$ *************************************<+>************************************* $ ***************************************************************************** $ ** $ ** File: DtWidget.vmsg $ ** $ ** Project: DT $ ** $ ** Description: $ ** ----------- $ ** This file is the source for the message catalog for the Dt widget $ ** library. $ ** $ ** $ ***************************************************************************** $ ** $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 International Business Machines Corp. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Novell, Inc. $ ** $ ***************************************************************************** $ ** $ ** $ ** $XConsortium: DtWidget.msg /main/6 1996/06/19 11:28:04 cde-dec $ $ ***************************************************************************** $ ***************************************************************************** $ ***************************************************************************** $ $ ***** NOTE FOR MESSAGE CATALOG TRANSLATORS ***** $ $ There MAY be three types of messages in this file: $ $ 1. Messages that appear in dialogs or are displayed to the user. $ $ These messages are the default and they should ALL BE LOCALIZED. $ Note that these messages do NOT have any identification (see the $ comments for type 2 and 3 below). $ $ 2. Messages that only appear in the DT error log file ($HOME/.dt/errorlog). $ $ The localization of these messages is OPTIONAL. These messages are $ identified by the following: $ $ MESSAGES xx-yy IN SET zz WILL ONLY APPEAR IN THE DT ERRORLOG FILE $ $ 3. Messages that should not be localized. $ $ These messages are identified by the following: $ $ DO NOT TRANSLATE or CHANGE or LOCALIZE MESSAGES xx-yy from set zz $ $ ***** END (NOTE FOR MESSAGE CATALOG TRANSLATORS) ***** $ $ ****************************************************************************** $set 2 $ ************************************************************* $ ** ** $ ** Common messages shared by all DT widgets ** $ ** ** $ ************************************************************* $ Default value for DtNdialogCloseButtonLabel resource. $ This string is used for all "Close" buttons in all dialogs. 1 Close $ Default value for DtNdialogHelpButtonLabel resource. $ This string is used for all "Help" buttons in all dialogs. 2 Help $set 3 $ ************************************************************* $ ** ** $ ** This set of messages is used by the DtEditor widget. ** $ ** ** $ ************************************************************* $ ********************************************** $ ** module: Editor.c ** $ ** Messages for the Format/Settings dialog ** $ ********************************************** $ Default value for DtNformatSettingsDialogTitle resource, $ title of format settings dialog 1 Format Settings $ Default values for DtNlMarginFieldLabel and DtNrMarginFieldLabel resources, $ labels for margin fields in Format Settings dialog 2 Right Margin: 3 Left Margin: $ Default values for DtNlAlignToggleLabel, DtNrAlignToggleLabel, $ DtNjustifyToggleLabel, and DtNcenterToggleLabel resources, $ labels for justification radio buttons in Format Settings dialog 4 Left Align 5 Right Align 6 Justify 7 Center $ Default values for DtNformatParagraphButtonLabel and $ DtNformatAllButtonLabel resources, $ labels for paragraph and all buttons in Format Settings dialog 8 Paragraph 9 All $ ****************************************************************** $ ** module Editor.c ** $ ** Strings used in the spell checking and find/change dialogs. ** $ ****************************************************************** $ Default value for DtNspellDialogTitle resource, $ title of the Spell dialog 20 Spell $ Default value for DtNfindDialogTitle resource, $ title of the Find/Change dialog 21 Find/Change $ Default value for DtNmisspelledListLabel resource, $ label for list of unrecognized and misspelled words 22 Misspelled Words: $ Default value for DtNfindFieldLabel resource, $ label of field in which user types string for which to search. 23 Find: $ Default value for DtNchangeFieldLabel resource, $ label of field in which user types the replacement string 24 Change To: $ Default values for DtNfindButtonLabel, DtNchangeButtonLabel, and $ DtNchangeAllButtonLabel resources, $ labels for find, change, and change all buttons in Find/Change dialog 25 Find 26 Change 27 Change All $ ****************************************************************** $ ** module: SearchDlg. ** $ ** Message displayed when Find/Replace/Spell fails to find the ** $ ** specified string or word. ** $ ****************************************************************** $ Used to display "Unable to find the string FOO in the current document." $ Note: Do not localize the characters %s. 30 Unable to find the string %s in the current document. $ Title for general information dialog (e.g. "Find/Change dialog can't $ find word in document."). 31 Information $ *********************************************************** $ ** module Editor.c ** $ ** Messages and strings associated with the status line. ** $ *********************************************************** $ Default value for DtNcurrentLineLabel resource, $ label for the display showing the current insert cursor line 40 Line: $ Default value for DtNtotalLineCountLabel resource, $ label for the display showing the total number of lines in the document 41 Total: $ Default value for DtNoverstrikeLabel resource, $ label used to indicate Editor is in overstrike (overtype) mode. 42 Overstrike $ Default value for DtNinsertLabel resource, $ label used to indicate Editor is in insert mode. $ The default value is a blank string. $quote " 43 "" $quote $ ****************************************************************** $ ** module: SearchCalls ** $ ** Message displayed when Find/Replace/Spell fails to execute ** $ ** the spell filter. ** $ ****************************************************************** $ Error message if there is a problem running the spell filter $ Message 34 and 35 are part of the same message for the error $ dialog. $ do not translate %s $ "NEW-" 50 Error executing spell filter. 51 Check to see if filter, %s, is installed and in the path. $ Title for Error dialog $ "NEW-" 52 Editor Error $set 4 $ ************************************************************* $ ** ** $ ** MenuButton messages ** $ ** ** $ ************************************************************* $ Warning messsage $ Note: do not localize the chars XmNmenuPost 1 XmNmenuPost has illegal value. $ Error messsages $ Note: do not localize the chars DtMenuButtonWidget in messages 2 and 3 2 DtMenuButtonWidget: Invalid Parent. 3 DtMenuButtonWidget: Invalid Submenu. $set 5 $ ************************************************************* $ ** ** $ ** ComboBox messages ** $ ** ** $ ************************************************************* $ Warning messsages $ Note: do not localize the chars DtComboBoxWidget in messages 1 - 11 $ Note: do not localize the chars alignment and DtALIGNMENT_CENTER 1 DtComboBoxWidget: Invalid alignment resource (defaulting to DtALIGNMENT_CENTER). $ Note: do not localize the chars marginHeight 2 DtComboBoxWidget: Invalid marginHeight resource (defaulting to 2). $ Note: do not localize the chars marginWidth 3 DtComboBoxWidget: Invalid marginWidth resource (defaulting to 2). $ Note: do not localize the chars horizontalSpacing 4 DtComboBoxWidget: Invalid horizontalSpacing resource (defaulting to 0). $ Note: do not localize the chars verticalSpacing 5 DtComboBoxWidget: Invalid verticalSpacing resource (defaulting to 0). $ Note: do not localize the chars orientation and DtRIGHT 6 DtComboBoxWidget: Invalid orientation resource (defaulting to DtRIGHT). $ Note: do not localize the chars itemCount 7 DtComboBoxWidget: Invalid itemCount resource (defaulting to 0). $ Note: do not localize the chars selectedPosition 8 DtComboBoxWidget: Invalid selectedPosition resource (defaulting to 0). $ Note: do not localize the chars textField 9 DtComboBoxWidget: Unable to set textField resource. $ Note: do not localize the chars DtComboBoxSetItem 10 DtComboBoxWidget: Unable to find item to set (DtComboBoxSetItem). $ Note: do not localize the chars DtComboBoxSelectItem 11 DtComboBoxWidget: Unable to find item to select (DtComboBoxSelectItem). 12 Resizing failed. Maybe longest item is wider than space allowed. $ Label value 13 ComboBox $ Error message $ Note: do not localize the chars String and XmRType 14 cvtStringToType: wrongParameters, String to XmRType conversion needs no extra arguments $ Warning message 15 DtComboBoxDeletePos: wrongParameters, Invalid position value $set 6 $ ************************************************************* $ ** ** $ ** SpinBox messages ** $ ** ** $ ************************************************************* $ Warning messsages $ Note: do not localize the chars DtSpinBoxWidget in messages 1 - 14 $ Note: do not localize the chars arrowSensitivity and DtARROWS_SENSITIVE 1 DtSpinBoxWidget: Invalid arrowSensitivity resource (defaulting to DtARROWS_SENSITIVE). $ Note: do not localize the chars alignment and DtALIGNMENT_CENTER 2 DtSpinBoxWidget: Invalid alignment resource (defaulting to DtALIGNMENT_CENTER). $ Note: do not localize the chars intialDelay 3 DtSpinBoxWidget: Invalid initialDelay resource (defaulting to 250). $ Note: do not localize the chars marginHeight 4 DtSpinBoxWidget: Invalid marginHeight resource (defaulting to 2). $ Note: do not localize the chars marginWidth 5 DtSpinBoxWidget: Invalid marginWidth resource (defaulting to 2). $ Note: do not localize the chars arrowLayout and DtARROWS_BEGINNING 6 DtSpinBoxWidget: Invalid arrowLayout resource (defaulting to DtARROWS_BEGINNING). $ Note: do not localize the chars repeatDelay 7 DtSpinBoxWidget: Invalid repeatDelay resource (defaulting to 200). $ Note: do not localize the chars itemCount 8 DtSpinBoxWidget: Invalid itemCount resource (defaulting to 0). $ Note: do not localize the chars position in messages 9 and 10 9 DtSpinBoxWidget: Invalid position resource (defaulting to 0). 10 DtSpinBoxWidget: Invalid position resource (defaulting to minimum). $ Note: do not localize the chars decimalPoints 11 DtSpinBoxWidget: Invalid decimalPoints resource (defaulting to 0). $ Note: do not localize the chars minimum 12 DtSpinBoxWidget: Invalid minimum resource (defaulting to maximum). $ Note: do not localize the chars textField 13 DtSpinBoxWidget: Unable to set textField resource. $ Note: do not localize the chars DtSpinBoxSetItem 14 DtSpinBoxWidget: Unable to find item to set (DtSpinBoxSetItem). $ Label value 15 SpinBox