/* * CDE - Common Desktop Environment * * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * $XConsortium: FolioObject.C /main/5 1996/10/04 11:23:44 drk $ * * Copyright (c) 1992 HaL Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. * UNPUBLISHED -- rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United * States. Use of a copyright notice is precautionary only and does not * imply publication or disclosure. * * This software contains confidential information and trade secrets of HaL * Computer Systems, Inc. Use, disclosure, or reproduction is prohibited * without the prior express written permission of HaL Computer Systems, Inc. * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to * restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(l)(ii) of the Rights in * Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. * HaL Computer Systems, Inc. * 1315 Dell Avenue, Campbell, CA 95008 * */ #define C_FolioObject #define L_Basic #include "Prelude.h" INIT_CLASS (FolioObject); // private class to hold dependent data // NOTE: To avoid overhead there should be a class below FolioObject // to hold the dependency type stuff called "??" // Need to fix this up later. // BaseObject -> Object -> Hasbable -> etc. // This may not be a problem once we have templates, because then we can // stick anything in our list. class Dependent { public: Dependent (Dependent **pre_next, Dependent *next, FolioObject *dependent, FolioObject *folio_object, notify_handler_t handler, u_int notify_type, void *dependent_data) : f_pre_next (pre_next), f_next (next), f_dependent (dependent), f_folio_object (folio_object), f_handler (handler), f_notify_type (notify_type), f_dependent_data (dependent_data) { if (next) next->f_pre_next = &f_next; } Dependent **f_pre_next; Dependent *f_next; FolioObject *f_dependent; FolioObject *f_folio_object; notify_handler_t f_handler; u_int f_notify_type; void *f_dependent_data; void release(); void call (FolioObject *obj, void *notify_data); }; inline void Dependent::release() { ON_DEBUG(printf ("@** assigning: f_dependent = %p\n", f_next)); *f_pre_next = f_next; if (f_next) f_next->f_pre_next = f_pre_next; delete this; } inline void Dependent::call (FolioObject *obj, void *notify_data) { (f_dependent->*f_handler)(obj, f_notify_type, notify_data, f_dependent_data); } class DependOnList { public: DependOnList (DependOnList *next, Dependent *d) : f_next (next), f_dependent_obj (d) { } void delete_dependent(); DependOnList *f_next; Dependent *f_dependent_obj; }; inline void DependOnList::delete_dependent() { f_dependent_obj->release(); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class constructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FolioObject::FolioObject() : f_dependents (NULL), f_depend_on_list (NULL) { // Initialize status to reasonable value. // Subclasses only need to change on creation if an error occurs. setStatus (eSuccess); f_initialized = FALSE; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class destructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FolioObject::~FolioObject() { notify (DESTROYED); release_dependents(); release_depend_on_list(); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // notify - this object changed // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void FolioObject::notify (u_int notify_type, void *notify_data) { Dependent *d, *next; // NOTE: This function is temporarily hacked up to get the next // entry in the list before calling the function because it // might be a destroy message which causes the object notified // to destroy itself and delete the current Dependent object, // leaving d pointing into freed memory. next could also point // into freed memory, so for now we need to make sure that any // notification that deletes the target object is at the end // of the list of dependents. This is done by adding first, since // Dependent records are added to the start of the list. // The Right fix for this is probably to pull items from the "to check" // list and move them to a "called" list as they are called. After // each call, d should start at the beginning of the "to check" list // since it will be the only memory guaranteed to be around. // DJB 11/10/92 for (d = f_dependents; d != NULL;) { next = d->f_next; if (d->f_notify_type == notify_type) d->call (this, notify_data); d = next; } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // add_dependent - add a new dependent // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void #if defined(SC3) || defined(__osf__) || defined(USL) || defined(__SunOS) FolioObject::add_dependent (FolioObject *dependent, notify_handler_t handler, #else FolioObject::add_dependent (void *dependent, notify_handler_t handler, #endif u_int notify_type, void *dependent_data) { // Adds to begining because that's easiest. #if defined(SC3) || defined(__osf__) || defined(USL) || defined(__SunOS) f_dependents = new Dependent (&f_dependents, f_dependents, dependent, NULL, handler, notify_type, dependent_data); #else f_dependents = new Dependent (&f_dependents, f_dependents, (FolioObject*)dependent, NULL, handler, notify_type, dependent_data); #endif ON_DEBUG(printf ("@@@2 adding dependent %p to object %p\n", f_dependents, this)); // Also remember it in the dependent for easy removal if it is deleted. // The code below failed in a big way because the "dependent" variable // was the real this pointer of the original object, not the offset // this pointer for a FolioObject (in a multiply inherited object). // The net result was the the code mucked up the object because dependent // really wasn't a FolioObject. // NOTE: need to change all code in which we're doing semi-bogus stuff // with a FolioObject to be a void * so that functions can't be called // by mistake like this. We'll just have to cast it to a FolioObject // when the call through it is made and hope the compiler doesn't // expect it to point to an actual FolioObject (or whatever, eg: WWL). #if defined(SC3) || defined(__osf__) || defined(USL) || defined(__SunOS) ON_DEBUG(printf ("@@@ adding to depend_on_list of %p\n", dependent)); dependent->f_depend_on_list = new DependOnList (dependent->f_depend_on_list, f_dependents); #endif } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // remove_depend_on // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void FolioObject::remove_depend_on (FolioObject *target, Dependent *d) { ON_DEBUG(printf ("Calling remove_depend_on for object %p, entry %p\n", target, d)); DependOnList **l; for (l = &(target->f_depend_on_list); *l != NULL; l = &((*l)->f_next)) { ON_DEBUG(printf (" checking against entry %p\n", *l)); if ((*l)->f_dependent_obj == d) { ON_DEBUG(printf ("removing DependOnList %p\n", *l)); DependOnList *dead_meat = *l; *l = (*l)->f_next; delete dead_meat; break; } } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // remove_dependent - remove first matching dependent // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void #if defined(SC3) || defined(__osf__) || defined(USL) || defined(__SunOS) FolioObject::remove_dependent (FolioObject *dependent, #else FolioObject::remove_dependent (void *dependent, #endif notify_handler_t handler, u_int notify_type, void *dependent_data) { Dependent **d; // This only removes the first matching handler! // That means that each handler added must be removed! for (d = &f_dependents; *d != NULL; d = &((*d)->f_next)) { #if defined(SC3) || defined(__osf__) || defined(USL) || defined(__SunOS) if ((*d)->f_dependent == dependent && #else if ((*d)->f_dependent == (FolioObject*)dependent && #endif (*d)->f_handler == handler && (*d)->f_notify_type == notify_type && (*d)->f_dependent_data == dependent_data) { // Following line is BOGUS because dependent is "real this" // not necessarily a FolioObject! // f_folio_object will be NULL if the Dependent object was // created in add_dependent! DJB 11/10/92 assert ((*d)->f_folio_object != NULL); #if defined(SC3) || defined(__osf__) || defined(USL) || defined(__SunOS) remove_depend_on (dependent, *d); #else remove_depend_on ((FolioObject*)dependent, *d); #endif Dependent *dead_meat = *d; *d = (*d)->f_next; delete dead_meat; break; } } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // release_dependents - free all dependents // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void FolioObject::release_dependents() { Dependent *d = f_dependents, *next; while (d != NULL) { // NOTE: Quick fix below. Improve with doubly-linked lists and // cross pointers in Dependent and DependOnList objects. // f_folio_object member is part of the quick fix. DJB 11/10/92 if (d->f_folio_object != NULL) remove_depend_on (d->f_folio_object, d); else ON_DEBUG(printf ("WARNING: NULL f_folio_object member in release_dependents\n")); next = d->f_next; delete d; d = next; } f_dependents = NULL; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // release_depend_on_list // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void FolioObject::release_depend_on_list() { DependOnList *l = f_depend_on_list, *next; while (l != NULL) { next = l->f_next; l->delete_dependent(); delete l; l = next; } f_depend_on_list = NULL; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // select_on - alternative add_dependent interface // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NOTE: it would be useful to have this call return a handle to // the thing we're observing so that we can stop observing just // by deleting that handle!!! void #if defined(SC3) || defined(__osf__) || defined(USL) || defined(__SunOS) FolioObject::observe (FolioObject *real_this, FolioObject *target, #else FolioObject::observe (void *real_this, FolioObject *target, #endif notify_handler_t handler, u_int notify_type, void *dependent_data) { // This routine will not work, because if target multiply inherits // from FolioObject (like Agent) and FolioObject is not first inherited // class, the this pointer in this routine will be offset from the // real object this pointer, which will cause big problems when // we try to call the callback which expects the real this pointer. // --- // OK, instead we will have to pass in the "real" this pointer which // may be different from the this pointer visible in this routine. #if defined(SC3) || defined(__osf__) || defined(USL) || defined(__SunOS) target->f_dependents = new Dependent (&target->f_dependents, target->f_dependents, real_this, this, handler, notify_type, dependent_data); assert( real_this == this ); #else target->f_dependents = new Dependent (&target->f_dependents, target->f_dependents, (FolioObject *) real_this, this, handler, notify_type, dependent_data); #endif ON_DEBUG(printf ("@@@ adding dependent %p to object %p for object %p\n", target->f_dependents, target, this)); f_depend_on_list = new DependOnList (f_depend_on_list, target->f_dependents); } const char * FolioObject::display_as() { return "Generic Folio Object"; }