/* * CDE - Common Desktop Environment * * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * $XConsortium: page_storage.C /main/8 1996/10/04 10:49:57 drk $ * * Copyright (c) 1992 HAL Computer Systems International, Ltd. * All rights reserved. Unpublished -- rights reserved under * the Copyright Laws of the United States. USE OF A COPYRIGHT * NOTICE IS PRECAUTIONARY ONLY AND DOES NOT IMPLY PUBLICATION * OR DISCLOSURE. * * THIS SOFTWARE CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND TRADE * SECRETS OF HAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL, LTD. USE, * DISCLOSURE, OR REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE * PRIOR EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF HAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS * INTERNATIONAL, LTD. * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject * to the restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(l)(ii) * of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause * at DFARS 252.227-7013. * * HAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL, LTD. * 1315 Dell Avenue * Campbell, CA 95008 * */ #include "storage/page.h" #include "storage/page_storage.h" #include "storage/version.h" #include "utility/db_version.h" #define db_type "MMDB" #define db_type_sz strlen(db_type) #define db_order_sz sizeof(char) int page_storage::dv_sz = 0; int page_storage::abs_off = 0; #ifndef C_API page_cache_global_part page_storage::f_global_pcache; #else page_cache_global_part* page_storage::f_global_pcache_ptr = 0; #endif static char* db_version = 0; static char* data_version = 0; str_index_record_t::str_index_record_t(int offset, mmdb_pos_t lc) : str_offset(offset), loc(lc) { } void delete_str_index_record(const void* t) { delete ((str_index_record_t*)t); } extern void_ptr_array g_store_array; extern Boolean g_transaction_on; ////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////// store_trans::store_trans(char* p, char* n, int psz) : path(p), name(n), status(DISABLED), log_store(0), log_index(0), max_pages(0), page_sz(psz) { } store_trans::~store_trans() { /* MESSAGE(cerr, "dstr store_trans object"); debug(cerr, status); debug(cerr, DISABLED); debug(cerr, int(log_store)); */ if ( status == DISABLED && log_store ) { delete log_store; del_file(form("%s.log", name), path); } delete log_index; } void store_trans::init(rep_policy* policy) { if ( log_store == 0 ) { log_store = new unixf_storage(path, form("%s.log", name), policy); if ( ! (*log_store) ) throw(streamException(log_store -> rdstate())); } if ( log_index == 0 ) { log_index = new imp_die; } } void store_trans::quit() { if ( log_store ) log_store -> truncate(0); if ( log_index ) log_index -> clean(); } /////////////////////////////////// // Constructor /////////////////////////////////// page_storage::page_storage( char* _path, char* _name, unixf_storage* store, int pg_sz, int/*no_pages*/, mmdb_byte_order_t create_order) : abs_storage(_path, _name, PAGE_STORAGE_CODE), trans_info(page_storage::path, page_storage::name, pg_sz), page_sz(pg_sz), f_local_pcache(30), v_db_order(create_order), v_buf(0), pagings(0), total_page_access(0) { //debug(cerr, my_name()); //debug(cerr, (void*)this); //#ifdef C_API if ( dv_sz == 0 ) { dv_sz = db_type_sz + mm_version::version_bytes() + db_order_sz; abs_off = dv_sz; } //#endif storage_ptr = store; int bts = ((unixf_storage*)storage_ptr) -> bytes(); v_server_order = byte_order(); //debug(cerr, v_server_order); if ( bts == 0 ) { ////////////////////// // empty store file ////////////////////// if ( db_version == 0 ) { db_version = new char[dv_sz]; memcpy(db_version, db_type, db_type_sz); mm_version x(MAJOR, MINOR); x.to_byte_string(db_version+db_type_sz, (v_db_order != v_server_order) ? true : false ); char z = v_db_order; memcpy(db_version+db_type_sz+mm_version::version_bytes(), &z, db_order_sz); } storage_ptr -> updateString( 0, db_version, dv_sz, 0, true); v_swap_order = (v_db_order != v_server_order) ? true : false; } else { /////////////////// // store exists. /////////////////// bts -= abs_off; if ( data_version == 0 ) { data_version = new char[dv_sz]; } storage_ptr -> readString(0, data_version, dv_sz); ///////////////////////////////// // "MMDB" magic number testing ///////////////////////////////// if ( memcmp(data_version, db_type, db_type_sz) != 0 ) { throw(stringException( form("bad magic number. corrupted store %s/%s", _path, _name) ) ); } /////////////////////////////// // get db byte order /////////////////////////////// char z; memcpy(&z, data_version + db_type_sz + mm_version::version_bytes(), db_order_sz ); v_db_order = int(z); if ( v_db_order != mmdb_big_endian && v_db_order != mmdb_little_endian ) { debug(cerr, v_db_order); throw(stringException( "data is in neither big endian nor little endian format" )); } /////////////////////////////// // test version /////////////////////////////// v_swap_order = (v_db_order != v_server_order) ? true : false; mm_version dv(data_version+db_type_sz, v_swap_order); f_version = dv; mm_version cv(MAJOR, MINOR); if ( cv < dv ) { cerr << "code major = " << cv.major_version() << "\n"; cerr << "code minor = " << cv.minor_version() << "\n"; cerr << "data major = " << dv.major_version() << "\n"; cerr << "data minor = " << dv.minor_version() << "\n"; throw(stringException( form("data and code version mismatch on store %s/%s", _path, _name) ) ); } } //debug(cerr, v_db_order); total_pages = bts / page_sz; f_local_pcache.init_heap(this); set_mode(HEALTH, true); } /***********************************************************/ // Destructor /***********************************************************/ page_storage::~page_storage() { //MESSAGE(cerr, "dstr page_storage"); //debug(cerr, my_name()); delete v_buf; delete storage_ptr; delete data_version; data_version = 0; delete db_version; db_version = 0; f_local_pcache.quit_heap(this); f_global_pcache.remove_pages(this); /* MESSAGE(cerr, my_name()); debug(cerr, total_page_access); debug(cerr, pagings); debug(cerr, float(pagings)/total_page_access); */ } void page_storage::remove() { storage_ptr -> remove(); } void page_storage::sync() { /* MESSAGE(cerr, "page_storage::sync()"); debug(cerr, my_path()); debug(cerr, my_name()); debug(cerr, pages()); debug(cerr, int(this)); */ long ind = f_global_pcache.f_replace_policy.first(); while ( ind != 0 ) { lru_page *p= (lru_page*)(f_global_pcache.f_replace_policy)(ind, ACTIVE); if ( p -> f_store == this ) sync( p ); f_global_pcache.f_replace_policy.next(ind); } //MESSAGE(cerr, "page_storage::sync() done"); } void page_storage::sync( int page_num ) { sync((*this)(page_num, READ)); } void page_storage::sync( page* p ) { if ( p == 0 || p -> page_id() <= 0 ) { throw(stringException("null page pointer")); } if ( p -> dirty == true ) { //cerr << "dirty PAGE swapped out " << p -> page_id(); //cerr << " " << my_name() << "\n"; int offset = ( p -> page_id() - 1 ) * page_sz ; #ifdef PORTABLE_DB p -> _swap_order(false); #endif //debug(cerr, *p); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "purging page at %p size=%d into %s/%s @ %s:%d\n", p -> page_base(), page_sz, storage_ptr->my_path(), storage_ptr->my_name(), __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif storage_ptr -> updateString( abs_off + mmdb_pos_t(offset), p -> page_base(), page_sz, 0, true ); #ifdef PORTABLE_DB ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // flip back to original. as the server will not quit after // the sync. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// p -> _swap_order(true); #endif p -> dirty = false; } } //static Boolean xflag = false; /***********************************************************/ // readString(). /***********************************************************/ int page_storage::readString(mmdb_pos_t loc, char* base, int len, int str_offset) { /* int xstring_ofst = str_offset; int xloc = loc; int xlen = len; MESSAGE(cerr, "page_storage: readString"); debug(cerr, my_path()); debug(cerr, my_name()); debug(cerr, loc); debug(cerr, int(base)); debug(cerr, len); debug(cerr, str_offset); */ buffer in_cache(0); in_cache.set_chunk(base, len); spointer_t *slot_info; while ( len > 0 ) { if ( loc == 0 ) { throw(stringException("damaged store.")); } int page_num = PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ); int page_slot = PAGE_IDX( loc, page_sz ); //debug(cerr, page_num); //debug(cerr, page_slot); page *y = (*this)(page_num, READ); slot_info = y -> get_spointer(page_slot); int str_leng = slot_info -> string_leng(); loc = slot_info -> forward_ptr(); /* MESSAGE(cerr, "slot info:"); debug(cerr, str_leng); debug(cerr, loc); debug(cerr, slot_info -> string_ofst()); */ delete slot_info; if ( str_offset >= str_leng ) { str_offset -= str_leng; } else { int bytes_read = MIN(len, str_leng - str_offset); /* debug(cerr, len); debug(cerr, bytes_read); */ y -> get( page_slot, in_cache, str_offset, bytes_read ); len -= bytes_read; str_offset = 0; } } //MESSAGE(cerr, "page_storage:: readString done"); return 0; } int page_storage::get_str_ptr(mmdb_pos_t loc, char*& str, int& len) { int page_num = PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ); int page_slot = PAGE_IDX( loc, page_sz ); //MESSAGE(cerr, "IN get_str_ptr()"); //debug(cerr, my_path()); //debug(cerr, my_name()); //debug(cerr, page_num); //debug(cerr, page_slot); page *y = (*this)(page_num, READ); spointer_t* slot_info = y -> get_spointer(page_slot); //debug(cerr, int(slot_info -> get_mode(spointer_t::DELETED))); /* if ( page_num == 1 && page_slot == 1 ) { debug(cerr, hex(slot_info -> header.int_view)); debug(cerr, hex(slot_info -> header.bit_view.spointer)); debug(cerr, hex(slot_info -> header.bit_view.length)); debug(cerr, hex(slot_info -> header.bit_view.deleted)); debug(cerr, hex(slot_info -> header.bit_view.first_recd)); debug(cerr, hex(slot_info -> header.bit_view.updated)); debug(cerr, hex(slot_info -> header.bit_view.is_object)); } */ if ( slot_info -> get_mode(spointer_t::DELETED) == true ) { delete slot_info; throw(stringException("read deleted byte string")); } delete slot_info; y -> get_str_ptr(page_slot, str, len); return 0; } int page_storage::insertString(mmdb_pos_t& loc, const char* base, int len, Boolean flush_opt) { /* cerr << "insert: len=" << len << "\n"; int u3 = len; */ #ifdef STORAGE_DEBUG MESSAGE(cerr, "page_storage insertString"); debug(cerr, len); #endif buffer temp_buf(0); int page_num = 0; int page_oft = 0; int str_offset = len; int sec_len; Boolean first_recd = true; Boolean new_page; while ( str_offset > 0 ) { loc = (page_num != 0 ) ? FORM_PAGE_REF(page_num, page_oft, page_sz) : 0; fbytes_t* v = f_local_pcache.find_host_page(this, new_page) ; page_num = v -> page_num; page* y = (*this)(page_num, WRITE); sec_len = MIN(len, y -> free_bytes()); str_offset -= sec_len; temp_buf.set_chunk((char*)(base + str_offset), sec_len); temp_buf.set_content_sz(sec_len); y -> put( page_oft, temp_buf ); spointer_t *x = y -> get_spointer(page_oft); x -> set_mode(spointer_t::FIRST_RECD, first_recd); x -> set_forward_ptr(loc); delete x; v -> free_bytes = y -> free_bytes(); f_local_pcache.adjust_heap(v, new_page); if ( flush_opt == true ) sync(page_num); first_recd = false; len -= sec_len; } #ifdef STORAGE_DEBUG MESSAGE(cerr, "FINAL LOC COMPONENT"); debug(cerr, page_oft); debug(cerr, page_sz); debug(cerr, page_num); #endif loc = FORM_PAGE_REF(page_num, page_oft, page_sz); /* int u1 = PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ); int u2 = PAGE_IDX( loc, page_sz ); cerr << "insert:" << page_num << "." << page_oft << " " << u3 << "\n"; */ return 0; } /***********************************************************/ // updateString(). /***********************************************************/ int page_storage::updateString(mmdb_pos_t loc, const char* base, int len, int string_ofst, Boolean flush_opt) { /* int u1 = PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ); int u2 = PAGE_IDX( loc, page_sz ); cerr << "update:" << u1 << "." << u2 << " " << len << " " << string_ofst << "\n"; */ /* MESSAGE(cerr, "update string"); debug(cerr, name); debug(cerr, loc); */ int page_num =0; int slot_num =0; int offset = 0; page* y = 0; spointer_t *x = 0; while ( len > 0 && loc != 0 ) { page_num = PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ); slot_num = PAGE_IDX( loc, page_sz ); //debug(cerr, page_num); //debug(cerr, slot_num); y = (*this)(page_num, WRITE); x = y -> get_spointer(slot_num); /* debug(cerr, x -> forward_ptr()); debug(cerr, x -> string_leng()); debug(cerr, x -> string_ofst()); */ loc = x -> forward_ptr(); int this_len = x -> string_leng(); delete x; if ( string_ofst >= this_len ) { string_ofst -= this_len; continue; } int update_len = MIN(len, this_len - string_ofst); buffer sbuf(0); sbuf.set_chunk((char*)(base+offset), update_len); sbuf.set_content_sz(update_len); y -> update_slot(slot_num, sbuf, string_ofst); if ( flush_opt == true ) sync(page_num); string_ofst = 0; offset += update_len; len -= update_len; } if ( len > 0 ) { //debug(cerr, len); //debug(cerr, offset); /*****************************/ // the update is an expanding /*****************************/ mmdb_pos_t new_loc; insertString(new_loc, base+offset, len, flush_opt) ; y = (*this)(page_num, WRITE); x = y -> get_spointer(slot_num); x -> set_forward_ptr(new_loc); delete x; page_num = PAGE_ID( new_loc, page_sz ); slot_num = PAGE_IDX( new_loc, page_sz ); y = (*this)(page_num, WRITE); x = y -> get_spointer(slot_num); x -> set_mode(spointer_t::FIRST_RECD, false); delete x; y -> dirty = true; return 0; } // if ( loc != 0 ) { /*****************************/ // the update is a shrinking /*****************************/ // y = (*this)(page_num); // x = y -> get_spointer(slot_num); // x -> set_forward_ptr(0); // return deleteString(loc); // } return 0; } /***********************************************************/ // deleteString(). /***********************************************************/ int page_storage::deleteString(mmdb_pos_t loc, Boolean flush_opt) { while ( loc != 0 ) { int page_num = PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ); int slot_num = PAGE_IDX( loc, page_sz ); //debug(cerr, page_num); //debug(cerr, slot_num); page* y = (*this)(page_num, WRITE); spointer_t *x = y -> get_spointer(slot_num); if ( x -> get_mode(spointer_t::DELETED) == true ) return 0; loc = x -> forward_ptr(); //debug(cerr, loc); delete x; y -> del_slot(slot_num); if ( flush_opt == true ) sync(page_num); } return 0; } /***********************************************************/ // allocate a chunk on a page. /***********************************************************/ int page_storage::allocString(mmdb_pos_t& loc, int len, char*& string_ptr, int mode) { //MESSAGE(cerr, "AllocString:"); //debug(cerr, my_name()); //debug(cerr, len); if ( len > page_sz ) { MESSAGE(cerr, "allocString(): string too long"); throw(boundaryException(0, page_sz, len)); } Boolean new_page; fbytes_t* v = f_local_pcache.find_host_page(this, new_page, len) ; page* x = (*this)(v -> page_num, WRITE); int slot_num; x->alloc_slot(slot_num, len, string_ptr); spointer_t* slot_info = x -> get_spointer(slot_num); slot_info -> add_mode(mode); delete slot_info; v -> free_bytes = x -> free_bytes(); f_local_pcache.adjust_heap(v, new_page); loc = FORM_PAGE_REF(v -> page_num, slot_num, page_sz); #ifdef STORAGE_DEBUG MESSAGE(cerr, "in allocString(): final params"); debug(cerr, int(x -> dirty)); debug(cerr, page_num); debug(cerr, slot_num); debug(cerr, my_name()); debug(cerr, loc); debug(cerr, int(string_ptr)); #endif // int u1 = PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ); // int u2 = PAGE_IDX( loc, page_sz ); // cerr << "Allocated ID=" << u1 << "." << u2 << " " << len << "\n"; return 0; } int page_storage::appendString(mmdb_pos_t loc, const char* base, int len, Boolean) { /* int u1 = PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ); int u2 = PAGE_IDX( loc, page_sz ); cerr << "append:" << u1 << "." << u2 << " " << len << "\n"; */ int page_num = 0; int slot_num = 0; page* y; spointer_t *x; while ( loc != 0 ) { page_num = PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ); slot_num = PAGE_IDX( loc, page_sz ); y = (*this)(page_num, READ); x = y -> get_spointer(slot_num); loc = x -> forward_ptr(); delete x; } insertString(loc, base, len) ; y = (*this)(page_num, WRITE); x = y -> get_spointer(slot_num); x -> set_forward_ptr(loc); delete x; page_num = PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ); slot_num = PAGE_IDX( loc, page_sz ); y = (*this)(page_num, WRITE); x = y -> get_spointer(slot_num); x -> set_mode(spointer_t::FIRST_RECD, false); delete x; return 0; } /***********************************************************/ // create new page frame. /***********************************************************/ int page_storage::add_page_frames(int pages) { total_pages += pages; ////////////////////////////////////// // prepare the new page in the cache ////////////////////////////////////// for (int i=1; i<=pages; i++) operator()(total_pages+i-pages, WRITE); return 0; } /***********************************************************/ // return the mmdb_pos_t of the first page. /***********************************************************/ int page_storage::first() const { return ( total_pages > 0 ) ? 1 : 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////// /* ind should be the page id */ ////////////////////////////////////////// page* page_storage::operator()(int ind, enum access mode) { /* if ( mode == WRITE ) { MESSAGE(cerr, "opera(): write mode"); debug(cerr, ind); debug(cerr, name); } */ /* if ( mode == WRITE ) { char* s = name + strlen(name) - 11; debug(cerr, s); if ( strcmp(s, "index.store") == 0 ) debug(cerr, name); } */ //cerr << "Try to get page " << ind << " from " << my_name() << "\n"; if ( ! INRANGE( ind, 1, pages() ) ) { debug(cerr, my_path()); debug(cerr, my_name()); MESSAGE(cerr, form("page_storage:: operator(): mmdb_pos_t %d out of range.", ind) ); throw(boundaryException(1, pages(), ind)); } page* p = f_local_pcache.in_cache(this, ind); if ( p == 0 ) { //cerr << "swapping in a page " << ind << endl; p = f_global_pcache.load_new_page( this, ind, (v_db_order==v_server_order) ? false : true ); } /* debug(cerr, my_name()); debug(cerr, p -> count()); debug(cerr, int(mode)); debug(cerr, int(WRITE)); */ if ( mode == WRITE ) { p -> dirty = true; save_to_log(p); } return p; } /***********************************************************/ // update ind to the mmdb_pos_t of next page. /***********************************************************/ void page_storage::next(int& ind) const { if ( ind >= pages() ) ind = 0; else ind++; } io_status page_storage::asciiOut(ostream& out) { int ind = first(); while ( ind != 0 ) { #ifdef DEBUG page* p = (*this)(ind, READ); debug(out, *p); #endif next(ind); } return done; /* debug(cerr, pagings); pagings = 0; */ } Boolean page_storage::seek_loc(mmdb_pos_t& loc, const direction d, int smd) { if ( d == positive ) { return seek_loc_positive(loc, smd); } else { return seek_loc_negative(loc, smd); } } Boolean page_storage::seek_loc_positive(mmdb_pos_t& loc, int smd) { int pgs = pages(); int page_num = PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ); int page_slot = PAGE_IDX( loc, page_sz ); while ( page_num <= pgs ) { page* x = (*this)(page_num, READ); if ( page_slot == 0 ) page_slot = x -> first(); else x -> next( page_slot ); spointer_t *y; while ( page_slot && (y = x -> get_spointer(page_slot)) != 0 ) { if ( y -> get_mode(spointer_t::DELETED) == false && y -> test_mode(smd) == true ) { loc = FORM_PAGE_REF(page_num, page_slot, page_sz); delete y; return true; } else { delete y; x -> next(page_slot); } } page_num++; page_slot = 0; } return false; } Boolean page_storage::seek_loc_negative(mmdb_pos_t& loc, int smd) { int page_num = PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ); int page_slot = PAGE_IDX( loc, page_sz ); while ( page_num > 0 ) { page* x = (*this)(page_num, READ); if ( page_slot == 0 ) page_slot = x -> count() - 1; else x -> prev(page_slot); spointer_t *y; while ( page_slot && (y = x -> get_spointer(page_slot)) != 0 ) { if ( y -> get_mode(spointer_t::DELETED) == false && y -> test_mode(smd) == true ) { loc = FORM_PAGE_REF(page_num, page_slot, page_sz); delete y; return true; } else { delete y; x -> prev(page_slot); } } page_num--; page_slot = 0; } return false; } void page_storage::reset_paging_count() { /* if ( storage_ptr -> rdbuf() -> is_open() ) { cerr << storage_ptr -> my_name() << " has not been closed\n"; storage_ptr -> close(); } else { cerr << storage_ptr -> my_name() << " is already closed\n"; } */ pagings = 0; } int page_storage::paging_count() const { return pagings; } mmdb_pos_t page_storage::first_loc() { if ( pages() >= 1 && (*this)(1, READ) -> count() != 0 ) return FORM_PAGE_REF(1, 1, page_sz); else return 0; } mmdb_pos_t page_storage::last_loc() { int pgs = pages(); if ( pgs == 0 ) return 0; for ( int i=pgs; i>0; i-- ) { int ct = (*this)(i, READ) -> count(); if ( ct > 0 ) return FORM_PAGE_REF(i, ct, page_sz); } return 0; } int page_storage::get_str_locs(mmdb_pos_t str_loc, str_index_record_tPtr*& vector, int& vector_len ) { int vector_sz = 20; vector = new str_index_record_tPtr[vector_sz]; int num_pieces = 0; int str_offset = 0; spointer_t *x = 0; while ( str_loc > 0 ) { if ( num_pieces >= vector_sz ) { vector_sz *= 2; vector = (str_index_record_tPtr*)realloc( (char*)vector, vector_sz*sizeof(str_index_record_tPtr) ); } vector[num_pieces++] = new str_index_record_t(str_offset, str_loc); int page_num = PAGE_ID( str_loc, page_sz ); int page_slot = PAGE_IDX( str_loc, page_sz ); page *y = (*this)(page_num, READ); x = y -> get_spointer(page_slot); str_offset += x -> string_leng(); str_loc = x -> forward_ptr(); delete x; } vector_len = num_pieces; return 0; } int page_storage::set_page_dirty(mmdb_pos_t loc) { MESSAGE(cerr, "set page dirty: page loc is"); debug(cerr, loc); page* x = (*this)(PAGE_ID( loc, page_sz ), WRITE); x -> dirty = true; return 0; } Boolean page_storage::io_mode(int mode) { if ( storage_ptr ) return storage_ptr -> io_mode(mode); else return false; } void page_storage::begin_trans() { mtry { if ( trans_info.status == store_trans::ENABLED ) throw(stringException("trans is still in progress")); trans_info.init(policy); trans_info.set_max_pages(total_pages); trans_info.status = store_trans::ENABLED; int l_max_pages = trans_info.max_pages; if ( swap_order() == true ) ORDER_SWAP_UINT(l_max_pages); trans_info.log_store -> updateString(0, (char*)&l_max_pages, sizeof(l_max_pages), 0, true); } mcatch (mmdbException&, e) { // workaround for solaris's /SUNWspro/bin/CC compiler. beginTransException x; throw(x); //throw(beginTransException()); } end_try; } void page_storage::commit_trans() { ////////////////////////////// // sync the touched pages ////////////////////////////// mtry { int ind = trans_info.log_index -> first_bucket(); while ( ind != -1 ) { imp_bucket* bucket = trans_info.log_index -> get_bucket(ind); if ( bucket ) { long b_ind = bucket -> first(); while ( b_ind != 0 ) { data_t* z = (*bucket)(b_ind); //debug(cerr, ((page*)(z -> dt)) -> count()); sync((page*)(z -> dt)); bucket -> next(b_ind); } } trans_info.log_index -> next_bucket(ind); } trans_info.quit(); trans_info.status = store_trans::DISABLED; } mcatch (mmdbException &,e) { // workaround for solaris's /SUNWspro/bin/CC compiler. commitTransException x; throw(x); } end_try; } void page_storage::roll_back() { mtry { if ( exist_file(form("%s.log", name), path) == false ) return; MESSAGE(cerr, "roll_back() begins"); trans_info.init(policy); // init the log store ////////////////////////////////// // verify the log is in good shape ////////////////////////////////// int m; unsigned int log_bytes = trans_info.log_store -> bytes(); if ( trans_info.log_store && (*trans_info.log_store) && log_bytes > sizeof(m) ) { ////////////////////////////////// // truncate the store to previous // length ////////////////////////////////// trans_info.log_store -> readString(0, (char*)&m, sizeof(m)); if ( swap_order() == true ) ORDER_SWAP_UINT(m); trans_info.set_max_pages(m); // init the log store ((unixf_storage*)storage_ptr) -> truncate(abs_off + m*page_sz); //debug(cerr, m); ////////////////////////////////// // restore the store to previous // state ////////////////////////////////// int l_pid = 0; if ( (log_bytes - sizeof(m)) % (page_sz+sizeof(l_pid)) != 0 ) throw(stringException("corrupted transaction log")); int u = (log_bytes - sizeof(m)) / (page_sz+sizeof(l_pid)); //debug(cerr, u); buffer log_buf(page_sz); for ( int i=0; i readString(offset, // page id (char*)&l_pid, sizeof(l_pid) ); if ( swap_order() == true ) // swap byte order if necessary ORDER_SWAP_UINT(l_pid); trans_info.log_store -> readString(offset + sizeof(l_pid), // page content log_buf.get_base(), page_sz ); storage_ptr -> updateString( abs_off + (l_pid-1)*page_sz, log_buf.get_base(), page_sz, 0, true ); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // make sure the cached pages are not synced /////////////////////////////////////////////// long ind = f_global_pcache.f_replace_policy.first(); while ( ind != 0 ) { lru_page *p = (lru_page*) (f_global_pcache.f_replace_policy)(ind, ACTIVE); if ( p -> f_store == this ) p -> dirty = false; f_global_pcache.f_replace_policy.next(ind); } trans_info.quit(); // remove the log store trans_info.status = store_trans::DISABLED; } mcatch (mmdbException &,e) { // workaround for solaris's /SUNWspro/bin/CC compiler. rollbackTransException x; throw(x); } end_try; MESSAGE(cerr, "roll_back() completes"); } void page_storage::save_to_log(page* p) { /* MESSAGE(cerr, "About to save to log"); debug(cerr, my_name()); debug(cerr, int(trans_info.status)); debug(cerr, int(store_trans::ENABLED)); debug(cerr, trans_info.max_pages); */ if ( trans_info.status == store_trans::ENABLED && INRANGE(p -> page_id(), 1, trans_info.max_pages) ) { //assert ( trans_info.log_store ); //assert ( trans_info.log_index ); if ( trans_info.log_store == 0 || trans_info.log_index == 0 ) throw(stringException("corrupted store")); int l_pid = p -> page_id(); data_t pkey(l_pid, voidPtr(p)); if ( trans_info.log_index -> member(pkey) == false ) { //MESSAGE(cerr, form("Save_to_log pid=%d, pcnt = %d, name=%s", // l_pid, p -> count(), name)); int log_bytes_before = trans_info.log_store -> bytes(); mtry { if ( swap_order() == true ) // swap to desired order ORDER_SWAP_UINT(l_pid); trans_info.log_store -> appendString( 0, (char*)&l_pid, sizeof(l_pid), false ); if ( swap_order() == true ) // swap back ORDER_SWAP_UINT(l_pid); p -> _swap_order(false); trans_info.log_store -> appendString( 0, p -> page_base(), page_sz, true ); //debug(cerr, trans_info.log_store -> bytes()); p -> _swap_order(true); trans_info.log_index -> insert(pkey); } mcatch (mmdbException&, e) { trans_info.log_store -> truncate(log_bytes_before); rethrow; } end_try; } // else //MESSAGE(cerr, form("Not save_to_log pid=%d, name=%s", l_pid, name)); } } buffer& page_storage::aux_buf() { if ( v_buf == 0 ) v_buf = new buffer(LBUFSIZ); return *v_buf; }