# $XConsortium: nlsMsgChk.txt /main/2 1996/11/11 11:28:27 drk $ helpgen is a non-Motif (terminal based) application. It creates three files, .hv, 00.ht and 01.ht in the target directory. The default target directory is '/usr/dt/help//Browser'. The default is 'browser'. 1) To get the usage message, type helpgen -help tests message: Set 1 _DtMessage: 1 2) Specify a name using the -dir option that is not a directory. To do this, create a file in the /tmp directory, then use it as if it were a directory. For example, type: touch /tmp/testdir helpgen -dir /tmp/testdir/testfile Remove /tmp/testdir when finished. tests message: Set 1 _DtMessage: 2 3) Attempt to write to a directory that only the super-user (system administrator) has permission to write to. To do this, check that the directory /usr/vhelp/help exists and that write permission is denied for the average user. For example, type: ll -d /usr/vhelp/help. If the permission shown do not allow the average user access, continue. Otherwise, change them to disallow access or create and/or use another directory that does not allow the average user access. Upon finding a suitable directory for testing, type the following (this example assumes /usr/vhelp/help is being used): helpgen -dir /usr/vhelp/help/testdir. tests message: Set 1 _DtMessage: 3 4) Specify a name using the -dir option that is not a directory. To do this, create a file in the /tmp directory, then use it as if it were a directory. For example, type: touch /tmp/testdir helpgen -dir /tmp/testdir Remove /tmp/testdir when finished. tests message: Set 1 _DtMessage: 6 5) Attempt to overwrite an existing read-only browser volume. To do this, check the permissions on the files in the directory /usr/dt/help/C/Browser. If the permissions allow the average user to access these files, change the permissions to allow only the super-user access. Type: helpgen tests message: Set 1 _DtMessage: 8 6) Create a browser volume in a read-only directory. To do this, create a directory without write permission. For example, type: mkdir /tmp/testdir chmod -w /tmp/testdir Now use the read-only directory as the parameter to the -dir option: helpgen -dir /tmp/testdir Remove /tmp/testdir when finished. tests message: Set 1 _DtMessage: 9 7) Copy a family file to a work directory. Edit the file and remove the 'title' resource from the file. Symbolically link this file to the directory /usr/vhelp/families/. Type: helpgen -dir /tmp Remove the symbolic link in /usr/vhelp/families/ and the browser volumes in /tmp when done. tests message: Set 1 _DtMessage: 11 8) Copy a family file to a work directory. Edit the file and remove the 'abstract' resource from the file. Symbolically link this file to the directory /usr/vhelp/families/. Type: helpgen -dir /tmp Remove the symbolic link in /usr/vhelp/families/ and the browser volumes in /tmp when done. tests message: Set 1 _DtMessage: 12 9) Copy a family file to a work directory. Edit the file and remove the 'volumes' resource from the file. Symbolically link this file to the directory /usr/vhelp/families/. Type: helpgen -dir /tmp Remove the symbolic link in /usr/vhelp/families/ and the browser volumes in /tmp when done. tests message: Set 1 _DtMessage: 13 10) Copy a family file to a work directory. Edit the file and remove the 'charSet' resource from the file. Symbolically link this file to the directory /usr/vhelp/families/. Type: helpgen -dir /tmp Remove the symbolic link in /usr/vhelp/families/ and the browser volumes in /tmp when done. tests message: Set 1 _DtMessage: 14 11) Move the directory /usr/vhelp/familes to /usr/vhelp/familes.save. NOTE: This requires the user to be super-user. Type: helpgen -dir /tmp Restore the families directory by moving /usr/vhelp/families.save to /usr/vhelp/families. tests message: Set 1 _DtMessage: 16 12) Move the directory /usr/vhelp/volumes to /usr/vhelp/volumes.save. NOTE: This requires the user to be super-user. Type: helpgen -dir /tmp Restore the families directory by moving /usr/vhelp/volumes.save to /usr/vhelp/volumes. tests message: Set 1 _DtMessage: 17 13) Run helpgen as super-user. Run helpview. The application helpview, can either be run from a terminal window or by selecting the icon on the front panel showing books with a question mark over them. The window that displays should show the browser volume created by helpgen. The text localized in set 2 messages 2 through 4 should be displayed at the top of the window. The text between the tags in set 2 message 3 will be displayed in the topic hierarchy. The last hypertext link (underlined titles) should be from set 2 message 5. The text will use the fonts associated with the character set specified in set 2 message 1. Check that the app-defaults file for helpview contains a font set associated with the character set specified. tests messages: Set 2 Messages: 1-5 Set 3 Messages: 1-7