/* * $TOG: ServiceMgrX.C /main/12 1997/06/18 17:32:19 samborn $ * * Copyright (c) 1992 HaL Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * UNPUBLISHED -- rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United * States. Use of a copyright notice is precautionary only and does not * imply publication or disclosure. * * This software contains confidential information and trade secrets of HaL * Computer Systems, Inc. Use, disclosure, or reproduction is prohibited * without the prior express written permission of HaL Computer Systems, Inc. * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to * restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(l)(ii) of the Rights in * Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. * HaL Computer Systems, Inc. * 1315 Dell Avenue, Campbell, CA 95008 * */ #include "UAS.hh" #define L_Agents #define C_ServiceMgr #define C_NodeMgr #define C_ClientEventMgr #define C_MessageMgr #define L_Managers #define C_WindowSystem #define L_Other #include "Prelude.h" #include "Managers/CatMgr.hh" #include "Registration.hh" #include #include "external-api/olias.h" #include "utility/mmdb_exception.h" LONG_LIVED_CC(ServiceMgr,service_manager) #define OLIAS_PROTOCOL_VERSION 1 #define OLIAS_WINDOW_ID_ATOM "__OLIAS_WINDOW_ID" #define OLIAS_EVENT_ATOM "__OLIAS_EVENT" #define OLIAS_REPLY_ATOM "__OLIAS_REPLY" Atom _XA_OLIAS_WINDOW_ID; Atom _XA_OLIAS_EVENT; Atom _XA_OLIAS_REPLY; extern bool g_scroll_to_locator; extern char g_top_locator[]; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class constructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ServiceMgr::ServiceMgr() { #if 0 // We need to wait for the window to be mapped before doing anything XtAddEventHandler (window_system().toplevel(), StructureNotifyMask, False, (XtEventHandler) handle_toplevel_mapped, this); #endif } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class destructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ServiceMgr::~ServiceMgr() { // Need to stop being the OLIAS server if it's us. // XGrabServer (window_system().display()); Window current_server = XGetSelectionOwner (window_system().display(), _XA_OLIAS_WINDOW_ID); ON_DEBUG(printf ("Current OLIAS server is window 0x%lx\n", current_server)); if (current_server == XtWindow (window_system().toplevel())) { ON_DEBUG(printf ("Done being the OLIAS server...\n")); ON_DEBUG(fflush (stdout)); // OK to use CurrentTime because there is no chance of contention. XSetSelectionOwner (window_system().display(), _XA_OLIAS_WINDOW_ID, None, CurrentTime); } // XUngrabServer (window_system().display()); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create_atoms // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ServiceMgr::create_atoms() { static Boolean created = False; if (!created) { enum { XA_OLIAS_WINDOW_ID_ATOM, XA_OLIAS_EVENT_ATOM, XA_OLIAS_REPLY_ATOM, NUM_ATOMS }; static char *atom_names[] = { OLIAS_WINDOW_ID_ATOM, OLIAS_EVENT_ATOM, OLIAS_REPLY_ATOM }; Atom atoms[XtNumber(atom_names)]; XInternAtoms (window_system().display(), atom_names, XtNumber(atom_names), False, atoms); _XA_OLIAS_WINDOW_ID = atoms[XA_OLIAS_WINDOW_ID_ATOM]; _XA_OLIAS_EVENT = atoms[XA_OLIAS_EVENT_ATOM]; _XA_OLIAS_REPLY = atoms[XA_OLIAS_REPLY_ATOM]; created = True; } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // establish_server - see if there's a server, become one if not // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ServiceMgr::establish_server() { create_atoms(); // Operations in this routine must be atomic to avoid race conditions, // hence the server grab. XGrabServer (window_system().display()); Window current_server = XGetSelectionOwner (window_system().display(), _XA_OLIAS_WINDOW_ID); ON_DEBUG(printf ("Current OLIAS server is window 0x%lx\n", current_server)); // If no current server, we'll become the server. if (current_server == None) { ON_DEBUG(printf ("Attempting to become OLIAS server...")); ON_DEBUG(fflush (stdout)); current_server = XtWindow (window_system().toplevel()); // OK to use CurrentTime because there is no chance of contention. XSetSelectionOwner (window_system().display(), _XA_OLIAS_WINDOW_ID, current_server, CurrentTime); // Make sure it worked. current_server = XGetSelectionOwner (window_system().display(), _XA_OLIAS_WINDOW_ID); if (current_server == XtWindow (window_system().toplevel())) { client_event_manager().register_handler(this, window_system().toplevel()); ON_DEBUG(puts ("successful!")); } else { ON_DEBUG(puts ("failed!")); } } XUngrabServer (window_system().display()); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get_olias_event // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ServiceMgr::get_olias_event (XEvent *event) { // Make sure it's the right event first. if (event->type != ClientMessage || event->xclient.message_type != _XA_OLIAS_EVENT) return; Atom selection = event->xclient.data.l[2]; Time time = event->xclient.data.l[3]; /* -------- Ask for the client the event from the client. -------- */ ON_DEBUG(puts ("OLIAS: Received a client display event!")); XtGetSelectionValue (window_system().toplevel(), selection, _XA_OLIAS_EVENT, (XtSelectionCallbackProc) receive_olias_event, this, time); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handle_event - dispatch handle application request // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ServiceMgr::handle_event(Widget, XEvent *event, Boolean *) { get_olias_event(event); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // process_olias_event // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ServiceMgr::process_olias_event (Window client, unsigned char *stream, unsigned long) { /* Return immediately if the selection couldn't be converted. */ if (stream == NULL) return; unsigned char event_type = *stream++; char *infobase; char *locator; // NOTE: make fixed width and add "mmdb:" to // front ? Should eventually go into calling // program to determine doc type. if (event_type != 1) { ON_DEBUG(fprintf (stderr, "received unknown event")); return; } // Skip over the defunct infobase name. // NOTE: It should be removed from the olias api. DJB infobase = (char *) stream; while (*stream != '\0') stream++; stream++; locator = (char *) stream; UAS_Pointer d; try { if (strchr (locator, ':')) { d = UAS_Common::create(locator); } else { char *buffer = new char[strlen("mmdb:LOCATOR=") + strlen(locator) + 1]; sprintf (buffer, "mmdb:LOCATOR=%s", locator); d = UAS_Common::create (buffer); if (d != (const int)NULL) { // (evil hack alert) g_scroll_to_locator = TRUE; strcpy (g_top_locator, locator); } delete [] buffer; } } catch (demoException&, demo) { message_mgr().demo_failure(demo); } catch_any() { d = NULL; } end_try; if (d != (const int)NULL) { d->retrieve(); reply_to_client(client, OLIAS_SUCCESS); } else { reply_to_client(client, OLIAS_LOCATOR_NOT_FOUND); ON_DEBUG(cerr << "Document not found." << endl); } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // receive_olias_event // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ServiceMgr::receive_olias_event (Widget, XtPointer client_data, Atom *selection, Atom * /* type */, XtPointer value, unsigned long *length, int * /* format */) { // NOTE: probably should verify type (olias_event_atom) and format Window client = XGetSelectionOwner (window_system().display(),*selection); ((ServiceMgr *) client_data)-> process_olias_event (client, (unsigned char *) value, *length); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reply_to_client // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ServiceMgr::reply_to_client (Window client, OliasStatus reply_code) { static XClientMessageEvent client_event; // rtp - 19-Apr-95 // Before we send a reply, we must determine if the client window // is an existing (valid) window. This is done below by searching // for it's window ID in the list of immediate children of the root // window. If the client window is no longer valid then we don't // send a reply. This method seems overly complex to me but after // consulting with our X gurus I determined that this is the best // (only?) way to accomplish this. This code fixes defect ID 16933. // rCs - 20Sept96 // a better way might be to do an XSynch, install an error handler // try a X Command to see if an error is generated, do another, // XSynch, then restore the original Xlib error handler Window root, parent, *children; unsigned int i, nchildren; Boolean client_exists = False; // Query root window for all of its immediate children. if (XQueryTree(window_system().display(), DefaultRootWindow(window_system().display()), &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren)) { // Search for the client window ID in root's list of children. // Assumption: Window was created as a toplevel widget within // external API client. for (i = 0; i < nchildren; i++) { if (children[i] == client) { client_exists = True; break; } } // Free up the children array. XFree(children); } // If not a valid window then punt sending the reply message if (client == None || !client_exists) return; client_event.window = client; client_event.type = ClientMessage; client_event.message_type = _XA_OLIAS_REPLY; client_event.format = 32; client_event.data.l[0] = OLIAS_PROTOCOL_VERSION; client_event.data.l[1] = reply_code; ON_DEBUG(printf ("sending reply to 0x%lx\n", client)); XSendEvent (window_system().display(), client, False, 0L, (XEvent *) &client_event); XFlush (window_system().display()); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // olias_send_event - internal version for olias-to-olias comm // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OliasStatus olias_send_event (Widget, OliasEvent *event) { char *buffer = NULL; char *locator; UAS_Pointer d; switch (event->type) { case OLIAS_NOOP_EVENT: break; case OLIAS_DISPLAY_EVENT: locator = ((OliasDisplayEvent *) event)->locator; ON_DEBUG (printf (">>> external-api display <%s>\n", locator)); try { if (strchr (locator, ':')) { d = UAS_Common::create (locator); } else { buffer = new char[strlen("mmdb:LOCATOR=") + strlen(locator) + 1]; sprintf (buffer, "mmdb:LOCATOR=%s", locator); d = UAS_Common::create (buffer); delete [] buffer; if (d != (const int)NULL) { // (evil hack alert) if (locator == NULL) return (OLIAS_TIMEOUT); ON_DEBUG (printf (">>> g_top_locator = %p\n", g_top_locator)); if (g_top_locator == NULL) return (OLIAS_TIMEOUT); g_scroll_to_locator = TRUE; strcpy (g_top_locator, locator); } } } catch (demoException&, demo) { message_mgr().demo_failure(demo); } catch_any() { d = NULL; } end_try; if (d != (const int)NULL) { d->retrieve(); return (OLIAS_SUCCESS); } else { message_mgr().info_dialog ( (char*)UAS_String(CATGETS(Set_Messages, 46, "File a Bug"))); return (OLIAS_SUCCESS); // return (OLIAS_LOCATOR_NOT_FOUND); until help lib fixed } break; default: return (OLIAS_TIMEOUT); } }