/* * CDE - Common Desktop Environment * * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * $TOG: TtIpcMgr.C /main/16 1999/09/20 13:30:40 mgreess $ * * Copyright (c) 1992 HaL Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * UNPUBLISHED -- rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United * States. Use of a copyright notice is precautionary only and does not * imply publication or disclosure. * * This software contains confidential information and trade secrets of HaL * Computer Systems, Inc. Use, disclosure, or reproduction is prohibited * without the prior express written permission of HaL Computer Systems, Inc. * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to * restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(l)(ii) of the Rights in * Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. * HaL Computer Systems, Inc. * 1315 Dell Avenue, Campbell, CA 95008 * */ #define C_LibraryAgent #define C_PrintPanelAgent #define C_UrlAgent #define L_Agents #define C_Long_Lived #define L_Basic #define C_EnvMgr #define C_TtIpcMgr #define C_NodeMgr #define C_MessageMgr #define C_WorkspaceMgr #define L_Managers #define C_WindowSystem #define L_Other #include "Prelude.h" #include "Managers/CatMgr.hh" #include "Registration.hh" #include "utility/mmdb_exception.h" #include "utility/funcs.h" #include #include #include // the Session include file(s) are for locale_of_desktop() //#include
#include #include LONG_LIVED_CC( TtIpcMgr, tt_manager ) #if 0 # define RCS_DEBUG(statement) cerr << statement << endl #else # define RCS_DEBUG(statement) #endif // the following defines for tt msg opnums must match those in the tttypes // declaration for associated (Dtinfo) ptype use #define LOAD_INFO_LIB 1 #define SHOW_INFO_AT_LOC 2 #define QUIT_DTINFO 3 #define PRINT_INFO_AT_LOC 4 // the following defines are for message index per catalog // Set_AddLibraryAgent: #define ERR_INFOLIB_SPEC_FORMAT 5 // Set_TtIpcMgr: #define ERR_TT_DISPLAY_AS_SESSION 1 #define ERR_TT_DEFAULT_AS_SESSION 2 #define ERR_TT_OPEN 3 #define ERR_TT_PTYPE_DECLARE 4 #define DFLTXT_DISPLAY_AS_SESSION "Can't get tt session for X display:\n%s" #define DFLTXT_DEFAULT_AS_SESSION "Could not set default tooltalk session:\n%s" #define DFLTXT_OPEN "Failed to open ToolTalk connection:\n%s" #define DFLTXT_PTYPE_DECLARE "Could not declare ptype DtInfo:\n%s" // the last message handled, for sanity checking Tt_message prior_tt_msg ; // temp internal tracking of curr workspace at time tt msg received Atom curr_ws_tt ; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LogToolTalkMessage - records messages to log // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static char * LogToolTalkMessage ( DtMsgLogType msg_type, int msg_num, char * dflt_txt, Tt_status status) { char * errfmt; char * statmsg; char * errmsg; int errmsglen; if (! tt_is_err(status)) return XtsNewString("");; errfmt = CATGETS(Set_TtIpcMgr, msg_num, dflt_txt); statmsg = tt_status_message(status); errmsglen = strlen(errfmt) + strlen(statmsg) + 2; errmsg = XtMalloc(errmsglen); if (! strlen(errfmt)) errfmt = (char*)"%s"; snprintf(errmsg, errmsglen, errfmt, statmsg); DtMsgLogMessage ("Dtinfo", msg_type, errfmt, errmsg); return errmsg; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class constructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TtIpcMgr constructor // // It is highly recommended that this be invoked only after event // loop entry, or at least as much as possible deferred until then. // It is the creator's responsibility to do this at the first level // via work proc or similar. // TtIpcMgr::TtIpcMgr() { int mark ; int ttfd ; char * xsession ; char * errmsg ; // Initialize ToolTalk window_system().wait_cursor(); // this tt stuff Can take a while mark = tt_mark() ; xsession = tt_X_session( (const char *)(XDisplayString((window_system().display()))) ) ; if( tt_ptr_error( xsession ) != TT_OK ) { errmsg = LogToolTalkMessage (DtMsgLogError, ERR_TT_DISPLAY_AS_SESSION, (char*)DFLTXT_DISPLAY_AS_SESSION, tt_state); message_mgr().error_dialog( (char*)UAS_String(errmsg) ) ; XtFree (errmsg); tt_release( mark ) ; return ; } // set up to actually join the "default" session for any // patterns registered below to take effect there-in XtAppAddWorkProc( window_system().app_context(), ipc_init_wp1, this ) ; if( (tt_state = tt_default_session_set( xsession )) == TT_OK ) { procid = ttdt_open( &ttfd, "Dtinfo", "Fujitsu", "CDE", True ) ; //why is fujitsu mentioned here? 05/15/18 - C if( (tt_state = tt_pointer_error( procid )) == TT_OK ) { // declare Dtinfo Ptype if( (tt_state = tt_ptype_declare( "DtInfo" )) == TT_OK ) { // success -- add an input handler for tooltalk msgs XtAppAddInput( window_system().app_context(), ttfd, (XtPointer) XtInputReadMask, receive_tt_msg, this ) ; // declare DtinfoPrint ptype (non-fatal if prior ptype ok). // Also can be broken out & deferred via the work proc. XtAppAddWorkProc( window_system().app_context(), ipc_init_wp0, this ) ; } else { // HEY! No matter what exit you take from here, it must // return True! -- its a work proc! errmsg = LogToolTalkMessage (DtMsgLogError, ERR_TT_PTYPE_DECLARE, (char*)DFLTXT_PTYPE_DECLARE, tt_state); message_mgr().error_dialog( (char*)UAS_String(errmsg) ); XtFree(errmsg); } } else { errmsg = LogToolTalkMessage (DtMsgLogError, ERR_TT_OPEN, (char*)DFLTXT_OPEN, tt_state); message_mgr().error_dialog( (char*)UAS_String(errmsg) ); XtFree(errmsg); } } else { errmsg = LogToolTalkMessage (DtMsgLogError, ERR_TT_DEFAULT_AS_SESSION, (char*)DFLTXT_DEFAULT_AS_SESSION, tt_state); message_mgr().error_dialog( (char*)UAS_String(errmsg) ); XtFree(errmsg); } if( tt_state != TT_OK ) { XtAppAddWorkProc( window_system().app_context(), ipc_error_wp, &tt_state ) ; } // else -- ipc_init_wp1 will attempt to join the session tt_release( mark ) ; window_system().reset_cursor(); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ipc_init_wp0() // 2nd-level tt init functions, set by class constructor as XtWorkProc // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Boolean TtIpcMgr::ipc_init_wp0( XtPointer /* theIpcObj */ ) { int mark ; mark = tt_mark() ; Tt_status tstp = tt_ptype_declare("DtInfoPrint"); if(tstp != TT_OK ) { DtMsgLogMessage("dtinfo", DtMsgLogError, "%s: %s", "tt_ptype_declare", (char *) CATGETS( Set_TtIpcMgr, 9, "The process type 'DtInfoPrint' is not the\nname of an installed process type.")); } tt_release( mark ) ; return True ; // do workproc once } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ipc_init_wp1() // 3rd-level tt init functions, set by class constructor as XtWorkProc // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Boolean TtIpcMgr::ipc_init_wp1( XtPointer theIpcObj ) { if( ((TtIpcMgr*)theIpcObj)->tt_state == TT_OK ) { window_system().wait_cursor(); // this tt Can take a while int mark = tt_mark() ; // actually join the "default" session for all previously // registered patterns to take effect there-in // Tt_pattern *sess_patterns = ttdt_session_join( NULL, NULL, window_system().toplevel(), theIpcObj, True ) ; // invoke msg handler explicitly in case a message already queued XtAppAddWorkProc( window_system().app_context(), receive_tt_msg_wp, theIpcObj ) ; tt_release( mark ) ; window_system().reset_cursor(); } return True ; // do workproc once } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class destructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TtIpcMgr::~TtIpcMgr() { // char *dfile; // send a Dtinfo_Quit message to whomever may be observing notify_quit() ; // if ((dfile = tt_default_file()) != (char *)0) // { // tt_file_quit(dfile) ; // } // ttdt_session_quit( NULL, sess_patterns, True ) ; // ttdt_close( NULL, NULL, True ) ; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // establish_server - for any coordination purposes (future) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TtIpcMgr::establish_server() { } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do_infolib // // load of infolib requested, so do it here if infolib ID valid // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int TtIpcMgr::do_infolib( char *lib_path ) { int sts = ID_SUCCESS ; if( !lib_path ) { // if no file argument specified, get the default if( !(lib_path = env().infolibDefault()) ) { message_mgr().error_dialog( (char*)UAS_String(CATGETS( Set_AddLibraryAgent, ERR_INFOLIB_SPEC_FORMAT, "Infolib specification format error." )) ) ; return (sts = BAD_ARG_FORMAT); } sts = LibraryAgent::add_library( lib_path ) ; XtFree( lib_path ) ; // this path only } else sts = LibraryAgent::add_library( lib_path ) ; // possible returns ID_SUCCESS, NOT_FOUND, BAD_ARG_FORMAT, LOAD_ERROR return sts ; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do_locator // // view of specific doc requested, so do it here if locator ID valid // // Check for NULL locator pointer before passing it. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int TtIpcMgr::do_locator( char *locator, Boolean new_window ) { return UrlAgent::document( locator, new_window ) ; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do_print // // takes a section locators and prints it // // Prerequisites: Load any infolibs separately specified first. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int TtIpcMgr::do_print(Tt_message msg) { UAS_Pointer d = NULL ; char *filepath = tt_message_file(msg); FILE *fp; char locator[512]; int bufferlen; fprintf(stderr, "TtIpcMgr::do_print: filepath = %s.\n", filepath); // Open the file containing the list of sections to be printed for reading if ((fp = fopen(filepath, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open file %s.\n", filepath); } // Get a handle to the AppPrintData allocated in the WindowSystem class AppPrintData* p = window_system().GetAppPrintData(); // Create a list of items to be printed xList > * print_list = new xList >; // each line of the temporary file contains a locator. create a UAS_Common buffer // for each locator and add it to the print list while (fgets(locator, sizeof(locator), fp) != NULL) { if( !strchr( locator, ':' ) && !strchr( locator, '/' ) ) { // assume given a unique locator ID for the target. // construct a fully-qualified form and pass it on. bufferlen = strlen("mmdb:LOCATOR=") + strlen(locator) + 1; char *buffer = new char[bufferlen]; snprintf (buffer, bufferlen, "mmdb:LOCATOR=%s", locator); d = UAS_Common::create (buffer); delete [] buffer; } else { // assume to have a fully-qualified locator d = UAS_Common::create(locator); } // add UAS_Common pointer to list of sections to print if (d != (const int)0) { print_list->append(d); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Wow! Null section!\n"); } } // end locators in file p->f_outline_element = NULL; p->f_print_list = print_list; XtAppAddWorkProc(window_system().app_context(), ipc_print_wp, p) ; fclose(fp); fprintf(stderr, "do_print: exiting\n"); return 1 ; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handle // // based on message type, initiate the appropriate response // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int TtIpcMgr::handle( Tt_message msg_in ) { int opstatus = UNKNOWN_MSG ; char *info_file ; char *info_uuid ; Tt_status tst ; { switch( tt_message_opnum(msg_in) ) { case SHOW_INFO_AT_LOC : // - arg for locator required (any valid format). // - if File provided, an infolib Add is attempted first. // - The infolib path may be provided via the locator part, // but the infolib will not be Added if only this is the case. if( (opstatus = check_locale( msg_in, 2 )) == ID_SUCCESS ) { // get the locator value, per spec'd position info_uuid = tt_message_arg_val( msg_in, 3 ) ; if( (tst = tt_ptr_error( info_uuid )) != TT_OK ) { XtAppAddWorkProc( window_system().app_context(), ipc_error_wp, &tst ) ; return (opstatus = MSG_SYNTAX_ERROR) ; } // check to see if an optional File arg is supplied for infolib info_file = tt_message_file( msg_in ) ; if( (tst = tt_ptr_error( info_file )) != TT_OK ) { XtAppAddWorkProc( window_system().app_context(), ipc_error_wp, &tst ) ; return (opstatus = MSG_SYNTAX_ERROR) ; } else { do_infolib( info_file ) ; // load infolib per File, first } // try to get the section workspace().target( curr_ws_tt ) ; opstatus = do_locator( info_uuid, True ) ; } break ; case LOAD_INFO_LIB : if( (opstatus = check_locale( msg_in, 2 )) == ID_SUCCESS ) { info_uuid = tt_message_file( msg_in ) ; if( (tst = tt_ptr_error( info_uuid )) != TT_OK ) { XtAppAddWorkProc( window_system().app_context(), ipc_error_wp, &tst ) ; return (opstatus = MSG_SYNTAX_ERROR) ; } workspace().target( curr_ws_tt ) ; opstatus = do_infolib( info_uuid ) ; } break ; case PRINT_INFO_AT_LOC : opstatus = do_print(msg_in); break ; case QUIT_DTINFO : // ignored break ; default : /* don't know what else to do with this message */ opstatus = UNKNOWN_MSG ; break ; } } return opstatus ; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // check_locale // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int TtIpcMgr::check_locale( Tt_message msg_in, int locale_arg_pos ) { int sts = ID_SUCCESS ; Tt_status tst ; char * target_locale ; // test for locale match -- can't display data for different locale. // NULL locale is OK. target_locale = tt_message_arg_val( msg_in, locale_arg_pos ) ; if( (tst = tt_ptr_error( target_locale )) != TT_OK ) { XtAppAddWorkProc( window_system().app_context(), ipc_error_wp, &tst ) ; return (sts = MSG_SYNTAX_ERROR) ; } if( *target_locale != '\0' && strcmp( target_locale, env().lang() ) != 0 && getenv( "LANG" ) != NULL && strcmp( target_locale, getenv( "LANG" ) ) != 0 ) { sts = NOT_OWNER ; } return (sts) ; } char * locale_of_desktop() ; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // receive_tt_msg // // a static member function of the TtIpcMgr class. // used as an input handler per X // // gets the msg, invokes handler for class, and makes the appropriate // tt response per handler disposition status // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /*ARGSUSED*/ void TtIpcMgr::receive_tt_msg( XtPointer client_data, int *fid, XtInputId *id ) { int mark; Tt_status tst ; mark = tt_mark(); Tt_message msg_in = tt_message_receive() ; if( msg_in == NULL ) { // NULL msg pointer input is "normal" in certain tt cases, // and in typical non-tt start-up of dtinfo tt_release(mark); return ; } if( msg_in == prior_tt_msg ) { // A single instance of dtinfo should never get the same message // handle invocation twice, unless it is a reply to the msg which // we sent (and none are currently expected). This check // should prevent any infinite loop conditions (which are possible // between tt and joined processes, under certain error conditions). tttk_message_fail( msg_in, TT_ERR_PROCID, NULL, 1 ) ; tt_release(mark); return ; } // record the current desktop workspace now // (this should approximate tt requestor's workspace) workspace().current( &curr_ws_tt ) ; if( (tst = tt_pointer_error( msg_in )) == TT_ERR_NOMP ) { // fprintf(stderr,"ToolTalk server down.\n"); XtAppAddWorkProc( window_system().app_context(), ipc_error_wp, &tst ) ; return ; // should not be fatal, but need feedback... } switch( ((TtIpcMgr*)client_data)->handle(msg_in) ) { case ID_SUCCESS : if( ( tt_message_class( msg_in ) == TT_REQUEST ) || ( id == NULL ) ) { tt_message_reply( msg_in ) ; } break ; case MSG_SYNTAX_ERROR : case BAD_ARG_FORMAT : case LOAD_ERROR : case NOT_FOUND : // *Only at This point* for "NOT_FOUND" case could we decide // that "exec_host" might be relevant for a subsequent remote // access attempt (were we handling that from dtinfo to kick // off a fallback process...) // arg format, not found, or // load errors have already been "handled" with an error dialog, // so if we did a fail here, there will be redundant and less // specific dialog presented by the messaging system. Thus, reply. if( ( tt_message_class( msg_in ) == TT_REQUEST ) || ( fid == NULL ) ) { tt_message_reply( msg_in ) ; } // tttk_message_fail( msg_in, // can't process message // TT_ERR_FILE, NULL, 1 ) ; break ; case NOT_OWNER : // exec host has to be detected prior to the dtinfo start to // have any effect. locale is also expected to be set correctly // prior to dtinfo invocation. However, if locale was specified // it is checked, and in any case for which it does not match, // the message must be rejected so that tt can pass it to another // instance or launch an instance to handle it. Since this dtinfo // instance may be the only handler currently available, we could // also launch a dtinfo instance in the requested locale before // rejecting the message. Else, if we are in the default // (desktop's) locale, ttsession may go into an infinite // loop creating default dtinfo instances (depending on // the ptype definition), trying to find a handler... // But... if this instance is Not running in the default locale, // we want tt to go ahead and start such a copy! Need to determine // whether this instance is running in the default/desktop locale, // and based on that do fail or reject... jcb { char *ref_locale = locale_of_desktop(); if( ref_locale && strcmp( ref_locale, env().lang() ) != 0 && getenv( "LANG" ) != NULL && strcmp( ref_locale, getenv( "LANG" ) ) != 0 ) { // don't want to process nor kill message, so reject to // let tooltalk start a default instance. If that instance // also cannot service the request precisely, it will kill // the message. tttk_message_reject( msg_in, TT_ERR_NOTHANDLER, NULL, 0 ) ; } else // can't process message tttk_message_fail( msg_in, TT_ERR_PROCID, NULL, 1 ) ; if( ref_locale ) XFree( ref_locale ); } break; default: case UNKNOWN_MSG : tttk_message_abandon( msg_in ) ; // don't understand message break ; } // tt_mark/tt_release tags memory allocated by tt for a given // msg cycle, to ensure that it is all freed when done. tt_release(mark); return; } // receive_tt_msg_wp // // Background task to check explicitly for tt message input // Boolean TtIpcMgr::receive_tt_msg_wp( XtPointer theIpcObj ) { receive_tt_msg( theIpcObj, NULL, NULL ) ; return True ; } // ipc_print_wp // // Display print dialog // Boolean TtIpcMgr::ipc_print_wp( XtPointer client_data ) { AppPrintData* p = (AppPrintData *)client_data; CreatePrintSetup(p->f_pshell_parent, p); XtManageChild(p->f_print_dialog); /* popup dialog each time */ return True ; } // ipc_error_wp // // Translate any tooltalk error message numbers and post for user. // Probables: TT_ERR_SESSION TT_ERR_NOMP TT_ERR_PROCID TT_ERR_PTYPE // Boolean TtIpcMgr::ipc_error_wp( XtPointer client_data ) { message_mgr().error_dialog( tt_status_message( *((Tt_status*)client_data) ) ) ; return True ; } void TtIpcMgr::notify_quit() { Tt_message msg_out; // create and send a "quit" notice message for any observers msg_out = tt_pnotice_create( TT_SESSION, "DtInfo_Quit" ) ; tt_message_send( msg_out ) ; // no reply expected since this was a notice, so no longer need // handle for the message tt_message_destroy( msg_out ) ; } // get the Dt session manager's locale context property as a reliable // reference point with which to compare to the dtinfo instance's // current locale. Caller needs to free the string memory returned // with XFree(). // // Note: this function should really reside in the EnvMgr class // char * locale_of_desktop() { static Atom _DT_SM_WINDOW_INFO = None; static Atom WM_LOCALE_NAME = None; Atom type = None; int format; unsigned long nitems, after; // WM_LOCALE_NAME Atom (string data) char *dt_locale; // _DT_SM_WINDOW_INFO Atom (PropDtSmWindowInfo structure data) Window *sm_prop_window; Display *dpy = window_system().display(); if(WM_LOCALE_NAME == None) { WM_LOCALE_NAME = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_LOCALE_NAME", True); } #ifdef DEBUG if (!WM_LOCALE_NAME) printf( "Atom WM_LOCALE_NAME not interned\n" ); #endif if (!WM_LOCALE_NAME) return (char *)NULL; if(_DT_SM_WINDOW_INFO == None) { _DT_SM_WINDOW_INFO = XInternAtom(dpy, _XA_DT_SM_WINDOW_INFO, False); } #ifdef DEBUG if (!_DT_SM_WINDOW_INFO) printf( "Atom _DT_SM_WINDOW_INFO not interned\n" ); #endif if (!_DT_SM_WINDOW_INFO) return (char *)NULL; XGetWindowProperty( dpy, XDefaultRootWindow(dpy), _DT_SM_WINDOW_INFO, 1L, 1L, False, _DT_SM_WINDOW_INFO, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, (unsigned char **)(void*)&sm_prop_window) ; #ifdef DEBUG // property.smWindow = (unsigned long) smGD.topLevelWindow; if (!sm_prop_window) printf( "null value from Atom _DT_SM_WINDOW_INFO for SM window ID\n" ); else printf( "dtsession window is %lx\n", *sm_prop_window ); #endif if (!sm_prop_window) return (char *)NULL; type = None; XGetWindowProperty( dpy, *sm_prop_window, WM_LOCALE_NAME, 0L, (long)8, False, XA_STRING, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, (unsigned char **)(void*)&dt_locale) ; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "desktop's locale is %s\n", dt_locale ) ; #endif if (!dt_locale) return (char *)NULL; else return dt_locale; }