-- Copyright 2017-2018 Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org) -- This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 local fs = require("nixio.fs") local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local json = require("luci.jsonc") local util = require("luci.util") local nw = require("luci.model.network").init() local fw = require("luci.model.firewall").init() local dump = util.ubus("network.interface", "dump", {}) local trmiface = uci:get("travelmate", "global", "trm_iface") or "trm_wwan" local trminput = uci:get("travelmate", "global", "trm_rtfile") or "/tmp/trm_runtime.json" local uplink = uci:get("network", trmiface) or "" local parse = json.parse(fs.readfile(trminput) or "") m = Map("travelmate", translate("Travelmate"), translate("Configuration of the travelmate package to to enable travel router functionality. ") .. translatef("For further information " .. "" .. "see online documentation", "https://github.com/openwrt/packages/blob/master/net/travelmate/files/README.md")) -- We might modify these configs too: m:chain("network") m:chain("firewall") function m.on_after_commit(self) uci:apply(true) luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "travelmate")) end -- Interface Wizard if uplink == "" then ds = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "travelmate", translate("Interface Wizard")) o = ds:option(Value, "", translate("Uplink interface")) o.datatype = "and(uciname,rangelength(3,15))" o.default = trmiface o.rmempty = false btn = ds:option(Button, "trm_iface", translate("Create Uplink Interface"), translate("Create a new wireless wan uplink interface, configure it to use dhcp and ") .. translate("add it to the wan zone of the firewall. This step has only to be done once.")) btn.inputtitle = translate("Add Interface") btn.inputstyle = "apply" btn.disabled = false function btn.write(self, section) -- Do uci changes. Note that we must not commit here as the rollback handler -- needs to see "unsaved changes" in order to roll them back. local iface = o:formvalue(section) if iface then uci:set("travelmate", section, "trm_iface", iface) local net = nw:add_network(iface, { proto = "dhcp" }) if net then local zone = fw:get_zone_by_network("wan") if zone then zone:add_network(iface) end end end -- Since we're prematurely terminating the cbi logic flow here and since we trigger -- our modifications in a button write callback and not via cbi.apply, we do need to -- tell cbi to trigger apply/rollback. m.flow.autoapply = true end return m end -- Main travelmate options s = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "travelmate") o1 = s:option(Flag, "trm_enabled", translate("Enable travelmate")) o1.default = o1.disabled o1.rmempty = false o2 = s:option(Flag, "trm_captive", translate("Captive Portal Detection"), translate("Check the internet availability, log captive portal redirections and keep the uplink connection 'alive'.")) o2.default = o2.enabled o2.rmempty = false o3 = s:option(ListValue, "trm_iface", translate("Uplink / Trigger interface"), translate("Name of the used uplink interface.")) if dump then local i, v for i, v in ipairs(dump.interface) do if v.interface ~= "loopback" and v.interface ~= "lan" then o3:value(v.interface) end end end o3.default = trmiface o3.rmempty = false if fs.access("/usr/bin/qrencode") then btn = s:option(Button, "btn", translate("View AP QR-Codes"), translate("Connect your Android or iOS devices to your router's WiFi using the shown QR code.")) btn.inputtitle = translate("QR-Codes") btn.inputstyle = "apply" btn.disabled = false function btn.write() luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "travelmate", "apqr")) end end -- Runtime information ds = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "travelmate", translate("Runtime Information")) dv1 = ds:option(DummyValue, "status", translate("Travelmate Status (Quality)")) dv1.template = "travelmate/runtime" if parse ~= nil then dv1.value = parse.data.travelmate_status or translate("n/a") else dv1.value = translate("n/a") end dv2 = ds:option(DummyValue, "travelmate_version", translate("Travelmate Version")) dv2.template = "travelmate/runtime" if parse ~= nil then dv2.value = parse.data.travelmate_version or translate("n/a") else dv2.value = translate("n/a") end dv3 = ds:option(DummyValue, "station_id", translate("Station ID (SSID/BSSID)")) dv3.template = "travelmate/runtime" if parse ~= nil then dv3.value = parse.data.station_id or translate("n/a") else dv3.value = translate("n/a") end dv4 = ds:option(DummyValue, "station_interface", translate("Station Interface")) dv4.template = "travelmate/runtime" if parse ~= nil then dv4.value = parse.data.station_interface or translate("n/a") else dv4.value = translate("n/a") end dv5 = ds:option(DummyValue, "station_radio", translate("Station Radio")) dv5.template = "travelmate/runtime" if parse ~= nil then dv5.value = parse.data.station_radio or translate("n/a") else dv5.value = translate("n/a") end dv6 = ds:option(DummyValue, "last_rundate", translate("Last rundate")) dv6.template = "travelmate/runtime" if parse ~= nil then dv6.value = parse.data.last_rundate or translate("n/a") else dv6.value = translate("n/a") end -- Extra options e = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "travelmate", translate("Extra options"), translate("Options for further tweaking in case the defaults are not suitable for you.")) e1 = e:option(Flag, "trm_debug", translate("Enable verbose debug logging")) e1.default = e1.disabled e1.rmempty = false e2 = e:option(Value, "trm_radio", translate("Radio selection"), translate("Restrict travelmate to a dedicated radio, e.g. 'radio0'.")) e2.datatype = "and(uciname,rangelength(6,6))" e2.rmempty = true e3 = e:option(Value, "trm_triggerdelay", translate("Trigger Delay"), translate("Additional trigger delay in seconds before travelmate processing begins.")) e3.datatype = "range(1,60)" e3.default = 2 e3.rmempty = false e4 = e:option(Value, "trm_maxretry", translate("Connection Limit"), translate("Retry limit to connect to an uplink.")) e4.default = 3 e4.datatype = "range(1,10)" e4.rmempty = false e5 = e:option(Value, "trm_minquality", translate("Signal Quality Threshold"), translate("Minimum signal quality threshold as percent for conditional uplink (dis-) connections.")) e5.default = 35 e5.datatype = "range(20,80)" e5.rmempty = false e6 = e:option(Value, "trm_maxwait", translate("Interface Timeout"), translate("How long should travelmate wait for a successful wlan uplink connection.")) e6.default = 30 e6.datatype = "range(20,40)" e6.rmempty = false e7 = e:option(Value, "trm_timeout", translate("Overall Timeout"), translate("Overall retry timeout in seconds.")) e7.default = 60 e7.datatype = "range(30,300)" e7.rmempty = false return m