********************************************************************** NOTE: CDE/MOTIF IS LICENSED SOFTWARE. SOURCE AND OBJECT CODE IS NOT TO BE DISTRIBUTED TO THIRD PARTIES EXCEPT AS PROVIDED BY THE TERMS OF YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT. PASSIVE DISTRIBUTION TO UNIDENTIFIED PARTIES, SUCH AS MAKING FILES AVAILABLE FOR UNRESTRICTED ELECTRONIC FILE TRANSFER, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED BY THE LICENSE. THESE RESTRICTIONS APPLY TO ANY PARTY TO WHOM THE SOFTWARE HAS BEEN DISTRIBUTED. ********************************************************************** THE PURPOSE OF THIS RELEASE This is the snapshot release prior to the third and final maintenance release for CDE and Motif 2.1. It was designed to resolve as many defects as possible from the project's defect database. This maintenance release resolves 243 problem reports against CDE and Motif 2.1.20. The Open Group encourages the reporting of all bugs found in CDE and Motif regardless of the platform or hardware configuration in which the bug is found. However, The Open Group will commit to accept (and repair according to priority) only those bugs that can be replicated on the current reference configurations. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIIONS This section describes how to unload the release archives available at this ftp site, including information about how much disk space is required. The CDE/Motif 2.1.30 snapshot release is provided as a compressed tar archives consisting of a sparce tree (i.e. only those files which have been added or which have been modified since 2.1.20). README-2.1.30.snapshot - this file cde.tar.Z - a compressed tar file of the CDE 2.1.30 snapshot source code cde-test.tar.Z - a compressed tar file of the CDE 2.1.30 snapshot tests cde-test-misc.tar.Z - a compressed tar file of test results for CDE/Motif 2.1.30 snapshot motif.tar.Z - a compressed tar file of the MOTIF 2.1.30 snapshot source code motif-test-misc.tar.Z - a compressed tar file of test results for Motif 2.1.30 snapshot The CDE/Motif 2.1.30 snapshot release is in the form of a sparse tree; that is, it contains only files that have been added or modified in either CDE or Motif since the 2.1.20 release. If you are a CDE licensee you will receive files for both CDE and Motif. If you are a Motif-only licensee you will receive files just for Motif. After ftp-ing the files to your machine, you should first uncompress the compressed (*.Z) files with the command: uncompress .Z Once the tar archives have been uncompressed, you can untar each with the command: tar xvf .tar This command will preserve the .tar file while unloading its contents into your current working directory. If you wish to list a table of contents of the tar file before actually unloading it you can do so with the command: tar tvf .tar INSTALLING THIS RELEASE This release is made up of a "sparse tree" of files that have been added or changed since release 2.1.20. The new versions of the files should replace the corresponding CDE or Motif 2.1.20 versions of the files in your source tree. After the release is unloaded, you can use, for example, cp -R command to copy the sources from the current directory into your source tree. This release creates several new files. If you are using a symbolic link tree, you will need to create new links for them. Please see the Release Notes from 2.1 for instructions on building a full release tree. IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THIS RELEASE Defect Repair This patch release resolves 243 problem reports against CDE and Motif 2.1.20. Each of these defects were resolved in one of three ways: fixed (problem was recreated and repaired), duplicate (problem was already reported and recorded in defect database), or cancelled (problem could not be recreated in current code base). The breakdown by component and resolution type is: FIXED: Total 174 CDE Code: 40 Motif Code: 51 CDE Doc: 1 Motif Doc: 0 CDE Test: 43 Motif Test: 39 -------------- --------------- Total: 84 Total: 90 DUPLICATE: Total 25 CDE Code: 2 Motif Code: 4 CDE Doc: 0 Motif Doc: 0 CDE Test: 0 Motif Test: 19 -------------- --------------- Total: 2 Total: 23 CANCEL: Total 44 CDE Code: 13 Motif Code: 19 CDE Doc: 0 Motif Doc: 0 CDE Test: 2 Motif Test: 10 -------------- --------------- Total: 15 Total: 29 TOTAL: Total 243 CDE Code: 55 Motif Code: 74 CDE Doc: 1 Motif Doc: 0 CDE Test: 45 Motif Test: 68 -------------- --------------- Total: 101 Total: 142 For more information on the bugs resolved, see the file CLOSEDBUGS in this release. Test Improvements A significant number of CDE and Motif test defects were resolved for the CDE/Motif 2.1.30 snapshot release. For the most part, these represent an ongoing effort to establish a clean baseline in Motif and reduce the overhead of false negatives in CDE. BUG LISTS In the release archive there are two files, OPENBUGS and CLOSEDBUGS, which contain, respectively, the list of all bugs from any version of CDE or Motif not yet closed, and all bugs from CDE or Motif fixed in this patch release. BUILDING MOTIF FOR YOUR SYSTEM Since X11 is NOT being delivered as part of this release, there are some minor changes in the build process for Motif with respect to the build process described in the 2.1 Release Notes. Replace step 2 under the Building Motif subsection of Section 3: 2. If you are building with imports (the default setup in site.def), construct the necessary links as follows: % cd $CDEBUILDDIR/motif % mkdir -p imports/x11 % cd imports/x11 % ln -s bin % ln -s includes % ln -s libs REFERENCE PLATFORMS The Open Group has used a number of platforms during the development of the CDE/Motif 2.1.30 snapshot release. However, the following reference platforms are the only ones where the snapshot test cycle was run. Test results appear below. CDE and Motif: HP9000/7xx running HP-UX 10.20 Sun SPARCstation running Solaris 2.4 using the SC 4.0 C compiler and SC 4.1 C++ compilers Changes to X11R6.4: Both the 2.1.20 and the 2.1.30 snapshot releases of CDE and Motif have been built and tested upon a base of X11R6.4 patchlevel 3. During the development of 2.1.20, a significant defect in the I18N code of X was discovered. The symptom is that when XMODIFIERS is not set, there is a possibility of memory corruption. It is recommended that the following patch be applied if it has not already been done: *** imInt.c@@/main/5 Sat May 30 21:04:36 1998 --- xc/lib/X11/imInt.c Mon Aug 24 16:17:25 1998 *************** *** 1,4 **** ! /* $TOG: README-2.1.30.snapshot /main/1 1999/06/29 12:30:31 devobj $ */ /****************************************************************** Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED --- 1,4 ---- ! /* $TOG: README-2.1.30.snapshot /main/1 1999/06/29 12:30:31 devobj $ */ /****************************************************************** Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994 by FUJITSU LIMITED *************** *** 166,174 **** _XimMakeImName(lcd) XLCd lcd; { ! char* begin; ! char* end; ! char* ret; int i = 0; char* ximmodifier = XIMMODIFIER; --- 166,174 ---- _XimMakeImName(lcd) XLCd lcd; { ! char* begin = NULL; ! char* end = NULL; ! char* ret = NULL; int i = 0; char* ximmodifier = XIMMODIFIER; *************** *** 182,189 **** } ret = Xmalloc(end - begin + 2); if (ret != NULL) { ! (void)strncpy(ret, begin, end - begin + 1); ! ret[end - begin + 1] = '\0'; } return ret; } --- 182,192 ---- } ret = Xmalloc(end - begin + 2); if (ret != NULL) { ! if (begin != NULL && end != NULL) { ! (void)strncpy(ret, begin, end - begin + 1); ! ret[end - begin + 1] = '\0'; ! } ! else *ret = '\0'; } return ret; } TEST RESULTS SUMMARY Since this is a snapshot release, only those components which were modified have undergone quality assurance testing. The cycle for the 2.1.30 snapshot includes running the following test suites: QATS - Motif Quality Assurance Test Suite Automated regressions tests in the following directories: Toolkit/Buttons Toolkit/ComboBox Toolkit/Container Toolkit/Converters Toolkit/Form Toolkit/IconVC Toolkit/List Toolkit/Manager Toolkit/Menus Toolkit/Message Toolkit/Notebook Toolkit/PanedWin Toolkit/Primitive Toolkit/ResInd Toolkit/Scrollbar Toolkit/Select Toolkit/Shells Toolkit/SpinBox Toolkit/Text Toolkit/Traversal Toolkit/Windows XmString uil/EnumVal uil/ForRef uil/ResInd uil/Syntax uil/widgets Manual regression tests in the following directories: Toolkit/Manual uil/Manual/callUil uil/Manual/dataStructs uil/Manual/validator uil/Manual/Callback uil/Manual/NL CDE Regression Tests for the following components: DefConfig DevEnv DtHelp DtSvc dragdrop dtcm dthelp dtlogin dtmail dtsession dtwm The results of these test runs can be found in the release archive under cde-test-misc/reports/cde-2.1.30/.../2.1.30C2.