# $XConsortium: nlsMsgChk.txt /main/2 1996/11/11 11:26:36 drk $ Dtfile is composed of three different style toplevel windows (a directory view, a toolbox view and a trashcan), along with a large selection of user dialogs and error dialogs. Note that most dialogs have a help button, which when pressed, will cause the help window to appear, displaying the appropriate help information. 1) To display a dtfile directory view, select the file cabinet icon located in the top row of the front panel; a window similar to that shown in figure dtfile-1 will appear. Select one of the icons in this directory, click mouse button 1 on a name of one of the files in this dialog; a text widget for renaming will appear. Enter a new filename using a filename which already exists in this directory and press return; the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-2 will appear. Enter a path name such as "/tmp/tempfile" in the rename text widget and press return; the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-3 will appear. Press mouse button 1 any where in the file manager view to unpost the rename text edit widget. dtfile-1 tests messages: Set 3 Messages: 2, 3 Set 20 Mesages: 1-9 dtfile-2 tests messages: Set 9 _DtMessage: 9 Set 10 _DtMessage: 1 dtfile-3 tests messages: Set 10 _DtMessage: 1 Set 30 _DtMessage: 11 2) To post the dialog used to create a new data file, post the 'File' menupane, and select the 'New...' item; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-4 will appear. If you enter into this dialog the name of a file which already exists, and then press return, the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-5 will appear. If you enter a name which includes a space, the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-6 will appear. dtfile-4 tests messages: Set 10 Messages: 7, 9, 29 dtfile-5 tests messages: Set 30 _DtMessage: 9 Set 11 _DtMessage: 6 dtfile-6 tests messages: Set 10 Messages: 3, 21 3) To post the dialog used to copy an existing file, select the icon for the file, post the 'File' menupane, and select the 'Copy...' item; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-7 will appear. Press "Ok"; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-8 will appear. If you type the path "/.dt/Desktop/" into the copy as text widget you will get the error dialog shown in dtfile-9. If you type the path "bogusname:/temp/file" into the copy as text widget you will get the error dialog shown in dtfile-10. While the "Copy" dialog is still up, rename the file you are copying in the File Manager view to some new name. Do this by click mouse button 1 on the text portion of the icon; a text label will appear; change the name and press return; the file will now be renamed. In the "Copy" dialog put some new name in the text field such as "newfilename" and press "Ok"; the error dialog dtfile-11 will now show up. dtfile-7 tests messages: Set 10 Messages: 6, 7, 9, 27 dtfile-8 tests messages: Set 10 Messages: 2, 11 dtfile-9 tests messages: Set 10 _DtMessage: 25 dtfile-10 tests messages: Set 10 _DtMessage: 2, 13 dtfile-11 tests messages: Set 10 _DtMessage: 2, 10 4) To post the dialog used to view and alter the properties associated with a file, select the icon for the file, post the 'File' menupane, and select the 'Properties' item; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-12 will appear. If you select the 'Group Name' field, and enter a non-existant group name such as "bogus", press "OK"; the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-13 will appear. Change the group name back to a valid group name (probably users). If you select the 'Owner Name" field, and enter a non-existant user name such as "bogus", press "OK"; the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-14 will appear. Change the owner name back to what it was. If the selected icon file is a link to another file the dialog in figure dtfile-15 will appear. To get figure dtfile-15, open a second dtfile view in another directory besides the users HOME dir. Take a file from the HOME dir and drag and drop it in the 2nd dtfile view while holding down the "Shift" key. Select that file and bring up the Properties dialog. By holding down the shift key you have created a link to the original file. Note that it is basically the same a dtfile-12 except it has link information in it. Cancel out of the 'Properties' dialog. Rename the original file you dragged and dropped to create the link to some other name. This will cause the linked file in the second dtfile dtfile view to change to a broken link. Double click on this broken link; the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-16 will appear. dtfile-12 tests messages: Set 21 Messages: 2-13, 21 dtfile-13 tests messages: Set 21 Messages: 16, 17 dtfile-14 tests messages: Set 21 Messages: 15, 17 dtfile-15 tests messages: Set 21 Messages: 2-13, 18, 21 dtfile-16 tests messages: Set 9 Messages: 6, 7 5) To post the dialog used to locate the collection of files matching a particular set of patterns, constraints, and contents, post the 'File' menupane, and select the "Find" item; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-17 will appear. Clear the "Search Directories" field; when the 'Start' button is pressed, the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-18 will appear. Put a bogus directory in the "Search Directories" field such as "/asdfsdf"; when the 'Start' button is pressed, the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-19 will appear. Put some bogus search string in the "File contents:" field such as "adfasdfasdf"; have a valid "Search Directory"; when the 'Start' button is pressed, the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-20 will appear. Do a valid file search such that it has a list of file(s) in the "File Found:" scrolled list. In a File Manager view remove 1 of the files listed in the "Files Found": scrolled list. Now in the Find Dialog select that File and press "Open New View"; the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-21 will appear. dtfile-17 tests messages: Set 15 Messages: 4, 14, 15, 30-37, 40, 41 dtfile-18 tests messages: Set 15 Messages: 1, 23 dtfile-19 tests messages: Set 15 _DtMessage: 1 Set 30 _DtMessage: 12 dtfile-20 tests messages: Set 15 Messages: 1, 27 dtfile-21 tests messages: Set 15 Messages: 1, 26 6) To post the dialog used to create a new directory, post the 'Directory' menupane, and select the 'New' item; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-22 will appear. If you press "OK" without typing anything in the text widget the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-23 will appear. If you enter into this dialog the name of a file which already exists, and then press return, the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-24 will appear. dtfile-22 tests messages: Set 10 Messages: 16, 19, 28 dtfile-23 tests messages: Set 10 Messages: 20, 22 dtfile-24 tests messages: Set 11 _DtMessage: 6 Set 30 _DtMessage: 9 7) To post the dialog used to change the current dtfile window to view a different directory, post the 'Directory' menupane, and select the 'Change To' item; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-25 will appear. Press "OK" with out typing in any text in the 'New Directory:' text field; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-26 will appear. Enter a bogus new directory name in the 'New Directory:' text field such as "/asdfasdf"; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-27 will appear. Enter "/usr/lib/nls" as the new directory to view, and press return. dtfile-25 tests messages: Set 2 Messages: 2, 4, 10 dtfile-26 tests messages: Set 2 Messages: 1, 5 dtfile-27 tests messages: Set 2 Messages: 1, 7 8) Post the 'File' menupane, and again select the 'New' item; the dialog shown earlier in figure dtfile-4 will appear. Enter a new filename, and press return; the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-28 will appear, because you do not have permission to write in this directory. Dismiss the 'New' dialog. dtfile-28 tests messages: Set 11 _DtMessage: 6 Set 30 _DtMessage: 7 9) Select one of the icons in this directory, click mouse button 1 on a name of one of the files in this dialog; a text widget for renaming will appear. Enter a new filename, and press return; the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-29 will appear, because you do not have permission to write in this directory. Press 'esc' to dismiss the rename text widget. dtfile-29 tests messages: Set 11 _DtMessage: 6 Set 30 _DtMessage: 6 10) Go into one of the directories in /usr/lib/nls such as "C". Select one of the "text" icons in this directory, post the 'File' menupane, and again select the 'Copy...' item; the dialog shown earlier in figure dtfile-7 will appear. Enter a new filename, and press return; the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-30 will appear, because you do not have permission to write in this directory. Cancel out of the 'Copy' dialog. dtfile-30 tests messages: Set 11 _DtMessage: 6 Set 30 _DtMessage: 7 11) Post the 'View' menupane, and select the 'Set Preferences' item; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-31 will appear. Cancel out of the 'Set Preferences' dialog. dtfile-31 tests messages: Set 23 Messages: 2-22 12) Post the 'View' menupane, and select the 'Modify Filter List' item; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-32 will appear. Cancel out of the 'Modify Filter List' dialog. dtfile-32 tests messages: Set 13 Messages: 11, 20-24 13) To display the dialog used to save the current setting for the dtfile window, post the 'View' menupane, and select the 'Save Settings' item; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-33 will appear. dtfile-33 tests messages: Set 18 _DtMessage: 29, 32 14) Make sure your in your home directory; post the 'Directory' menupane and select 'Home'. Select one of the directory icons in dtfile window, post the 'Actions' menupane, and select the "OpenNewView" item; another dtfile window will appear. While pressing both the Control and the Shift keys, use mouse button 1 or 2 to drag an icon out of one of the view, and into the second view; release button 1 or 2; the error dialog shown in figure dtfile-34 should appear. Close the second dtfile view; post the 'File' menupane, and select Close. dtfile-34 tests messages: Set 18 Messages: 22, 31 15) To display the trash can, post the 'File' menupane, and select the "Show Trash" item; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-35 will appear. In a file view of the directory "/usr/lib/nls" select several of the icons; post the 'File' menupane, and select the 'Delete To Trash' item; because you do not have write permission for these files, the dialog shown in figure dtfile-36 will appear; press the "Ok" button; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-37 will appear. Using the "Change To" dialog, change the current directory to "/"; select the icon for the directory named 'tmp', and try to throw it in the trash; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-38 will appear; select the 'Cancel' button! Close the Trash Can dialog. dtfile-35 tests messages: Set 27 Messages: 9, 51, 52, 55 dtfile-36 tests messages: Set 27 Messages: 4, 7 dtfile-37 tests messages: Set 27 Messages: 3, 5 dtfile-38 tests messages: Set 27 Messages: 4, 8 16) To post the toolbox window, select the toolbox icon, located in the top row of the front panel (it looks like a toolbox); the dialog simular to figure dtfile-39 will appear. (Note in the xwd there are no icons yet). Close the toolbox. dtfile-39 tests messages: Set 3 Messages: 2, 3 Set 20 Mesages: 1-9 17) In a normal dtfile view and in your home directory, Drag and drop a directory onto itself; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-40 will appear. Press "Ok" in error dialog. Open a new view of a directory from your home directory by selecting it, post the 'Actions' menupane and selecting 'OpenNewView'. A new dtfile view will appear. From your home directory, single click mouse button 1 on the text of the directory icon you just opened a new view for. A text edit 'rename' widget will appear. Type in a new name; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-41 will appear. Click anywhere within the file managers view to unpost the rename text widget. dtfile-40 tests messages: Set 11 Messages: 6, 16 dtfile-41 tests messages: Set 11 Messages: 6, 30 18) From your home directory, take a file and drop it on the backdrop. The file will 'stick' there. This is your 'Desktop'. Take the same file from your file manager view and again drop it on the Desktop; the dialog dtfile-42 will appear. Press "OK" in the error dialog. Take another file and drop it on the desktop, so now you have 2 objects on the Desktop. These objects on the desktop are just representations of the file in the File manager view, i.e. they are not copies. Single click mouse button 1 on the text portion of the 2nd desktop object. A text edit widget will appear on the desktop object. Change the name of desktop object 2 to the same name of object 1 on the desktop; the dialog shown in figure dtfile-43 will appear. Press "Ok" in the error dialog. Now change the name to a name of a file that already exists in the directory this file came from; the dialog dtfile-44 will appear. Press "OK" in the error dialog to dismiss it. Change the name back to its original file name by pressing 'esc' in the text edit widget. dtfile-42 tests messages: Set 11 _DtMessage: 6 Set 28 _DtMessage: 3 dtfile-43 tests messages: Set 10 _DtMessage: 1 Set 28 _DtMessage: 1 dtfile-44 tests messages: Set 10 _DtMessage: 1 Set 28 _DtMessage: 2 19) From the desktop object #2 popup menu (mouse button 3 push while cursor is over the desktop object), select 'Open File's Folder'. A new file manager view will appear with the representation of the desktop object selected. Single click mouse button 1 on the text portion of the selected file in the new file manager view. Change the name to the same name of the file which already exists on the desktop (object 1); the dialog shown in dtfile-45 will appear. Press "OK" to dismiss the error dialog. dtfile-45 tests messages: Set 10 _DtMessage: 1 Set 9 _DtMessage: 8 20) Open a file manager view of a directory different from where the desktop objects came from (i.e. where their representations are at). Drag and drop one of the desktop objects into this new file manager view; the dialog shown in dtfile-46 will appear. Press the 'Cancel' button. Now select both desktop objects (hold control key down while pressing mouse button 1 when cursor is over the Desktop object) and drag and drop the objects into the new file manager view; the dialog shown in dtfile-47 will appear. Press 'Cancel' button to dismiss the dialog. dtfile-46 tests messages: Set 12 Messages: 3, 4, 5 dtfile-47 tests messages: Set 12 Messages: 3, 6 21) Drag on drop one of the destkop objects onto the trash can on the front panel; the dialog shown in dtfile-48 will appear. Drag more than one object from the Desktop to the trash can on the front panel; the dialog shown in dtfile-49 will appear. dtfile-48 tests messages: Set 27 Messages: 73, 74 dtfile-49 tests messages: Set 27 Messages: 73, 75 22) Goto the users home directory; post the 'Directory' menupane and select 'Home'. Select any directory in a File Manager view. With mouse button 1 select the 'Actions' menu and go to the "OpenInPlace" selection. Don't let mouse button 1 up. While holding down mouse button 1, press the key F1. The dialog shown in dtfile-50 will appear. Do the same as above except this time go to the "OpenNewView" selection. The dialog shown in dtfile-51 will appear. dtfile-50 tests messages: Set 29 _DtMessage: 1, 4 dtfile-51 tests messages: Set 29 Messages: 1, 3 23) From the command line somewhere within the DT environment type the command "dtfile -dir ~ -restricted". This brings up a view of the users home directory that is restricted. The dialog will look somewhat like the dialog shown in dtfile-52. Post the 'Directory' menupane, and select the 'Fast Change To' item; the current directory line will change to a text edit widget. Type '..' in the text edit widget (Note the '/' should already be there), and press return. The dialog shown in dtfile-53 will appear. Press "OK" to unpost the dialog. From the 'View' menupane, select the 'Save settings' selection. The dialog shown in dtfile-54 will appear. Cancel out of the dialog. dtfile-52 tests messages: Set 3 Messages: 2, 3 Set 20 Mesages: 1-8 dtfile-53 tests messages: Set 2 _DtMessage: 1 Set 2 _DtMessage: 9 dtfile-54 tests messages: Set 18 Messages: 30, 32 24) To post the system toolbox window, select the toolbox icon slide up located in the top row of the front panel (it looks like a toolbox) and select the System Toolbox. Pick up and drag one of the 'action' files from the SystemToolbox to one of the File Manager's views. Dialog dtfile-55 will appear. Select "OK" to dismiss the error dialog and close the toolbox. dtfile-55 tests messages: Set 11 Mesages: 34 25) On a regular file manager view: Post the 'File' menupane, this tests messages: Set 20 Messages: 10, 11, 16-19, 22, 23, 84-91, 117, 118, 121, 122 Post the 'Directory' menupane, this tests messages: Set 20 Messages: 28-30, 33, 34, 37, 38, 41, 42, 92-98 Post the 'View' menupane, this tests messages: Set 20 Messages: 46-48, 51, 52, 55, 62, 63, 99-104, 119, 120 Post the 'Help' menupane, this tests messages: Set 20 Messages: 105-116 26) On a trash view: Post the 'File' menupane, this tests messages: Set 27 Messages: 12, 14, 16, 18, 24, 26, 28, 30, 76, 77 Post the 'Help' menupane, this tests messages: Set 27 Messages: 59-70 27) Post a popup menu on a File Manager object (i.e. press mouse button 3 when cursor is over an object in a file manager view). This will test messages: Set 12 Messages: 7-12 28) Post a popup menu on a Desktop object (i.e. press mouse button 3 when cursor is over an object in on the Desktop). This will test messages: Set 28 Messages: 4-14