# $XConsortium: tiny.txt /main/2 1996/11/11 11:33:03 drk $ mknfsexp Command Purpose Exports a directory to NFS clients. Syntax /usr/etc/mknfsexp -d Directory [ -t { rw | ro | rm -h HostName [ , HostName ... ] } ] [ -a UID ] [ -r HostName [ , HostName ... ] ] [ -c HostName [ , HostName ... ] ] [ -s | -n ] [ -I | -B | -N ] Description The mknfsexp command takes the flags and parameters specified and constructs a line that is syntactically correct for the /etc/exports file. If this command is invoked with the -B flag, an entry will be added to the /etc/exports file and the exportfs command is invoked to export the directory specified. Alternatively, the -I flag adds an entry to the exports file and does not export the directory, or the -N flag does not add an entry to the exports file but does export the directory. Flags -d Directory Specifies the directory that is to be exported or changed. -t Type Specifies whether the directory is read-write, read-only, or read-mostly. rw Exports the directory read-write. This is the system default. ro Exports the directory read-only. rm Exports the directory read-mostly. If chosen, the -h option must be used to specify the hosts that have read-write permis- sion. -h Hostname [ , HostName ] ... Specifies which hosts have read-write access to the directory. This option is valid only when the exported file is to be read- mostly. -a UID Uses the UID parameter as the effective user ID only if a request comes from an unknown user. The default value of this option is -2. Note: Root users (uid 0) are always considered unknown by the NFS server, unless they are included in the root option. Setting the value of UID to -1 disables anonymous access. -r HostName [ , HostName ] ... Gives root users on the specified hosts access to the directory. The default is for no hosts to be granted root access. -c HostName [ , HostName ] ... Gives mount access to each of the clients listed. A client can either be a host or a netgroup. The default is to allow all hosts access. -s Requires clients to use a more secure protocol when accessing the directory. -n Does not require the client to use the more secure protocol. This flag is the default. -I Adds an entry to the /etc/exports file so that the next time the exportfs command is invoked during system restart, the direc- tory will be exported. -N Does not add an entry to the /etc/exports file but the exportfs command is invoked with the correct parameters so that the direc- tory is exported. -B Adds an entry to the /etc/exports file and the exportfs command is executed to export the directory. This flag is the default. Examples 1. To export a directory with read-only permission, enter: mknfsexp -d /usr -t ro In this example, the mknfsexp command exports the /usr directory with read-only permission. 2. To export a directory with read-mostly permission and a secure protocol to specific hosts, enter: mknfsexp -d /u/guest -t rm -h bighost,littlehost -s In this example, the mknfsexp command exports the /u/guest direc- tory with read-mostly permission and a more secure protocol is used. 3. To export a directory with read-write permission to a specific netgroup and specific hosts, and to make the export effective on the next system restart, enter: mknfsexp -d /usr -t rw -c host1,host3,grp3 -I In the above example, the mknfsexp command exports the /usr directory and gives read and write permission to host1, host2, and grp3. The -I flag makes this change effective on the next system restart. Implementation Specifics This command is part of NFS in Network Support Facilities in Base Operating System Runtime. File /etc/exports Lists the directories that the server can export. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: client, default, directory, export, flag, host, parameter, protocol, root user, server. For more information about NFS, see Network File System (NFS) Overview for System Management. Related Information The chnfsexp command, exportfs command, rmnfsexp command. How to Export a Directory Using NFS. Alphabetical List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands, Func- tional List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands. rmuser Command Purpose Removes a user account. Syntax rmuser [ -p ] Name Description The rmuser command removes the user account identified by the Name parameter. All attributes defined for the user are removed, but the user's home directory and files owned by the user are not deleted. The user name must already exist as a lower case, alphanumeric character string of 8 characters or less that begins with an alphabetic character, and cannot be the ALL or default keywords. If the -p flag is specified, the rmuser command also removes passwords and other user authentication information from the /etc/security/passwd file. Only the root user can remove administrative users, those users that have the admin attribute set to true in the /etc/security/user file. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit rmuser Flag -p Removes user password information from the /etc/security/passwd file. Security Access Control: This command should grant execute (x) access only to the root user and members of the security group. The command should have the trusted computing base attribute and run setuid to the root user to access the user database. Files Accessed: Mode File rw /etc/passwd rw /etc/security/passwd rw /etc/security/user rw /etc/security/limits rw /etc/security/environ rw /etc/security/audit/config rw /etc/group rw /etc/security/group Auditing Events: Event Information USER_Remove user Examples 1. To remove the user davis account and its attributes from the local system: rmuser davis 2. To remove the user davis account and all its attributes, in- cluding passwords and other user authentication information in the /etc/sec/passwd file, enter: rmuser -p davis Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /bin/rmuser Specifies the path to the rmuser command. /etc/passwd Contains the basic attributes of users. /etc/security/passwd Contains password information. /etc/security/limits Defines resource quotas and limits for each user. /etc/security/user Contains the extended attributes of users. /etc/security/environ Contains environment attributes of users. /etc/security/audit/config Contains audit configuration informa- tion. /etc/group Contains the basic attributes of groups. /etc/security/group Contains the extended attributes of groups. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: access, attribute, authentica- tion, character, character string, group, home directory, keyword, parameter, password, path, program, root user, setuid, system, user. Security Introduction describes the identification and authenti- cation of users, discretionary access control, the trusted com- puting base, and auditing. Related Information The chfn command, chgrpmem command, chsh command, chgroup command, chuser command, lsgroup command, lsuser command, mkgroup command, mkuser command, passwd command, pwdadm command, rmgroup command, setgroups command, setsenv command. mkclient Command Purpose Uncomments the entry in the /etc/rc.nfs file for the ypbind dae- mon and starts the ypbind daemon to configure a client. Syntax /usr/etc/yp/mkclient [ -I | -B | -N ] Description The mkclient command uncomments the entry to the /etc/rc.nfs file to start the ypbind daemon to configure a client. The mkclient command starts the ypbind daemon by using the appropriate System Resource Controller (SRC) command. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit mkclient Flags -I Uncomments the entry for starting the ypbind daemon to the /etc/rc.nfs file. This entry causes the ypbind daemon to start during the next system restart. -B Uncomments the entry to the /etc/rc.nfs file and starts the ypbind daemon. This flag is the default. -N Causes the startsrc command to start the ypbind daemon. This flag does not affect the /etc/rc.nfs file. Example To modify the /etc/rc.nfs file so that the ypbind daemon is started on the next system restart, enter: mkclient -I Implementation Specifics This command is part of NFS in Network Support Facilities in Base Operating System Runtime. Files /etc/yp/domainname directory Contains the NIS maps for the NIS domain. /etc/rc.nfs Contains the startup script for the NFS and NIS dae- mons. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: daemon. For information about managing NIS, see Network Information Ser- vice (NIS) Overview for System Management. Related Information The mkmaster command, rmyp command, smit command, startsrc command. The ypbind daemon, yppasswdd daemon, ypserv daemon, ypupdated daemon. Network File System (NFS) Overview for System Management. Alphabetical List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands, Func- tional List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands. System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview, System Resource Controller Overview. rmsnaobj Command Purpose Deletes one or more aliases, profiles, or combination and all the objects' aliases from the SNA configuration database. Syntax rmsnaobj -t ObjectType ProfileName ProfileName ... Description The rmsnaobj command deletes one or more aliases, profiles, or combination and all the objects' aliases from the SNA configura- tion database. When called with an ObjectType and ProfileName that refer to an alias, this command removes that alias from the SNA configuration database. When called with an ObjectType and ProfileName that refer to a profile that may be removed, rmsnaobj command removes the profile and all its aliases from the SNA configuration database. The ProfileName parameter specifies the name of the alias or profile to be deleted. Default and special profiles, which are required for the successful execution of SNA, cannot be removed. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit rmsnaobj Flags -t ObjectType Specifies the profile type of the alias or profile to be deleted. Example You have connection profiles named CONNECT1, CONNECT2, and CONNECT3. THREE is an alias for CONNECT3. You have local LU profiles named LOCAL1 and LOCAL2. LU2 is an alias for LOCAL2. You wish to remove the connection profile CONNECT2, the local LU profile LOCAL2, and the THREE alias from CONNECT3. Removing LOCAL2 also removes the LU2 alias. Enter the following commands: rmsnaobj -t connection CONNECT2 THREE rmsnaobj -t local_lu LOCAL2 Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Systems Network Architecture Ser- vices/6000. This command is not available for Japanese Language Support. Files /usr/bin Directory in which the rmsnaobj command resides. Suggested Reading Related Information The mksnaobj command, chsnaobj command. The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview. mknfs Command Purpose Configures the system to run NFS. Syntax /ust/etc/mknfs [ -I | -N | -B ] Description The mknfs command configures the system to run the NFS daemons. The mknfs command adds an entry to the inittab file so that the /etc/rc.nfs file will be executed on system res- tart. Flags -I Adds an entry to the inittab file to execute the /etc/rc.nfs file on system restart. -N Executes the /etc/rc.nfs file to start the NFS daemons immedi- ately. When started this way, the daemons run until the next system restart. -B Adds an entry to the inittab file to execute the /etc/rc.nfs file on system restart. The mknfs command also executes the /etc/rc.nfs file immediately to start the NFS daemons. This flag is the default. Implementation Specifics This command is part of NFS in Network Support Facilities in Base Operating System Runtime. Files inittab Controls the initialization process of the system. /etc/rc.nfs Contains the startup script for the NFS and NIS dae- mons. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: configure, daemon, default, flag. For more information about NFS, see Network File System (NFS) Overview for System Management. Related Information The chnfs command, mknfsexp command, mknfsmnt command, rmnfs command. Alphabetical List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands, Func- tional List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands. How to Set Up NFS on Your Network . psrev Command Purpose Reverses the page order of a PostScript file and selects a page range for printing. Syntax psrev [ -R ] [ -s Pagespec,... ] [ File ] Description The psrev command reverses the page order of the file specified by the File variable and prints the pages specified by the Pagespec parameter. The psrev command writes the resulting file to the standard output. Note: The file specified by the File variable must conform to the PostScript file structuring conventions. If no File variable is specified, the psrev command reads from standard input. Flags -R Does not reverse the page order (but subsets the pages if specified). -sPagespec Specifies a range (or several ranges) of pages to be printed. The Pagespec parameter is a string, not containing spaces, of the following form: Pagespec,... The Pagespec parameter may be a single page number or a range of the form N-M, which prints pages N through M. -N prints from the beginning of the document to page N. M- prints from page M to the end of the document. Files /usr/tmp/RV* Contains the temporary file if the input is a pipe. Related Information The enscript command. usrck Command Purpose Verifies the correctness of a user definition. Syntax usrck { -n | -p | -t | -y } {ALL | User . . .} Description The usrck command verifies the correctness of the user defini- tions in the user database files, by checking the definitions for ALL the users or for the users specified by the User parameter. If more than one user is specified, there must be a space between the names. You must select a flag to indicate whether the system should try to fix erroneous attributes. The command first checks the entries in the /etc/passwd file. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, duplicate user names are reported and removed, but duplicate IDs are reported only, since there is no system fix. If an entry has fewer than six colon-separated fields, the entry is reported, but not fixed. The usrck command next checks specific user attributes in other files. A list of all the user attributes follows, with notations stating which attributes are checked: admgroups Checks to see if the admgroups are defined in the user database and, if you indicate that the system should fix errors, the command removes any groups that are not in the database. auditclasses Checks to see if the auditclasses are defined for the user in the /etc/security/audit/config file. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, the command deletes all the auditclasses that are not defined in the /etc/security/audit/config file. auth1 Checks the primary authentication method. Unless the method is NONE or SYSTEM, it must be defined in the /etc/security/login.cfg file and the program at- tribute must exist and be executable by the root user. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, it will disable the user account if an error is found. auth2 Checks the secondary authentication method. Unless the method is NONE or SYSTEM, it must be defined in the /etc/security/login.cfg file and the program at- tribute must exist and be executable by the root user. There is no system fix. core Checks to ensure that the values are sensible. If not, the command resets the values to 200 blocks, the minimum value. cpu Checks to ensure that the values are sensible. If not, the command resets the values to 120 seconds, the minimum value. data Checks to ensure that the values are sensible. If not, the command resets the values to 128 blocks (64K), the minimum value. expires No check. fsize Checks to ensure that the values are sensible. If not, the command resets the values to 200 blocks, the minimum value. gecos No check. home Checks the existence and accessibility of the home directory by read mode and search mode. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, it will disable the user account if an error is found. id Checks the uniqueness of the user ID. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, the command deletes any invalid entry in the /etc/passwd file. login No check. name Checks the uniqueness and composition of the user name. The name must be an alphanumeric string of not more that 8 charac- ters, and begin with an alphabetic character. The name cannot be the ALL or default keywords. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, the command will disable the user account if an error is found and delete any invalid entry in the /etc/passwd file. pgrp Checks for the existence of the primary group in the user da- tabase. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, it will disable the user account if an error is found. rlogin No check. rss Checks to ensure that the values are sensible. If not, the command resets the values to 128 blocks (64K), the minimum value. shell Checks the existence and accessibility of the shell by exe- cute mode. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, it will disable the user account if an error is found. stack Checks to ensure that the values are sensible. If not, the command resets the values to 128 blocks (64K), the minimum value. su No check. sugroups Checks for the existence of the sugroups in the user da- tabase files. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, it will delete all the groups that are not in the database. sysenv No check. tpath Checks to ensure that the shell attribute is tagged as a trusted process if tpath=always. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, it will disable the user account if an error is found. ttys Checks for the existence of the ttys in the user database files. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, it will delete all the ttys that do not exist from the user data- base. usrenv No check. If the fix involves disabling a user account, use the chuser com- mand to re-set the value of the expires attribute to an expired date and time. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the chuser command by entering: smit chuser The root user or a member of the security group can re-enable a user account by removing the expires attribute or setting the expires attribute to a future date and time. The root user's account is not disabled by the usrck command. Generally, the sysck command calls the usrck command as part of the verification of a trusted-system installation. If the usrck command finds any errors in the user database, the root user or a member of the security group should execute both the grpck com- mand and the pwdck command. The usrck command checks to see if the database management pass- word files (the etc/passwd.dir file and the /etc/passwd.pag file) are up-to-date or newer than the system password files (the /etc/passwd file and the /etc/security/passwd file). If the database management password files are out-of-date, a warning message appears indicating that the root user should run the mkpasswd command. Flags -n Reports errors but does not fix them. -p Fixes errors but does not report them. -t Reports errors and asks if they should be fixed. -y Fixes errors and reports them. Security Access Control: This command should grant execute (x) access to the root user and members of the security group. The command should be setuid to the root user and have the trusted computing base attribute. Files Accessed: Mode File r /etc/passwd r /etc/security/user rw /etc/security/group rw /etc/group rw /etc/security/limits rw /etc/security/audit/config rw /etc/security/login.cfg Auditing Events: Event Information USER_Check user, attribute-error, status Examples 1. To verify that all the users exist in the user database, and have any errors reported (but not fixed), enter: usrck -n ALL 2. To delete from the user definitions those users who are not in the user database files, and have any errors reported, enter: usrck -y ALL Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /bin/usrck Specifies the path of the usrck command. /etc/passwd Contains basic user attributes. /etc/security/user Contains the extended attributes of users. /etc/group Contains basic group attributes. /etc/security/group Contains the extended attributes of groups. /etc/security/limits Contains the process resource limits of users. / etc/security/audit/config Contains audit system configuration information. /etc/security/login.cfg Contains configuration information. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: access, attribute, flag, group, keyword, parameter, path, root user, setuid, system, trusted computing base, trusted path, user, value, verify. Security Introduction describes the identification and authenti- cation of users, discretionary access control, the trusted com- puting base, and auditing. Related Information The grpck command, pwdck command, sysck command. arp Command Purpose Displays and modifies address resolution. Syntax Display ARP Entries arp { HostName | -a } Delete an ARP Entry arp -d HostName Create an ARP Entry arp -s HostName Address [ temp ] [ pub ] Import ARP Entries from Another File arp -f FileName Description The arp command displays and modifies the Internet-to-adapter ad- dress translation tables used by the Address Resolution Proto- col. The arp command displays the current ARP entry for the host specified by the HostName variable. The host may be specified by name or number, using Internet dotted decimal notation. Flags -a Displays all of the current ARP entries. Use the crash com- mand to look at KMEM or UMUnix variables. -d HostName Deletes an entry for the host specified by the HostName variable if the user has root user authority. -f FileName Causes the file specified by the FileName variable to be read and multiple entries to be set in the ARP tables. Entries in the file should be in the form: Type HostName AdapterAddress [route] [temp] [pub] where Type Specifies the type of hardware address as follows: ether for an Ethernet interface 802.3 for an 802.3 interface 802.5 for a Token-Ring interface HostName Specifies the remote host. AdapterAddress Specifies the hardware address of the adapter for this host as six hexadecimal bytes separated by colons. Use the netstat -v command to display the local hardware ad- dress. route Specifies the route for a Token-Ring interface as defined in the Token-Ring header. temp Specifies that this ARP table entry is temporary. The table entry is permanent if this argument is omitted. pub Specifies that this table entry is to be published, and that this system will act as an ARP server responding to requests for HostName, even though the host address is not its own. -s HostName AdapterAddress [temp] [pub] Creates an ARP entry for the host specified by the HostName variable with the adapter ad- dress specified by the AdapterAddress variable. The adapter ad- dress is given as 6 hex bytes separated by colons. The line must be in the following format: Type HostName AdapterAddress [route] [temp] [pub] where Type Specifies the type of hardware address as follows: ether for an Ethernet interface 802.3 for an 802.3 interface 802.5 for a Token-Ring interface HostName Specifies the host name for which to create an entry. AdapterAddress Specifies the hardware address of the adapter for this host as 6 hexadecimal bytes separated by colons. Use the netstat -v command to display the local hardware ad- dress. route Specifies the route for a Token-Ring interface as defined in the Token-Ring header. temp Specifies that this ARP table entry is temporary. The table entry is permanent if this argument is omitted. pub Specifies that this table entry is to be published, and that this system will act as an ARP server responding to requests for HostName, even though the host address is not its own. Examples 1. To add a single entry to the arp mapping tables until the next time the system is restarted, enter: arp -s 802.3 host2 0:dd:0:a:85:0 temp 2. To delete a map table entry for the specified host with the arp command, enter: arp -d host1 flag Implementation Specifics This command is part of TCP/IP in Network Support Facilities in AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: dotted decimal, host, protocol. Understanding Protocols for TCP/IP. Related Information Address Resolution Protocol. The crash command, ifconfig command, netstat command. The inetd daemon. mknamsv Command Purpose Configures TCP/IP-based name service on a host for a client. Syntax mknamsv -a {"Attribute=Value..." | -A FileName} Description The mknamsv high-level command configures a TCP/IP instance to use a name server. It calls the namerslv low-level command to configure the resolv.conf file appropriately. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit mknamerslv Flags -A FileName Specifies the name of the file containing named daemon initialization information. -a "Attribute=Value..." Specifies a list of attributes with corresponding values to be used for updating the named server in- itialization files in the database. Attributes available are: Domain domain name NameServer Internet address of name server in dotted decimal for- mat. Examples 1. To configure the name server initialization files, enter the command in the following format: mknamsv -a"domain=austin.ibm.com nameserver=" In this example the domain name and name server address are up- dated. The previous domain and name server are overwritten. 2. To configure name server initialization files according to in- formation in another file, enter the command in the following format: mknamsv -A namsv.file In this example, the file that contains the configuration infor- mation is namsv.file. Implementation Specifics This command is part of TCP/IP in Network Support Facilities in AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. File /etc/ resolv.conf Contains DOMAIN name server information for lo- cal resolver routines. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: client, host, name server, server. Understanding Naming for TCP/IP. Configuring Name Servers for TCP/IP. Related Information Understanding the SMIT Interface for TCP/IP. The namerslv command. 1 uux Command Purpose Runs a command on another AIX or UNIX-based system. Syntax uux [ -c| -C] [ -n| -z] [ -] [ -aName] [ -b] [ -gGrade] [] [ -r] [ -sFile] [ -xDebugLevel] CommandString -p] [ -r] [ -sFile] [ -xDebugLevel] CommandString Description The uux command is a Basic Networking Utilities (BNU) command that runs a specified command on a specified AIX or other UNIX- based system while enabling the user to continue working on the local system. Before running the requested command, the uux com- mand gathers any necessary files from the designated systems. The user can direct the output from the command to a specific file on a specific system. For security reasons, many installa- tions permit the uux command to run only the rmail command. The uux commands on other systems create execute (X.*) files that run AIX commands on the local system. In addition, the uux com- mand on the local system creates both command (C.*) files and data (D.*) files for transfer to other systems. Execute files contain the command string to be executed on the designated sys- tem. Command files contain the same information as those created by the uucp command. Data files either contain the data for a remote command execution or else become X.* files on remote sys- tems for remote command executions. The full path name of an execute file is a form of the following: /var/spool/uucp/System/X.SystemNxxxx After creating the files in the spooling directory, the uux com- mand calls the uucico daemon to transfer the files from the spooling directory on the local system to the designated remote system. Once the files are transferred, the uuxqt daemon on the remote system executes the CommandString on the specified system, placing any output from the command in the file designated by the original uux command request. The CommandString argument is made up of one or more arguments that look like an AIX command line, except that CommandString ar- gument may be prefixed by the name of the remote system in the form System!. The default System is the local system. Unless the user entering the uux command includes the -n flag, the com- mand notifies that user if the remote system does not run the command. This response comes by mail from the remote system. Source and Destination File Names * When specifying the destination of the output of a command, the uux command can be entered in either one of the following formats: - uux [Options] "CommandString> Destination" - uux [Options] CommandString\ {Destination\}. * Destination names can be either of the following: - A full path name. - A full path name preceded by \~User, where User is a login name on the specified system. The uux command replaces this path name with the user's login directory. * The shell pattern-matching characters ? (question mark), * (as- terisk), and [ ... ] (brackets) can be used in the path name of a source file (such as files compared by the diff command); the appropriate system expands them. However, using the * character may occasionally produce unpredictable or unanticipated results. Shell pattern-matching characters should not be used in the des- tination path name. * Place either two backslashes (\ . . . \) or a pair of quota- tion marks (" . . . ") around pattern-matching characters in a path name so the local shell cannot interpret them before the uux command sends the command to a designated system. * If you are using the special shell characters > (greater than), < (less than), ; (semicolon), or | (vertical bar) in a path name, place either \ . . . \ or " . . . " around the individual character or around the entire command string. * Do not use the shell redirection characters << or >> in a path name. * The uux command attempts to move all files specified on the com- mand line to the designated system. Enclose the names of all output files in parentheses so that the uux command does not try to transfer them. * When specifying a System, always place it before the CommandString argument in the entry. System names can contain only ASCII characters. * The ! (exclamation point) preceding the name of the local system in a command is optional. If you choose to include the ! to run a command on the local system using files from two different re- mote systems, use ! instead of System! to represent the local system, and add System! as the first entry in any path name on the remote systems. * The exclamation point representing a system in BNU syntax has a different meaning in C shells. When running the uux command in a C shell, place a \ (backslash) before the exclamation point in a system name. Note: The notation \~ (tilde) is the shorthand way of specifying the public spooling directory, /var/spool/uucppublic. Flags - Makes the standard input to the uux command the standard input to the CommandString argument. -aName Replaces the user ID of the person issuing the command with the user ID specified with the Name variable. -b Returns standard input to the command if the exit status is not zero. -c Transfers the source files to the destination on the specified system. The source files are copied into the spooling directory, and the uucico daemon is invoked immediately. This flag is the default. -C Transfers the source files to the spool directory. After a set period of time (specified in the uusched program), the uucico daemon attempts to transfer the files to the destination on the specified computer. Occasionally, there are problems in transferring a source file; for example, the remote computer may not be working or the login attempt may fail. In such cases, the file remains in the spool directory until it is either transferred successfully or removed by the uucleanup command. -gGrade Specifies when the files are to be transmitted during a particular connection. The Grade variable specifies a single number (0 through 9) or letter (A through Z, a through z); lower ASCII-sequence characters cause the files to be transmitted ear- lier than do higher sequence characters. The number 0 is the highest (earliest) grade; z is the lowest (latest). The default is N. -j Displays the job identification number of the process that is running the command on the specified system. Use this job ID with the BNU uustat command to check the status of the command or with the uustat -k flag to terminate the process. -n Prevents user notification by the mail command of the success or failure of a command. The default is to notify the user if the command fails. -p Uses the standard input to the uux command as the standard in- put to the CommandString argument. A - (minus) has the same ef- fect. -r Prevents the starting of the spooling program that transfers files between systems. The default is to start the spooling pro- gram. -sFile Reports the status of the transfer in a file specified by the File variable on the designated system. File names can con- tain only ASCII characters. -xDebugLevel Displays debugging information on the screen of the local system. The DebugLevel variable must be a number from 0 to 9. A higher number gives a more detailed report. -z Notifies the user if the command completes successfully. This flag is the opposite of the system default, which is to notify the user only in the event of a failure. Examples 1. To run the qprt command on a remote system, enter: uux merlin!qprt /reports/memos/lance In this example, the remote file /reports/memos/lance is printed on remote system merlin. Since neither the -n nor -z flag is specified, the uux command notifies the user only if the remote system fails to run the command. The response comes by the mail command from the remote system. 2. To run commands on two remote systems, enter the information on separate command lines: uux merlin!qprt /reports/memos/lance uux zeus!qprt /test/examples/examp1 In this example, the remote /reports/memos/lance file is printed on remote system merlin, and the remote /test/examples/examp1 file is printed on remote system zeus. Since neither the -n nor -z flag is specified, the uux command notifies the user only if the remote system fails to run the command. The response comes by the mail command from the remote system. 3. To queue a job that compares a file on the local system with a file on a remote system, using the diff command on the local system, and get the job ID of the job, enter: uux -j "/bin/diff /usr/amy/f1 hera!/u/amy/f2 > \~/f1.diff" In this example, the /usr/amy/f1 file on the local system is com- pared to the /u/amy/f2 file on the remote system hera and the output is placed in the f1.diff file in the local public directo- ry (the full path name of this file is /var/spool/uucppublic/f1.diff). The destina- tion name must be entered either preceded by a > with the whole command string enclosed in " " (quotation marks) or entered en- closed in braces and backslashes, as \{ DestinationName \}. The -j flag causes the uux command to return the BNU job ID of the job. 4. To use the diff command on the local system to compare files that are located on two different remote systems, enter: uux "!/bin/diff hera!/usr/amy/f1 venus!/u/amy/f2 > !f1.diff" In this example, the /usr/amy/f1 file from the remote system hera is compared to the /u/amy/f2 file from the remote system venus and the output is placed in the file f1.diff, located in the current working directory on the local system. The output file must be write-enabled. If you are uncertain about the permission status of a specific target output file, direct the results to the public directory. The exclamation points representing the local system are optional. The destina- tion name must be entered either preceded by a > with the whole command string enclosed in " " (quotation marks) or entered en- closed in braces and backslashes, as \{ DestinationName \}. 5. To execute the diff command on two separate files from dif- ferent systems, enter: uux "hera!/bin/diff /tmp/out1 zeus/tmp/out2 > \~/DF" In this example, the diff file is on the remote system hera. The first source file is on the remote system hera, and the second- file is on the system zeus. (zeus may be the local system or another remote system.) The output is directed to the file DF in the public directory on the local system. 6. To specify an output file on a different remote system, enter: uux hera!uucp venus!/u/amy/f1 \{merlin!/u/geo/test\} In this example, the uucp command is run on the remote system hera, and the /u/amy/f1 file, stored on system venus, is sent to user geo on system merlin as test. The destination name is entered enclosed in braces and backslashes. 7. To get selected fields from a file on a remote system and place them in a file on the local system, enter: uux "cut -f1 -d: hera\!/etc/passwd > \~/passw.cut" In this example, the cut command is run on the local system. The first field from each line of the password file on system hera is placed in the passw.cut file in the public directory on the local system. The uux command is running in a C shell, so a \ (backslash) must precede the exclamation point in the name of the remote system. Implementation Specifics This command is part of the Basic Network Utilities Program (BNU) in BOS Extensions 1 of AIX Base Operating System. Files /usr/bin/uux Specifies the command pathname. /var/spool/uucp Is the spooling directory. /var/spool/uucppublic Is the public directory. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: directory, file, remote system Related Information The ct command, cu command, mail command, rmail command, uu- cleanup command, uucp command, uuname command, uupick command, uustat command, uuto command, qprt command. The sendmail daemon, uucico daemon, uuxqt daemon. 1 hostname Command Purpose Sets or displays the name of the current host system. Syntax hostname [ HostName ] [ -s ] Description The hostname command displays the name of the current host sys- tem. Only users with root user authority can set the host name. The mkdev command and the chdev commands also set the host name permanently. Use the mkdev command when you are defining the TCP/IP instance for the first time. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to set the host name permanently. To use SMIT, enter: smit mkhostname Flag -s Trims any domain information from the printed name. Parameter HostName Sets the primary name of the host. Note: You must have root user authority to use the HostName parameter. Implementation Specifics This command is part of TCP/IP in Network Support Facilities in AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: host, name server, network address. Understanding Naming for TCP/IP. Related Information The chdev command, gethostname command, mkdev command, sethostname command. 1 errdead Command Purpose Extracts error records from a system dump. Syntax errdead Description The errdead command extracts error records from a system dump containing the internal buffer maintained by the /dev/error file. The errdead command extracts the error records from the dump file and adds those error records directly to the system error log. The error log daemon need not be running when the errdead command is run. Example 1. To create a dump image file from the previous system dump, enter: /usr/lib/errdead /usr/adm/ras/dumpfile Implementation Specifics The errdead command invokes the system dump format utility /usr/adm/ras/dmprtns/dmpfmt -x -C errlg -A to extract the log buffer from the dump image. This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The Error Logging Overview. The following glossary entries: buffer, command, daemon, dump, error log, extract, file, format, image, log, system dump, system, user. Related Information The errdemon daemon. The errclear command, errinstall command, errlogger command, errmsg command, errpt command, errstop command, errup- date command. The Error Logging Overview. 1 lssrc Command Purpose Gets the status of a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a sub- server. Syntax Status All lssrc [ -h Host ] -a Group Status lssrc [ -h Host ] -g GroupName Subsystem Status lssrc [ -h Host ] [ -l ] -s Subsystem Status by PID lssrc [ -h Host ] [ -l ] -p Subsystem PID Subserver Status lssrc [ -h Host ] [ -l ] -t Type [ -p SubsystemPID ] [ -o Object ] [ -P SubserverPID ] Description The lssrc command sends a request to the System Resource Con- troller to get status on a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or all subsystems. The lssrc command sends a subsystem request packet to the daemon to be forwarded to the subsystem for a sub- server status or a long subsystem status. When the -l flag is absent, the status request is assumed to be a short status. A short status of a subsystem, group of subsys- tems, or all subsystems is handled by the System Resource Con- troller. When the -l flag is present for a subsystem, a status request is taken to the subsystem and the subsystem sends the status back. The -l flag is supported only for those subsystems not using signals as their communication method. For either a long or short status of a subserver, the subsystem is sent a status re- quest packet, and the subsystem sends the status back. Flags -a Specifies that status is requested for all subsystems. -g GroupName Specifies a group of subsystems to get status for. The command is unsuccessful if the GroupName name is not con- tained in the subsystem object class. -h Host Specifies the foreign host on which this status action is requested. -l Specifies that a long subsystem or a long subserver status is requested. Long status requires that a status request be sent to the subsystem; it is the responsibility of the subsystem to re- turn the status. -o Object Specifies that a subserver Object is passed to the sub- system as a character string. -p SubsystemPID Specifies a particular instance of the SubsystemPID parameter to get status for, or a particular instance of the subsystem to which the status sub- server request is to be taken. -P SubserverPID Specifies that a SubserverPID is to be passed to the subsystem as a character string. -s Subsystem Specifies a subsystem to get status for. The Subsystem name can be the actual subsystem name or the synonym name for the subsystem. The command is unsuccess- ful if the Subsystem name is not contained in the subsystem ob- ject class. -t Type Specifies a subserver to get status for. The command is unsuccessful if the subserver Type is not contained in the sub- server object class. Examples 1. To get the status of all subsystems on the local machine, enter: lssrc -a This gets the status of all subsystems known on the local machine. 2. To get the status of all subsystems on a foreign host, enter: lssrc -h zork -a This gets the status of all subsystems known on the zork machine. 3. To get the status of the srctest subsystem, enter: lssrc -s srctest This gets the status of all instances of the srctest subsystem on the local machine. 4. To get the status of the subsystem by PID, enter: lssrc -p 1234 This gets the status of the subsystem with the subsystem PID of 1234 on the local machine. 5. To get the status of the tcpip subsystem group, enter: lssrc -g tcpip This gets the status of all instances of subsystems in the tcpip group on the local machine. 6. To get the status of the tester subserver, enter: lssrc -t tester -p 1234 This gets the status of tester subserver that belongs to the srctest subsystem with the subsystem PID of 1234 on the local machine. 7. To get the status of the subsystem by PID, enter: lssrc -l -p 1234 This gets the long status of the subsystem with the PID of 1234. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /etc/objrepos/SRCsubsys Specifies the SRC Subsystem Configuration Object Class. /etc/objrepos/SRCsubsvr Specifies the SRC Subserver Configuration Object Class. /etc/services Defines the sockets and protocols used for Internet services. /dev/SRC Specifies the AF_UNIX socket file. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: subsystem, subserver, object class. The System Resource Controller Overview gives an explanation of subsystems, subservers, and the System Resource Controller. Related Information The System Resource Controller Overview gives an explanation of subsystems, subservers, and the System Resource Controller. 1 ps630 Command Purpose Converts Diablo 630 print files to PostScript format. Syntax ps630 [ -f Bodyfont ] [ -p File ] [ -s Pitch ] [ -F Boldfont ] [ File... ] Description The ps630 command converts Diablo 630 format print files to PostScript format for printing on a PostScript printer. If no File variable is specified, the ps630 command reads from standard input. By de- fault, the PostScript file is sent to the standard output. The ps630 command can convert nroff files generated with the -Txerox flag. Typewheel emulation information can be specified as options. Font specifications (for bold and regular) are PostScript font names (such asTimes-Roman, Times- Bold, Courier-Bold, Courier-BoldOblique). Ten, twelve, or fif- teen characters per inch can be selected. Some applications produce ``bold'' by double-striking a charac- ter. This will not appear as bold when translated into PostScript format. Only the bold produced by issuing the proper Diablo command sequence (Esc-O) will result in bold characters. The output of the ps630 command cannot be page-reversed. Times- Roman and Helvetica are narrow fonts that may look squeezed if no adjustment of page width is made by the application. The following Diablo 630 commands are not supported: print suppression, HY-Plot, extended character set, downloading print wheel information or program mode, page lengths other than 11 inches, paper feeder control, hammer energy control, remote diag- nostic, backward printing control. Note: The Diablo 630 command for ``reverse printing'' is support- ed. Flags -fBodyfont Sets the font to be used for normal printing. The de- fault is Courier. -pFile Causes the PostScript file to be written to the file specified by the File parameter rather than to the standard out- put. -sPitch Selects type size for printing (both the regular and bold fonts are scaled to this size). Pitch is in characters per inch and must be one of 10, 12, or 15. The default is 12. -FBoldfont Sets the font to be used for boldface. The default is Courier-Bold. Environment Variables PSLIBDIR Path name of a directory to use instead of /usr/lib/ps for ps630 prologue. Related Information The enscript command, command. 1 stty Command (BSD) Purpose Sets, resets, or reports workstation operating parameters. Syntax stty Option Description The stty command (BSD) sets certain workstation I/O options for the device that is the current standard input. The stty command (BSD) writes its output to the device that is the current stan- dard output. If no options are specified, it reports the speed of the terminal and the settings of any options that are dif- ferent from their defaults. The stty command (BSD) is called by the line-discipline- independent stty command when the stty command encounters options it does not recognize. Unrecognized options are passed as param- eters to the line-discipline-dependent stty command associated with the terminal's active line discipline. When Berkeley is the active line descipline, the stty command passes parameters to the stty command (BSD). Note: The stty command (BSD) does not make compatibility checks on any parameter combinations. Flags all Reports all normally used option settings. cbreak Makes each character available to the read subroutine as received with no erase and kill processing, but all other pro- cessing, such as interrupt and suspend is performed. -cbreak Makes characters available to read only when a new-line character is received. cooked See the -raw option. echo Echoes back every character typed. -echo Does not echo characters. ek Sets erase and kill characters to the # (pound sign) and @ (at sign), respectively. even Allows even parity input. -even Does not allow even parity input. everything Everything the stty command knows about is printed. lcase Maps uppercase to lowercase characters. -lcase Does not map case. odd Allows odd parity input. -odd Does not allow odd parity inputs. nl Accepts only a new-line character to end lines. -nl Allows carriage return for new-line characters, and output CR/LF for carriage return or new-line characters. raw Allows raw mode input (no input processing, such as erase, kill, or interrupt); parity bit passed back. -raw Does not allow raw mode. speed Prints only the terminal speed to standard output. size Prints the terminal (window) sizes to standard output (first rows and then columns). tabs Preserves tabs. -tabs Replaces tabs with spaces when printing. tandem Enables flow control so that the system sends out the stop character when its internal queue is in danger of overflowing on input. Sends the start character when the system is ready to ac- cept further input. -tandem Disables stop/start flow control. The following options take a character argument, c. You can also specify c as `u' or `undef', which sets the value to be unde- fined. The value '\^x', a two-character sequence, is also inter- pereted as a control character, with '\^?' representing delete. erase c Sets erase character to the key sequence specified by c (default Ctrl-H). kill c Sets kill character to the key sequence specified by c (default (Ctrl-U). intr c Sets interrupt character to the key sequence specified by c (default (Ctrl-C). quit c Sets quit character to the key sequence specified by c (de- fault Ctrl-\). start c Sets start character to the key sequence specified by c (default Ctrl-Q). stop c Sets stop character to the key sequence specified by c (de- fault Ctrl-S). eof c Sets end-of-file character to the key sequence specified by c (default Ctrl-D). This character is an addi- tional character causing wakeup. brk c Sets break character to the key sequence specified by c (de- fault undefined). This character is an additional character causing wakeup. cr0, cr1, cr2, cr3 Selects the style of delay for carriage return. n10, n11, n12, n13 Selects the style of delay for line feed. tab0, tab1, tab2, tab3 Selects the style of delay for tab. ff0, ff1 Selects the style of delay for form feed. bs0, bs1 Selects the style of delay for back space. tty33 Sets all modes suitable for the Teletype Corporation Model 33 terminal. tty37 Sets all modes suitable for the Teletype Corporation Model 37 terminal. vt05 Sets all modes suitable for the Digital Equipment Corp. VT05 terminal. dec Sets all modes suitable for the Digital Equipment Corp. operating systems users (erase, kill, and interrupt characters to \^?, \^U, and \^C, decctlq and ``newcrt''). tn300 Sets all modes suitable for a General Electric TermiNet 300. ti700 Sets all modes suitable for Texas Instruments 700-series terminals. tek Sets all modes suitable for Tektronix 4014 terminals. 0 Hangs up the phone line immediately. 50, 75, 110, 134, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, exta, extb Sets baud rate to the number given, if possible. (All speeds are not supported by all hardware interfaces.) rows n Records the terminal's size as having n rows. columns n Records the terminal's size as having n columns. This command can be abbreviated: cols n. The standard (new) Berkeley terminal driver that supports the job control processing of the C shell (the csh command) and the Korn shell (the ksh command) is fully described in Understanding the Berkeley (sgtty.h File) Line Discipline. The following options apply to the new Berkeley terminal driver: new Uses new device driver (switching to the new driver flushes type ahead). crt Sets options for a display ( crtbs, ctlecho and, if >= 1200 baud, crterase and crtkill). crtbs Echoes backspaces on erase characters. prterase Prints terminal echoes erased characters backwards within \ (backslash) and / (slash). crterase Wipes out erased characters with backspace-space- backspace. -crterase Leaves erased characters visible; just backspace. crtkill Wipes out input on line kill as specified by the crterase option. -crtkill Echoes a line-kill character and a new-line character on line kill. ctlecho Echoes control characters as \^x (and deletes as \^?). Prints two backspaces following the EOT character (Ctrl-D). -ctlecho Echoes control characters as themselves. In Cooked mode, EOT (Ctrl-D) is not echoed. decctlq Specifies that after output is suspended (normally by \^S), only a start character (normally \^Q) restarts it. This is compatible with DEC's vendor-supplied systems. -decctkq Specifies that after output is suspended, it can be res- tarted by typing any character. The start character restarts output without providing any input. (This is the default.) tostop Specifies that background jobs stop if they attempt termi- nal output. -tostop Specifies that output is allowed from background jobs to the terminal. tilde Converts \~ (tilde) to ` (grave) on output (for Hazeltine terminals). -tilde Does not convert \~ (tilde) to ` (grave) on output. flusho Specifies that output is being discarded because the user pressed the Ctrl-O key sequence (internal state bit). -flusho Specifies that output is not being discarded. pendin Specifies that input is pending after a switch from the cbreak to the cooked option, and will be input again when a read becomes pending or when more input arrives (internal state bit). -pendin Specifies that input is not pending. pass8 Passes all 8 bits through on input, in any mode. -pass8 Strips the 0200 bit on input except in raw mode. mdmbuf Starts or stops output on carrier transitions (not imple- mented). -mdmbuf Returns error if write attempted after carrier drops. litout Sends output characters without any processing. -litout Does normal output processing, inserting delays, and so on. nohang Specifies that a hang-up signal not be sent if the carrier drops. -nohang Sends a hang-up signal to the control process group when the carrier drops. etxack Diablo-style ETX/ACK handshaking (not implemented). The following special characters are applicable only to the new terminal device driver and are not normally changed. susp c Sets suspend process character to the key sequence speci- fied by c (default Ctrl-Z). dsusp c Sets delayed suspend process character to the key sequence specified by c (default Ctrl-Y). rprnt c Sets reprint line character to the key sequence specified by c (default Ctrl-R). flush c Sets flush output character to the key sequence specified by c (default Ctrl-O). werase c Sets word erase character to the key sequence specified by c (default Ctrl-W). lnext c Sets literal next character to the key sequence specified by c (default Ctrl-V). Examples 1. To switch to the standard (new) terminal driver, enter: stty new 2. To display everything the stty command knows about tty5, enter: stty everything < /dev/tty5 Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Suggested Reading Related Information The tabs command, tset command, csh command, ksh command, stty command, stty command (POSIX). The terminfo File, tty Special File. The TTY Subsystem Overview., National Language Support Over- view. Understanding the Berkeley (sgtty.h File) Line Discipline. 1 x_chg_net Command Purpose Changes an existing Xstation network type. Syntax x_def_net -bFile -dDirectory [-gAddress] -hType [-iAddress] [-mMask] -nTypeName -sNumber Description The x_chg_net command changes, for the current host, the charac- teristics of the Xstation network type specified by the TypeName parameter, and stores the changed definition in the /etc/bootptab file. The TypeName parameter must contain x_st_mgr. as a prefix, for example, x_st_mgr.ether, and be used with the -n flag. Flags -bFile Specifies the name of the boot file. -dDirectory Specifies the home directory of the boot file. -gAddress Specifies the gateway address (the internet address of the gateway host). This parameter is used to establish a connec- tion to another host on the network. -hType Specifies the type of network hardware. The Type parameter can be ethernet, or tokenring or ieee802. -iAddress Specifies the internet (IP) address of the bootserver host. This identifies the bootserver host on the network. -mMask Specifies the subnet mask. -nTypeName Specifies the name of the network type. The TypeName parameter must contain the prefix x_st_mgr. and can include an identifier for the type of hardware network, such as ether (for ethernet), tr (for token ring) or 802 (for IEEE 802.3). The net- work type is stored in the /etc/bootptab file. -sNumber Specifies the number of the server port in hexadecimal notation. This usually is 1b58 and is in the /etc/services file. Security User management is responsible for evaluation, selection, and im- plementation of security features. Example To change the characteristics of a network type named x_st_mgr.ether, enter a command like the fol- lowing: x_chg_net -nx_st_mgr.ether -bbootfile \ -d/usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin -hethernet -s1b58 In this example, the characteristics include the following: the bootfile name is bootfile, the bootfile home directory is /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin, the network type is ethernet and the server port number is 1b58. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Xstation Manager/6000. Files /etc/bootptab The boot protocol table. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: boot, current host, gateway host, host, Internet Protocol (IP), network, port, protocol, server, subnet address mask. Related Information The bootpd command, x_add_trm_120 command, x_add_trm_130 com- mand, x_chg_trm_120 command, x_chg_trm_130 command, x_def_net command, x_ls_trm command, x_ls_net command, x_rm_net command, x_rm_trm command, xset command. 1 mkgroup Command Purpose Creates a new group. Syntax mkgroup [ -a ] [ -A ] Group Description The mkgroup command creates a new group account with the name specified by the Group parameter. The group name must be an al- phanumeric character string of 8 characters or less that begins with an alphabetic character, and cannot be the ALL or default keywords. A standard user group is created unless the -a flag is used to create an administrative group. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit mkgroup Flags -a Creates an administrative group. Only the root user can use this flag. -A Sets the invoker of the command as the group administrator. Otherwise, the administrators are as defined in the adms stanza of the /etc/security/group file. Security Access Control:This command should be a standard user program. The command should have the trusted computing base attribute and run setuid to the root user to access the user database. Files Accessed: Mode File r /etc/passwd rw /etc/group rw /etc/security/group rw /etc/security/.ids Auditing Events: Event Information GROUP_Create group Examples 1. To create a new group account called finance, enter: mkgroup finance 2. To create a new administrative group account named finance, enter: mkgroup -a finance Only the root user can give this command. 3. To set the invoker of the command as the group administrator, enter: mkgroup -A finance Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /bin/mkgroup Specifies the path to the mkgroup command. /etc/group Contains the basic attributes of groups. /etc/security/group Contains the extended attributes of groups. /etc/passwd Contains basic user information. /etc/security/passwd Contains password information. /etc/security/.ids Contains standard and administrative user IDs and group IDs. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: access, character, group, keyword, parameter, path, program, root user, setuid, trusted computing base, user. Security Introduction describes the identification and authenti- cation of users, discretionary access control, the trusted com- puting base, and auditing. Related Information The chgroup command, chgrpmem command, chuser command, lsgroup command, lsuser command, mkgroup command, mkuser command, passwd command, pwdadm command, rmgroup command, rmuser command, setgroups command, setsenv command. 1 rpcgen Command Purpose Generates C code to implement an RPC protocol. Syntax Generate Four Types of Output Files for a File /usr/bin/rpcgen InputFile Generate a Specific Output File for a File rpcgen { -c | -h | -l | -m } [ -o OutputFile ] [ InputFile ] Generate a Server-Side File for TCP or UDP rpcgen { -s Transport ... } [ -o OutputFile ] [ InputFile ] Description The rpcgen command generates C code to implement a Remote Pro- cedure Call (RPC) protocol. The input to rpcgen is a language similar to C known as RPC Language. The first syntax structure is the most commonly used form for the rpcgen command where it takes an input file and generates four output files. For example, if the InputFile is named proto.x, then the rpcgen command generates the following: proto.h A header file proto_xdr.c XDR routines proto_svc.c Server-side stubs proto_clnt.c Client-side stubs. Use the other syntax structures when you want to generate a par- ticular output file rather than all four output files. The cpp command, a C preprocessor, is run on all input files be- fore they are actually interpreted by the rpcgen command. There- fore, all the cpp directives are legal within an rpcgen input file. For each type of output file, the rpcgen command defines a special cpp symbol for use by the rpcgen programmer: RPC_HDR Defined when compiling into header files RPC_XDR Defined when compiling into XDR routines RPC_SVC Defined when compiling into server-side stubs RPC_CLNT Defined when compiling into client-side stubs. In addition, rpcgen does some preprocessing of its own. Any line beginning with a % (percent sign) passes directly into the output file, uninterpreted by the rpcgen command. To create your own XDR routines, leave the data types undefined. For every data type that is undefined, the rpcgen command assumes that a routine exists by prepending xdr_ to the name of the unde- fined type. Notes: 1. Nesting is not supported. As a work-around, structures can be declared at top-level, with their names used inside other struc- tures in order to achieve the same effect. 2. Name clashes can occur when using program definitions, since the apparent scoping does not really apply. Most of these can be avoided by giving unique names for programs, versions, pro- cedures, and types. Flags -c Compiles into XDR routines. -h Compiles into C data definitions (a header file). -l Compiles into client-side stubs. -m Compiles into server-side stubs, but does not generate a main routine. This option is useful for doing call-back routines and for writing a main routine to do initialization. -o OutputFile Specifies the name of the output file. If none is specified, standard output is used. -s Transport Compiles into server-side stubs, using given tran- sport. The supported transports are udp and tcp. This option may be invoked more than once to compile a server that serves multiple transports. Implementation Specifics This command is part of NFS in Network Support Facilities in Base Operating System Runtime. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: client, scope, server. For more information about NFS, see Network File System (NFS) Overview for System Management. Related Information The cpp command. Alphabetical List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands, Func- tional List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Overview for Programming. 1 nl Command Purpose Numbers lines in a file. Syntax nl [ -bType ] [ -fType ] [ -hType ] [ -lNumber ] [ -dDelimiter ] [ -iNumber ] [ -nFormat ] [ -vNumber ] [ -wNumber ] [ -p ] [ -s[Separator ] ] [ File ] Description The nl command reads the File parameter (standard input by de- fault), numbers the lines in the input, and writes the numbered lines to standard output. In the output, the nl command numbers the lines on the left according to the flags you specify on the command line. The input test must be written in logical pages. Each logical page has a header, a body, and a footer section (you can have empty sections). Unless you use the -p flag, the nl command resets the line numbers at the start of each logical page. You can set line-numbering flags independently for the header, body, and footer sections (for example, no numbering of header and footer lines while numbering text lines only in the body). Signal the start of logical page sections with lines in the file that contain only the following delimiter characters: Line Contents Start Of \:\:\: Header \:\: Body \: Footer You can name only one file on the command line. You can list the flags and the file name in any order. Flags All the parameters are set by default. Use the following flags to change these default settings. Except for the -s flag, enter a flag without a parameter to see its default value. -bType Chooses which body section lines to number. The recognized Type parameter values are: a Numbers all lines. t Does not number blank lines (default). n Does not number any lines. pPattern Numbers only those lines containing the specified Pattern parameter. -dDelimiter Uses the two characters specified by the Delimiter parameter as the delimiters for the start of a logical page sec- tion. The default characters are \: (backslash followed by a colon). You may specify two ASCII characters, two 1-byte extend- ed characters, or one extended character. If you enter only one 1-byte character after the -d flag, the second character remains the default ( a colon). If you want to use a backslash as a del- imiter, enter two backslashes (\\). -fType Chooses which logical page footer lines to number. The possible values for the Type parameter are the same as the -b flag. The default value of the Type parameter is n (no lines numbered). -hType Chooses which logical page header lines to number. The possible values for the Type parameter are the same as the -b flag. The default value of the Type parameteris n (no lines numbered). -iNumber Increments logical page line numbers by the number speci- fied in the Number parameter. The default value of the Number parameter is 1. -lNumber Uses the value specified in the Number parameter as the number of blank lines to count as one. For example, -l3 only numbers the third adjacent blank line. The default value of the Number parameter is 2. This flag can only be used in documents where the -ba flag is used. -nFormat Uses the value of the Format parameter as the line numbering format. Recognized formats are: ln Left-justified, leading zeros suppressed. rn Right-justified, leading zeros suppressed (default). rz Right-justified, leading zeros kept. -p Does not restart numbering at logical page delimiters. -s[Separator] Separates the text from its line number by the char- acter specified in the Separator parameter. The default value of the Separator parameter is a tab character. If you enter the -s flag without a parameter, there is no separation between the line number and its text. -vNumber Sets the initial logical page line number to the value specified by the Number parameter, The default value of the Number parameter is 1. -wNumber Uses the value specified by the Number parameter as the number of characters in the line number. The default value of the Number parameter is 6. Examples 1. To number only the non-blank lines: nl chap1 This displays a numbered listing of chap1, numbering only the non-blank lines in the body sections. If chap1 contains no \:\:\+:, or \: delimiters, then the entire file is considered the body. 2. To number all lines: nl -ba chap1 This numbers all the lines in the body sections, including blank lines. This form of the nl command is adequate for most uses. 3. To specify a different line number format: nl -i10 -nrz -s:: -v10 -w4 chap1 This numbers the lines of chap1 starting with ten (-v10) and counting by tens (-i10). It displays four digits for each number (-w4), including leading zeros (-nrz). The line numbers are separated from the text by two colons (-s : :). For example, if chap1 contains the text: A not-so-important note to remember: You can't kill time without injuring eternity. then the numbered listing is: 0010::A not-so-important 0020::note to remember 0030::You can't kill time 0040::without injuring eternity. Note that the blank line was not numbered. To do this, use the -ba flag as shown in example 2. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. File /usr/bin/nl Specifies the nl command file. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: standard input and standard output. Files Overview introduces you to files and the way you can work with them. Input and Output Overview describes how to redirect input and output. Related Information The pr command. 2 xtalk Command Purpose Enables you to communicate with another person over an X.25 net- work. Syntax xtalk [ -n] [ -l EntryName ] [ -q | -s ] Description The xtalk command provides a panel-driven environment where you can make or receive a call and then either talk to another person by typing messages on a panel, or send and receive files. You can have the details of the other people with whom you want to communicate in an address list. The xtalk command also enables you to view, change, add to, and delete from the address list. The -l flag tells xtalk to listen for incoming calls for the EntryName specified. The EntryName is the name of an entry in the routing list. With the -n flag, the xtalk command starts a process running in the background to listen for incoming calls. Flags -n Runs the xtalk process in the background. -l Listens for calls for the routing list entry specified by the EntryName variable. -q Displays the title panel for 2 seconds. -s Does not display the title panel. Examples 1. To listen for incoming calls for one person whose details are specified in the routing list entry named USER2, enter: xtalk -n -l USER2 2. To listen for incoming calls; make or receive calls; talk to another person; send or receive files; view, change, add to, or delete from the address list, enter: xtalk -l USER2 3. To make or receive calls; talk to another person; send or re- ceive files; view, change, add to, or delete from the address list; but not listen for calls, enter: xtalk Implementation Specifics This command is part of X.25 Application in AIX BOS Extensions 2. Files /etc/xtalk.names Contains the systemwide xtalk address list, which can be used by all users on the system to route outgoing calls. $HOME/xtalk.names Contains the individual user's xtalk address list used to route outgoing calls. /etc/xrt.names Contains the X.25 routing list, used to route in- coming calls. ./OtherUserName.log Names the message logging file. The OtherUserName variable specifies the address- list name of the user with whom messages were exchanged, or the last eight digits of the other user's network user address. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: address list, call, listen, outgoing call, routing list. Using the xtalk Command. Related Information X.25 Overview. How to Get xtalk to Listen for Calls, How to Make a Call with xtalk, How to Receive a Call with xtalk, How to Have an xtalk Conversation, How to Log an xtalk Conversation, How to Transfer Files with xtalk, How to End a Call with xtalk, How to Manage xtalk Address Lists, How to Manage the X.25 Routing List. The xcomms command, xroute command, xmanage command, xmonitor command, mail command, talk command, ftp command. 2 rmserver Command Purpose Removes a subserver definition from the subserver object class. Syntax rmserver -t Type Description The rmserver command removes an existing subserver definition from the subserver object class. Flag -t Type Specifies the subserver name that uniquely identifies the existing subserver to be removed. The rmserver command is unsuc- cessful if the Type name is not known in the subserver object class. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. File /etc/objrepos/SRCsubsvr Specifies the SRC Subserver Configuration Object Class. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: subserver, object class. The System Resource Controller Overview gives an explanation of subsystems, subservers, and the System Resource Controller. Related Information The chserver command, mkserver command. The System Resource Controller Overview gives an explanation of subsystems, subservers, and the System Resource Controller. 2 nvdmconf Command Purpose Displays the menu that is used to create or update the NetView Distribution Manager (NetView DM) catcher (also known as agent or downstream server) configuration file. Syntax nvdmconf Description When you invoke the nvdmconf command, the menu titled Configura- tion File Maintenance Program appears on the screen. This menu enables you to create or update the six corresponding information fields in the NetView DM catcher configuration profile. Each term in the left menu column identifies one of these information fields. New information is entered in the fields the right of each colon. Note: A list of applicable options (enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas) is provided along the right side of the menu. Use the up-down arrow keys (or the tab key) to move from menu field to menu field. Use the alphanumeric keys to enter new in- formation. Then press the F6 key to update the NetView DM catch- er configuration file. Press the F3 key to return to the AIX command prompt. Note: Press the F5 key to refresh the menu screen with the infor- mation stored in the /usr/lpp/nvdm/nvdmrel.cnf configuration file. Menu Fields Field 1: LU Name for Relay This field is the LU name in the LU0 configuration of the LU that is to be used for NetView DM commun- ications. The default is NDMLU. Field 2: DSN Case Conversion This field indicates your DSN (Data Set Names) case conversion choice. Note: The Data Set Names of the files in question are specified in the S/370 host NetView DM commands. Enter L in this field to change the case of the DSN to all lower case characters, or enter U to change the case of the DSN to all upper case characters. Note: The default is to leave the field blank, which results in no DSN case conversion. Field 3: Log File Option This field indicates your Log File Option choice. Enter Y in this field to create log messages for all NetView DM catcher transactions and errors on the console screen. Enter N in this field if no messages are wanted. Field 4: Default Path for Data Files This field contains the de- fault path to be used for all data files referenced by S/370 host NetView DM commands. (This pathname should not end with a trail- ing slash.) Once set, this path serves as the path for all data sets referenced by S/370 host NetView DM that do not have a specified path. Note: The default is to take the path statement specified in the S/370 host NetView DM commands. See the section for Dataset Name Processing for the nvdmrelay Command for related informa- tion. Field 5: File Conversion Option This field indicates your File Conversion Option choice. Enter Y in this field if you want file conversions or file renaming to be done on all data sets sent or received from the S/370 host system. Enter N in this field if no file conversion or renaming should be done. Field 6: Line Re-open Delay in Secs This field sets the time in- terval in seconds that the NetView DM catcher delays before try- ing to reopen the communication link to the S/370 host in the event of a communication link failure. Security Privilege Control: root authority Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Network Management/6000. Files /usr/lpp/nvdm/nvdmrel.cnf NetView DM Configuration Information /usr/lpp/lu0/lu0.cnf LU0 Configuration File Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The Alert Manager Overview for Network Management contains in- formation about the Alert Manager program. Related Information The nvdmconvCommand the nvdmrelay Command and the lu0config Command. The Host Command Facility Catcher and NetView DM Catcher Over- view for Network Management contains additional information about these two programs. List of Alert Manager Commands for Network Management. 2 gettable Command Purpose Gets NIC format host tables from a host. Syntax gettable [ -v ] Host [ OutFile ] Description The gettable command is used to obtain the Network Information Center (NIC) standard host tables from a server indicated by the Host parameter. The tables, if retrieved, are placed in the file indicated by the OutFile parameter. The gettable command opens a TCP connection to the port indicated in the service specification for the Host parameter. A request is then made for all names and the resultant information is placed in the output file. The gettable command is best used in conjunction with the htable command, which converts the NIC standard file format to that used by the network library lookup routines. Flag -v Gets just the version number instead of the complete host table and puts the output in the OutFile file or, by default, in a file named the hosts.txt file. Parameters Host The name of the host machine to use in getting the host tables. OutFile The name of the file to use for placing the host tables. The default is the hosts.txt file. Implementation Specifics This command is part of TCP/IP in Network Support Facilities in AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: daemon, server. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Understanding Protocols for TCP/IP. Related Information The htable command. 2 tlog Command Purpose Tests an AUTOLOG script. Syntax tlog SessionName Description The tlog command tests an AUTOLOG script with an existing emula- tor session to aid in debugging any problems with the logon or logoff scripts. The user invokes an emulator session and notes the session name from the operator information area. An emulator SHELL key is used to create a subshell, and the tlog command is invoked. The user will be prompted for the logonid string (unless specified in the session profile) and for the password string. The tlog com- mand issues a message that testing of the logon script is to be- gin in three seconds. This allows the user enough time to switch back to the emulator session if running in another AIX virtual terminal and observe the behavior of the logon script. By switching back and forth between the emulator session and the AIX virtual terminal running the tlog command, both the behavior of the script and any messages issued by the test program can be seen easily. Return Value After the logon script completes, the tlog command issues a mes- sage indicating the exit status from the script. If the status is non zero, the test program terminates. Otherwise, a prompt is displayed requesting the user to press the Enter key to continue testing. After the Enter key is pressed, a message is displayed indicating that testing of the logoff script is to begin in 3 seconds. The user can again observe the behavior of the script. After the logoff script completes, the exit status of the script is displayed and the test program terminates. Parameter SessionName Specifies the session in use by the e789 HCON emulator from [a-z]. Capital letters are interpreted as lowercase letters. Implementation Specifics The tlog command is part of the AIX 3270 Host Connection Pro- gram/6000 (HCON). File /usr/bin directory Contains the tlog command. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information HCON Overview for Programming introduces the HCON programming facilities. Related Information Understanding HCON Session Profiles discusses HCON display and printer sessions. Understanding Host Logon Procedures introduces manual and au- tomatic logon procedures, and discusses the AUTOLOG facility. Understanding the HCON Application Programming Interface (API) discusses the API and how it is used to write programs, Under- standing the File Transfer Program Interface discusses transfer- ring files between the RISC System/6000 and a host system. Using AUTOLOG Procedures with the HCON API outlines logging on to and off of a host system with an API application. 2 x_add_trm_120 Command Purpose Adds an Xstation 120 to the host. Syntax x_add_trm_120 120 Name TypeName Address Server Time Device Pan Mode Host Program Description The x_add_trm_120 command adds the Xstation 120 specified by the Name parameter to the current host, and stores the configuration in the /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/x_st_mgrd.cf file, the /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/x_st_mgrd.tmty file, and the /etc/bootptab file. Mandatory parameters are: 120 Specifies the Xstation model. This command can be used only for an Xstation 120. Name Specifies the name of the Xstation. The Name parameter can be up to 8 characters long and include the lower case letters a through z, the numbers 0 through 9, the - (dash) and the . (period). Name can be a user name, such as taylor, or a group name with a number appended, such as graphs-2, and should identi- fy an Xstation by its location in the work place or by the pri- mary user's name. Name is stored in the /etc/hosts file. Note: Name should not start with a lowercase or an uppercase o or a lowercase or uppercase x, followed by an octal or hexadecimal numeric. These characters are interpreted as octal or hexade- cimal numbers, instead of as a terminal name. In the examples x3 and xE4, the 3 and the E4 are hexadecimal numerics. TypeName Specifies the name you create to identify the type of network protocol. The TypeName parameter must contain the prefix x_st_mgr. and can include an identifier for the type of network protocol, such as ether (for ethernet), tr (for token ring) or 802 (for IEEE 802.3). An example is x_st_mgr.ether. The name of the network type is stored in the /etc/bootptab file. Address Specifies the hardware address of the Xstation. This ad- dress appears on the LAN Statistics screen of the Xstation. Each Xstation has a unique 6-byte hexadecimal hardware address, in XXXXXXXXXXXX format, and cannot be changed by the user. Server Identifies the Xstation as a primary or secondary boot server. Two options are valid: y for a primary server and n for a secondary server. Time Specifies the number of seconds a boot server must wait be- fore answering a boot-protocol broadcast request. The valid number for a primary server is 00, since there is no delay time. For a secondary server, refer to the number range in SMIT. Device Specifies the input device. Device must be mouse or tablet. Pan Specifies whether the hardware pan feature is enabled or dis- abled. The hardware pan feature allows the Xstation to use all the additional video memory for a display area that appears when the user pans the cursor to the edge of the screen. Two options are valid: y enables and n disables the pan feature. Mode Specifies the mode used by X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP). XDMCP uses the xdm program to facilitate the connection of an X terminal to a remote host. XDMCP also allows the user to turn an Xterminal off and on again and still maintain an esta- blished connection to the remote host. Valid options are: broadcast Sends a message to the network and waits for an xdmcp host to respond. direct Directs a request to an xdmcp manager known to the Xsta- tion. indirect Sends an indirect request to an xdmcp manager that main- tains a list of xdmcp hosts. The manager assigns an xdmcp host to respond to the Xstation. off No X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP). Host Specifies the internet (IP) address of the xdmcp host used for direct or indirect communication with the Xstation. Valid options are none or the internet address of an xdmcp host. If XDMCP is not used or if broadcast mode is used, the value of Host is none. The internet address of an xdmcp host must be specified if Mode is direct or indirect. Program Identifies the startup program. This program should be the aixterm command with selected options. The startup configura- tion is stored in the /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/x_st_mgrd.cf file. Security User management is responsible for evaluation, selection, and im- plementation of security features. Example To add Xstation taylor to the current host as a primary server, enter a command like the following: x_add_trm_120 120 taylor x_st_mgr.ether 10005ac38e9 y \ 00 mouse n off none \ /usr/bin/X11/bin/aixterm -W \ -e /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/login Xstation taylor is added to the current host, as defined by the parameters: model 120, a network type of ethernet, a hardware ad- dress of 10005ac38e9, primary server status, no delay time, input from a mouse, no hardware pan feature, xdmcpmode off, no host name, and a startup program that runs the aixterm command with two options. The aixterm -W -e Program command initializes the Enhanced X-Windows terminal emulator with the mouse cursor in the center of the window, and runs the login command to initialize a user session. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Xstation Manager/6000. Files /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/x_st_mgrd.cf The Xstation Manager configura- tion file. /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/x_st_mgrd.tmty The terminal list file. /etc/bootptab The boot protocol table. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: boot, current host, gateway host, host, Internet Protocol (IP), network, port, protocol, server, subnet address mask. Related Information The aixterm command, bootpd command, login command, x_add_trm_130 command, x_chg_net command, x_chg_trm_120 command, x_chg_trm_130 command, x_def_net command, x_ls_trm command, x_ls_net command, x_rm_net command, x_rm_trm command, xset command. 2 piopredef Command Purpose Creates a predefined printer data-stream definition. Syntax piopredef [ -r] -dQueueDeviceName -q PrintQueueName -s DataStreamType -t PrinterType Description The piopredef command creates a predefined printer data-stream definition from a virtual printer definition. It can be thought of as the inverse of the mkvirprt command. The mkvirprt command copies a predefined printer data stream definition to create a virtual printer definition, which can then be customized as desired. The piopredef command, however, copies a customized virtual printer definition to create a predefined printer data stream definition. The piopredef command can be used to create a predefined printer definition for an unsupported printer that accepts a print data stream similar to that of a supported printer. For example, a virtual printer definition for an IBM 4201-3 Proprinter III can be created with the mkvirprt command, displayed with the lsvirprt command, modified as necessary for the unsup- ported printer with the chvirprt command, and then specified with the piopredef command to create a predefined definition for the unsupported printer. The new predefined printer definition can then be specified with a mkvirprt command to generate additional virtual printers for the unsupported printer type on the same computer, or transported to other computers and used there. Flags -d QueueDeviceName Specifieswith the QueueDeviceName variable the spooler of the customized virtual printer definition to be used to create the predefined printer definition. -q PrintQueueName Specifieswith the PrintQueueName variable the spooler of the virtual printer definition to be used to create the predefined printer definition. -r Specifies that if the -s flag and the -t flag specify a prede- fined printer definition that already exists, the existing one should be replaced. -s DataStreamType Specifies with the DataStreamType variable the printer for the predefined printer definition to be created. Example data stream types are: asc IBM extended ASCII gl Hewlett-Packard GL pcl Hewlett-Packard PCL ps PostScript 630 Diablo 630 855 Texas Instruments 855. -t PrinterType Specifies the printer type for the predefined printer definition to be created. Examples of existing printer types are: 4201-3, hplj-2, ti2115, and so on. Note: If no flags are specified, the command syntax is displayed. Example To create a new predefined printer definition from an existing virtual printer definition for the virtual printer, enter: piopredef -d mypro -q proq -s asc -t 9234-2 The attributes for the virtual printer assigned to the mypro queue device on the proq print queue are copied to create a new predefined printer definition for the 9234-2 printer (asc data stream). Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /etc/piopredef file Command file. /usr/lpd/pio/predef/* directory Predefined printer data stream at- tribute files. File names are in the format: PrinterType.DataStreamType. /usr/lpd/pio/custom/* directory Customized virtual printer attri- bute files. File names are in the format: PrintQueueName:QueueDeviceName. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: data stream, virtual printer. The Printer Overview for System Management explains the concepts of managing the print subsystem, such as Understanding the Print Spooler and Understanding the Printer Backend. The Queuing System Overview for System Management . explains the concepts needed to configure print queues, queue devices, and virtual printers, as well as information about managing jobs al- ready in the print queue. Related Information Printer Addition Management Subsystem: Programming Overview explains the concepts you need to add a new printer to the system. How to Add a Printer Using the Virtual Printer Commands explains how to add a printer that closely emulates a supported printer. How to Add a Printer Using the Printer Colon File explains how to add a new printer that emulates several data streams or that does not closely emulate an existing printer. Printer Code Page Translation Tables describes the two-stage process of translating code points in the print file to code points for the printer. Printer Colon File Conventions lists the conventions for printer and attribute names and values in colon files. Printer Colon File Escape Sequences describes the embedded references and logic for attribute values in the printer back- end's database colon files that are placed in the attribute string. Printer Specific Information provides configuration and use in- formation for specific printers. Virtual Printer Attribute Values provides an overview of the at- tribute values that reside in the colon files in the Predefined and Customized database directories. Printer Support Provided with AIX Version 3 lists the printer classes supported by AIX for RISC System/6000 and printers that are representative of those classes. Printer Backend Overview for Programming presents the concepts you need to write your own printer backend. 2 pac Command Purpose Prepares printer/plotter accounting records. Syntax /usr/bin/pac [ -c ] [ -m ] [ -p Price ] [ -P Printer ] [ -q File] [ -r ] [ -s ] [ Name ... ] Description The pac command prepares printer/plotter accounting records for each user of the selected printer or for the users specified by the Name parameter. For printer choices, see the -P flag. The unit of measure is the number of pages, with the exception of rasher devices, for which feet of paper is measured. Output is expressed both as the number of units used and the charge in dol- lars. For information on the charge (price) per unit, see the -p flag. Flags -c Sorts the output by price instead of alphabetically by user. -m Groups all the printing charges for a user, regardless of the host machine. -p Price Specifies the price, in dollars, charged per unit of out- put. Alternatively, the system charges $0.02 per unit. -P Printer Specifies the printer for which accounting records are prepared. Alternatively, the system selects the printer named by the PRINTER environment variable, or the default value lp0. -qFile Specifies the queue configuration file. The default value is /usr/bin/qconfig. -r Reverses the sorting order, so that records are sorted alpha- betically from z to a, or in descending order by price. -s Summarizes the accounting information in a summary file. This flag is needed for busy systems. Examples 1. To produce printer/plotter accounting information for all users of the lp0 printer, enter: /usr/bin/pac The command displays the number of printed pages and the charge, sorted by user. This assumes that there is no PRINTER environ- ment variable. 2. To collect printer/plotter accounting records in a summary file, enter: /usr/bin/pac -s 3. To produce printer/plotter accounting information for smith, jones and greene from the lp12 printer enter: /usr/bin/pac -Plp12 smith jones greene Implementation Specifics This command is part of Accounting Services in AIX BOS Extensions 2 and is provided for compatibility with Berkeley Software Dis- tribution (BSD) systems. Files /usr/bin/pac The path to the pac command. /usr/bin/qconfig The path to the file. /usr/adm/?acct Contains raw accounting files. /usr/adm/?_sum Contains summary accounting files. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: accounting system, default value, default, directory, flag, output, parameter, path, record, system, user, value. How to Set Up an Accounting System describes the steps you must take to establish an Accounting System. Accounting Overview describes the Accounting System, the preparation of daily and monthly reports, and the accounting files. Related Information The acct/* command, acctcms command, acctcom command, acctcon command, acctmerg command, acctprc command, runacct command. 2 chsnaobj Command Purpose Changes the description of a currently defined profile in the SNA configuration database. Syntax chsnaobj -t ObjectType [ SubOptions ] ProfileName Description The chsnaobj command changes the description of the ObjectType and ProfileName profile in the SNA configuration database. The fields that are changed depend on the ObjectType selected and are specified by the field attribute options described below. The ProfileName parameter specifies the name of the SNA configuration database entry to be changed. The SubOptions parameter specifies the possible flags the user may choose within the ObjectType class. Refer to the mksnaobj and chsnaobj Object Classes for more information on the different flags associated with each ObjectType. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit chsnaobj Flags -t ObjectType Specifies the profile type to be changed. The SubOptions parameter is a subset of field attribute op- tions based on ObjectType selected. Example In order to make local LU profile LU20 CP Session Capable, enter the following command: chsnaobj -t local_lu -u lu6.2 -p yes LU20 Refer to the mksnaobj and chsnaobj Object Classes for more in- formation on the different flags associated with each ObjectType. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Systems Network Architecture Ser- vices/6000. This command is not available for Japanese Language Support. Files /usr/bin Directory in which the chsnaobj command resides. Suggested Reading Related Information The mksnaobj command, rmsnaobj command. The mksnaobj and chsnaobj Object Classes. The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview. 2 learn Command Purpose Provides computer aided instruction courses and practice for us- ing files, editors, macros, and other features. Syntax learn [ -Directory] [Subject | LessonNumber] Description The learn command provides computer aided instruction courses and practice for using files, editors, macros, and other features. To invoke this command, type learn. If this is the first time you are invoking the learn command, you are guided through a series of questions to determine what type of instruction you want to receive. To enter the learn command in a specific lesson, use a numeric value, Number following the learn command. If this is not the first time you are invoking the learn command, you are positioned at the place where you last terminated your learn command ses- sion. To bypass questions, you can enter a Subject or a Lesson. In order to enter a Lesson, you must know the Lesson number that you received in a previous learn command session. If you do not know the Lesson number, you can enter the Lesson number as a Subject. The learn command searches for the first lesson containing the Subject you specified. The following are the subjects you can specify: * Files * Editors * More files * Macros * EQN * C. Subcommands The bye command terminates a learn command session and the where command tells you of your progress, with where m telling you more. The command again re-displays the text of the lesson and again Lesson lets you review Lesson. The command hint prints the last part of the lesson script used to evaluate a response, while hint m prints the whole lesson script. Flag -Directory Allows you to exercise a script in a nonstandard place. Example To take the online lesson about Files, type: learn files You will then be prompted for further input. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /usr/bin Subtree for all dependent directories and files. /usr/tmp/pl** Playpen directories. $HOME/.learnrc Startup information. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entry: computer aided instruction. Related Information The ex command. Shells Overview. 3 sendbug Command Purpose Mails a system bug report to a specified address. Syntax sendbug [ Address ] Description The sendbug command is a shell script to assist the user in com- posing and mailing bug reports in the correct format. The sendbug command invokes the editor specified by the EDITOR environment variable on a temporary copy of the bug re- port format outline. The default editor is vi. Fill out the appropriate fields in the bug report format outline and exit the editor. The sendbug command mails the completed re- port to the address specified by the Address parameter. The de- fault address is POSTMASTER. File /usr/lib/bugformat Contains the bug report outline. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: address, editor, shell script. Message Handler (MH) Overview for System Management. Related Information The bugfiler command, env command, sendmail command. Editing a File with the vi Editor. 3 ruptime Command Purpose Shows the status of each host on a network. Syntax ruptime [ -a] [ -r] [ -l | -t | -u] Description The ruptime command displays the status of each host that is on a local network and is running the rwhod daemon. The status lines are sorted by host name unless the -l, -t, or -u flag is indi- cated. The status information is provided in packets broadcast once every 3 minutes by each network host running the rwhod dae- mon. Any activity (such as power to a host being turned on or off) that takes place between broadcasts is not reflected until the next broadcast. Hosts for which no status information is re- ceived for 11 minutes are reported as down. Output is in the following fomat: hostname, status, time, number of users, and load average. Load average represents the load averages over 5, 10, and 15 minute intervals prior to a server's transmission. The load averages are multiplied by 10 to represent the value in decimal format. Flags -a Includes all users. Without this flag, users whose sessions are idle an hour or more are not included. -l Sorts the list by the load average. -r Reverses the sort order. The -r flag should be used with the -l, -t or -u flag. -t Sorts the list by the uptime. -u Sorts the list by the number of users. Examples 1. To get a status report on the hosts on the local network, enter: ruptime Information similar to the following is displayed: host1 up 5:15, 4 users, load 0.09, 0.04, 0.04 host2 up 7:45, 3 users, load 0.08, 0.07, 0.04 host7 up 7:43, 1 user, load 0.06, 0.12, 0.11 2. To get a status report sorted by load average, enter: ruptime -l Information similar to the following is displayed: host2 up 7:45, 3 users, load 0.08, 0.07, 0.04 host1 up 5:18, 4 users, load 0.07, 0.07, 0.04 host7 up 7:43, 1 user, load 0.06, 0.12, 0.11 Implementation Specifics This command is part of the TCP/IP Facility in Network Facilities of AIX for RISC System/6000. Files /var/spool/rwho/whod.* Indicates data files received from remote rwhod daemons. /usr/ucb/ruptime Command executable file. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: host, network, daemon. Network Overview. Related Information The rwho command. The rwhod daemon. 3 lsitab Command Purpose Lists records in the /etc/inittab file. Syntax lsitab { -a | Identifier} Description The lsitab command displays a record in the /etc/inittab file. It allows you to list either a specific record with the Identifier field, or all records in the /etc/inittab file. The Identifier field is a field of one to fourteen characters used to uniquely identify an object. If the Identifier field is not unique, the command is unsuccess- ful. Flag -a Specifies that all stanzas in the /etc/inittab file are list- ed. Example 1. To list the record in /etc/inittab file for tty2, enter: lsitab "tty002" The output is: tty002:2:respawn:/etc/getty /dev/tty2 Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /etc/inittab Directory where the lsitab command resides. /etc/filesystems File that contains the file system stanzas. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: record. The File Systems Overview explains file system types, manage- ment, structure, and maintenance. Related Information The init command. The File Systems Overview explains file system types, manage- ment, structure, and maintenance. 3 troff Command Purpose Formats text for printing on typesetting devices. Syntax troff [ -a -i -q -z ] [ -F Directory ] [ -n Number ] [ -o List ] [ -r ANumber ] [ -s Number ] [ -T Name ] [ -mm | -me | -mptx | -ms | -man | -mv ] [ File... | - ] Description The troff command reads one or more files and formats the text for printing on a phototypesetter or comparable device. If no File... parameter or - (minus) flag is specified as the last parameter, standard input is read by default. Notes: 1. The troff command uses Eastern Standard Time (EST). Depending on the time of year and the local time zone, the date that the troff command generates can be incorrect by as much as one day. 2. The .tl request cannot be used before the first break- producing request in the input to the troff command. Flags -a Sends a printable ASCII approximation of the results to stan- dard output. -i Reads standard input after there are no more files. -q Calls the simultaneous input/output mode of the .rd request. -z Prints only messages generated by .tm (workstation message) requests. -FDirectory Accesses font information from the Directory/devName directory instead of the default /usr/lib/font/devName (where Name is given by the -T flag). -nNumber Numbers the first printed page with the value specified by the Number variable. -oList Prints only pages specified by the List variable, which consists of a comma-separated list of page numbers and ranges: * A range of Start-Stop means print pages Start through Stop. For example, 9-15 prints pages 9 through 15. * An initial -Stop means print from the beginning to page Stop. * A final Start- means print from page Start to the end. * A combination of page numbers and ranges prints the specified pages. For example, -3,6-8,10,12- prints from the beginning through page 3, pages 6 through 8, page 10, and page 12 to the end. Note: When this flag is used in a pipeline (for example, with one or more of the pic, eqn, or tbl commands) you may receive a broken pipe message if the last page in the document is not specified in the List variable. This broken pipe message is not an indication of any problem and can be ignored. -rANumber Sets the register specified by the A variable to the specified number. The A variable value must have a one-character ASCII name. -sNumber Generates output to make the typesetter stop every speci- fied number of pages. -TName Prepares the output for the specified printing device. Alternatively, the TYPESETTER environment variable may be set. Note: You will get a bad point size message if your device does not support a point size that you specified. The troff command will use the closest valid point size to continue formatting. -man Selects the man macro-processing package. -me Selects the me macro-processing package. -mm Selects the mm macro-processing package. -mptx Selects the mptx macro-processing package. -ms Selects the ms macro-processing package. -mv Selects the mv macro-processing package. - Forces input to be read from standard input. Implementation Specifics This command is part of Formatting Tools in the Text Formatting System of AIX for RISC System/6000. Files /usr/lib/tmac/tmac.* file Contains the pointers to standard macro files. /usr/lib/macros/* file Denotes standard macro files. /usr/lib/font/dev*/* file Contains the font width tables. /usr/tmp/trtmp* file Denotes a temporary file. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: ASCII, broken pipe message, standard input, standard output, phototypesetter, pipeline, register. Related Information The eqn command, grap command, mmt command, nroff command, pic command, tbl command, and tc command. The nroff/troff requests. The me marcro package, ms macro package, man macro package, mm macro package, mptx macro package, mv macro package. 3 lsquedev Command Purpose Displays the device stanza name. Syntax lsquedev [ -c] -qName -d Name Description The lsquedev command displays the name of the queue stanza and associated attributes. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit lsquedev For a more precise entry into a certain part of the Devices path in SMIT, see Devices in SMIT . Flags -c Specifies colon output format for use by SMIT. -d Name Specifies the Name of the device stanza that is displayed. -q Name Specifies the Name of the queue containing the device stanza that is displayed. Examples 1. To display device stanza dlp0 on the lp0 queue, enter: lsquedev -q lp0 -d dlp0 A listing similar to the following is displayed: dlp0: FILE = /dev/lp0 BACKEND = /usr/lpd/piobe 2. To display device stanza dlp0 on the lp0 queue in colon format, enter: lsquedev -c -qlp0 -d dlp0 A listing similar to the following is displayed: file:access:feed:header:trailer:backend:align dlp0:/dev/lp0:read:never:never:never:/usr/lpd/piobe:TRUE Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /bin/lsquedev Command file. /usr/lpd/qconfig Configuration file. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: queue, queue device, queue stanza, stanza. The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview describes the SMIT application. The Devices Overview for System Management explains adding, changing, moving, and removing devices. The Printer and Queue Overview descirbes how the system handles printed output. Included are descriptions of how to do various print functions using SMIT, such as starting a print job and showing the status of a print job. The Printer Overview for System Management explains the concepts needed for managing the print subsystem, such as Understanding the Print Spooler and Understanding the Printer Backend. The Queuing System Overview for System Management explains the concepts needed to configure print queues, queue devices, and virtual printers, as well as information about managing jobs al- ready in the print queue. Related Information The lsque command, chquedev command, mkquedev command, rmquedev command. The printf subroutine. The smit command explains how to run the smit command, what flags to use to vary the output, and how to use the smit.script and smit.log files. The qconfig file. List of Changeable Attributes for Devices describes specific at- tributes and their possible values. How to Add a Printer Using the Virtual Printer Commands explains how to add a printer that closely emulates a supported printer. How to Add a Printer Using the Printer Colon File explains how to add a new printer that emulates several data streams or that does not closely emulate an existing printer. Printer Code Page Translation Tables describes the two-stage process of translating code points in the print file to code points for the printer. Printer Colon File Conventions lists the conventions that have been established for printer and attribute names and values in colon files. Printer Colon File Escape Sequences describes the embedded references and logic for attribute values in the printer back- end's database colon files that are placed in the attribute string. Printer Specific Information provides configuration and use in- formation for specific printers. Printer Support Provided with AIX Version 3 lists the printer classes supported by AIX for RISC System/6000 and printers that are representative of those classes. Virtual Printer Attribute Values provides an overview of the at- tribute values that reside in the colon files in the Predefined and Customized database directories. 3 install_mh Command Purpose Sets up mailbox directories. Syntax install_mh [ -auto ] Description The install_mh command sets up mailbox directories. The install_mh command is designed to be called by other programs, not run directly by the user. The install_mh command runs automatically the first time you run any Message Handler (MH) command. The install_mh command prompts you for the name of your mail directory. If the directory does not exist, the install_mh command asks you if it should be creat- ed. The install_mh command creates the $HOME/.mh_profile file and places the Path: profile entry in it. This entry identifies the location of your mailbox by specifying the direc- tory path for your MH directory, UserMHDirectory. Flag -auto Creates the standard MH path without prompting. Implementation Specifics This command is part of Message Handler in the Base Operating System (BOS) Extensions 1 of AIX for RISC System/6000. File $HOME/.mh_profile Contains the MH user profile. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: mailbox, profile. Message Handler (MH) Overview for System Management. Related Information The .mh_profile file. 3 mark Command Purpose Creates, modifies, and displays message sequences. Syntax mark [ +Folder ] [ -list ] [ [ -sequence Name ] [ Message ... ] [ -add | -delete ] [ -zero | -nozero ] [ -public | -nopublic ] ] Description The mark command creates, deletes, adds, and lists the messages in a sequence. The mark command by default, lists all of the se- quences and their messages for the current folder. If you use the -add or -delete flag, you must also use the -sequence flag. When all messages are deleted from a sequence, the mark command removes the sequence name from the folder. To create a new sequence, enter the -sequence flag with the name of the sequence you want to create. The mark command creates the sequence starting with the current message. By default, the mark command places the sequence in the current folder. If you speci- fy a folder, that folder becomes the current folder. Flags -add Adds messages to a sequence. The -add flag is the default. If you do not specify a message, the mark command uses the current message. Note: You can only use this flag with the -sequence flag. -delete Deletes messages from a sequence. If you do not specify a message, the current message is deleted by default. Note: You can only use this flag with the -sequence flag. +Folder Specifies the folder. -help Displays help information for the command. -list Displays the messages in a sequence. By default, the -list flag displays all the sequence names and messages defined for the current folder. To see a specific sequence, use the -sequence flag with the -list flag. Message Specifies a message in a sequence. You can specify more than one message at a time. Messages can be identified with fol- lowing references: Number Number of the message all All the messages in a folder cur or . Current message. This is the default. first First message in a folder last Last message in a folder next Message immediately after the current message prev Message immediately before the current message If the -list flag is used, the default for the Messages parameter is all. Otherwise, the default is the current message. -nopublic Restricts a sequence to your usage. The -nopublic flag does not restrict the messages in the sequence, only the sequence itself. This option is the default if the folder is write- protected from other users. -nozero Modifies the sequence by adding or deleting only the specified messages. This flag is the default. -public Makes a sequence available to other users. The -public flag does not make protected messages available, only the se- quence itself. This flag is the default if the folder is not write-protected from other users. -sequence Name Specifies a sequence for the -list, -add, and -delete flags. -zero Clears a sequence of all messages except the current mes- sage. When the -delete flag is also specified, the -zero flag places all of the messages from the folder into the sequence be- fore deleting any messages. Profile Entries The following entry is found in the UserMHDirectory/context file: Current-Folder: Specifies the default current folder. The following entry is found in the $HOME/.mh_profile file: Path: Specifies the MH directory. Examples 1. To see the list of all the sequences defined for the current folder, enter: mark The system displays a message similar to the following: cur: 94 test: 1-3 7 9 In this example, message 94 is the current message number in the current folder. The message sequence called test includes mes- sage numbers 1, 2, 3, 7, and 9. 2. To see the list of all the sequences defined for the meetings folder, enter: mark +meetings The system displays a message similar to the following: cur: 5 dates: 12 15 19 3. To create a new message sequence called schedule in the current folder, enter: mark -sequence schedule The system displays the shell prompt to indicate that the schedule sequence was created. By default the system adds the current message to the new sequence. 4. To delete message 10 from the schedule sequence, enter: mark -sequence schedule 10 -delete Implementation Specifics This command is part of Message Handler in the Base Operating System (BOS) Extensions 1 of AIX for RISC System/6000. Files $HOME/.mh_profile file Specifies the MH user profile. /usr/bin/mark file Contains the executable form of the mark com- mand. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: default, file, flag, folder, format, mes- sage. Message Handler (MH) Overview. Mail Overview. Related Information The pick command. The mh_alias file format, mh_profile file format. 3 lsscreen Command Purpose Sends the contents on the display screen to a file. Syntax lscreen [ -n PathName ] Description The lsscreen command appends the contents of a display screen to a file. If no file is specified, it writes to standard output. To put the screen contents into the /u/mary/myscreen file, enter: lsscreen -n /u/mary/myscreen Note: This command is usable only on a High Function Terminal (HFT). Flags -n PathName Designates the full path name of the file in which to append the screen contents. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /bin/lsscreen Contains the command file. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary terms: default. HFT Subsystem Conceptual Introduction. Related Information The Query (HFQUERY) ioctl Operation. 3 ypmatch Command Purpose Displays the values of given keys within an NIS map. Syntax Display Key Values for an NIS Map /usr/bin/ypmatch [ -d Domain ] [ -k ] [ -t ] Key ... MapName Display the NIS Map Nickname Table /usr/bin/ypmatch -x Description The ypmatch command displays the values associated with one or more keys within an NIS map. Use the MapName parameter to speci- fy either the name or nickname of the map you want to search. When you specify multiple keys in the Key parameter, the system searches the same map for all of the keys. Since pattern match- ing is not available, match the capitalization and length of each key exactly. If the system does not find a match for the key or keys you specify, a diagnostic message is displayed. Flags -d Specifies a domain other than the default domain. -k Prints a key followed by a colon before printing the value of the key. This is useful only if the keys are not duplicated in the values or if you have specified so many keys that the output could be confusing. -t Inhibits translation of nickname to map name. -x Displays the map nickname table. This lists the nicknames (as specified by the MapName parameter) the command knows of and in- dicates the map name associated with each nickname. Example To display the value associated with a particular key, enter: ypmatch -d ibm -k host1 hosts In this example, the ypmatch command displays the value of the host1 key from the hosts map in the ibm domain. Implementation Specifics This command is part of NFS in Network Support Facilities in Base Operating System Runtime. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: domain, key, parameter. For information about managing NIS, see Network Information Ser- vice (NIS) Overview for System Management. Related Information The ypcat command. Network File System (NFS) Overview for System Management. Alphabetical List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands, Func- tional List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands. 3 rmque Command Purpose Removes a printer queue from the system. Syntax rmque -q Name Description The rmque command removes a queue from the system configuration by deleting the queue stanza named by the -q flag from the qconfig file. All queue devices must be deleted using the rmquedev command before entering this command. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit rmque For a more precise entry into a certain part of the Devices path in SMIT, see Devices in SMIT . Note: Do not edit the qconfig file while there are active jobs in any queue. Editing includes both manual editing and use of the chque, mkque, rmque, mkquedev, rmquedev, or chquedev commands. It is recommended that all changes to the qconfig file be made using these commands. Howev- er, if manual editing is desired, first issue the enq -G command to bring the queuing system and the qdaemon to a halt after all jobs are processed. Then edit the qconfig file and restart the qdaemon with the new configuration. Flag -q Name Specifies the name of the queue to be removed. Example To remove printer queue lp0, enter: rmque -q lp0 Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /bin/rmque Contains the command file. /usr/lpd/qconfig Contains the configuration file. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: queue stanza, queue device. The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview explains the SMIT application. The Devices Overview for System Management describes adding, changing, moving, and removing devices. The Printer and Queue Overview presents an overview of how the system handles printed output. Included are descriptions of how to do various print functions using SMIT, such as starting a print job and showing the status of a print job. The Printer Overview for System Management explains the concepts needed for managing the print subsystem, such as Understanding the Print Spooler and Understanding the Printer Backend. The Queuing System Overview for System Management explains the concepts needed to configure print queues, queue devices, and virtual printers, as well as information about managing jobs al- ready in the print queue. Related Information The chque command, lsque command, mkque command, rmquedev command. The smit command tells how to run the smit command, what flags to use to vary the output, and how to use the smit.script and smit.log files. The qconfig file. 4 nroff Command Purpose Formats text for printing on typewriter-like devices and line printers. Syntax nroff [ -o List ] [ -n Number ] [ -s Number ] [ -r ANumber ] [ -i -q -z -e -h ] [ -T Name ] [ -u Number ] [ -man -me -mm -mptx -ms ] [ File... | - ] Description The nroff command reads one or more files for printing on type- writer-like devices and line printers. If no File... parameter is specified or the - (minus) flag is specified as the last parameter, standard input is read by default. The col command may be required to postprocess nroff output in certain cases. Flags -e Produces equally-spaced words in adjusted lines, using the full resolution of a particular terminal. -h Uses output tabs during horizontal spacing to speed output and reduce the output character count. Tab settings are assumed to be every eight nominal character widths. -i Reads standard input after reading all specified files. -man Selects the man macro processing package. -me Selects the me macro processing package. -mm Selects the mm macro processing package. -mptx Selects the mptx macro processing package. -ms Selects the ms macro processing package. -nNumber Assigns the specified number to the first printed page. -oList Prints only those pages specified by the List variable, which consists of a comma-separated list of page numbers and ranges, as follows: * A range of Start-Stop means print pages Start through Stop. For example, 9-15 prints pages 9 through 15. * An initial -Stop means print from the beginning to page Stop. * A final Start- means print from page Start to the end. * A combination of page numbers and ranges prints the specified pages. For example, -3, 6-8,10,12- prints the beginning through page 3, pages 6 through 8, page 10, and page 12 to the end. Note: When the -oList flag is used in a pipeline (as with one or more of the eqn or tbl commands) you may receive a broken pipe message if the last page in the document is not specified in the List parameter. This broken pipe message is not an indication of any problem and can be ignored. -q Calls the simultaneous input/output mode of the .rd request. -rANumber Sets register A to the specified number. The value specified by the A variable must have a one-character ASCII name. -sNumber Stops every specified number of pages (the default is 1). The nroff command halts every specified number of pages to allow paper loading or changing, then resumes upon receipt of a linefeed or newline character. This flag does not work in pipe- lines; for example, with the mm command. When the nroff command halts between pages, an ASCII BEL character is sent to the works- tation. -TName Prepares the output for the specified printing device. Terminal Names for Phototypesetter or Comparable Devices gives possible Name variable values. The default is 37. Note: The IBM 4019 and the HP Laser Jet II printer both have non- printable areas at the top and bottom of a page. If a file is targeted for these printers, be sure to define top and bottom margins (for example, by formatting with -mm) so that all output will be positioned within the printable page. - Forces input to be read from standard input. Terminal Names for Text Formatting Terminal Names for Typewriter-like Devices and Line Printers The following Name variable values of supported devices are used with the -TName flag of the nroff command for AIX international extended characters, as well as English-language characters, di- gits, and symbols: hplj Hewlett-Packard LaserJet II. ibm3812 IBM 3812 Pageprinter II. ibm3816 IBM 3816 Pageprinter. ibm4019 IBM 4019 LaserPrinter. 37 Teletype Model 37 terminal (default) for terminal viewing only. This device does not support extended characters, which are in- putted by the NCesc form or the \[N] form. Inputting Extended Characters gives more information. lp Generic name for printers that can underline and tab. All text sent to the lp value using reverse line feeds (for example, text that includes tables) must be processed with the col command. This device does not support extended characters which input by the NCesc form or the \[N] form. Inputting Extended Characters gives more specific information. ppds Generic Name for printers which support the personal printer data streams such as the IBM Quietwriter III, IBM Quickwriter, and IBM Proprinters. ibm5575 IBM 5575 Kanji Printer (provided for Japanese Language Support). ibm5577 IBM 5577 Kanji Printer (provided for Japanese Language Support). For completeness of the Text Formatting System, the following devices are shipped as is from the AT&T Distribution. No support is provided for these tables. 2631 Hewlett-Packard 2631 printer in regular mode 2631-c Hewlett-Packard 2631 printer in compressed mode 2631-e Hewlett-Packard 2631 printer in expanded mode 300 DASI-300 printer 300-12 DASI-300 terminal set to 12 characters per inch 382 DTC-382 4000a Trendata 4000a terminal (4000A) 450 DASI-450 (Diablo Hyterm) printer 450-12 DASI-450 terminal set to 12 characters per inch 832 Anderson Jacobson 832 terminal 8510 C.ITOH printer tn300 GE Terminet 300 terminal X Printers equipped with a TX print train 300s DASI-300s printer (300S) 300s-12 DASI-300s printer set to 12 characters per inch (300S-12). Terminal Names for Phototypesetter or Comparable Devices The following Name variable values of supported devices are used with the -TName flag of the troff command for AIX international extended characters: ibm3812 IBM 3812 Pageprinter II ibm3816 IBM 3816 Pageprinter hplj Hewlett-Packard LaserJet II with K cartridge ibm5587G IBM 5587-G01 Kanji Printer (for Japanese Language Sup- port). In addition, it is possible to set the TYPESETTER environment variable to one of the preceding values instead of using the -TName flag of the troff command. -uNumber Sets the bold factor (number of character overstrokes) for the third font position (bold) to the specified number, or to 0 (zero) if the Number variable is missing. -z Prints only messages generated by .tm (workstation message) request. Implementation Specifics This command is part of Formatting Tools in the Text Formatting System of AIX for RISC System/6000. Files /usr/lib/tmac/tmac.* file Contains pointers to standard macro files. /usr/lib/macros/*b file Contains standard macro files. /usr/lib/nterm/* file Contains the terminal driving tables for the nroff command. /usr/pub/terminals file Contains a list of supported terminals. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: ASCII, BEL character, broken pipe message, linefeed, newline, request, pipeline, standard input. Related Information The col command, mm command, neqn command, tbl command. The man macro package, me macro package, mm macro package, mptx macro package, ms macro package. The nroff/troff requests. 4 pwdck Command Purpose Verifies the correctness of local authentication information. Syntax pwdck { -p | -n | -t | -y } {ALL | User ... } Description The pwdck command verifies the correctness of the password infor- mation in the user database files, by checking the definitions for ALL the users or for the users specified by the User parame- ter. If more than one user is specified, there must be a space between the names. You must select a flag to indicate whether the system should try to fix erroneous attributes. The following attributes are checked for locally defined users: /etc/passwd file entry Checks to ensure that each entry is readable and that it contains at least two colons (:). If you indicate that the sys- tem should fix errors, the entire entry is discarded. passwd Checks to ensure that the password field is an ! (exclama- tion mark). If you indicate that the system should fix errors, it transfers the information in the password field to the /etc/security/passwd file, updates the lastupdate attribute in the /etc/security/passwd file, and then replaces the password field in the /etc/passwd file with an ! (exclamation mark). user Checks to ensure that the username field starts with an al- phabetic character, contains only alphanumeric characters, and does not contain the ALL, default, or * key words. If you indi- cate that the system should fix errors, it removes this user's entry line from the /etc/passwd file. If the username starts with a + or a - symbol, the user is not locally defined, and checks are not performed. /etc/security/passwd file line Checks to ensure that each line is readable and is part of a stanza. Any invalid line is discarded. password Checks to ensure that the password attribute exists and is not blank, if passwords are required on the system. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, the password is set to * (asterisk), and the lastupdate attribute is discarded. In general, passwords are required if either of the minalpha or minother password restrictions are set to non- zero values in the /etc/security/login.cfg file. If a user's flags attribute specifies the NOCHECK keyword, a password is not required for this user, and the check is ignored. lastupdate Checks to ensure that the lastupdate attribute exists for a valid non-blank password, and that its time is prior to the current time. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, the lastupdate attribute is discarded or updated, depending on the password attribute. The lastupdate attribute is discarded if the password attribute doesn't exist, or equals a blank or an * (asterisk). Otherwise, the lastupdate time is set to the current time. flags Checks to ensure that the flags attribute contains only the keywords ADMIN, ADMCHG, and NOCHECK. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, it deletes any undefined flags. /etc/security/user file auth1 Checks to ensure that each SYSTEM;authname entry defined for a local user has an authname entry in the /etc/security/passwd file. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, a stan- za is added to the /etc/security/passwd file for each missing en- try, in the following format: authname: password = * If a user's entry and a default entry both are missing from the /etc/security/user file, the system assumes the following values and the check on auth1 is performed: auth1 = SYSTEM;user auth2 Checks to ensure that each SYSTEM;authname entry defined for a local user has an authname entry in the /etc/security/passwd file. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, an en- try is added for each missing entry. If a user's entry and a default entry both are missing from the /etc/security/user file, the system assumes the following values and the check on auth2 is performed: auth2 = NONE When ALL is specified, the pwdck command checks to ensure that each stanza in the /etc/security/passwd file corresponds to an authentication name of a local user as a SYSTEM;authname entry in the /etc/security/user file. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, a stanza which does not correspond to an auth- name entry in the /etc/security/user file is discarded from the /etc/security/passwd file. The pwdck command locks the /etc/passwd file and the /etc/security/passwd file when it updates them. If either of these files are locked by another process, the pwdck command waits a few minutes for the files to be unlocked, and terminates if this doesn't happen. The pwdck command checks to see if the /etc/passwd file and the /etc/security/passwd file are modified by anoth- er process while the current pwdck process is running. If you indicate that the system should fix errors, the pwdck command up- dates the /etc/passwd file and the /etc/security/passwd file, and may overwrite any changes made by the other process. The pwdck command also checks to see if the database management password files (the etc/passwd.dir file and the /etc/passwd.pag file) are up-to-date or newer than the system password files (the /etc/passwd file and the /etc/security/passwd file). If the da- tabase management password files are out-of-date, a warning mes- sage appears indicating that the root user should run the mkpasswd command. Generally, the sysck command calls the pwdck command as part of the verification of a trusted-system installation. In addition, the root user or a member of the security group can enter the command. Flags -n Reports errors but does not fix them. -p Fixes errors but does not report them. -t Reports errors and asks if they should be fixed. -y Fixes errors and reports them. Security Access Control: This command should grant execute (x) access to the root user and members of the security group. The command should be setuid to the root user, to read and write the authentication information, and have the trusted computing base attribute. Files Accessed: Mode File rw /etc/passwd r /etc/security/user rw /etc/security/passwd r /etc/security/login.cfg Auditing Events Event Information PASSWORD_Check User, Error/Fix, Status PASSWORD_Checkerr File/User, Error, Status Examples 1. To verify that all local users have valid passwords, enter: pwdck -y ALL This reports errors, and fixes them. 2. To ensure that user ariel has a valid stanza in the /etc/security/passwd file, enter: pwdck -y ariel Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /bin/pwdck Specifies the path to the pwdck command. /etc/passwd Contains the basic user attributes. etc/security/passwd Contains password information. etc/security/user Contains the extended attributes of users. /etc/security/login.cfg Contains configuration information and password restrictions. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: access, attribute, default, enter, group, group name, ID, installation, kernel, member, parameter, path, setuid, system, trusted computing base, user, value, verify. Security Introduction describes the identification and authenti- cation of users, discretionary access control, the trusted com- puting base, and auditing. Related Information The grpck command, mkpasswd command, sysck command, usrck command. 4 inetexp Command Purpose Takes the InetServ object class as input and creates or updates the /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services files. Syntax inetexp Description Any time the Object Data Manager (ODM) InetServ object class is updated, the inetexp command must be called to create or update the contents of the /etc/ inetd.conf and /etc/ services files to make sure that their contents remain the same. It is important to make sure their contents always reflect the same information because System Resource Controller (SRC) and the inetd daemon use the information from the ODM object class. When the ODM object is updated by the inetserv command, the inetexp export routine is automatically called. Implementation Specifics This command is part of TCP/IP in Network Support Facilities in AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /etc/ inetd.conf Contains configuration information for inetd Internet service requests. /etc/ services Contains socket and protocol definitions used for Internet services. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Term: daemon. The ODM Overview. Related Information The inetimp command, inetd command, inetserv command. The /etc/inetd.conf file, /etc/services file. 4 tsort Command Purpose Sorts an unordered list of ordered pairs (a topological sort). Syntax tsort [File] Description The tsort command reads from File or standard input an unordered list of ordered pairs, builds a completely ordered list, and writes it to standard output. The input File should contain pairs of nonempty strings separated by blanks. Pairs of different items indicate a relative order. Pairs of identical items indicate presence, but no relative ord- er. You can use the tsort command to sort the output of the lorder command. If File contains an odd number of fields, an appropriate error message is displayed. Example The following example creates a properly ordered library: 1. To create a subroutine library, enter: lorder charin.o scanfld.o scan.o scanln.o \ | tsort | xargs ar qv libsubs.a This creates a subroutine library named libsubs.a that contains charin.o, scanfld.o, scan.o, and scanln.o. The ordering of the object modules in the library is important. The lorder and tsort commands together add the subroutines to the library in the prop- er order. 2. Suppose that scan.o calls scanfld.o and scanln.o. scanfld.o also calls charin.o. First, the lorder command creates a list of pairs that shows these dependencies: charin.o charin.o scanfld.o scanfld.o scan.o scan.o scanln.o scanln.o scanfld.o charin.o scanln.o charin.o scan.o scanfld.o 3. Next, the | (vertical bar) sends this list to the tsort com- mand, which converts it into the ordering needed: scan.o scanfld.o scanln.o charin.o Note that each module precedes the module it calls. charin.o, which does not call another module, is last. 4. The second | then sends this list to the xargs command, which constructs and runs the following ar command: ar qv libsubs.a scan.o scanfld.o scanln.o charin.o This ar command creates the properly ordered library. Implementation Specifics This command is part of Application Development Toolkit in AIX Base Application Development Toolkit. Files /bin/tsort The tsort command. /usr/bin/tsort Symbolic link to the tsort command. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: library. Commands Overview Related Information The ar command, lorder command, and xargs command. 4 units Command Purpose Converts units in one measure to equivalent units in another measure. Syntax units [-] [FileName] Description The units command converts quantities expressed in one measure- ment to their equivalents in another. The units command is an interactive command. It prompts you for the unit you want to convert from and the unit you want to convert to . This command only does multiplicative scale changes. That is, it can convert from one value to another only when the conversion is done with a multiplication factor. For example, it cannot convert between degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius, because the value of 32 must be added or subtracted in the conversion. You can specify a quantity as a multiplicative combination of un- its, optionally preceded by a numeric multiplier. Indicate powers by entering suffixed positive integers and indi- cate division by / (slash). The units command recognizes lb as a unit of mass, but considers pound to be the British pound sterling. Com- pound names are run together (such as lightyear). Prefix British units differing from their American counterparts with br (brgallon for instance). The /usr/lib/unittab file contains a complete list of the units that the units command uses. Most familiar units, abbreviations, and metric prefixes are recognized by the units command, together with the following: pi Ratio of circumference to diameter c Speed of light e Charge on an electron g Acceleration of gravity force Same as g mole Avogadro's number water Pressure head per unit height of water au Astronomical unit. To start the units command, enter: units Now you can try the following examples. In these examples, the text that you enter is shown in bold type and the output from the units command is shown in non-bold type. Examples 1. To display conversion factors: you have: in you want: cm * 2.540000e+00 / 3.937008e-01 The output from the units command tells you to multiply the number of inches by 2.540000e+00 to get centimeters, and to mul- tiply the number of centimeters by 3.937008e-01 to get inches. These numbers are in standard exponential notation, so 3.937008e-01 means 3.937008 x 10-1, which is the same as 0.3937008. The second number is always the recipro- cal of the first; for example, 2.54 equals 1/0.3937008. 2. To convert a measurement to different units: you have: 5 years you want: microsec * 1.577846e+14 / 6.337753e-15 The output shows that 5 years equals 1.577846 x 1014 mi- croseconds, and that one microsecond equals 6.337753 x 10-15 years. 3. To give fractions in measurements: you have: 1|3 mi you want: km * 5.364480e-01 / 1.864114e+00 The | (vertical bar) indicates division, so 1|3 means one-third. This shows that one-third mile is the same as 0.536448 kilome- ters. 4. To include exponents in measurements: you have: 1.2-5 gal you want: floz * 1.536000e-03 / 6.510417e+02 The expression 1.2-5 gal is the equivalent of 1.2 x 10-5. Do not type an e before the exponent. This example shows that 1.2 x 10- 5 (0.000012) gallons equal 1.536 x 10-3 (0.001536) fluid ounces. 5. To specify complex units: you have: gram centimeter/second2 you want: kg-m/sec2 * 1.000000e-05 / 1.000000e+05 The units gram centimeter/second2 mean "grams x centime- ters/second2." Similarly, kg-m/sec2 means "kilo- grams x meters/sec2," which is often read as "kilogram-meters per seconds squared." . 6. If the units you specify after you have and you want are incom- patible: you have: ft you want: lb conformability 3.048000e-01 m 4.535924e-01 kg The message conformability means the units you specified cannot be converted. Feet measure length, and pounds measure mass, so converting from one to the other does not make sense. Therefore, the units command displays the equivalent of each value in stan- dard units. In other words, this example shows that one foot equals 0.3048 meters and that one pound equals 0.4535924 kilograms. The units command shows the equivalents in meters and kilograms because the command considers these units to be standard measures of length and mass. Implementation Specifics Japanese Language Support: This command is not available for Japanese Language Support. This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /usr/bin/units The units command. /usr/lib/unittab Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entry: interactive. 4 hostid Command Purpose Sets or displays the identifier of the current local host. Syntax hostid [ HexNumber | InternetAddress | HostName ] Description The hostid command displays the identifier (either a unique host name or a numeric argument) of the current local host as a hexa- decimal number. This numeric value is expected to be unique across all hosts and is commonly set to the address of the host specified by the InternetAddress or HostName parameter. The root user can set the hostid command by specifying a hexadecimal number for the HexNumber, InternetAddress, or HostName parameter. The host id is set to the hostname by the /etc/rc.net file. Parameters HexNumber A unique hexadecimal number representing the current lo- cal host. InternetAddress An Internet address representing the current local host. HostName A symbolic name that maps to a unique host. Examples 1. To set the identifier of the local host to the local Internet address with the hostid command, enter the command in the follow- ing format: hostid 0xc009c803 The hostid command converts the Internet address into the hexadecimal representation 0xc009c803, and then sets the lo- cal host (your workstation connected to a network) to this ad- dress. 2. To display the identifier of the local host, enter: hostid 0xc009c803 The hostid command displays the identifier of the host as a hexa- decimal number. Implementation Specifics This command is part of TCP/IP in Network Support Facilities in AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. File /etc/rc.net Specifies automatic login information for the ftp and rexec commands. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: host, network address. Understanding Addressing for TCP/IP. Related Information The gethostid subroutine, sethostid subroutine. The rc.net file. The hostname command. 4 chps Command Purpose Changes attributes of a paging space. Syntax chps [ -s LogicalPartitions] [ -a{ y | n}] PagingSpace Description The chps command changes attributes of a specific paging space. The PagingSpace parameter specifies the name of the paging space to be changed. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit chps Flags -a Specifies to use a paging space at the next system restart. y Specifies that the paging space is configured at subsequent sys- tem restarts. n Specifies that the paging space is not configured at subsequent system restarts. -s LogicalPartitions Specifies the number of logical partitions to add. Examples 1. To change the size of the myvg paging space , enter: chps -s4 myvg This adds four logical partitions to the myvg paging space. 2. To specify that the PS02 paging space is used and configured at subsequent system restarts, enter: chps -a y PS02 This specifies the PS02 paging space to be used and configured at subsequent system restarts. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. File /etc/swapspaces Specifies the paging space devices activated by the swapon -a command. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: paging space, logical volume. The Paging Space Overview explains paging space and its alloca- tion policies. The File Systems Overview provides information on working with files. Related Information The lsps command, mkps command, rmps command, swapon command. The Paging Space Overview explains paging space and its alloca- tion policies. The File Systems Overview provides information on working with files. The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview explains the structure, main menus, and tasks that are done with SMIT. Using SMIT explains SMIT screens, how to navigate in the screens, and how to enter data. 4 dump Command Purpose Dumps selected parts of an object file. Syntax dump [ -a -c -d -g -h -l -n -o -p -H -R -T ] [[[ -zName [,Number]] [ +zNumber]] ...] [[ +tIndex [ -tIndex]] ...] File [File...] Note: Do not put a space between the -z Name flag and the ,Number parameter. Description The dump command dumps selected parts of the specified File parameter. The dump command accepts object files, archive object files, and executable files. The dump command writes information in character, hexadecimal, octal, or decimal representation. Flags -a Dumps the archive header of each member of each specified ar- chive. -c Dumps the string table. -d Dumps the raw data for each section. -g Dumps the global symbols in the archive symbol table. -h Dumps section headers. -l Dumps line number information -n Dumps all loader section information. -o Dumps each optional header. -p Suppresses header printing. -r Dumps relocation information. -s Dumps the raw data for each selection. -t Dumps symbol table entries. -tIndex Dumps only the index symbol table entry specified with the Index parameter. Use the -t flag with the +t flag to specify a range of symbol table entries. +tIndex Dumps the symbol entry in the range that ends with the Index parameter. The range starts at the first symbol table entry or at the entry specified by the -t flag. -u Underlines the name of the File parameter. -v Dumps the information in symbolic representation rather than numeric. Any flag except the -o flag and -s flag can be used with the -v flag. -zName[,Number] Dumps line number entries for the Name parameter or a range of line number entries that starts at the specified number. You can use a blank to replace the comma that separates the Name and Number parameters if the entire argument is quoted. +zNumber Dumps all line numbers up to the Number parameter. -H Dumps the header of the loader section. The -H flag applies only to executable files. -R Dumps the relocation entries for the leader section. The -R flag applies only to executable files. -T Dumps the symbol table entries for the loader section. The -T flag applies only to executable files. Examples 1. To dump the string table of the a.out file, enter: dump -c a.out 2. To dump the contents of an XCOFF data section to standard out- put, enter: dump -d a.out 3. To dump the object file headers, enter: dump -o a.out 4. To dump line number information for the a.out file, enter: dump -l a.out 5. To dump relocation information for the a.out file, enter: dump -r a.out 6. To dump the contents of the a.out object file text section, enter: dump -s a.out 7. To dump symbol table information for the a.out object file, enter: dump -t a.out 8. To print symbol table entries 20 to 31 without header informa- tion, enter: dump -p -t20 +30 a.out Implementation Specifics This command is part of Application Development Toolkit in AIX Base Application Development Toolkit. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: Extended Common Object File For- mat (XCOFF), archive, argument, character, entry, executable files, file, flag, format, header, hexadecimal, index, member, numeric, object file, octal, output, parameter, string, table, text. Related Information The ar command, nm command, size command. The a.out file, ar file. 4 lsvg Command Purpose Displays information about volume groups. Syntax lsvg [ -o ] | [ -n DescriptorPhysicalVolume ] | [ -i ] [ -l | -M | -p ] VolumeGroup... Description The lsvg command displays information about volume groups. If you use the VolumeGroup parameter, only the information for that volume group is displayed. If you do not use the VolumeGroup parameter, a list of the names of all defined volume groups is displayed. Note: When information from the Device Configuration Database is unavailable, some of the fields will have the undefined string ????. The lsvg command attempts to obtain as much information as possible from the description area when it is given a logical volume identifier. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit lsvg Flags If no flags are specified, the following status is displayed: Volume group Name of the volume group. Volume group names must be a system-wide unique name, and can range from 1 to 15 characters. Volume group state State of the volume group. If the volume group is activated with the varyonvg command, the state is either on/full (indicating all physical volumes are active) or on/partial (indicating all physical volumes are not active). If the volume group is not activated with the varyonvg command, the state is off. Permission Access permission: read-only or read-write. Max LVs Maximum number of logical volumes allowed in the volume group. LVs Number of logical volumes currently in the volume group. Open LVs Number of logical volumes within the volume group that are currently open. Total PVs Total number of physical volumes within the volume group. Active PVs Number of physical volumes that are currently active. VG Identifier The volume group identifier. PP Size Size of each physical partition. Total PPs Total number of physical partitions within the volume group. Free PPs Number of physical partitions not allocated. Alloc PPs Number of physical partitions currently allocated to logical volumes. Quorum Number of physical volumes needed for a majority. VGDS Number of volume group descriptor areas within the volume group. Auto-on Automatic activation at IPL (yes or no). -p Lists the following information for each physical volume within VolumeGroup: Physical volume A physical volume within the group. PVstate State of the physical volume. Total PPs Total number of physical partitions on the physical volume. Free PPs Number of free physical partitions on the physical volume. Distribution The number of physical partitions allocated within each section of the physical volume: inside edge, back middle, center, front middle and outside edge of the physical volume. -l Lists the following information for each logical volume within VolumeGroup: LV A logical volume within the volume group. Type Logical volume type. LPs Number of logical partitions in the logical volume. PPs Number of physical partitions used by the logical volume. PVs Number of physical volumes used by the logical volume. Logical volume state State of the logical volume. Open/stale in- dicates the logical volume is open but contains partitions that are not current. Open/syncd indicates the logical volume is open and synchronized. Closed indicates the logical volume has not been opened. Mount Point File system mount point for the logical volume, if ap- plicable. -i Reads volume group names from standard input. -M Lists the following fields for each logical volume on the phy- sical volume: PVname:PPnum [LVname: LPnum [:Copynum] [PPstate]] PVname Name of the physical volume as specified by the system. PPnum Physical partition number. Physical partition numbers can range from 1 to 1016. LVname Name of the logical volume to which the physical partitions are allocated. Logical volume names must be system-wide unique names, and can range from 1 to 64 characters. LPnum Logical partition number. Logical partition numbers can range from 1 to 64,000. Copynum Mirror number. PPstate Only the physical partitions on the physical volume that are not current are shown as stale. -n DescriptorPhysicalVolume Accesses information from the specif- ic descriptor area of DescriptorPhysicalVolume. The information may not be current, since the information accessed with the -n flag has not been validated for the logical volumes. If you do not use the -n flag, the descriptor area from the physical volume that holds the most validated information is accessed, and there- fore the information that is displayed is current. The volume group need not be active when you use this flag. -o Lists only the active volume groups (those that are varied on). An active volume group is one that is available for use. Examples 1. To display the names of all active volume groups, enter: lsvg -o 2. To display the names of all volume groups within the system, enter: lsvg 3. To display information about volume group vg02, enter: lsvg vg02 The characteristics and status of both the logical and physical partitions of volume group vg02 are displayed. 4. To display the names, characteristics and status of all the logical volumes in volume group vg02, enter: lsvg -l vg02 Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. File /etc Directory where the lsvg command resides. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: logical volume, logical parti- tion, physical volume, physical partition, volume group. The Logical Volume Storage Overview explains the Logical Volume Manager, physical volumes, logical volumes, volume groups, organ- ization, ensuring data integrity, and understanding the alloca- tion characteristics. Related Information The chvg command, lspv command, lslv command, varyonvg com- mand. The Logical Volume Storage Overview explains the Logical Volume Manager, physical volumes, logical volumes, volume groups, organ- ization, ensuring data integrity, and understanding the alloca- tion characteristics. The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview explains the structure, main menus, and tasks that are done with SMIT. Using SMIT explains SMIT screens, how to navigate in the screens, and how to enter data. 4 emrcv Command (MVS/TSO) Purpose Receives files from an MVS/TSO host session. Syntax emrcv [ -a] [ -m] [ -r] [ -t] [ -v] [ -fFile] [ -wSeconds] -T" DataSetName [( MemberName ] [/ Password] [ TEXT] [ ASCII ] [ CRLF ] " Description The emrcv command (MVS/TSO) receives MVS/TSO host files on your workstation. Flags -? Displays the help screen for the emrcv command. Do not use -? with any other flag. -a Attaches a host file to the end of your workstation file. You must specify append when -fFile is the same as an existing workstation file name, or the file being transferred will replace the workstation file. -fFile Specifies the workstation file (path and file name) to be received. File may be any valid AIX Operating System file. If you do not specify this parameter, the system uses stdout. (By default, stdout corresponds to a display screen.) -m Monitors the file transfer process and displays the current se- quence number, duration, and number of bytes transferred. -r Allows the TEXT host option to translate each host line- separator to an AIX Operating System newline, but suppresses EBCDIC to ASCII translation. -t Times the file transfer process and displays the duration in seconds. -v Displays the product name, provides information about other flags, and periodically displays information about the file being transferred. -wSeconds Specifies the maximum amount of time to wait for a host response if the transmission stops before it is complete. The value of Seconds must be a number from 1 to 200. The default is 25 seconds. -T" " A required command line parameter that specifies the host information string for MVS/TSO. Put the information string in- side the quotation marks. Optional host parameters may be in- cluded in the string. Host Required Parameters Note: Host required parameters should be specified without spaces separating them. DataSetName A required positional parameter (the MVS/TSO file name). Single quotation marks may surround the combined data set name and MemberName to show that the user ID is not prefixed. (MemberName) The member name from which to read the file if the data set is a partitioned data set. The data set must exist. /Password Required if password protection was specified for the MVS/TSO data set. Optional Host Parameters ASCII Specifies that a host file be converted from EBCDIC to ASCII form during file transfer. The conversion occurs at the host, and the host uses the EBCDIC to ASCII translation table. CRLF Specifies that carriage return/line feed characters are line separators and that they be inserted during file transfer. TEXT Converts EBCDIC characters to ASCII, and host line- separator characters to AIX Operating System newline characters. This makes an EBCDIC file readable at your workstation. The conversion occurs at the workstation and the EBCDIC to ASCII translation table is used. If you use the TEXT option, you do not need to use the ASCII or CRLF options. Examples 1. To display help information for the emrcv command (MVS/TSO), enter: emrcv -? 2. To receive host data set member tso.samples(example1) as AIX file example1 with EBCDIC to ASCII translation, enter: emrcv -fexample1 -T"tso.samples(example1) TEXT" In the above example, the host data set member tso.samples(example1) is received as AIX file ( -f) example1. EBCDIC to ASCII translation ( TEXT) makes the host file readable at the workstation. 3. To receive host data set member tso.samples(example1) as AIX file example1, monitor the process, set a 30-second host timeout, with EBCDIC to ASCII translation, enter: emrcv -m -w30 -fexample1 -T"tso.samples(example1) TEXT" In the above example, the host data set member tso.samples(example1) is received as AIX file ( -f) example1. The process is monitored ( -m) and a 30-second host timeout ( -w) is set. EBCDIC to ASCII translation ( TEXT) makes the host file readable at the workstation. 4. To receive host data set member tso.samples(example1) with the password mypwd on the dataset, as AIX file example1, with EBCDIC to ASCII translation, enter: emrcv -fexample1 -T"tso.samples(example1)/mypwd TEXT" In the above example, the host data set member tso.samples(example1) with the password mypwd is received a -f) example1. EBCDIC to ASCII transla- tion makes the host file readable at the workstation. 5. To receive host sequential data set tso.files.text1 as AIX file /u/jdoe/text1, with EBCDIC to ASCII translation, and host line- separator characters replaced with ASCII carriage return/line feed characters, enter: emrcv -f/u/jdoe/text1 -T"tso.files.text1 ASCII CRLF" In the above example, the host sequential data set tso.files.text1 is received as AIX file ( -f) /u/jdoe/text1. EBCDIC to ASCII tr ASCII) is used and host line-separator characters have been replaced with ASCII carriage return/line feed characters ( CRLF). Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX 3278/79 Emulation/6000. File /usr/lib/em78 directory Contains the EM78 program. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: ASCII, EBCDIC, directory, file, host, parameter. For information on using the EM78 program, see 3278/79 Emulation Overview. Related Information The em78 command starts the EM78 program; the emkey command customizes the keyboard mapping, color, and field attributes for the EM78 emulator; the emrcv (VM/CMS), emsend (MVS/TSO), and emsend (VM/CMS) commands also transfer files between a host and a workstation. 5 termdef Command Purpose Queries terminal characteristics. Syntax termdef [ -c | -l | -t ] Description The termdef command identifies the current display type, the ac- tive lines setting, or the current columns setting. This simplifies the task of resetting the lines and columns when you switch fonts and the task of resetting the $TERM environment variable when you switch displays. The terminfo file defines the default number of lines and columns for each display, but the lines and columns can change depending upon which font is currently active. In addition, the $TERM environment variable does not automatical- ly reflect the display currently being used. Flags -c Returns the current column value. -l Returns the current line value. -t Returns the name of the current display (the default action). Example To set the $TERM environment variable according to the value of the currently active display, the following lines could be added to a login profile (the /etc/profile file): TERM_DEFAULT=hft TERM=`termdef` TERM=${TERM:-$TERM_DEFAULT} Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /bin/termdef Command file. /etc/profile Login profile. Suggested Reading Related Information The terminfo file. The hft special file. 5 mhmail Command Purpose Sends or receives mail. Syntax mhmail User ... [ -cc User ... ] [ -from User ... ] [ -sub- ject "String" ] [ -body "String" ] Description The mhmail command composes, sends, and incorporates messages. To incorporate a message, enter the mhmail command without any flags. The default folder is $HOME/inbox. If you specify user addresses, the mhmail command accepts text from your terminal and composes a message. You can end the mes- sage text by pressing the Ctrl-D key sequence. The mhmail com- mand sends a copy of the message to each specified address. Flags -body "String" Sends a message with the specified string as the body. You must enclose the string in quotes. When you specify the -body flag, the mhmail command does not accept text from the terminal. -cc User... Sends a copy of the message to the specified users. The mhmail command puts the addresses in the cc: field. -from User... Places the specified user address in the From: field of the message. -help Displays help information for the command. -subject "String" Places the specified text string in the Subject: field of the message. Examples 1. To incorporate new mail into the default mail folder, $USER/Mail/inbox, enter: mhmail The system displays a message similar to the following: Incorporating new mail into inbox... 65+ 04/08 jim@athena.a Meeting < /dev/null" to: 48 8, 12, 16 * * * /bin/sh -c "/usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.admin > /dev/null" The 48 notation represents minutes, the 8,12,16 notation represents hours based on the 24-hour clock, and the three aster- isks (* * *) are placeholders representing the day of the month, the month of the year, and the day of the week, respectively. This line therefore instructs the cron daemon to run the uudemon.admin command daily at 48 minutes past the hours 800, 1200, and 1600-that is, at 8:48 a.m., 12:48 p.m., and 4:48 p.m. respectively. Note: These run intervals are defaults. By altering them, you can change the times at which the cron daemon executes the uudemon.admin command to fit the needs of your site. Implementation Specifics This command is part of the Basic Network Utilities Program (BNU) in BOS Extensions 1 of AIX for RISC System/6000. Files /usr/lib/uucp directory Contains the uudemon.admin command and the configuration files for BNU. /etc/locks directory Contains lock files which prevent multiple uses of devices and multiple calls to systems. /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp file Schedules BNU jobs, including the uudemon.admin command, for the cron daemon. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: shell procedure (shell script). Using BNU Maintenance Commands Related Information The cron daemon. The uustat command. 5 verifysna Command Purpose Verifies cross-dependencies within the SNA configuration data- base. Syntax verifysna Description The verifysna command verifies cross-dependencies within the SNA configuration database and reports all potential discrepancies to the user. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit verifysna Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Systems Network Architecture Ser- vices/6000. This command is not available for Japanese Language Support. Files /usr/bin Directory in which the verifysna command resides. Suggested Reading Related Information "Verifying Profiles" The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview. 5 rptalert Command Purpose Generates an alert report that can be printed out on standard output or any compatible printer. Also activates concurrent alert reporting. Syntax rptalert [ [ [ -c [ -b ] ] -d -s -p PrintDevice -f File -a AlertName -D MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY -N Number1 Number2 -F Node ... -X Node ... -R ] Description Alert reports are generated from the alert records stored in the alert log specified in the AlertName parameter that follows the -a flag. You can generate reports independent of the Alert Manager program operation except when you request the concurrent reporting option by setting the -c flag. You can generate a history report of alerts from an alert log, print the report on a compatible printer, display the report on the screen, and save the report as a file. Flags -a AlertName The AlertName variable identifies the name of the alert log whose alert records provide the information necessary to generate an alert report. You can specify the alertlog_bak file if you want a report based upon the previously-backed-up alert log. The concurrent reporting option invoked by the -c flag uses the alert log utilized by the currently-active Alert Manager program. If the specified log does not exist, or if any other log is specified for concurrent reporting, an error message is returned. The alertlog log file is the default value for the AlertName variable. -b Rings the high function terminal (hft) bell five times whenever an alert report is sent to standard output. The terminal bell command is located in /usr/bin/tput/bel. This option is only valid when the -c flag is also set. It is ignored when the -s flag is set. -c Activates the concurrent alert reporting option. As each alert record is logged into the alert log, a corresponding report is generated and sent to the standard output (your display screen) or a specified printer. Note: The Alert Manager program must be running before this com- mand is invoked with the -c flag. If the Alert Manager program is not running, an error message is returned. -D MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY Specifies the starting and ending date for alert records to be used in generating an alert report. The first MM/DD/YY variable specifies the starting date (in two-digit month/day/year format). The second MM/DD/YY variable specifies an ending date in the same format. The default option is to select all the alert records in the alert log for report process- ing. The following variations are permitted: * If only one date is provided, the resulting alert report in- cludes alert reports from the specified date to the current date. * If the same date is repeated in both positions, a report is gen- erated for that date only. -d Requests the detailed report option. The default option is the summary report. -F Node ... The Node ... variable specifies the node ID's (node numbers) of each of the alert records selected for generating an alert report. You can specify a single node ID for a report of the alerts generated only by that node. The default option is to select alert records from all nodes for report processing. Note: The value of the Node parameter is the name assigned to a Network Management/6000 node by the uname -S command. The Alert Manager program uses this name when building the hierarchical subvector in generic alerts. Thus, the Alerts-Dynamic Display screen of the Network Problem Determination Aid (NPDA) program in the S/370 host NetView product displays the name under the RESNAME field. Due to the architectural limitation by the SNA, only the first eight characters are used for the field. There- fore, the node ID may be truncated if the node ED value shown by the uname -n command is longer than eight characters. If the node is on the TCP/IP network, the user should set the node ID to be the same as the TCP/IP hostname. -f File The File variable identifies the name of the file in which to save the generated alert report. You must supply the full pathname for the file, including all preceding directories and subdirectories. If the -c flag is also set, each alert report is concatenated into the file as it is generated. The default is not to save the alert report. -N Number1 Number2 The Number1 variable specifies the starting se- quence number of the alert records selected for generating an alert report. The Number2 variable specifies the ending sequence number. The default option is to select all the alert records in the alert log for report processing. The following variations are permitted: * If only one sequence number is provided, the resulting alert re- port includes alert reports from the specified sequence number to the most recent alert record. * If the same sequence number is repeated in both positions, a re- port is generated for that record only. -p PrintDevice The PrintDevice variable identifies the device on which the alert report is printed. No validity check is made for the entered print queue. The default option is to ignore this flag and not print the report. -R When this flag is set, the Alert Manager program cleans up the Inter-Process Call (IPC) message queue, allowing a clean recovery from a previously-halted rptalert -c command. Note: The IPC message queue (created by a previous invocation of the rptalert -c command) requires cleaning whenever the rptalert process is halted (with CTRL-C or an AIX kill -9 command) before it can shut down the IPC cleanly. -s Supresses displaying the alert report on the screen. The de- fault option is to display the report on the screen. -X Node ... The Node ... variable specifies the node ID's (node numbers) of each of the alert records to be excluded from the alert report. You can specify a single node ID to exclude an in- dividual node from the report. The default option is to include alert records from all nodes for report processing. Note: The -F flag and the -X flag are both useful for Alert Manager collection point nodes. However, you can generate an alert report at an entry point node using an alert log taken from a collection point node or even using a history alert log merged from several Alert Manager alert logs. Security Privilege Control: root user. Examples 1. To run a concurrent alert report with the hft bell on and a de- tailed report written to standard output (the display screen) as well as printed on the lp0 line printer, invoke the following variation of the rptalert command: rptalert -c -b -d -p lp0 2. The following command generates a detailed alert report for the prtserver and fileserver nodes for the month of April using the alertlog_hist file, and puts the results into the /u/netmgr/alert.aprilreport file. (The report is not going to be printed on the display screen because the -s flag is set): rptalert -d -s -f /u/netmgr/alert.aprilreport -a alertlog_hist -D 04/01/90 04/30/90 -F prtserver fileserver Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Network Management/6000. Files /etc/objrepos/alertlog Alert Manager Alert Log File /etc/objrepos/alertlog_bak Alert Manager Alert Log Backup File Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The Alert Manager Overview for Network Management contains addi- tional information about network alerts. Related Information The startam command, stopam command. List of Alert Manager Commands for Network Management. 5 test Command Purpose Evaluates conditional expressions. Syntax test Expression | [ Expression ] Description The test command evaluates Expression and, if its value is true, returns a zero (true) exit value. Otherwise it returns a nonzero (false) exit value. The test command also returns a nonzero exit value if there are no parameters. Note: In the second form of the command, the [ ] (square brackets) must be surrounded by blank spaces. The functions and operators are treated as separate parameters by the test command. Expression refers to a statement that is checked for a true or false condition. The following functions are used to construct Expression: -r Filename True if the specified file exists and has read permis- sion. -w Filename True if the specified file exists and has write per- mission. -x Filename True if the specified file exists and has execute per- mission. -f Filename True if the specified file exists and is a regular file. -d Filename True if the specified file exists and is a directory. -c Filename True if the specified file exists and is a character special file. -b Filename True if the specified file exists and is a block spe- cial file. -p Filename True if the specified file exists and is a named pipe (FIFO). -u Filename True if the specified file exists and its set-user-ID bit is set. -g Filename True if the specified file exists and its set-group-ID -k Filename True if the specified file exists and its sticky bit is set. -s Filename True if the specified file exists and has a size greater than zero. -t [FileDescriptor] True if the open file with the specified file descriptor number (1 by default) is associated with a workstation device. -z String1 True if the length of string String1 is zero. -n String1 True if the length of the string String1 is nonzero. String1 = String2 True if strings String1 and String2 are identi- cal. String1 != String2 True if strings String1 and String2 are not identical. String1 True if String1 is not the null string. Integer1 -eq Integer2 True if the integers Integer1 and Integer2 are algebraically equal. Any of the comparisons -ne, -gt, -ge, -lt, and -le can be used in place of -eq. These functions can be combined with the following operators: ! Unary negation operator. -a Binary AND operator. -o Binary OR operator (-a has higher precedence than -o). \(Expression\) Parentheses for grouping. Examples 1. To test whether a file exists and is not empty: if test ! -s "$1" then echo $1 does not exist or is empty. fi If the file specified by the first positional parameter to the shell procedure does not exist, an error message is displayed. If $1 exists, it displays nothing. Note that there must be a space between -s and the file name. The double quotation marks around $1 ensure that the test works properly even if the value of $1 is the empty string. If the double quotation marks are omitted and $1 is the empty string, the test command displays the error message test: param- eter expected. 2. To do a complex comparison: if [ $# -lt 2 -o ! -s "$1" ] then exit fi If the shell procedure was given fewer than two positional param- eters or the file specified by $1 does not exist, then the shell procedure is exited. The special shell variable $# represents the number of positional parameters entered on the command line that started this shell procedure. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /bin/test The path to the test command. /bin/bsh The path to the Bourne shell (bsh command). /bin/csh The path to the C shell (csh command). /bin/ksh The path to the Korn shell (ksh command). /bin/sh The path to the default shell (sh command). Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The Shells Overview, which describes shells in general, defines some terms that are helpful in understanding the AIX shells, and describes some of the more useful shell functions. Related Information The bsh command, csh command, find command, ksh command, sh command. 5 X Command Purpose Starts the X Server. Syntax X [ -a Number] [ -bp Color] [ -bs | -nobs] [ -c Number] [ -D File] [ -f Number] [ -fc Font] [ -fn Font] [ -fp Font] [ -help] [ -logo | nologo] [ -n :Number] [ -P[RowColumn] Number] [ -p Number] [ -r | r] [ -s Number] [ -su] [ -T] [ -t Number] [ -to Number] ] [ -wm] [ -wp Color] [ wrap | [ -wrapx] [ -wrapy]] Description The X command starts the X Server, which is a display server that runs on computers with bitmapped terminals. The X Server distri- butes user input to and accepts output requests from programs lo- cated either on the host system or on systems connected to it through a network. You may specify one or more of the display devices. If no display devices are specified, the device is assumed to be the device of the current hft. If the user specifies more than one display device, you must also specify the physical configuration of the displays. This is accomplished through the -P (Physical Location) flag. There must be one -P flag for each device. The -P flag associates the row and column of the device with the device number. The user can determine the device number with the lsdisp command. In the following example, the user has already performed the lsdisp command. Its results are shown for each display. This is an example of a two-tiered physical layout. The -P flags to specify this layout are: -P11 4 -P12 2 -P21 1 -P22 3 In this example, when the mouse is traveling top to bottom in Display 1 and reaches the border of Display 1 and Display 4, it will continue into Display 4 at the same x position. When it reaches the bottom edge of Display 4, if the -wrapy flag is set, it will appear at the top edge of Display 1 in the same x position. If the -wrapy flag is not set, it will stop. Display Display 1 3 Display Display 4 2 The following information is an example of a single-tiered physi- cal layout. The -P flags to specify this layout are: -P11 3 -P12 1 -P13 2 In this example, when a mouse is traveling left to right in Display 3 and reaches the border of Display 3 and 1, it will con- tinue in Display 1 at the same y position. When it reaches the border of Display 1 and Display 2, it will continue in Display 2 at the same y position. When it reaches the edge of Display 2, if the -wrapx flag is set, it will appear at the left-most edge of Display 3 in the same y position. If the -wrapx flag is not set, it will stop. Display Display Display 3 1 2 The following information is an example of an undefined physical layout. Display 1 Display Display 3 2 Flags The following flags have default values supplied with the pro- gram: -a Number Specifies the acceleration, a multiplier for mouse move- ment. For example, specifying 4 causes the cursor to move four times as fast as the mouse. The default is 4 pixels. The speci- fied value must be a positive value greater than zero. -bp Color Specifies a Blackpixel color for the display. The de- fault depends on the display. -bs Enables backing store support on all screens. This is the de- fault. -c Number Specifies the key click volume. The default is -1 or medium. The following values are supported: 0 off 1 - 33 low -1 or 34 - 66 medium 67 - 100 high -D File Specifies the full path name of the color definition data- base file. The default is /usr/lpp/X11/rgb/rgb. -f Number Specifies the beep volume. The default is -1 or medium. The supported values are the same as those supported for the -c Number flag. -fc Font Specifies the cursor font for cursor glyphs and cursor masks. The default depends on the operating system and the display. -fn Font Specifies the text font used as the default text font. The default depends on the operating system and the display. -fp Font Specifies the path for fonts. -help Prints a usage message. -logo Turns on the X Window System logo display in the screen saver. There is currently no way to change this from a client. -n :Number Specifies the connection number. Valid values for the Number parameter are 0 to 255. The default is the next available number. The Number parameter is used by pro- grams to communicate with a specific X Server. For example, the command: X -n :18 specifies that communication to the activated X Server takes place by unix:18 or by Hostname:18. -nobs Disables backing store support on all screens. The -bs flag is the default. nologo Turns off the X Window System logo display in the screen saver. There is currently no way to change this from a client. -P[Row][Column] [Number] Specifies the physical positioning of the displays. The Row parameter indicates the row the display is lo- cated in. The Column parameter indicates the column of the display. The Number parameter indicates the ID number of the display as returned from the lsdisp command. -p Number Specifies the time interval, in minutes, between changes of the X Window System logo position. This flag is used with the -s (screen saver timeout) flag to control the blanking of the screen. -r Disables auto repeat. The default is auto repeat enabled. r Turns on auto repeat. -s Number Specifies the number of minutes to wait until making the display blank. The default is 10 minutes. A specified value must be a number greater than 0, which is a valid value which disables the screen saver. -su Disables save under support on all screens. -T Disables the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace key sequence that, by default, terminates the X Server and all windows opened from it. -t Number Specifies the mouse threshold. The default is 2 pixels. Acceleration takes effect only if the mouse is moved beyond the mouse threshold in one time interval and only applies to the amount beyond the threshold. -to Number Specifies the number of minutes to elapse between con- nection checks. The default is 60 minutes. A specified value must be a positive number greater than zero. -wm Forces the default backing-store of all windows to have the WhenMapped value. This is a convenient way of getting backing store to apply to all windows. -wp Color Specifies a Whitepixel color for the display. The de- fault depends on the display. -wrap Specifies the behavior of the mouse when its hot spot reaches the left or right border or the top or bottom of any root window. If this flag is set and the hot spot of the mouse reaches the left border of the left-most root window, the mouse is automatically positioned at the right border of the right-most root window at the same y position. Conversely, if this flag is set and the hot spot of the mouse reaches the right border of the right-most root window, the mouse is automatically positioned at the left border of the left-most root window at the same y position. If this flag is not set, the mouse stops at the left or right border of any root window. Or if this flag is set and the hot spot of the mouse reaches the top border of the top-most root window, the mouse is automatically positioned at the bottom border of the bottom-most root window at the same x position. Conversely, if this flag is set and the hot spot of the mouse reaches the bottom border of the bottom-most root win- dow, the mouse is automatically positioned at the top border of the top-most root window at the same x position. -wrapx Specifies the behavior of the mouse when its hot spot reaches the left or right border of any root window. If this flag is set and the hot spot of the mouse reaches the left border of the left-most root window, the mouse is automatically posi- tioned at the right border of the right-most root window at the same y position. Conversely, if this flag is set and the hot spot of the mouse reaches the right border of the right-most root window, the mouse is automatically positioned at the left border of the left-most root window at the same y position. If this flag is not set, the mouse stops at the left or right border of any root window. -wrapy Specifies the behavior of the mouse when its hot spot reaches the top or bottom border of any root window. If this flag is set and the hot spot of the mouse reaches the top border of the top-most root window, the mouse is automatically posi- tioned at the bottom border of the bottom-most root window at the same x position. Conversely, if this flag is set and the hot spot of the mouse reaches the bottom border of the bottom-most root window, the mouse is automatically positioned at the top border of the top-most root window at the same x position. If this flag is not set, the mouse stops at the top or bottom border of any root window. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIXwindows Run Time Environment in AIXwindows Environment/6000. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Enhanced X-Windows Commands Overview Related Information The aixterm command, xclock command, xhost command, xinit command, xopen command. The lsdisp shell command. 5 mesg Command Purpose Permits or refuses write messages. Syntax mesg [ n | y ] Description The mesg command controls whether other users on the system can send messages to you with either the write command or the talk command. Called without arguments, the mesg command displays the current workstation message-permission setting. The shell start- up process permits messages by default. You can override this default action by including the line mesg n in your $HOME/.profile file. A user with root user authority can send write messages to any workstation, regardless of its message permission setting. Message permission has no effect on messages delivered through the electronic mail system ( send- mail). If you add mesg y to your $HOME/.profile, you will be able to re- ceive messages from other users via the write command or the talk command. If you add mesg n to your $HOME/.profile, you will not be able to receive messages from other users via the write command or the talk command. Flags n Allows only the root user the permission to send messages to your workstation. Use this form of the command to avoid having others clutter your display with incoming messages. y Allows all workstations on the local network the permission to send messages to your workstation. Examples 1. To allow only the root user the permission to send messages to your workstation, enter: mesg n 2. To allow everyone the permission to send messages to your workstation, enter: mesg y 3. To display what your current message permission setting is, enter: mesg Information similar to the following is displayed: is y In the previous example, the current message permission setting is y (allowing all users on the local network the permission to send messages to your workstation). If you had changed the mes- sage permission setting to n (allowing only the root user the permission to send messages to your workstation), information similar to the following would have been displayed: is n Implementation Specifics This command is part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime of AIX for RISC System/6000. Files /dev/tty* Supports the controlling terminal interface. $HOME/.profile Controls start-up processes and daemons. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: default, network, shell, workstation. Network Overview. Related Information The sendmail command, talk command, write command. 6 chsnalias Command Purpose Changes the description of an alias in the SNA configuration da- tabase. Syntax chsnalias -t ObjectType [ -l NewAlias ] [ -n NewName ] ObjectAlias Description The chsnalias command changes either or both of the following: * The profile to which an alias refers * The alias name of an existing alias in the SNA configuration da- tabase. The ObjectAlias parameter specifies the alias to be changed. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit chsnalias Flags -t ObjectType Specifies the profile type of the current alias. -l NewAlias Specifies the changed alias name. -n NewName Specifies the profile to which an alias refers. Examples 1. To change the alias name of ATTACH to ETHATTCH, enter: chsnalias -t attachment -l ETHATTCH ATTACH 2. To change the ETHATTCH alias from an alias for the Ethernet profile ETHNET2 to an alias for the Ethernet profile ETHNET1, enter: chsnalias -t attachment -n ETHNET1 ETHATTCH In this case, assume that ETHATTCH is an alias for ETHNET2. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Systems Network Architecture Ser- vices/6000. This command is not available for Japanese Language Support. Files /usr/bin Directory in which the chsnalias command resides. Suggested Reading Related Information The mksnalias command, rmsnalias command. The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview. 6 xinit Command Purpose Starts an X Server and clients with a single command. Syntax xinit [XOptions] Description The xinit command is a shell script which starts the X Server and any X client programs you need, specified by the XOptions param- eter, as listed in the X command. The xinit command uses a cus- tomizable shell script file which lists the X client programs to invoke. The xinit command runs the shell script $HOME/.xinitrc to start the client programs. If the $HOME/.xinitrc shell script is not found, the xinit command invokes the shell script /usr/lpp/X11/defaults/xinitrc. This default xinitrc shell script invokes commands such as the mwm (the window manager), the aixterm and the xclock com- mands. The xinit command performs the following operations: * Starts an X Server on the current display * Sets up the DISPLAY environment variable * Executes the xinitrc file to start the X client programs. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIXwindows Run Time Environment in AIXwindows Environment/6000. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Enhanced X-Windows Commands Overview AIXwindows Window Manager Overview Related Information The aixterm command, the X command. and the xclock command. 6 sthcondmn Command Purpose Starts the hcondmn subsystem. Syntax sthcondmn Description The sthcondmn command starts the hcondmn subsystem. If the Sys- tem Resource Controller (SRC) has not already been set up so that the hcondmn subsystem will be started at IPL time, the sthcondmn command also adds the necessary SRC instructions to the Object Data Manager (ODM) database files. The sthcondmn command can be used to start the subsystem after installing the 3270 Host Connection Program (HCON), instead of restarting the system. In addition, the sthcondmn command can be used to start the hcondmn subsystem on a client of a codeserver, if HCON is to be run in a codeserver environment. Note: You must have root user authority to run the sthcondmn com- mand. Example 1. To start the hcondmn subsystem on a RISC System/6000, enter: /usr/lib/hcon/sthcondmn Implementation Specifics This command is part of the AIX 3270 Host Connection Program/6000 (HCON). File /usr/lib/hcon/sthcondmn Complete path name of the sthcondmn com- mand. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: client, subsystem. Installing and Updating HCON outlines the procedures for instal- ling HCON. Understanding HCON Processes discusses the hcondmn subsystem. Related Information How to Install HCON discusses HCON installation procedures. How to Set Up HCON in a Codeserver Environment provides informa- tion on installing HCON on a codeserver. How to Stop the hcondmn Subsystem discusses stopping the hcondmn subsystem. 6 slattach Command Purpose Attaches serial lines as network interfaces. Syntax /etc/slattach [ +i | -i ] TTYName [ BaudRate [ Dial- String ] ] Description The slattach command is used to assign a tty line to a network interface. Note: Only a person with net.config privileges may issue the slattach command. To detach the interface, use the ifconfig InterfaceName down command after terminating the slattach command. The InterfaceName parameter is the name that is shown by the netstat command. Note: You may also need to make an entry for the tty device in the BNU /usr/lib/uucp/ Devices file. Flags +i Turns Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP) packet drop on. With ICMP drop on, the connection drops any ICMP packets to be sent. -i Turns ICMP packet drop off. With ICMP drop off, the connection sends all ICMP packets. The default options is -i. Parameters TTYName A string of the form ttyxx or /dev/ttyxx. BaudRate Sets the speed of the connection. The default speed is 9600. DialString A string of expect/respond sequences using the BNU/UUCP chat syntax. Example 1. To attach the SLIP network interface to the tty1 port with a direct connection, issue the following command: ./etc/slattach /dev/tty1 This command attaches tty1 to a network interface to be used by the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP). 2. To attach the SLIP network interface to tty1 using a modem con- nection, issue the following command: /etc/slattach /dev/tty1 9600 `""AT OK \pATF1 OK \pATDT34335 \ CONNECT""' Implementation Specifics This command is part of the TCP/IP in Network Support Facilities in AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. File /usr/lib/uucp/ Devices Lists definitions of devices used for re- mote connections. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: network address, network interface, protocol. Understanding Network Interfaces for TCP/IP. Related Information The ifconfig command, netstat command. 6 pdelay Command Purpose Enables or reports the availability of delayed login ports. Syntax pdelay [ -a ] [ Device ] Description The pdelay command enables delayed ports. Delayed ports are en- abled like shared ports, except that the login herald is not displayed until you type one or more characters (usually carriage returns). If a port is directly connected to a remote system or connected to an intelligent modem, it is enabled as a delayed port to prevent the getty command from talking to a getty on the remote side or to the modem on a local connection. This action conserves system resources. This statement is equivalent to pdelay enabled=delay. If you do not specify a Device parameter, the pdelay command reports the names of the currently enabled ports. Use the Device parameter to specify the ports to be enabled. Permitted values for the Device parameter include: * Full device name, such as the /dev/tty1 device. * Simple device name, such as the tty1 device. * Number such as 1 (one). This is equivalent to the /dev/tty1 device. Flag -a Enables all ports as delayed. Example To display the names of the delayed ports that are currently en- abled, enter: pdelay Files /etc/locks Contains lock files for the pshare and pdelay commands. /etc/pdelay Specifies the command file. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: delayed port, enable, modem, port. Related Information The getty command, init command, pdisable command, penable command, phold command, pshare command, pstart command. 6 whois Command Purpose Identifies a user by user ID or alias. Syntax whois [ .] [ !] [ name] [ name...] whois help Description The whois command searches a user name directory and displays in- formation about the user ID or nickname which was passed to it. To obtain information, the whois command examines a user name directory. The whois command tries to reach sri-nic.arpa and will work only when this host is reached. Thus, this command should be used only by users on ARPANET. Note: If your network is on a national network, such as ARPANET, the host name is hard-coded as "sri-nic.arpa". Your system ad- ministrator can tell you if your particular network is connected to a national network. Flags . Displays information for only the name that you entered. ! Displays help information for a nickname or handle ID that you entered. help Displays help information for the whois command. Parameters name Represents the user ID or nickname to perform a directory search for. name... Performs a wild card search for names that begin with the letters before the ... Examples 1. To display information about ARPANET registered users by the name of Smith, enter: whois Smith 2. To display information about ARPANET registered users that use the handle Hobo, enter: whois !Hobo 3. To display information about ARPANET registered users with the name of John Smith, enter: whois .Smith, John 4. To display information about ARPANET registered users whose names or handles begin with the letters HEN, enter: whois HEN... 5. To get help information for the whois command, enter: whois help Implementation Specifics This command is part of the TCP/IP Facility in Network Facilities of AIX for RISC System/6000. Files /etc/named.boot Contains configuration information for nameserver. /usr/ucb/whois Command executable file. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary terms: nickname, user ID, node. Network Overview. Related Information The who command. 6 trace Daemon Purpose Records selected system events. Syntax trace [ -a | -f | -l] [ -d] [ -h] [ -j Event[,Event]] [ -k Event[,Event]] [ -m Message] [ -oName] [ -o-] [ -s] [ -LSize] [ -TSize] Description The trace daemon configures a trace session and starts the col- lection of system events. The data collected by the trace func- tion is recorded in the trace log. A report from the trace log can be generated with the trcrpt command. By default, the trace daemon is interactive with subcommands for controlling the trace session. Once a trace session is con- sidered, use the trcoff and trcon subcommands to stop and restart the collection of trace data. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the trace daemon. To use SMIT, enter: smit trace Flags The trace daemon has three mode flags: -a, asynchronous mode, trace does not accept subcommands; the -f, sin- gle mode, the collection of trace data stops as soon as a full buffer of trace data has been collected; -l flag, circular mode, saves only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Runs trace in an asynchronous mode. The trace daemon does not accept subcommands when run asynchronously. Use the trcstop com- mand to stop the trace session. -d Disables the automatic start of trace data collection. Delays starting of trace data collection. Normally, the collection of trace data starts automatically when you issue the trace daemon. Use the trcon subcommand or the INTERRUPT signal to start the collection of trace data. -f Runs trace in an single mode. Causes the collection of trace data to stop as soon as a full buffer of trace data is collected. The trace data is then written to the trace log. Use the trcon subcommand to restart trace data collection and capture another full buffer of data. If you issue the trcoff subcommand before the buffer is full, trace data collection is stopped and the current contents of the buffer are written to the trace log. -h Omits the header record from the trace log. Normally, the trace daemon writes a header record with the date and time (from the date command) at the beginning of the trace log, the user's login identification (from the logname command), the system name, version and release, the node identification, and the machine identification (from the uname -a command), and a user-defined message. At the beginning of the trace log, the in- formation from the header record is included in the output of the trcrpt command. -j Event[,Event] Specifies the user-defined events for which you want to collect trace data. The Event list items can be separated by commas or enclosed in double quotation marks and separated by commas or blanks. -k Event[,Event] Specifies the user-defined events for which you want to exclude trace data. The Event list items can be separated by commas or enclosed in double quotation marks and separated by commas or blanks. -l Runs trace in an circular mode. Saves only the last buffer of trace data collected. Causes the trace daemon to write trace data to the trace log when the collection of trace data is stopped. Use the trcoff subcommand to stop the collection of trace data. In this mode, the trace data wraps within the in- memory trace buffer. After the buffer fills up, each new trace event is written over the oldest trace event in the buffer. The buffer always contains the most recent events. When you stop trace data collection using the trcoff subcommand, restart it us- ing the trcon subcommand. -m Message Specifies text to be included in the message field of the trace log header record. -o Name Overrides the /usr/adm/ras/trcfile default trace log file and writes trace data to the Name file. -o - Overrides the default trace log name and writes trace data to standard output. -s Stops tracing when the trace log fills. The trace daemon nor- mally wraps the trace log when it fills up and continues to col- lect trace data. This flag causes trace to stop trace data col- lection and exit. -L Size Overrides the default trace log file size of 1MB with the value of the Size parameter. Note: In the interactive and circular modes the log file size must be at least twice the trace buffer size. In single mode the trace buffer size must be smaller than the log file size. -T Size Overrides the default trace buffer size of 128KB with the value of the Size parameter. Note: In the interactive and circular modes the buffer size must be less than half the log file size. In single mode the trace buffer size must be smaller than the log file size. Subcommands The following subcommands are used with the trace daemon to start or stop trace data collection, run shell commands, or end a trace session. trcon Starts the collection of trace data. trcoff Stops the collection of trace data. q or quit Stops the collection of trace data and exits the trace daemon. ! Command Runs the shell command specified by the Command parameter. ? Displays the summary of trace daemon subcommands. Signals The INTERRUPT signal acts as a toggle to start and stop the col- lection of trace data. Interruptions are set to SIG_IGN for the traced process. Examples 1. To trace system events during the run of the mycmd command, enter: trace > !mycmd > q 2. To trace the initial system events that occur during the run of the mycmd command and include a message in the trace log header, enter: trace -f -m "Trace of initial system events during mycmd" > !mycmd > q trace > !mycmd1 > trcoff > trcon > !mycmd2 > trcoff > q File /usr/adm/ras/trcfile Default trace log file. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The Trace Facility Overview. The following glossary entries: buffer, call, daemon, de- fault, event, field, file, function, header record, header, interactive, interrupt, kernel, list, log, message, mode, option, output, parameter, process, record, run, session, shell, signal, size, subcommand, system, text, toggle, trace log, trace. Related Information The trchk subroutine, trcgen subroutine, trcstart subroutine, trcon subroutine, trcoff subroutine, trcstop subroutine. The trcgenk kernel service. The Trace Facility Overview. 6 chvfs Command Purpose Changes entries in the /etc/vfs file. Syntax chvfs VFSEntry Description The chvfs command changes /etc/vfs file entries by specifying the following fields within the VFSEntry parameter. The VFSEntry parameter is composed of the following fields: VFSName:VFSNumber: Any of the fields in the VFSEntry can be null, with the exception of the VFSName field. If all of the arguments are satisfactory, the entry in the /etc/vfs file is changed. Parameter VFSEntry A string in the following format: VFSName:VFSNumber: VFSName The name of a virtual file system type. VFSNumber The virtual file system type's internal number as known by the kernel. MountHelper The name of the back end used to mount a file system of this type. FileSystemHelper The name of the back end used by certain file system specific commands to perform operations on a file system of this type. Example 1. To change the file system helper for the vfs entry named newvfs, enter: chvfs "newvfs:::/etc/helper/testhelper" The missing fields are left unchanged. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. File /etc/vfs Contains descriptions of virtual file system types. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: stanza. The File Systems Overview explains file system types, manage- ment, structure, and maintenance. Related Information The lsvfs command, crvfs command, rmvfs command, mount com- mand. The File Systems Overview explains file system types, manage- ment, structure, and maintenance. 6 tapechk Command Purpose Performs consistency checking of the streaming tape device. Syntax tapechk [ -? ] Number1 Number2 Description The tapechk command performs rudimentary consistency checking on an attached streaming tape device. Some hardware malfunctions with a streaming tape drive can be detected by simply reading a tape. The tapechk command provides a way to perform tape reads on the file level. Since the streaming tape drive cannot backspace over physical data blocks or files, the tapechk command rewinds the tape to its starting position prior to each check. This command either checks data for the next number of files specified by the Number1 parameter or skips the next number of files specified by the Number2 parameter. If you do not specify any parame- ters, the tapechk command rewinds the tape and checks only the first physical block. The tapechk command uses the device in the TAPE environment vari- able if it is defined. Otherwise, the default tape device is /dev/rmt0. Note: The backup command allows you to archive files selectively or as an entire file system. It writes data as a continuous stream terminated by a file mark, regardless of the number of files specified. The tapechk command perceives each stream of data as a single file. This is important when you specify numer- ic parameters with the tapechk command. Although you can use the tapechk command on any streaming tape cartridge, it is primarily designed for checking tapes written by the backup command. Flag -? Explains the format of the tapechk command. Note: If you specify the -? flag, it must be specified before the Number1 and Number2 parameters. Example To check the first three files on a streaming tape device, enter: tapechk 3 Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. File /usr/bin/tapechk Specifies the command file. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary terms: physical data block, streaming tape device. Related Information The backup command. The rmt special file. 6 rusersd Daemon Purpose Responds to queries from the rusers command. Syntax /usr/etc/rpc.rusersd Description The rusersd daemon is a server that responds to queries from the rusers command by returning a list of users currently on the network. This daemon is normally invoked by the inetd daemon. Implementation Specifics This daemon is part of NFS in Network Support Facilities in Base Operating System Runtime. Files /etc/inetd.conf TCP/IP configuration file that starts RPC daemons and other TCP/IP daemons /etc/utmp Contains information on users logged into the system. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: daemon, server. For more information about NFS, see Network File System (NFS) Overview for System Management. Related Information The rusers command. The inetd daemon. Alphabetical List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands, Func- tional List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands. 7 inc Command Purpose Incorporates new mail into a folder. Syntax inc [ + Folder ] [ -noaudit | -audit File ] [ -changecur | -nochangecur ] [ -form FormFile | -format String ] [ -file File ] [ -truncate | -notruncate ] [ -nosilent | -silent ] [ -width Number ] Description The inc command incorporates incoming mail into a folder and then outputs a list of the messages incorporated. A folder is an AIX directory. By default, the inc command removes all of the new messages from your mail drop and places them in the specified folder. To incorporate new mail without deleting the mail drop, use the -notruncate flag. If the specified folder does not exist, the inc command prompts you for permission to create it. The system creates the folder as a subdirectory of the user's MH directory. The default folder is inbox. Note: If you do not have a Path: entry specified in your .mh_profile file, the inc command creates the folder as a subdirectory of the current directory. The system assigns new messages consecutive message numbers starting with the next highest number in the folder. Each new message receives the protection code specified in the Msg-Protect: entry in your .mh_profile file. If the Msg-Protect: entry does not exist, a protection code of 644 is assigned. If the Unseen-Sequence: entry exists, new mes- sages are added to each sequence specified by the entry. Flags -audit File Copies the current date to the specified file and ap- pends the output of the inc command to the file. -changecur Sets the first new message as the current message for the specified folder. This flag is the default. -file File Incorporates messages from the specified file instead of the user's maildrop. +Folder Specifies the folder to place new messages into. By de- fault, the system creates a subdirectory called inbox in the user's MH directory. -form FormFile Identifies a file that contains an alternate output format for the inc command. -format String Specifies a string that defines an alternate output format for the inc command. -help Displays help information for the inc command. -noaudit Suppresses recording of information about the incorpora- tion of new messages. This is the default. -nochangecur Prevents alteration of the current message for the specified folder. -nosilent Prompts the user for any necessary information. This flag is the default. -notruncate Prevents clearing of the mailbox or file from which the inc command is taking new messages. If the -file flag is specified, the -notruncate flag is the default. -silent Prevents prompting by the inc command for information. This flag is useful for running the inc command in the back- ground. -truncate Clears the mailbox or file from which the inc command is taking new messages. If the -file flag is not specified, the -truncate flag is the default. -width Number Sets the number of columns in the command output. The default is the width of the display. Profile Entries The following entries are entered in the UserMhDirectory/.mh_profile file: Alternate-Mailboxes: Specifies alternate mailboxes. Folder-Protect: Sets the protection level for new folder direc- tories. Msg-Protect: Sets the protection level for new message files. Path: Specifies the user's MH directory. Unseen-Sequence: Specifies the sequences used to keep track of un- seen messages. Examples 1. To incorporate new mail into the default mail folder, inbox, enter: inc If the inbox folder exists, the system displays a message similar to the following: Incorporating new mail into inbox... 65+ 04/08 jim@athena.a Meeting < AIXOutputFile Description The ebxa command reads EBCDIC character data from standard input and writes the translated AIX character data to standard output. The EBCDICInputFile parameter is the name of a file which con- tains EBCDIC text data and the AIXOutputFile is the name of the file to which the translated data is written. The EBCDIC to AIX translation is performed using the translation table named by the value of the NLIN environment variable. If the NLIN environment is not set or is not valid, the translation is performed using the default universal translation. The genxlt command can be used to create a translation table. Example 1. To convert EBCDIC characters to AIX using the table created by the genxlt command, enter: ebxa < hostfile > hostfile.aixascii Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: EBCDIC character, EBCDIC, character, environment variable, environment, file, input, name, output, table, text, translation table, translation. Related Information The environment file. The axeb command, genxlt command. 7 lslicense Command Purpose Displays the maximum number of users which can be concurrently logged in. Syntax lslicense [ -c ] Description The lslicense command displays the number of users which can be concurrently logged on according to the one time AIX license fee for the system. Flag -c Puts the output in colon ( : ) form. Examples 1. To display the number of licensed users, enter: lslicense 2. To display the number of licensed users in a colon format, enter: lslicense -c Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: display, format, output, sys- tem. Related Information The chlicense command. 7 x_chg_trm_120 Command Purpose Changes the characteristics of an Xstation 120. Syntax x_chg_trm_120 120 Name TypeName Address Server Time Device Pan Mode Host Program Description The x_chg_trm_120 command changes, for the current host, the characteristics of the Xstation specified by the Name parameter, and stores the changed configuration in the /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/x_st_mgrd.cf file, the /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/x_st_mgrd.tmty file, and the /etc/bootptab file. Parameters that can be changed are: 120 Specifies the Xstation model. This command can be used only for an Xstation 120. Name Specifies the name of the Xstation. The Name parameter can be up to 8 characters long and include the lower case letters a through z, the numbers 0 through 9, the - (dash) and the . (period). Name can be a user name, such as taylor, or a group name with a number appended, such as graphs-2, and should identi- fy an Xstation by its location in the work place or by the pri- mary user's name. Name is stored in the /etc/hosts file. Note: Name should not start with a lowercase or an uppercase o or a lowercase or uppercase x, followed by an octal or hexadecimal numeric. These characters are interpreted as octal or hexade- cimal numbers, instead of as a terminal name. In the examples x3 and xE4, the 3 and the E4 are hexadecimal numerics. TypeName Specifies the name you create to identify the type of network protocol. The TypeName parameter must contain the prefix x_st_mgr. and can include an identifier for the type of network protocol, such as ether (for ethernet), tr (for token ring) or 802 (for IEEE 802.3). An example is x_st_mgr.ether. The name of the network type is stored in the /etc/bootptab file. Address Specifies the hardware address of the Xstation. This ad- dress appears on the LAN Statistics screen of the Xstation. Each Xstation has a unique 6-byte hexadecimal hardware address, in XXXXXXXXXXXX format, and cannot be changed by the user. Server Identifies the Xstation as a primary or secondary boot server. Two options are valid: y for a primary server and n for a secondary server. Time Specifies the number of seconds a boot server must wait be- fore answering a boot-protocol broadcast request. The valid number for a primary server is 00, since there is no delay time. For a secondary server, refer to the number range in SMIT. Device Specifies the input device. Device must be mouse or tablet. Pan Specifies whether the hardware pan feature is enabled or dis- abled. The hardware pan feature allows the Xstation to use all the additional video memory for a display area that appears when the user pans the cursor to the edge of the screen. Two options are valid: y enables and n disables the pan feature. Mode Specifies the mode used by X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP). XDMCP uses the xdm program to facilitate the connection of an X terminal to a remote host. XDMCP also allows the user to turn an Xterminal off and on again and still maintain an esta- blished connection to the remote host. Valid options are: broadcast Sends a message to the network and waits for an xdmcp host to respond. direct Directs a request to an xdmcp manager known to the Xsta- tion. indirect Sends an indirect request to an xdmcp manager that main- tains a list of xdmcp hosts. The manager assigns an xdmcp host to respond to the Xstation. off No X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP). Host Specifies the internet (IP) address of the xdmcp host used for direct or indirect communication with the Xstation. Valid options are none or the internet address of an xdmcp host. If XDMCP is not used or if broadcast mode is used, the value of Host is none. The internet address of an xdmcp host must be specified if Mode is direct or indirect. Program Identifies the startup program. This program should be the aixterm command with selected options. The startup confi- guration is stored in the /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/x_st_mgrd.cf file. Security User management is responsible for evaluation, selection, and im- plementation of security features. Example To change, the characteristics of Xstation xor1 for the current host, so that the new hardware address is 10005ac9999 but the other characteristics remain unchanged from those defined with the x_add_trm_120 command, enter: x_chg_trm_120 120 xor1 x_st_mgr.ether 10005ac9999 y \ 00 mouse n off none \ /usr/bin/X11/bin/aixterm -W \ -e /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/login It is necessary to repeat the previously defined parameters that you do not want to change. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Xstation Manager/6000. Files /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/x_st_mgrd.cf The Xstation Manager configura- tion file. /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr/bin/x_st_mgrd.tmty The terminal list file. /etc/bootptab The boot protocol table. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: boot, current host, gateway host, host, Internet Protocol (IP), network, port, protocol, server, subnet address mask. Related Information The aixterm command, bootpd command, login command, x_add_trm_120 command, x_add_trm_130 command, x_chg_net command, x_chg_trm_130 command, x_def_net command, x_ls_trm command, x_ls_net command, x_rm_net command, x_rm_trm command, xset command. 7 biff Command Purpose Enables or disables mail notification during the current session. Syntax biff [ y | n] Description The biff command informs the system whether or not you want to be notified when mail arrives during the current terminal session. When mail notification is enabled, From and Subject header lines and the first seven lines or 560 characters of the message are displayed on the screen whenever mail arrives. The biff y com- mand is often included in the $HOME/.login or $HOME/.profile file to be executed each time the user logs in. The biff n command disables notification. The biff command operates asynchronously. For synchronous notif- ication, use the MAIL variable of either the ksh command, bsh command, or the csh command. Flags y Enables mail notification. n Disables mail notification. Examples 1. To display the current setting, enter: biff 2. To be notified during the current terminal session whenever mail arrives, enter the following statement in your $HOME/.login or $HOME/.profile file: biff y The From and Subject header lines and the first seven lines or 560 characters of the message are displayed on the screen whenev- er mail arrives. Implementation Specifics This command is part of the Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime of AIX for RISC System/6000. Files $HOME/.login $HOME/.profile /usr/ucb/biff biff Command executable file Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: directory, mail, message, profile, session, terminal Mail Overview. Related Information The comsat daemon, mail command. 7 next Command Purpose Shows the next message. Syntax next [ +Folder ] [ -header | -noheader ] [ -showproc CommandString | ] -noshowproc ] Description The next command displays the number the system will assign to the next message that is incorporated into a folder. This com- mand is equivalent to the show command with next specified as the message. The next command links to the show program and also passes any switches on to the showproc program. If you link to next and call that link something other than next, your link will function like the show command, rather than like the next command. The show command passes any flags that it does not recognize to the program performing the listing. Thus, you can specify flags for the listing program, as well as the flags described in this command section. Flags +Folder Specifies the folder that contains the message you want to show. -header Displays a one-line description of the message being shown. The description includes the folder name and the message number. This is the default. -help Displays help information for the command. -noheader Prevents display a one-line description of each message being shown. -noshowproc Uses the /bin/cat file to perform the listing. This is the default. -showproc CommandString Uses the specified command string to per- form the listing. Profile Entries The following profile entries are part of the .mh_profile file: Current-Folder: Sets your default current folder. Path: Specifies your UserMhDirectory. showproc: Specifies the program used to show messages. Examples 1. To see the next message in the current folder, enter: next The system responds with a message similar to the following: (Message schedule: 10) The text of the message is also displayed. In this example, mes- sage 10 in the current folder schedule is the next message. 2. To see the next message in the project folder, enter: next +project The system responds with the text of the message 5 and a header similar to the following: (Message project: 5) Implementation Specifics This command is part of Message Handler in the Base Operating System (BOS) Extensions 1 of AIX for RISC System/6000. Files $HOME/.mh_profile file Specifies a user's MH profile. /usr/bin/next file Contains the executable form of the next com- mand. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: default, file, flag, folder, format, mes- sage. Message Handler (MH) Overview. Mail Overview. Related Information The prev command, show command. The mh_alias file format, mh_profile file format. 7 rmsnalias Command Purpose Removes the alias for a specified profile from the SNA configura- tion database. Syntax rmsnalias -t ObjectType ObjectAlias Description The rmsnalias command removes the ObjectAlias for a profile of type ObjectType from the SNA configuration database. The ObjectAlias parameter specifies the name of the alias to remove. Flags -t ObjectType Specifies the ObjectType of the profile for which the alias is to be deleted. Example To remove an alias, using the rmsnalias command, enter: rmsnalias -t attachment ETHATTCH This removes the ETHATTCH alias from its attachment profile. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Systems Network Architecture Ser- vices/6000. This command is not available for Japanese Language Support. Files /usr/bin Directory in which the rmsnalias command resides. Suggested Reading Related Information The mksnalias command, chsnalias command. 7 lsmaster Command Purpose Displays the characteristics for the configuration of an NIS mas- ter server. Syntax /usr/etc/lsmaster [ -c | -l ] Description The lsmaster command displays the characteristics of an NIS mas- ter server. The host names of the slave servers are listed along with the currently served domains. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit lsmaster Flags -c Specifies that the output should be in colon format. This flag is the default. -l Specifies that the output should be in list format. Example To list the NIS master server characteristics in colon format, enter: lsmaster -c Implementation Specifics This command is part of NFS in Network Support Facilities in Base Operating System Runtime. File /etc/yp/domainname directory Contains the NIS maps for the NIS domain. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information For information about managing NIS, see Network Information Ser- vice (NIS) Overview for System Management. Related Information The chmaster command, mkmaster command, rmyp command, smit command. Network File System (NFS) Overview for System Management. Alphabetical List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands, Func- tional List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands. System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview. 8 crvfs Command Purpose Creates entries in the /etc/vfs file. Syntax crvfs VFSEntry Description The crvfs command adds /etc/vfs file entries by specifying fields within the VFSEntry parameter. The VFSEntry parameter is composed of the following fields: VfsName:VfsNumber:MountHelper:FileSystemHelper. Any of the fields in the VFSEntry parameter can be the NULL value, with the exception of the VFSName field. If all the argu- ments are satisfactory, and the VfsName entry given on the com- mand line does not already exist, a new entry is created in the /etc/vfs file. Parameters VFSEntry A string in the following format: VfsName:VfsNumber: VfsName The name of a virtual file system type. VfsNumber The virtual file system type's internal number as known by the kernel. MountHelper The name of the back end used to mount a file system of this type. FileSystemHelper The name of the backend used by certain file system specific commands to perform operations on a file system of this type. Example 1. To create a new vfs entry called newvfs, enter: crvfs "newvfs:4:none:/etc/helpers/newvfshelper" This creates the newvfs entry. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. File /etc/vfs Contains descriptions of virtual file system types. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: stanza. The File Systems Overview explains file system types, manage- ment, structure, and maintenance. The Mounting Overview explains mounting files and directories, mount points, and automatic mounts. Related Information The lsvfs command, chvfs command, rmvfs command, mount com- mand. The File Systems Overview explains file system types, manage- ment, structure, and maintenance. The Mounting Overview explains mounting files and directories, mount points, and automatic mounts. 8 restore Command Purpose Copies previously backed-up file systems, created by the backup command, from a remote machine's device. Syntax restore [ -b Number1] [ -fDevice] [ -q] [ -r] [ -s Number2] [ -t] [ -T] [ -v] [ -x] [ [ -B] [ -h] [ -i] [ -m] [ -R] [ -y] | [ -d] [] [ -X Number3]] [File] -M] [ -X Number3]] [File] Note: Do not specify the File parameter when using the -r, -R, or -T flag. The -M flag can only be specified if the -x or -X flags are also specified. Description The restore command reads files written by the backup command from a backup medium and restores them to a file system. Use it to restore files backed up on a local system. Generally, you do not need to determine the format used when files were backed up because the restore command does that for you. However, if you choose any flags that require your knowledge of the backup format, first use the -t flag to deter- mine which of the following formats apply: * Backup by i-node number, which is created when an AIX Version 3 file system is backed up by i-node number. * Backup by name, which is created when specific files are backed up by name or when AIX Version 2 file systems are backed up by i-node number. When you do not specify a restore device with the -f flag, the restore command reads files from the /dev/rfd0 default device. For more information on using tape dev- ices see the rmt special file. The File parameter is the path name (absolute or relative) of the file that is displayed when using the -T flag. If you do not specify the File parameter, everything on the backup medium is restored. Notes: 1. Files must be restored using the same method by which they were backed up. For example, if a file system was backed up by name, it must be restored by name. 2. When more than one diskette is required, the restore command reads the one mounted, prompts the user for a new one, and waits for the user's response. After inserting the new diskette, press the Enter key to continue restoring files. 3. When restoring a backup by i-node number, the restore command creates and uses a file named restoresymtable. This file is created in the file system being restored. The file is necessary for the restore command to do incremental i-node restores, and should not be removed if such incremental i-node restore is used. 4. Do not use a no-rewind tape device for restoring, unless the -s flag is specified. You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter: smit restore Flags -B Specifies that data being restored is from standard input. Normally, the restore command examines the actual backup medium to determine the backup format. When piping the data to the restore command, this examination cannot occur. The -B flag indicates that standard input is in the AIX Version 3 backup by i-node number. -b Number1 Specifies the number of blocks to read in a single in- put operation. If you do not specify this flag, the restore com- mand selects a default value appropriate for the physical device you have selected. Larger values of the Number1 parameter result in larger physical transfers from tape devices. The number of blocks must be a multiple of the physical block size of the dev- ice being used. The restore command always ignores the value of the -b flag when it reads a diskette; the input is al- ways read in clusters that occupy a complete track. -d Indicates that if the File parameter is a directory, all files in that directory should be restored. In this case, the name of each restored file is always its name as shown by the restore -T command. The -d flag is used when the data is in the AIX Version 2 backup by i-node number or by name format. -fDevice Specifies the input device. Specify the Device parameter as a file name (such as the /dev/rmt0 file) to get input from the named device or specify - (minus) to get input from the standard input device. The - (minus) feature enables you to pipe the out- put of a dd command to the restore command. -h Specifies that only the actual directory is restored, not the files it contains. The -h flag is used when the data is in the AIX Version 3 backup by i-node number. -i Specifies the start of the interactive mode. This flag allows you to restore selected files from the backup. The -i flag is used when the data is in the AIX Version 3 backup by i-node number. The subcommands for the -i flag are: ls [Directory1] Specifies that within the Directory1 parameter, directory names are displayed with a / (slash) after the name, and files to be restored are displayed with an * (asterisk) be- fore the name. If the -v flag is used, the i-node number of each file and directory is also displayed. If the Directory1 parameter is not specified, the current directory is used. cd Directory2 Changes the current directory to the Directory2 parameter. pwd Displays the full path name of the current directory. add [File1] Specifies the File1 parameter to restore. If the File1 parameter is a directory, that directory and all its files are restored (unless the -h flag is used). Files that are restored are displayed with an * (asterisk) before the name by the ls subcommand. If the File1 parameter is not specified, the current directory is added to the list. delete [File2] Specifies the File2 parameter to be ignored in re- store. If the File2 parameter is a directory, that directory and all its files are not restored (unless the -h flag is used). If the File2 parameter is not specified, the current directory is deleted from the extraction list. extract Specifies the restoration of all files displayed with an * (asterisk) before the name by the ls subcommand. setmodes Specifies that all files restored have their owner, modes, and times set rather than using this information as it re- sides on the backup medium. verbose Specifies that the i-node numbers of all restored files are displayed with the ls subcommand. Information about each file is also displayed as it is restored. The next call of the verbose subcommand turns verbose off. help Specifies that a summary of the subcommands is displayed. quit Specifies that the restore command stops running immediately, even if all requested files are not restored. -M Specifies that the access and modification times of restored files are to be set to the time of restoration. The default ac- tion (when the -M flag is not specified) is to set the access and modification times to the file times on the backup medium. If a restored file is an archive, the modification times in all the member headers are also set to the time of restoration. You can specify this flag only when you are restoring individually named files. The -M flag is used when the data is in the AIX Version 2 backup by i-node or by name format. The -M flag can only be specified if the -x or -X flags are also specified. -m Specifies that files are restored by i-node number rather than by path name. The -m flag is used when the data is in the AIX Version 3 backup by i-node format. -q Specifies that the removable medium is ready to use. In this case, the restore command proceeds without prompting you to prepare the removable medium. -r Restores an entire file system. Do not specify the File param- eter when using the -r and -R flags. Warning: If this procedure is not carefully followed, the entire file system may be damaged. If you are restoring a full (level 0) backup, run the mkfs command to create an empty file system before doing the restore. If you are restoring an incremental backup at, for example level 2, run the mkfs command, restore the appropriate level 0 backup, then the level 1 backup, and fi- nally the level 2 backup. As an added safety precaution, run the fsck command after you restore each backup level. -R Used when restoring a by i-node backup to specify that the restore command requests a specific volume in a multi-volume set of backup medium when restoring an entire file system. The -R flag provides the ability to resume a previously interrupted restore. Do not specify the File parameter when using the -r and -R flags. -s Number2 Specifies that multiple backups are on the backup tape and that the restore command skips to the backup represented by the Number2 parameter. The Number2 parameter must be in the range of 1 to 100. To restore multiple backups from tape, a no- rewind tape device must be specified. The Number2 parameter is relative to your position on the tape. For example, to restore the 5th and 9th backups from a 100 count backup tape, commands would use the -s5 flag to get to the 5th backup then the -s4 flag to get to the 9th backup. Note: Do not use a no-rewind tape device for restoring, unless the -s flag is specified. -t Displays the table of contents for files backed up by i-node and displays header information for files backed up by name or backed up by i-node under the AIX Version 2 system. You can use this flag to determine the backup format of the files. -T Displays the table of contents for the backed up files. If the backup was made by name (the backup -i command), the names displayed are the ones you provided to the backup command. If the backup was made by i-node, the restore command displays the file name. The names are relative to the root ( / ) directory of the file system backed up. The only exception is the root ( / ) directory itself. Note: Do not use the -T flag and the -t flag together, they are mutually exclusive. -v Reports the progress of the restoration as it proceeds. -X Number3 Used when restoring from backup by name media and specifies the starting volume number. If you specify the File parameter when using the -X flag, the restore command processes only the files you request and prompts you to prepare the next volume only if the requested files are continued on that volume. If you do not specify the File parameter, the restore command processes all files on that volume and prompts you to prepare the next volumes. This is used with the AIX Version 3 by-name back- ups. -x Restores individually named files. If no names are given, all files on that medium are restored. The names must be in the same form as the names shown by the restore -T command. With a name backup, the restore command gives the restored file whatever name was supplied when the file was backed up. If the original name was specified relative to the current directory, the restore com- mand creates a file relative to the current directory. The restore command automatically creates any needed directories. When using this flag you are prompted for the be- ginning volume number. -y Specifies that the restore command does not ask whether it should stop the restore if a tape error is encountered. The restore command attempts to skip over bad blocks. The -y flag is used when the data is in the AIX Version 3 backup by i-node format. -? Specifies that the usage message is displayed. Examples 1. To list the names of files previously backed up, enter: restore -T Information is read from the /dev/rfd0efault backup device. If individual files are backed up, only the file names are displayed. If an entire file system is backed up, the i-node number is also shown. 2. To restore files to the main file system, enter: restore -x -v The -x flag extracts all the files from the backup medium and restores them to their proper places in the file system. The -v flag displays a progress report as each file is restored. If a file system backup is being restored, the files are named with their i-node numbers. Otherwise, just the names are displayed. 3. To copy selected files, enter: restore -xv /u/mike/manual/chap1 This command extracts the /u/mike/manual/chap1 file from the backup medium and restores it. To work properly, the /u/mike/manual/chap1 file must be a name that can be displayed by the restore -T command. 4. To copy all the files in a directory, enter: restore -xdv manual This command restores the manual directory and the files in it. If it does not exist, a directory named manual is created in the current directory to hold the files being restored. 5. To restore an entire file system backup, enter: mkfs /dev/hd1 mount /dev/hd1 /filesys cd /filesys restore -r This command restores an entire file system backup onto the /dev/hd1 file. It destroys and replaces any file system that was previously stored on the /dev/hd1 file. If the backup was made using incremental file system backups, re- store the backups in increasing backup-level order (for example, 0, 1, 2 ). 6. To improve performance on streaming tape, pipe the dd command to the restore command by entering: dd if=/dev/rmt0 bs=30b | restore- -x -f - The dd command copies the files from an input file that is a streaming tape device (if=/dev/rmt0) and specifies a file size of 30 blocks (bs=30b). The output is piped to the restore command which gets the input from the standard input device ( -f) and re- stores by name ( -x). Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /dev/rfd0 Default restore device. /etc Directory where the restore command resides. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: i-node number, mount. The Backup Overview provides information on different methods of backing up, restoring process, different types of backup media, and guidelines for backup policies. The File Systems Overview explains file system types, manage- ment, structure, and maintenance. The Directories Overview explains working with directories and path names. The Files Overview provides information on working with files. Related Information The backup command, mkfs command, fsck command, dd command. The filesystems file, backup file, rmt special file. The Backup Overview provides information on different methods of backing up, restoring process, different types of backup media, and guidelines for backup policies. The File Systems Overview explains file system types, manage- ment, structure, and maintenance. The Directories Overview explains working with directories and path names. The Files Overview provides information on working with files. The System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) Overview explains the structure, main menus, and tasks that are done with SMIT. Using SMIT explains SMIT screens, how to navigate in the screens, and how to enter data. 8 dc Command Purpose Provides an interactive desk calculator for doing arbitrary- precision integer arithmetic. Syntax dc [File] Description The dc command is an arbitrary-precision arithmetic calculator. The dc command takes its input from the File parameter or stan- dard input until it reads an end-of-file character. It writes to standard output. It operates on decimal integers, but you can specify an input base, output base, and a number of fractional digits to be maintained. The dc command is structured as a stacking, reverse Polish calculator. The bc command is a preprocessor for the dc command. It pro- vides infix notation and a syntax similar to the C language, which implements functions and control structures for programs. Subcommands Number Pushes the specified value onto the stack. A Number is an unbroken string of the digits 0-9. To specify a negative number, precede it with _ (underscore). A number can contain a decimal point. + - / * % \^ Adds (+), subtracts (-), multiplies (*), divides (/), remainders (%), or exponentiates (\^ ) the top two values on the stack. The dc command pops the top two entries off the stack and pushes the result on the stack in their place. The dc command ignores fractional parts of an exponent. sx Pops the top of the stack and stores it in a register named x, where the x variable can be any character. Sx Treats the x variable as a stack. It pops the top of the main stack and pushes that value onto the stack represented by the x variable. lx Pushes the value in the register represented by the x variable on the stack. The register represented by the x variable is not changed. All registers start with a value of 0. Lx Treats the x variable as a stack and pops its top value onto the main stack. d Duplicates the top value on the stack. p Displays the top value on the stack. The top value remains un- changed. The p interprets the top of the stack as an ASCII string, removes it, and displays it. P Interprets the top of the stack as a string, removes it, and displays it. f Displays all values on the stack. q Exits the program. If the dc command is running a string, it pops the recursion level by two. Q Pops the top value on the stack and on the string execution lev- el by that value. x Treats the top element of the stack as a character string and runs it as a string of dc commands. X Replaces the number on the top of the stack with its scale fac- tor. [ String ] Puts the bracketed String parameter onto the top of the stack. [ = | > | < ] x Pops the top two elements of the stack and com- pares them. Evaluates the register represented by the x variable as if it obeys the stated relation. v Replaces the top element on the stack by its square root. Any existing fractional part of the option is taken into account, but otherwise, the scale factor is ignored. ! Interprets the rest of the line as an AIX command. c Cleans the stack: the dc command pops all values on the stack. i Pops the top value on the stack and uses that value as the number radix for further input. I Pushes the input base on the top of the stack. o Pops the top value on the stack and uses that value as the number radix for further output. O Pushes the output base on the top of the stack. k Pops the top of the stack, and uses that value as a nonnegative scale factor. The appropriate number of places is displayed on output and is maintained during multiplication, division, and ex- ponentiation. The interaction of scale factor, input base, and output base is reasonable if all are changed together. z Pushes the number of elements in the stack onto the stack. Z Replaces the top number in the stack with the number of digits in that number. ? Gets and runs a line of input. ;: The bc command uses these characters for array operations. Examples 1. To use the dc command as a calculator: You: 1 4 / p System: 0 You: 1 k [ Keep 1 decimal place ]s. 1 4 / p System: 0.2 You: 3 k [ Keep 3 decimal places ]s. 1 4 / p System: 0.250 You: 16 63 5 / + p System: 28.600 You: 16 63 5 + / p System: 0.235 You can enter the comments (enclosed in [ ]s.), but they are pro- vided only for your information. When you enter the dc command expressions directly from the key- board, press Ctrl-D to end the bc command session and return to the shell command line. 2. To load and run a dc program file: You: dc prog.dc 5 lf x p [ 5 factorial ]s. System: 120 You: 10 lf x p [ 10 factorial ]s. System: 3628800 This entry interprets the dc program saved in prog.dc, then reads from the workstation keyboard. The lf x evaluates the function stored in register f, which could be defined in the prog.c pro- gram file as: [ f: compute the factorial of n ]s. [ (n = the top of the stack) ]s. [ If 1>n do b; If 1b d 1 <150 MB 1/4-inch tape drive> . For more information on using tape devices see the rmt special file. Flags You must supply one of the following five function flags to con- trol the actions of the tar command: -c Creates a new archive and writes the File parameter at the be- ginning of the archive. -r Writes the File parameter at the end of the archive. Since the structure of a streaming tape device does not support the addi- tion of information at the end of a tape, this option is not a valid flag when the archived storage device is a streaming tape. -t Lists the files in the order in which they appear in the ar- chive. Files can be listed more than once. -u Adds the File parameter to the end of the archive only if it is not in the archive already or if it has been modified since being written to the archive. Since the structure of a streaming tape device does not support the addition of information at the end of a tape, this is not a valid flag when the archived storage device is a streaming tape. -x Extracts the File parameter from the archive. If you specify the Directory parameter, the tar command extracts all files in that directory from the archive. If you do not specify the File or Directory parameters, the tar command extracts all of the files from the archive. When an archive contains multiple copies of the same file, the tar command extracts only the last one and overwrites all earlier ones. If you are a user with root user authority, the tar command creates all files and directories with the same user and group IDs as on the tape. If you do not have root user authority, the files and directories have your user and group IDs. The other optional flags to the tar command are listed as fol- lows. Except where otherwise described, a Directory parameter refers to all the files and subdirectories, recursively, within that directory. Flags without corresponding parameters can ap- pear separately or be grouped together. Flags that take parame- ters can have them adjacent to the flag letter or as the entire following argument. -B Forces input and output blocking to 20 blocks per record. With this option, the tar command can work across communications chan- nels where blocking may not be maintained. -b Blocks Specifies the number of 512-byte blocks per record. Both the default and the maximum is 20, which is appropriate for tape records. Due to the size of inter-record gaps, tapes writ- ten with large blocking factors can hold much more data than tapes with only one block per record. The block size is determined automatically when tapes are read (the -x or -t function flags). When archives are updated with the -u and -r functions, the existing record size is used. The tar command writes archives using the specified value of the Blocks parameter only when creating new archives with the -c flag. For output to ordinary files with the -f flag, you can save disk space by using a blocking factor that matches the size of disk blocks (for example, the -b4 flag for 2048-byte disk blocks). Ordinary files must be read using the same blocking factor used when they are created. -C Directory If a file name is preceded by the -C Directory flag, the tar command performs a chdir subroutine to that file name. This allows multiple directories not related by a close common parent to be archived, using short relative path names. For ex- ample, to archive files from the /usr/include and /etc directories, you might use the following command: tar c -C /usr/include File1 File2 -C /etc File3 File4 This command should refer only to absolute path names, which requires that users list each individual file after the -C flag. -d Makes separate entries for directories, blocks and character special files, and first-in-first-out (FIFO) piped processes. Normally, the tar command writes only ordinary files to an ar- chive and extracts only ordinary files and the directories re- quired to contain them as determined by the path names in the ar- chive. When writing to an archive with the -d flag, the tar com- mand makes it possible to preserve the directory permission codes and to restore empty directories, special files, and first-in- first-out (FIFO) piped processes with the -x flag. Note: Although anyone can archive special files, only a user with root user authority can extract them from an archive. -F Checks the file type before archiving. Source Code Control Systems (SCCS), Revision Control Systems (RCS), files named core, errs, a.out, and files ending in .o (dot o) are not archived. -f Archive Uses the Archive parameter as the archive to be read or written. When this flag is not specified, the tar command uses a system-dependent default file name of the form /dev/rmt0. If the Archive parameter specified is - (minus), the tar command writes to standard output or reads from standard input. If you write to standard output, the -c flag must be used. -h Forces the tar command to follow symbolic links as if they were normal files or directories. Normally, the tar command does not follow symbolic links. -i Ignores header checksum errors. The tar command writes a file header containing a checksum for each file in the archive. When this flag is not specified, the system verifies the contents of the header blocks by recomputing the checksum and stops with a directory checksum error when a mismatch occurs. When this flag is specified, the tar command logs the error and then scans for- ward until it finds a valid header block. This permits restoring files from later volumes of a multi-volume archive without read- ing earlier volumes. -L InputList Writes the files listed in the InputList parameter to the archive. The InputList parameter should contain one file name per line. Files and directories from the InputList parame- ter are treated recursively. If you include the name of a direc- tory in the InputList parameter, the tar command writes the directory to the archive as well as the files and subdirectories to the archive. If you also list files or directories on the command line, the contents of the InputList parameter are includ- ed after the tar command has written all the files or the direc- tories and their subdirectories to the archive. -l Writes error messages to standard output if the tar command cannot resolve all of the links to the archived files. When you do not specify this flag, the system does not display these mes- sages. -m Uses the time of extraction as the modification time. The de- fault is to preserve the modification time of the files. -N Blocks Allows the tar command to use very large clusters of blocks when it deals with streaming tape archives. Note however, that on input, the tar command cannot automatically determine the block size of tapes with very long block sizes created with this flag. In the absence of a -N Blocks flag, the largest block size that the tar command can automatically determine is 20 blocks. -p Says to restore fields to their original modes, ignoring the present umask. The setuid permissions and sticky information are also restored to the user with root user authority. -s Tries to create a symbolic link If the tar command is unsuc- cessful in its attempt to link (regular link) two files with the -s flag. -S Blocksb, -S Feet, -S Feet @Density Specifies the number of 512- byte blocks per volume (first format), independent of the tape blocking factor. You can also specify the size of the tape in feet by using the second form, in which case the tar command as- sumes a default Density parameter. The third form allows you to specify both tape length and density. Feet are assumed to be 11 inches long to be conservative. This flag lets you deal more easily with multi-volume tape archives, where the tar command must be able to determine how many blocks fit on each volume. Note: Tape drives vary in density capabilities. The Density parameter calculates the amount of data a system can fit on a tape. -v Lists the name of each file as it is processed. With the -t flag, -v gives more information about the tape entries, including file sizes, times of last modification, User Number (UID), Group Number (GID), and permissions. -w Displays the action to be taken, followed by the file name, and then waits for user confirmation. If the response begins with a y or Y, the action is performed. If the response is not affirmative, the file is ignored. -Number Uses the /dev/rmt number file instead of the default. For example, the -2 flag is the same as -f/dev/rmt2 file. In AIX systems with multi-density tape drive this flag allows select- ing a particular density. Examples 1. To write the file1 and file2 files to a new archive on the de- fault tape drive, enter: tar -c file1 file2 2. To extract all files in the /tmp directory from the archive file on the /dev/rmt2 tape device and use the time of extraction as the modification time, enter: tar -xm -f/dev/rmt2 /tmp 3. To create a new archive file that contains the file1 file and pass the archive file to the dd command to be written to the /dev/rmt1 device, enter: tar -cvf - file1 | dd of=/dev/rmt1 4. To display the names of the files in the out.tar disk archive file on the current directory, enter: tar -vtf out.tar 5. To expand the fil.tar.z compressed archive file, to pass the file to the tar command, and extract all files from the expanded archive file, enter: cat fil.tar.z | tar -xvf - Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Japanese Language Support Information An affirmative response in Japanese Language Support matches one of the elements in the YESSTR environment variable. Files /dev/rmt0 Default tape device. /bin/tar The tar command. /usr/bin/tar Symbolic link to the tar command. /tmp/tar* Temporary file. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: block special file, streaming tape drive, pipe, . (dot), symbolic link, checksum, umask, setuid permissions, user number (UID). The File Systems Overview explains file system types, manage- ment, structure, and maintenance. The Directories Overview explains working with directories and path names. The Files Overview provides information on working with files. Related Information The dd command, cat command. The rmt special file. The File Systems Overview explains file system types, manage- ment, structure, and maintenance. The Directories Overview explains working with directories and path names. The Files Overview provides information on working with files. 9 4014 Command Purpose Formats a full-page, 66-line screen display for a Tektronix 4014 workstation. Syntax 4014 [ -t | -c Number | -n ] [ -p Number [ I | i ] ] [ File ] Description The 4014 command reads File (standard input by default) and writes a 66-line page display to standard output. It also divides the screen into a specified number of columns, adding an eight-space page offset when it uses the default single-column format. It interprets tabs, spaces, backspaces, and TELETYPE Model 37 half-line and reverse-line sequences correctly. At the end of each page, the 4014 command waits for a line feed from the keyboard before continuing. While the 4014 command is waiting, you can send commands to the shell by entering !AIX-Cmd, where AIX-Cmd is an AIX for RISC System/6000 command. Flags -cNumber Divides the screen into Number columns and waits after the last column. The default is a single, full page-width column. -n Starts displaying at the current cursor position and does not erase the screen. -pNumber Sets page length to Number lines (l, the default) or to Number inches (i). -t Does not wait between pages. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. File /etc/passwd Password file. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: standard input, standard output, workstation. Related Information The pr command, tc command, troff command. 9 hconutil Command Purpose Starts the HCON Utility Program. Syntax hconutil [ -c ColorInputFile ] [ -k KeyboardInputFile ] [ -C ColorOutputFile ] [ -K KeyboardOutputFile ] Description The hconutil command starts the HCON Utility Program, which al- lows users to perform various productivity functions. Users can redefine the HCON color and keyboard definition tables, perform explicit file transfer requests, logon to and logoff of active HCON sessions, and add, modify, or display AUTOLOG scripts using the genprof command. The hconutil command can be invoked from the command line or by using the HCONUTIL key from within the HCON emulator. If the utility is invoked from the emulator, it uses the color and key- board files defined in the session profile as the input and out- put files. When invoked from the command line, the utility uses the definition files specified by the -c, -C, -k, and -K flags. The system prompts the user for all other information needed to perform file transfer requests, logon to or logoff of active HCON sessions, and add, modify, or display AUTOLOG scripts. Flags -c ColorInputFile Names the valid color definition file to be used as input for the utility. If an input file is not specified, then the default file /usr/lib/hcon/e789_ctbl is used. -k KeyboardInputFile Names the valid keyboard definition file to be used as input for the utility. If an input file is not speci- fied, then the default file /usr/lib/hcon/e789_ktbl is used. -C ColorOutputFile Names the color definition output file. If an output file is not specified, the new color table is stored in the $HOME/e789_ctbl file. -K KeyboardOutputFile Names the keyboard definition output file. If an output file is not specified, the new keyboard table is stored in the $HOME/e789_ktbl file. Note: If the utility is invoked from within the HCON emulator, it uses the color and keyboard files defined in the session profile as the input and output files. Examples 1. To start the HCON utility from the command line, enter: hconutil The HCON Utility Program is started with the default tables for color and keyboard definitions. 2. To use a different keyboard table with the HCON Utility Pro- gram, enter: hconutil -k /u/kaye/keyboard1 -K /u/kaye/keyboard2 The utility reads the /u/kaye/keyboard1 file for the original keyboard settings and writes the new settings to the /u/kaye/keyboard2 file. Implementation Specifics This command is part of IBM AIX 3270 Host Connection Program/6000 (HCON). Files /usr/bin directory Contains the hconutil command. /usr/lib/hcon directory Contains HCON files. /usr/lib/hcon/ e789_ctbl file Contains the default binary color definition table. /usr/lib/hcon/ e789_ktbl file Contains the default binary keyboard definition table. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: emulator, HCON. Using the HCON Utility Program describes the HCON utility screens and function keys and discusses the uses of the utility program. Related Information The e789 command initiates display and printer emulation ses- sions. Use the fxfer command to perform file transfers. Use the genprof command to add, modify, or display AUTOLOG scripts. The tlog command tests AUTOLOG scripts. Understanding HCON File Transfers discusses the fxfer command and file transfer procedures. Customizing HCON Color and Keyboard Tables provides information about using the hconutil command for color and keyboard customi- zation. Understanding HCON Host Logon Procedures outlines automatic and manual logon procedures. 9 tic Command Purpose Translates the terminfo files from source to compiled format. Syntax tic Description The tic command translates the terminfo files from the source format into the compiled format. The tic command places the results in the /usr/lib/terminfo directory. If the TERMINFO en- vironment variable is set, the results are placed there instead of in /usr/lib/terminfo directory. The tic command compiles all terminfo descriptions in Files. When the tic command finds a use= field, it searches first the current file, then the. /terminfo.src master file. The total compiled entries cannot exceed 4096 bytes and the name field cannot exceed 128 bytes. Flag -vNumber Writes trace information on the progress of the tic com- mand. Number is an integer that increases the level of the verbosity. File /usr/lib/terminfo/?/* Compiled terminal capability database. Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Suggested Reading Related Information The curses subroutine library. The terminfo file. 9 cut Command Purpose Writes out selected fields from each line of a file. Syntax cut { -cList | -fList [ -s -dCharacter ]} [File ...] Description The cut command cuts columns from a table or fields from each line of a file, and writes these columns or fields to standard output. If you do not specify a file name, the cut command reads standard input. You must specify either the -c or -f flag. The List parameter is a comma-separated and/or minus-separated list of integer field numbers (in increasing order). The minus separator indicates ranges. Some sample List parameters are 1,4,7; 1-3,8; -5,10 (short for 1-5,10); and 3- (short for third through last field). The fields specified by the List parameter can be a fixed number of character positions, or the length can vary from line to line and be marked with a field delimiter character, such as a tab character. You can also use the grep command to make horizontal cuts through a file and the paste command to put the files back to- gether. To change the order of columns in a file use the cut and the paste commands. Flags -cList Specifies character positions. For example, if you specify -c1-72, the cut command writes out the first 72 characters in each line of the file. Note that there is no space between -c and the List parameter. -dCharacter Uses the character specified by the Character parame- ter as the field delimiter when you specify the -f flag. You must put quotation marks around characters with special meaning to the shell, such as the space character. -fList Specifies a list of fields assumed to be separated in the file by a delimiter character, which is by default the tab char- acter. For example, if you specify -f1,7, the cut command writes out only the first and seventh fields of each line. If a line contains no field delimiters, the cut command passes them through intact (useful for table subheadings), unless you specify the -s flag. -s Suppresses lines that do not contain delimiter characters (use only with the -f flag). Example To display several fields of each line of a file: cut -f1,5 -d: /etc/passwd This displays the login name and full user name fields of the system password file. These are the first and fifth fields (-f1,5) separated by colons (-d:). For example, if the /etc/passwd file looks like this: su:*:0:0:User with special privileges:/:/bin/sh daemon:*:1:1::/etc: bin:*:2:2::/bin: sys:*:3:3::/usr/src: adm:*:4:4:System Administrator:/usr/adm:/bin/sh pierre:*:200:200:Pierre Harper:/u/pierre:/bin/sh joan:*:202:200:Joan Brown:/u/joan:/bin/sh the cut command produces: su:User with special privileges daemon: bin: sys: adm:System Administrator pierre:Pierre Harper joan:Joan Brown Implementation Specifics Japanese Language Support Information: Character can either be any ASCII character, or any SJIS character. This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. File /bin/cut cut command. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entries: standard input, standard out- put, and shell. Files Overview describes what files are and how they are stored by the operating system. The Input and Output Overview describes how to redirect input and output. Related Information The grep command, paste command, and sh command. 9 logname Command Purpose Displays login name. Syntax logname Description The logname command will dsplay the login name of the current process. This is the same name that the user used login with and corresponds to the LOGNAME in the system state environment. This variable is only set when the user logs into the system. The logname command will fail if the specified user does not ex- ist or if it cannot read the user or group information. Security Installation: Access Control: This program is installed as a normal user pro- gram in the Trusted Computing Base.. Example To display your login name to standard output, type: logname Implementation Specifics This command is part of AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /etc/profile System profile. /bin/logname logname command. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information The following glossary entry: standard output. Related Information The getty command, the login command, the setgroups command, the setsenv command, the su command, and the tsm command. 9 mksnmppw Command Purpose Produces a binary encrypted object file for use by the SNMP agent daemon. Syntax mksnmppw File Description The mksnmppw command processes the records in the file specified by the File parameter to produce a binary encrypted object file for use by the SNMP agent daemon. The output file is always named /etc/snmpd.pw. The smpl.pwinput file provides a sample input file to the mksnmppw command. The purpose of encryption is to permit a single host to administer the creation and network distribution of the /etc/snmpd.pw file to one or more agent hosts. Note: For further information, see RFC 1098, which defines the SNMP protocol for creating requests for MIB information and for- matting responses. Parameter File Specifies the source file that contains the information to be encrypted. Implementation Specifics This command is part of Simple Network Management Protocol Agent Applications in Network Support Facilities in AIX Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime. Files /usr/lpp/snmpd/smpl.pwinput Sample input file shipped with the SNMP agent daemon /etc/snmpd.pw Encrypted binary resource file. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Understanding the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Understanding the SNMP Daemon. xgmon Overview for Programmers. Related Information The snmpd command. The smpl.pwinput file. 10 bootparamd Daemon Purpose Provides information necessary for booting to diskless clients. Syntax /usr/etc/rpc.bootparamd [ -d ] Description The bootparamd daemon is a server process that provides informa- tion necessary for booting to diskless clients. It consults ei- ther the bootparams database or the /etc/bootparams file if the NIS service is not running. Flags -d Displays the debugging information. Implementation Specifics This daemon is part of NFS in Network Support Facilities in Base Operating System Runtime. File /etc/bootparams Contains the list of client entries that diskless clients use for booting. Suggested Reading Prerequisite Information Glossary Terms: client, server. For more information about NFS, see Network File System (NFS) Overview for System Management. Related Information Alphabetical List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands, Func- tional List of NFS and NIS Daemons and Commands.