$ $XConsortium: dtappintegrate.tmsg /main/3 1995/11/03 10:33:59 rswiston $ $ %Z%%M% %I% %W% %G% %U% $ $ COMPONENT_NAME: desktop $ $ FUNCTIONS: none $ $ ORIGINS: 27,118,119,120,121 $ $ This module contains IBM CONFIDENTIAL code. -- (IBM $ Confidential Restricted when combined with the aggregated $ modules for this product) $ OBJECT CODE ONLY SOURCE MATERIALS $ $ (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995 $ All Rights Reserved $ US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or $ disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. $ $ $ $ ** Description: $ ** ------------ $ ** This is the source message catalog file for dtappintegrate. $set 1 $ COMMENT TO TRANSLATORS: Do not translate any of the <<<< or >>>> 1 <<<<<<< START OF APPLICATION INTEGRATION >>>>>>> $ COMMENT TO TRANSLATORS: Do not translate any of the <<<< or >>>> 2 <<<<<<< END OF APPLICATION INTEGRATION >>>>>>> $ COMMENT TO TRANSLATORS: Do not translate $SCRIPT_NAME, -s, -t, -l, -u 3 Usage: $SCRIPT_NAME -s [-t ] [-l ] [-u] $ COMMENT TO TRANSLATORS: Do not translate $0 4 Error: Must be root user to run $0! $ COMMENT TO TRANSLATORS: Do not translate $dir 5 Error: Could not create $dir directory! $ COMMENT TO TRANSLATORS: Do not translate -s 6 Error: Did not specify -s option! $ COMMENT TO TRANSLATORS: Do not translate $APP_PATH 7 Error: $APP_PATH is not a directory! $ COMMENT TO TRANSLATORS: Do not translate $APP_PATH 8 Error: Can not read $APP_PATH directory! $ COMMENT TO TRANSLATORS: Do not translate $LOGFILE 9 See $LOGFILE file for more information 10 Unintegration Complete 11 No files to unintegrate 12 Integration Complete 13 No files to integrate