr); f_detached_width = xpm_attr.width ; f_detached_height = xpm_attr.height ; #endif if (status != XpmSuccess){ fprintf(stderr, "missing pixmap \"detached.xpm\"\n"); throw(CASTEXCEPT Exception()); }else{ *width = f_detached_width ; *height = f_detached_height ; } } } return f_detached_pixmap ; } Pixmap WindowSystem::read_pixmap(const char *pname, Dimension *width, Dimension *height) { XpmAttributes xpm_attributes; int status; char fname[255]; Pixmap pixmap ; xpm_attributes.valuemask = 0; int len = MIN(strlen(pname), 255 - 1); *((char *) memcpy(fname, pname, len) + len) = '\0'; #ifdef UseDlOpen status = xpm_lib().ReadFileToPixmap (f_display, XtWindow ((Widget)toplevel()), fname, &pixmap, NULL, &xpm_attributes); #else status = XpmReadFileToPixmap (f_display, XtWindow ((Widget)toplevel()), fname, &pixmap, NULL, &xpm_attributes); #endif if (status != XpmSuccess) { pixmap = 0; *width = 0; *height = 0; // NOTE: exception to throw here! } else { *width = xpm_attributes.width; *height = xpm_attributes.height; } return pixmap ; } bool WindowSystem::get_boolean_default (const char *name) { Boolean value; XtResource resource [1]; resource[0].resource_name = (char *) name; resource[0].resource_class = (char *) name; resource[0].resource_type = XtRBoolean; resource[0].resource_size = sizeof(Boolean); resource[0].resource_offset = 0; resource[0].default_type = XtRImmediate; resource[0].default_addr = False; XtGetApplicationResources(toplevel(), &value, resource, 1, NULL, 0); return ((bool) value); } int WindowSystem::get_int_default (const char *name) { int value; XtResource resource [1]; resource[0].resource_name = (char *) name; resource[0].resource_class = (char *) name; resource[0].resource_type = XtRInt; resource[0].resource_size = sizeof(int); resource[0].resource_offset = 0; resource[0].default_type = XtRImmediate ; resource[0].default_addr = 0; XtGetApplicationResources(toplevel(), &value, resource, 1, NULL, 0); return (value); } const char * WindowSystem::get_string_default (const char *name) { XtResource resource [1]; String string; resource[0].resource_name = (char *) name; resource[0].resource_class = (char *) name; resource[0].resource_type = XtRString; resource[0].resource_size = sizeof(String); resource[0].resource_offset = 0; resource[0].default_type = XtRString; resource[0].default_addr = (void *) ""; XtGetApplicationResources(toplevel(), &string, resource, 1, NULL, 0); return (string); } const WindowGeometry & WindowSystem::get_geometry_default (const char *name) { XtResource resource [1]; String string; static WindowGeometry wg; resource[0].resource_name = (char *) name; resource[0].resource_class = (char *) name; resource[0].resource_type = XtRString; resource[0].resource_size = sizeof(String); resource[0].resource_offset = 0; resource[0].default_type = XtRString; resource[0].default_addr = (void *) "0x0"; XtGetApplicationResources(toplevel(), &string, resource, 1, NULL, 0); // -1 is sentinel value for now. wg.ulx = wg.uly = -1; wg.width = wg.height = 0; XParseGeometry (string, &wg.ulx, &wg.uly, &wg.width, &wg.height); return (wg); } Pixel WindowSystem::get_color_default(const char *name) { Pixel value ; XtResource resource [1]; resource[0].resource_name = (char *) name; resource[0].resource_class = (char *) name; resource[0].resource_type = XtRPixel; resource[0].resource_size = sizeof(Pixel); resource[0].resource_offset = 0; resource[0].default_type = XtRImmediate ; resource[0].default_addr = (XtPointer) WhitePixelOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(f_display)); XtGetApplicationResources(toplevel(), &value, resource, 1, NULL, 0); return value ; } char * WindowSystem::get_message (const char *message_name) { XtResource resource[1]; String string; static char default_message[256]; resource[0].resource_name = (char *) message_name; resource[0].resource_class = (char*)"Message"; resource[0].resource_type = XtRString; resource[0].resource_size = sizeof(String); resource[0].resource_offset = 0; resource[0].default_type = XtRString; resource[0].default_addr = default_message; XtGetApplicationResources (toplevel(), &string, resource, 1, NULL, 0); if (string == default_message) snprintf (string, sizeof(default_message), "%s (Message description not found)", message_name); return (string); } XmString WindowSystem::make_space (int space_to_fill, Widget w) { // make sure we can deal with bad args, as space is usually a calculated // value if (space_to_fill <= 0) return WXmString("").disown(); char space_array[256]; int i; // Check for missing fonts case if (f_nofonts) { // get the font that the widget is using XmFontList fontlist; XtVaGetValues (w, XmNfontList, &fontlist, NULL); // Get width of space character in the font WXmString sp(" "); Dimension width = XmStringWidth (fontlist, sp); // compute closest number of spaces int nspaces = space_to_fill / width + 1; // generate space string for (i = 0; i < nspaces && i < 255; i++) space_array[i] = ' '; space_array[i] = '\0'; return WXmString (space_array).disown(); } int thirty_two, sixteen, eight, four, two, one ; thirty_two = space_to_fill / 32 ; space_to_fill -= 32 * thirty_two ; sixteen = space_to_fill / 16 ; space_to_fill -= 16 * sixteen ; eight = space_to_fill / 8 ; space_to_fill -= 8 * eight ; four = space_to_fill / 4 ; space_to_fill -= 4 * four ; two = space_to_fill / 2 ; space_to_fill -= 2 * two ; one = space_to_fill ; space_array[0] = 0 ; if (thirty_two != 0){ for (i = 0 ; i < thirty_two ; i++) space_array[i] = OLIAS_SPACE32 ; space_array[i] = 0 ; } WXmString string_32(space_array, (char*)OLIAS_SPACE_FONT) ; space_array[0] = 0 ; if (sixteen != 0){ for (i = 0 ; i < sixteen ; i++) space_array[i] = OLIAS_SPACE16 ; space_array[i] = 0 ; } WXmString string_16(space_array, (char*)OLIAS_SPACE_FONT) ; space_array[0] = 0 ; if (eight != 0){ for (i = 0 ; i < eight ; i++) space_array[i] = OLIAS_SPACE08 ; space_array[i] = 0 ; } WXmString string_8(space_array, (char*)OLIAS_SPACE_FONT) ; space_array[0] = 0 ; if (four != 0){ for (i = 0 ; i < four; i++) space_array[i] = OLIAS_SPACE04 ; space_array[i] = 0 ; } WXmString string_4(space_array, (char*)OLIAS_SPACE_FONT) ; space_array[0] = 0 ; if (two != 0){ for (i = 0 ; i < two ; i++) space_array[i] = OLIAS_SPACE02 ; space_array[i] = 0 ; } WXmString string_2(space_array, (char*)OLIAS_SPACE_FONT) ; space_array[0] = 0 ; if (one != 0){ for (i = 0 ; i < one ; i++) space_array[i] = OLIAS_SPACE01 ; space_array[i] = 0 ; } WXmString string_1(space_array, (char*)OLIAS_SPACE_FONT) ; WXmString space = string_32 + string_16 + string_8 + string_4 + string_2 + string_1 ; return space.disown(); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // wait_for_wm // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void wait_for_wm (Widget, XtPointer client_data, XEvent *event, Boolean *) { // See if the property we're waiting for has changed. if (event->type == PropertyNotify && event->xproperty.atom == XA_WM_STATE) { // Got our event. waiting_for_wm = False. *((bool *) client_data) = False; } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // show_all_windows // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Here's how this routine works: For each shell window if the window needs to be restored map the window restore the initial state to normal if it was iconic restore the size hints if there were any */ void WindowSystem::show_all_windows() { Shell_Info *si; Boolean waiting_for_wm; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < f_shell_list.length(); i++) { si = (Shell_Info *) f_shell_list[i]; if (si->f_restore) { // Set up an event handler so we can tell when the window // manager has finished dealing with our map request. if (si->f_has_wm_state) { waiting_for_wm = True; XtAddEventHandler (si->f_shell, PropertyChangeMask, False, (XtEventHandler) wait_for_wm, &waiting_for_wm); } // Get the window back on the screen. XMapWindow (f_display, XtWindow (si->f_shell)); // Wait for wm if one is running. if (si->f_has_wm_state) { XEvent event; ON_DEBUG (printf ("Wait for wm to handle 0x%p", si->f_shell)); while (waiting_for_wm) { XtAppNextEvent (f_application_context, &event); XtDispatchEvent (&event); } // Get rid of event handler now. XtRemoveEventHandler (si->f_shell, PropertyChangeMask, False, (XtEventHandler) wait_for_wm, &waiting_for_wm); } ON_DEBUG (printf (" - done\n")); // Now that the wm is finished (if there is one), we can reset // the various state variables. if (si->f_iconic) { // If it was iconic, reset the initial state. WWMShell (si->f_shell).InitialState (NormalState); } else { // Restore the the size hints, because we set USPosition // and USSize to prevent interactive placement. if (si->f_has_size_hints) XSetWMNormalHints (f_display, XtWindow (si->f_shell), si->f_size_hints); } // Reset the restore flag. si->f_restore = FALSE; } } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // generally necessary after a fork to avoid weird conditions // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WindowSystem::close_display_connection() { close (ConnectionNumber(display())); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // interrupt_handler - deal with user interrupt (usually ^C) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WindowSystem::interrupt_handler (int /* signal_number */) { // I'm probably forgetting why it's bad to call the message_mgr // from within the WindowSystem object. We'll find out why // eventually, I'm sure. 20:56 04-May-94 DJB Wait_Cursor bob; if (!(window_system().videoShell()->silent)) { message_mgr().quit_dialog ( (char*)UAS_String(CATGETS(Set_Messages, 6, "Quit Dtinfo?"))); } else { exit(1); } #if defined(SVR4) || defined(hpux) || defined(_IBMR2) signal (SIGINT, (interrupt_handler_ptr)interrupt_handler); #endif }