$ /* $ * (c) Copyright 1995 Digital Equipment Corporation. $ * (c) Copyright 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995 Hewlett-Packard Company $ * (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 International Business Machines Corp. $ * (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. $ * (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Novell, Inc. $ * (c) Copyright 1995 FUJITSU LIMITED. $ * (c) Copyright 1995 Hitachi. $ */ $ "$TOG: dtsvc.msg /main/5 1999/09/16 14:56:30 mgreess $"; $ *************************************<+>************************************* $ ***************************************************************************** $ ** $ ** File: dt.msg $ ** $ ** Project: DT $ ** $ ** Description: $ ** ----------- $ ** This file is the source for the message catalog for DT library. $ ** $ ***************************************************************************** $ ** $ ** $TOG: dtsvc.msg /main/5 1999/09/16 14:56:30 mgreess $ $ ***************************************************************************** $ *************************************<+>************************************* $ ***************************************************************************** $ $ ***** NOTE FOR MESSAGE CATALOG TRANSLATORS ***** $ $ There may be three types of messages in this file: $ $ 1. Messages that appear in dialogs or are displayed to the user. $ $ These messages are the default and they should ALL BE LOCALIZED. $ Note that these messages do NOT have any identification (see the $ comments for type 2 and 3 below). $ $ 2. Messages that only appear in the DT error log file ($HOME/.dt/errorlog). $ $ The localization of these messages is OPTIONAL. These messages are $ identified by the following: $ $ MESSAGES xx-yy IN SET zz WILL ONLY APPEAR IN THE DT ERRORLOG FILE $ $ 3. Messages that should not be localized. $ $ These messages are identified by the following: $ $ DO NOT TRANSLATE or CHANGE or LOCALIZE MESSAGES xx-yy from set zz $ $ ***** END (NOTE FOR MESSAGE CATALOG TRANSLATORS) ***** $ $ ****************************************************************************** $set 2 $ ***** Module: Action.c ***** $ DO NOT TRANSLATE or CHANGE or LOCALIZE messages 1 and 2 from set 2 $ These messages are the result from incorrect actions. $ Do not remove the two spaces after the ":" in message 3. $ The name of an action will follow the spaces at the end of message 3. $ _DtMessage 5 is a prompt stating that the user must supply information $ for the action. Execute the "TERM_PROMPT" action for an example. 1 %1$s%2$s%3$s 2 %1$s%2$s 3 Action: 4 [Error] 5 Please enter the following information: 6 You have supplied more parameters than the selected action requires.\n\nSelect 'Ok' to ignore extra parameters.\n\nSelect 'Cancel' to terminate the action. $ NOTE: trailing spaces ARE important in message 7! 7 The following host was not accessible:\n\n 8 \n\nCheck that the appropriate remote data access connection\nhas been made.\n\n $ ** The arguments for message #9 are: , , . 9 Either action "%1$s" was not found or\nthis action does not apply to file:\n "%2$s"\nwith data attribute:: "%3$s"\n\n $ ** The argument for message #10 is: 10 Action "%s" was not found.\n $ ** Message number 11 is difficult to generate without an internal error. 11 The following file was not found:\n\n $ Do NOT localize the word "MAP". 12 This action cannot be executed because it contains too\n\ many levels of MAPs, or the mapping is "circular". 13 Unable to invoke the requested action.\n\nAre the following hosts accessible?\n\t(%s)\nDoes the corresponding program exist?\n(Run /usr/dt/bin/dttypes to match actions and programs.)\n\nHas your system run out of room to execute new processes? 14 The request to service this action has failed. 15 The request to service this action has failed.\nA ToolTalk connection could not be established:\n\n%s 16 The request to service this action has failed. 17 The request to service this action has failed for the following reason:\n\n %s. 18 An error occurred while attempting to map one of\nthe file arguments. $ ** The arguments for message #19 are: , . 19 Either action "%1$s" was not found or\nthis action does not apply to buffers of type: \n\n"%2$s" $ ** MESSAGE NUMBER 20 IS OBSOLETE. 20 Unable to create tmp file: "%1$s" \nfor action: "%2$s" 21 Unsupported input object class: "%d"\nfor action: "%s". 22 Unable to create a temporary file in directory: "%s"\nfor the action named: "%s". 23 Unable to open a temporary file: "%s"\nfor the action named: "%s". 24 Unable to write a temporary file: "%s"\nfor the action named: "%s". $set 3 $ **** Module: CmdMain.c **** $ These messages are generated by the command invocation library. $ Note that set 3, messages 1, 3, 4, 12, 13, 16 have been obsoleted. 2 An attempt to change to the following directory:\n\n\ %1$s\n\n\ from host "%2$s" failed.\n\n\ Check the spelling and permissions and be sure the directory exists. $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. 5 An attempt to execute the following command on host\n\ "%1$s" failed:\n\n\ %2$s\n\n\ Check that the program exists, has the correct\n\ permissions and is executable. $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. 6 An attempt to execute the following command failed:\n\n\ %s\n\n\ Check that the program exists, has the correct\n\ permissions and is executable. $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. $ Do NOT localize the word "PATH". 7 This action cannot be started because the following\n\ terminal emulator cannot be executed:\n\n\ %s\n\n\ Check that the program exists, has the correct permissions\n\ and is executable. This problem may have occurred because the\n\ program is not in your "PATH". $ Message number 8 is OBSOLETE. $ 8 This action is missing one or more of the following:\n\n\ $ execution parameters, execution string or execution host.\n\n\ $ Check that the action has an appropriate number of parameters. $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. 9 The total number of characters in this action exceeds the limit of "%d".\n\n\ You may need to break the action into more than one action. $ Message number 10 is OBSOLETE. $ 10 The shell program "%s" cannot be started.\n\n\ $ Check that the program has the correct permissions and\n\ $ is executable. 11 An attempt to start a new process on host "%s" failed.\n\n\ To continue, you may need to stop an unneeded process on this host. $ Message number 14 is OBSOLETE. $ 14 An attempt to log the output from a remote host failed.\n\n\ $ To continue, you may need to stop an existing process. 15 An attempt to register the output log from a remote host failed.\n\n\ To continue, you may need to stop an existing process. $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. $ Do NOT localize the words "WINDOW_TYPE". 17 This action's WINDOW_TYPE "%1$s" is un-recognized.\n\ The WINDOW-TYPE should be one of the following:\n\n\ %2$s, %3$s, %4$s,\n\ %5$s, %6$s, or %7$s $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. 18 This action cannot be started because the DT subprocess program\n\ %s\n\n\ cannot be executed. Check that the program has the correct\n\ permissions and is executable. $ MESSAGE 19 IN SET 3 WILL ONLY APPEAR IN THE DT ERRORLOG FILE $ MESSAGE 19 IN SET 3 IS OBSOLETE $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. 19 An attempt to run 'xhost' on Xserver host "%s" failed.\n\n\ To suppress this message and disable automatic xhost'ing, run the\n\ "EditResources" action and add the following resource:\n\n\ *autoXhosting: False\n $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any lines in the following message. 20 This action cannot be executed on host "%1$s"\n\ because the following required program either\n\ does not exist or it is not executable:\n\n\ %2$s\n $ MESSAGE 21 IN SET 3 WILL ONLY APPEAR IN THE DT ERRORLOG FILE 21 The action "%1$s" was successfully executed on host "%2$s". $ MESSAGE 22 IN SET 3 WILL ONLY APPEAR IN THE DT ERRORLOG FILE 22 The directory "%1$s" on host "%2$s"\n\ could not be converted to a network path.\n\ (%3$s) $ MESSAGE 23 IN SET 3 WILL ONLY APPEAR IN THE DT ERRORLOG FILE 23 The stderr logfile "%1$s" on host "%2$s"\n\ could not be converted to a network path.\n\ (%3$s) 24 This action cannot be executed because\n\ host "%s" cannot be reached. 25 This action cannot be executed on host "%1$s" because the\n\ "%2$s" service is not properly configured on this host. 26 This action cannot be executed because the "%1$s"\n\ service is not configured on host "%2$s". 27 This action cannot be executed on host "%1$s" because user\n\ "%2$s" has a user id of "%3$d" on host "%4$s" and this does\n\ not match the username and user id on the action\n\ invocation host "%5$s". 28 This action cannot be executed on host "%1$s" because\n\ user "%2$s" does not have an account on this host. 29 This action cannot be executed on host "%s" because\n\ a pathname to the authentication file cannot be created. 30 This action cannot be executed on host "%s" because\n\ the authentication file on this host cannot be opened.\n\n\ This may be caused by your network home not being\n\ properly configured. 31 This action cannot be executed on host "%1$s" because\n\ the environment exceeds "%2$d" bytes. 32 This action cannot be executed on host "%1$s" because\n\ host "%2$s" is not authorized to use the "%3$s" service.\n\n\ To fix this, add host "%4$s" to the "%5$s" service\n\ entry in file "%6$s" on host "%7$s". $set 4 $ ***** Module: DbReader.c ***** $ $ MESSAGES 1-11 IN SET 4 WILL ONLY APPEAR IN THE DT ERRORLOG FILE $ $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. 1 A "%s" definition in the file:\n\ "%s"\n\ is missing a name. Add the name\n to the definition.\n $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. $ Do NOT localize the word "END". $ THIS MESSAGE IS OBSOLETE 2 The definition "%s" in the file\n\ "%s"\n\ is incomplete. The definition may be missing\n\ the "END" field.\n $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. 3 A multi-line field in the definition "%s"\n\ in the file\n\ "%s"\n\ is incomplete. A "\\" character may be missing\n\ in the multi-line field.\n $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. 4 The definition "%s" in the file\n\ "%s"\n\ has too many fields.\n $ Do NOT localize the word "Dt.TypesDirs". 5 An attempt to read the action and filetypes databases failed.\n\ This may be caused by the resource "Dt.TypesDirs" being incorrectly set.\n $ Do NOT localize the strings "'{'" or "'}'". 6 The definition "%s" in the file\n "%s"\n has an end symbol '}' with no start symbol '{'.\n $ Do NOT localize the strings "'{'" or "'}'". 7 The definition "%s" in the file\n "%s"\n has an unexpected start symbol '{'.\n $ Do NOT localize the strings "'{'" or "'}'". 8 The definition "%s" in the file\n "%s"\n is incomplete. The definition may be missing\n the "}" field.\n $ Do NOT localize the strings "'{'" or "'}'". 9 The definition "%s" in the file\n "%s"\n is missing a start symbol '{'.\n 10 The DtDbVersion variable can only be set\nat the beginning of the file. The remainder of the file\n'%s' is being ignored.\n 11 The file '%s'\ncontains an invalid DtDbVersion identifier.\n $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ set 5 (Module: Filetype.c) is OBSOLETE. Do NOT reuse this set number. $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $set 6 $ ***** Module: ActionDb.c ***** $ $ MESSAGES 1-11 IN SET 6 WILL ONLY APPEAR IN THE DT ERRORLOG FILE $ $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. 1 The action definition "%s" in the file:\n\ "%s"\n\ does not have any fields.\n $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. 2 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ "%s"\n\ contains the following unrecognized field name and value:\n\ "%s"\n $ Message number 3 is OBSOLETE. $ 3 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ $ "%s"\n\ $ does not have the required field "%s".\n 4 The "%s" field in the action definition "%s"\n\ in the file "%s"\n\ has an unrecognized action type.\n $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. $ Do NOT localize the words "TYPE MAP". 5 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ "%s"\n\ is not mapped properly. The "%s" field\n\ should be: TYPE MAP action_mapped_to.\n $ Message number 6 is OBSOLETE. $ 6 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ $ "%s"\n\ $ contains a MAP to itself.\n $ Message number 7 is OBSOLETE. $ 7 The "%s" field in the action definition "%s"\n\ $ in the file "%s"\n\ $ has the unrecognized value "%s".\n $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. $ Do NOT localize the word "COMMAND". 8 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ "%s"\n\ is a "COMMAND" action type but lacks the\n\ required field "%s".\n $ Message number 9 is OBSOLETE. $ 9 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ $ "%s"\n\ $ is a "MESSAGE" action type but lacks the\n\ $ required field "%s".\n $ Message number 10 is OBSOLETE. $ 10 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ $ "%s"\n\ $ is a "MESSAGE" action type but lacks the\n\ $ required field "%s".\n $ Do NOT remove the leading spaces from any of the lines of the following message. 11 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ "%s"\n\ has the illegal value "%s" in the "%s" field.\n" 12 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ "%s"\n\ contains duplicate fields named:\n "%s". 13 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ "%s"\n\ contains invalid fields for "%s" type actions.\n 14 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ "%s"\n\ is missing the required field, "%s"\n for "%s" type actions.\n $ Message number 15 is OBSOLETE. $ 15 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ $ "%s"\n\ $ contains a NULL field value, for the "%s" field.\n 16 The action definition "%s" in the file\n\ "%s"\n\ has the illegal value "%s" in the "%s%s%s" field.\n" $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ set 22 (Module: HelpUtil.c) is OBSOLETE. Do NOT reuse this set number. $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $set 28 $ ***** Module: DtUtil.c ***** $ The following are button labels. 1 OK 2 Cancel 3 Help 4 Apply 5 Close $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ set 44 (Module: start_bms.c) is OBSOLETE. Do NOT reuse this set number. $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ set 46 (Module: Utility.c) is OBSOLETE. Do NOT reuse this set number. $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $set 48 $ ***** Module: UserMsg.c ***** $ _DtMessage 1 uses the format of the "strftime" system call. See the $ manual page for more information on "strftime". WARNING: follow $ the man page closely because incorrect format strings could cause $ an application to abort. 1 %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y\n $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ set 49 (Module: Annotate.c) is OBSOLETE. Do NOT reuse this set number. $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ Set 50 - message logging service $ $ The messages in this set will only appear in the DT log file. $ The messages are used to identify messages written $ to this log file. $ $ File: MsgLog.c $ $set 50 1 INFORMATION 2 STDERR 3 DEBUG 4 WARNING 5 ERROR 6 UNKNOWN $set 99 $ DO NOT TRANSLATE THESE MESSAGES $ DO NOT CHANGE THESE MESSAGES $ DO NOT LOCALIZE THESE MESSAGES $ These messages are used for the version information. $quote " 1 "@(#)version_goes_here" 2 "\n@(#)_DtMessage catalog source $TOG: dtsvc.msg /main/5 1999/09/16 14:56:30 mgreess $"