------- Open defects in project cde-code ------- Component: Applications Sub-component: dndproxy CDExc15915 dnd into a shelltool prevents source app from dnd ing agai CDExc22188 dsdm is incompletely localize Component: Applications Sub-component: dtaction CDExc14214 dtcreate would be enhanced if state variables can be se CDExc20486 dtaction does not support -help optio CDExc20714 dtaction -execHost does not work with different username on remote hos CDExc23957 dtaction fails to display error message Component: Applications Sub-component: dtappintegrate CDExc11439 Needs to support integrating under $HOM Component: Applications Sub-component: dtappmanager CDExc20170 Application Manager dies with file/path erro CDExc20607 DtAppmanager does not recognize new App_Group CDExc23464 dt man page viewer needs MANPATH to be set to display man pages Component: Applications Sub-component: dtbuilder CDExc10998 icons inconsistent with other CDE icon CDExc11094 CGT1-3 Code Gen Window - Can`t copy from it CDExc11177 Resize problems in panes - DOM2_2 CDExc11178 title bar needs to be changed from App Build to dtbuilde CDExc11182 No scroll cability in code generator windo CDExc11183 No copy/paste cability in code generator windo CDExc11184 No group type in property shee CDExc11185 core dump when aligning group CDExc11563 Apply in Main Window prop sheet makes window come forward CDExc11585 view conn list in conn mgr doesn`t have Al CDExc11810 Need a way for apps to specify destruction of popup CDExc11836 Undo does not restore connection CDExc12229 Drag rectangle obscured by object it represent CDExc12236 appbuilder should chg 2 terms to agree with cde usag CDExc12357 Can`t drop a control on top of another contro CDExc12395 No error pop-up in Connections Manger from lack of Targe CDExc13025 Save Changes Dialog should read Discard Edit CDExc13131 Spinbox: Arrow Style does not reset CDExc13195 Default object names: should include 1 as suffix CDExc13203 Scale object called Slider in Info Area; no Type in UI CDExc13209 Property Editor: Object Order not clear CDExc13268 Property Editor: Menu: Tearoff Enabled & Disabled CDExc13490 Revolving prop editor and conn editor should be iconabl CDExc13551 Popup menu model is not standard CDExc13648 Blinking cursor in Code Gen Term Pane is aggravating CDExc13649 Import BIL file twice; core dump CDExc13785 Help Editor: buttons do not line up CDExc14218 should remember last resiz CDExc14293 Menu: can t create first menu in Menu Editor CDExc14294 Scale prop sheet: Label and Graphic String inactive CDExc14295 Error message for dropping panes mentions containers CDExc14352 Help: can t delete help for object CDExc14514 Resizing project organizer does not re-layout icon CDExc14531 cgen: execute code connections not followed by newlin CDExc14650 To correct invalid names reset button is used - can`t it be aut CDExc14771 Browser: popup menu only if close to browser objects CDExc14853 Multiple item selection doesn`t work correctly CDExc15049 Project is read-only message is redundant and unnecessar CDExc15052 No way to find hidden widge CDExc15054 Groups don t relayout children when an object s size change CDExc15170 Module path: field fails to get updated by pointe CDExc15201 arrow push button doesn t change to menu button in u CDExc15313 Add mouse-based discontiguous selectio CDExc15418 Black border around choice items fails to get redraw CDExc15544 Grouping items resizes scrolled list inappropriately CDExc15593 PanedWindow doesn t attach to window when stretched past ed CDExc15610 Can t reduce W value in main window prop ed CDExc15752 separator displays twice when changing orientatio CDExc15755 Foreground color is meaningless with etched Line Styl CDExc15802 Changes to current project lost if open other project CDExc15815 error messages should be multi-lin CDExc15824 Browser needs documente CDExc15830 Instantiation error CDExc15854 Help volume is incomplete and out of date CDExc16057 Browser inconsistent in its displa CDExc16086 Message objects do not show up in browser top level vie CDExc16150 Warning: DtTermInitialize not called before initializatio CDExc16180 User can`t type none as color choice - really should be able t CDExc16234 generated .h files should have ifdef __cplusplus extern CDExc16236 want options of _stubs.C, _stubs.cc, _stubs.cpp etc CDExc16257 Test mode: custom dialog not iconify with parent CDExc16288 Test bad for defect 632 CDExc16423 Bad widget layou CDExc16549 No error in dropping on the palett CDExc16552 Not picking up stylemanager font change CDExc16554 Inconsistencies in getting project create CDExc16574 Browser`s View menu items need to be made insensitiv CDExc16575 Browser has trouble displaying linear tree CDExc16576 Browser`s find window is too smal CDExc16577 Browser`s find doesn`t return error if invalid inpu CDExc16636 CodeGen action not working CDExc16657 PRJ1:5-6 Project and Module Paths aren`t being set correctl CDExc16658 Module menu items are not inactive when require CDExc16661 Testcase error in CON4.1- CDExc16662 text and term panes don`t resize correctly CDExc16664 HLP10.1: Renaming object causes it to duplicate CDExc16670 Problem with reducing Project Organizer PRJ3. CDExc16671 Project Organizer doesn`t close associated dialogs: PRJ3. CDExc16676 PRP1.2: Menu Button is misbehavin CDExc16677 PRP2.10-11 Property Editor chops color name at beginnin CDExc16678 Property Editor doesn`t report more than 1 error at a tim CDExc16679 Message needs updated PRP3: CDExc16681 With label type of Graphic, Foreground resource is meaningles CDExc16694 Changing module Name deselects the Object HLP12. CDExc16696 Spin Box doesn`t get resized when label size shrink CDExc16701 Can`t add error checking for user input in spin bo CDExc16718 Inactive and Selected should be an invalid combinatio CDExc16729 Fit Contents isn`t working in the PE for main windo CDExc16730 Pixmap doesn`t always display on main window ico CDExc16731 PRP14:7 - some widgets aren`t greying out on inactiv CDExc16733 Palette has cursors - which flicke CDExc16734 PRP24:7 Can`t run test as writte CDExc16735 Object Type is inconsistent with widget loaded in P CDExc16738 FSB selects a default filter when not appropriat CDExc16739 Creating a popup menu doesn`t seem to do anything on text pan CDExc16741 Widgets which are inactive shouldn`t display the curso CDExc16743 Can`t change the colors of the scroll bar CDExc16744 cntl and mouse 1 select invokes Connection Edito CDExc16748 Item Mnemonic isn`t insensitive when label is graphi CDExc16749 Changing the background resource in MenuBar doesn`t change al CDExc16787 DtBuilder`s popupMenu interferes with DtMenuButton`s men CDExc16874 Property Editor is active on selecting layer CDExc16910 Default directory for Save As doesn`t make sens CDExc16913 Parameter needs cleaned up for messag CDExc16964 Property Editor not tracking current objec CDExc16968 Button3 props cascade menu doesn`t pop u CDExc17061 Browser doesn`t update with new menu item CDExc17078 The Connections Editor allows the user to add duplicate connec CDExc17104 Copying a button from a dialog window results in wide butto CDExc17106 No checking is done to see if out of space when savin CDExc17108 Change and Delete buttons disappear in CE while refres CDExc17109 Connections Editor Set Label function doesn`t work on graphi CDExc17204 Buttons overlap on large font CDExc17292 Can no longer drop a menu bar on the main windo CDExc17294 Bad fix - defect 767 CDExc17295 File->Save should be sensitive on new project CDExc17300 PE doesn`t save default and help selections properl CDExc17310 dtbuilder doesn`t seem to handle pathnames on invocatio CDExc17311 dtbuilder doesn`t allow null label CDExc17313 Hide and Show should not be active when using Created in C CDExc17323 Project Organizer window isn`t appropriate widt CDExc17329 Can`t invoke Help Editor for File Selection Box from RP CDExc17342 Cannot reach label or separator controls via keyboard traversa CDExc17361 Discard changes dialog box help button isn`t workin CDExc17363 Import FSB help button displays blank pop-u CDExc17371 Adding a pane to a pane window is bugg CDExc17372 Moving a sash on the Control Pane draws black line CDExc17376 Can`t add menus to individual list item CDExc17381 PE allows the input of an unknown menu definitio CDExc17383 Return in CE doesn`t work for all drag-link invocation CDExc17384 Title wrong for Group Property Edito CDExc17386 CE should only allow Call Function for TT action CDExc17387 buttons don`t display when not visible in test mode CDExc17419 .bil doens`t get updated with connection changes CDExc17420 Connections editor not updated with new objec CDExc17421 Cannot make connection on Activate of Choice Ite CDExc17432 Help Volume problems - post S CDExc17433 Blank lines don`t get ignored when setting label graphic CDExc17436 Move cursors are inconsistent for the widget CDExc17437 dtbuilder doesn`t set labels on buttons via C CDExc17438 Can`t Undo a deleted connectio CDExc17439 A couple more inconsistencies with object list CDExc17440 User can`t see connection if view isn`t Source Objec CDExc17441 Can`t find make message needs update CDExc17445 Group Property Editor Window is too shor CDExc17468 dtbuilder loses connection chang CDExc17469 Continuation of I18N discussion - 707 CDExc17472 I18N/T9N: build messes up messages file CDExc17479 Text Field Connections don`t work in tes CDExc17829 dtbuilder: menu item not activate CDExc19724 If no project is open, several invalid options are available CDExc20239 dtcodegen modifies string constant CDExc20534 Faulty behavior when copying a Project using Save A CDExc20542 dtbuilder can`t find a module in a sub-director CDExc20545 After failing to name a new window, cancel leaves a named window CDExc20548 Deleting a connected module causes all modules in project to be removed CDExc21367 Buttons on Drag and Drop of Custom Dialog clobber each other CDExc22187 dtappbuilder is incompletely localize CDExc22189 abuil_print transforms comboboxes into option menu CDExc22190 abuil_print transforms spin boxes into text field CDExc22374 dtcodegen does not generate Makefiles for UNIX_SV when run on HP-U CDExc22375 Makefiles generates by dtcodegen have incomplete scour targe CDExc23692 dtcodegen is dumping core on Linux Component: Applications Sub-component: dtcalc CDExc12791 Buttons are too close together and look too much alik CDExc12837 Would like an RPN option to dtcal CDExc13008 Space for 40, but display only accepts 36 chars even if Acc= CDExc13030 Keys button doesn`t display keyboard values for option menus CDExc13901 Mem. Reg. Dialog not restored to prev. position at new session CDExc13903 Finance Reg., Const. & Func. diags not restored at new session CDExc14625 should not beep under normal condition CDExc14652 buttons having own pop-up menus should have visual indicato CDExc14685 should beep on illegal key after selecting menu-butto CDExc14689 should right-align values displayed in Financial Reg dialo CDExc14701 should display user-defined constants with default radi CDExc14707 constants saved in non-decimal base are treated as decima CDExc15089 no usage error msg when incorrect option is specifie CDExc15509 Unable to include special keys - ^s, clear display - in function CDExc15518 Display of small numbers in Mem. & Fin. regs. confusing CDExc19438 dtcalc uses deprecated HP input device extensio CDExc21023 In X11R6.1 dtcalc could use XKB instead of HP_EXTENSION CDExc23547 DtCalc popup window has problem interpreting CR keystrok CDExc23939 dtcalc cursor looks wrong when it first comes u Component: Applications Sub-component: dtcm CDExc10821 Rpc.cmsd demos bad behavior if callog.username is missin CDExc10829 - Selected - Date is not preserved when traversing calendar view CDExc10934 Toolbar Icons are not easily understood CDExc11097 rpc.cmsd not responding user feedback flawe CDExc11236 Date formats not enforced in appt. edito CDExc11241 Changing start to PM doesn`t change Stop to P CDExc11243 Day View should show appts with no tim CDExc11293 RFE: Show Other Calendar dialog should not obscure calenda CDExc11295 Views print in reverse order at printe CDExc11301 Apply functionality non-uniform across window CDExc11319 dtcm duplicates libc functionalit CDExc11323 Day View hour slots not flush with bottom - RFE CDExc11383 dtcm titles do not conform to the CDE style standards CDExc11426 Stop time set with No Time comes back with a time filled in CDExc11445 Have Today button change with Vie CDExc11497 Multiple instance of a calendar all send appt reminder CDExc11504 Appt. reminders from background, other machine CDExc11669 ToDo & Appt Eds retain Expanded setting in minimal versio CDExc11673 Irregular ordering of Privacy popup men CDExc11686 For text field length less than maximum For label lengt CDExc11687 Obscured Appt & ToDo eds expanded close to bottom of scree CDExc11729 Request Calendar to list date repeating appts star CDExc11812 Slow Find on one-time appt: 3+min for 17 line callo CDExc11813 Redesign Finder for repeat appt CDExc11918 Partial calendar names in Group Appointment Edito CDExc12226 leave newly created appointment selecte CDExc12388 Cancel button behavior in dialogs is inconsistent CDExc12399 date assume in Appt Editor if only What field filled i CDExc12500 To Do mail reminder can`t be differentiated from appointmen CDExc12554 Inappropriate behavior on Change of unmodified appointmen CDExc12562 DIalog windows should have minimum resize window limits CDExc12591 appt delected when someone else insert CDExc12631 Cross-day appts: no date in Day Vie CDExc12962 View->To Dos... should gray-out when you have non CDExc12963 Add ability to DnD appts from alarm dialog to different tim CDExc13076 Add case-sensitive search option in Find window CDExc13122 dtcm should switch you back to the default calenda CDExc13281 Start/Stop time retrieval from menu and appointment differs CDExc13643 Cal permissions not checked early enoug CDExc13795 Dialogs should not be allowed to be sized too small CDExc13805 Error messages should indicate alternative action CDExc14407 dtcm ignores LC_TIME setting for date format CDExc14728 Change CM tab navigation and focus mode CDExc15028 Wrong visual for todo drag ico CDExc15451 showing week numbers when using week vie CDExc15627 A Clear button in the Find Dialog would be nice CDExc15630 appt dialog should be positioned off of the minimize butto CDExc16111 All appointment text should be visible Day and Week vie CDExc16112 Allow the user to specify a default start and end tim CDExc16113 per-todo item option should exis CDExc16114 search mechanism should exis CDExc16116 Week view should provide more customizatio CDExc16226 View menu should use radio button CDExc16518 DnD of One Time appt fails on H CDExc16635 DtcmInsert action gives no feedback CDExc16639 dtcalendar example - compiler warning on H CDExc16651 T9N: calendar app-defaults file rename CDExc17165 Changing day in the mini month fails to update Appt Edito CDExc17169 Calendar-Finder footer displays incorrected messag CDExc17172 Calendar-Finder search doesnt included the date in `to` fiel CDExc17192 `Go to Date` window displays incorrect footnot CDExc17487 dtcmsd running as group bin prevents shared calendar spool dir CDExc17506 dtcm Calendar Appointment Editor doesn`t redraw properl CDExc17849 dtcm appt editor should label times with A or P in 12 hour forma CDExc17850 dtcm appointments with no time should appear as --:-- What in appt edito CDExc17851 All day appts list first in appt edito CDExc17852 3 digit times formatted badly in appt edito CDExc17853 Can`t navigate with keyboard when appt editor ope CDExc17854 dtcm time selection widget on appt editor awkward to us CDExc17858 dtcm bad window managemen CDExc17859 dtcm doesn`t update main canva CDExc17860 dtcm bad window management: goto date windo CDExc17861 dtcm changing timezones breaks thing CDExc17862 dtcm: inconsistent behavior when no appts, v. no todo CDExc17864 dtcm becomes confused when running on two machine CDExc17869 dtcm doesn`t update appt edito CDExc17871 dtcm fails to dismiss Go To Date windo CDExc17872 dtcm time zone window preserves dat CDExc19142 dtcm paradigm is inconsistent with dtmail and confuses user CDExc19238 Reminder popped up several days too earl CDExc19268 The C and localized versions of dtcm.msg contain many obsolete messages CDExc19355 dtcm: Spurious `cannot connect` messages when run on native hos CDExc19356 dtcm: selecting Today button does not update open Appointment Edito CDExc19358 dtcm: On-Help select changes selected item in windo CDExc19360 dtcm: No time appointments should show No Time in the app edito CDExc19364 dtcm: wide appointment texts don`t displa CDExc19373 dtcm: Entering a To Do fails to reset the time fiel CDExc19374 dtcm: resize events handled strangel CDExc19376 dtcm: Repeat every button not updated correctl CDExc19377 dtcm: New repeating appointment dialogue confirm has odd labe CDExc19378 dtcm: Repeating For values are not checked for forma CDExc19379 dtcm: Changing frequency of repeating appointments CDExc19381 dtcm: Focus changes when selecting day vie CDExc19382 dtcm: Arrow keys do not wor CDExc19383 dtcm: clicking on grey-hours in week view ungreys the CDExc19384 dtcm: Impossible appt during DST change not notice CDExc19385 dtcm: Appointment list lets you select appointments, but not do anythin CDExc19386 dtcm: Appointment list updated at strange time CDExc19388 dtcm: Drag and drop of To Do items is odd, and counter-intuitiv CDExc19818 dtcm: Incorrect behavior in Appt. Editor window for `One Time` Occurs CDExc19823 dtcm: Incorrect behavior in Appt. Editor window for `Every 2 Weeks` Occurs CDExc20259 Group appointment inserted with bogus reminders on default calenda CDExc20508 dtcm ToDo`s sent via dtmail become appointment CDExc20516 Editor Default Privacy field not fully visibl CDExc20524 dtcm: appointments into next day don`t display properl CDExc20525 dtcm: 24 hour appointment shows as ZERO duratio CDExc20569 dtcm: sash bar changes altered by click in wee CDExc20570 single-click in week grid doesn`t update Grp Appt Men CDExc20576 `Calendar does not exist` error missing Help butto CDExc20885 dtcm Options Display slider values don`t reflect appt lengt CDExc21171 dtcm should not save its geometry and workspace when a session is save CDExc21204 resize events handled strangely (`Find` and `Compare Calendar` CDExc21205 Group Appointment Editor displays incorrect access rights CDExc21206 Compare Calendar window grows wide, when you click time block CDExc21352 Time blocks in Week View are too dens CDExc21394 Appointment Editor window keeps on shifting (right-downwards CDExc21485 DTCM COMPARECALENDARS DATE LIMITATION NOT ENFORCE CDExc21586 Redraw of lines in drawing area leaves 1-pixel gap CDExc21956 double-clicking days in the year view should start Appt. Edito CDExc22081 The Calendar:Error - Print Setup dialog should have a help butto CDExc22083 Help text for printing lacks (references to) usefull informatio CDExc22148 The calendar mgr server daemon is not killed when CDE is shutdown CDExc22149 Calandar Manager fails to display a label in the Front Panel when expected CDExc22150 DTCM YEAR LIMIT MESSAGES ARE NOT ALWAYS DISPLAYED CDExc22174 Printed weekly view wastes white spac CDExc22201 dtcm assumes pid_t is an in CDExc22205 dtcm is incompletely localize CDExc22214 Appointment Editor time menu buttons can be too wid CDExc22215 dtcm Italian app-defaults file has stray quote mark CDExc22286 Todo objects are not supported in the deskto CDExc22287 dtcm_insert does not handle a ToDo even CDExc22288 dtcm does not handle a dropped ToDo even CDExc22289 dtcm_editor does not handle a file with a ToDo even CDExc22716 Files create by yacc do not have a make clean rul CDExc22791 DOCUMENTED METHOD OF FIGURING TIMEZONE SETTING IS MISLEADING CDExc22795 DTCM PRINTER SETTINGS INCLUDE SECTION HAS CONFUSING WORDIN CDExc22796 Setting dtcm display options 21 hour interval makes CDExc22798 On Item Help missing for various items in DTC CDExc22867 DTCM has problems with captions when font size is set to 7 CDExc22868 the a and p in dtcm`s day view (for am and pm) should be localizabl CDExc22869 dtcm`s appointment list dialog has formatting and am/pm problem CDExc22870 dtcm`s appointment editor dialog has two small layout problem CDExc22876 dtcm`s appointment editor dialog has layout problem with am/pm indicator CDExc22877 please make dtcm`s initial date format localizabl CDExc22878 please make dtcm`s choice of 12 vs. 24 hour time format be localizabl CDExc22892 please make these two strings in dtcm`s mail window localizabl CDExc22921 Appointment AM/PM indicators lock in 24 Hour display mode CDExc22946 Calendar Options Category pulldown m CDExc22947 Calendar default window sizes are too small to show info CDExc22972 dtcm takes too long to change from 12 to 24 hou CDExc22973 dtcm should hide AM PM buttons in 24-hour mod CDExc22996 dtcm`s todo and appt lists use incorrect date format in japanese CDExc23078 Dtcm - Help: Clicking on Help of error dialog of inetd not running goes .. CDExc23357 dtcm does not change date format as appropriate according to local CDExc23960 dtcm leaks memory when the Browse menu is updated CDExc24024 Missing location ids in dtc Component: Applications Sub-component: dtcreate CDExc11958 dtcreate man page has dticon and dtfile in SEE ALS CDExc12265 Replace utility with tool in Help text CDExc12763 Use of datatype and data typ CDExc13119 Usability problems with edit ico CDExc14215 allow multiple input CDExc15284 Show Monochrome checkbox disappear CDExc15572 When OPEN dialog is up, primary stops working but has curso CDExc16631 HIllegal code in dtcreat CDExc16683 Get `Actions not found` msg CDExc17027 Hour glass cursor removed too soo CDExc17028 Permissions pattern longer than windo CDExc17029 Does not allow `Ask For` on other parameter CDExc17030 $ syntax only allows a one digit valu CDExc17039 Inaccurate error message CDExc17128 Cannot open an existing action CDExc19460 dtcreate let the user enter an invalid action nam CDExc21183 dtcreate displays an unsorted list of icons in `Find Set CDExc21212 Height of button in dtcreate changes with window resiz CDExc21216 dtcreate: no return binding in Find Set (selection) widge CDExc21218 No response on Find Set in dtcreate when different locale chosen at logi CDExc21308 The message of Question Dialog is only English Component: Applications Sub-component: dtdocbook CDExc22268 dtdocbook does not number Procedure Step CDExc22271 dtdocbook handles RefSect2 oddl CDExc22274 dtdocbook produces hugely wide output for relative ColWidt CDExc22857 Sdl files generated from common sgm file vary depending on platfor CDExc22861 Commandline return value for dtdocbook wrong on IB CDExc22919 dtdocbook fails to place Anchor ids correctl CDExc22984 dtdocbook does not localize default admonition title CDExc23030 dtdocbook incorrectly sorts glossary entries in German on Solari CDExc23081 nearly useless dtdocbook error message CDExc23118 dtdocbook or DtHelp fails to handle newlines in certain contex Component: Applications Sub-component: dtfile CDExc09837 When creating new from template, use tearoff drag animatio CDExc09840 Desktop icons - add occupy across workspace CDExc09844 Selection Dialog for file copy destination CDExc09848 Add a mulitpane-style view to the File Manage CDExc09850 File manager to support other devices CDExc09852 Selection of template type w/in New File dialo CDExc09853 File duplication with automatic namin CDExc09854 File search by filetyp CDExc09857 File Manager open new view or in plac CDExc09859 Link/reflection design issue CDExc09861 Filetype selection in New File dialo CDExc09862 Selectable history list of accessed folders for recal CDExc09864 File links inherit the properties of the linked fil CDExc09866 Save session auto to guard against crashes CDExc09868 Converge action/filetype def lang and front panel def lan CDExc09869 Changeable icon spacin CDExc09871 File Manager - shouldn`t have to hit enter change icon nam CDExc09879 Mouse selection to select directory search rang CDExc09880 File Manager search for new/modified file CDExc09881 Add case selection option for file searc CDExc09882 Trash: Add user specified timed dum CDExc09883 Align - to - grid function for icon CDExc09886 Trash view isn`t restored between sessions CDExc09899 Drag-and-Drop text selection CDExc09912 Add `Go Up...` icon to filetree view to be visible at all time CDExc10236 FileMgr windows should auto-scroll on icon dra CDExc11333 tear-off menus wante CDExc11535 Provide switch user contro CDExc12086 Need multi-object move/copy/link CDExc12097 Add separate size control for iconic pat CDExc12697 Need to add scrolling drag CDExc12714 Buttons at bottom of Set Properties incorreect CDExc13978 Re-selecting Selected.* options creates 2nd dialo CDExc14136 cannot drag-copy or drag-link in same folde CDExc14404 dtfile views limited to default scree CDExc14494 Find doesn`t work in App Manage CDExc14510 middle button drag broken in 2button mous CDExc16766 Need Put In Trash button in Find dialo CDExc16767 Need icon name truncatio CDExc16768 Iconic path icon object behaviors incomplet CDExc16769 Need to integrate Save Settings with Set Preferences CDExc16770 Set Filter Options dialog needs rework CDExc16788 File Actions need to be in the backgroun CDExc16789 Collision Dialogs need to be moda CDExc17278 Cannot detect AFS on Sun or H CDExc17312 need popup object indicatio CDExc17315 Placement is strange in `As Placed` mode CDExc17325 Cannot delete a file with a space in a multiple delete CDExc17364 afs permissions dont sho CDExc17366 Datatype icons may be incorrect when object permissions change CDExc17368 Information on Permissions dialog for a recursive link is bogu CDExc17406 Folder name entry fields don`t resolve /afs/austin/u1/lstein CDExc17409 Misleading message for /afs/austin/u1/lstein/.dt/Desktop CDExc17412 Can loose icons in dtfile view when restoring session CDExc17414 As placed mode doesn`t work in `By Name, date, size ...` mode CDExc17418 Help position is off for Selected/View pulldowns CDExc17497 dtfile IconWindow.c handling of virtual keysyms is suspicious CDExc17577 Action/Datatyping Inconsistency for Sym Link CDExc17751 could not shift click to add files/directories to selecte CDExc17752 double clicking on directory name in dtfile does not selec CDExc17983 dtfile outline view leaves vertical trash line behing when collapse CDExc18044 dragging ".." to workspace in app manager has wrong nam CDExc19530 Selected text in icons used for filtering white on whit CDExc19531 Autodrag/scroll of icons too fas CDExc19576 defaults to small icon CDExc19784 Transient VM exhaustion can make dtfile loo CDExc20184 need to truncate long filename CDExc20291 Redragging an existing data file on desktop does not generate error messag CDExc20893 refresh in dtfile is too slo CDExc21310 There aren`t Japanese labels that used to display datatypes by dtfile CDExc21311 The icon area can`t make a change size CDExc21312 dtfile : Can`t use printing of the help CDExc21392 Problem starting two dtfile on two different screens at a time CDExc21393 a possible secutiry hole in filemanager started from `su` session CDExc21510 D&D OF ICON FROM FILE MGR ACROSS HEADS ONTO DTTERM LOSES OBJECTS CDExc21693 dtfile icon spacing incorrect in japanese CDExc21847 bad mnemonic for Deselect Al CDExc21848 BACKTRACK in Help for DTFILE when server starts gives error ms CDExc21849 AppManager: restrictions should be enforced in support of vendo CDExc21852 dtfile: Find operation searches all subdirs, suggest a new option for on CDExc21926 dtfile ignores alphabetical sorting order while displaying files/folders CDExc22719 Accelerators that need Ctrl key won`t work in the spanish local CDExc23112 When moving write protected files to the trash can, not all are displayed. CDExc23157 app manager should iconify after action star CDExc23564 Action dialog in File manager for executable file has design proble CDExc24158 dtfile allows directories to be moved when a view is open CDExc24165 dtfile fails to display an error dialog when trashing the root directory CDExc24169 dtfile rename function fails to respond to osfEndLine ke CDExc24172 dtfile displays the wrong error dialog when trashing the .dt directory Component: Applications Sub-component: dtfonteditor CDExc23016 font editor, etc. should have actions define Component: Applications Sub-component: dtgreet CDExc21071 dtgreet consumes CPU cycles while doing nothin CDExc21702 dtchooser: UPDATE LIST resets login scree Component: Applications Sub-component: dthelpgen CDExc20477 dthelpgen tests fai CDExc22793 CANT GO TO THE TOPLEVEL IN DTHELPVIEW AFTER DELETING THE .DT CDExc23164 The file CHANGE_FOR_NEXT_RELEASE should be remove Component: Applications Sub-component: dthelpprint CDExc17199 I18N: Non-existent iconv converter was calle CDExc23062 When -subTopics specified, the sub topics are not printed CDExc24015 dthelpprint is adding a trailing control-L causing regressions Component: Applications Sub-component: dthelptag CDExc17187 xref to head with graphic bad CDExc17285 Gap between columns is tigh CDExc17460 dthelp example GUI needs wor CDExc17462 Missing markup for text files in element CDExc17481 dthelptag dumps core on some syntax error CDExc22343 dthelptag fails to compile test htg files on AIX onl CDExc22560 dthelptag core dumps when compiling Japanese help volumes with large loc CDExc22992 If hypertext links are in the glossary, dthelp_[c,h]tag1 process bad sdl CDExc23060 cannot break a term across lines with white space CDExc23094 dthelp parser checkdefault routine has logic flaw CDExc23101 xref in example create incorrect SDL markup Component: Applications Sub-component: dthelpview CDExc11869 helpview ignors -geometry option on command lin CDExc17921 helpview performance test result needs investigatio CDExc20710 Need way to align text rows in adjacent BLOCK/FORM element CDExc21272 onHelpDialog columns resource value in Japanese locale is a small CDExc22147 IN TRUE COLOR MODE, HELP VIEWER COLORS ARE LOST CDExc23910 The actions to bring up a help viewer start multiple processes CDExc24130 dthelpview index dialog has inconsistant radio button indicator size CDExc24135 dthelpview fails a Copy/Paste test Component: Applications Sub-component: dticon CDExc09847 Icon editor must understand tooltal CDExc10313 icon editor including private header file CDExc13010 Filled ellipse is lopside CDExc13198 Change color tile button selection behavior CDExc13200 Move function too difficult CDExc13215 Magnification chice not understood CDExc13217 Difficulty drawing circles CDExc13271 Replace select icon CDExc13780 iconGray6 c value wrong, use iconGray7 valu CDExc15134 I18N: dticon messes up the title strings on H CDExc15200 eraser tool leaves track CDExc15561 Missing Format buttons in Save dialo CDExc15562 If an image larger than 256 is loaded, image overwrites button CDExc15563 Missing No Drop cursor for invalid drag object CDExc15611 title line does not show `Icon Editor - ...` for LANG=ja_J CDExc15690 Change accelerator key CDExc15930 Needs status/message are CDExc15931 Unfriendly behavior when trying to modify an ico CDExc15932 Save changes warning dialog may cause user erro CDExc16240 Core file will crash dticon CDExc16246 Save function isnt updating format suffix in nam CDExc16327 Rotate should be Cut+Rotate, not cop CDExc17985 dticon graphics palette button have wrong backgroun CDExc18042 dticon`s 2-Color mode window spils ove CDExc22359 dticon `undo` does not revert scaling of icon thumbnail CDExc22703 Icon Editor does not start if there is not enough colors on displa Component: Applications Sub-component: dtimsstart CDExc21907 dtimsstart does not report errors if it fail CDExc22750 dtimsstart fonts incorrec CDExc22927 Invoking ims on remote host, login not completed CDExc22928 On DS/90 platform, `-host` option is not available Component: Applications Sub-component: dtinfo CDExc21639 dtinfo Reading Window does not contain Edit->Copy men CDExc21651 icon for `view doc` in dtinfo bk list toolbar is mis-leading for purpos CDExc22282 dtinfo tabs are sometimes partially clipped on section displa CDExc22365 book list tool bar should include the scope editor button & ico CDExc22562 bookmark button should have specific On-Context hel CDExc22701 dtinfo - eliminate use of treeres in app-defaults file generatio CDExc22807 dtinfo - search results hilighting to left of mar CDExc22810 dtinfo Save Scope dialog needs modification, such as max field widt CDExc22811 should be a way to clean out all scopes fr Preferences file via GU CDExc22812 minor -help arg descriptions should have been placed in msg catalo CDExc22813 dtinfo - core dump displaying `Layout Features` sectio CDExc22819 print interface error messages (pre-print) need better clarit CDExc22821 Print error & dialog hidden if original parent has been iconifie CDExc22822 xt warnings issued when using Print dialog under dtinfo, command lin CDExc22853 Cntrl-B in Browser window should do Back History, to match DtHel CDExc22854 dtinfo Preferences dialog decorations should not incl resize handle CDExc22855 with tiny desktop font, Prefs dialog has Form constraint error CDExc22871 dtinfo printing interprets style sheet values as pixels rather than point CDExc22885 GIF graphics don`t print if raster print driver is somehow selecte CDExc22886 CGM graphics print very small from dtinfo through raster drive CDExc22887 dtinfo print interface can freeze application for long tim CDExc22916 DtWidget pages not using style sheet indentation CDExc22966 CGM graphic prints as solid black under dtinfo, through PS drive CDExc22983 slight optimization possible for _DtGrLoad call sequence in dtinf CDExc22985 UAS_Common::book_tab_list does not return tabs for section CDExc23001 missing error and dialog dismissed if print-to-file w/no fil CDExc23002 print-in-progress dialog with cancel option needed for toolbar initiatio CDExc23003 dtinfo implements Using Help menu item incorrectl CDExc23008 dtinfo does not really detach a graphic in table CDExc23009 detached graphic from online is not in printed copy eithe CDExc23014 dtinfo: Memory Leak (9kb) when using browser windo CDExc23033 confirmation dialog on canceling bookmark edit parenting to wrong on CDExc23050 second print request of section hierarchy, or to slow prtr, hangs ap CDExc23051 hier print under dtinfo updates bklist & position marker, each sectio CDExc23056 former BadAlloc cond now handled quietly, without user warning, for prin CDExc23068 colformat should default to the last one availabl CDExc23069 colstart and colend not supported by dtinf CDExc23070 colsep/rowsep are inadvertently being converted to pixel siz CDExc23083 StyleSheet: char align in TGroup is being ignore CDExc23093 auto-generated IDs can be duplicate in large volume corpu CDExc23108 dtinfo: memory errors and minor leak CDExc23119 newline in title displays as funny glyph in booklist windo CDExc23122 dtinfo - cannot print section CDEMUG.APPA.DIV. CDExc23123 dtinfo - cannot print section CDEMMA.APPC.DIV. CDExc23131 dtinfo does not work from dtaction -execHost remot CDExc23132 dtinfo graphics do not display properly remotel CDExc23135 dtinfo core dump from On Selection without Selectio CDExc23197 dtinfo joining workspaces irregularl CDExc23246 dtinfo does not support searching for variable name CDExc23703 Linking dtinfo results in multiple undefined reference errors for template CDExc23739 dtinfo - it is possible to start multiple dtinfos from the front panel CDExc23740 dtinfo - The quit confirmation dialog should be eliminate Component: Applications Sub-component: dtinfogen CDExc20747 dtinfogen: closing pipe from sgml parser: Illegal see CDExc22981 Librarian generates weird error msg when errors found in validatio CDExc23000 dtinfogen does not handle DTINFO ids/idrefs uniforml Component: Applications Sub-component: dtksh CDExc10909 the dtksh build environment needs to be cleaned u CDExc17761 dtksh has no documentation about its non-standard build proces CDExc17762 the documentation for unpackaging dtksh is incomplet CDExc17763 dtksh is not instrumented for branch coverag CDExc21920 ttdt_open failed with status: TT_WRN_START_MESSAGE when running dtksh test CDExc22518 dtksh - Typing backspace in emacs mode while editing multi-byte character CDExc22519 dtksh - Half width kana character cannot be echoed back in Japanese locale Component: Applications Sub-component: dtlogin CDExc11407 Dtlogin reads 2mb of /dev/me CDExc12204 dthello could be invoked bette CDExc12842 Allo providing argument add-ons to dthell CDExc13635 Login and Password need to be more visually distinc CDExc15126 I18N: dtlogin exports LANG on AI CDExc15264 AIX: dtlogin doesn`t warn/ask user to change initial passw CDExc17797 dtlogin sets $DISPLAY incorrectly to unix:0. CDExc21537 command line login puts console in funny state on UnixWar CDExc22030 Xservers config file has Sun-specific comment CDExc22765 If login is disabled, dtlogin shows an empty error dialo CDExc23202 Xstartup & Xsession should share font setting cod CDExc23664 dtlogin - fails when started from an X -query sessio CDExc23918 dtlogin should include the display id in the name put in the process table CDExc24121 Xsession script needs updating for HP-UX 10.X Component: Applications Sub-component: dtlp CDExc15070 Print dialog remains after Text Editor is exite CDExc17389 title bar message is wrong CDExc18009 dtlp does not behave like other transient CDExc19426 dtlp: Requires LANG environment variabl CDExc19427 dtlp: Does not exi CDExc20338 Dtlp uses lpstat flags in a way which is not portibl CDExc22229 dtlp_help background color not consis tent with dtstyle color settings Component: Applications Sub-component: dtmail CDExc11366 there`s no Done button on dtmai CDExc11368 header window titles don`t alig CDExc11761 Need to set minimum size constraints on dtmai CDExc12467 The Add Files dialog should have an Apply butto CDExc12944 Allow a tag to notify the sender when the receiver reads ms CDExc12956 Add Stack button for quick and easy view of folder CDExc12958 Need more options on the Send butto CDExc12959 buttons in the middle of the window look cluttere CDExc12960 Implement the ability to add a signature file to message CDExc12961 Implement the ability to configure the button ba CDExc12968 Send leads to slow window take dow CDExc13646 Need easy way to add recipients to the To: and Cc: line CDExc13647 Dtmail always starts in current login WS regardless WS se CDExc13774 Move menu ordering: Other on to CDExc13869 flashing implemented wron CDExc13969 Attachment area cannot resize CDExc13971 mailx hangs when dtmail is runnin CDExc13988 new messages do not scroll the header window dow CDExc14058 Invoking action on attachment -> no feedbac CDExc14062 Auto-save logic should be folder sensitiv CDExc14122 Ctrl-/ doesn t select all attachment CDExc14130 don t forget mail folder list between invocation CDExc14299 Compose window icon should display To: like mailtoo CDExc14304 SaveAsText saves a msg with attachment without warnin CDExc14329 NNo text/richtext or text/enriched interpretatio CDExc14331 Unknown type body parts presented as text in edito CDExc14332 MMIME headers should be filtered for presentatio CDExc14333 uUsing dtpad for text attachment viewing very cumbersom CDExc14399 header ignore selections should be compared in lower-cas CDExc14566 dtmail doesn t refresh a folder s view when message is move CDExc14730 Edit menu problems in Compose Windo CDExc14924 Support MH forma CDExc15193 DtMail should use toggles in men CDExc15497 Destroy should be Shre CDExc15648 About Box not fronted when mapped CDExc15885 Rename attachment conf dialog missin CDExc15886 DtMail does not use DtEditor`s XmNhelpCallbac CDExc16119 Search should include both From and Cc CDExc16158 Need scroll-down optio CDExc16222 Format setting box has not Hel CDExc16284 Cannot drag multiply selected attachmts from attachmt pan CDExc16427 Find dialog should tell me which folder it s attached to CDExc16481 Move/Copy dialog should stay u CDExc16501 Escape key doesn`t cancel several dialog CDExc16521 dtmail move/copy model is confusin CDExc17093 misses bottom buttons on ta CDExc17147 Focus not reset after viewing messag CDExc17176 not clearing viewing are CDExc17194 Traversal of Bcc: in compose window not consisten CDExc17422 Extra char when message is dropped onto fp text editor ico CDExc17778 drag of mail messages to trash does not delete, and is weir CDExc17801 Fails to redraw screen during long mail folder save CDExc18013 delete key does not work in message men CDExc18014 dropping a mail message on help is bogu CDExc18094 Review treatment of mailboxes as message/rfc822 attachment CDExc18096 dtmail generating X-Sun-Data-Type headers in mail message CDExc19776 dtmail trouble with help page from error dialog help butto CDExc20317 dtmail error dialog for failed actions has too many button CDExc20336 Secondary windows map on each other, when more than 1 messages displaye CDExc20700 dtmail edit/undo in compose mail deselects selected tex CDExc20780 dtmail should have a `mark as unread feature CDExc20999 Purify - NPR`s in DtMai CDExc21004 Purify - UMRs in Dtmail, various place CDExc21010 dtmail doesn`t resort incoming mai CDExc21425 dtmail print options margins are not exac CDExc21622 Suggestion: There should be a CLEAR button in the FIND/Change option CDExc21624 Help windows invoked from DTMAIL don`t iconify CDExc21627 Mail lacks Keyboard Accelerators for some menu items CDExc22084 Help text for printing lacks (references to) useful informatio CDExc22544 dtmail should support searching through the body of message CDExc22574 dtmail on Novell freezes up while printing to a fil CDExc22621 dtmail should show proper help and title for typed attachment CDExc22960 dtmail does not destroy print dialog for WM_DELET CDExc23148 With wordwrap, first line of composed messages sometimes overlon CDExc23196 Workaround for broken getpwuid_r on AIX needs to be backed out when OS fix CDExc23316 dtmail - memory leakage when updating mail options .. CDExc23348 The AttachmentArea behaves differently from dtfile wrt icon selection CDExc23469 The behavior for opening a message should be configurable via action CDExc23598 Dtmail mail retrieval from server needs enhancements CDExc23633 dtmail - executable attachments are misstyped as text or data CDExc23804 dtmail fails to clean up dead letter messages after compose window is clos CDExc23809 dtmail should allow the user to specify which STMP server to use CDExc23813 Separation of dtmail front/back end architecture is being violated CDExc23814 Implement ui for filtering messages from mail server based on size CDExc23862 dtmail conflict between special vacation and read only suffixes CDExc23870 dtmail composer and folder titles should be set prior to managing dialogs CDExc23873 dtmail new mail flag does not work when retrieving mail from a mail server CDExc24008 Drag under highlighting is displayed in Options Pan CDExc24046 dtmail Options->MessageView->CharactersWide combo box doesnt wor Component: Applications Sub-component: dtmailpr CDExc21765 DTMAILPR(1) APPLICATION DOES NOT WORK WHEN DISPLAY SERVER IS ON A RemoteSy Component: Applications Sub-component: dtpad CDExc10314 dtpad including private header file CDExc12284 Dtpad cannot edit large files in finite tim CDExc12847 Add ability to menu off of the Text pan CDExc12850 Need properties butto CDExc12851 Window frame should indicate when a file has been edite CDExc13165 dtpad overrides DISPLA CDExc13255 A failed attempt to open a new file resets dtpad CDExc13367 Dtpad will not die with control CDExc14825 add popup to dtpa CDExc15382 need usage message if command line option is invali CDExc15431 unable to edit a file as root when root has write permissio CDExc15874 The New menu cmd appears to be trying to reuse the windo CDExc16720 Change [Copy to File...] to [Save As - noNameChange -... CDExc17066 Including a special file displays no warning CDExc17474 Find/Change doesn`t center found text ala vuepa CDExc17554 Using Find/Change dlg before Spell dlg changes default focus on Spell dlg CDExc17580 dDtpad should allow for user-definable tab stop CDExc19511 dtpad in a cpu spi CDExc19897 Erratic cut and paste behavior in dtpa CDExc20348 File/Open menu is selected the default highlighted file to be opened CDExc20487 Purify - Memory Leaks in StandAlone DtPa CDExc20493 Purify - Memory Leaks and Free`d Reads in Client/Server DtPa CDExc20929 DtPad fails to replace text using secondary selection CDExc20955 Purify - FMRs in DtPad serve CDExc21139 dtpad has two Print menu entries on UnixWar CDExc21536 fonts for printing must be internationalize CDExc21576 Double clicking on root doc does not bring up dtpad CDExc21579 dtpad -standAlone on HP gives catgets erro CDExc21718 BACKTRACK in Help for DTPAD when server starts gives error msg CDExc22525 dtpad mnemonics do not work in Japanes CDExc24091 dtpad error dialog title does not conform to CDE style guide Component: Applications Sub-component: dtpdm CDExc22085 dtpdm dies with X erro Component: Applications Sub-component: dtprintinfo CDExc12845 Add ability to print to alternate printers CDExc12846 Need Action feedback indicating status of print jo CDExc15447 Need feedback that job accepted if que is empty CDExc15578 details to icon doesn`t shrink sizeof print job windo CDExc15801 Drawing extra printer CDExc15866 Need option to save window siz CDExc16450 The connection timeout should be configurabl CDExc16453 Not possible to select >1 print job to cance CDExc16454 Ordering of printers breaks after a printer name is change CDExc16916 Add [No jobs] when Mine Only selecte CDExc17257 highlight all job info when se CDExc22711 dtprintinfo should force ComboBox positionMode resourc CDExc23640 dtprintinfo core dumps on clicking on a non-existent printe CDExc23680 dtprintinfo needs a print job parser for linu CDExc23713 security hole in dtprintinf Component: Applications Sub-component: dtscreen CDExc16899 I18N: dtscreen.msg contains message numbers and quote CDExc19821 dtscreen DTSAVERINFO not working on IB CDExc21705 Screen Savers should run at priority 16, as man page says Component: Applications Sub-component: dtsearch-utils CDExc22239 dtsr is incompletely localize CDExc23011 DtSearch tests fail to find string `Table of Contents Component: Applications Sub-component: dtsession CDExc09900 session needs progress indicator for startu CDExc12659 No feedback when login is done CDExc16308 Getting logged out on setting numKeyCode to 24 CDExc19435 dtsession should own TARGET and MULTIPLE for the colorserve CDExc19596 Create an Xrm-based client database for the default sessio CDExc19597 Dtsession should try to guard against poorly written XSMP clients CDExc19598 Dtsession should allow sessionexit and sessionetc files per sessio CDExc20670 dtsession should exit if wm can`t be started successfull CDExc20859 Purify - Memory Leaks in Dtsessio CDExc21048 1 pixel cursor is visible when screen is locke CDExc21731 Third party applications may not fit correctly on small scree CDExc22279 Obsolete code for contention management should be remove CDExc22707 dtsession does not allocate 16 fixed colors for icons in front pane CDExc22748 dtsession fonts wrong if dialog brought up initiall CDExc22789 old resource enableDefaultButton still presen CDExc23080 Dtlogo not displayed if colormap is exhauste CDExc23681 dtsession GetMemoryUtilization needs to be ported for linux Component: Applications Sub-component: dtspcd CDExc12063 spcd should use .rhosts access contro Component: Applications Sub-component: dtstyle CDExc09841 Add pointer size option to Style Manage CDExc09849 Miscellaneous Stlye Manager additions, CDExc09851 Dynamic font change CDExc09863 Save locale per user I CDExc09954 Keyboard settings in Style Manager don`t wor CDExc10452 separate specification of background and text colo CDExc10846 Text color is mandated CDExc11676 Add switch for secondary window behavio CDExc12691 Need to remove Icons from inside secondaries CDExc12692 Popups missing from style panel icons CDExc12694 Missing confirmation message for Defaults button CDExc13211 Users still cant figure out Modify color dialog CDExc13216 Color/objects model not apparent CDExc14185 Font selection dialog lacks `type` of font information CDExc14186 The `size` column in the font selection dialog is incorrect CDExc14216 Should occupy all workspaces on startu CDExc15217 Can`t set the hue slider to 240 and certain other specific nos CDExc15218 Black & White radio box is disabled in Color Use dialog window CDExc15232 icon labels are not readable against light background color CDExc17019 I18N: Incorrect layout of Test Double-Click ico CDExc17558 dtstyle`s Beep window has extra spaces in its title CDExc19306 No default button for fonts in dtstyl CDExc19408 New messages added for CDEnext are missing their translations CDExc21069 Style manager beep tone value display is truncate CDExc21276 Add Palette - An inproper error message appear CDExc21279 Mouse - The default button cannot set the double-click tim CDExc21457 Style manager color palette display problems with Truecolor/Directcolo CDExc21858 dtstyle/startup default Return to Home Session inconsistent stat CDExc21869 Style Manager Beep control is broken on DE CDExc21873 DTSTYLE BACKDROP DOESN`T REFLECT STATE CORRECTLY CDExc21876 DTSTYLE Color & Screen dialogs don`t resize to show full lis CDExc21877 DTSTYLE lacks a keyboard command to grab a color from the screen CDExc21878 DTSTYLE cannot DELETE more that 1 NEW Color palett CDExc22749 dtstyle menu bar labels are too bi CDExc22890 dtstyle should sort its lists of palettes and backdrop CDExc23044 Style Manager Backdrop popup needs Cancel butto Component: Applications Sub-component: dtterm CDExc11942 dtterm - 5x - UDK section needs more informatio CDExc12290 Request: put a separator between options and help in popup men CDExc12634 margin bell bi-directiona CDExc12722 F9-F12 are KP_1-KP_4, KP_2 doesn`t wor CDExc12858 function key and UDK design is incorrec CDExc12987 dtterm session management not saving correctl CDExc13261 dtterm*sizeList: 10x changes number of rows from defaul CDExc13299 Resizing dtterm wrapped text should re-wrap correctl CDExc13301 Mouse interface to dtterm should allow complete string edi CDExc14290 Motif selection model may be insufficient for term usag CDExc14335 clear wrong in dtterm terminf CDExc15946 CDE/Sun - read after xmodmap fail CDExc16334 Buffer resize is losing chars in history buffe CDExc16688 I18N: Extra statusChangeCallback is called while pre-editin CDExc16781 TermView widget returns -1 as DtNsubprocessPid valu CDExc16955 Changing FontSize changes also dtterm`s siz CDExc17650 Font size menu has duplicate entrie CDExc19676 dtterm: seach capabilit CDExc20169 dtterm hangs up in japanese with IMS on Fu CDExc20346 dtterm does not map help window on pressing F CDExc20472 dtterm default indicator not set for font menu, but set for size men CDExc20520 dtterms come up the wrong siz CDExc21170 Wrongly display of cursor CDExc21307 The dtterm needs performance improvements CDExc21769 DTTERM NEEDS THE ABILITY TO SET ITSELF TO BE A VT22 CDExc21821 DTTERM OFFERS NO UI METHOD TO INCREASE THE SCROLLBACK MEMOR CDExc21838 DTTERM LOSES SCROLLBAR DATA WITH V CDExc21923 dtterm emulation causes emacs display error CDExc22453 dtterm - pasted text getting scrambele CDExc23289 dtterm erase behavior incorrect: stty erase not set properl CDExc23361 dtterm should select words over boundary of line when double clicke CDExc23877 dtterm Comm/Pty test fail CDExc23935 dtterm sometimes keeps its drop highlight after drag is ove Component: Applications Sub-component: dttypes CDExc17001 Lot of Actions are missing data in DESCRIPTION, ICON, and LABE Component: Applications Sub-component: dtwm CDExc09901 Hour glass pointer needed for On Front Panel Hel CDExc10667 dtwm can`t force windows to stay on the scree CDExc10762 double clicking an icon flashes window men CDExc12525 Add support for additional architecture in Imakefil CDExc12526 Add support for additional UNI CDExc12527 Long variables need 4 forma CDExc12528 WmResource.c assumes int and pointer are the sam CDExc12798 Dtwm help dialog needs a help butto CDExc12860 want control over tiling of backdro CDExc12946 Allow a double click on base frame to enlarge windo CDExc12964 Add ability to activate apps directly from front pane CDExc13305 dtwm needs to stop setting on-item help curso CDExc13426 Need way to force an application to launch at specific W CDExc13544 Dtwm help viewer does not behave like dthelpvie CDExc13957 f.raise_lower wrong with Allow Primary Windows On To CDExc14463 Accelerator keys not passed to icons in the iconbox CDExc14467 Multiple screen handling is poor CDExc14556 Need a warning dialog when deleting workspace CDExc14574 Dtwm doesn`t shutdown very cleanl CDExc15059 Alt+F4 does not close window when icon displayed in icon bo CDExc16003 Add *workspaceCursor resource on per-screen basi CDExc16066 Many useful resources missing from dtwm man pag CDExc16068 warn me if you ignore my specific key binding context CDExc16069 Occupy All Workspaces ignores new workspace CDExc16322 maximumClientSize set to vertical moves window from positio CDExc16466 dtwm resists raise window comman CDExc16643 L7 fails to close popup windo CDExc17465 DtWsm.5 man page has a misnamed AP CDExc19347 Need additional makefiles in dtwm/examples/wsinfo and occup CDExc19655 Default for screen lock changed to be transparent; compat brea CDExc19732 dtwm PUSH_RECALL feature doesn`t handle multi-toplevels application CDExc19828 The ParseFunction structure should be modifie CDExc20249 Dtwm hangs when trying to join a session on Novell CDExc20337 dtwm can leave focus in wrong window during popdow CDExc20376 workspace names font too dark to read in dtw CDExc20661 wants the equivalent of Vue`s LAYOUT_POLICY `as_needed` in CD CDExc20958 Purify - PAR and MAF in Dtwm, running help test CDExc20979 Clock icon unreadable on black & white displa CDExc21466 dtwm does not recognize new backdrop files until restarte CDExc21472 CDE-Regression: In true color mode, Help Viewer colors are lost CDExc21643 Action icon for trashcan is not available when DISPLAY_CONTROL_LABEL CDExc21645 WM RESTART ERASES `ALL WORKSPACE` OCCUPATION CDExc21666 DELETING the Trash app. from subpanel leaves a BLANK spot on subpa CDExc21676 ICONBOX does not maximiz CDExc21791 dtwm uses XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSE CDExc22342 Could not find minimize window gadget on Digital test of dtw CDExc22938 fontlist test fails on H CDExc22939 key sequence ignored for packing icon box on H CDExc22941 dtwm seems to ignore fadeNormalIcon resource according to test CDExc22977 dtwm - push-up panel doesn`t recede after keyboard selectio CDExc23031 dtwm stays around when powering the X terminal down without proper exi CDExc23082 Front panel gets truncated on small screen CDExc23339 some small anamolies with freeFamily in dtw CDExc23617 dtwm front panel doesn`t check past first item installed in it CDExc23834 dtwm Imakefile has funny Sun define CDExc23933 icons on desktop do not always move successfull CDExc23938 clicking twice for root menu releases gra CDExc23954 Integration of MWM_QATS_PROTOCOL used incorrect combination of defines Component: Applications Sub-component: frontpanel CDExc10681 I18N: Front Panel has IM status area CDExc11530 printer on bezel confusin CDExc11698 workspace switches do not place cursor where user click CDExc12856 Sub-panel doesn t always roll back after selectio CDExc12900 When DISPLAY_CONTROL_LABELS is on, labels should be truncate CDExc13466 Front Panel goes off the display when toggling controls CDExc13497 Front panel rendered incorrectly if CONTROL Blank missin CDExc13503 Selectable workspace launch action desire CDExc13611 trash icon does not change state to show content CDExc14236 Delete pop-up menu item should be rename CDExc14480 no keyboard method to install subpanel app CDExc14835 Front Panel does not use Icon Bo CDExc14927 front panel allows adding too many icons to a subpane CDExc15225 .fp file with >1 controls not installed in subpanel correctl CDExc16170 Copy/link to Trash window/front panel works differentl CDExc16208 frontpanel should allow rented realestat CDExc16359 Restore front panel action gives no warnin CDExc16465 remove printer animatio CDExc16700 Restore Front panel doesn t reinstate main panel icon CDExc16712 Tearoff menu fails to pop dow CDExc16779 Popup menu label is incorrec CDExc16798 Error occurred during parsing of frontpane CDExc17375 Client in front panel doesnt displayed popup menu correctl CDExc17655 Got new mail, and the workspace I was renaming rese CDExc17657 Front Panel for mail does not actually get new mai CDExc17722 front panel won`t raise after a workspace switc CDExc17808 workspace buttons have bad font margin when renamin CDExc17833 Edit Dtwm from the applications box does not edit dtwmr CDExc18018 slide-ups and icons do not show arm/disarm visual CDExc18020 sometimes slide-ups do not go dow CDExc19152 frontpanel: scrollup menus don`t disappear during startup condition CDExc19287 Installing icon of file with multiple def`s into subpanel fail CDExc19917 The up arrows on the front panel are always highlighted CDExc21300 The date of calendar icon on frontpanel differ from image of Hel CDExc21301 Bitmap icon and Pixmap icon,label aren`t displayed CDExc21302 HELP_VOLUME and HELP_TOPIC are not displayed on the help window CDExc21303 A ALTERNATE_ICON does not take effect if a mail is arrived CDExc21669 The Personal Applications Pop-Up menu doesn`t always retract after select` CDExc23022 Dtterm icon is hidden down too many level CDExc23351 return in front panel does not activat CDExc23487 The front panel does not support window manager icon CDExc23852 front panel window menu button should appear depresse CDExc23934 front panel drop sites should distinguish between valid and invali Component: Applications Sub-component: psddx CDExc20930 PS ddx should call MakeAtom once for various font routine CDExc23074 No ouput is produced when running the test Component: Build-Install Sub-component: build CDExc11471 We need lots of mapfiles to specify versioning informatio CDExc12248 Varient builds needed for performance wor CDExc16152 assert after dragging file to Trash for Trash putback fil CDExc19504 make clean doesnt remove .map file CDExc19524 hpversion.h should be removed from the source tre CDExc19593 If dtlogin fails to build, none of the config files get buil CDExc22064 help graphics unavailable from build tre CDExc23091 misc. compiler warning CDExc23115 Error in the Imakefile for nsgmls CDExc23144 Generic defect for making updates to build scripts, eta CDExc23252 links in config go directly to VOB, not import CDExc23342 save the environment in a file at start of buil CDExc23346 get nsgmls to work on Solaris 2. CDExc23601 Build errors on Linux CDExc23655 gencat is missing from the Linux distributio CDExc23657 Iconv does not exist on Linux. A suitable stubbing scheme is needed CDExc23669 Find a substitute for inline defines of __SVR4_I386_ABI_L1__ on linux CDExc23679 Need to clean up hacks in linux buil CDExc23887 shared library build on Solaris needs refinin CDExc23899 dtwm link line incorrect for Solari Component: Build-Install Sub-component: databases CDExc20794 create utility to pre-verify build before installin CDExc22061 dthelp directory is out of syn CDExc22531 Install dbs should use relative pathnames for platform-spec locale name Component: Build-Install Sub-component: install CDExc12191 Install leaves /$ directory on target machine CDExc19181 installCDE must provide a way to install CDE somewhere else than /usr/d CDExc19226 -RunScriptsOnly option is obsolete in installCD CDExc19339 The post-install confingRun script cannot find /etc/src.s CDExc19393 If chown or chgrp fails during an install, the failure is mis-reporte CDExc20554 Various warnings/cleanups during installCD CDExc21811 Sunsoft needs to provide configuration files for dtimsstart CDExc22200 install set[gu]id non-readabl CDExc22543 system specific locale links should come from .lcx databas CDExc23116 install script sources users .cshr CDExc23268 bad Japanese palette/background desc file on Solari CDExc23937 /proj/cde/osf directory dups moti Component: Build-Install Sub-component: utilities CDExc22124 need makedepend equivalent for SGML sourc CDExc22620 db2man incorrectly creates tables with borders on OSF/ CDExc23010 dbtoman sometimes breaks .IP data across line Component: Calendar Sub-component: cal apps CDExc20637 Appointment editor layout problem CDExc20638 Insert Appointment button labels are wron CDExc20640 To-Do editor layout problem CDExc20647 Set & reset to-do items are removed CDExc22521 dtcm - Doesn`t restore its status such as minimize, workspace number CDExc23551 Appointment editor does not update change when `Today` button is presse CDExc23552 Appointment editor changes size upon clicking `Clear` butto Component: Calendar Sub-component: libcsa CDExc21469 HOT:dtcm_insert does not put MBCS chars correctly CDExc22580 libcsa is missing some necessary thread-safe changes Component: Calendar Sub-component: rpc.cmsd CDExc20793 rpc.cmsd should use the syslogd(1) facilities to log errors - not fprint CDExc21482 GENERIC_DIALOG NOT DESTROYED ON POPDOWN Component: DtHelp Sub-component: CDE1 CDExc22592 app using 24 bit TrueColor get X11 BadMatch and fails to ru Component: DtHelp Sub-component: Canvas/Render CDExc17932 HP special rule for Canvas.c should be remove CDExc21842 clear search hits button does not clear surrounding box around tex CDExc22012 nbsp (non-break space) being ignore CDExc22387 multibyte prefix as controller wraps at every characte CDExc22526 _DtCanvasSetTopic on fresh canvas returns incorrect (too big) y offse CDExc22569 Modify Canvas layout routines to `chunk` processing CDExc22838 no kybrd trav hilite if hyperlink has search match traversal hilit CDExc23007 table layout for print is messed up, at least one cas CDExc23061 dtinfo - sections shouldn`t start new page CDExc23067 dtinfo Print: tables get clipped with large fon CDExc23105 Automatic hyphen break happens before the hyphen, not afte Component: DtHelp Sub-component: GUI CDExc12616 allows print to dummy printe CDExc13360 Print dialog grows with long volume titl CDExc21564 DtHelpDialog not creating a virtical scrollbar when a file is displaye CDExc21566 DtHelpQuickDialog widget missing `More` and `Back` buttton CDExc22844 old header files left after move to DtPrint and DtSv CDExc22852 per doc, Control-B s/b keyboard accelerator for Backtrac CDExc22935 user can`t control DtHelp dialog initial sizes via resource CDExc22982 When sdl file has empty , the system pretends none exist CDExc23492 On Item help --> Help manager not workin CDExc24134 DtHelp dialog fails the DtNminimizeButtons resource test Component: DtHelp Sub-component: Graphics CDExc20877 TIFF images display poorly (odd stippled effect CDExc21881 _DtGrLoad allow_reduced_colors=FALSE sometimes ignored for JPE CDExc22434 Some tiff images cannot be rendere CDExc22527 unaligned access in dtinfo on Digital UNI CDExc22550 DtHelp causes fit_graphic_to_window to work incorrectly Component: DtMail Sub-component: CDExc17977 Charset encoding for Chinese files is incorrect CDExc20634 There should be an option to view deleted message CDExc20655 Purify - Memory Leaks in DtMai CDExc21678 The use of lockf to synchronize with sendmail should be a sysadmin param CDExc23557 `Start Looking in` setting in Message filling dialog has no effec Component: DtMmdb Sub-component: CDExc22907 libDtMmdb.elist is missin Component: DtPrint Sub-component: DtPrintSetupBox CDExc22616 need default values for printer environment variable Component: DtSearch Sub-component: CDExc22211 jpn.knj is far from completio CDExc22659 katakana words containing jis0208 hyphens are not searchabl CDExc22759 NOT operator returns fail when the word is not indexe Component: DtSvc Sub-component: Error API CDExc23941 message logging facility should indicate source of sessio Component: DtSvc Sub-component: actioninvoke CDExc11106 How do we reference the EXEC_HOST in an EXEC_STRIN CDExc11135 Automatically use sh- - for EXEC_STRING when needed CDExc11152 Support TT_MSG actions with variable number of msg args CDExc12820 Make DtDbLoad- - return # of records accepte CDExc13476 Preprocess the action/datatype CDExc14479 DtActionInvoke could accept a NIL widge CDExc14527 Blanks embedded in File Names cause problem CDExc15934 Optimize away the use of dtexec where possibl CDExc15935 DtActionErrorDialogs- true ! false CDExc15936 DtActionErrorDetails- id CDExc16482 Dtterms From Actions Should Not Show MenuBa CDExc17256 should log errors if remote env mapping fail CDExc17485 Action`s WINDOW_TYPE should have a NO_WINDOW optio CDExc19212 dsdm test failed when dragging text from Motif to Xvie CDExc19600 Cleanup items of Action.c and Action.h from code inspectio CDExc19604 Performance enhancements to Action.c from code revie CDExc19605 DtActionInvoke should return better status on failure than returning NUL CDExc19606 DtDbReloadNotify needs to return a status cod CDExc19614 Man page for DtActionInvoke should define behavior if args are incorrec Component: DtSvc Sub-component: datatyping CDExc15558 backquote - dynamic - icons do not wor CDExc17457 The data typing code doen`t know how to handle the collision CDExc19551 Some data types not identified correctl CDExc20341 Dts.c needs more thorough error checking; perror() should be replaced CDExc20942 The data typing system should allow user/group/other in the MODE fiel CDExc23199 CDE data typing mechanism types text files and buffers as application/octe Component: DtSvc Sub-component: dragdrop CDExc10864 Problems selecting icons using BSelect butto CDExc23842 The DtSvc/dragdrop is inconsistant, FocusChange events are being missed Component: DtSvc Sub-component: other CDExc12431 Add support of additional implem. of UNX in MsguProp. CDExc12434 Add support for additional UNIX in Setlocale. CDExc16807 Don`t allocate colors when asked for monochrom CDExc16835 Truth and Beauty in DtInitializ CDExc17489 The _DtSimple*Error functions do not check msg len before copyin CDExc19705 Global variables related to DtInitialize do not allow multiple app_context CDExc21287 add function to generate temporary file CDExc23065 AIX: remote execution fails because of an authentication erro CDExc23266 DtWsm functions can be more permissive about MT lockin Component: DtTerm Sub-component: CDExc20523 Need to update TermPrimSetUtmp.c after IBM fixes getpw*_r routine CDExc20813 Enhancement: add a resource to change the cursor color in dtter CDExc21516 dtterm: new resource needed to support PC and LK401 keyboards on Digita CDExc21827 dtterm: proportional fonts should cause error and default to fixe CDExc22520 dtterm - F1, F7 keys are intercepted and not available from Terminal apps CDExc22590 DtTerm redisplay should discard non-printables ala XmTextFiel CDExc23352 dtterm displays jun CDExc23658 The TermPrimSetPty.c created for Linux needs to be verified CDExc23846 test Keysboard/Keys{2} fails intermittentl Component: DtTerm Sub-component: other CDExc21582 DtTerm widget working improperly when certain resources are used/se Component: DtWidget Sub-component: DtComboBox CDExc17491 DtComboBox does not validate DtNcomboBoxTyp CDExc17492 DtComboBoxDeletePos rejects pos == CDExc17493 DtComboBoxSetItem selects the ite CDExc17494 DtComboBox selectedPosition is off by on CDExc17495 DtComboBox passes garbage arguments when creating a scrolled window CDExc17504 Typing a value into a DtComboBox does not generate a callbac CDExc22506 widget label field is not updated if the same item is selected CDExc22747 DtComboBox prints out annoying warning message when it should not Component: DtWidget Sub-component: DtEditor CDExc17556 DtEditor widget does not return some Help reasons CDExc20485 undo after drag and drop does not delete dro CDExc22134 dteditor should have a `fill` butto CDExc23023 DtEditor should have left and right margins resourc CDExc23095 The undo behavior of DtEditor is non-standard and confusin Component: DtWidget Sub-component: DtSpinBox CDExc22353 Arrow button does not releas Component: DtWidget Sub-component: dttextwidget CDExc10706 Widgets must use Motif Widget Binary Compatibility mechanis CDExc11211 spell would be so much more useful with a Learn butto CDExc12848 Add the ability to find marked tex CDExc12852 Undo should handle multiple Undo CDExc14500 EUC formatting does not work on HPUX 9. CDExc14501 Japanese text formatted incorrectly on HPUX 9. CDExc15025 first click loses persistent seleciton in click-to-typ CDExc15067 Text Editor does not give an err if left margin > right margi CDExc15355 New functions to get partial sections of tex CDExc15942 `no more occurrences ...` msg after Spell Find + Change wron CDExc15990 Cut/Paste/Undo appears not to wor CDExc16012 dtpad hangs after initiating multiple pastes typamaticall CDExc16042 no error indication when right margin > 1024 is entere CDExc16053 Choosing `Options->Status Line` causes right marg to be rese CDExc16181 long word is truncated on list of Misspelled Word CDExc16932 DtEditor accepts drops of non-text file CDExc16985 DtEditor inefficiently reads data from file CDExc17162 Usability improvements for spell featur CDExc17193 Undo should only undo inserted fil CDExc17475 Find/Change should support reverse searches CDExc17476 Find/Change should be able to be used via the keyboard only Component: DtWidget Sub-component: other CDExc12068 Widget representation types must use Dt prefi CDExc12094 Drag curDont drag entire line in Properties view CDExc13624 Spin box values are not retained when typed i CDExc14018 DtWidget: Icon.c compilation warning CDExc14022 DtWidget: TitleBox.c compilation warning CDExc14023 DtWidget: Control.c compilation warnin CDExc15763 libdtwidget references obsolete Motif functions - currently kep CDExc15858 layout in Name view way too wastefu CDExc16316 DtNselectedItem doesn`t wor Component: I18N Sub-component: CDE1 CDExc21757 /usr/dt/examples/template calls catopen() in the wrong plac Component: I18N Sub-component: OTS CDExc22951 Focus switching between two XmTexts cause wrong display Component: I18N Sub-component: UDC CDExc23054 UDC memory cache is limited to handle less than 100 message Component: MT Sub-component: CDExc22316 XmTabListRemoveTabs test fails to remove the appropriate tab CDExc22318 multi-thread XmDropSiteUpdate fails on IB CDExc22320 Multithread test for XmClipBoardWithdrawFormat fails on IB CDExc22321 Multithread XmGetIconName fails on several platform CDExc22332 XmMT test for XmTransferValue fails on UnixWar CDExc22334 XmMT test for XmeTraitSet/XmeTraitGet tests fail on Su CDExc22350 2 threadsafe/DtSvc test failed for CST8 periodic tes CDExc22603 MrmCloseHierarchy should fail if called a second tim CDExc23042 DtTerm test SubSend does not succeed in cst9 testin Component: Printing Sub-component: libXp CDExc20872 Failure in an attempt to resize the print window to the size of the media CDExc21089 need to have session support for printin CDExc22705 XpBadContext not calling XpGetDocumentData with correct statu CDExc22706 XpBadSequence not calling XpGetDocumentData with correct statu CDExc23055 Error XPBadResourceID no longer used - eliminate from Print. Component: Printing Sub-component: prserver CDExc21600 PCL limitations not documente CDExc22356 PCL ddx assumes 300dpi resolution for image outpu CDExc22809 remove old ExecCommand function CDExc22889 PS printers getting a raster print reqst have faulted status afterwar CDExc22897 XpSubmitJob and AppendEntry do not return value CDExc22898 XpOidNotifyString does not return a valu CDExc22900 Functions that do not return value CDExc22976 X11 client `xpr` req`d for default of raster print from dsktop client CDExc22978 print server Augment_Printer_List option ignores > 1 argumen CDExc23102 All context-dependent calls should check for XPBadContex CDExc23103 BadValue should be generated by XpPutDocumentData, not BadMatc CDExc23104 XpPutDocumentData - eliminate XPBadResourceID and replace with BadMatc Component: Runtime Sub-component: developenv CDExc17461 /usr/dt/examples/types needs a READM CDExc22894 threaded library binary compatibility on AI Component: Runtime Sub-component: runtimeconfig CDExc11590 Need to define Print action for each desktop objec CDExc13180 Going through dtfile`s tracking form I found that this ite CDExc17936 warning: _common.dt.tmsg may contain obsolete message CDExc19147 DefConfig: unable to guarrantee exact initial placemen CDExc19692 The DttermServer action is undocumente Component: Runtime Sub-component: runtimeenv CDExc12953 Enhance the way CDE is locally installe CDExc22502 DTINFOLIBSEARCHPATH expansion to include file name as provide CDExc23281 what is dtdspmsg Component: Runtime Sub-component: screen CDExc14237 Some window managers have trouble with CDE-linked application Component: ToolTalk Sub-component: CDExc12487 Add support for additional UNIX in ttta CDExc12488 Add support for additional UNIX in tt/bin/shel CDExc12489 Add support for additional UNIX in ttdbserver CDExc12490 Add support for additional UNX in tt_options. CDExc12491 Add support for additional UNIX in tt/lib/d CDExc12493 Add support for additional UNIX in tt/lib/m CDExc12494 Add support for additional UNIX in tt/lib/uti CDExc12497 Add support for additional UNIX in lib/tt/sli CDExc12605 Filename mapping fails on `dual LAN`ed` hos CDExc14197 ttmedia_Deposit man page incomplet CDExc14557 tttk clients might have a problem when changing X display CDExc14720 tttrace ^Z can hang sessio CDExc15367 I18N: Bad layout of ttsnoop CDExc15771 ttdbck -x -Z does not delete the selected specs CDExc16100 CDE hangs if tooltalk not where stated in /etc/inetd.con CDExc16917 tt_type_comp should optionally break its lock after a dela CDExc16936 direct client use of libtt may interfere with cde messagin CDExc17470 libtt: SEGV in tt_pattern_destroy + tt_message_receive rac CDExc17573 ToolTalk message argument matching not totally reliabl Component: ToolTalk Sub-component: libtt CDExc22508 A completely empty object file mp/mp_mp_utils.o is included in libtt. CDExc22632 move tooltalk bin directories apart from li CDExc23656 tt_options.h needs to be verified for linu Component: ToolTalk Sub-component: rpc.ttdbserver CDExc22314 MT ToolTalk test fails on Solari CDExc22455 Corrupted TT_DB files prevent login on UX Component: ToolTalk Sub-component: tt apps CDExc19218 ttsnoop has several compiler warnings that should be fixe CDExc22025 tt_type_comp uses a SunSoft specific environment variable. OPENWINHOM CDExc22537 ToolTalk clients hang when an incorrect DISPLAY variable is set Component: other Sub-component: icons CDExc12954 Need full icon description in the Icon Palett Component: other Sub-component: misc CDExc19180 replace echo with printf in shell script CDExc20938 DefaultRootWindow calls must be investigated for printing/multi-scree CDExc21962 dtlogin not handling expired passwords (? CDExc23092 duplicate string constants exis CDExc23097 widechar headers are not included properl CDExc23185 Maint merge version of programs/types/ibm.dt.src has corrupted messages CDExc23368 various implementations of uslee CDExc23890 /proj/cde/programs has empty doc director Component: other Sub-component: usability CDExc20772 Inconsistency in the way CDE files are created (e.g. wrt umask CDExc21489 Naming, icon appearance and operation al inconsistencies in CDE Apps CDExc21974 Performance degradations need to be investigate Component: other Sub-component: visuals CDExc12295 some pixmaps get messed up in low/b&w colro mode CDExc14662 there should be solid color backdrop CDExc14665 scrollbar visuals are terrible on b& CDExc21210 Closing application using the menubar inconsitent across application Component: other Sub-component: xclients CDExc16642 filemgr Check for Floppy window fails to appear in CD CDExc20364 Locale problems on HP for DtCal CDExc20367 Baseline Memory Leaks in DtCal CDExc20368 Runtime Memory Leaks in DtCal ------- Open defects in project cde-doc ------- Component: Applications Sub-component: dtinfo CDExc22045 online doc: Search Scope button should be Rename labe Component: Book Sub-component: program_overview CDExc23750 Motif Programmers Reference - Xm Widget Classes missing some widget classe Component: DtHelp Sub-component: CDE1 CDExc21549 CDE 1.0 documentation typo: makefile should be Imakefil Component: Funct-Specs Sub-component: dtstyle CDExc19135 useColorOb & enableThinThickness resources require updates to the spec/ma Component: Help Sub-component: dtappmanager CDExc12195 No associated frontpanel icon for xter CDExc20964 Error found, and clarification needed, in dtcreate online help CDExc22191 Incomplete onitem help for File and View pulldown menu CDExc22893 Help shows `Nonexistent location I D` msgs for App Mgr `Go To` Component: Help Sub-component: dtcm CDExc20204 printer options dialog invokes wrong help for value error CDExc23275 missing dtcm calendar error dialog help id Component: Help Sub-component: dtfile CDExc16129 No Help for Open Actio CDExc16289 need more info for changing ownership of file or folde CDExc20329 Grahpic in File Manger - Change Permission dialog is incorrec Component: Help Sub-component: dticon CDExc21514 DEFAULT setting of NUMBER OF COLORS causes DTICON problem Component: Help Sub-component: dtinfo CDExc23121 Infomgr help is not up to dat Component: Help Sub-component: dtmail CDExc22192 CDE Mailer onitem online (context-sensitive) help problem CDExc23315 `Help` for a dtmail dialog cannot be found CDExc23410 Dtmail help and user`s guides need to be updated to reflect func/UI change Component: Help Sub-component: dtstyle CDExc21953 CPU impact of screen savers should be documente Component: Help Sub-component: dtterm CDExc12857 no help- - or do- - action CDExc19622 modifications to dtterm man pages & online docs for -title optio CDExc20961 dtterm online help is missing how to reset lines stored in scroll memor Component: Help Sub-component: frontpanel CDExc22032 IGE: Change Related Topis to See Also to be consistent Component: Help Sub-component: help4help CDExc21999 IGE: Selection and menu heading not consistent CDExc22033 IGE: same hyperlink links to two different helps Component: Help Sub-component: introCDE CDExc21998 IGE: Change selection To Change Window Behavior Component: Help Sub-component: online CDExc15063 problems with help topic for `Log out Confirmation` dialo CDExc15278 bullets displayed without delimiter Component: Style Guide Sub-component: dtstyle CDExc18043 Directory Selection dialog unusable as specified in Style Guid Component: SysAdminGuide Sub-component: adminapps CDExc12684 Can`t specify default header vie Component: SysAdminGuide Sub-component: environmentvars CDExc22782 Localizing an Infolib section is wron Component: SysAdminGuide Sub-component: frontpanel CDExc20963 Unclear section in Chapter 13 of SysAdmin book (To Restore a Deleted ... CDExc21677 Wrong location for dtwm.fp site Component: SysAdminGuide Sub-component: general CDExc12838 Provide detailed flow-chart of login process and file CDExc13857 dtcm icon does not survive restart of dtw Component: Translation Sub-component: de_DE.ISO8859-1 CDExc20459 Missing message catalog CDExc23126 primary sortas needs to be translate CDExc23198 The mnemonics in many applications were not translated with the menu strin Component: Translation Sub-component: es_ES.ISO8859-1 CDExc20460 Missing message catalog CDExc22623 dtinfo label in Spanish for Search Scope Editor is too lon CDExc23127 primary sortas needs to be translate Component: Translation Sub-component: fr_FR.ISO8859-1 CDExc19149 Help screen dumps not all localize CDExc20461 Missing message catalog CDExc23128 primary sortas needs to be translate CDExc23130 a few indexterms commented out of French Infomg Component: Translation Sub-component: it_IT.ISO8859-1 CDExc22713 dtinfo label in Italian for Search Scope Editor needs modificatio CDExc23129 primary sortas needs to be translate Component: Translation Sub-component: ja_JP.dt-eucJP CDExc20462 Missing message catalog CDExc22631 missing Japanese dtudcexch.msg fil CDExc22779 The localized version of dtlogin.msg need an update for message 3, Component: Translation Sub-component: ko_KR.dt-eucKR CDExc20463 Missing message catalog Component: Translation Sub-component: sv_SE.ISO8859-1 CDExc20464 Missing message catalog Component: Translation Sub-component: zh_CN.dt-eucCN CDExc20465 Missing message catalog Component: Translation Sub-component: zh_TW.dt-eucTW CDExc20466 Missing message catalog Component: UserGuide Sub-component: customize CDExc20989 Need to document Beep dialog box functions` hardware dependenc Component: UserGuide Sub-component: general CDExc22162 UIL Built-in Tables is monolithic & needs refinement for onlin CDExc22175 dtpad: man pages and User`s Guide need change like this. See description CDExc22814 tt guide Table 9 has typos (spaces within 4 words CDExc22817 location id`s in CDE: Info Sys Author meaningles CDExc24107 The ttsession documentation needs updating to reflect cookie authorization Component: UserGuide Sub-component: mailer CDExc21271 There are the wrong descriptions of the short cut key CDExc21369 Using Mailer-Sending Mail Messages needs updating in response to CDExc2103 CDExc23519 UserGuide and Help documentation need update to support mail retrieval Component: UserGuide Sub-component: onlinehelp CDExc22991 A reference to XsetCommand while it should be XSetComman Component: UserGuide Sub-component: runningapps CDExc16780 add permissions info for App Mg Component: UserGuide Sub-component: termemulator CDExc16140 new default translation Component: X/Open Sub-component: CDExc17733 XmComboBoxAddItem() manpage should cover specifying an invalid pos argumen CDExc17735 XmComboBoxDeletePos() manpage should describe passing invalid pos argument CDExc17738 XmComboBox[Set,Select]Item should doc behavior when non-unique XmStrings CDExc21353 DtPrintSetupBox application resource description misleadin CDExc21417 Incorrect documentation for arg4 in DtWsmGetWorkspacesOccupie CDExc22290 The dtcm_insert man page does not document the -a optio CDExc22362 The csacsa man page needs to update CDExc22539 dtsearchpath man page does not describe the -o command line optio CDExc22622 dtsearchpath man page is formatted incorrectly and hard to rea CDExc23160 CDE is described as XCDE in many place CDExc23292 dtsession man page is refers to CDEnex CDExc23293 dtsession man page does not document the waitWmTimeout resourc CDExc23327 dtsession man page refers to non-existant Xme functio CDExc23372 dticonfile references non-existent xmgeticonfilename(3) man pag Component: X/Open Sub-component: calendar CDExc20200 dtcm_insert manual is missing key informatio Component: X/Open Sub-component: dtsession CDExc20887 man pages for dtscreen needs to be updated to reflect -xrm command line op Component: other Sub-component: CDExc20987 The ksh93 man pages incorrectly implies that ksh is ksh9 CDExc20994 There are vendor-specific references in some man page CDExc20995 Missing man pages and missing needed references in man page CDExc21437 In the dtksh man page, change the references to `sh` to `ksh CDExc21449 Change `Audio` to `Beep` on dtsyle.1 man pag CDExc21511 Need Digital-specific entries in FILES section of dtmail man pag CDExc22369 Different tag types -- Cont` CDExc22470 Incorrect format of tim CDExc23059 Release Notes should list total assertions in Test Execution Result CDExc23120 info manager user guide is not up to dat CDExc24110 Need man pages for the new ToolTalk API added to support new authority typ Component: other Sub-component: misc CDExc21551 In the CDE Programmer`s Guide on page 113 CDExc21552 GifViewer action example syntax erro CDExc22058 dtinfo - change in font scale needs doc chang ------- Open defects in project cde-test ------- Component: Admin Sub-component: CDExc22971 env vars updated in env.sh are not restored when tests en CDExc23387 investigate method to automate killing of hung tests/processes CDExc23649 Include expected test assertion count in test result report Component: Applications Sub-component: dtaction CDExc23350 DefConfig manual test failure Component: Applications Sub-component: dtappintegrate CDExc18090 dtappintegrate test gives unexpected signal 11 SIGSEGV on SunO CDExc23439 dtappintegrate test failures Component: Applications Sub-component: dtappmanager CDExc23438 dtappgather manual test failure CDExc23886 Manual test for dtappgather must be updated to reflect changes for CERT Ad Component: Applications Sub-component: dtbuilder CDExc14944 Manual test checklist is out of date CDExc15667 Functionality of test_suite for dtbuilder needs to be enhance CDExc16563 Duplication of tests in manual test suit CDExc16750 PRP20 - Cannot execute test as written CDExc16923 env.sh -c unsets PATH variable CDExc17301 Test documentation is missing CDExc17327 CGW3.2 fails, RUN doesn`t recognize changed projec Component: Applications Sub-component: dtcalc CDExc16922 env.sh -c produces an erro CDExc17245 Startiing dtcalc on commandline does not open in default state CDExc17288 dtcalc basic manual base tests 1, 4, and 7 failed CDExc17319 dtcalc answer in wrong base CDExc19198 dtcalc fails due to focus proble Component: Applications Sub-component: dtcm CDExc15607 Undocumented function is being used CDExc16483 delete_callog script does infinite loo CDExc16512 The update_callog script creates a high load on the cp CDExc16638 The sigset symbol is unresolved when executing callback0 CDExc17277 csa_unregister_callback- - returns incorrected result CDExc19344 dtcm has a new dialog for repeating appointment, needs test chang CDExc23058 DtClientPrinting tests unable to recognise mapping of Printer options dial CDExc24023 dtcm manual test has errors in various test result CDExc24144 Update dtcm test titles when dtcm changed to conform to CDE style stds CDExc24153 dtcm test script Find02.sh fails causing failure in Find02 2, Component: Applications Sub-component: dtdocbook CDExc23369 dtdocbook test failure Component: Applications Sub-component: dtfile CDExc16224 move - multicol05 is a valid test ? CDExc20854 dtfile tests should be more robust and not depend on testCD CDExc24159 dtfile tests fail to remove the tmp directory in which they are executin CDExc24160 dtfile tests require modifications to the setup progra CDExc24164 dtfile scripts to setup the NFSNonOwnDir fails to create nonown.fil CDExc24173 dtfile tests have intermittent false failures Component: Applications Sub-component: dtinfo CDExc22762 dtinfo Desktop tests not recovering from errors on Novel Component: Applications Sub-component: dtksh CDExc20529 dtksh tests are poorly designed Component: Applications Sub-component: dtlogin CDExc23477 update README for libcsa and dtlogin manual test CDExc23833 dtlogin tests do not logout, because dtaction never exit Component: Applications Sub-component: dtlp CDExc20600 Error message dialog does not match CDExc20603 dtlp test discards all output on Alph CDExc20878 dtlp test generates unique outpu CDExc20881 dtlp tests need golden data updat CDExc23607 dtlp manual tests need updatin Component: Applications Sub-component: dtmail CDExc15608 Undocumented function is being used CDExc15822 Can not view postscript mail attachmen CDExc23026 Message/openMsg test having trouble with secondary windo CDExc23865 Dtmail tests which receive mail need to be updated for POP/IMAP CDExc24042 dtmail manual test needs updating CDExc24138 dtmail test failure Component: Applications Sub-component: dtpad CDExc19858 StatusLine/StsLine5 test gives false failur CDExc19860 StatusLine/StsLine1 test gives false failur CDExc19861 StatusLine/StsLine4 test gives false failur CDExc19863 WordWrap/WrdWrap1 test fails to test assertion on IB CDExc21752 dtpad print tests need update due to underlying printing change CDExc23524 dtpad test suite failures CDExc23859 Dtpad SaveAs1 test fails when run after Print3 in a scenari Component: Applications Sub-component: dtscreen CDExc16376 No error display when dtscreen.swarm.batchcount isnot se CDExc22489 The dtscreen nice test is broken on some platform Component: Applications Sub-component: dtsearch-utils CDExc23488 test failures in dtsearch - dtsr suit Component: Applications Sub-component: dtsearchpath CDExc22961 MANPATH setting can affect dtsearchpath test outcom Component: Applications Sub-component: dtsession CDExc22965 dtsession suite needs larger time-out for logi Component: Applications Sub-component: dtstyle CDExc13084 dtstyle hard-codes timeout value Component: Applications Sub-component: dtterm CDExc16774 DtTerm test system has several defect CDExc17359 Instructions for dtterm manual test are incorrecte CDExc19421 Various escape sequences do not seem to work CDExc19678 /test/Geometry/SunEsc hangs on Sun and Digital Platforms CDExc20660 stest test core dumps on AI CDExc23377 dtterm test suite has many golden image comparison failure Component: Applications Sub-component: dttypes CDExc16484 Unneeded files are not delete Component: Applications Sub-component: dtwm CDExc14722 Appearance of front panel incorrec CDExc22338 dtwm does not produce icon box on Digita CDExc22931 dtwm fails to find icon box CDExc22944 Icon Box scrolling test failed on IBM platfor CDExc23177 dtwm manual tests - updates, correction CDExc23810 dtwm postSubPanel routine makes incorrect assumptions about sequenc Component: Applications Sub-component: psddx CDExc21989 Configuration file got overwritten wiping out local X printers CDExc21992 Local printers were removed from the printers configuration file CDExc22917 Golden for all of the tests (including TOUCH) is out of date CDExc23072 Presumption that a driver will produce identical output is false CDExc23073 Exectool.sh does not function properly on all platforms Component: Build-Install Sub-component: build CDExc22499 Test libraries should be built share CDExc22602 make all in makedepend fails: using obsolete -Dux CDExc23248 makedepend in threadsafe suite on Digital has problem Component: Build-Install Sub-component: configure CDExc21574 fix reference to DtSearch library when merge config directorie CDExc23141 cde-test config dir. needs to be merged with cde`s config dir Component: Config Sub-component: configdb CDExc24020 Test failur Component: DtHelp Sub-component: CDExc19203 dtHelpApi IBM golden data updates neede CDExc19211 dtHelpGui Novell has changed window titl Component: DtHelp Sub-component: CDE1 Component: DtHelp Sub-component: Canvas/Render CDExc22942 CREPrinting seem to be affected by timing issue Component: DtHelp Sub-component: GUI CDExc23034 Threadsafe tests fail to run on Digita CDExc24131 Intermittent errors in dtHelpApi/QuickApiSetValues due to focus problem CDExc24132 dtHelpGui GuiHistTouchAll unresolved due to unexpected SIGSEGV Component: DtHelp Sub-component: Graphics CDExc24136 Test returns inconsistant height for DtHelp dialog window causing failure Component: DtMail Sub-component: CDExc23075 DtClientPrinting tests - some test cases do not leave resul Component: DtSvc Sub-component: actioninvoke CDExc20889 Missing env vars cause 4 UNINITIATED TPs on Fujits CDExc23826 DtAction tests should be implemented to look for windows with WaitProc Component: DtSvc Sub-component: datatyping CDExc17592 Test requires procedure which is not exported from libDtSvc. CDExc23263 DtSvc/dtdatatyping and dttypes fail on AIX (see also CDExc19578 Component: DtSvc Sub-component: dragdrop CDExc15609 Undocumented function is being used CDExc23380 dragdrop tests coredump when ctrl-move is attempted on Su Component: DtSvc Sub-component: other CDExc19259 DtSvc/ICCCM tests access internal functions of DtSvc CDExc19432 DtInit built incorrectl CDExc21919 DtSvc MT tests need extra code remove CDExc23480 test failures in DtSvc/DtWsm suit CDExc23823 DtSvc/DtWsm test hangs because dtwm does not exi Component: DtTerm Sub-component: CDExc20948 DtTerm not taking keymapping translation CDExc20949 dtterm test not passing command line options to dtterm Component: DtTerm Sub-component: GUI CDExc23041 Threadsafe tests fail to run on Digita Component: DtWidget Sub-component: DtComboBox CDExc22872 IBM DtWidget golden images need updatin Component: DtWidget Sub-component: DtEditor CDExc19431 Mouse up events los CDExc19868 DnD/DnD01 test has incorrect object location CDExc19869 Locale/Lang01/Lang01 test is not platform independen CDExc21759 some Dteditor tests give false negative CDExc23356 DtEditor test suite failure CDExc23919 processes did not exit during DtEditor tes Component: DtWidget Sub-component: DtSpinBox CDExc20918 4 DtWidget test assertions fail on Digital with Testproc: Child failed Component: DtWidget Sub-component: dttextwidget CDExc16944 Need test removal of embedded NULLs in incoming dat Component: DtWidget Sub-component: other CDExc19330 Xm XmFSB test failure - DtComboBox core dump Component: I18N Sub-component: UDC CDExc23017 Resource comparison testing failed by resource modifying of mapconv Component: MT Sub-component: CDExc21415 DtActionInvoke remains blocked after lock is remove CDExc22322 DragDrop/dd12 test fails with signal on all platforms CDExc22324 Clipboard/clip10 test fails with signal on all platform CDExc22328 XmMT tests do not run to completio CDExc22330 XmMT test for XmTransferValues failed on UnixWar CDExc22348 Threadsafe/DtMrm FetchSV test hangs on Novel CDExc22352 Test SubSend{3} fails on Novell with unexpected signal 2 CDExc22601 threadsafe/mtDtMrm/OpenHFB test doesn`t notice warnin CDExc22604 tet_scen needs cleanup: calls unimplemented test CDExc22717 mtDtSvc ActInvok tests need redesign to wait for DtACTION_DON CDExc22781 mtDtTerm/.../SubReap should not expect lock CDExc22827 Uninitialized memory reads running XmMT/tests/Text/text2 Component: Printing Sub-component: libXp CDExc20946 The xdppx tests fail to run on an AIX platform CDExc23024 Inconclusive test results due to test inconsistencie CDExc23025 Questionable test results could be the result of faulty test CDExc23086 No test spec for Xp/dtGu CDExc23087 Exectool.sh is incorrectly constructed CDExc23089 Assertions failed to run CDExc23090 No test spec exists CDExc23378 Xp/xpApi test failure CDExc23379 Xp/xpConfig, Xp/xpddx test failure CDExc23484 test failures in Xp/dtGui suit CDExc23485 test failures in Xp/dtPdm test suit CDExc23486 test failures in Xp/xpdd CDExc23545 CREPrinting test suite is not being built CDExc23569 Xp/dtGui test failure Component: Printing Sub-component: prserver CDExc23358 test failures in XmPrinting suit Component: Runtime Sub-component: developenv CDExc16191 Test suite is incomplet CDExc17164 Test suite should write temporary results to TET_TMP_DI CDExc17206 Test suite needs to make sure demos compile and link properl Component: Synlib Sub-component: CDExc11341 Synlib should keep track of which widgets are activ CDExc11342 Synlib should generate focus maps files automaticall CDExc11345 Image comparisons should be resolution independen CDExc11346 Better tools needed to determine image difference CDExc11348 Synlib can`t query widgets for their attribute CDExc11349 Provide a choice of test development language CDExc11350 Keyboard traversal method has several limitation CDExc11354 Correct the limitations on masking images for comparison CDExc11721 SynPostWindowMenu doesn`t work on iconic window CDExc12313 Currently can`t inactivate focus on selected window CDExc14316 Synlib user s guide has many references to Vu CDExc14635 Needed a function to capture image of current focus CDExc15341 SynCompare*Image does not raise the window first CDExc21113 Turning on SynSyncVisual causes SynWaitWindowMap to hang sometime CDExc21673 SynNameWindowByProperty() causes unaligned access on Digita CDExc22129 SynSelectItem returns SYN_TIME_OUT for valid paths intermittentl CDExc23676 auto golden data generation doesn`t work for assertion based image CDExc23815 alarm signal handling interferes with X protoco CDExc23841 Synlib incorrectly gets selections by waiting for PropertyChange event Component: Synlib Sub-component: dtpad CDExc22317 DtTestCompareImage fails with SYN_READ_FAIL code on Novel Component: ToolTalk Sub-component: libtt CDExc23047 TT test mt_API fails on IBM with TT_ERR_APPFIRS CDExc23048 TT test mt_test fails on Sun and IBM with TT_ERR_TOOLAT Component: ToolTalk Sub-component: rpc.ttdbserver CDExc22329 Tooltalk tests fail on Digital with error: cannot shif CDExc22333 ToolTalk tests fail on IBM with error: Memory fault, coredum Component: Tooltalk Sub-component: CDExc16295 tt_message_reject failure in test suit CDExc16298 tt_default_file_set failure in test suit Component: other Sub-component: testenvironment CDExc10870 Change Imake Dependencies Section in the Imake HOW TO Do CDExc12812 DtTestCompareImage broken when dynamic and RECOR CDExc12814 DtTestCompareImage problems with TET_EXEC_IN_PLACE=Fals CDExc12828 DtTestMoveWinAbs needs to be update CDExc13173 DtTest functions fail to support LANG specific dir` CDExc15606 Undocumented function in DtTest librar CDExc16751 marquee tests omit a ste CDExc16764 Items 14 and 15 ar emissing from README scrip CDExc16790 frontpanel images incorrect in test case deflt0 CDExc16797 Test script inconsistent with README fil CDExc17623 I18N additions for DtTest functions & directorie CDExc19417 DtWidget: obsolete tests need to be removed from ACCEPTANCE scenari CDExc19418 Xm: Acceptance test for Dndlabel does not report result for each assertio CDExc19499 synlocate: mishandles signals badl CDExc19556 Copyright templates for tests should be updated for CDENex CDExc19617 mkelems for golden data/obj locs created during cde_main CDExc19935 dtperf on Alpha generates `unaligned access` error CDExc20446 DtTest must become thread saf CDExc20941 DtTestAbortTest doesn`t abort additional assertions CDExc22103 NORESULT test code in place of PASS for a valid PASS tes CDExc22336 fopen on valid file fails when tests are not run in place on AI CDExc23479 go through all test suites, uncomment and fix commented out test CDExc24118 DefConfig has intermittent error Component: other Sub-component: visuals CDExc23035 Threadsafe tests fail to run on Digital for lib DtMr Component: sys_suites Sub-component: Intop CDExc21597 Intop object locations file need testin ------- Open defects in project motif-code ------- Component: MWM Sub-component: MWM programmatic inter CDExc02644 mwm doesn`t recognize dynamic changes to MWM_HINT CDExc04066 mwm double-click on open window`s icon should minimize it, not raise i CDExc04632 Should be able to specify ~user/.mwmrc for configFile, as well as ~/.mwmrc CDExc04930 Title text not readable with *cleanTex CDExc04966 Application-supplied icon window should be in iconbox even when normalized CDExc05431 mwm should monitor changes in its ints. For example, it ignores adding an CDExc05517 .mwmrc should allow shell vars CDExc20148 Double clicking on icon to restore client hangs Mwm CDExc20150 Mwm resource bitmapDirectory does not support the key CDExc23234 VendorShell XmNmwmDecorations and XmNmwmFunctions are not `CSG Component: MWM Sub-component: MWM user interface CDExc00608 Double click on window menu button flashes window menu before kill CDExc01076 If an icon is dragged to the edge of the icon box, the icon box should scr CDExc01421 When Btn?Down posts a menu, a click should leave the menu posted. It doesn CDExc02474 need to have a mwm functtion which will telll the cuurent running mwm` ver CDExc02645 mwm does not handle icon sizes properl CDExc03186 More aesthetic Icon box icon with a 3-D look CDExc03211 Center all multi-line icon CDExc03246 Use XFILESEARCHPATH for configfile if resource not specifie CDExc03272 Mwm artifacts not always visible on multiscreen systems with color and mon CDExc03998 Window groups iconify together in twm. Mwm should do the same CDExc04546 Active label should follow pointer focus in iconbox CDExc04924 Allow Mwm bindings and window menu as a per-client resourc CDExc04926 Add a resource to allow a lowered window to be raised when button1 is pres CDExc04927 Add an f.place mwm functio CDExc04929 Grabbing colormap focus CDExc04935 Can not turn off some Mwm bindings CDExc04965 Icon label in iconbox not updated when active CDExc05516 Avoid colormap flashing when switching between windows with same colormap CDExc05522 icon position not remembered across restar CDExc08517 Mwm should make its version number easy to find CDExc23207 mwm can exit if app exits while window menu is u CDExc23294 [raise,lower] freeFamily does not seem to wor Component: UIL Sub-component: Mrm library CDExc01228 UIL creates files with mode 644. Should take account of umask CDExc04723 MrmOpenHierarchy should use XFILESEARCHPATH CDExc06061 When an unmanaged ScrolledList is fetched, the ScrolledWindow is managed CDExc08247 Idb__INX_SearchIndex may be able to return a random valu CDExc20407 String and asciz string tables from uil are not null terminate CDExc21032 XmIconGadget does not inherit XmNforground from XmGadget CDExc23995 float & single_float resources do not wor Component: UIL Sub-component: UIL CDExc01569 Support enumerated exit statuses for - command line - uil, using those ava CDExc02298 Need a way to mark in WML and generate appropriate error messages in UIL f CDExc03523 Compilation of uil modules with many included files aborts wit with a `too CDExc04574 No comment associated with compound string CDExc05247 no warnings generated when widget value can`t be converte CDExc05276 An attempt to define a character set variable in a UIL value section gener CDExc05397 The UIL compiler should have a -c option, allowing the output filename to CDExc05693 uil compiler allows invalid assignments to enum-style resources CDExc06415 Mrm fails to make delayed UIL widget attachmen CDExc07560 better listing of compound string CDExc07572 UIL internal error encountered CDExc19729 drag selection in S_MAIN_WIDGET not highlighte CDExc20146 some UIL/Mrm hard-coded limits are inconvenient -- 1000 shell CDExc20664 UIL compiler needs to flag widget references to be dropped by MR CDExc23724 XmNtag Resource of XmRendition Does Not work in Nested UI Component: UIL Sub-component: WML CDExc03311 Wml/uil widget class support is inadequate CDExc04716 Some methodology or process needs to be defined to keep motif.wml in sync Component: Xm Sub-component: CDExc10593 Enhancement: Round radio button looks square in some size CDExc10599 Motif looks for stipple files every time it needs them CDExc10733 Drag and Drop Performance on network needs to be fixed CDExc11913 regexpI.h does not have extern C declaratio CDExc12071 Drag is clipping icons & drop zones CDExc12706 Begin & End buttons violate standard CDExc12823 Memory leak errors in libx CDExc12825 Purify detected memory error CDExc12947 Scrollbars: Need single click method to get from top to bot CDExc12949 Scrollbar: add repeatability on positioning in scroll lis CDExc12991 Black shadow line in display window upon startup CDExc13157 I18N: IM status area has a line CDExc13568 Drag&Drop generates XtWarning message CDExc13570 text field widget doesn`t handle XmNcursorPositionVisible righ CDExc13683 XmStringGetNextSegment skips over blank line CDExc13791 Strange keyboard focus cursor while dragging text in Options d CDExc13809 Can drag toolbar items, but no dropsite CDExc13868 FSB directory text field shouldn t require ente CDExc13871 XmText ALWAYs does a full window repain CDExc13904 Mouse pointer needs to track the Scrollbar elevato CDExc14083 CDE/IBM: I18N: IM status area has an unnecessary line CDExc15129 Motif DnD does not allow button motion event to trigger Dn CDExc15132 Uses wide char functions not on all system CDExc15679 drag icon shows NOT symbol, when drop would be O CDExc15680 dropped icon image should have cursor image remove CDExc15739 insert position not displayed correctly after end-of-file acti CDExc15795 purify: MLK: VendorShell: catopen- - with no catclose- CDExc15798 purify: MLK: mem leak in XmCvtXmStringToCT- CDExc15857 can t drag and drop ahea CDExc15944 garbage shows in file name field in Save As dialo CDExc16045 cursor disappears when End pressed on long lin CDExc16197 man pages for XmText- 3x - does not display table CDExc16808 Don`t allocate colors when asked for monochrom CDExc16825 certain values for XmNnumColumns fail to give correct # row CDExc17354 problem with textField insert cursor when text modified in cal CDExc17584 Add FSBSetValuesHook- - to FileSB. Component: Xm Sub-component: Build issues CDExc05909 files in bitmaps are never installed in X-tre Component: Xm Sub-component: C++ .h compile CDExc09694 Motif header files use `char *` instead of `const char * Component: Xm Sub-component: Clipboard CDExc20705 XmClipboard returns failure during thread-safe tes CDExc22486 XmClipboard modifies event-mask on root-windo Component: Xm Sub-component: Color CDExc17531 DefaultThresholds should be attached to a Screen CDExc20067 color cache can become filled quickly; should be freed when referring widg CDExc20419 Motif color allocation should be changeable Component: Xm Sub-component: Demos CDExc20055 filemanager: in Detail view, expanded subdirectories not sorte CDExc21400 panner and wsm are unsupported because they depend on WS Component: Xm Sub-component: Drag and Drop CDExc09748 Mixed DragIcon is clipped when using default state and operation icon CDExc17548 DYNAMIC D&D leaves pixel trashing in dtfil CDExc20050 Before a dialog is managed completely, the application program is hung up CDExc20281 Looks like the _MOTIF_WM_QUERY_%d selection is not use CDExc21236 Drag under highlighting is displayed in UnManaged widgets CDExc22340 drag&drop does not know about gadget colors CDExc23206 Dragging in a 24 bit visual results in X protocol erro CDExc23210 Drop site registration does not run in linear tim CDExc23765 BackingPixmap functionality needs revie CDExc23845 drags do not drop in window according to stacking orde CDExc23936 cancel drag zap effect sometimes rooted at incorrect origi CDExc23951 Potential memory leak in DropSMgr. CDExc24171 UpdateMotionBuffer in DragC.c causes memory leak during drag Component: Xm Sub-component: Draw package CDExc09644 Pixels missing in Indeterminate Stat Component: Xm Sub-component: Gadget|Primitive|Manag CDExc17721 gadgets do not always work in dialog CDExc23109 Gadget backgrounds must support BC mod Component: Xm Sub-component: Geometry Management Me CDExc07196 RCLayout doesn`t handle new widget Component: Xm Sub-component: Geometry Management Po CDExc17505 XmComboBox geometry handles margin widths incorrectly Component: Xm Sub-component: I18N misc CDExc20418 If the VendorShell height is set using XtSetValues() before realize, the a CDExc23231 XmImSetValues may be used when XmImSetFocusValues is neede Component: Xm Sub-component: Memory issues CDExc23686 XmResolveAllPartOffsets problem with constraint part Component: Xm Sub-component: Menu button interactio CDExc05044 cancelling option menu selection should revert focus back to widget that h CDExc09118 Highlight problem with etch-in torn-off menu CDExc20362 after clicking on menu bar (not in gadget) keyboard does not wor CDExc20393 other menu (submenu) is selected when the return key is pressed after dr Component: Xm Sub-component: Menu event handling CDExc07930 Displaying a menu doesn`t check for pointer already grabbed CDExc12566 Possible to select 2 entries in option menu at one time CDExc20079 Menu Accelerators Independent of Caps/Num Loc CDExc22178 syntax for XmNaccelerator does not support mnemonic abbreviation CDExc22964 option menu in stress cond (Novell) can fail on XmRowColumn->XtGrabPointe CDExc23212 PopupMenu can be torn off once when XmNpopupEnabled is disable CDExc23230 gadgets in menus can be multiple-selecte Component: Xm Sub-component: Menu layout CDExc09620 Resizing a tear-off resizes the original men CDExc19637 Toolkit/Menus/Menu3 test ./Menu3 widget submenu not selecte CDExc19638 Toolkit/Menus/Menu3 test submenu5 widget unexpected selectio CDExc19639 Toolkit/Menus/Menu5 test has no selection in "popup5" widge CDExc19640 Toolkit/Menus/OptionMenu3 test widget pulldown2 unexpected selectio CDExc23232 Tearoff Menu button labels truncated with RIGHT_TO_LEFT Layou Component: Xm Sub-component: OS dependencies CDExc05460 SVR4 should use poll- -, not select- -, for microsleep Component: Xm Sub-component: PC Style Convergence CDExc22770 single Alt should start menuba Component: Xm Sub-component: Pixmap Converters CDExc20502 resources esp. MWM`s which name files could handle `` prefixes (was: Hand Component: Xm Sub-component: Printing CDExc21823 XmPrintShell does not generate specified warning messag Component: Xm Sub-component: Protocols CDExc17356 Problem with focus using the 1.2 mwm Component: Xm Sub-component: Resolution Independenc CDExc20755 Resolution independence needs more precision for printin Component: Xm Sub-component: Resource Converters CDExc01727 Motif should allow dynamic resource modification Component: Xm Sub-component: Right-to-Left layout CDExc09039 Window resizing in RtoL layou Component: Xm Sub-component: TearOff Menus CDExc20422 Enhancement of tear off menu CDExc23868 tear off menus change size to fit titl Component: Xm Sub-component: Translations and Virtu CDExc04896 Many Motif action procs assume certain kinds of events, usually Button CDExc09761 modifier sometimes doesn`t work in virtual key binding tabl CDExc09763 cannot use xmodmap to program the Alt-Insert key combination on PC kb CDExc16136 Problem with assigning multiple key codes to a keysym CDExc20452 wants Motif accelerators to have same behavior as translation CDExc20666 VirtKeys contains outdated binding CDExc23915 virtual bindings mechanism makes customization difficul Component: Xm Sub-component: Traversal/Navigation CDExc09517 Navigation16 is getting an extra focus changed callbac CDExc23241 add mnemonic traversal capability beyond menu CDExc23450 XmGetVisibility does not consider parent/ancester`s sibling`s obocurit CDExc23769 keyboard gets stuck when entire menu is insensitiv Component: Xm Sub-component: VendorShell CDExc09070 RealizeCallback called twice for TransientShell CDExc23685 VendorSE.c function GetMWMFunctionsFromProperty demands round-tri CDExc24001 VendorShell use of XmNuseAsyncGeometry sometimes has side effec Component: Xm Sub-component: XmBulletinBoard CDExc08395 BulletinB.c changes shell`s XmNmwmFunctions and doesn`t use MWM_FUNC_AL CDExc23673 XmBulletinBoard constraint record error CDExc23731 RenderTables in BulletinBoard Have No Effect in Childre Component: Xm Sub-component: XmCascadeButton CDExc08741 Customer wants warning if CascadeButton is not correctly parente CDExc23682 CascadeB (Gadget) loses cache information, forces call to XGetGeometr Component: Xm Sub-component: XmComboBox CDExc06814 XmComboBox list accelerators can`t be overridden CDExc09729 PComboBox1 test resizes list incorrectl Component: Xm Sub-component: XmContainer CDExc09263 XmContainer traversal order is wron CDExc09364 Keyboard bindings for expand/collapse needed for detail/outlin CDExc09365 Container should take focus sometime CDExc09498 Container should drag multiple icon CDExc09611 container outline/detail traversal enhancement CDExc09674 In Container if selectionTechnique is MARQUEE_EXTEND_* the highlightThickn CDExc09680 Wrong geometry in Container CDExc20030 would like to get logical entryChildren for an XmContainer nod CDExc20057 XmContainer`s handling of XmNdetailColumnHeading offers window of opportun CDExc23233 XmContainer loses children with XmNentryParent set when it is in SPATIAL s Component: Xm Sub-component: XmDialogShell CDExc02618 Change xmdialogs to support both primary and full application moda CDExc09375 DialogShell will fool XtTranslateCoords if both DialogShell and child has Component: Xm Sub-component: XmDrawingArea CDExc20039 Drawing Area`s input handler does not work with Shape Extensio CDExc20423 Add the exposed region in XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruc Component: Xm Sub-component: XmFileSelectionBox CDExc05592 need a sanity check to maintain a minimum width in FS CDExc09781 FileSelectionBox should read the cwd env. var. in cs Component: Xm Sub-component: XmForm CDExc09117 XmForm ignores the resize request of its chil Component: Xm Sub-component: XmIconGadget CDExc09250 Icon header tab-list troubles in R-to- CDExc17500 ShadowThickness counted while shadow not drawn on icons with masks Component: Xm Sub-component: XmIm CDExc20406 trash left when resize status windo CDExc20433 The libXm doesn`t shorten the blank of the IM status area Component: Xm Sub-component: XmLabel CDExc22586 XmLabel redisplay should discard non-printables ala XmTextFiel CDExc23684 Label should support resources for setting pixmap siz Component: Xm Sub-component: XmList CDExc04850 Add the ability to attach a user data pointer to XmList items CDExc06794 Customer wants extended select version of `XmListSelectionPos CDExc09503 List Btn1 actions wrong in integrated mode CDExc19641 Toolkit/List/List1 test has gaps in contiguous List1 widget select CDExc19727 Wrong justification in ScrollList windo CDExc23229 need XmListSelectAll() to select all item CDExc23883 ListAddMode action routine deselects selected list item Component: Xm Sub-component: XmMainWindow CDExc09739 Problems with MainWindow geometry, when Menubar has more than one row CDExc20387 MainWindow scroll bars never disappear; Form doesn`t interact with RowColu Component: Xm Sub-component: XmNotebook CDExc08190 Notebook traversal is incomplet CDExc08552 Notebook enhancement/redesig CDExc09468 Notebook traversal vs style guid CDExc20031 would like to adjust Notebook page margin CDExc20415 word-wrap performance in XmText (was: Notepad performance poor when editin Component: Xm Sub-component: XmPanedWindow/Sash CDExc20032 PanedWindow geometry management overly sensitive to order of childre CDExc23079 Pressing Esc should cancel sash-movement operation in paned windo Component: Xm Sub-component: XmPushButton CDExc16851 Cant update graphics on button CDExc20392 The next FocusIn PushButton border is not highlighted after the current Pu Component: Xm Sub-component: XmPushButtonGadget CDExc09609 PushPG redisplay doesn`t call UnHighligh CDExc19267 Pushbutton in a torn off menu is redisplayed inconsistentl Component: Xm Sub-component: XmRowColumn WorkArea|R CDExc02801 menuHistory should be set to the first widget in a radio box. At least bef CDExc02826 Additional support for radio boxes would be helpful when using XmVaCreateS CDExc03016 XmNmenuPost handles the modifiers incorrectly CDExc03268 RowColumn.c inconsistently uses internal convenience macro CDExc08305 OptionMenus created from C are too hig CDExc08851 The option menu cascade button visuals change between 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 on t Component: Xm Sub-component: XmScale CDExc01788 In XmScale, Motif should either set XmNinitDelay & repeatDelay to infinity CDExc08754 Scale widget clips display of value and/or scrollbar CDExc19630 Incorrect scale indication in Scrollbar/Scale11 tes CDExc19631 Toolkit/Scrollbar/Scale8 test "Affected" scrollbar size error CDExc20046 XmScale enhancement: function like XmScrollBarSetValues which optionally n CDExc20284 Changing scale minimum/maximum does not request new siz Component: Xm Sub-component: XmScrollBar CDExc23235 ScrollBar/Menu interaction: lose keyboar Component: Xm Sub-component: XmScrolledWindow CDExc23427 need routine to programmatically scroll to an x, CDExc23428 XmScrollVisible does not work for unmanaged work windo CDExc23659 ScrolledWindow doesn`t implement documentatio CDExc23660 Make XmNVisualPolicy resource of ScrolledWindow CSG typ CDExc23717 Behaviour differences in Motif 1.2 and 2.1 ScrolledWindo Component: Xm Sub-component: XmString CDExc05205 i18n applications, the 64k byte limitation in compound strings is too smal CDExc07601 Enhancement: a function from list of tags and rendertable to info about th CDExc15898 Text clipping of XmStringDraw- 3X - does not work correctly CDExc20074 XmeStringIsValid is not useful; only checks for NUL CDExc23251 XmStringGenerate generates `No Font Found` error messag CDExc23288 XmCvtCTToXmString does not carry state or handle multiple escape CDExc23532 XmString.c/XmStringNCreate has mem lea Component: Xm Sub-component: XmTabList CDExc07604 Upgrade _XmTabListGetPosition to Xm or Xme Component: Xm Sub-component: XmText CDExc02113 Make _XmTextPosToLine and _XmTextLineInfo public CDExc03481 Need way to get Text widget`s text with word-wrap CDExc03575 ADD: XmTextSetStringExt- widget, value, topCharacter, cursorPos ition CDExc04733 add Mode should be made a resource in Text widgets CDExc04830 Request for block cursor in Text and TextField CDExc05842 Suppress Text cursor blink while it is being moved CDExc06184 Text highlight should be preserved if temporarily obscured by selection CDExc08130 Investigate possibility of sharing code between XmText, XmTextField & XmCS CDExc09260 XmText- 3X - doesn`t support the resource for status style CDExc09776 Motif had allowed the applic. to share and modify its `private` GCs CDExc09778 XmText to have a user defined word delimite CDExc16134 Text and TextField widgets miss kbd focus in ptr focus mod CDExc19168 Character used in calculating tabular width in XmTex CDExc19770 Text selection error in Toolkit/Text/ScrollText3c widge CDExc20014 behavior unclear when setting XmNtopCharacter without resetting XmNcursorP CDExc20027 Operation of secondary select/move is canceled in the TextWidget CDExc20040 would like configurable intra-line spacing in XmTex CDExc20215 Tab width should be calculated using FIGURE_WIDTH CDExc20388 When Insertion cursor isn`t displayed completely, when the state of the te CDExc20390 The insertion cursor of the TextWidget isn`t cleared completely CDExc20398 Characters are disappears, when both Japanese character and Tab-code exis CDExc20426 Inserting Cntl-J to single line XmText causes multi-line behavio CDExc20430 Motif cannot handle font with negative lbearing CDExc20437 Underline remaines when SECONDARY selection is operated in Tex CDExc22152 XmTextField/XmText: unprintabl CDExc22970 OTS SpotLocation not updated properly during preedi CDExc23302 easy to mess up secondary selection stat CDExc23800 XmText cannot display certain fonts in vertical writin Component: Xm Sub-component: XmTextField CDExc04917 There needs to be a visual indication of the `editable` setting of a text CDExc19771 Incorrect value for text field in Text/TextField1 tes CDExc20016 page-right and page-left actions support undocumented argument exten CDExc20036 XmTextField confuses users by missing kill- actions of XmTex CDExc20440 Text and TextF differ in handling highlighted values on deletio CDExc20530 XmTextField possible string truncation bu CDExc23670 string constants in Transltns.c could become array of character Component: Xm Sub-component: XmToggleButton CDExc08045 ToggleButton resize problem CDExc09656 In a CDE environment, filed indicator of a toggle button does not look nic CDExc23638 Need cleanup in ToggleB.c/ToggleBG.c set_values metho CDExc24012 ToggleB in popup menu fails to activate when TearOff menu is present Component: Xm Sub-component: Xme Traversal/VirtualK CDExc19632 Multiple insertion cursors in Toolkit/Traversal/Navigation CDExc19633 Data not entered into text field in Toolkit/Traversal/Navigation Component: Xm Sub-component: Xme Visuals/ImageCache CDExc20425 Problem using a private colorma Component: Xm Sub-component: other CDExc18227 window buttons don`t work when Num Lock is o CDExc20054 problems building debugged libXm_g. CDExc20088 XmInstallImage may have hidden dependencies on depth/format matche CDExc20133 extraneous file Performance/SpinBox/SpinBoxPerf.default CDExc20227 Motif color caching will reuse colors when it should not CDExc20553 testing problem with ddt CDExc23046 Work-arounds for old X bugs should be re-examined CDExc23182 two messages need translatin CDExc23213 add an option to xmbind to view osf keyma CDExc24051 drop vestigial non-ANSI lines from Xm.h, other file Component: other Sub-component: Build issues CDExc03489 The patch files ought to have context diffs and write permiss sio CDExc06189 Suggested changes to Motif and X to allow builds in a cross compile enviro CDExc07908 bad MComplexProgramTarget_1 rul CDExc08325 Limit scope of defines and add define macros to Motif.tmp CDExc23208 in cross-compilation environment, certain binaries need different handlin CDExc23360 why do we build demos automatically Component: other Sub-component: Demos CDExc07623 Demos script uses ks Component: other Sub-component: Drag and Drop CDExc08742 Drag&Drop demo exhibits GC problems in mwm XmEXPLICIT keyboardPolic Component: other Sub-component: VendorShell CDExc05051 no converters for XmNmwmDecorations XmNmwmFunction Component: other Sub-component: XmBulletinBoard CDExc07509 tests/Toolkit/Manager/BBoard5 fai Component: other Sub-component: other CDExc00810 Implement `clean text` for widgets CDExc02768 Motif should choose an optimal tile size when creating pixmaps CDExc09730 Frame drawing problem in postSW1 test CDExc23084 workspace demo should be unsupported or remove CDExc23849 Motif 2.1.n shouldn`t claim binary compatibility with 1. ------- Open defects in project motif-cts-doc ------- Component: MVTS Sub-component: Build issues CDExc09090 VTS documentation should be updated Component: MVTS Sub-component: OS dependencies CDExc05453 VTS Release Notes should reflect change to Motif1.2Installed #define Component: MVTS Sub-component: Release Notes CDExc06458 References to Motif1.2Installed should be removed from the Relase Notes ------- Open defects in project motif-cts-test ------- Component: MVTS Sub-component: Automation CDExc05733 VTS uses functions that are deprecated in Motif 1.2 and beyond Component: MVTS Sub-component: VTS Mrm tests CDExc09319 Error block fails and exits test with cryptic error messag Component: MVTS Sub-component: VTS convenience functi CDExc07155 FonLiRmE.c compile warning CDExc07195 Waiver files missing for new convenience function tests CDExc09328 add more tests for XmTextReplace and XmTextFieldReplac CDExc09606 Clipboard convenience function test should be more robust in dealing with CDExc21410 Unallocated memory being freed in VTS test library causing SEG Component: MVTS Sub-component: VTS input synthesis CDExc05306 VTS test case 3.3.7 is failing the AIX 3.2.3 syste Component: MVTS Sub-component: VTS tools CDExc05305 VTS Build Bug CDExc05415 Release notes needs to explain VF and VMRM report generation bette CDExc05416 VTS is inefficeint at making report files CDExc06136 VTS bindings are pseudo-bogu CDExc06249 The default value of XmNselectionArray is differs between VTS code and doc CDExc06250 Inconsistency between XmNresizeWidth and XmNresizeHeight being set to ResE CDExc06257 In XmText VTS tests, behavior which are affected by add mode should have t CDExc06258 Behavior test for delete-next-character- - should check for selection CDExc07448 Comparisons of XmFontList types in VTS incorrect Component: MVTS Sub-component: VTS widget tests CDExc04736 VTS does support resources that are conditionally on other resources CDExc04737 Form widget tests do not support geometry testing CDExc04738 Add mode should be converted to be a resource in XmList and XmText. This w CDExc04742 VTS does not check callbackk information in the callback data structures CDExc04744 VTS references the obsolete resource XmNdefaultFontList CDExc04746 There is a bug in the mvsgen code for ListKdbCancel. - it does not reflec CDExc05067 Memory leak in the MVTS CDExc05121 vts 2.0 has compiler warnings under gcc -ans CDExc05135 VTS contains two functions that are not complete and yet used CDExc06171 XmMenuBar `Controls` many Dialog CDExc06757 VTS cannot deal with a non-NULL, non-dynamic XmString default valu CDExc07295 XtOpenDisplay calls in VTS widget tests use argv[1] CDExc07365 VTS test DropDCB does not test correct selection behavio CDExc07399 VTS seems to have gotten expected values switched for marginLeft resource CDExc07422 VTS is getting failures in Text and TextF that can`t be reproduced manuall CDExc07426 CommandD incorrectly looks for XmNunmapCallback CDExc07440 ScrolledW does not know about XmNtraverseObscuredCallback and is giving fa CDExc07447 DropDCB test not not getting an error when it should CDExc07582 Need to include Xt definitions of XtDefault[Fore,Back]ground CDExc07594 Event Responses for SpinBox actions should check value of position CDExc07806 type of selectionArray should be XtPointer, not Pointe CDExc07808 VTS *Text* behavior tests should test gainPrimary and losePrimary callback CDExc08185 Failures reported in ScrolledCST VTS test CDExc08902 In SpinBox vts test if initialDelay is 0 and repeatDelay is nonzero, then CDExc09073 Character position reported in CSText callback not matching character posi CDExc09086 VTS FAILURES in ComboBox - and DropDownCB and DropDownList - for Selection CDExc09094 behavior files need to be updated to use new values for showArrows resourc CDExc09189 TextF vts test FAILURES CDExc09190 CST vts FAILURES generated CDExc09762 WARNING in ComboBox widget tes CDExc19348 SpinBox VTS needs to be updated to reflect new implementation CDExc20152 ScaGtVal asks for two args, provides only on CDExc20153 vf/GetPixBD.c makes bad call to XCreateImag CDExc20154 vf/GetVis suffers from several problem CDExc20155 LsStKbIP has some problem CDExc20156 VTS vtests/Imakefile refers to -lsocket -lnsl directl CDExc20157 vf CSTxGtStr flawed -- UM CDExc20158 vfuncs/CvStToCT.c disables several test CDExc20159 VTS hard to use for testing; checking failures very difficul CDExc20160 VTS scripts should remove output file before writing to i CDExc20161 VTS PopupM test fails in 2.0. CDExc20162 VTS ScrolledCST test fails in 2.0. CDExc20163 VTS ScrolledT fails in 2.0. CDExc20164 VTS ComboBox test fails in 2.0. CDExc20165 VTS Text test fails in 2.0. CDExc20166 VTS TextF test fails in 2.0. CDExc20167 VTS CST test fails in 2.0. CDExc23303 VTS MenuB grabs fai CDExc23304 VTS OptionM grabs fai Component: MVTS Sub-component: XmComboBox CDExc09653 Focus isn`t teste Component: MVTS Sub-component: XmList CDExc07386 When automaticSelection is set to True, extended selection and browse sele CDExc09186 List and ScrolledL vts test has FAILURES Component: MVTS Sub-component: XmSpinBox CDExc07369 FAILURE at widget creation after setting different unitType value CDExc07389 VTS SpinBox bogus cod CDExc07391 VTS SpinBox claims to create a numeric child but is no Component: MVTS Sub-component: XmText CDExc06650 VTS conv. func. TxtGtSel logic error CDExc09109 Failures sited in VTS run of ScrolledT, Text and TextF Component: MVTS Sub-component: convenience functions CDExc20072 error in VT Component: MVTS Sub-component: other CDExc09273 page-left- extend - may not be triggered with curr trans on H Component: Xm Sub-component: Geometry Management Me CDExc05585 geometry of ToggleButtonGadgets changes while being scrolled in a scroll b Component: Xm Sub-component: Traversal/Navigation CDExc05093 When ProcessTraversal is given the parameter TraverseHome it is not always Component: Xm Sub-component: XmComboBox CDExc09327 Not receiving callback in ComboBox Component: Xm Sub-component: XmMainWindow CDExc09268 XmMainWindowSetAreas doen`t support NULLS as argument Component: Xm Sub-component: XmRenderTable/XmFontLi CDExc09012 XmFontListRemove entry not properly handling case of multiple entries with Component: Xm Sub-component: XmText CDExc05241 A number - 4 - of VTS tests generate failures that didn`t used to CDExc09158 VTS Text widget test is not getting the desired motionVerifyCallback when ------- Open defects in project motif-doc ------- Component: MWM Sub-component: Programmer`s Reference CDExc23374 mwmrc file says that warnings are written to .mwm/errorlo Component: UIL Sub-component: Programmer`s Reference CDExc23805 XBITMAPFILE can read XPMs, to Component: Xm Sub-component: Menu event handling CDExc09256 menu accelerator behavior is not documente Component: Xm Sub-component: Programmer`s Guide CDExc20041 List needs to document and be consistent about when keyboard highlight mov Component: Xm Sub-component: Programmer`s Reference CDExc09710 XmNdirSpec resource of FileSB is not adequately documente CDExc17647 Default XmNhighlightThickness for XmCascadeButton and XmCascadeButtonGadge CDExc19899 XmStringCreateLocalized man page needs to reflect new implementatio CDExc20004 color wrong if a rowcolumn is the togglebutton gadget`s paren CDExc20441 Documentation of XmFMT_8_BIT and XmFMT_16_BIT not clea CDExc20442 doc on memory management in the modifyVerify callback struc CDExc20443 XmText/XmTextField word forward/backward inconsistenc CDExc20453 XmTextField: description of clear-selection() ba CDExc20454 XmTextField: Description of key-select() ba CDExc22421 XmGetPixmap and XmGetPixmapByDepth need to clarify fg and bg usag CDExc22618 XmScreen man page menuCursor man page formatted wron CDExc22660 XmSpinBox description is referencing twice XmARROWS_FLAT_BEGINNIN CDExc22802 RowColumn should document that a menu can be posted with the Menu button CDExc22959 dialog man pages should indicate proper parentage rule CDExc23301 difficult to determine widget behavior from manual page CDExc23465 Update FileSelectionBox default button behavio CDExc23621 Missing resource entry from Resource set table of XmToggleButto CDExc23622 Incomplete information in XmToggleButton(Gadget) resourc CDExc23718 XmDragContext misdescribes XmNconvertProc; memory leak CDExc23789 XmSpinBox translation for Up and Down are incorrect in man pag CDExc23997 XmDrawnButton page describes hierarchy for bulletinboar CDExc23998 DrawnButton reference should state that it holds XmQTmenuSavv CDExc24002 XmToggleButton & Gadget need to be more specific about pixmap us CDExc24068 Translations have changed for Cascade Btn and pulldown menus Component: Xm Sub-component: Style Guide CDExc20058 Style Guide demands things which are doc`ed only as Xm feature Component: Xm Sub-component: User`s Guide CDExc22633 mtf usersGuide uses rowsep inproperly causing weird online presentatio Component: Xm Sub-component: Widget Writer`s Guide CDExc23063 add XmeXpm* reference pages to Widget Writers Guid CDExc23634 no description of XmeGetIconControlInfo() function in do CDExc23784 XmeGetDefaultPixel should be documented as implemente Component: Xm Sub-component: XmSpinBox CDExc09231 description of `value` field in XmSpinBoxCallbackStruct incomplet Component: Xm Sub-component: other CDExc20056 handling of XmStringTable needs documentation in various widget CDExc20126 need how QATS works documen CDExc20128 QATS docs refer to qauser environmen CDExc20131 QATS needs to be more specific about environmen Component: other Sub-component: Build issues CDExc23762 X11R6 version needs to be referred to in Release Note CDExc23763 install notes vs. release note Component: other Sub-component: Programmer`s Guide CDExc23373 all pixmap documentation should reference new icon searchin Component: other Sub-component: Programmer`s Reference CDExc23370 VirtualBindings searched for in incorrect plac Component: other Sub-component: Release Notes CDExc24007 Release notes for Motif need to be updated to reflect changes from bugfix Component: other Sub-component: User`s Guide CDExc07293 User`s Guide section on Notebook should say more about tabs and binding Component: other Sub-component: other CDExc02555 The documentation tree could be shipped compressed CDExc23764 release notes formatting proble ------- Open defects in project motif-test ------- Component: MT Sub-component: CDExc21653 XmMT has some obsolete source CDExc23036 DtMrm threadsafe test left lock asserted in cst9 IBM testin CDExc23537 Bus error when run tests/Mrm/FetchSV on su Component: MVTS,other Sub-component: Automation CDExc05709 A font list and an XmString are created in VTS and QATS that may not be ne Component: MWM Sub-component: MWM client-command int CDExc07139 mwm/PICCI test does not display the submenu entries one two three pretty c Component: MWM Sub-component: MWM programmatic inter CDExc04383 On Panel4, Icon is suposed to be located at 20,20. It is located at 10,5 a CDExc07817 Extra message being printed from PIProto test CDExc07992 Screen changing to blac CDExc07993 run_PINames script not working on OSF CDExc08641 mwm/PI/PICCI test does not behave correctly CDExc08889 PICCI not compiling clean on Alph Component: MWM Sub-component: MWM user interface CDExc07829 Instructions for MwmUI5 need to be made clearer in Panel1 CDExc07957 Form1 does raise above other windows with `Raise Within` option CDExc07995 MwmUI2 test problem CDExc09518 VMwmUI1 - Alt does not work if icon has focus Component: MWM Sub-component: Shell CDExc08942 Problems with WMShellGeomM Component: UIL Sub-component: Mrm library CDExc00741 When MrmOpenHierarchy fails, it should free all the memory used so far for CDExc04880 Get warnings when compiling tests in Mrm directory Component: UIL Sub-component: Translations and Virtu CDExc08874 run_all script in uil/Manual/dataStructs does not include the Translations CDExc08875 TranslationsUil and TranslationsXt should either be defuncted or add instr Component: UIL Sub-component: UIL CDExc05466 UIL XmNvalue for XmText does not handle newline in 16-bit string CDExc06947 ProcessCommandArgs in instances of displayUid.c need to be fixed CDExc07933 run_all in automated tests/uil directories CDExc08010 uil/dataStructs Identifier test failed CDExc08632 Problems with uil/Manual/validator tes CDExc08636 uil/Manual/callUil test doesn`t create a summary fil CDExc09001 .dat and .scr files doesn`t match for uil/widgets/scrollLis CDExc09006 Conflicting instructions in scrollLis2.ui CDExc09374 README file in tests/uil is obsolete CDExc09584 Update validator.uil and possibly other tests to reflect keysym doc change CDExc09590 Some errors not issued anymore by the UIL compile CDExc23503 Problem with AUTOVPATH in tests/uil/ResInd/RUN.custo Component: Xm Sub-component: CDExc16920 env.sh -c produces an erro CDExc17273 Assertions 6, 7, and 11 fail in XmFSB testcase Component: Xm Sub-component: Automation CDExc09425 SCRWARNING on Continue command CDExc09554 Using LocatePointerXYAbs command in .scr files can make the test device-de Component: Xm Sub-component: Clipboard CDExc02868 inefficiency in cutpaste testin CDExc02869 bad cutpaste test CDExc07738 CutPaste tests directory needs to be updated/improve CDExc08008 Cutpaste needs clean up Component: Xm Sub-component: Color CDExc08149 ColorObj needs more 2.0 update Component: Xm Sub-component: Drag and Drop CDExc05793 import targets set for Drop Site seems to effect the exportTargets in Scal CDExc07625 auto scrolling doesn`t wor CDExc07942 DNDProt1 and DNDDrop1 initialize Animation Style differently when Receiver CDExc08046 TextField highlight problem in D&D testin CDExc08520 Instructions for DNDProt1 need to relfect changes in DNDDrop1 tes CDExc08873 Performance DND test does not run on H CDExc20086 some stray visual highlights in drag/drop action Component: Xm Sub-component: Geometry Management Me CDExc04918 cascade buttons first appear truncated when run in automation. Works okay Component: Xm Sub-component: Geometry Management Po CDExc09157 realize check in manager:SetValue Component: Xm Sub-component: I18N misc CDExc08327 Test using RIGHT_TO_LEFT layout direction should be consistent in the way CDExc08349 Need to test -xnlLanguag Component: Xm Sub-component: Memory issues CDExc05149 Remember to free strings created by XmStringCreate, etc CDExc05331 Conversion.c in ./tests/lib/Common leake memory CDExc05597 _XmStringCharsetCreate leaks memory according to Purify Component: Xm Sub-component: Menu button interactio CDExc07602 Bad assumptions made in tes Component: Xm Sub-component: Menu event handling CDExc04705 test expects whichButton == 2 but never sets it u CDExc09577 Test should check the widget before posting the popu Component: Xm Sub-component: Menu layout CDExc06133 OptionMenu5 instructions need to be change CDExc06935 Segv in RCMenu.c found in OptionMenu CDExc08079 PopupMenu7 test needs to be revisite CDExc08106 PopupMenu4 and PopupMenu6 scripts are not doing anything usefu CDExc09046 MenuBar collapses if its size is more than the size of the scree CDExc09625 PMenuBar1 test not working on Su CDExc19636 Toolkit/Menus/Menu1 test pulldown1 widget incorrect valu Component: Xm Sub-component: Performance CDExc07812 README file in Performance needs to be update CDExc07813 tests are missing from Performance/Post/run_al CDExc07815 Scrollbars not displayed in postSW CDExc07816 Warnings when periodic coming u CDExc07821 Performance/DND test core dum CDExc09032 lapsed time to scroll is always 0.000000 se CDExc09034 Problems with README file in Performance/DN CDExc09037 Problems with Performance/Periodi CDExc09056 Performance/Post test should support -s and -z option CDExc09627 Problem with Performance/Notebook/PNotebook1 tes Component: Xm Sub-component: Protocols CDExc04812 XmAddProtocolCallbacks needs more overhead to work that it should CDExc23872 Protocol test has intermittent XErro Component: Xm Sub-component: Resolution Independenc CDExc09464 Y coordinate of parent bulletin board has changed from 2.0S3 CDExc23947 RIPanedWin{3,M1} golden .prt files in 98x102 directory need updat Component: Xm Sub-component: Resource Converters CDExc03126 Conversion of thousandths inches to hundredths points fails be cause of in Component: Xm Sub-component: Right-to-Left layout CDExc08231 Menus - layout direction tests need to be reviewed CDExc08658 DrawArea2 is not a useful test to be run with RtoL layout directio Component: Xm Sub-component: Shell CDExc08948 XtGetValues in VendorShell doesn`t work for XmNmwmMenu CDExc09545 tests/Toolkit/Shells/Visual prints addresses of Visual variables CDExc09600 A new SCRWARNING in Shell/Protocol test Component: Xm Sub-component: TearOff Menus CDExc08027 SharedTearM1 test does not compile cleanly on OSF/1 CDExc23867 OptionMenu1 needs to have golden data updat Component: Xm Sub-component: Traits API CDExc08694 Compilation warnings in Toolkit/Extensibilit CDExc08715 Border color for ButtonGadge CDExc09047 Traits1 test needs some rewor CDExc09612 Problems with Traits1 tes Component: Xm Sub-component: Traits Other CDExc08707 Press/Click in Toolkit/Extensibilit Component: Xm Sub-component: Traversal/Navigation CDExc08863 XmNlosingFocusCallback is called twice for XmText when keyboard focus is f Component: Xm Sub-component: Uniform Transfer Model CDExc09555 Using XmClipboardInquirePending in the Cutpaste1 test Component: Xm Sub-component: VendorShell CDExc05059 Functionality of Shell Modality is not tested in the Test Suite- vts, qats CDExc08476 Instruction Panel needs to be updated to reflect what the right behavior i Component: Xm Sub-component: XmArrowButton CDExc07506 ArrowBtn3 tests fai Component: Xm Sub-component: XmBulletinBoard CDExc07241 BulletinBoard flashes a large size during creatio Component: Xm Sub-component: XmComboBox CDExc06380 ComboBox1 doesn`t strip argv[0 CDExc06503 ComboBox3.dat file never use CDExc08589 ComboBox1d test needs to be revisite Component: Xm Sub-component: XmCommand CDExc19728 Text reversed in Command1 widge Component: Xm Sub-component: XmContainer CDExc05642 Change test to reflect new translation for ContainerExtendSelect, which wa CDExc23509 Missing golden data for Container test Component: Xm Sub-component: XmDialogShell CDExc05906 DiaShellM1 - pushbutton missing from test Component: Xm Sub-component: XmDrawnButton CDExc03615 W/ very large shadows and button sized too small for pixmap, random bits o Component: Xm Sub-component: XmFileSelectionBox CDExc08531 Due to new 2.0 behavior tests need to be modifie CDExc08831 Test needs to be revisite Component: Xm Sub-component: XmForm CDExc04783 Form1.c should allow you to reset the border_width, x and y of form childr CDExc04859 Dialog description inadequate or possibly a bug. Other children are invisi CDExc04861 Unmanaging children of Form followed by a SetValues and remanaging results CDExc04865 Test output does not match dialog description. GetValues output for width CDExc05172 lib/Xm fails Form8 test CDExc06623 Geometry of the Form widget children is all goofed up CDExc06962 ./tests/uil/widgets/scrollLis2 comes up mimimum siz CDExc07023 Form17 test should be rewritte CDExc07150 Form17.scr is trying to access pushbuttons which are not visable CDExc08508 Form1 has some problem with its control panel CDExc09500 Form21 crashes when run automate Component: Xm Sub-component: XmList CDExc02416 Need test of retrieving XmNitems and using value CDExc08986 Problems with ScrollList3a instruction panel CDExc19625 Selected_ListSVSW widget displays "dumped" list entrie CDExc19626 "Broken-dash" highlight missing from List1 widge Component: Xm Sub-component: XmManager CDExc08653 Visual1 is not ready to be run automate CDExc08929 RowCol[12] tests should be moved from Menus to Manager CDExc08931 RowCol2 fails in Menus CDExc09549 Problems with Manager/Visual1 test Component: Xm Sub-component: XmMessageBox templates CDExc05905 MessageBM1 does not reflect the same contents that the instruction box ref CDExc19629 WorkingDialog widget highlight incorrec Component: Xm Sub-component: XmNotebook CDExc07328 Notebook seems to have a problem interacing with other widgets in an appli CDExc08225 Initial geometry of Notebook when top levelshell is realized early is wron CDExc08506 Visual1 XmNotebook usag CDExc08850 Notebook1 -u 5 should set both major tabs to 30x30 in order for it to wor CDExc09050 Performance/Notebook tests dying on alphas CDExc09054 Performance/Notebook doesn`t run automate CDExc09614 Notebook3d Panel 8 wron Component: Xm Sub-component: XmPanedWindow/Sash CDExc06960 PanelWin12 shows visual difference CDExc19635 Toolkit/PanedWin/PanedWin14 test does not move slideba Component: Xm Sub-component: XmPrimitive CDExc08825 Motif binary compatibility mechanism has fatal bug in XmResolve[All]PartOf Component: Xm Sub-component: XmPushButton CDExc06311 Button tests should excercize SetValues while in visible menu CDExc08936 Problem with ToggleM1 CDExc09716 The push buton widget is created with 0 height in PushBGadM1 test Component: Xm Sub-component: XmPushButtonGadget CDExc08934 Bad geometry for PushButton in PushBGadM Component: Xm Sub-component: XmRenderTable/XmFontLi CDExc08367 Need testcase for XmNfontList and XmNrenderTable in new widgets Component: Xm Sub-component: XmRowColumn WorkArea|R CDExc08770 RowCol3* tests are not read CDExc09565 In RowCol2 test the widget is too tall Component: Xm Sub-component: XmSelectionBox CDExc08533 Test need to be updated to be in a window that can be iconifie CDExc08834 Test callback wrong - changing width is not workin Component: Xm Sub-component: XmSpinBox CDExc23559 XmSpinBox1 test flawe Component: Xm Sub-component: XmString CDExc07606 Memory leaks of rendition CDExc07873 Wrong size mentioned in StringDraw test CDExc07882 Misleading geometry in StringDisp CDExc08443 Update StringWidth test for changed in XmStringDirectionCreate CDExc08618 font warning in StringDisp tes CDExc08638 Need XmString tests that use unoptimized segments CDExc09419 StringToCT tests fail CDExc20075 StringDisp test fails because of XmeStringIsValid problem CDExc23501 Missing golden data for tests/XmString/StringRen Component: Xm Sub-component: XmText CDExc05463 Text test, Text2 - Instruction Panel # CDExc06607 CSText, Text and TextField tests need to check callbacks for Xm[CS,Text,Te CDExc07020 Text is leaking memor CDExc08698 cut-primary and copy-primary tests should move pointer away from insertion CDExc08842 Ctrl Shift KSelect shouldn`t be tested CDExc08968 Problems with TextPerf test CDExc09514 Add a testcase for XmSELECT_OUT_LINE for XmText and XmCSText CDExc09596 ScrollText1a - Instructions should change for description of vertical scro CDExc20514 Text errors in QATS text widget Component: Xm Sub-component: XmToggleButton CDExc07025 Panel 2 doesn`t agree with test when ru Component: Xm Sub-component: Xme Gadget/Geometry/Xm CDExc24139 Impossible to validate border_width test for gadget in XmeConfigureObjec Component: Xm Sub-component: Xme General API CDExc08898 Warnings in Extensibility tests on alpha Component: Xm Sub-component: Xme Transfer API CDExc08711 In XmeTransfer test window overlaps the control pane CDExc08714 Problems with XmeTransfer tes Component: Xm Sub-component: Xme Visuals/ImageCache CDExc08712 XmeGetDefaultPixel test fails Component: Xm Sub-component: Xme XmString/RenderTab CDExc08710 XmeString: incorrect XmString component encountere Component: Xm Sub-component: other CDExc20069 the test suite is close to useless due to size, errors, and a terrible U CDExc20080 tests/Performance/DND has lex.c depending on y.tab.h which doesn`t yet exi CDExc20081 tests/performance/SpinBox warnin CDExc20084 Toolkit/Extensibility/XmeTargets behaves contrary to descriptio CDExc20091 XmeTargets test fail CDExc20092 highlight misdrawn when under unmanaged widge CDExc20093 highlight misdrawn, claims tes CDExc20094 DNDScale1 test claims CR 4846 is still ope CDExc20096 apparently timing-dependent, XmeQueryGeo test fail CDExc20097 KHelp on menu item unposts the menu; test claims otherwis CDExc20099 modality-of-shells test fail CDExc20100 modality focus wrong, test show CDExc20102 ColorM1 test naive about contents of rgb.tx CDExc20103 test ColorM1 exits on reasonable operation to select colo CDExc20105 duplicate symbol pop CDExc20106 CommonTest code munges app class so ./binary doesn`t work when XFILESEARCH CDExc20107 automated tests need ability to display instructions on alternate displa CDExc20108 automated-test recorded pixmap images incomplete and display-specific; dis CDExc20119 big big long list of problems with QATS in Motif 2. CDExc20120 QATS need to run without initialDelay and repeatDelay possibl CDExc20122 QATS automated tests fail in CompareVisual when XGetImage called for off-s CDExc20123 QATS automated tests would be less unuseful if shipped with tools to show CDExc20124 QATS docs lie about portability of visual image CDExc20125 QATS color-mucking algorithm can result in white-on-whit CDExc20129 QATS automated tests call GenerateDiff, not part of Xm releas CDExc20130 QATS docs, sources show 2.0.0 recordings not mad CDExc20132 QATS automated SpinBox/SpinBox5 spin CDExc20134 TextScroll.scr missing from tests/Performance/Tex CDExc20136 tests/Performance/SpinBox performance values not usefu CDExc20142 QATS results can`t be trusted: record and immediate playback fail CDExc23216 Form6 inconsistent instruction CDExc23218 Performance/Container/PerfCntnr.defaults uses application names, shouldno CDExc23219 use of Wait command in automated QATS scripts fail CDExc23220 QATS CompareVisual calls can snap wrong are CDExc23221 QATS motifbind needs to bind osfDeselectAl CDExc23222 PopupMenu7 doesnot work as advertise CDExc23223 typo in test instructions PanedWin CDExc23224 QATS occasionally assumes Shift-Esc == Es CDExc23226 tests/uil/scaleVert wrong instruction CDExc23227 QATS methodology suffers from floating-point round-of CDExc23228 timing problems with automated tests and mw CDExc23297 MessageDiaM1 app-modal dialogs not workin CDExc23298 PanedWin12 does random labels, does not match golden dat CDExc23299 QATS assumes Shift-arrow key is same as arrow ke CDExc23307 QATS depends on having /usr/include/X11/bitmaps installe CDExc23308 RUN in QATS has flaw when run sol CDExc23309 Ctrl-KSelect does deselect primar CDExc23310 QATS tests which create GCs do not specify color CDExc23321 missing callback in Dt Widget tes CDExc23324 script to run tests inadequat Component: other Sub-component: Automation CDExc04832 Automated mwm does not handle certain menu item CDExc04963 filenames longer than 14 character CDExc05056 Default ClickMB does not work CDExc05078 General cleanup of code CDExc05079 Performance improvment CDExc05080 Enhance suport for template dialo CDExc05081 Visual comparison of cursor CDExc05082 Add Automation support for new widget CDExc05083 Enhancement to visual debugging tool CDExc05085 Support for Xt creation routines in Automatio CDExc05086 Better visual comparison of Pixmap resources in Automatio CDExc05089 Investigate adding I18N testing to Automatio CDExc05092 Add a Motif front end for Automatio CDExc05094 Keybord support for WindowManager commands in Automatio CDExc05095 Enhance WindowItemCheck in Automatio CDExc05096 Add support for testing RootMenu in Automatio CDExc05097 Add IconBox testing to Automatio CDExc05098 Add support for unpostBehavior resource in Automatio CDExc05229 DragSliderValue command fail sometimes CDExc05524 Document or increase the limit on the number of instructions allowed for a CDExc05538 Add ability for QATS to run through tests backwards and possibly fast forw CDExc05605 QATS can`t link with any tests that use lex or yacc due to name space conf CDExc05732 QATS should not use deprecated Xm functions from 1. CDExc06064 pixmap comparison : many visual diffs when comparing pixmaps in OptionMenu CDExc06068 BBoard5a_2 and BBoard5a_3 only display 3 arrow buttons when run automated. CDExc06077 QATS should optionally dump screen images if a visual diff is foun CDExc06078 QATS should not be so dependent on the qauser environmen CDExc06090 Automation seeing diffs that don`t exist CDExc06099 Provide a mechanism so that adding new widgets to QATS is eas CDExc06101 QATS should print panel numbers to the .prt file CDExc06107 QATS visual/size diffs windows should indicate widget name CDExc06124 When a test is run automated, it sometimes doesnt do a printf CDExc06137 Added option to step through the script and display the line being ru CDExc06158 Make automation know about window decorations CDExc06181 Resource manager in Automation does not recognize Shell CDExc06186 Automation should be able to understand a widget hierarch CDExc06300 Automation needs to know about Separator Gadget children of Scal CDExc06496 regression should have timeouts for when a test hang CDExc06510 Notebook1* regression tests faile CDExc06516 DragXYRelative Any X Y gives differences in the .prt.err fil CDExc06554 Automation should not Manage widget CDExc06746 Would be nice to have a count argument added to the ClickKey has no effect in Automatio CDExc07267 Menus are not unposted after a click on a menu ite CDExc07326 Automation seeing lines in ScrollWindow which aren`t ther CDExc07461 GetSubObjcts.c needs to be re-designed CDExc07514 Could use command to clear text from Text, TextField and CSText widgets CDExc07517 Cannot place cursor after last character in Text widgets when character nu CDExc07529 Start interactive mode at any point in the scrip CDExc07532 Memory leak encountered in mvsExtractString- - CDExc07553 Add option to view playback image without overlapping diffs CDExc07622 Memory leaks in mvsExtractStrin CDExc07646 events/actions: Visual difference in highlight of pushbutton7 CDExc07669 ComboBox list is not remaining poped up on MB1 when automated CDExc07683 Automation does not perform keys actions when a widget is not traversabl CDExc07750 other - test CompareStorePixmap command CDExc07758 Automation uses bizarre macro for key handlin CDExc07769 events/actions: some menu tests do not post before a CompareVisual is made CDExc07838 Automation events bugs : Navigation14b shows spurious visual diffs seeming CDExc07857 events/actions - Navigation13 has 1 too many callback printfs on Sun and A CDExc07858 events/actions - Navigation9a, Navigation9b, Navigation9c are generating m CDExc07867 events/actions - KSelect and KSelect not working in automation CDExc07886 events/actions : KMenuBar not working in automatio CDExc07900 pixmap comparison: Automation shows visual diff when color in recording is CDExc07909 events/actions: KCancel not workong in ScrollText3 CDExc07920 events/actions Menu1 has only the right behavior on Alph CDExc07921 events/actions, keyboard binding wrong on DrawArea2 on H CDExc07928 event/actions, slider is not being set to correct DragSlider valu CDExc07938 Floating point diffs causing visual diffs in slider positio CDExc07953 pixmap comparison, handle X Errors more graciousl CDExc08025 Interoperability in Automatio CDExc08047 events/actions - KEndLine is not working on alpha display in automation CDExc08057 auto warnings - Can not access previously hidden itmes in CombBox lis CDExc08166 auto warnings: InputString cannot handle `-` character CDExc08167 events/actions: In automation - cannot just press/release modifier keys w CDExc08174 events/actions: Container3a not behaving the same way when run automate CDExc08205 pixmap comparison - fails for selected IG and on top shado CDExc08300 Performance monitor only seems to measure the time for one button click ev CDExc08306 2 Exit in the .prt fil CDExc08326 QATS should get rid of getopt for parsing a command lin CDExc08360 Memory leak in GetSubObjct.c, XmStringComponents not get freed CDExc08409 -help option for tests and RUN script CDExc08441 CommonTestInit must save a copy of argc and argv before calling XtOpenDisp CDExc08512 Help button appears pressed when it should no CDExc08556 events/action - KPageDown and KPageUp not always taking effect in Automati CDExc08747 events/actions: Traversal highlight not following pointer in menus CDExc08861 events/actions: Highlighting of selected text occurs on the Release not on CDExc08967 pixmap comparison : Navigation6 gives visual errors which go away in inter CDExc08988 Menubar not resizing enough when added in a FileSelectionBox in the CDE en CDExc08989 Setting childPlacement to PLACE_TOP is not working in a FileSelectionBox r CDExc09141 Scrolling a text widget to the end and back to the beginning - does not re CDExc09159 WindowItemCheck command does not cause TRACE line to be printed ou CDExc09214 Wait command hangs when HP display is used CDExc09429 events/action Dragging slider to Min is not happening correctly in FileSel CDExc09453 Automation freeing pixel too many time CDExc09478 other - getting toolkit warnings only when test is run automated CDExc09504 events/actions : KDeselectAll deletes selected tex CDExc09507 Cannot record RowCol1 tes CDExc09558 Automated mwm returns wrong contents of transient windo CDExc09560 Automation problems on OSF/1 running PopupMenu2a test CDExc09641 memory leaks in automated mw CDExc09669 auto warnings: LocatePointer scrollbar gives sometimes warnings when in CD CDExc19643 Toolkit/List/List2 golden data incorrec CDExc19689 Missing golden data in Motif QAT CDExc21674 Autoraise of Instruction Panel window spits out errors in the test outpu CDExc22481 QATS automation problems on Novel CDExc24031 OptionMenu5 needs golden data re-recorde CDExc24034 ToggleBtn2 golden data needs re-recordin CDExc24039 MessageBox1 golden .prt needs to be re-recorde CDExc24053 Notebook5 needs golden data re-recorded CDExc24056 Navigation9b golden data needs to be re-recorde Component: other Sub-component: Build issues CDExc02425 Tests get warnings when compiled with prototypes on. Need to setup #ifdef CDExc07784 Have Makefiles built for Automation, build all three targest at onc CDExc08144 README in ./tests/lib/geometry is empt CDExc09143 make RUN doesn`t create RUN script running without AUTOMATION CDExc09405 tests/Toolkit/Constraint needs to be defuncte Component: other Sub-component: Drag and Drop CDExc06812 Instruction Panel 11 in DNDProt1 inconsistent with result CDExc06833 missing .dat file for DNDtestGad1. CDExc06893 Changes to menus do not take effect unless you select option from `Apply C CDExc06895 DNDDrop3 test has no instruction panel - have no idea what to test CDExc06910 Some Drag and Drop tests should specify that you need a multi-line text wi CDExc07125 syntax error in Performance/DN CDExc08031 README in tests/Performance/DN Component: other Sub-component: MWM programmatic inter CDExc07371 PICCI test instructions need some minor fixes CDExc07403 Windows in PINames test have incorrect window decorations Component: other Sub-component: MWM user interface CDExc07383 Icon for TestWindow2 is not displayed according to instructions Component: other Sub-component: Memory issues CDExc05329 GetValuesHook in ResInd.c leaks memory CDExc05330 Automation code leaks memory when string returned by mvsExtractString is n CDExc05602 DrawArea1 test leaks memory. XmStrings created but not freed CDExc05604 test Form1 leaks memory when creating XmStrings which do not get freed CDExc07543 Small memory leak in AutoParser. Component: other Sub-component: OS dependencies CDExc07627 test scripts assume shell is /bin/s Component: other Sub-component: Performance CDExc07350 Performance/Post/postSW1 displays its scroll bars incorrectl CDExc07353 Pressing the `Not Traversable` button of Traversal1 causes SIGBU Component: other Sub-component: Shared library CDExc08177 Problems with libVisual in shared builds on Sun Component: other Sub-component: TearOff Menus CDExc07364 tests/Toolkit/Manual/SharedTearM1 instruction panel needs clarification Component: other Sub-component: Traits API CDExc08650 Toolkit/Extensibility does not have a RUN.custom Component: other Sub-component: Traversal/Navigation CDExc07181 test issues with Performance/Traversa Component: other Sub-component: UIL CDExc04910 callUIl tests are not correc Component: other Sub-component: XmBulletinBoard CDExc07230 BBoardM1 test prints out values for width, height, x, y and border width - Component: other Sub-component: XmContainer CDExc08978 Need to review terminology to make sure our tests and docs are all in sync Component: other Sub-component: XmForm CDExc03525 Resetting Form attachments to add new widgets in the Form works improperly Component: other Sub-component: XmManager CDExc06882 When font is changed for test, font of instruction panel changes as well Component: other Sub-component: XmMenuShell CDExc05390 PopupMenu1 test is broke Component: other Sub-component: XmMessageBox templates CDExc08828 QATS test case and dialog are inconsisten Component: other Sub-component: XmNotebook CDExc07151 Notebook performance test with XmScrolledText shows output warning Component: other Sub-component: XmPanedWindow/Sash CDExc07268 Instructions panels says there are two pushbuttons in client window when t Component: other Sub-component: XmScrolledWindow CDExc02776 Clarify instructions CDExc04882 the test ScrollWindow2 expects 10 and a half widgets in the first pane and CDExc04883 ScrollWin3 test expects the focus to go one way and yet the focus doesn` CDExc04885 scrollwin3 test has vauge wording Component: other Sub-component: XmText CDExc06085 No end statment at end of test TextField CDExc06648 [CS]Text tests do not test whether the [CS]Text API still works then the [ Component: other Sub-component: XmTrackingLocate/Event CDExc06054 TrackingLocM2 error - KHelp unposts cascade menu Component: other Sub-component: Xme Transfer API CDExc08729 XmeTargets - data gets transferred when the test says it shouldn`t Component: other Sub-component: other CDExc01424 Complete XmString test suite CDExc01426 Write testsuite for Resolution Independence code CDExc01429 Add a test- s - for XMGetVisualPixmap CDExc01814 Add labels that describe the tab group status of each group CDExc02140 Add doc, resize command with small visItem counts, settable resizePolicy a CDExc02674 Add a test for multiClick behavior & callback for arrow btns and arrow but CDExc02912 Resource conversion tests need to be updated to test all of the allowable CDExc03100 In some envron with two workstations, when mwm restarts it wil l read a .m CDExc03112 Test states that sashes should be movable; however they do not move. Bear CDExc03254 tests/Toolkit/Menus tests don`t test shared pulldown menu CDExc03352 Button Window state tests in tests/mwm/PI/PIIconSt.c fail dues to race CDExc03982 CommonTestInit- int argc, char **argv - should be CommonTestInit - int *ar CDExc04165 In `REGRESSION` mode, support writing out all relevant test data when user CDExc04254 Add a test which creates pulldown menus that have no traversable items - I CDExc04318 Need a new test for setting defaultFontList at create time. List2 uses XtS CDExc04323 Panel 6: error dialog pops up twice first time. Probably test bug in last_ CDExc04641 PIColormap doesn`t run on a Static GrayScale display; gives an immediate B CDExc04642 bad assumptions in tests/mwm/PI/PIHint CDExc05444 Panel 5 in Menu1 gives wrong behavio CDExc05855 .dat files in Notebook have ODE headers in Instruction Panel CDExc05856 Tab creates funny characters in scrolled list for Notebook test CDExc05992 Test is broke CDExc06127 No instructions for Manual/DiaShellM CDExc06581 Test gives an SCRWARNING after exi CDExc06582 Multiple warnings and errors in Text tes CDExc06770 Adding Xme function testing coverag CDExc06916 Sometimes not all .prt.err files are generate CDExc07017 README in Performace needs to be update CDExc07021 Performance/TextData2 is not clear as to what it`s testin CDExc07022 Performance/MotifData may not be ginving accurate result CDExc07099 In Baseline2, after first change in alignment resources, next changes do n CDExc07176 Size difference on Panel5 of PanedWin10 after resizing buttons CDExc07239 Instruction panel problem CDExc07252 Overlapping window causing false diffs in Baseline CDExc07253 TRACE diffs caused by using DragXYRelative An CDExc07276 uil validator expected error erro CDExc07756 mvsExtractString is using bad value CDExc07884 GenerateDiff should be smarter about stripping out RCS header CDExc08026 run_dir can not find nawk on the Alph CDExc08359 CommonGetFontList results aren`t free CDExc08429 UserData should be freed only if not NUL CDExc08479 Toolkit/manual/SharedTearM1a test in panel 20 through 24 ctrl g behaves co CDExc08488 SharedTearM1b test has wrong instructions in some panels CDExc08500 Files in Form need to be defuncte CDExc08505 -u option seems to confuse code that measures startup tim CDExc08568 HP sandboxes build the automation libraries with shared objects directly o CDExc08655 run_PINames does not wor CDExc08663 Running a manual test onto another display causes messages to be printed o CDExc08785 Performance/Post/postText test should be looked at, it does not behave cor CDExc08853 SpinBox3a test says that there willbe a separator between the two children CDExc08865 UTMTransfer test has an option menu for secondary, and clipboard and prima CDExc08882 PNotebook1 gives error - manually - Pause information exhauste CDExc09053 Compiler warnings for Performance/Startup/edito CDExc09399 Frame width different between 1.2.4 and 2.0 causing visual diffs in some t CDExc09481 Bogus XtGetValues practice CDExc09677 Shells/Visual gives warnings when run on HP scree CDExc09735 Resize cursor does not appear when moving cursor into horizontal resize ha CDExc19627 Incorrect/incomplete Alpha keyboard .xmodmap files for Motif QAT CDExc19628 Incorrect/incomplete HPUX keyboard .xmodmap fil CDExc20222 Motif QATS does not support new widget type CDExc20902 Mrm tests don`t test any of the MrmOpenHierarchyFrom* call CDExc23467 XmTextFindString not declared in header file Xm/Xm. CDExc23538 Toolkit/Container has Container[4-5][a-c].prt missin CDExc24036 ColorM1 fails on Sun due to location of rgb.tx CDExc24050 BBoardM1 gives inconsistent results due to a race conditio CDExc24052 Notebook1f fail CDExc24054 Notebook5 has possible memory corruptio CDExc24140 XmeDrawing1 test is incomplet